Hist ory m ade as first African appoint ed as President

Hist ory m ade as first African appoint ed as President
Being from Africa, and South Africa in particular, I have learned that there is unity in diversity I believe this to be one of the strengths of the chiropractic profession too I stand firmly committed to a vision of service, education, and unity with diversity in the chiropractic profession. The WFCis driven by a holistic approach that recognizes the importance of advancing chiropractic education, empowering practitioners worldwide, and fostering inclusion in decision-making processes
At the core of chiropractic practice is a commitment to people-centered care. Initiatives to enhance patient access to chiropractic services, promote interdisciplinary collaboration, and advocate for policies that prioritize patient safety, autonomy, and well-being, should be championed This underscores the vision of the WFC: Aworld whereall people, of all ages, in all nationshaveaccess to evidence-based, people-centered, interprofessional and collaborativechiropracticservicesso that populationscan thriveand reach their full potential.
Diversity and inclusion have increasingly been a focus of many sectors Inclusion is not merely a goal but a guiding principle The WFCwill actively promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the profession, ensuring that every voice is heard and represented in decision-making processes, and fostering a culture of respect, understanding and collaboration
Together we must support advocating for policies and initiatives that elevate standards of practice, promote evidence-based care, and enhance professional development opportunities for chiropractors at all stages of their careers Each chiropractor in their community can get involved by searching for opportunities.
The WFCexists to support and empower local chiropractic communities, collaborate with regional organizations to address unique challenges and opportunities, and represent the profession on the
global stage, advocating for recognition and integration into healthcare systems worldwide I invite you to afford the WFCthe honor of supporting your journey
Education and research lie at the heart of our profession's growth and success. Expanding access to high-quality chiropractic education globally is a priority This includes fostering collaboration between educational institutions, promoting research, and embracing innovative teaching methods These initiatives aim to prepare the next generation of chiropractors Promoting and supporting research is what opens doors and allows us to speak from the same podium as all other healthcare providers. It keeps us relevant and focused. Research will provide the vessel to be involved in the delivery of Universal Health Coverage
Across the globe, chiropractors have diverse needs and aspirations Allow the WFCto be accessible and responsive in our support for colleagues, providing resources, mentorship, and
platforms for networking and collaboration to foster professional growth and well-being
Together, let us embark on a journey of transformation, advancing the profession and improving the lives of patients and practitioners alike. Thank
you for your support.
What an amazing time to be a chiropractor What an incredible journey this profession has undertaken. I am deeply honored that I get to be entrusted with the profession's journey for the next two years. The overwhelming number of
The Board of Directors of the World Federation of Chiropractic met May 16-18 in Montreal, Quebec for the first meeting of the newly constituted team. Chaired by outgoing president John Maltby, the new Board included four new members: Pernille Popp from Denmark; Yi Kai Wong from Malaysia; Dale White from the USA: and Hayden Thomas from New Zealand Deb Manz, Chair of the WFC succession planning committee and Rebekah Wilks, WFCstrategy and policy director were also present
Minutes of the online board meeting held in February 2024 had been previously circulated and were approved as an accurate record
Under matters arising, the Secretary General reported on a recent visit to Bahçe?ehir University, Istanbul, where he was given a tour of the campus and brought up to date with the developments of the chiropractic program at the university. The Secretary-General also provided the board with a comprehensive update of his activities since the previous meeting
The board received an update in respect of the WFC's Non-State Actor status with the World Health Organization and the ongoing work with various departments, including Traditional Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Healthy
messages has been humbling. Yet, I am not alone. My journey has been filled with many great men and women who have gone before me I also am blessed to have my own personal circle of wise elders And together, we will make this profession better KdS
Ageing, Rehabilitation, and Health Workforce The board was also provided with an update in relation to the WHO Benchmarks for Training in Chiropractic project.
Members of the board provided updates in respect of progress and challenges in their individual regions It was noted that concerns continued in relation to the provision of short, unaccredited chiropractic courses in areas of the world without regulation. It was agreed that this was harmful for the progress of the profession and presented dangers to the public when individuals inappropriately held themselves out as qualified chiropractors
Under matters of governance, the board discussed the risk register and updates were provided in relation to various elements of the WFC's activity around the world. The Board received and adopted an Office and Administration report.
The board passed two new position statements relating to social determinants of health and quality of care It was agreed that these would be posted on the WFCwebsite.
Under finance, the board received minutes of the most recent meeting of the Finance Committee, a financial risk report and final financial statements
for 2023. A revised budget was also presented to the board.
A financial request for assistance, submitted by the World Congress of Chiropractic Students (WCCS), in support of its annual general meeting in Mexico, was unanimously approved. Reports from the three standing committees (Public Health Committee, Research Committee and Disability and Rehabilitation Committee) were received and adopted
On day two of the meeting, a strategic planning
workshop was undertaken in the form of a World Cafe style Questions considered within the workshop related to better understanding the needs and expectations of members, achieving consistency in education and practice, and innovative strategies to diversify revenue streams Each theme generated a range of ideas from board members.
With the impending retirement of the current Secretary-General at the end of June 2025, succession planning was discussed and a report was received from the chair of the Succession Planning Committee The board noted that
planning was well advanced and the strategy for succession was agreed
The board received a report from the secretary general in relation to upcoming meetings and events, with a particular focus on the Education Conference in Malaysia and the 17th WFCBiennial Congress in Copenhagen.
The theme for the 2024 World Spine Day was presented to the board by the WSD Committee co-chair, Rebekah Wilks
A preview of the new WFCmultilingual website was presented and the board was notified that this would launch imminently
On day three of the meeting, the board received excellent and informative presentations from the national associations of Abu Dhabi, Canada, Japan, and Malaysia, all of whom were candidates to host the 19th WFCBiennial Congress, to be held in 2027
The Board elected its executive officers for the ensuing term, appointing Kendrah Da Silva as president, Ryan Coster as vice president, and Holly Tucker as secretary-treasurer.
The next meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on August 13, 2024
WFCBoard of Directors2024-2026
Kendrah Da Silva (President) African Region
Ryan Coster (Vice-President) North American Region
Holly Tucker (Secretary-Treasurer) North American Region
Carlos Ayres Latin American Region
Glenn Guilderson North American Region
Andrew Lawrence Pacific Region
John Maltby North American Region
Jakob Lothe
European Region
Efstathios Papadopoulos Eastern Mediterranean Region
Pernille Popp
European Region
Hayden Thomas Pacific Region
Dale White
North American Region
Yi Kai Wong Asian Region
Sidney Rubinstein DC, PhD (Chair) Netherlands
Claire Johnson DC, MSEd, PhD (Chair) USA
Katie de Luca MAppSc, PhD (Chair) Australia
Richard Brown DC, LL M (Secretary General)
Rebekah Wilks BS, DC (Director of Strategy and Policy)
Khalid Salim (Finance & Administration Manager)
Sarah Villarba (Administrative Assistant)
Professional standards in chiropractic play a pivotal role in shaping the practice, ethics, and credibility of chiropractors worldwide These standards encompass a comprehensive framework of ethical principles, clinical competencies, and professional behaviors that guide practitioners in their interactions with patients, colleagues, and the broader healthcare community. Upholding these standards is not only essential for ensuring quality care and patient safety but also for fostering global consistency and advancing the profession's integration into healthcare systems worldwide First and foremost, professional standards serve to protect the welfare of patients. Chiropractic care focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, often serving as an alternative or complement to conventional medical treatments Patients rely on chiropractors to deliver safe, effective, and evidence-based care tailored to their individual needs Adherence to professional standards ensures that chiropractors maintain high levels of clinical competence, stay updated with advancements in research and practice, and uphold ethical principles such as patient confidentiality and informed consent. By adhering to these standards, chiropractors demonstrate their commitment to providing quality care and safeguarding patient well-being
Moreover, professional standards enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of chiropractic as a healthcare profession. In an increasingly interconnected global healthcare landscape, credibility is crucial for chiropractors to collaborate effectively with other healthcare providers, participate in interdisciplinary care teams, and advocate for policies that support patient access to chiropractic services By maintaining ethical integrity, practicing evidence-based care, and engaging in continuous professional development, chiropractors contribute to building a positive reputation for the profession and establishing trust
among patients and stakeholders alike
The global importance of professional standards in chiropractic lies in their role in promoting consistency and harmonization across different countries and regions. While cultural, regulatory, and educational differences exist, fundamental principles of professionalism - such as clinical competence, ethical conduct, and patient-centered care - are universally applicable Consistency in these standards ensures that chiropractors can practice safely and effectively regardless of geographic location or training background.
Harmonization of professional standards also facilitates mobility and recognition of qualifications internationally Chiropractors who adhere to recognized professional standards can more easily obtain licensure, practice rights, and accreditation in different countries This mobility not only benefits individual practitioners seeking career opportunities abroad but also promotes the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and
Richard Brown, WFCSecretary-General
A consistent approach to professionalism in chiropractic strengthens the global chiropractic community by fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and collective advancement.
By aligning educational curricula, clinical guidelines, and ethical codes, practitioners can engage in meaningful dialogue, participate in international conferences, and contribute to global initiatives aimed at improving musculoskeletal health outcomes. This collaboration allows chiropractors to learn from each other's experiences, integrate diverse perspectives into practice, and collectively address challenges facing the profession on a global scale.
