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Chiropract ic represent ed at 76t h World Healt h Assem bly

WFC President , Dr John Malt by, leads non-st at e act or delegat ion

For the first time since before the pandemic, the WFCsent an in-person delegation to the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland

With a mandated reduction in non-state actor representation, the WFCdelegation comprised Dr John Maltby, Prof Richard Brown, Dr Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Prof Anthony Woolf (Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health), Dr Muhammed Tagari and Ms Tamia Abrahams (World Congress of Chiropractic Students)

The Assembly commenced on May 21 with a star-studded opening ceremony, which featured Director-General Dr Tedros Adenhom Ghebreyesus, former New Zealand Prime Minister

The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO, the UN agency responsible for public health

During the week of the Assembly, the delegation attended sessions, which included the passing of the first-ever resolution on strengthening rehabilitation in health systems The WFC co-hosted a side-event to celebrate the passing of the resolution, attended by ambassadors, diplomats and other non-state actors

This year, WHO celebrates its 75th anniversary and its achievements were celebrated However, the attention of the Assembly was drawn to global emergencies, sustainable financing and the drive to achieve Universal Health Coverage

WFCdelegates also met with WHO representatives from the Global Health Workforce, NCD, Violence and Injury, Healthy Ageing and Life Course and Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine departments Discussions were held regarding the Benchmarking for Training in Chiropractic project as well as expanding the chiropractic global health workforce and chiropractic's role in supporting healthy ageing

The WFChas been a non-state actor in official relations with WHO since 1997

Chiropract ic represent ed at 76t h World Healt h Assem bly (cont inued)

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