Benjamin and Judah Sawatzky rehearsed their duet for the annual Weyburn Rotary Music Festival. Both piano students are taught by Gail Murray
The 67th Annual Weyburn Rotary Music Festival will begin on Monday March 10 at the TC Douglas Centre.There are 292 entries this year!
The piano session will begin on Monday and will end on Thursday evening with a duet night! Our piano adjudicator is Lori Potter from Regina. The vocal session will begin Sunday, March 16th, with
adjudicatior Spencer McKnight from Saskatoon and conclude on Tuesday evening with musical theatre selections. The Band session, with adjudicator Mark Zawerucha from Yorkton, will begin on Wednesday March 19th at St. Michael’s School and then sessions will be held at the Weyburn Comprehensive, Assiniboia Park, Legacy Park and the TC
Douglas Centre. The full program can be accessed at
“Weyburn is extremely supportive of our music culture in Weyburn and we are proud to be having music festival here for the 67th year!” said Sidloski. “The high caliber of music is a reflection of dedicated teachers and students who have invested a lot of time
to prepare their performances for adjudication.”
The music festival appreciates the Weyburn Rotary Club for its continued sponsorship, Saskatchewan Music Festival Association for their support, SaskTel and Sask Lotteries who are major sponsors, Prairie Sky Co-operative Association for donating fruit baskets to the adjudicators, the Weyburn Youngfellows for
The Town of Midale is ramping up fundraising efforts for a new outdoor swimming pool to replace the aging facility that has served the community for decades.
Vanessa Lund, administrative assistant at the town and treasurer for the swimming pool committee, emphasized the importance of the facility. “The pool is such an important part of the community,” she said. “It’s open to everybody. It’s also one of those things that draw people to live in our community.”
The current pool, which has undergone multiple repairs over the years, is nearing the end of its lifespan. When it was fixed last in 2016, repair specialists told the town that the fix would last about 10 years and that would be the last one for the existing pool, Lund explained.
“So we’ve known for a while that we needed to start planning for this eventuality,” she noted.
The cost of the new facility is estimated at $2 million, with $1.6 million going toward the pool itself and additional funds required for related infrastructure. Fundraising efforts have been ongoing, including community raffles and appeals to corporate sponsors.
“We are looking into
tuning the pianos, Southeast Cornerstone School Division for using its facilities, Coast Hotels for hosting our adjudicators, Whitecap Resources for allowing us to keep our entry fees low, and all the volunteers who help throughout the festival.
Come out and enjoy two weeks of wonderful music performed by the youth in our community. A silver
grants all the time,” Lund said. “We did one major fundraiser, raffling off a vacation. We have a few others coming up.”
On Jan. 21, Kingston Midstream made a $50,000 donation toward the project. Lund expressed gratitude for the corporate support.“Shout out to Kingston. They know how important that is to our community,” she said.
The town hopes to avoid a full-season closure during construction.“The company that builds these pools will come in the mid to end of August,” Lund said. “So we’ll lose a couple of weeks at the end of August. And they work right through until they can’t, and they come back again in the spring and keep working. So we shouldn’t lose a season. We might lose a little bit of two seasons, but not a full season.”
So far, approximately $100,000 has been raised, with a goal to begin construction by 2027 or 2028, depending on fundraising progress. “We have to have the money before we can do it,” Lund noted, adding that they are currently getting into a more active fundraising phase.
Residents and businesses interested in contributing can find more information on the Town of Midale’s website.
collection will be taken at the door.
The Stars of the Festival will take place on March 26, 2025 at 7 pm at the Weyburn Comprehensive Cugnet Centre and our AGM is on April 10, 2025 at the Credit Union Community Room at 7 pm. This festival is run by volunteers. Please help keep this 67-year-old tradition alive and consider volunteering.
Photo – Courtesy Heather Sidloski
Envision Counselling seeks board members
Envision Counselling and Support Centre Inc. is inviting individuals with a passion for fostering positive change to join its board of directors.
As a communitybased, non-profit organization with over 30 years of service, Envision provides essential counselling and support to individuals, families and communities across the region.