Furthermore, a unified commitment to professionalism supports the development of a cohesive identity for chiropractic within the broader healthcare system. As chiropractic continues to evolve and integrate into mainstream healthcare settings, adherence to professional standards ensures that practitioners are well-prepared to meet the evolving needs of patients, engage in interdisciplinary care teams, and contribute to evidence-based practices that enhance healthcare delivery and outcomes
As we seek to make steady progress as a profession, standards in chiropractic matter. By adhering to these standards, chiropractors demonstrate their dedication to patient safety, clinical excellence, and ethical integrity and, importantly, garner trust among our key stakeholders Furthermore, professional standards facilitate harmonization across international borders, enhance professional credibility, and strengthen the global chiropractic community through collaboration and knowledge exchange
As chiropractic continues to expand its role in healthcare systems worldwide, a unified commitment to professionalism will be instrumental in advancing the profession's integration, improving patient outcomes, and promoting the well-being of communities globally RB
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World Federation of Chiropractic, 2 St Clair Avenue West,Toronto, Ontario M4V1L5, Canada
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Khalid Salim ksalim@wfc org
Sarah Villarba svillarba@wfc.org
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Following a meeting of its Board of Directors in Montréal, Canada, the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) is pleased to announce the election of its Executive Committee for the term 2024-2026.
Dr Kendrah Da Silva, of Pretoria, South Africa, has been elected as the WFC?s new President Dr Da Silva, is a renowned chiropractor with extensive experience in both clinical practice and academia. She represents the WFC?s African region on the Board and has served previously in the role of vice-president.
Having served three terms as president of the Chiropractic Association of South Africa (CASA), Dr Da Silva brings a wealth of knowledge, political acumen and passion for chiropractic. As the first board member from the African region to serve as WFCPresident, her appointment marks a significant milestone as she is set to lead the organization into a new era of innovation and global outreach
"I am honored to take on the role of President at such a pivotal time for the chiropractic profession," said Dr Da Silva.
"Our goal is to enhance the global recognition of chiropractors as key members of the health workforce and to support our member national associations in promoting and advancing the chiropractic profession.
"With a new strategic plan and exciting projects in train, we are consistently working to ensure that the WFCadds value in advocating for evidence-based, people-centered, interprofessional and collaborative chiropractic care
"Around the world, we see chiropractors changing the lives of people, helping them to live healthier, happier and more active lives By communicating the benefits of chiropractic and by ensuring that our member national associations are supported, we will expand our global footprint I couldn? t be more excited about stepping into this role and working to ensure that access to chiropractic features as part of universal health coverage in all nations.?
Dr Ryan Coster, of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada becomes Vice-President, having served previously on the Executive Committee as Secretary-Treasurer.
As president of the New Brunswick Chiropractic Association and owner of a large multidisciplinary practice, Dr Coster was recently recognized with a public service award from the Canadian Chiropractic Association and, for his services to healthcare, he was the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal in his native New Brunswick.
Having trained in Australia and with an MBA from a Swedish university, he brings a truly global perspective to the Executive Committee
Dr Holly Tucker, of Wilmington, North Carolina, joins the Executive Committee as its newly elected Secretary-Treasurer
A member of the American Chiropractic Association, she serves
as the North Carolina state representative to the ACA?s House of Delegates.
She owns and runs a private practice and, having interned at the World Health Organization, has a
particular interest in public health. She also works as a consultant on financial matters for an organization supporting chiropractors
Other member of the Executive Committee
are Dr John Maltby, who has been invited to serve in the capacity of Immediate Past President, and Prof. Richard Brown, who continues as Secretary-General
Canadian Chiropract ic Associat ion delivers successful bid for 2027
The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) is delighted to announce that the 19th WFCBiennial Congress will be held in the vibrant city of Vancouver, British Columbia The congress, scheduled for May 5-8, 2027, promises to bring together chiropractic professionals from around the globe for an inspiring and educational event in one of Canada?s most beautiful and dynamic cities.
Vancouver, renowned for its stunning natural scenery and diverse cultural landscape, provides an exceptional backdrop for the congress The event will be hosted at the Vancouver Convention Centre, a state-of-the-art facility located on the downtown waterfront with breathtaking views of the mountains and ocean.
Vancouver was selected by the WFCBoard of Directors following a competitive bidding process, which also featured bids from Abu Dhabi (Emirates Chiropractic Association), Penang (Association of Chiropractic Malaysia) and Tokyo (Japanese Association of Chiropractors) The winning bid was supported by Destination Vancouver and the city?s Convention Development Fund.
Support for the CCA?s bid came from Canada?s Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Justin Trudeau PC, MP, as well as Members of Parliament and leaders from other leading Canadian chiropractic organizations
?We are truly excited to bring the WFCBiennial
h WFC Biennial Congress t o be held
Congress to Vancouver,?said Dr Kendrah Da Silva, president of the World Federation of Chiropractic. ?Vancouver?s unique blend of natural beauty and urban sophistication makes it the perfect location for our global community to convene, share knowledge, and advance the field of chiropractic ?
Dr Russell Baron, Chair of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, also expressed enthusiasm for the upcoming congress. ?Hosting the WFCBiennial Congress in Vancouver is a tremendous honor for Canada and the Canadian chiropractic community
"This event will not only showcase our country?s commitment to advancing chiropractic care but also provide an unparalleled opportunity for professional growth and international collaboration,?
?We look forward to welcoming our colleagues from around the world to experience the best of what Vancouver and Canadian chiropractic have to offer.?
The 2027 WFCBiennial Congress will feature a comprehensive program of scientific sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities designed to foster collaboration and innovation in chiropractic care Attendees will have the chance to engage with leading experts, explore cutting-edge research, and participate in hands-on
In addition to the professional development opportunities, delegates will be able to enjoy Vancouver?s rich cultural offerings, world-class dining, and outdoor activities. From the bustling markets of Granville Island to the serene trails of Stanley Park, Vancouver offers a wealth of experiences for visitors to enjoy Vancouver is also a hub of innovation and sustainability, known for its green initiatives and vibrant arts scene.
The city?s diverse culinary landscape offers something for every palate, from fresh Pacific seafood to international cuisine reflecting its multicultural population. Visitors can explore historic neighborhoods like Gastown, visit the renowned Vancouver Art Gallery, or take a stroll along the scenic Seawall.
The WFCBiennial Congress is a cornerstone event for the chiropractic profession, providing a platform for practitioners, researchers, and educators to connect and share their expertise
The 2027 Congress in Vancouver is expected to attract participants from across the WFC?s seven world regions, reflecting the global reach and impact of the chiropractic profession
As a non-state actor in official relations with the World Health Organization, the WFCsent a delegation to the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA), which is held annually at the United Nations Palais de Nations in Geneva, Switzerland
Over the course of the week, the delegation, led by Secretary-General Prof. Richard Brown, observed proceedings, met with WHO personnel and learned more about how we can develop our engagement in global public health
The WFC's commitment to working with WHO is set out in the 11th of the WFC?s 20 Principles (www wfc org/principles): ?We believe that chiropractors should be responsible public
health advocates to improve the well-being of the communities they serve.?
The 77th World Health Assembly, held in Geneva, Switzerland, brought together global health leaders to address pressing health issues. Key outcomes included the adoption of a resolution to strengthen primary healthcare, a commitment to advancing universal health coverage, and the approval of a new budget to enhance the World Health Organization's (WHO) capacity to respond to global health emergencies
The Assembly also focused on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and climate change's impact on health. Mental health was prominently featured on the
agenda, with member states recognizing the urgent need to address the global mental health crisis. The assembly adopted a resolution to scale up mental health services, integrate mental health into primary care, and combat the stigma associated with mental illness
The 77th World Health Assembly marked a significant milestone in global health governance, with member states making bold commitments to improve health systems, advance universal health coverage, and enhance the WHO's capacity to respond to health emergencies. The Assembly's outcomes reflect a collective determination to address pressing health issues, promote health equity, and build a healthier, more resilient world for all
The WFChas launched a brand new redesigned website, https://www.wfc.org/, offering a seamless user experience in multiple languages
Our innovative platform leverages cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to personalize the language experience and continuously improve its accuracy
?We are thrilled to unveil this dynamic website that caters to a global audience,?said Secretary-General Richard Brown.
?The WFCis committed to promoting chiropractic care worldwide, and this multilingual platform removes language barriers, ensuring everyone has equitable access to valuable information.?
The WFC?s new website features include:
- Multilingual Support: users can access the website in various languages, with a groundbreaking machine learning system that personalizes the translation and adapts to user preferences and corrections over time This ensures a more intuitive and accurate language experience with each visit
- User-Friendly Design: the website boasts a clean and user-friendly design, optimized for easy navigation across all devices, from desktops and laptops to tablets and smartphones. This ensures accessibility for everyone, regardless of their location or technical expertise.
