In recognition of Fire Prevention Week the Assiniboia Fire Department sponsored a colouring contest at 7th Avenue School. Contest winnners included Quinn Godson, Alivia Karst, Anya Thomas, Gracie Geis, Everly Jonescu and Kylin Orten. The fire fighters picked up the winners at 7th Avenue School and drove them in fire trucks for a a pizza lunch at the station.
Local Wood River New Democrats came out in force for the opening of the Mike Topola Campaign Headquarters at 309 Centre Street in Assiniboia on October 7.
“People are getting excited about the campaign and the opportunity to send a message to the tired Scott Moe government that rural Saskatchewan can’t be taken for granted anymore,” said Team Topola campaign manager Trevor Peterson.
“Mike Topola is well known in our riding through his work keeping the emergency room open at the Assiniboia Hospital and coaching sports at Assiniboia Composite High School,” Peterson added.
A crowd of more than one hundred supporters of all ages filled the campaign rooms and cheered for Mike as he cut the orange ribbon. Attendees were treated to cake and Orange Crush.
“I’m proud to be your local Saskatchewan NDP candidate for the Wood River riding,” Topola told the crowd. “I am a health care worker who is passionate about my community.”
“I’m running because I see so much potential in our province, but after 17 years of Sask. Party governments, it’s clear we need a change in direction.”
Topola went on to tell the crowd that it’s time to get Saskatchewan out of
Whereas at the close of the withdrawal period of 4:00 p.m. October 10, 2024 a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the office of:
Mayor Town of Willow Bunch
I hereby give notice that no voting for these offices will take place on November 13, 2024 and therefore declare:
Marissa Baril (Mayor) is duly elected by acclamation for a 4 year ter m commencing at the First Meeting of the Council of the Town of Willow Bunch No 42 following Election Day
Dated this 10th day of October, 2024.
Sharleine Eger Retur ning Officer
last place on healthcare and education.
“As a health care worker myself, I’ll make sure we fix the big problems in our system by hiring more workers in scrubs, not suits.”
“We’ll set our kids up for success by reversing Scott Moe’s shameful cuts to education, fixing our schools and making sure our kids can not only succeed, but thrive.”
Voting runs from October 22 to the 26 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m, (no voting on October 27), with the final voting day on Monday, October 28 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Last day to apply for Vote by Mail or Homebound voting application is October 19.
Public notice is hereby given that a poll has been granted for the election of:
Reeve-RM of Willow Bunch
Candidates for Reeve CAYER, Michel LESPERANCE, Denis
Councillor (Division 1) - RM of Willow Bunch Number to be-elected, one (1)
Candidates for Councillor: BELLEFLEUR, Patrick DURAND, Real
Voting will take place on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Advance Poll will take place on Wednesday, the 6th day of November, 2024 from 9:00 am. to 6:00 pm.
Polling Area No. 1 Address #15 Edouard Beaupre Street Polling Place Hills of Home
Sharleine Eger Returning Officer
Public notice is hereby given that a poll has been granted for the election of:
Councillor - Town of Willow Bunch Number to be elected, four (4) Candidates for Councillor: BROWN, Margaret COCHRANE, Nicole DEBLOIS, Jasmine DONNELLY, Nichole THERRIEN, Garry
Voting will take place on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Ad van ce Po ll wi ll ta ke pl ac e on We dn es da y, th e 6th day of November, 2024 from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m.
Polling Area No Polling Place Address 1 Hills of Home #15 Edouard Beaupre Street
Sharleine Eger Returning Officer
Estevan Mercury staff
The provincial election campaign is underway, but you can forgive people for thinking we were in the midst of an election long before the election writ dropped on Oct. 1.
After all, the leaders and caucus members of the governing Saskatchewan Party and the opposition New Democratic Party had spent much of the prior month crisscrossing the province, making promises of what they would do if they’re elected, while taking pot shots at their election foes.
Other parties have been busy articulating their policies and platforms while trying to boost their profiles with the voters.
Since the election call, we’ve heard the Sask. Party promise to cut income taxes across the board. The Saskatchewan NDP has reiterated their vow to repeal the gas tax and to chop some of the taxes brought in by the Sask. Party, such as children’s clothing.
The NDP has been trying to hit the Sask. Party on such fronts as health care and education, while the Sask Party has pointed to the NDP’s record on those fronts during the NDP’s 16 years in power from 1991-2007.
This election campaign should be more interesting than previous ones. Recent Saskatchewan elections have lacked intrigue on the macro level. There has been some suspense in
some of the individual constituencies, and there are always surprises in terms of what the party leaders will promise, but we’ve known before the campaign which party would ultimately prevail.
The question wasn’t whether the Saskatchewan Party would return to power. The questions were how many seats they would win, whether they would get at least 60 per cent of the popular vote, and if the NDP leader would resign after another electoral defeat.
There is a slim path to victory for the NDP, but it requires a virtual sweep of the 32 constituencies between Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, Prince Albert and the north, something the NDP used to do, but haven’t been able to pull off since 2003 –their last electoral win.