The organization is looking for board members to help guide its mission and ensure the needs of the community are met.
Monthly meetings will be held, alternating between Weyburn and Estevan, with virtual participation options and mileage reimbursement available.
Envision is particularly seeking individuals with expertise in law, justice, finance, or Indigenous representation to enhance the board’s diversity and strengthen the organization’s governance.
Applications are open until April 10, 2025, at 5 p.m. To apply or learn more, local residents can visit
Weyburn Utility Board Annual Meeting of Subscribers
Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the subscribers of the Weyburn Utility Board will be held at the RM of Weyburn Office, 1633 1st Avenue NE, Weyburn on Tuesday, March 18 at 9:00 a.m. for the purpose of receiving reports and the nomination and election of candidates for the office of Director for Divisions 1, 3, 5 for a two year term
Learning how to make clay pots
Meagan Rothwell, Tracey Rothwell and Kim Niethercut attended an introductory class on creating clay pots in the pottery studio at the Credit Union Spark Centre on February 24.
Duplicate Bridge Club has a busy February with games
The Weyburn Duplicate Bridge Club plays on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. and on Thursdays at 1 p.m. at the Wheatland Senior Centre. All bridge players are welcome to come and play.
gart and Lucie Nickel claimed first, and Terry Bendickson and Lloyd Muma came second.
Theresa Istace.
Two tables played on February 24 and the leaders were Barry Mactaggart and Gord Bell, while Terry Bendickson and Lloyd Muma placed second.
With two tables playing on February 13, top honours went to Marg Stewart and Diane Bell, followed by Erskine Saniford and Therea Istace who came second.
The month started with three tables on February 3, and with a strong game Barry Mactaggart and Diane Bell finished in first place, followed by Gord Bell and Marg Stewart who placed second.
Two tables played February 6 and Barry Mactag-
Two and a half tables played February 20. First place went to Jerry Ponto and Millie Nimegeers, while second place went to Erskine Sandiford and
The final game of the month played on February 27 had two and a half tables and Gord Bell and Barry Mactaggart were first place finishers, while Terry Bendickson and Lloyd Muma placed second.
Take Me Fishing day
The Weyburn Wildlife Federation will host a funfilled “Take Me Fishing” day on Saturday, March 8 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the clubhouse south of Weyburn on Highway #35. The course is for kids aged 8-12 years of age that want to learn the basics of fishing. To register, head to the website at www. takemefishing or email weyburnwildlife@gmail. com and let’s make some great memories together.
I struggled this week with deciding what was more important to write about – mental health or sex trafficking – as both are critical issues.
I chose sex trafficking because, as parents, neighbours, and friends, this is something we need to be on high alert about. It is coming closer and closer to home.
I was shocked to learn that such a thing was happening in Estevan, and now there are warnings that more small communities could fall victim to this problem. This is a deeply disturbing issue that must be stopped.
If we think this only happens in larger cities, we are sadly mistaken. It could happen next door, and this is where we come in.
Do you know your neighbours? Do you recognize the vehicles driving down your street? Are you aware of who your children are talking to?
I am very aware of what happens on my street – not only because I am a reporter and maybe a little nosey, but mainly because I have a special needs daughter, and I am very protective of her.
Last summer, a vehicle was driving very slowly down our street. A person got out and
began walking through the neighbourhood and back alley. I watched them closely before finally going outside to confront them.
I simply asked if I could help them. They replied that they were just looking around. I pointed out that I have security cameras tracking the street and suggested they leave before I reported them to the police.
They left quickly and never returned. Could they have been looking for innocent people to prey on? I now wonder what they were up to. And yes, I reported it.
These people do not care about their victims. They will use any means to lure innocent children into their grasp for the purpose of sex trafficking.
Is this why so many children and young adults disappear? Do traffickers move them to new towns where no one suspects they are missing?
Although social media is great for reconnecting with old friends or reaching out for work, it is also a hunting ground for these predators.
They watch what people post and feed on it. Is someone posting that they are sad, lonely, or have no friends? That is a perfect setup for these traffickers.
movies portray it, where someone is grabbed off the street, thrown into a van, and blindfolded. In reality, the methods traffickers use to select their targets are far more personal and even more alarming.
