1 minute read

Zain H, Year 12 writes...
Over the last bank holiday weekend, our Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition took place in the Chilterns. The Duke of Edinburgh Award (DoE) provides young people with the opportunity to develop life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving through outdoor activities.
Boys doing their Silver DoE expedition left on Thursday 3rd May. They started their journey with a great day of sunshine, verging on perfect walking conditions. Both groups then set up their first campsite, ready to be joined by the Bronze DoE groups the next day.
On Friday 4th May, our seven Bronze DoE groups started their journey. Having had a pleasant day, most boys were in high spirits. Both Bronze and Silver DoE groups then set up tents in the same campsite, preparing for the next day and cooking dinner.

All food had to be made by groups on their own, without any sort of help or supervision from the instructors. As we can see in these pictures, boys really put in their maximum effort for the entire group to have enough food and be satisfied!
Unfortunately, on the final day, the weather was not as kind as we had hoped for. Even though there was constant heavy rain, every single person involved put in their best effort to finish their expedition, make their way to the coach and get home.
Overall, all involved had a great expedition and developed lifelong skills which, hopefully, our Bronze DoE groups will be able to apply in their potential Silver DoE expedition!