If the Saskatchewan United Party and/or the Buffalo Party win multiple seats and create a minority government, then the Sask. Party would be far better positioned to form a coalition government or forge a confidence and supply arrangement with one of the other parties.
You can be sure the Sask. Party will be warning the public repeatedly about the risks of a vote split, and how that would benefit the NDP.
The NDP has found a leader in Carla Beck who hails from rural Saskatchewan and understands some of the issues we face. But the NDP didn’t plunge to its current levels of support in rural
Saskatchewan overnight; it’s going to take years of work to rebuild that trust with rural voters. And until they rebuild that base, it’s going to be very difficult for them to win an election.
Bottom line: expect the NDP to come away with its largest number of seats since they won 20 in the 2007 provincial election – the year the Sask. Party formed government for the first time.
It will be interesting to see how the Buffalo Party, the Saskatchewan United Party and the other parties fare. Four years ago, a lot of people were stunned when the Buffalo Party finished second in four ridings, including Estevan and Cannington, but nobody who lives down here should have been stunned, as the Buffalo’s message resonated with a lot of people tired with provincial and federal governments.
It will also be interesting to see the promises that are made between now and Oct. 28, although you have to wonder how much remains for the Sask. Party and the NDP to give.
Of course, we can look forward to a political bombshell or two along the way. We can look forward to the leaders’ debate, with each leader declaring victory and their supporters backing up their claims.
But there will be lots left to be decided. And after the utter predictability of 2011, 2016 and 2020, that’s a welcome change.
The Assiniboia RCMP responded to 29 calls for service during the week of September 30 to October 6. These calls included: - Assistance to General Public/Other Agency - 4
Failure to Comply - 1
False Alarms - 2
Fire Prevention Act - 1
Mental Health Act - 1
Mischief - 1
Person Reported Missing - 1
Traffic infractions - 12
Theft - 2
Trafficking Substances - 1
- Suspicious Person - 3
The Assiniboia RCMP responded to 31 calls for service during the week of September 23 to 29.
Publisher: Gordon Brewerton
Whereasa poll is notrequiredpursuanttoThe Local Government ElectionAct forthe office(s)of:
Mayor: Town of Assiniboia
Councillor: Town of Assiniboia
Ih erebyg ivep ub lic no tic et hatn ovoti ng fo rt he s ai do ff ic e( s) wi ll ta ke pl ac ea nd th efol lo wi ng persons areelected by acclamation:
Renaud Bissonnette
Graham Harvey
Kris Olson
Da te da tt he To wn of As si ni b oi a, Sa skat ch ew an this10thday of October, 2024.
Sherri Solomko
Freelance Reporter
Saskatchewan’s municipal elections will take place Nov. 13.
Refer to last week’s Assiniboia Time stories for what you should know as a voter for these elections in your community.
For the town of Assiniboia, Mayor Sharon Schauenberg and town council will remain at the helm for Town of Assiniboia, meaning no election will take place. Declared acclaimed are Robert Ellert, Renaud Bissonnette, Renee Clermont,
Patrick Grondin, Graham Harvey and Kris Olson will continue serving as town council.
For the town of Lafleche, candidates running are plentiful. Announced on the town’s Facebook page, There were 15 nominations for council received for Tim Palen, Natasha Palen, Kyla Masse, Tristan Brown, Craig Peterson, Christine Cronan, Bridget Fauser, Ryland Langman, Troy Cronan, Brian Wegner, Cathy Kirkpatrick, Terence Kirkpatrick, Megan Torrie, Jeannette Bouvier, David Fehler.
Two candidates are vying for the mayor’s chair in Lafleche as Joan Corneil and Bonita Weinbender are on the ballot for the upcoming municipal election.
For the town of Gravelbourg, their Facebook page announced three mayoral candidates with Robert Bowler, Matt Forest and Darcy Stefiuk seeking the mayor’s chair.
Ten candidate nominations were received for council that included: Tyra Bates, Donovan Fehr, Sam Hawkins, André Lorrain, Zach Ogilvie, Deanna Pilgrim, Lucien Sicotte,
Ronald Smith, Megan Tosi-Cavanagh, and Teresa Williams.
The Village of Limerick issues a notice of abandonment of poll on Oct. 10 as all candidates were acclaimed. Robert Smith will return as mayor and Clayton Skarbon and Layne Headrick will fill the office of councillors.
The town of Mossbank issued notice on their Facebook page that Greg Foreman was acclaimed as mayor and election would take place for council, however no names were listed as of press time.
Submitted by Niamh Hickey
ACHS’ girl’s black volleyball team played a game on Tuesday the 8th winning the third and fifth set but loosing overall.
On reflection of the game Vruti Kumbhani said that “Communication was there, but it could have been better.” Even with the lose she is hopeful and believes that the team will pull together during their next game on Tuesday the 15th against Bengough.
Last week the football team was eliminated from the playoff contention after losing to Watrous. They have one more game against Clavet this week which will conclude their 2024 season.
Two ACHS athletes participated in the crosscountry provincial games on the 12th. Marlie Burnay finished 73rd out of 98 runners in the intermediate girl’s category and Ella Kwasnicki finished 46th out of 110 runners in the
senior girl’s category.