- Comprehensive Content: the website provides a wealth of information about chiropractic care and the organization itself Visitors can explore the history and core principles of chiropractic
practice, along with its role in global public health. As a chiropractor, a patient, or someone who is simply curious about chiropractic care, the WFCwebsite serves as a comprehensive resource
?The machine learning aspect of our website is truly groundbreaking,?added the Director of Strategy & Policy, Dr Rebekah Wilks.
?This technology will not only personalize the user experience but also continuously improve the accuracy of the translations, ensuring clear and consistent communication across languages.?
The WFC?s new website is a valuable resource for patients, healthcare professionals and anyone interested in learning more about chiropractic care.
In May, WFCSecretary-General, Prof Richard Brown, was invited to join a delegation of The Chiropractic Association (Singapore) (TCAS) at the Singapore Ministry of Health to discuss the urgent need for regulation and registration of chiropractors in the country. Chiropractic practice is currently unregulated in Singapore, leading to numerous issues such as the abuse of professional titles, misrepresentation by unqualified individuals, unsafe practices, and the exploitation of the public's trust
Since becoming the WFCMember national association in 1989, TCAShas been dedicated to promoting and upholding the highest standards in the education, conduct, and practice of member chiropractors in Singapore TCASenforces a strict code of ethics among its members, maintains a framework to address misconduct, and advocates for evidence-based, people-centered,
SingaporeMinister of Health, Hon Ye KungOng(fourth from left) with Richard Brown and other TCASmembers
interprofessional, and collaborative chiropractic care.
The primary objective of the meeting with the Ministry of Health was to persuade the authorities to include chiropractors on the list of specified professions under Singapore?s Allied Health Professions Act.
This inclusion would create a statutory register and subject chiropractors to professional regulation, ensuring that only qualified and
competent practitioners are allowed to offer chiropractic services
Singapore?s Minister of Health, the Honorable Ye Kung Ong, listened attentively to the compelling arguments presented in favor of regulating chiropractors
He acknowledged the current unsatisfactory situation and promised to investigate further, showing an openness to considering the proposed regulatory measures.
During his visit to Singapore, Prof Brown also presented a seminar to TCASmembers, focusing on the World Health Organization?s Rehabilitation 2030 initiative and the new WHO Guideline for the Non-Surgical Management of Chronic, Primary Low Back Pain in Adults.
His seminar emphasized the importance of these global health initiatives and their relevance to chiropractic practice
This visit and the ensuing discussions mark a significant step towards achieving better regulation of chiropractic care in Singapore By establishing a statutory register and enforcing professional regulations, the Ministry of Health can ensure that chiropractic services are safe, effective, and trustworthy for the public
Oct ober 31 - Novem ber 2, 2024
Kuala Lum pur Convent ion Cent re, Kuala Lum pur, Malaysia
This year's highly anticipated WFCEducation Conference heads to the exciting and dynamic city of Kuala Lumpur
Taking place between October 31 and November 2, the conference will explore the intersection of technology and innovation in shaping the future of chiropractic education
Traditionally attended by the chiropractic profession's educational community, WFC Secretary-General Richard Brown, stresses that this is an event for a much wider range of attendees
"Education is the foundation stone of the chiropractic profession and is fundamental to its growth and success," he says. "The sustainability of chiropractic in countries around the world is based upon a culture of delivering high quality, evidence-based chiropractic education with programs that are internationally accredited and which produce chiropractors that are able to seamlessly transition into the global health workforce
"Supporting and promoting chiropractic education is therefore everyone's responsibility, including national association leaders, testing agencies, accreditation bodies and even students themselves We look forward to welcoming everyone with an interest in chiropractic education to Kuala Lumpur "
Hosted at Malaysia's leading event venue, the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), in the shadow of the iconic Petronas Towers, this conference will bring together educators, practitioners, researchers, policymakers and industry experts to share insights, discuss best
practices and explore emerging technologies that can revolutionize chiropractic education
The conference will feature keynote and plenary presentations, interactive workshops, and the latest education research and networking opportunities.
Conference objectives include the following:
1. Explore the latest technological advancements and innovations applicable to chiropractic education
2 Discuss the potential impact of technology on teaching methodologies, curriculum design
and student engagement
3. Foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among educators, practitioners, researchers and industry leaders.
4 Identify strategies to leverage technology for enhancing diagnostic skills, treatment techniques and patient outcomes
5 Address challenges and opportunities associated with integrating technology into chiropractic education
6. Inspire participants to embrace innovation and adapt to the evolving landscape of technology and healthcare education.
Previous attendees of the WFC's Global Education Conference will be familiar with its mix of plenary sessions, panel discussions, presentation of education research and workshops. This year's conference will also feature a visit to International Medical University for a tour of the institution and a cocktail reception.
The conference's preferred accommodation venue is the Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur, part of the Shangri-La group. Commanding a prime central location, it boasts outstanding views of the Petronas Towers, and provides sleek comforts and simplified luxury. Just a short, covered walk to the KLCC, Traders Hotel is in the very heart of the city and is also close to the prestigious Suria KLCC Mall
Kuala Lumpur boasts a well developed infrastructure, making it convenient for visitors to navigate. The efficient public transportation system, including the MRTand the monorail, connects various parts of the city.
Kuala Lumpur's multicultural environment is a significant draw for visitors coming to Malaysia The city is a melting pot of various ethnicities, including Malay, Chinese, Indian and others. This diversity is reflected in the city's architecture,
festivals and cuisine, providing a rich cultural tapestry to explore.
Food enthusiasts will find Kuala Lumpur a gastronomic paradise The city offers a vast array of cuisines, from traditional Malay dishes to Chinese, Indian and international fare. Street food stalls, night markets and upscale restaurants serve up delicious delicacies, allowing visitors to embark on a culinary adventure.
Wednesday, October 30
- Onsite registration opens
- Expo set-up
- Welcome reception, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Thursday, October 31
- Registration
- Conference day 1
- Welcome and opening ceremony
- Keynote and plenary sessions
- Research presentations and workshops
Friday, November 1
- Conference day 2
- Keynote and plenary sessions
- Research presentations and workshops
- Tour of International Medical University and cocktail reception
Saturday, November 2
- Registration - Conference day 3
- Keynote and plenary sessions
- Research awards - Consensus statements
- Closing ceremony
For more information, visit the conference webpage at www wfc org/educonf2024
In April, WFCSecretary-General, Richard Brown, was in Istanbul, where he met with President of the Turkish Chiropractic Association, Umut Yasa, and leaders from the WFCEastern Mediterranean region?s only chiropractic program, housed at Bahçe?ehir University.
Currently, chiropractic training at Bahçe?ehir comprises a two-year conversion undertaken principally by physiotherapists and medical doctors.
During the meeting, aspirations to obtain ECCE accredited status were outlined along with the construction of a new outpatient clinic
Discussions focused on the global burden of MSK disorders, the need to strengthen the spinal health and rehabilitation workforce, and the opportunities to raise the profile of chiropractic in Türkiye
The WFC's Global Patient Safety Task Force has published a powerful call to action in the journal Chiropractic and Manual Therapies
The paper draws attention to global patient safety issues relevant to chiropractic, introduces key principles and calls for the profession to actively engage with WHO?s Global Patient Safety Action Plan
The WFCGlobal Patient Safety Task Force offers a structured framework to align essential patient safety considerations in chiropractic care with WHO's strategic objectives. By embracing these prescribed action steps, the chiropractic profession can foster an inclusive and dedicated culture that prioritizes patient safety This
commentary advocates for a unified effort within the chiropractic community to commit to and implement these principles, advancing patient safety collectively The framework emphasizes continuous education, rigorous standards of practice, and collaborative approaches to healthcare, ensuring that chiropractors are equipped to deliver safe, effective, and patient-centered care. Engaging the entire chiropractic community in this mission will drive significant improvements in patient outcomes and public trust.
Reference: Coleman BC, Rubinstein SM, Salsbury SA, Swain M, Brown R, Pohlman KA The World Federation of Chiropractic Global Patient Safety Task Force: a call to action Chiropr Man Therap 2024 May 13;32(1):15
Claire Johnson DC, PhD
The WFCPublic Health Committee (PHC) continues to develop chiropractic-relevant materials to address public health information needs for the profession
The role of the PHCis to advise the WFCBoard in the area of public health as it relates to the practice of chiropractic and provides information to individuals and communities served by chiropractors globally This may include, but is not limited to, the identification of public health priorities, implementation of health promotion activities, public health campaigns and activities congruent with priorities of the WFCand the World Health Organization (WHO)
The current PHCplan is tied to the first strategic objective stated in the 2024 to 2029 WFCstrategic plan ?Create Stakeholder Value: We will identify needs and expectations of member national associations and help to deliver workable and measurable solutions that drive growth and sustainability ?
The focus of the PHCgoals relates specifically to Public Health and Health Promotion:
a) Develop public health policy and/or position statements for professional, national, and international levels.
b) Educate the profession about public health and how to apply public health and prevention in chiropractic practice
c) Inform the public about the roles that the chiropractic profession may contribute to improving public health
d) Improve interdisciplinary collaborations and relationships on a global level (related to public health).
The PHCinvites you to view the weekly posting of PHC social media The purpose is to distribute current public health information that is especially relevant to the chiropractic profession globally The focus includes any public health related topics that are relevant to the chiropractic profession ?with an emphasis on evidence-based public health, health promotion and prevention information that is useful for chiropractors to apply in practice.