They identify individuals and try to learn everything about them, usually by stalking them. They look for vulnerabilities such as drug addiction, lack of family support, or isolation, and they prey on these weaknesses.
How do they gather this information? Through the internet and social media, or simply by striking up a conversation in a store, on the street, or at a park.
We can all do our part by being aware of our surroundings. If someone looks lost, ask if they need help. We must stop assuming it is someone else’s problem.
Does a person seem malnourished? Do they have bruises? Do they appear high on drugs or unaware of where they are? We need to pay attention and ask questions.
We must know our neighbours and stay vigilant by watching our streets. If we all do our part, our towns will become safer places to live.
By doing this, we could save someone’s son, daughter, sister, or brother.
Do your part.
Agriculture Literacy Month has been proclaimed in Saskatchewan, providing an opportunity for students in schools around the province to connect with agriculture through various presentations led by industry volunteers. Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM) will be celebrated for the entire month of March.
“Connecting our youth to Saskatchewan agriculture, and increasing their understanding and appreciation of it, is an important component of strengthening the entire sector in many ways,” said Agriculture Minister Daryl Harrison.
“Presentations from industry experts help educate children about what goes into producing the high-quality food that our province is renowned for and what that means to all of us.”
This year’s theme is “Saskatchewan Agriculture: How Food Connects the World” and will see industry volunteers from all levels of food production join classrooms to engage with nearly 7,000 students to share presentations and personal experiences to help them learn more about agriculture.
“Providing students with learning ex-
periences that connect them to Saskatchewan’s agricultural industry is important in building their knowledge and appreciation for where our food comes from,” Education Minister Everett Hindley said.
“Agriculture Literacy Month provides an opportunity for students to learn directly from industry experts, helping to deepen their understanding of the impact of agriculture on our communities.”
Agriculture in the Classroom, an important and well-established advocate for the industry in Saskatchewan, is providing 140 volunteers to assist with presentations throughout the month.
“Volunteers are vital to the success of Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month,” Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan Executive Director Sara Shymko said. “Sessions with students will feature passionate farmers and industry professionals who generously share their stories, which cultivates a stronger appreciation for the agricultural landscape.”
For more information about CALM activities in Saskatchewan, please visit:
Wheatland Centre hosts weekly activities
A number of games were played at the Wheatland Senior Centre from February 24 to 28.
During a game of spades on Feb. 24, Kim Bent won first, Sherrill Taylor took second and Connie Boucher placed third.
In military whist on Feb. 24, first place was won by Jean Fahlman, Gladys Lokken, Fay Johnson and Marg Schultz. Second place was won by
Marlene Szczenski, Ione Schnell, Phyllis Lindskog and Cris Herlick. Third place was tied by the team of Jeanne Molnar, Elaine Frsz, Ruth Boren and Garth White, and the team of Janet vanWinkoop, Mildred Sandiford, Jeannette Tonn and Marg McLeod. In Kaiser on Feb. 25, first place was won by Jean Fahlman and Theresa Istace, with second placed by Norma Kapusianyk and Melba Bent, and third won
by Lavine Stepp and Alice Schneider.
In a game of canasta on Feb. 26, first was won by Betty Herlick, second was placed by Gerry Thompson, third was won by Janet vanWinkoop, fourth was placed by Trina Maas and fifth taken by Marlene Szcecinski.
During a hi-low whist game on Feb. 26, first was won by Gladys Lokken and Sharon Eggum, second was taken by
Having fun at gymnastics club
Marie Marcotte and Ruth Boren, and third was won by Ray Boucher and Connie Boucher.
During a Friday bridge game, Terry Bendickson won first, Jeannie Molnar took second, Shirley Sparks placed third and Dave Frayn was fourth.
Red Wings host annual Calcutta shootout fundraiser
The Red Wings faced up against the Melville Millionaires during a home game at Crescent Point Place on February 28.
After the game, the team held their annual Calcutta Shootout, a fundraiser for the club. Jaxson Ruthven would be the winner of the Calcutta, with Angelo Zol finishing second. Kelvin Gray, a guest shooter representing Richardson Pioneer, would finish third.
