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'Let 's St art Wit h The Pat ient ' offers unm issable range of t op int ernat ional speakers

Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM is a remarkable human being A doctor, lawyer, scientist and disability advocate, he was the first quadriplegic medical intern in Queensland He was the first person to graduate as a doctor with a spinal cord injury

Dr Palipana is the opening keynote speaker at the 17th WFCBiennial Congress He sees health care through the unique lens of having been the victim of a catastrophic injury, patient, doctor and advocate for equity, diversity and inclusion He will speak at the first session of the Congress

'Let 's St art Wit h t he Pat ient ' offers unm issable range of t op int ernat ional speakers (cont inued)

'Let 's St art Wit h t he Pat ient ' offers unm issable range of t op int ernat ional speakers (cont inued)

The Congress will feature the strongest and most diverse speaker faculty ever assembled With a theme of 'Lets Start With The Patient', the Congress will focus on elements of patient-centered care, a subject that has compelling relevance to the entire chiropractic profession.

The Congress will take place in the exceptional Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre in the upmarket Broadbeach area of Gold Coast Its modern, state-of-the-art facilities will provide the perfect backdrop for this global event, which will attract attendees from each of the WFC's 7 world regions Sessions will include equity, diversity and inclusion, indigenous care, patient experience, maintenance care, care through the life course, and patient safety

The program also includes compelling panel discussions, ground-breaking research presentations and innovative workshops on topics such as pediatric care, rehabilitation, orthopedics, concussion management, sports chiropractic and business Technique primers will also be featured on the workshop program.

Networking is always a key element of the learning experience at WFCCongresses and there will be ample time to visit vendors at the Expo area, meet with researchers at the poster exhibition, reconnect with old friends and make new ones during the generous refreshment breaks

The social program kicks off on Wednesday evening (October 11) with our welcome reception. A traditional Aussie night will be held at the Sea World resort on Thursday (October 12), while a glittering gala banquet will close off the 17th WFCBiennial Congress on Saturday, October 14

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend a chiropractic event of this magnitude in one of the world's most iconic locations To find out more and to book your place at the 17th WFCBiennial Congress, go to the website at wfccongress2023.org.au.

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