The Sr boy’s volleyball team is hosting a home game tournament on Friday October 18th and Saturday October 19th. Make sure you come out and cheer on the boys!
The grade 9 girls volleyball team is away to Rockglen on the 19th for the section playoffs.
The Terry Fox run was on the 10th at ACHS with a great turn out and a lovely BBQ put on by the school’s SRC!
Drama is ecstatic for the upcoming production on October 30th at 7:00pm. The doors will be open at 6:30pm and it is a desert theater so there will be Halloween treats out during the intermission. The play is perfect for kids of all ages and parents who enjoy the spooky season. Admission for adults is $5.00, $3.00 for students and children under the age of 2 are free. All the tickets can be purchased at the door, no advance tickets will be sold.
Saturday, October19- 7:30 P.M.
Richardson Pioneer Junior BRebels VS Saskatoon Royals Southland Co-op Centre
Wednesday,October23- 7:30 P.M.
Richardson Pioneer Junior BRebels VS ReginaCapitals Southland Co-op Centre
As theseasonchanges, it’s time to make plansfor your RV storage. On November 1st, recreational vehicles (RV) will no longer be allowedtobe stored in afront yard &the 72-hourparking on aroadway restrictioncomes intoeffect.(AllowedfromMay 1sttoOct 31st)A maxof2 RV’s canbestored outside in theBACKyardall year round, pleasefollowsetbacks. Recreational vehicles include: (i)Traveltrailer;(ii) Cabintrailer; (iii) Tent trailer; (iv) Truckcamper; (v)Motor home; (vi) Park trailer; (vii) Fifth-wheel traveltrailer; Visitour websitefor full Zoning Bylaw02/14 &Traffic Bylaw11/22 details
TheSouthland Co-opCentreisNOW OPEN forthe season.For allthings Ice, RecreationProgramming Teen Centre,Climbing Wall, PickleBallCourt, Simulator Room,etc.visit www.assiniboiarecreation.comThereyou will find theschedules,pricing andbooking information. Seeyou at theRink!
TheTownofAssiniboiaeasyonlineeventscalendar is availableonour websiteathttps://www.assiniboia.net/events_calendar.htmlcheckitout -thereisALWAYSsomething to do in our AmazingAssiniboia!!Want a free plug foryour event?Hit thesubmit buttonand letushelpyou get the word out!
Muriel Fehr
An event that was six months in the making took place in the Kay Cristo Room of the Assiniboia Public Library, recently.
The Assiniboia Arts Council collaborated with Wood Dragon Publishing
in the form of a conversation between Allison Lewis of the Arts Council and Jeanne Martinson of Wood Dragon. During the conversation the discussion came around to the point that writing is a form of art and a plan was hatched. The plan came to
fruition purposely during October.
Jeanne Martinson wanted to help people who considered writing but may be struggling with getting started. Allison Lewis wanted to see an event focussed on writing as an art form. Between them they
came up with a plan to have a workshop at the library during the month of October when book celebrations are taking place and Culture Days were happening here. The workshop for steps to writing and publishing a non-fiction book was set and took place on
Jeanne Martinson and Alison Lewis attend the workshop
The Tax Enforcement Act
TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Willow Bunch intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described as LOT 1-BLK/PAR 6-PLAN CF1607 EXT 0, Title No. 155218136; LOT 2-BLK/PAR 6-PLAN CF1607 EXT 0, Title No. 155218169; LOT 3-BLK/PAR 6-PLAN CF1607 EXT 0, Title No. 155218192.
The municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the tax lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 197594432, 197594443, 197594454 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a certificate of title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land. The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the municipality. For any questions about the tax enforcement process please contact Taxervice at 1-877-734-3113.
Dated this 18th day of October, 2024.
Sharleine Eger, Administrator Town of Willow Bunch
TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Willow Bunch intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described as LOT 13-BLK/PAR 1-PLAN EX620 EXT 0, Title No. 145635835; LOT 8-BLK/PAR 21-PLAN 77MJ02579 EXT 0, Title No. 145634531.
The municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the tax lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 189885166, 189885177 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a certificate of title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the municipality. For any questions about the tax enforcement process please contact Taxervice at 1-877-734-3113.
Dated this 18th day of October, 2024.
Sharleine Eger, Administrator Town of Willow Bunch
October 4 and 5.
Jeanne Martinson is the owner of Wood Dragon Publishing which she opened in 2019 and is now running in Mossbank where she and her husband moved to four years ago. She has a Master of Arts from Victoria and began professionally speaking in 1992, having been publicly speaking for 10 years before. She wrote her first book in 1999 and is a bestselling Canadian author.
Recently Jeanne co wrote two books with her sister Laurelie Martinson
titled “Leadership Lessons From Downton Abby” and “Change Management Lessons From Downton Abby”. Lessons for these two books came from a set of novels and a TV show titled Downton Abby. In the series they found examples of running a successful company, leadership and management. These examples and lessons were referenced from the show during the full explanation of how to run a successful business and how to be a leader or manager.