At the invitation of the Mexican Ministry of Sport, chiropractors were represented in significant numbers at a prestigious sports medicine conference in Monterrey, Mexico.
Michele Maiers, Matthew Antonucci, Nicky Kirk, Nicholas Studholm, Leonard Wright and Richard Brown lined up alongside speakers from the highest levels of sport medicine, including elite sports practitioners, psychologists and physiologists from around the world
In the international context of the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024 and the 2026 FIFA World Cup MEX-USA-CAN, the National Commission of Physical Culture and Sport (CONADE) and the Mexican Paralympic Committee (COPAME) presented the International Multidisciplinary Summit on Medicine and Applied Sciences in Sports.
This exciting event, where medicine and the world of sports converged, offered a unique platform for participants to exchange knowledge, explore the latest advances in sports medicine, and strengthen the global sports community.
Distinguished experts from various fields gathered to share their cutting-edge research and experiences on topics critical to the
Chiropract ors feat ure st rongly at Mexican int erdisciplinary sport s m edicine conference
prevention, diagnosis, and advanced treatment of sports injuries Additionally, the summit featured interactive workshops and panel discussions designed to foster interdisciplinary collaboration among professionals from different specialties
The event was masterminded by Raul Carrillo, the National Director of Sport at the Mexican Ministry of Sports. A chiropractor himself, Dr Carrillo is a graduate of Northwestern Health Sciences University
Over the course of four days, attendees delved into how various branches of medicine and applied sciences intersected within the realm of sports, all with the goal of providing the best possible care to current and future athletes. The event highlighted the integral role of sports medicine in enhancing athletic performance and ensuring the health and well-being of sports figures
This congress served as a pivotal opportunity for those seeking to expand their knowledge and improve their clinical practice in sports medicine. Participants had the chance to engage with internationally renowned experts who comprised the teaching team, offering invaluable insights and guidance The event was meticulously organized to facilitate meaningful exchanges of ideas and best practices, ultimately contributing to the advancement of sports medicine and the holistic development of athletes
By bringing together a diverse group of professionals, the summit underscored the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in addressing the complex challenges faced in sports medicine
This grand event not only celebrated the convergence of medicine and sports but also set the stage for future innovations and collaborations in the discipline
The event was also attended by a number of
chiropractic students and faculty from Universidad Verecruzana, where the school of chiropractic is housed within the faculty of medicine
WFCSecretary-General Prof. Richard Brown was invited to address the students in relation to chiropractic worldwide and the diverse opportunities available to graduates, particularly in the area of sports medicine
Speaking after the event, Prof. Brown said, "This was an outstanding event featuring speakers from the very highest levels of sports medicine
To have had the opportunity to spend time with sporting legends and experts from such a diverse range of fields in the sports medicine community was unprecedented
"The fact that we now see chiropractors being invited to speak at events of this caliber speaks for itself Chiropractors are now embedded at the very highest levels of sport With unrivaled psychomotor skills, combined with expertise in biomechanics and a biopsychosocial approach to neuromusculoskeletal care, chiropractors are now being recognized across sporting disciplines worldwide "
Welcome to the 2025 WFCWorld Congress! The WFCand the DCA are thrilled to present an unforgettable experience for chiropractors from around the globe.
The 18th WFCBiennial Congress offers an unmissable array of event activities and opportunities to expand your knowledge and network within your field.
Locat ion, locat ion, locat ion!
The Congress will be held at the prestigious Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center in the heart of Copenhagen.
This modern conference center provides fantastic facilities and a light, spacious atmosphere for all participants With the hotel and conference center under one roof, you can enjoy a comfortable and connected experience without worrying about transportation between locations.
in culture, history, and modern innovation. Several social events have been arranged in conjunction with the congress, providing opportunities to explore the city's charm and network with colleagues in relaxing and inspiring settings. Copenhagen seamlessly blends historic charm with cutting-edge innovation. From the cobbled streets of Nyhavn to the modern architecture of the Opera House, the city offers a unique atmosphere that?s both inspiring and welcoming.
We recognize the importance of networking and exchanging ideas in informal settings. Therefore, we have planned several exciting social events:
- Welcome Reception: kick off the congress with a welcome reception where you can meet other participants and enjoy delicious snacks and drinks.
The Tivoli Hotel features numerous amenities, including a fitness room, pool, rooftop bar, and concierge services Upgrading to the executive level offers additional perks, such as rooms with stunning views over Copenhagen and inclusive breakfast
Beyond the Congress events, participants will have the chance to experience Copenhagen, a city rich
- Danish Night: immerse yourself in true Danish culture and hospitality at Langelinie Pavillonen This iconic venue offers an unforgettable evening with traditional Danish cuisine, party, and dance, all set against a panoramic sea view Enjoy the cozy Danish concept of "hygge" on the spacious outdoor porch overlooking the sea and the Little Mermaid.
Copenhagen calling: WFC Congress May 7-10, 2025!
- Gala Dinner: conclude the congress with a spectacular Gala Dinner at the Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center. This magical evening will feature an exquisite dinner, a well-stocked bar, and music until the early hours When the festivities end, simply take the elevator to your room for a restful night
Researchers?Day and St udent Track
The WFCCongress will feature special events for both established researchers and students
- Researchers?Day: scheduled for Wednesday, this event focuses on research with engaging talks, debates, and discussions Organized in collaboration with the QFCand researchers from the Chiropractic Knowledge Hub, Researchers? Day is a must-attend for those interested in the latest chiropractic research.
- Student Track: designed for the next generation of chiropractors, the Student Track offers a blend of talks, workshops, and networking opportunities to help students bridge the gap between their education and chiropractic practice This track is tailored to be relevant and
educational, providing valuable insights for students.
Find out m ore
For more information about the WFCWorld Congress, visit our website at www.wfc25cph.org
Sign up for the congress newsletter to receive the latest updates and news directly in your inbox.
Join us for a transformative experience at the 18th WFCCongress in Copenhagen Expand your horizons, connect with peers, and be part of the future of chiropractic.
October 16th marks the globally recognized World Spine Day, a pivotal event uniting health professionals, exercise experts, public health advocates, and communities worldwide in a powerful initiative to raise awareness about spinal health challenges and promote preventive measures
Support Your Spine is the inspiring theme of World Spine Day 2024, encouraging individuals of all ages and backgrounds to champion evidence-based strategies for maintaining spinal health
This year's campaign aims to empower people globally, emphasizing the importance of proactive spinal care through education, advocacy, and community engagement The campaign's symbol, a distinctive blue and green ribbon, serves as a unifying emblem of solidarity and global awareness
prevention efforts and implement robust management strategies for spinal conditions."
Join us in making a difference this World Spine Day! Visit www worldspineday org to learn more about the campaign, access educational resources, and discover how you can get involved. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on events and activities leading up to October 16th
With an estimated one billion people affected by spinal pain globally, and low back pain ranking as a leading cause of years lived with disability worldwide, the need for action is paramount. World Spine Day serves as a crucial platform to highlight these staggering statistics and mobilize efforts to address the impact of spinal conditions on individuals, families, and communities
From workplaces to schools and within our neighborhoods, fostering healthy habits is essential for supporting spinal well-being throughout life's stages
The campaign urges everyone to prioritize physical activity, avoid prolonged periods of inactivity, and adopt healthy lifestyle choices such as maintaining a healthy weight and quitting smoking
Dr Rebekah Wilks, Co-Chair of the World Spine Day Global Executive Committee, underscores the significance of this initiative: "World Spine Day provides a unique opportunity to collectively address global concerns surrounding spinal health.
"Our goal is to empower individuals to lead
The Zealift Weightlifting Championships, held from June 1st to 3rd at IWK Eco Park, marked a step forward for sports chiropractic in Malaysia The participation of the Sports Chiropractic Council of Malaysia (SCCM) in this event highlighted the growing recognition and importance of chiropractic care in sports, particularly among weightlifters
The preparations for the event began with a pre-event briefing at Insight Chiropractic, where the team discussed treatment plans, logistics, and equipment needs. Over the preceding week, the team gathered all necessary tools to ensure smooth operations The event spanned three days, with two shifts each
day: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 7:00 pm. The SCCM team comprised six chiropractors and one student volunteer, supported by an on-site physiotherapist, significantly enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the care provided
The championship attracted a diverse group of participants, including athletes of varying ages, genders, and weight classes The SCCM team utilized International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS) consent and treatment forms for meticulous record-keeping, ensuring thorough assessment and safety. Over the three days, 70 individuals received chiropractic care, including 43 athletes, 7 coaches, and 20 supporters and vendors The treatments focused on hands-on techniques, with additional use of IASTM, massage guns, and dynamic tapes Notably, dry needling was excluded from the treatment options due to the nature of the event.
