Weyburn Review - February 20, 2019

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10 - The Review, Weyburn, Saskatchewan, February 20, 2019

Interesting exhibits at the Heritage Fair

Information displays for APES Heritage Fair

Review Photo 3695 — Greg Nikkel

Grade 5 students Houstyn Gerry, Jordyn Hughes and Julie Rush showed their displays set up for Assiniboia Park’s annual Heritage Fair on Thursday. Houstyn’s display was on Canadain astronaut Chris Hadfield; Jordyn’s was about Laura Secord; and Julie’s exhibit was on the Sixties Scoop, where aboriginal children were removed from their families and placed with white families during the 1960s. There were a total of 96 displays set up by students from Grades 4, 5 and 6.

Display on war veteran at Heritage Fair

Review Photo 3666 — Greg Nikkel

Grade 5 student Joel Benson showed a book of memories compiled by his great-grandfather Orville Benson as part of his display for Assiniboia Park’s Heritage Fair on Thursday. Joel wore his great-grandfather’s uniform jacket and hat, and had many photos, memorabilia and information about his service with the air force in the Second World War.

Displaying a mounted fish at the Heritage Fair

Exhibit showcases CP Rail at Heritage Fair

Review Photo 3702 — Greg Nikkel

Grade 6 student Jarret Hayward held a railman’s signal lamp at his display all about CP Rail at Assiniboia Park’s Heritage Fair on Thursday. Many of these historic items were collected by his grandfather over the years, so Jarret wanted to showcase the railway in his exhibit.

Review Photo 3655 — Greg Nikkel

Kyro Klapak let a boy have a look at his mounted walleye, which he had as part of his display on the fish for Assiniboia Park School’s annual Heritage Fair on Thursday, as Barack Olweny showed his booth display on the gray wolf. The school’s classes all had a look at the displays in the afternoon, and the parents and friends were able to come view the exhibits in the evening. A number of exhibits will be chosen for the Regional Heritage Fair in Regina in early May.

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