Submitted by Muriel Fehr
Taste And See Women’s Breakfast is an annual event that began in 2006 only missing one year in 2020 due to COVID.
The event is hosted by St. George’s Parish and takes place in the St. George’s hall. A speaker is chosen to be invited to speak on a non controversial subject. A selection of breakfast foods are served
by buffet followed by a guest speaker for an hour of listening with this year’s topic being A Matter Of Relationships.
This year’s speaker was Laurelie Martinson. She has been a professional speaker since 1992, an author, a counselor and is currently volunteering with Options Pregnancy Center. She took her education at University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and
worked all over Western Canada. Lauralie stated her passion is relationships and she has worked for years helping individuals with family dynamics, conflict and change.
This year’s Taste And See Breakfast took place at St. George’s hall on October 5. Janice Erfle of St. George’s Catholic Women’s League was the emcee and gave an introduction about the event,
Whereas apoll is not requiredpursuant to TheLocal Government ElectionAct,1995 forthe offices of:
SubdivisionsNo. 2, 3, 4, and 5
Iherebygivepublic noticethat no voting forthe said offices will take place and that the following persons areelected by acclamation:
Subdivision No. 2: Robert Bachmann
Subdivision No. 3: John Bumbac
Subdivision No. 4: Giselle Wilson
Subdivision No. 5: Shawn Davidson
Dated at Moose Jaw, this 10th dayofOctober,2024.
Heather Boese Returning Officer
then introduced Gail Delorme of St. George’s Catholic Women’s League for prayer and a song which she accompanied by piano.
Janice introduced Sue Robinson also of St. George’s Catholic Women’s League who gave a full introduction and biography of the guest speaker, Laurelie Martinson.
Before the guest speaker came up Norma Yorga of the St. George’s Catholic Women’s League made the draw for the door prizes.
A large group of ladies from Assiniboia and an extensive area filled the hall. Many have come to previous Taste And See Breakfasts and some knew the guest speaker.
According to some members from the Catholic Women’s League, each year this event draws a crowd. Judging by the vast selection at the buffet, the rapt attention of the crowd, the number of attendees and the smooth running of the event, it would seem to be a success.
Submitted by Muriel Fehr
A presentation of the Community Foundation Grant and plaque from Canada Post’s Community Foundation was made to Assiniboia and District Historical Museum at Assiniboia Canada Post branch location.
A ceremony was held on October 8 with comments from Canada Post presented by Sheldon Moody, Super-
intendent of South West Region to Assiniboia and District Historical Museum.
Sheldon Moody stated “Assiniboia Canada Post is our bright shining star” in recognition for the efforts of Assiniboia Canada Post in raising funds for the Community Foundation through staff donations, customer donations, sales of commemorative stamps and other fundraising sales.
Canada’s 2024 Operation Christmas Child shoebox season is underway. Last year Canadians lovingly packed 425,209 shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies and many other items. Each shoebox that someone fills is an opportunity to show hurting children that they are loved by God and by the person who packed the shoebox, and the gifts Canadians provide will once again bless children –many of whom have never
before received a present. Every shoebox packed by Canadians enables Operation Christmas Child to reach into some of the darkest and most isolated parts of the developing world. There were 41 sea containers of gift-filled shoeboxes were shipped internationally from Canada in 2023.
Operation Christmas Child is an annual initiative of Samaritan’s Purse, an international Christian relief and development organization that works in more than 100 countries.
The Rural Municipality of Lake of the Rivers No 72 Municipal Elections 2024
Whereas a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the following offices as:
Norm Nordgulen, nominated for the office of Reeve; Chris Bates, nominated for the office of Councillor Division No One (1); Trenton Karst, nominated for the office of Councillor Division No Three (3); Cole Payant, nominated for the office of Councillor Division No Five (5);
are the only candidates for each office, I hereby give notice that no voting for these offices will take place and that they are elected by acclamation
Dated at Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, this 10th day of October, 2024.
Samaritan’s Purse takes its name from Jesus Christ’s biblical story of the Good Samaritan. Like the Good Samaritan, who found a beaten man and helped restore him, Samaritan’s Purse aids victims of war, disease, natural disaster, poverty, famine, and persecution. Besides Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan’s Purse’s initiatives include providing safe water, vocational skills, and agricultural supplies and training to families in the
developing world. Residents can learn more online at SamaritansPurse.ca.
Due to all the items that Canadians lovingly put in their shoeboxes, and the $12-per-box they donate to cover shipping and other program costs, Samaritan’s Purse is able to deliver the shoeboxes to children around the world living in the midst of poverty, disease, war, and natural disaster.
Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has collected and hand delivered
The Rural Municipality of Bengough No 40 Municipal Election 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that provision has been made for an advance poll which will take place on Tuesday November 5th, 2024 between the hours of 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at the Rural Municipality of Bengough No 40 Municipal Shop located at 280 Second Avenue South Bengough, Saskatchewan for the election of Councillor for Division 1 for the Rural Municipality of Bengough No. 40
Dated at Bengough, Saskatchewan at 4:00 p.m. on October 10, 2024
more than 209 million gift-filled shoeboxes to children in over 170 countries and territories.