The event was not only a success in terms of the number of treatments provided but also in showcasing the role of chiropractic care in sports The presence of SCCM at the Zealift Weightlifting Championships opened up networking opportunities within the
weightlifting community and beyond. This engagement helped to demonstrate the multifaceted benefits of chiropractic care, including injury evaluation, treatment, and management tailored specifically for athletes
The participation of SCCM in the Zealift Weightlifting Championships is a testament to the growing recognition of sports chiropractic in Malaysia It underscores the commitment of chiropractors to provide specialized care that enhances athletic performance and supports overall well-being
As we look forward to more such events, the future of sports chiropractic in Malaysia appears promising, with increasing awareness and acceptance among athletes and the broader community
This milestone event has paved the way for further integration of chiropractic care in sports, promoting a holistic approach to athlete health and performance
The success of SCCM?s participation in the Zealift Weightlifting Championships is an indication that sports chiropractic in Malaysia is on an upward trajectory, contributing significantly to the health and success of athletes
The southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, home to one of the first chiropractic educational programs in Latin America, has faced its worst catastrophic flooding in recorded history
showingimagestaken after thefloods
Entire towns were submerged across 471 affected cities, with over 200 people killed or still missing more than two months after the rains battered the state In the wake of this crisis, over 420,000 people were displaced from their homes and had to seek shelter elsewhere
Voluntary Brazilian chiropractors rose to meet this disastrous scenario: the Brazilian Chiropractic Association helped rally over 100 chiropractors in a coordinated group, sharing local needs on a daily basis and dispatching volunteers to see patients who needed it the most. Thousands of people have been directly benefiting from the work of this dedicated team of chiropractors, some of whom traveled more than 1,000 kilometers to help
NGOs are collaborating to meet the needs of 18,853 people who have been under private or public shelters, helping to identify the needs of the affected population and the volunteers themselves They are working tirelessly to support both humans and animals who lost their homes and have nowhere else to go. World
Doctors and Chiropractic Without Borders (Quiropraxia Sem Fronteiras), Brazilian NGOs that work on harm reduction for people in socially vulnerable conditions, are providing quality healthcare during this ongoing crisis
As healthcare professionals deeply connected to their local communities, chiropractors organized more than 30 locations in 12 different cities where services were available in the months following the disaster. These efforts are resulting in thousands of people gaining access to chiropractic care, many for the first time in their lives.
Beyond the clinical care, chiropractors have been leading fundraising campaigns, donating chiropractic tables and materials to colleagues whose clinics were lost, and offering helping hands in receiving, organizing, and distributing donations They are also helping to clean up homes as the water levels begin to drop All five Brazilian chiropractic educational programs have led efforts of their own in support of Rio Grande do Sul.
If you feel inspired to help by sending equipment or funds to support local efforts, please contact the Brazilian Chiropractic Association at presidencia@quiropraxia.org.br. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by this disaster
The French Chiropractic Association (AFC) held its annual convention on Friday, March 15 and Saturday, March 16 At the end of a vibrant program, the board of directors met to elect its new president, Elodie Rousset. She succeeds Audrey Yargui.
The 2024 general meeting of French chiropractors aimed to transform the event into a genuine congress with an engaging program.
The highlight was a talk by mentalist Fabien Olicard, who discussed the human brain in a unique lecture-show format. Olicard, a popular figure with over two million YouTube followers, attracted nearly 200 chiropractors and future chiropractors to the event
The congress featured high-quality scientific content, including lectures on managing lumbar stenosis and overweight patients, and interpersonal communication workshops for chiropractors
Saturday?s Annual General Meeting sparked lively debate, particularly about empowering the Board of Directors to sanction members who violate by-laws and the code of ethics
After intense discussions, it was decided that the code of ethics, an important instrument and source of strength and pride for the AFC, should allow for penalties against members who breach its provisions Specifically, discussion focused on unethical commercial practices in chiropractic, decisively banning all forms of advertising and flat-rate billing to prevent commercial abuse.
In the context of lobbying, the French Chiropractic Association advocated for professional rules, enforceable by health authorities, contrasting with the association?s internal regulations and code of ethics that bind only its members.
Elodie Rousset succeeded Audrey Yargui as the new president of the association A chiropractor from Lyon, Rousset joined the AFCBoard in 2017 and became vice-president in 2021 She played a significant role in enhancing chiropractic's online visibility and managed the response to the
ElodieRousset hassucceeded AudreyYargui asAFCPresident
#chirogate crisis, orchestrated by the Ordre des masseurs kinésithérapeutes (Physiotherapists Council
Rousset has also assisted members with patient disputes since 2021
In her inaugural message, Rousset emphasized the ambition to gain healthcare professional recognition for chiropractors in France while maintaining their freedom to practice, a goal shared by the World Federation of Chiropractic and its national association members.
The Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) held its semi-annual National Convention and Tradeshow (NCT) on April 19-20 in Toronto.
The event, whose theme was ?A team approach for a healthy future,?attracted members from across the country and from abroad.
As well as an array of thought-provoking speakers CCA increased the number of hands-on sessions, creating
valuable opportunities to learn from chiropractic peers.
?It was a privilege to welcome so many colleagues, new friends, and healthcare experts to talk about how we can best serve our patients working with a collaborative lens,?said Dr Ayla Azad, CCA CEO.
?NCTis a great opportunity for the profession to come together, improve our knowledge through research, and learn about new trends and breakthroughs in the
profession. It also helps build our community and create connections for further collaboration and lifelong friendships!?
CCA was honored to welcome Dr Michael Christensen, the president of the Danish Chiropractic Association, who highlighted the upcoming 17th WFCBiennial Congress in Copenhagen in 2025.
Also in attendance was Dr Mufudzi Chihambakwe,
Canadian Chiropract ic Associat ion celebrat es t he profession at NCT?24
president of the African Chiropractic Federation, in attendance
In addition to many compelling speakers, the conference had a strong finish with keynote speaker Dr Alika Lafontaine, past president of the Canadian Medical Association, speaking about the importance of interprofessional collaboration
This NCT showcased the CCA's largest tradeshow yet featuring innovative products and services from 43 exhibitors Members were able to earn valuable CE/CCcredits by participating in engaging sessions led by Canada's top healthcare leaders
CCA also took pride in celebrating chiropractic excellence at the Chiropractic Hall of Fame Gala and Awards Ceremony
Ten individuals were honored for their contributions to the profession, to research, and to the wider chiropractic community.
There were special tributes to Professor Richard Brown, Secretary General of the WFC, and Dr David Wickes, outgoing president of the Canadian Chiropractic Memorial College Dr Ryan Coster, newly elected as WFCVice President, was also recognized with an award for public service.
The CCA is now looking forward to welcoming Canadians and attendees from around the world when it reconvenes for NCT?26 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
For a look at what all the excitement was about, please watch the CCA's brief recap video: https://youtu be/IMjhip73P10
The Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK) actively collaborates with various stakeholders to promote chiropractic care, foster interprofessional projects, drive technological innovations, and engage in policy reviews
Dr Valerie Chu, Chairlady of CDAHK, works closely with the presidents of major medical, dental, and healthcare associations to enhance healthcare collaborations.
She also manages CDAHK's social media channels, effectively promoting the association's initiatives
Leading chiropractors and stakeholders from CDAHK regularly attend the National Day dinner, providing opportunities to interact with key political leaders
Founding Chairman Dr Vincent Chan has been instrumental in educating leading insurance companies, such as AIA Group Limited, on the benefits of chiropractic care for managing conditions non-invasively He educates AIA employees on how chiropractic care can benefit their clients
Healthcare technology is another key focus for CDAHK.
The association's Honorary Chairman, Dr Eric Chu, collaborates with the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Baptist University, mentoring students and professor-entrepreneurs on establishing healthcare businesses.
He advises on translating healthcare innovations into clinical practice, attracting investors, developing marketing strategies, recruiting talent, and building profitable ventures. Dr Chu's team won the champion title in the Dean's Cup Business Innovation Gymnasium (BIG) competition hosted by the HKBU School of Business, earning a substantial cash prize and the opportunity to compete in Portugal
CDAHK actively participates in the Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair, which attracts over 2,800 participants from 40 countries Executive Committee members Drs Jacky Yeung, Kary Lam, Anthony Lai, and other
Membersof theCDAHKattend theHongKongInternational Medical and HealthcareFair
CDAHK chiropractors attend this event, which addresses global health issues, drives innovation, fosters collaboration, and promotes inclusivity in the healthcare industry.
Through these collaborative efforts, CDAHK plays a crucial role in advancing the chiropractic profession, driving technological innovations, and fostering interprofessional partnerships within Hong Kong's healthcare industry.
Recently, government agencies have issued warnings that people pretending to represent regulatory agencies have been targeting licensed or regulated professionals.
Scammers mask (?spoof?) phone numbers and forge official letterheads so that they appear to represent the regulatory board They have just enough information available from public websites to seem to be authentic, including license or registration numbers.
This new audience of professionals, particularly doctors, represents a lucrative target
The scam involves seeking private information and eventually demanding a bond payment while the individual is under investigation for drugs or money laundering by state and federal authorities Sometimes this will be presented as necessary to reverse the alleged ?suspension? currently in place In other cases, the scammer may state that the license has been stolen
The scammers have gone so far as to set up fake board websites and telephone centers so that if a license holder uses the information on the correspondence they will be directed to the phony regulatory board
In Ohio, USA, a pharmacist was convinced by the phone scammers that her license had been linked to a drug probe in Texas, and that a warrant had been issued for her arrest She was told to put $500,000 into a bond account while the investigation ensued Over three months, complying with the direction of the fake Ohio regulatory board, she ended up taking out loans and transferring her savings totaling $750,000 directly into the hands of scammers.
