RMHC Winter Newsletter

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From Our House to




The Beaton Family

Clara's Courage Finding Comfort in the Ronald McDonald House Clara Beaton has the kind of smile you

Clara’s story began before she was even

can’t help but return. Whether she’s playing

born, when Lana’s 20-week ultrasound took

on the swing set with her big sister Stella,

an unexpected turn.

chasing the family dogs around the yard, or baking a pan of brownies for her family, she exudes a joy that seems so much larger than

"We didn't get the exciting news that new parents hope for," Lana said.

her young body.

The ultrasound revealed that

To see Clara out in

“We couldn't get her body

the world, with

to do what we needed it

her big smile and

to do, to feel well and to

infectious giggle,

grow and to thrive.”

you would never

Lana Beaton

guess the challenges she has faced in her short life.

“She's been dealt such a terrible hand of cards in her seven and a half years, and the fact that she comes out on top of all of that

Clara would be born with Down syndrome and a significant heart defect. It was clear that Clara would need specialized medical attention and care–and a lot of it. But even those diagnoses couldn’t have prepared the

the family finally found an answer. She was diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease, a congenital condition characterized by a deformity in the intestine. Imagine a puzzle missing a few pieces—Hirschsprung’s disease is like that, with sections of the intestine lacking the essential nerve cells

Beaton family for the long, arduous journey

that propel waste through the digestive

that lay ahead of them.

system. The lack of movement often leads

"We just couldn't get her system regulated. We couldn't get her body to do what we

just is amazing,” said Clara’s mother, Lana

needed it to do, to feel well and to grow and

Beaton. “She is just a spitfire of a kid–just

to thrive,” Lana said.

this joyful, loving, fun, spicy little character.”

It wasn’t until Clara was two years old that

to a blockage, causing pain and a host of complications. For Clara, it meant additional medical concerns alongside her existing conditions.

Continued on pg. 2

"She's had more procedures and hospital

fully-equipped kitchens and laundry

“Being the sibling of a kid that has

stays than we can count–we lost track at

facilities lightened the burden that would

extraordinary needs like Clara can be

hundreds,” Lana said. “And yet, somehow,

otherwise come with extended hospital

really hard,” Lana said. “She's incredibly

she overcomes it all the time.”

stays. The House had everything the family

rewarding and she's a lot of fun and she's

needed–and many things they didn’t

super cute, but she also requires a ton of

The Need for a Home Away From Home

know they wanted.

attention from her parents.”

The Beaton family was unable to access

"We all want to be where our families are.

friends to make, and, most importantly,

We want to be with our mom; we want to

time to spend with her family.

the specialized medical care that Clara required in their hometown of Grand Forks,

be with our siblings. We want to curl up with our dad and read a book.”

the family across the Midwest, from Fargo

Lana Beaton

in various cities began to take their toll. “I couldn’t peel myself away, but I also missed my family,” Lana said. “And they missed her and they missed me.” The Ronald McDonald House offered Lana and her family a solution, providing a place for the entire family to stay.

“She called it her McDonald’s Hotel,”

I want to start with heartfelt

a play room to spend time with siblings, and

our mission is absolutely one of the most incredible parts of my

world when a child is critically ill.

gratitude. The generosity that fuels

space to have family togetherness mean the

job. Your amazing support of our

Your generosity makes this space possible.

mission in 2023 has a profound

Comfort and Connection

the Beaton family.

blended foods to help with her digestive

Clara’s medical journey is far from

The Beatons–and hundreds of other

system, Lana made use of the RMHC

over. There will be more surgeries, more

kitchen, where she could blend the

questions, more fear. But no matter where

While Clara needed to be fed exclusively

chicken and veggies and bring them back

the road leads them, the Beaton family

to the hospital–no need to trek the hour

can rest assured that they will have a safe

back to Grand Forks.

place to stay together while Clara heals.

For big sister Stella Beaton, RMHC has

“We all want to be where our families are.

been more than just a temporary

We want to be with our mom; we want to

home away from home. It's a sanctuary

be with our siblings. We want to curl up

The convenience of being close to the

for playfulness, laughter, and shared

with our dad and read a book,” Lana said.

hospital, comfortable accommodations,

moments with Clara.

“I don't think you can lose when you're

and access to amenities such as


Lana said.

to Rochester to Ohio. While the family’s the endless trips to and from the hospitals


At the House, Stella has toys to play with,

ND. Clara’s hundreds of procedures took

worries were on Clara and not themselves,


keeping kids close to their families.”

impact on families, families like

families–have found comfort and support within the walls of our Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald Family

These contributions – including monetary and in-kind donations as well as volunteer time – are not just donations; they are a beacon of hope for the families we serve. Thank you for helping families feel at home— even when they can’t be. It means the world.

Room programs. Little things like a kitchen to prepare food,

Jill Christopher CEO

Measure of Love


Scan here to purchase

Measure of Love features a collection of 40 recipes offered by local chefs, past families, and RMHC enthusiasts who believe in the healing power of food. This cookbook honors the brave families who have called our house a home, celebrates the tremendous impact of generous hearts, and pays tribute to the labor of love invested through our volunteers, board members, staff, and community partners. This beautiful hard-bound book contains 40 excellent recipes to share with those you love most!

Best of all, your purchase provides the gift of hope for families calling our house a home.

Cookbooks are $40 each, with all proceeds supporting our mission of Keeping Families Together.


Join us on Saturday, February 10 Delta by Marriott I 6 P.M.

Our Sweetheart Ball is always a special evening to honor the brave families who have called our house a home and celebrate the generous hearts that make our mission possible. Funds raised at this event directly benefit families with critically ill children receiving medical care in Fargo. Your support provides a place to stay, the amenities of home, a stocked pantry, hot meals, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, and a place to feel safe and comfortable when a family is facing the uncertainty a medical diagnosis brings.

RSVP Today www.rmhcfargo.org



of the Red River Valley

for providing support, comfort, connection, hospitality and hope.


Best day of the


NO NEED TO WAIT! Schedule your Giving Hearts Day gift today or plan to give February 8. GivingHeartsDay.org

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