In game action, the Red Wings lost 5-2 to the Millionaires. Melville opened up scoring with one goal in the first period, and took an early lead by scoring two more times in the second.
Both teams scored twice in the third period. Goals for Weyburn were scored by Liam Fitzgerald and a powerplay goal by Blake Betson. Assists were provided by Dallen Oxelgren, Lucas Schmid, Josh Karman and Luck Schraeder.
Angelo Zol was in net for the Red Wings, and stopped 21 out of 25 attempts on goal.
Earlier in the week, the Red Wings won 4-2 over Humboldt during a game held February 26.
In the first period, Jerome Maharaj scored an unassisted goal, and Braigh LeGrandeur scored a goal off an assist from Jaxson Ruthven.
In the second period, Wyatt LaCoste scored with
assists from Max Chakrabarti and Matthew Edwards. The Broncos tried to tie up the game, but only managed to score twice in the third period. Luke Dekay scored an empty net goal for Weyburn in the last minute of play to secure the lead with Drew Molde earning an assist.
Ty Matonovich was in net for the Red Wings, and stopped 38 out of 40 attempts.
The Red Wings have six games left in the regular season. They were in Notre Dame on Tuesday Night, and will have a home-andhome series against the Millionaires on Friday, March 7 at Crescent Point Place and Saturday, March 8 in Melville .
It is tight competition for first place in the Viterra division of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League right now.
As of press deadlines, the Red Wings are holding on to first place with 64 points, but the Yorkton Terriers are only one point behind.
The Melville Millionaires are also in the mix, currently in third place with 61 points. This will make the upcoming homeand-home series with the Millionaires a very important one for the Red Wings.
Fans are encouraged to pack the stands and cheer on the Weyburn Red Wings as they continue to compete for first place.
U13 Southeast YF Gold Wings start playoffs
Abigail Jutras, forward with the U13 AA Southeast Young Fellow Gold Wings, gets ready to pass the puck down the ice, as she is followed by teammate Johanna Holman. The U13 AA Southeast Young Fellow Gold Wings hosted game one of their round one playoff series against the Regina Rebels Red at Crescent Point Place on March 2.
Gold Wings face Saskatoon in playoffs
The Weyburn Gold Wings will face off against the Saskatoon Stars, in a best-of-three series in the Saskatcghwean Female U18 AAA Hockey League.
Saskatoon has the home ice advantage, and will host game one on Saturday, March 8. Weyburn will host game two at Crescent
Point Place on Sunday, March 9 at 7 p.m.
Game three, if needed, will be in Saskatoon on Tuesday, March 11.
The Gold Wings finished their regular season with a game against the Prince Albert Northway Northern Bears on Sunday, March 2.
The Gold Wings won 4-2 to finish the season.
Both teams scored in the first period, with Nola Exner scoring for Weyburn, off assists from Liv Peck and Jade Olszewski.
Two goals were scored by Weyburn in the second period, a powerplay goal by Jade Olszewski, as -
sisted by Kaitlyn Mah and Kinley Dammann, and an unssisted goal by
The Bears scored twice in the third period, but another Weyburn goal by Exner, assisted by Olszewski and Julia Durr, secured the win for the
The Weyburn Wrestling Club had five wrestlers participate in the 2025 SHSAA Regionals held in Carrot River over the weekend and came home with one gold and three silver medals.
In the Female 50 kg class, Avlynn Drake took home a silver medal.
In the Male 53 kg class,
a silver medal.
In the Male 56 kg class, Ephraim Henning took home a silver medal.
In the Male 59 kg class,
a gold medal.
The next tournament for the high school will be provincials this Friday, March 7, at the University of Regina.
Seth Peeler won
Chris Dayaan won
Photo – Sabrina Kraft/Weyburn Review
Wrestlers and coaches participating at Regionals in Carrot River last weekend were, from left to right, Coach Greg Kiraly, Avlynn Drake, Ephraim Henning, Raiden Kiraly, Chris Dayaan, Seth Peeler and Coach Ken Kot.
Peyton Halayka.
