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CDAHK pushes for inclusion of chiropract ic as part of expansion of global healt h w orkforce
The Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK) recently published a paper titled "MeetingFuture Demand for ChiropracticServices in HongKong:AStrategic Manpower PlanningApproach." The paper highlights the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment in cases where traditional therapies have failed, with minimal associated adverse events
With the growing ageing population, prevalence of disabilities, and an increase in musculoskeletal conditions, the demand for rehabilitation services, including chiropractic care, has been on the rise. Over the past few years, the chiropractic profession has successfully raised awareness of the benefits of chiropractic treatment The paper identifies key factors influencing the chiropractic workforce's ability to meet the population's health needs, including high-quality training and education, licensing and regulation, interprofessional collaboration, increased accessibility, and research
To achieve the number of chiropractors required by Hong Kong for adequate service according to international standards, the paper makes a number of proposals, including increasing efficiency in licensing and registration procedures, expanding coverage of public and private insurance for chiropractic services, enhancing system integration and interprofessional collaboration between chiropractors and other healthcare providers, promoting public education on the benefits of chiropractic care; and encouraging local research to build evidence and support workforce growth and acceptance.
By addressing these factors, Hong Kong can ensure that it meets future demand for chiropractic services and provides its population with the highest quality care. The paper's strategic manpower planning approach serves as a roadmap for achieving this goal and supporting the growth and acceptance of the chiropractic profession in Hong Kong.
The CDAHK has also published a paper titled "Prevention-Focused Care:ThePotential Roleof Chiropractorsin HongKong's PrimaryHealthcare
Transformation " The paper discusses the shift in Hong Kong's healthcare system towards preventive and primary care to address the complex demands of the aging population. Chiropractic professionals are in a unique position to support a prevention-focused strategy by identifying musculoskeletal problems early, reducing risks, and promoting healthy lifestyles The paper argues that chiropractors should be involved in public health initiatives as well as policymakers' efforts to create a sustainable healthcare system that meets the long-term healthcare needs of the region.
Lastly, CDAHK has published a paper titled "RecognizingHong KongChiropractors' SickLeave Authority:Valuinga Conservative Approach to Workers' Compensation "
The paper addresses the issue of chiropractors' current inability to certify sick leave under Hong Kong's legislative framework, despite being registered healthcare practitioners This limitation restricts the effectiveness of chiropractic services for patients with musculoskeletal issues that may require time away from work
The paper provides an in-depth exploration of the evolution of chiropractic regulation in Hong Kong, the growth of the profession, and the delayed recognition of chiropractors' authority to issue sick leave certificates The chiropractic profession and its patients have long lobbied for this authority, but the government's response has been slow
For more information about these initiatives, see cda.org.hk.