Official warnings have recently been issued by the governments in Ohio, New York, Texas, Iowa, Illinois, New Jersey, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Tennessee, Utah, California, Michigan, Hawaii, Arizona, Delaware,
and Oregon, to name a few
Although no international cases have yet been identified by the International Chiropractic Regulatory Society (ICRS), Executive Director Donna Cohen, says there is no doubt this scheme will spread
New Jersey?s Attorney General recommends the following:
Don? t trust a call or letter from someone you don? t know. License information can often be easily found online, and scammers will use it to make it seem like they are legitimate authorities.
Never give out personal or financial information unless you?ve verified you are speaking to the right person
If you want to determine whether a message is credible or if you?re concerned about changes to the status of your license, look up contact information for your licensing board independently and contact them directly
Do NOT call the number on the letter and do NOT follow any links. Use the board?s actual website to find the legitimate contact information.
Links that take you directly to chiropractic regulatory boards worldwide are available at the International Chiropractic Regulatory Society website: https://www.chiroregulation.org/links.html
Regulatory boards will NEVERdemand personally identifying information (e g social security number, date of birth, bank, or credit card account numbers) over the phone
Boards will NEVERthreaten licensed or regulated professionals There are many steps involved in regulatory discipline, all of which represent due process and are carefully designed by law to protect the rights of the licensee as well as the public Deadlines for each step are always carefully enumerated
The chiropractic community is experiencing a vibrant surge of professional growth and collaboration, marked by a series of significant events across Latin America These gatherings, ranging from symposiums to international congresses, are fostering an exchange of knowledge, innovative practices, and networking opportunities among chiropractors and related medical professionals.
On May 4-5, 2024, Santiago, Chile hosted the 2nd Chilean Symposium of Chiropractic and Neurology, attracting more than 70 colleagues from across the country and internationally, including Mexico and the USA This event provided a unique platform for chiropractors from different generations who graduated from the AECCand Central University to share knowledge and experiences
The symposium featured esteemed speakers from the AECCand Central University, all of whom have trained in Functional Neurology at the Carrick Institute and Neurosolutions The discussions ranged from the latest advancements in neurological chiropractic to practical applications in patient care The event concluded with the formation of the Chilean Society of Neurological Chiropractic (SCHQN) and the presentation of future projects in
research and continuous training.
Held from June 5-10, 2024, in Monterrey, Mexico, the First Interprofessional Multidisciplinary Congress of Sports Medicine was a resounding success The event stood out for its high-quality
panelists and flawless organization It brought together experts from various medical disciplines, including chiropractors, nutritionists, psychologists, and Olympic winners, fostering an environment of collaboration and learning.
The conference covered a wide range of topics, from the latest research in sports medicine to innovative techniques for athlete rehabilitation Dr Nick Kirk and his Parker University Neurorehabilitation team represented chiropractic, delivering insightful talks on vestibular problems, functional neurology, adjustments, and taping.
A highlight of the summit was Dr Raúl Carrillo, a chiropractor recognized as the most important figure at the congress for his role in organizing the event and assembling a distinguished list of speakers. Dr Richard Brown also had a notable presence, discussing Rehabilitation 2030, the
new WHO guidelines, and chiropractic's role in public health and sports
From Puerto Rico, eight chiropractors from the Central Caribbean University attended, including Dr Mayda Serrano and Dr Jorge Castillo, contributing to the evaluation of presented research and participating in the Academic Committee.
Sym posium of LA LEY DE TOPE: "Physiology in t he Art of Chiropract ic
The third symposium organized by LA LEYDE TOPEwas held on June 8-9, 2024, in Ixtapan de la Sal, Mexico This group of chiropractors aims to promote the profession through the development of upright and proactive leaders, providing clinical and human tools in a challenging environment.
The symposium's objective was to explain the physiology behind popular chiropractic techniques based on recent scientific evidence, enhancing the understanding of spinal adjustments to better serve patients
The participation of over 150 chiropractic professionals and students underscored the importance of such events in enriching and improving the profession in Latin America
III Lat in Am erican Chiropract ic Congress (FLAQ)
Scheduled for August 15-17, 2024, in Lima, Peru, the Latin American Chiropractic Federation (FLAQ), in collaboration with the Association of Chiropractors of Peru (AQP), will host the 3rd Latin American Chiropractic Congress at Hotel José Antonio Deluxe.
The congress aims to gather chiropractors from the region to exchange knowledge with a focus on the three pillars of chiropractic: philosophy,
science, and art. This event offers networking and personal growth opportunities for Latin American chiropractors. For more information, visit the website by clicking here.
On August 16, 2024, the Latin American Chiropractic Federation (FLAQ) will hold its annual meeting at Hotel José Antonio Deluxe in Lima, Peru The meeting aims to establish closer contact with national associations to better understand the needs of the chiropractic profession in Latin America Elections for the new board directors will also take place during the meeting.
The Chiropractic Brazilian Association (ABQ) will host the IXBrazilian Chiropractic Congress from November 13-16, 2024, in Balneário Camboriú-SC, Brazil. This event is anticipated to be a significant gathering for chiropractic professionals in the region
Malachai Clements, a third-year Bachelor of Science (Chiropractic) student at CQUniversity Brisbane, is driven by his upbringing in Weipa, Far North Queensland, where accessing basic chiropractic care involves traveling hundreds of kilometers Inspired by the healthcare disparities he witnessed in Cape York, Malachai aims to establish the first permanent chiropractic clinic in the Western Cape region to serve remote Indigenous communities.
?Growing up in Weipa, I saw the need for better spinal health firsthand For most Australians, the nearest chiropractor is a 20-minute drive away; for us, it?s a 12-hour journey, if the roads aren? t flooded,?Malachai explained His personal experiences ignited a passion for chiropractic care, fueled by a desire to help his community and a fascination with biology
At CQUniversity, Malachai has thrived with abundant learning opportunities and support, particularly from Chiropractic Head of Course, Dawn Dane, and Associate Professor Katie de Luca, who are guiding his research into spinal care needs in Cape York
Malachai?s ambitions extend beyond Australia; as a proud Indigenous man, he aims to promote cultural inclusivity in healthcare Selected as one of 40 International Youth Delegates to the 2023 Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc 's Youth Leadership Summit in Nuku?alofa, Tonga, Malachai's global perspective on healthcare equity was further galvanized
Looking ahead, Malachai envisions organizing chiropractic service trips to the Torres Strait and Pacific Island nations in partnership with CQU, aiming to provide essential care and educational experiences that foster culturally-inclusive chiropractors
Through his journey at CQUniversity and beyond, Malachai Clements embodies a commitment to bridging healthcare gaps and advocating for equitable access to chiropractic care worldwide
CQU chiropracticstudent Malachai Clementsiscommitted to bridginghealthcaregapsand promotingUniversal Health Coverage
Dr Louis Sportelli, president of the NCMIC Foundation, Inc., was recently recognized as the recipient of the Lee-Homewood Chiropractic Heritage Award during the 43rd annual conference of the Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC) at Palmer College of Chiropractic Port Orange on June 15
The Lee-Homewood Chiropractic Heritage Award honors living individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the chiropractic profession.
Dr Sportelli has made a lasting impact on the chiropractic profession and the healthcare system during his remarkable 25 years with NCMICand nearly 60-year career.
?It?s Dr Sportelli?s unwavering dedication and unparalleled passion for the chiropractic profession that sets him apart,?said Wayne Wolfson, DC, President, NCMIC
?Through his leadership and interest in patient care, education, and research, he has made our profession stronger and contributed toward the future ?
Over Dr Sportelli?s almost six-decade career, he has been an advocate for chiropractic and has contributed to the advancement of chiropractic care within the health delivery system
?This recognition is a testament to his efforts and a reflection of the collective dedication and passion of the chiropractic community,?Wolfson said.
Accomplishments of Dr Sportelli include serving as president of the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Society from 1974 to 1975, member of the Board of Trustees of the Blue Mountain Health Systems Hospital Network from 1988 t o 2019, and chairman of the Board of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) from 1989 to 1990.
He also served as president of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) from 1998 to 2000, president of NCMICGroup, Inc and National Chiropractic Mutual Holding Company from 1995-2015, and president of the NCMIC Foundation, Inc 2015 to present.
SportAccord is the premier annual gathering of international sports federations (IFs), International Olympic Committee (IOC) representatives, and sports industry businesses
The event provides a vital platform for stakeholders in the sports world to connect, collaborate, and shape the future of international sports This year's SportAccord was held in Birmingham, UK, attracting over 1,500 representatives
L>RDrsBradleySandler, Faye Deaneand Brian Nookat the 2024 SportAccord
The Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS) consistently participates in SportAccord to build relationships with IFleaders. FICS's main goals are to educate sports leaders about the benefits of sports chiropractic, secure opportunities for FICSchiropractors at international events, and emphasize integrating sports chiropractors into event medical teams
This involvement underscores FICS's commitment to enhancing athlete care and its influence in the global sports community
At SportAccord 2024, FICSengaged with over 17 IFs, developing Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and Service Agreements to integrate FICS chiropractors into event medical commissions
These agreements ensure that sports chiropractors are recognized as essential components of medical teams at international sporting events
The success of FICSin securing these positions is a testament to the dedication and volunteerism of its members, whose contributions at past events have significantly raised the profile of sports chiropractic.