Pink Shirt Day
Students from LPES, APES and St. Michael School celebrated Pink Shirt Day.
this week
Estevan Comp repeats as McLeod Series champions
David Willberg
The Estevan Comprehensive School Elecs senior basketball teams have
captured the McLeod Series with the Weyburn Comprehensive School Eagles for the second straight year. The second half of the
long-standing basketball rivalry was contested Feb. 26 at the ECS gymnasium. The senior girls opened play with a 71-38 victory
over the Eagles – their second straight convincing over their Weyburn foes.
The Eagles then defeated Estevan 73-60 in the senior
Photo – Anastasiia Bykhovskaia/
boys’ game that wrapped up the competition.
The first two games in the annual best-of-four basketball showdown were played Feb. 12 in Weyburn. The Eagles defeated the Elecs 80-75 in the senior boys’ game that night, while Elecs won the senior girls’ game 72-44.
Since each team won twice this year, point differential was used as the tie-breaker. Estevan won on that front 278-235, thanks to the lopsided senior girls’ victories.
In the Feb. 26 games, Weyburn stayed close early on in the senior girls’ game, but then Estevan took over.
The Elecs led 35-20 at halftime and grew the lead to 50-30 after three quarters.
The Elecs outscored Weyburn 21-6 in the final frame to give ECS a large cushion on point differential entering the senior boys’ game.
The senior boys’ game was also close in the early
stages, but Weyburn went on a run late in the second quarter to lead 42-27 at halftime. Weyburn built the lead to 20 points at one point in the third, but a 9-1 run by Estevan closed the gap. Weyburn led 54-46 after three quarters.
Broden Henry had 14 points and eight assists for Estevan, while Blake Andrist scored 12 points, and Ryden Summers 12 points and seven rebounds.
“I thought the boys played very well last night; for some reason, our shots just weren’t falling in our own gym,” said Elecs’ coach Trevor Dutka. “We were in the game till the end.”
As is tradition with the McLeod Series, a large crowd packed the ECS gymnasium for the games.
The Elecs have now won five of the past nine editions of the McLeod Series. Weyburn holds a 47-41 edge in the history of the event.
Man arrested in Estevan for breaching release conditions
Estevan Police Service dealt with conditions breaches, arguments, suspicious activity and more over the past couple of days.
A 49-year-old Estevan male was arrested on Feb. 26, after he was found to be breaching conditions of a release order. A search incident to arrest found the man to be in possession of a small quantity of suspected meth-
amphetamine. The accused was appeared in court on March 3. Police also responded to a domestic disturbance in the central area of Estevan in the early hours of Feb. 27. One of the individuals was found to be highly intoxicated and was actively damaging property inside the home.
A 22-year-old Estevan man was arrested by police and
transported to cells. Once he was sober, he was released with charges of mischief, resisting arrest and breaching conditions of an undertaking. He will appear in court in April.
On Feb. 26, police received an anonymous call regarding a driving complaint. The operator of a truck appeared to be following another vehicle and driving
erratically. A plate number and vehicle description were obtained, and the registered owner of the vehicle was contacted and advised of the complaint.
Members attended to a residence in the east-central part of Estevan after the caller reported a resident for being intoxicated and wanting that person removed for the night. Police attended the
residence where the subject of the complaint left with police and was lodged in cells to sober up. The individual was released the next morning without charges.
Report of a suspicious man at a local hotel was received. Members were unable to locate the man.
Report of a woman causing a disturbance at a local hotel was investigated.
Members attended and spoke to the woman. The matter was resolved. Members responded to a report of a man who failed to pay for food that was ordered. The statement was obtained and the matter is under investigation.
EPS also dealt with a report of a tenant receiving threatening messages from their landlord. The matter is under investigation.
Officer received a report of a fraud involving Amazon. The victim was asked to purchase credit cards and provide them to the caller to attempt to detect fraudulent activity on their account.
On Feb. 27, police received a report that an Amazon order had been delivered to the wrong address, and they were having difficulty retrieving it. This matter remains under investigation. Police also responded to a domestic disturbance in the central area of the city. The parties were arguing over property and living arrangements. Members were able to mediate the matter, and one of the individuals returned to their own residence.
