“We are extremely ex cited for this season. We have added some great pieces to our team in the form of players and coaching staff. The ex pectations are high this season and for every sea son moving forward. This includes the product on the ice and the involve ment in the community.”
A number of new board members joined the Rich ardson Pioneer Weyburn Red Wings hockey club organization, during their annual general meeting held at the Ramada Inn on AugustNew23.board members elected included Jean Hobbs, Larry Tribiger, Lee Moen and Shawn Stepp. Four board members en tered their second year of their term: Ray Jarvis, Tascha Jasper, Riley Ross, and Pete Tatarliov. Two returning members were elected, Anne Phair and Alyssa Hanson. Jamie Blunden stepped down from his role as president, along with Brent Stephanson, Scott Pohl and Perry Pyett as boardVice-Presidentmembers. Ray Jar vis will be acting president until the executive positions are decided at the next board of directors meeting on Sep tember 1. “I would like to mention my fellow board members and thank them for their hard work through out the year. Some members were new to the board this year, and some members have spent a number of years committed to the Red Wings,” said Blunden in his president’s speech. “Every board member has taken the time away from their personal lives to contribute to the success of this organization. Your commitment is vital in keeping this organization moving ahead. “I would like to recog nize a number of individ uals who have made the decision to move on from the board. Their involve ment and dedication to the team over the years has been second to none. Brent, Perry and Scott – your time, wisdom and contri butions over the years were very much secutivetheturningaroundbooksgeneralreleaseddwellingfoundthatfromthroughout.thetheOnLet’sthethatstaff.theBlundenappreciated.”alsohighlightedeffortsofthecoaching“Thepositiveattitudewasputforththroughoutpastyearwasinspiring.notsugarcoatlastyear.paperitwasbrutal,butcoachingstaffensuredseasonwaspositiveThefeedbacktheplayersconfirmtheybelievedinyouandthepositivewithoutonthenegative.”Inthefinancialreport,duringtheannualmeeting,theteam’sreportedaprofit$6,000lastyear.RichardsonPioneerisreasthetitlesponsortoteamforthefourthconyear.
Board changes made at Red Wings AGM
Photo 9486 – Greg Nikkel Team White’s Braigh LeGrandeur, No. 15, raised his hand in celebration after scoring on Team Red during the in augural Eric Calibaba Cup on Sunday evening, only 11 seconds after their first goal of the game.Team Red players watching included Carsyn Crawford (No. 8), Kirk Mullen (No. 20) and Theo McGuire (No. 9). Team White went on to win by a score of 5-2. The game was formerly the Red-and-White game, and culminated training camp.
“Our belief in this group will not waiver,” added Mapes. “We believe that this is the right group to bring meaningful hock ey back to Crescent Point Place.”
The Weyburn Comp Eagles football team had an early start to the new season by playing an ex hibition scrimmage in Es tevan on Friday against the Estevan Elecs. The Comp Eagles will travel to Saskatoon on Fri day, Sept. 2 for an exhib ition jamboree. This trip will only be for the Grades 10, 11 and 12 players. The senior regular sea son schedule starts on the road at Yorkton on Friday, Sept. 9, at 7 p.m., then they will travel to Moose Jaw Central on Saturday, Sept. 17, with kickoff at 1 p.m. They will be at home versus the Estevan Elecs on Friday, Sept. 23 on the WMF Field starting at 7 p.m., followed by a home game versus Swift Cur rent on Saturday, Oct. 1 at 2 p.m.The Eagles will be at Moose Jaw Peacock on Saturday, Oct. 8, with game time at 1 p.m., then they will be at home ver sus Moose Jaw Vanier on Saturday, Oct. 15, with the kickoff at 4 p.m. The Junior Varsity sea son schedule will see the squad play at Moose Jaw on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at home against Moose Jaw Central on Wednesday, Sept. 28, and then at Lums den on Wednesday, Oct. 5.
Comp Eagles gear up for new football season
Running for a first down Photo 7738 – Ana Bykhovskaia, Estevan Mercury Weyburn Comp Eagles player Markus Paquet, No. 22, took off with the ball to make some yards, during an exhib ition scrimmage against the Estevan Elecs, held on Friday in Estevan. The Grades 10-12 Eagles players will be heading to Saskatoon on Sept. 2 for an exhibition jamboree.
Weyburn Review, Weyburn, Saskatchewan -- August 31, 20226 sports
Deflecting a shot in exhibition play Review Photo 9422 – Greg Nikkel Goaltender Braxton Singleton of Team Red deflected this goal attempt by Team White’s Trevor Sanderson (No. 28), at left, as teammates Andrew Low (No. 25) and Blake Betson (No. 23) watched. This was part of the action in the inaugural Eric Calibaba Cup culminating Sunday evening, with Team White winning 5-2.
Weyburn Red Wings hit the ice for fall hockey camp
Scoring a quick second goal Review
The Richardson Pioneer Weyburn Red Wings were on the ice for their fall hock ey camp over the weekend. The newly named Eric Calibaba Cup (formerly the Red-and-White game) featured the top 40 play ers during a game on Sun day evening. This event is named in honour of former assistant captain Eric Cali baba, a Radville alumni who played for the Red Wings from 2005-2009 and passed away in a car accident in June of 2019. Team White came out on top over Team Red by a score of According5-2. to head coach Cody Mapes, there were 22 players at the camp who had at least one full season of Junior A Hockey under their belt. “There are 83 out of 90 players in the camp who have U18 AAA experience, so this year’s camp was very competitive,” added Mapes. “We expected to have 10 players from south Sas katchewan, three of which are Weyburn players.” Red Wings hockey staff will include Mapes as the head coach and general manager, assistant coach Kevin Saworski, mental strength coach Kyle Mac Donald, director of player personnel Randy Pacholko, and injury prevention in cludes Marv Fox along with other staff members. In addition, scouts and other alumni from all over North America have reached out over the past year, offering to help if they can. “The past success of this organization will bring new success,” said Mapes. Community involve ment from the team will increase this year, as the plan is to have the whole team commit to 40 hours of community service a week. Players will be involved with minor hockey teams and camps, visit schools, and help local sponsors any chance they can. There will also be an “Ethics in Sports Commit tee”, where three members of the organization, plus one player to be named later, will ensure a safe en vironment for players and proper avenues of com munications for them. Looking ahead to the regular season, Mapes said, “we believe we have brought in the right play ers over the last year to be significant in the NCAA recruiting process. We have continued to be in contact with division one schools over the summer about a number of our players and, pending a good start to the year, expect our players to have some serious consider ation for scholarships.”