In 2022 the 200 millionth shoebox was handed to a little girl in Ukraine. The Canadian shoeboxes donated in 2023 were part of a worldwide total of more than 11.3 million shoeboxes collected throughout Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, New Zealand, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States.
Shoeboxes are given as unconditional gifts regardless of the child’s race, religion, or gender. When given, they open doors for Samaritan’s Purse to work with local community leaders in identifying and addressing important needs such as clean water, literacy, vocational training for women, school meals for children, etc.
Where it is culturally appropriate, all children who receive a shoebox are invited to attend “The Greatest Journey”, Samaritan’s Purse’s 12-lesson evangelism and discipleship program.
This year Operation
Christmas Child is celebrating its 31st year of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, God’s Greatest Gift.
Shoeboxes from Canada will be going to the countries of El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica in Central America and to the countries of Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, and Sierra Leone in West Africa as well as to the Philippines, Ukraine., and Cape Verde. This will be the first time that Cape Verde has ever received shoeboxes.
National Shoebox Collection Week is November 18 to 24. Shoeboxes may be picked up at the Modern Dollar Plus store, the Southland Co-op, and the Assiniboia and District Public Library.
Gift-filled shoeboxes may be dropped off at these locations as well. Thousands of Canadians are also taking advantage of Operation Christmas Child’s internet option that enables them to pack shoeboxes all year round at PackaBox.ca. Canadians can choose shoebox gift items while also uploading personal notes and photos.
Shanese Mielke Returning
Located in the RM of Lake Johnson No 102
NE 11-10-29 W2 approx 158 acres
Prospective Purchasers must rely on their own research of the property to determine acreage Condition, improvements and assessment
Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please submit a certified cheque for 5% of the bid with tender payable to “Lewans & Ford Law Office In Trust”, in a clearly marked envelope “Mochar Tender”.
Tender will close October 25, 2024 at 3:00pm.
Barrister & Solicitors
Box 759, 228 Centre Street
Assiniboia SK SOH OBO 306-642-4520 or fax: 306-642-5777 office@lewansford.ca
Located in the RM of Willow Bunch No 42
Does not include yardsite
Prospective bidders must rely on their own research of property to determine acreage, condition, improvements and assessments
Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please submit a certified cheque for 5% of the bid with tender payable to “Lewans & Ford Law Office In Trust”, in a clearly marked envelope “Mattson Tender”
Tenders will close October 25, 2024 at 2:00pm LEWANS & FORD
Barrister & Solicitors Box 759, 228 Centre Street Assiniboia SK SOH OB0 306-642-4520 or fax: 306-642-5777
Located in the RM of Willow Bunch No 42
Parcel 1:
SW 29-04-27W2 approx 158 acres
NW29-04-27W2 approx 159 acres
Parcel 2:
SE 19-04-27W2 approx 160 acres
Offers accepted on either or both parcels. Prospective Purchasers must rely on their own research of the property to determine acreage. Condition, improvements and assessment.
Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please submit a certified cheque for 5% of the bid with tender payable to “Lewans & Ford Law Office In Trust”, in a clearly marked envelope “Thorhaug Estate Tender”
Tender will close November 1, 2024 at 2:00pm
Barrister & Solicitors
Box 759, 228 Centre Street
Assiniboia SK SOH 0B0
306-642-4520 or fax: 306-642-5777
Located in the RM of Willow Bunch No 42 NW
SW 30-06-29 W2 approx 158 acres
Prospective Purchasers must rely on their own research of the property to determine acreage. Condition, improvements and assessment.
Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please submit a certified cheque for 5% of the bid with tender payable to “Lewans & Ford Law Office In Trust”, in a clearly marked envelope “Mattson Tender”
Tender will close October 25 at 2:00pm
Barrister & Solicitors Box 759, 228 Centre Street Assiniboia SK SOH 0B0 306-642-4520 or fax: 306-642-5777
conclude transaction within 30 days of bid acceptance Purchaser must be GST registered.
Bidders must rely on their own research and inspection of the proper ty
Box 459, Assiniboia, Sask. S0H 0B0 Please mar k envelope “Braun”
Located in the Village of Limerick Lots 6-10, Block 1, Plan O2029-115 Railway Avenue
Prospective purchasers must rely on their own research of the property to determine acreage, condition, improvements, and assessment
Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please submit certified cheque for 5% of bid with tender, payable to Lewans & Ford In Trust, and clearly mark envelope “JCS & SPIDLA FARMS LTD. TENDER.” Tenders will close Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.
To view : telephone (306) 640-6706
Barristers & Solicitors
P.O. Box 759, 228 Centre St
Assiniboia, Saskatchewan S0H 0B0
Telephone: (306) 642-4520
Fax: (306) 642-5777
Sherri Solomko
Freelance Reporter
The first day of fall on our calendars has come and gone. This signals flu and COVID season is now a focus in our communitas.
While there are a number of walk-in clinics being offered, residents again have the opportunity to book vaccination appointments online, call the SHA office or their nearest pharmacy to also book fall vaccinations.