A well-being check was requested after police received information about someone thinking about harming themselves. Members were able to locate the individual and speak with them. They were safe and were staying with a friend for the night.
Members attended to a central Estevan residence for a disturbance. Two men and a woman were arguing over a lost cell phone. The phone was eventually found and returned to its rightful owner.
ESTEVANthis week
Estevan team wins Surge Showdown volleyball championship
The Estevan Extreme Volleyball Club (EEVC) 15UW volleyball team claimed the championship title at the Surge Showdown in Weyburn, dominating the eight-team tournament with a strong performance on Saturday.
EEVC went undefeated in pool play, earning straight-set victories over the Regina Aces (25-16, 2516), Regina QCVC Royal White (25-20, 25-17) and Weyburn Surge (25-22, 25-
17). Their flawless record secured a first-place finish in their pool and a berth in the semifinals.
In the semifinal match, EEVC edged out Moose Jaw Thunder Creek in a tight opening set before sealing the win in two (30-28, 25-19). The final saw a rematch against Weyburn Surge, where EEVC bounced back from a first-set loss to take the championship in three sets (19-25, 25-19, 15-9).
Estevan police make arrests, investigate assault and theft
The Estevan Police Service (EPS) arrested two individuals over the weekend for breaching conditional sentence orders.
Police responded to a report of an assault at a residence in the city’s southeast on March 1. Officers attended the scene and arrested a woman for
Winter thaw challenges on roads, drainages
The City of Estevan’s roads and drainage division is actively managing ice buildup and drainage issues to ensure safe roads and sidewalks throughout the winter, the city says in a media release issued Friday afternoon.
Crews have been steaming frozen catch basins and culverts to prevent blockages and maintain proper drainage. So far this winter, the city has encountered few problem areas, but crews remain prepared to address any issues that may arise.
With warmer temperatures expected this weekend, residents are encouraged to avoid using alleys, which may experience additional challenges from melting snow and ice. The city is also monitoring potential water pooling and refreezing, as well as working to clear drains and culverts to prevent flooding.
Proper drainage remains essential for minimizing hazards caused by fluctuating temperatures.
assault. She was lodged in cells, and the matter remains under investigation.
An Estevan man was arrested on March 2 for failing to comply with a release order. He was lodged in cells and was scheduled to appear in court on Monday. No further details were immediately available.
Police responded to a report of a man burning
items in a backyard and causing a disturbance in the city’s southeast on Feb. 28. Officers attended and spoke with the man, who was burning cardboard in a fire pit. He was advised of the bylaw and warned to keep the noise down.
That same day, a man was found outside his residence past his courtordered curfew. He was arrested and lodged in cells
before being released in the morning.
EPS also responded to a report of a man threatening staff at a local business. Officers arrived, but the suspect had already left the area. The matter is under investigation.
Police received a noise complaint about several barking dogs on March 1. Officers attended and warned the homeowner
about the bylaw.
Members also investigated a report of harassing communication involving a man sending repeated text messages to a woman. A statement is to be obtained, and the matter remains under investigation.
Several compliance checks were completed on individuals under conditions, with all found to be in compliance.
On March 2, EPS received a report of a stolen BMX bicycle in the city’s central area. The theft remains under investigation. Later that day, an alarm monitoring company reported a duress alarm at a local residence. Officers attended and determined the homeowner had mistakenly entered the wrong entry code, and no issues were found.
Photo courtesy of Kristin Dupuis
Receiving support at the Repair Cafe
Linda Moffat gets some electrical repairs completed, by Colin Jones and Ken Rebrinsky, during a Repair Cafe held at the Weyburn Public Library on Saturday. A number of tables were set up with the goal of volunteers helping to repair broken items, and helping to reduce the amount of household items being thrown out.
SGI: Removing snow from your roof could save you thousands from damages
Martin Oldhues
With the warm-up in temperatures over the last week, households in Sask. are being encouraged to remove snow off their roofs to prevent ice damming.
Ice damming occurs when heavy snow builds up on the roof and melts during the day before freezing overnight.
