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Science beneat h t he surface: Parker president becom es an aquanaut

?Dr Deep Sea?Joseph Dituri, Ph D , is a legend in diving, human space performance, military special operations, and therapeutic hyperbaric chambers. The university professor, researcher, and retired Navy deep-sea diver recently spent 100 days submerged undersea (at pressure*), discovering the effects prolonged hyperbaric (increased pressure) and increased oxygen consumption have on the human body

On March 31, 2023, Parker University President Dr. William E. Morgan joined Dr. Dituri in an undersea habitat in Key Largo, Florida, for 24 hours of his 2,400-hour quest. In doing so, Dr. Morgan became an ?aquanaut,?the undersea counterpart to an astronaut!

Dr Morgan, can you discuss t he physiological changes not ed by Dr Dit uri?s t im e under pressure?

Dr Dituri experienced a loss of height and body weight, reduced cholesterol, a 20%increase in that telomere length increases with hyperbaric exposure

While hyperbaric treatment positively affects the body, it can cause harm Oxygen at depth becomes toxic and causes CNSand pulmonary injury Decompression sickness, air embolisms, and nitrogen narcosis are associated with hyperbaric exposure Avascular necrosis of the bone (dysbaric osteonecrosis) happens with deep sea divers and is becoming common in recreational divers due to technology allowing divers access to deeper depths.

Why did you join Dr Dit uri underw at er for 24 hours?

As a Navy diver and qualified Special Operations Technician (diving medicine technician/combat diver), I have been familiar with hyperbarics after diving for 51 years I have concerns about hyperbaric therapy, as the chiropractic industry has inconsistent applications telomere length, a 1,000%increase in stem cell count, increased quality sleep, and inflammatory marker reductions For a 55-year-old, a 20%increase in telomere length is like reverse aging equaling 10 years Dr Dituri?s telomere length is now that of a 45-year-old Human and animal studies show

Years ago, we wanted someone to explain hyperbaric chamber therapy at a seminar. My Navy dive contacts suggested Dr. Dituri, now a frequent Parker Seminars speaker After visiting his hyperbaric clinic, I learned he was spending 100 days underwater I wanted to be involved!

Science beneat h t he surface: Parker president becom es an aquanaut (cont inued)

What did you gain from your experience?

I conceptualize the struggles space travelers undergo during deep space missions Hundreds of days in a spaceship can impact an astronaut In extreme environments, we see how humans adapt and mitigate effects When humans are exposed to weightless environments, they can develop osteopenia and sarcopenia. Future space travel may be in pressurized capsules equivalent to the marine lab to prevent bone and muscle loss I have treated astronauts and Navy deep sea divers and visited

NASA?s Human Performance Center I see why chiropractors should be familiar with the physiology of extreme environments.

I had 24 hours with Dr Dituri and participated in dives from the habitat One unique experience occurred when a volunteer dove down with pizza in a waterproof container for us! Are t here ot her clinically significant concept s for t he chiropract ic com m unit y?

To use hyperbaric treatment, become well-trained and certified Increased air pressure and increased concentrations and pressures of oxygen affect the human body

Studies show small doses of hyperbarics influence cell health and are associated with increased telomere length, impacting cell reproduction and longevity

Chambers are used in limb salvage, treatment of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, carbon monoxide poisoning, hypoxic brain injury, and secondary effects of COVID-19 Oxygen is toxic at pressure and in high concentrations Diving injuries can occur in a hyperbaric chamber

Science beneat h t he surface: Parker president becom es an aquanaut (cont inued)

Hyperbaric physiologists offer information about the ?pop?during an adjustment when gas bubbles in joints are released from fluid (tribonucleation) during an adjustment

Diving physiologists study this to understand decompression sickness and air embolisms. Outside of diving injury research, we learn about the mechanical effects of an adjustment from tribonucleation data from diving physiologists

Can you describe t he m arine habit at ?

Jules?Undersea Lodge, a 50-year-old marine undersea habitat formerly used for research off Puerto Rico, now relocated to Key Largo, Florida, features two three-meter-wide tubes (six meters long), a wet room containing the undersea entry port, dive gear storage, a shower, and a commode

We had surface-supplied air, water, and Wi-Fi! It is not too deep, helping to avoid hours of decompression upon returning to the surface

Will t his experience im pact Parker Universit y?

Parker University strives to improve human performance and remove barriers to surviving extreme environments like space and undersea habitats

NASA?s Human Performance Institute, the Olympic Training Center, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Performance Center, the Apple Campus, Harvard University, medical schools, and others welcome us! We see value in combining chiropractic and Master of Science degrees, like Functional Nutrition, Clinical Neurology, Strength and Human Performance, MSKPediatrics, and Research Methods.

*Navysubmarinersspend morethan 100 days submerged but remain at thesamepressureason the surface.

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