Dancers leap to ‘Fever’
The senior small jazz group danced to the song,“Fever”, as part of the season-end recital put on by Marley’s Dance Effex studio on Saturday. This group includes two graduating students, Maddie Gerry and Teresa Weger, along with Meaghan Weger, Josee Hutt, Dayton Kopec and Nevaeh Mellon.
The senior hip hop group for Marley’s Dance Effex performed a routine to the song, “Y2K”, to open up the dance recital for Marley’s Dance Effex. A total of 58 performances were held, in addition to solos and duos, and special performances by the graduating students.
Ballet dancers ‘Walking on Air’
The Pre-Junior Ballet group danced to the song,“Walking on Air”, as part of the “Love of Dance” recital put on by Marley’s Dance Effex.
Dancer Maddie Gerry performed a solo dance to the song,“Don’t Start Till You Get Enough”, as a farewell performance as she is graduating from high school. This was part of the showcase of dance put on by Marley’s Dance Effex studio as their season-end recital.
Tapping to the ‘Jet Set’
The pre-junior tap group danced to the song,“Jet Set”, as part of the season-end recital for Marley’s Dance Effex studio on Saturday at the Cugnet Centre. There were a total of 58 performances through the afternoon, including solo performances by the graduating dancers.