Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 23, 2023 9
Saskatchewan participates in meeting on human rights Ministers and senior officials will hear from Indigenous organizations, civil society groups, youth and human rights commissions and discuss progress and challenges around human rights in Canada. Justice Minister and Attorney General Bronwyn Eyre attended a meeting of federal-provincial-territorial (FPT) Ministers Responsible for Human Rights in Halifax, Nova Scotia, co-hosted by Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada. This meeting was attended by provincial and territorial ministers of Ontario, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, and the Yukon, and federal Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould. “I look forward to productive discussions and to highlighting Saskatchewan’s strong human rights record, including on reconciliation, domestic violence and human trafficking prevention initiatives, promoting multiculturalism and immigration, protection of those fleeing the war in Ukraine and disability rights,” said Eyre. S a s k a t c h ew a n h a s taken significant steps in the last two years to address the issue of interpersonal violence and abuse. In 2023-24, government is investing $27.5 million in programs and services to address interpersonal violence. These services include $876,000 in new operational funding over three years for second stage housing for counselling and intervention supports and $150,000 to Hope Restored Canada to deliver services to victims of human trafficking for secure housing, counseling, treatment and life skills programs. In April 2022, the province brought into force The Protection from Human Trafficking Act, which streamlines the process for survivors to seek protection orders and enables them to sue their traffickers for financial compensation. In 2020,
Saskatchewan passed The Interpersonal Violence Disclosure Act (Clare’s Law), which allows police to disclose information about an individual’s past violent behaviour to a current partner or, under certain circumstances, a concerned family member. The province is also providing $913,000 over the next three fiscal years to support Kate’s Place, which provides housing to women participating in the Regina Drug Treatment Court, which has seen significant success. More information on this investment can be found at www.saskatchewan. ca/government/newsand-media/2023/may/16/ province-invests-in-supp o r t ive - r e s i d e n c e - f o rwomen-participating-indrug-treatment-court. In November 2022, the province endorsed the National Action Plan to End Gender Based Vio-
lence. Funding will be used to enhance current provincial programs that support and empower victims and survivors of gender-based violence. Additional steps that government has taken to further the cause of human rights include: • committing $400,000 in the 2023-24 budget to a Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls+ Community Response Fund; • passing The Accessible Saskatchewan Act earlier this spring, which will create new rules to remove and prevent accessibility barriers for persons with disabilities; • adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-semitism in December, 2022; • amending The Saskatchewan Employment Act in January 2022, to clarify the definition of
Located approximately ½ mile south of Assiniboia, Saskatchewan being Block A, Plan 102345140 Approximately 15.75 acres Four bedroom, two storey home with attached double garage and quonset Does not include grain bins or fuel tanks Further details can be made available by contacting Lewans & Ford Law Firm at (306) 642-4520. Bidders must rely on their own research and inspection of the property to confirm acreages, condition and assessments, or other particulars. All buildings and improvements are included “as is” and “where is”. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be submitted by 2:00 p.m. Thursday June 29, 2023 to Lewans & Ford Barristers and Solicitors. Please submit certified cheque or Bank draft for 5% of the amount bid with tender, payable to Lewans & Ford In Trust, and clearly mark envelope “LEWANS TENDER.” LEWANS & FORD Barristers & Solicitors Box 759 Assiniboia, Saskatchewan S0H0B0 (306) 642-4520 Fax: (306) 642-5777
harassment and extend protections to independent contractors, students and volunteers; and in May 2023, to require an investigation when a harassment complaint is made; • providing $2 million in funding in June 2021, to the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations to support research into undocumented deaths and burials on former federally operated residential schools; • creating the Saskatchewan Indigenous Investment Finance Corporation ( in 2022, which will provide up to $75
million in loan guarantees to Indigenous communities and organizations for equity investment in resource development projects; • welcoming nearly 4,000 displaced Ukrainians to Saskatchewan and providing them with intensive settlement supports, including employment, training, job-matching supports and income assistance; • provide funding to ensure that those who have come to Saskatchewan under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET)
program pay the same tuition as domestic students and refugees at Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions; and • signed a historic, first-of-its-kind coordination agreement with Cowessess First Nation and the Government of Canada, which helped facilitate Cowessess First Nation’s jurisdiction over child and family services under its own law (the Miyo Pimatisowin Act); The meeting was also attended virtually by other provincial ministers and federal representatives.
2023 Poplar River Mine Hay Tenders Westmoreland Mining LLC will be receiving private bids for the cutting and removal of grass and alfalfa from the following parcels: Parcel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Description Approx. 175 acres in the E½ 31-3-26 W2. Approx. 300 acres in Section 15 and SW 14-3-26 W2. Active mining area. Approx. 160 acres South of the PRNM shop and office, the W ½ and SE of 17-3-26 W2. Active mining area. Approx. 230 acres in the S ½ of 19 and N½ 18, all 3-26 W2. Active mining area. Approx. 415 acres in sec. 19-3-26 W2. Approx. 170 acres within and adjacent to the PRNM Rail loop, in the E ½ of 24-3-27, NE 13-3-27, SW 19-3-26 and NW 18-3-26, all W2. Approx. 470 acres in sec. 30-3-26 W2. Approx. 400 acres in the N ½ 30-3-26 and S ½ 31-3-26, both W2. Approx. 290 acres in the W ½ of 31-3-26 and SW 6-4-26 all W2. Approx. 495 acres in the E ½ of 25-3-27, SW 25-3-27 and the SE 36-3-27, all W2. Approx. 145 acres in the E ½ of 24-3-27 W2. Approx. 150 acres in the NW 24-3-27 W2. Approx. 200 acres in the N ½ 16 and the S ½ 21-3-26 W2. Active mining area. Approx. 420 acres in the E ½ 21 and SW 22-3-26 W2. Active mining area. Approx. 200 acres in the E ½ 22, SW 23-3-26 and NW 14-3-26, all W2. Active mining area. Approx. 200 acres in the N ½ 15 and S ½ 22-3-26 W2. Active mining area. Approx. 115 acres in the N ½ 14 and S ½ 23-3-26 W2. Active mining area. Approx. 210 acres in Section16 and the NW 17-3-26 W2. Active mining area. Approx. 208 acres in NW 23, NE22 and SW 26-3-26, all W2. Active mining area. Approx. 165 acres along the rail corridor between PRNM grid road and ¾ mile south of Highway #18.
The map can be found at and viewing of the parcels or receiving a map by email can be arranged by calling Emily Jepson at 306 994-6815 or emailing Bids are to be placed on an individual parcel basis utilizing the above parcel numbers for identification. The bids are for the first crop only. All parcels are located at Poplar River North Mine. All successful bidders must sign a liability release agreement, provide Westmoreland Mining with crop production data based on the number of bales removed and bale weight. Mark bids with Confidential Hay Tender as the subject line and email to or clearly mark on the outside of a sealed bid and mail to: Attention: Emily Jepson Poplar River Mine Box 599 Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 Bids must be received by Noon on Monday June 26, 2023. Terms will be cheque upon notification of successful bidder. Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. All work must be completed, and bales removed by September 30, 2023. Successful bidders cutting hay in the ACTIVE MINE AREA MUST wear hard hats, safety glasses, steel toed boots and reflective clothing while on mine property. Buggy whips are required to be attached to all light vehicles in the active mine area and must be provided by the bidder. All equipment must be equipped with a roll over protection system. POPLAR RIVER MINE WILL NOT PROVIDE BUGGY WHIPS FOR LIGHT VEHICLES