Local residents can about the option of having a COVID and flu vaccines done at the same time.
For Assiniboia and area, there are a number of walk-in clinics being offered, and are listed on SHA website by scrolling through the alphabetical community list where walk in vaccine clinics is being offered.
Walk in Clinics started
Oct. 16 at the Kin Hut in Assiniboia and will also be available Oct. 25 and 29.
Bengough is hosting a clinic Oct. 21 at the Health Centre Coronach, held their community clinic Oct. 16 at the Health Centre, while Glentworth’s was held Oct. 15.
The Gravelbourg Parish Hall will have clinics Oct. 18, 21 and 31.
The Lafleche Club 50 Centre is hosting their community clinic Oct. 28, while Mossbank 50+ Club will host their community clinic on Oct. 23.
In Willow Bunch, on Oct 24, at the Hills of Home Centre, residents have an opportunity for the walk-in clinic in that community.
Vaccinations help protect you and your family and the province’s vulnerable population against
The Rural Municipality of Bengough No 40 Municipal Election 2024
Whereas at the close of the withdrawal period 4:00 p.m. October 10, 2024 a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act, 2015 for the office of:
Reeve Rural Municipality of Bengough No 40
Councillor Division 3 Rural Municipality of Bengough No 40
I hereby give public notice that no voting for said office will take place on November 13, 2024 and therefore declare:
David Warren duly elected by acclamation for the position of Reeve for a 4 year term commencing at the First Meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Bengough No 40 to be held following Election Day.
Clint Newby duly elected by acclamation for the position of Division 3 Councillor for a 4 year term commencing at the First Meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Bengough No 40 to be held following Election Day.
Dated this 10th day of October 2024.
Lara Hazen Returning Officer
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a poll has been granted for the election of:
Voting will take place on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM at the polling place listed below, and that I will, at the Bengough Town Office, 181 Main Street, Bengough, SK on the 14th day of November, 2024 at the hour of 9:00 A.M., declare the result of the election.
Polling Area: Polling Place Address Bengough Bengough 281 Main Street Drop-In Bengough, SK
Dated at Bengough, Saskatchewan this 11th day of October, 2024.
Carrie Hoffarth, Returning Officer
flu and COVID-19. The website, www.4flu.ca takes you to a page with all information clinics being held in Saskatchewan communities, or booking options for your fall vaccines.
Important to note, COVID-19 test kits now only available for purchase There are no longer free COVID-19 home tests distributed and those tests that you may happen to have in your house from previous free distributions are likely expired by several months.
You can check with
your neighborhood pharmacy to check their available COVID-19 test kit purchase however they come at a cost of anywhere from $20-40.
With free home test kits no longer an option it is still recommended to test for COVID-19 to assess your risk in the public, around elderly and immunocompromised people, or even for your own peace of mind.
The Saskatchewan Health authority website states, “Early immunization means you are protected sooner. Influenza
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a vote will be held for the Election of: Reeve
The Advance Poll will take place on:
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, from 6:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m at the Municipal Office on Lots 36-37, Block 3 Plan K602 in Viceroy, SK Election day will take place on:
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m at the Municipal Office on Lots 36-37, Block 3 Plan K602 in Viceroy, SK and the Ormiston Hall on Lot 14, Block 1 Plan BW502 in Ormiston, SK
I will declare the results of the election at the Municipal Office, Lots 36-37, Block 3 Plan K602 in Viceroy Saskatchewan on the 14th day of November, 2024, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. Dated this 10th day of October, 2024.
Jan McCann Returning Officer
The Rural Municipality of Bengough No. 40 Municipal Election 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) A vote will be held for the election of Councillor for Division 1
For the Rural Municipality of Bengough No. 40
(2) The vote will take place on the 13 th day of November, 2024 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at RM Municipal Shop 280 Second Avenue South Bengough, Saskatchewan (3) I will declare the result of the voting at the Municipal Office on the 13th day of November at the hour of 9:00 p.m.
Dated at Bengough, Saskatchewan at 4:00 p.m. on October 10, 2024.
Lara Hazen Returning Officer
Rural Municipality of Poplar Valley No. 12
An insufficient number of nominations having been received to fill the office of: Councillor for Division 1
The undersigned will receive nominations of candidates for the said office during normal office hours between October 11, 2024 until October 23, 2024 at 4:00 p.m
Nomination forms may be obtained from the Municipal Office at 423 Railway Ave. Rockglen, Saskatchewan.
Dated this 11th day of October, 2024.
Lynn Fisher Returning Officer
and COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective ways to help people stay healthy and prevent serious illness.
Flu and COVID-19 vaccinations are free and available at Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) influenza and COVID-19 clinics across the province, some physician and nurse practitioner offices and at participating pharmacies.
All Saskatchewan residents ages six months and older are eligible to get free influenza and COVID-19 vaccines. Chil-
dren aged six months to five years can only be immunized at SHA influenza and COVID-19 clinics, public health offices, or by a physician or nurse practitioner.
Getting flu and COVID-19 vaccines is especially important for people most at risk of serious illness and their caregivers. Those most at risk of contracting respiratory illness are seniors, people with chronic health conditions or compromised immune systems, children under five and pregnant women.