The buildup “of ice on the edge of eaves and other roofs can cause water getting in underneath shingles and into homes,” said Jeremy Pilon, SGI media consultant.
Pilon noted there can also be seepage from water melting on the ground beside one’s house, which can get into a home’s basement or the areas underneath the house.
If left unattended, ice damming can cause damage to shingles and water soaking the insulation of the attic and drywall. Dam-
aged drywall could lead to issues with lighting in the ceilings or TV’s that are up against the wall.
As for seeping, a person “can see damage start happening to your foundation itself if it gets into cracks and any openings of the foundation.”
Constant freezing can lead to a break in a home’s foundation, causing drywall and materials in the basement to start getting wet and damaged.
All these damages could “get into [the range of] tens of thousands of dollars, especially if it’s something you don’t notice right away,” Pilon emphasized.
It’s worth noting under their house insurance, which includes their standard coverage, broad coverage, and comprehensive coverage, SGI covers “damage caused by ice damming.”
Even with the coverage, Pilon noted, “you’d still be
Village of Creelman
Tax Title Property Sale by
Sealed Tender
FOR TENDER: 59 Hough Street, Creelman Lot 14, Block 4, Plan 62060
Tenders must be received by 4:00 p.m. on March 31, 2025. Tenders will be considered at the April meeting of Council. The successful bidder will have 30 days to pay the purchase price in full and they will be responsible for title transfer costs.
liable for your deductible and everything like that.”
However, for damages caused by seepage, most insurance companies, including SGI, don’t cover the cost because “It’s considered something that you should be able to prevent through proper maintenance of your home,” he noted.
Taking Measures
The blanket on the roof acts as the ice damming, so snow melting on the roof will start going under the shingles if a homeowner doesn’t clear the snow away.
Pilon stressed not chipping away the ice build-up, as that can damage the shingles underneath. Instead, it’s better to leave it and let the sun melt it away naturally.
Once the snow is on the ground, Pilon said, “what you’ll wanna do is move that snow away from your foundation. We recommend about two meters or six feet.”
He added, “make sure
that there’s a path to the street and the storm basins in your neighborhood so that water has somewhere to go when it’s done melting.”
Another thing a homeowner should look out for is cleaning their sewer valve, if they have one.
Rapid melting of snow can lead to sewer backup, which can cause flooding inside a home, leading to floor and wall damage.
To prevent or slow down sewer backup, Pilon recommends cleaning the valve once a year. To clean it, open the top lid of the valve and grab a toilet brush, cleaning it the same way you would with a toilet.
A homeowner can also take measures before the winter comes to prevent ice damming from occurring. In the fall, make “sure that you’ve cleaned out your eaves troughs because that makes sure that your eaves are ready to take the snow as it comes,” Pilon said.
Village of Creelman
Moe: Pre-approval of pipelines meant to provide certainty
John Cairns
Premier Scott Moe cited the need for certainty as the reason behind his post on social media this week that pipeline requests in Saskatchewan would be considered pre-approved.
Moe was asked at a news conference on Friday why he made that post given the environmental laws, regulations, First Nations consultations, and private landowners’ rights that had to be complied with.“To provide certainty for an industry that is in a very uncertain time,” he replied.
He pointed to two reasons.“One, the first reason would be some of the rhetoric that we hear coming up from south of the border. And two, would be because of almost a decade of detrimental policies that have come out of our own federal government. Whether it be carbon taxation, whether it be the rewrite of pieces of legislation like Bill C-69. This is an industry that has repeatedly been faced with uncertainty by our Canadian federal government.”
Moe said that if Canada was “truly serious about being independent as a nation and coming together and ensuring that Canada is energy secure and food secure and manufacturing secure in the future, that needs to be reflected in our policy development. And I would say that over the course of the last decade, that has not been the case.”
Premier Moe said if there was “any chance of energy dominance across North America, which is the new US adminis -
tration’s goal, all of our policies need to be about creating certainty for these industries that are going to ultimately do that for us. And I would say that we’ve dropped the ball on that the last nine years at the federal level.”
He added that this was “not about circumventing in any way all of the requirements that industry and companies would have moving forward. Those requirements would certainly still stand.”
