Weyburn Review - June 29, 2016

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6 - The Review, Weyburn, Saskatchewan, June 29, 2016

WJH Cobra Games

Students took part in three days of games as a finale for the junior high

Retrieving a piece of WJH history

Giant Jenga at WJH Cobra Games

Review Photo 11181 — Greg Nikkel

Willow Marr carefully removes a wooden piece without knocking the stack of wood over, as her competitor Hayley Pompu watches tensely at right, during the Weyburn Junior High’s Cobra Games on Friday. The games were held as a finale for the junior high school, as it closes its doors this week.

Doing sidewalk chalk art at WJH

Review Photo 11178 — Greg Nikkel

Weyburn Junior High student Shayla Moore colours in a chalk outline of herself on the sidewalk as she takes part in one of the activities for the school’s Cobra Games on Friday. There were a wide variety of games, races and community projects that students could sign up for as part of the school’s final days.

Eating frozen berries to kick off the WJH Cobra Games

Murray Benson and his daughter Brianna watch as Kenton Field extracts Brianna’s ceiling tile from when she was a student at the Weyburn Junior High, during an open pickup time on June 21. The school was open for three evenings for past students or their relatives or friends to come and pick up their ceiling tiles before the school is locked and boarded when Review Photo 11142 — Greg Nikkel it closes at the end of June.

Running through bouncy house obstacle course

Review Photo 11179 — Greg Nikkel

Alexi Sirounis does her best to run through the bouncy house obstacle course, which was set up as a featured activity for the Weyburn Junior High’s Cobra Games on Friday. There was also a bouncy-house bungee cord game set up as one of the new features for the day-long activities day.

Review Photo 11177 — Greg Nikkel

A select group of students attempt to eat a bowlful of frozen berries as the first challenge in the Cobra Games, a three-day celebration of the end of the school year and the end of the Weyburn Junior High, during an assembly on Thursday to kick the Games off. Numerous games and activities were set up Friday for all of the students to be involved in, and on Monday, students helped staff move equipment out of the school before having a gym blast in the afternoon. This was all to mark the end of the Weyburn Junior High, which closes its doors forever this week as the junior high grades move to the Comp in September.

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