Notice of Call for Further Nominations
Councillor: Rural Municipality of Bengough No. 40 Division No. 5
The Returning Officer or nomination officer will receive nominations of candidates for the above office: during normal office hours from October 11th, 2024 until 4:00 p.m. on October 23rd, 2024 at the Rural Municipality of Bengough No. 40 office located at 181 Main Street Bengough, Saskatchewan
Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location: Rural Municipality of Bengough No. 40 Office 181 Main Street Bengough, Saskatchewan Dated this 11th day of October 2024.
Lara Hazen (Returning Officer)
Whereas, at the close of the withdrawal period at 4:00 p.m October 10, 2024, a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act, 2015 for the offices of:
Councillor Division 1
Councillor Division 3
Councillor Division 5
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said offices will take place on November 13th, 2024 and therefore declare the following persons elected by acclamation:
Councillor Division 1: Darryl Kesslering
Councillor Division 3: Donald Stevenson
Councillor Division 5: Timothy Luke
Dated this 10th day of October, 2024.
Jan McCann
Returning Officer
Public noticeisherebygiven that provision hasbeen made foranadvancepollfor electorswho:
1. arephysically disabled;
2. have been appointed as electionofficials;or 3. anticipatebeing unabletovoteonthe day of theelection.
Votingwill take place on Wednesday October 30, 2024, between thehoursof 4:00 P.M. and8:00P.M.atthe Bengough Drop-In, located at 281 Main Street,Bengough, SK
DatedatBengough, Saskatchewan this 11th day of October, 2024.
CarrieHoffarth,Returning Officer
Gerald Hysuick
Gerald George Hysuick of Lafleche SK passed away on Monday September 30 2024 with family at his side at the Regina General Hospital at the age of 83 years He was born December 16, 1940, in Assiniboia SK Gerald was the eldest of three sons born to George and Marion (née Jonescu) Hysuick of the Wood Mountain District He attended school at Elm s Spring Flintoft and Wood Mountain On October 1, 1966, Gerald married the love of his life, Gloria Roy They were blessed with three children: Tracey (1969), Colleen (1972), and Travis (1977) Gerald had a deep love for the land, which led him to a life of farming and ranching Throughout his years, he worked in construction, with the Department of Highways, and for local farmers always remaining connected to the land and the community A true cowboy at heart Gerald had a great passion for horses especially training them and he lived and breathed everything rodeo even bareback riding The Calgary Stampede on TV was always a highlight of his year Music was another important part of Gerald's life He inherited his musical talent from his Aunt Lena and enjoyed playing guitar, creating fond memories as a member of the dance band "The Southern Four " He found great joy in spending time with family and friends, always eager for a visit or a game of cards, especially cribbage with his grandson Craig Gerald is survived by his beloved wife Gloria Hysuick; his children Tracy Hysuick Colleen Hysuick Travis (Jenn) Hysuick; his grandsons Craig Hysuick and Alex Hysuick: great-granddaughter Avery Hysuick; his brothers Ken Hysuick (Betty Doyle) and Bob Hysuick; sister-inlaw Armance Ryzak; many nieces and nephews He was predeceased by his parents George and Marion Hysuick Gerald will be remembered as a kind-hearted man with a passion for life, a love for horses and music, and a cowboy spirit that never wavered He will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved him Funeral Service was celebrated on Friday, October 11, 2024 at 2:00 p m Ste Radegonde Roman Catholic Church in Lafleche SK Memorial donations in Gerald s memory can be given to STARS 2640 Airport Rd Regina SK S4W 1A6
Adver tisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibilit y of the persons or entities that post the adver tisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warrant y as to the accuracy, completeness, tr uthfulness, or reliabilit y of such adver tisements For greater infor mation on adver tising conditions please consult the Association s Blanket Adver tising Conditions on our website at www swna com
For older adults with limited mobility, staying active and engaged can be challenging. However, many activities are tailored to accommodate various physical abilities, ensuring everyone can enjoy a fulfilling and enriching lifestyle. Here are five examples: Chair yoga
Chair yoga offers a gentle and effective way to improve flexibility, strength and balance while seated in a sturdy chair. It involves a series of modified yoga poses and breathing exercises designed to promote relaxation and enhance overall well-being. It can also help allieviate any future issues.
Prince of Wales Cultural &Recreation Centre Assiniboia, Sk
Indoor gardening
Tending to indoor plants or a small garden can be therapeutic for older adults with limited mobility. Whether growing herbs, flowers or succulents, gardening promotes sensory stimulation, reduces stress and provides a sense of accomplishment when plants thrive under their care.
Swimming is ideal for elderly individuals with limited mobility as it’s low-impact, gentle on joints and supports weightlessness, reducing strain. It enhances cardiovascular health, muscle strength and flexibility without putting excessive stress on the body.
Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy life, but managing finances is crucial to ensure financial security throughout your golden years. Here are five tips for reducing spending and saving money in retirement:
Create a budget: Start by creating a detailed budget that outlines your essential expenses, such as housing, healthcare, groceries and discretionary spending on entertainment and travel.
