1 minute read
Operation Mincemeat
Alan L R, Year 9 writes...
On Wednesday 19th April, I went with our School to see a new musical, Operation Mincemeat. It talks about a party of Mi5 agents trying to work out how to win the Second World War.

As the agents struggle with ideas, they refuse help from a biologist willing to help them, since they don’t remember him working there (even though he had worked there for six years!). In the end Montague, an agent, asks him what his plan would be and he suggests to get a dead man, pretend he was an RAF pilot who had crashed into the sea and put some false plans on him about invading Sardinia, in order to get Hitler to move his troops away from their actual attack spot.
The biologist and Montague team up and pitch their plan, but you will have to watch the musical in order to know the rest!
This play had a unique trait since there were only five actors, and they all changed roles, sometimes during the same scene! They demonstrated being someone new by changing their clothes and personality to such an extent that, if had look at them in only one character, I would say they had rehearsed solely in that character!
The design of the play was very good. Although it was no Phantom of the Opera,they made it work so well and kept everything fast paced and comedic. The songs were fantastic and funny, However, the one that stood out to memost was the first - Born To Lead - which outlined how they were protecting England and that it was such an essential job.
In the end, I thought Operation Mincemeat was nice to all ages, and would make you laugh a lot.