FICSmembers have been pivotal in spreading awareness and encouraging other IFs to incorporate sports chiropractic services into their athlete support systems. The growing network of support highlights the importance of sports chiropractic in maintaining athlete health and performance. This progress would not have been possible without the selfless contributions of volunteer chiropractors who dedicate their time and expertise to support athletes at various events
The leadership within FICShas played a crucial role in advancing the organization's mission and securing its place in the sports world.
Newly-appointed FICSSecretary-General position, Dr Brian Nook, stated, "As I step into this important role, I do so with humility and gratitude for the dedication of past and present leaders. Their efforts have successfully brought sports chiropractic to the forefront, ensuring it is increasingly recognized and integrated into the medical support structures at major sports events worldwide "
In April, the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) held a roundtable meeting at Westminster, London, as part of Chiropractic Awareness Week and the BCA?s ?Celebration of Chiropractic?
The event marked the first time in 30 years the profession hosted a roundtable at the Houses of Parliament The principal object of the meeting was to drive forward the BCA's member-driven agenda to make chiropractic more integral to UK healthcare
The United Kingdom, as with many developed and developing nations, is grappling with a rapidly escalating musculoskeletal (MSK) health crisis, significantly straining the National Health Service (NHS) and impairing workforce productivity This pressing issue has drawn broad consensus on the necessity for immediate and effective intervention
The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reported that in 2022/23, musculoskeletal disorders were responsible for 6 6 million lost workdays due to work-related ill health, ranking as the second highest cause of absenteeism after 'stress, depression, or anxiety?
The Government has acknowledged the severity of this crisis. Initiatives, such as additional funding for MSK hubs and the inclusion of MSK disorders as one of the six major health conditions in the Major Conditions Strategy Despite these efforts, waiting times for treatment, including for MSK conditions, continues to grow
The BCA is the largest and oldest professional association in the UK, representing nearly 2000 regulated chiropractors Many patients are turning to chiropractors as their first point of contact for MSK treatment due to difficulties in securing NHSappointments, particularly since the Covid-19 pandemic However, there remains
a lack of a coherent strategy to integrate the profession into the broader healthcare system as a means of alleviating the burden on public sector MSKservices.
This roundtable aimed to forge a unified approach, encouraging innovation and collaboration across sectors moving forward Among the guests were prominent stakeholders including ex-Minister of Sport, Richard Caborn, Past ARMA Chair Anthony Woolf, the Rt Hon Caroline Noakes MP, George Freeman MP, AHP Research Chair Dawn Cairnes, WFC
Secretary-General Richard Brown, General Chiropractic Council CEO and Registrar Nick Jones and Mark Gurden, President of the Royal College of Chiropractors
By bringing together diverse stakeholders the goal is to develop strategies that effectively mobilize chiropractors within the healthcare system. This could enhance access to MSK treatment, reduce NHSwaiting times, and ultimately improve patient outcomes
In a significant milestone for the chiropractic profession in Israel, the "Law for Regulating the Occupation of Health Professions in Israel" has undergone crucial amendments
Originally enacted in 2008 and expanded to include chiropractic in 2010, the law faced hurdles due to a lack of specific regulations for issuing licenses However, recent changes have set the stage for a more structured and regulated chiropractic practice in the country
The move comes after years of lobbying and advocacy from the WFCMember for Israel, the Israel Chiropractic Society, whose longstanding president Dr Tsahi Cohen has been at the forefront of the efforts to achieve statutory recognition.
The amended law now allows a transition period of up to two years, depending on the practitioner's experience, for currently practicing chiropractors
This update includes the establishment of necessary regulations, enabling the Ministry of Health to begin issuing licenses to chiropractors
New chiropractors aspiring to practice in Israel must meet a comprehensive set of conditions laid out by the law and regulations.
To become a licensed chiropractor in Israel, applicants must meet several stringent criteria
They must be adults who hold either Israeli citizenship or residency Additionally, they should not suffer from any contagious illnesses and must
maintain a clean criminal and disciplinary record Educationally, candidates are required to possess a chiropractic doctor?s degree or an equivalent second degree, which must be recognized by the Director General of the Ministry of Health and adhere to the standards set by the Council on Chiropractic Education International (CCEI).
In addition to basic eligibility, aspiring chiropractors in Israel must fulfill specific conditions to obtain licensure
They need to complete at least 600 hours of practical training as part of their degree program Their chiropractic studies must also receive
validation from the relevant authority in the country where they were completed, confirming that they meet the examination requirements for a chiropractic license in that country
For those with less than five years of practice in Israel, a six-month period of supervised work at an accredited hospital, working between 20-40 hours per week, is mandatory Finally, applicants must successfully pass an oral examination
Chiropractors who have practiced in Israel for more than five years are exempt from supervised work and the oral examination but must meet all other licensure conditions
The new legislation offers a robust framework for regulating the chiropractic profession in Israel. It protects the use of the title "chiropractor," making improper use a criminal offense
To ensure accountability, the Ministry of Health will maintain a statutory register of all licensed chiropractors.
Although there is no dedicated oversight body like a General Chiropractic Council, the legislation establishes a disciplinary committee to address any deviations from legal and ethical obligations. This framework aims to uphold high standards within the chiropractic profession and protect public health.
This regulatory framework ensures that chiropractic care in Israel is aligned with international standards, fostering professionalism and safeguarding public health. The Ministry of Health's new licensing process is a critical step towards integrating chiropractic services into Israel?s healthcare system, ensuring that all chiropractors are adequately qualified and competent
The recent amendments mark a new chapter for chiropractors in Israel, promising a future where their profession is recognized and regulated, ultimately benefiting both practitioners and patients.
As the transition period progresses, the landscape of chiropractic care in Israel will undoubtedly evolve, reflecting the commitment to high standards and continuous improvement in healthcare services.
In May, the American Chiropractic Associatin (ACA) entered an agreement with the New Hampshire Chiropractic Association (NHCA) to provide association management services
NHCA will continue to function as an independent organization, with its own governance, while ACA manages its daily operations.
This new arrangement will allow NHCA to leverage ACA?s expertise in association management but also to benefit from its deep understanding of chiropractic issues and its strong relationships across the industry
NHCA became interested in ACA?s association management services after learning about the growth and stability experienced by the Minnesota Chiropractic Association and the Alabama State Chiropractic Association, which both have contracted with ACA in recent years to manage their operations
Coming in October 2024, ACA will host National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM) with the theme, ?Chiropractic: Plan for a Strong Healthspan ?
The theme will promote the importance of maintaining a healthy musculoskeletal (MSK) system The term ?healthspan?is used today to describe the years we live in good health, without major chronic illnesses and disability, and able to do the things that matter most
Along with cardiovascular health, metabolic health and other factors, the importance of a healthy MSKsystem is recognized as a key component in extending healthspan
Throughout October, chiropractors in the U S will share information on the importance of maintaining a strong and healthy musculoskeletal system as we age.
The Murdoch University Chiropractic Program is a well-established clinical immersion program in which final 5th year Chiropractic students develop community liaison skills while contributing to the community, providing a well-being service free of charge. This program has been successful for many years in the Kimberley, Mid-West and the Pilbara regions of Western Australia and presents a unique opportunity for industry to partner with the university and support local allied health outcomes
Each year, small teams of students travel to
country centers to provide services under supervision to various communities at no charge to the people of the regions. This program has been in existence since 2006 and outreach clinics have been operated right across the northern regions of Western Australia
The Chiropractic program at Murdoch University has a proud record of providing pro-bono services to community and Aboriginal/Indigenous organizations and non-urban country communities since 2006. The program?s outreach teaching clinics offer Aboriginal and people who live in regional, rural, and remote communities,
health screenings and chiropractic services to which they otherwise may not have access. These services are greatly appreciated and strongly supported by the staff and people of the communities they serve The placements typically operate as pop-up clinics for 2 weeks at a time where teams of 5-8 students under supervision travel to the regions and provide pro-bono care Prior to participation in any placement, the students all complete Aboriginal cultural awareness training and ?clinical yarning?modules. Once on placement, orientation as to local Aboriginal cultural sensitivities, history and context are provided by senior local Aboriginal people, often outdoors ?on Country?In some centers, since the placements have now been conducted for many years, a regular ?patient-base?has developed where locals eagerly await the arrival of the ?back mob?People of all
ages and culturally diverse backgrounds access the services Often students provide services at local sporting and community centers and sometimes even compete in weekend sporting fixtures Murdoch University chiropractic is the only health practitioner undergraduate program in WA where all students are expected to complete a non-urban placement.
The genesis of the project involved collaboration between mining companies, town shires, and Murdoch University This support initially was allocated toward the placements in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions for over ten years With changes in the global financial situation, support from the larger mining multinationals ceased and the program continued with the support mainly
of the Australian Chiropractors?Association and the WA Centre for Rural Health (WACRH).