Downsize: Consider downsizing your home. Moving to a smaller house or relocating to a more affordable area can free up funds for other priorities and simplify your lifestyle.
Cut unnecessary expenses: Identify areas where you can trim costs. Cancel unused subscriptions, dine out less frequently and reduce utility bills by saving energy.
Shop smart: Take advantage of seniors’ discounts and coupons and consider buying generic brands to save money without compromising quality.
Delay benefits: While you can start receiving CPP as early as 60 and OAS at 65, delaying benefits results in higher monthly payments.
Proactive planning is essential for enjoying a fulfilling retirement without financial stress. Talk to a financial consultant about a tailored plan for your goals and lifestyle.
Storytelling groups
Joining a storytelling group allows older adults to intellectually engage in stimulating conversations and share their experiences and memories. Creative arts and crafts
Creative pursuits such as painting, drawing and crafting can ignite the imagination and provide a creative outlet for self-expression. Older adults can create beautiful artwork or handmade crafts to decorate their living space or share with loved ones. By incorporating these accessible activities into a daily routine, older adults can stay active, connected and fulfilled, enhancing their overall quality of life.
Jason Antonio SaskToday.ca Saskatchewan Polytechnic is holding an open house to give high school students and the public the opportunity to learn more about its programs and speak with instructors — with free on-the-spot registrations.
The Moose Jaw campus is hosting this annual event on Wednesday, Oct. 16, from 1 to 3 p.m. for high school students and 6 to 8
for the public. Attendees can tour the campus, visit program booths, speak with college students and professors, and discover what life is like as a Sask. Polytech.
“I think sometimes students here in Moose Jaw maybe don’t always realize what we do offer (and) the potential opportunities they have for post-secondary education here … ,” said Scott Hellings, the student recruitment advis-
McCord Co-operative Association Ltd.
or in Moose Jaw.
“I think there is sometimes a misconception that we are just a trades school, but we are more than that. We have a lot of different programs in Moose Jaw … (such as) engineering technologies,” he continued, noting there is a wide range of offerings across all four campuses, from health care to pilot training.
Sask. Polytech’s programs are practical, handson and applied, which means students are doing more than simply sitting in a classroom all day, Hellings said. Instead, they are learning about an
Railway Avenue, McCord SK S0H2T0
Please send your CV to mccordcoop@gmail.com
area of interest and doing work that they will undertake in the workforce.
This applied work aspect is a fantastic opportunity for students to gain experience and determine whether the program is something they want to do since they acquire a good sense of what their future career looks like, he continued.
“A lot of our programs are shorter in length, so you get out into the workforce faster,” Hellings remarked. “We (also) have smaller class sizes, so you get a lot more one-to-one instruction than you might maybe in a traditional uni-
versity program.”
Hellings attended Sask. Polytech — formerly SIAST — in Moose Jaw more than a decade ago and acquired a business diploma with a focus on marketing. He appreciated how small his class size was, how friendly the campus was and how welcoming people were.
Moreover, he was grateful for the skills he learned because they prepared him for his current job and gave him a foundation to potentially pursue other careers in the future.
“At Saskatchewan Polytechnic, we really are
concerned with student success … . You really get a sense of that when you’re here,” Hellings added. “Your instructors are always very accessible and helpful. And so, too, are your peers. It’s really nice to get a sense of community here.”
During the open house, students can apply on-thespot to programs for free when they visit a campus, which allows them to take a big step toward their future, Hellings said. They will receive a coupon code that they can scan when they attend, which waives the typical $80 registration fee.
Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
As of Oct. 11, the website www.elections.sk.ca reported that the Wood River constituency has three candidates running for office in the Oct. 28 provincial election.
The elections website states, “The list of candidates is updated daily as candidates register with their local Elections Saskatchewan returning office. A full list of official candidates will be available Oct. 13 after the close of nominations.”
Current MLA, David Marit, is seeking re-elec -
tion for the Saskatchewan Party. Marit was first elected in 2016 and served as minister of agriculture and minister responsible for the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation.
He previously served as president of the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities.
Marit was born and raised in the Wood River area and has strong ties to the community.
The NDP candidate is Mike Topola, an advanced care paramedic working at the Assiniboia Union Hospital. His candidate profile states, “Topola has roots
in the farming community, coming from a family with strong ties to the agricultural industry. He has seen first-hand the issues facing health-care delivery in Saskatchewan and is committed to improving access to care and fighting for better rural services across the province.”
The Saskatchewan United Party candidate is Todd McIntyre, who worked in sales and management and has also served on the board of directors for the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce, as well as three years on the City of
Moose Jaw’s Heritage Advisory Committee. McIntyre grew up on a mixed farm in the Spring Valley area and attended school in Moose Jaw and Sask Polytechnic. He returned to his rural roots when he and his wife purchased a small ranch southwest of Moose Jaw. McIntyre’s bio can be read on the party’s website where he states his passion for agriculture and a rural way of life in Saskatchewan will guide him in a common-sense voice representing the collective interests of rural Saskatchewan.
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