Moe also put out his call for “other subnational leaders in the federal government to join us in doing what we can do to provide certainty to all of the energy industry, not just the oil and gas industry, but all of the energy industry that we want you to develop in Canada.”
When presses again about whether pre-approval overlooks the environmental assessments and duty to consult requirements, Moe again emphasized no.
“All of those criteria certainly are still in place. However, the pre-approval provides certainty to the industry that we are in Saskatchewan going to ensure that you can bring a project from those very pre-development stages through development and ultimately into an effervescent project, whether that’s a mine site, whether that’s a pipeline, whether that’s an investment in the energy industry. This is where Saskatchewan very much differs from some of the policy initiatives that have come out of our federal government over the last number of years.”
Village of Creelman
Title Property Sale by Sealed Tender
FOR TENDER: 254 Railway Avenue, Creelman Lots 4, 5 & 6, Block 3, Plan 62060 and Lot 33, Block 3, Plan 101362867
Property can be viewed by appointment only. Contact the Administrator at 639-455-7119 Tax arrears value $10,978.12
Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted
Tenders must include the bidders intention for the property
Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted
Property sold as is Permits will be required for future property improvements
Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope stating “Tender for 22 Hough Street” by mail to Village of Creelman, Box 177, Creelman, SK, S0G 0X0.
Tenders must
Property sold as is Permits will be required for future property improvements.
Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope stating “Tender for 254 Railway Avenue” by mail to Village of Creelman, Box 177, Creelman, SK, S0G 0X0.
Photo – Sabrina Kraft/Weyburn Review
Enjoying Science Hour at the Family Place
Mia and Lane watch as coloured liquid was slowly sucked into a jar, with the heat of the candle creating a vacuum after being placed in a small jar. A couple of fun science projects were held for Little Learners at the Family Place on February 26.
SHA CRISP report states hospitalizations and ICU admissions on the rise
Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
The Community Respiratory Illness Surveillance Program (CRISP) Situation report released Feb. 14 shows that flu cases remain steady, with test positivity at 17% over last two weeks. COVID-19 cases continue to decline, except in one city, where wastewater data shows medium-high activity.
COVID-19 test positivity shows variants XEC and its sub lineages were the most commonly detected variants.
The report indicates that Influenza associated hospitalizations and ICU admissions have increased. RSV test positivity is gradually decreasing, with nearly half the cases reported in children less than five years of age.
Since Aug, 25, 2024, 1589 influenza positive tests were reported with 93.1% of those being influenzas Type A and 6.9% of those type B.
The SHA CRISP report also outlines calls to Health Line 8-1-1 have decreased 5% during this reporting period.
“Outbreaks: • Twentyone (21) respiratory virus outbreaks were reported in high-risk settings (long term care facilities, personal care homes and group homes) for this reporting period. Of these, eight (8) were due to RSV, while six (6) each were due to Influenza and other respiratory viruses. “
You can view these regular health data updates released in these CRISP reports on the website Publications Centre
While no data is included in the CRISP report, Norovirus is another condition that may be affecting some parts of the province, as some residents speak of the stomach flu making its rounds in their community.
Simple handwashing is called more effective than hand sanitizer in preventing
spread of norovirus. Often people refer to norovirus as having the stomach flu because it causes vomiting and diarrhea, stomach pain and cramps, fevers and chills, with symptoms typically resolving within 12-72 hours.
The SHA has good resource material on norovirus on their website, conditions-diseases-services/healthline-online/ ug2076. In most cases, norovirus is treated by letting the infection run its course, staying as hydrated as possible.
Experts say norovirus is able to linger on surfaces longer than other common winter infectious diseases like RSV and flu so recommendations are cleaning high-touch surfaces regularly to avoid infecting others. High touch surfaces would include door knobs, light switches, handrails and faucets to help minimize the spread of germs.
Wednesday, April 16,2025
WCUCommunity Room
Registration: 5pm
Call to Order:5:30pm
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Messy painting fun in pre-kindergarten
Elizabeth, Beau and Ogo fingerpainted sea creatures, while learning about ocean life in the pre-k class at St. Michael School.
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