The chiropractic program at Murdoch University received its initial intake in 2002 and has since graduated over 900 chiropractors who are now practicing all around the world The program has a proud record of providing practitioners to the regions where there is a pressing need for health professionals and services.
The placement program has been managed since 2019 by Dr Lyndon Amorin-Woods Over the years, he has established relationships with people in local communities, local government, and community leaders across the north-west of the state. Lyndon, originally from the country himself, has a deep interest in health promotion and public health and improving the health and
well-being of people in non-urban regions.
At country outreach clinics since 2006, students have provided around 20,000 health checks and treatment visits, corresponding to well over AUD$1 million in opportunity cost health service value While this project primarily involves the treatment of spinal pain and other physical problems, it also encourages healthy living through health promotion, thus improving quality of life for disadvantaged people.
The appreciation of the service is perhaps best exemplified in feedback from a country resident who visited one of the regional outreach clinics:
?I'vesuffered neckand backpain for about a decade and seen countlessphysiosand chiros. Instead of lookingat just onearea, she gavemean understandingof how other areascould be contributing/causing. I actuallyfeel likethe possibilityof beingpain freeisachievable now? .
The program has also been found to increase the likelihood that graduates will return to practice in the country by up to 5 times, helping to address workforce shortages in the regions outside of
cities. There is ?flow on?benefit in the cultural learning and patient care the students take back to their lives and future practice Even in the cities, this is of consequential value to students and the communities they serve There is evidence also of value of the cultural awareness and orientation training students undertake as part of the experience
The program was officially endorsed by The Hon Roger Cook MLA, Deputy Premier, Minister for Health; Mental Health, and Hon Mick Murray MLA, Minister for Seniors and Ageing
The Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA) has a new Registrar
Ms Esther Pillay-Naidoo, a lawyer with extensive experience in health and care regulation, was recently appointed to oversee the statutory regulator This covers not only chiropractic but also a range of other allied health professions
Reflecting on the significance of her new role, she expresses both pride and a sense of responsibility, highlighting the opportunity to shape policies and standards that impact allied health professions across South Africa The role encompasses administrative duties, regulatory oversight, and fostering of professional development
Ms Pillay-Naidoo acknowledges the challenges
ahead, including navigating complex regulatory frameworks and managing diverse stakeholder expectations. She emphasizes the need for resilience, diplomacy, and a forward-thinking approach to successfully fulfil the council?s mission.
In response to the challenges facing healthcare regulation in South Africa, Ms Pillay-Naidoo identifies several key issues. Fragmented regulatory bodies and lack of coordination pose significant hurdles in ensuring consistent and effective enforcement of regulations across healthcare sectors Technological advancements also present challenges, requiring agile regulatory frameworks to balance innovation with patient safety and privacy Addressing corruption within the healthcare sector is another critical issue, crucial for maintaining the integrity of healthcare services
As Registrar, Ms Pillay-Naidoo outlines three primary objectives: education, public and student awareness, and growth and diversity
She prioritizes the development of norms and standards for education within allied health professions. This initiative aims to establish a cohesive framework that ensures quality education, facilitates professional growth, and enhances national and international recognition of South African qualifications Standardized education not only ensures consistent quality of services but also fosters public trust in healthcare professionals
Creating awareness of allied health professions is crucial for recognizing their vital role in healthcare delivery Ms Pillay-Naidoo seeks to educate the public about the diverse services provided by allied health professionals, encouraging informed healthcare decisions Similarly, enhancing student awareness aims to
broaden career opportunities and address unemployment challenges by aligning educational outputs with market demands
Finally, promoting growth and diversity within allied health professions is central to Ms Pillay-Naidoo?s agenda By advocating for equal opportunities across cultural, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds, she aims to create a more inclusive workforce Supporting underrepresented groups in allied health careers not only fosters professional development but also contributes to societal equity
Ms Pillay-Naidoo is keen to invite engagement from stakeholders, emphasizing collaboration in advancing healthcare regulation and education in South Africa
Ms Pillay-Naidoo?s appointment as Registrar marks a pivotal moment in enhancing healthcare standards and educational opportunities within allied health professions in South Africa. Her vision for cohesive education, increased awareness, and inclusive growth underscores a commitment to shaping a robust healthcare landscape for the benefit of all stakeholders
A leading chiropractor in the province of New Brunswick, Canada, has been recognized for his service as a firefighter
In May, Dr Norman Skjornsberg, affectionately
Department ServiceAward.
known as 'Dr Norm', received a 25 year Fire Department Service Award for his dedicated commitment to the community in which he lives. The award included a medal presented from the Province of New Brunswick to accompany the 20-year fire service medal received from the federal government.
As part of the Grand Bay-Westfield Volunteer Fire Rescue, Dr Skjornsberg has served as firefighter, Lieutenant, Captain and Training Officer from 1999 to 2015 and has held the role of District Fire Chief since.
A 1993 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic, Dr Skjornsberg has served as secretary, vice-president and president of the New Brunswick Chiropractic Association (NBCA), a position he held for 14 years
Across two recent events, the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) has honored three important leaders in the chiropractic profession.
ICA President, Dr Selina Sigafoose Jackson was honored by the Fellows of the ICA with the ICA Chiropractor of the Year award Dr Selina who practices with her husband Dr Kevin Jackson in York, Pennsylvania is the daughter of Dr James Sigafoose, known around the world as "Jim," "Sig" and "Sigafoose the Great," he was a tireless crusader, encouraging chiropractors to more fully appreciate the power and significance of the chiropractic adjustment, as well as the healing capacity possessed by all She, like all her siblings, chose chiropractic as their career
Dr Sigafoose Jackson continues her father?s
his son, John Maltby, Jr chose to follow his father into the chiropractic profession
At the Upper Cervical Council Forum, leading Upper Cervical Chiropractor, Dr David Mayer, was honored by the ICA with the James Sigafoose Award for his more than six decades of service to the chiropractic profession
The honor was accepted by his daughter, Dr Julie Mayer Hunt who with her son Dr Travis Mayer Hunt joined Dr Mayer's practice in Clearwater, Florida, as chiropractors Dr Mayer initially practiced the toggle technique as directed by Dr B J Palmer while working with him in the lab at Palmer) Dr Mayer went on a few years later to study with Dr John Grostic, and adopted the Grostic procedure for his clinic, which then developed into the Orthospinology Procedure Mayer Chiropractic continues to utilize the Orthospinology Procedure half a century later.
legacy Her daughter, Kloe is a chiropractic student, due to graduate this year.
ICA Past President, and the Immediate Past President of the World Federation of Chiropractic, Dr John Maltby, Sr was honored by the ICA Board with the Herbert Ross Reaver Award for his tireless work on behalf of the ICA and the chiropractic profession. After his military service,
A spokesperson for the ICA commented, "The Sigafooses, the Maltbys and the Mayers are part of a growing legacy within the chiropractic community in which children and grandchildren of those that trained with the pioneers of the profession are carrying on the profession, building upon the triad of a separate and distinct science, art and philosophy of identification and correction of subluxations through the chiropractic adjustment "
One of South Africa's best known chiropractors this year celebrates 60 years of practicing in the same town in South Africa's Free State
Born during the Second World War, Dr Engelbrecht?s parents relocated to the military quarters in Pretoria. As a toddler aged 4, he became the Army mascot and nicknamed
Skipper His little uniform was identical to that of Field Marshall Montgomery with whom he was seen on several occasions
Some years later Reg Engelbrecht decided on a career as a chiropractor, influenced by Dr Josh Haldeman (Scott Haldeman?s father). He studied
at Palmer College where he soon served as editor and artist for the College Yearbook, the Wivern.
Having graduated from the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, USA, in 1963 with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, Dr Reg Engelbrecht returned to South Africa and planted the seeds of his career by establishing a private practice in Bethlehem, Free State, South Africa in 1964
His commitment to the chiropractic profession did not go unnoticed In 1971, he was elected to the Executive Council of the Chiropractic Association of South Africa (CASA), where he initially served as science editor, producing many professional journals for several years
With an artistic background, all journal covers and editorials of TheClinician depicted and urged integration with the medical profession and accepted health disciplines. The CASA logo, too, was designed by him.
His work was noticed, receiving an Outstanding Alumnus Recognition from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1982 and being elected as the President of CASA in the same year.
In 1982, Dr Engelbrecht was appointed by the Minister of Health to the first South African Associated Health Service Professions Council. This marked the beginning of a 15-year journey on the council, where he served as the Chairman of Education and Vice-Chairman of the Council Throughout the years, he earned Honorary Life Membership in CASA and was honored as Chiropractor of the Year in 1984
His dedication to public service extended beyond his chiropractic profession Dr Engelbrecht was elected to the Bethlehem Town Council in 1988 and later became the Mayor of Bethlehem in 1991. His contributions to the community continued as he was appointed to the Free State Municipal Medical Scheme Board of Trustees in 1992 He also served as Chairman of the Bethlehem Community College
The accolades continued to accumulate, with the first-ever Chiropractic Heritage Award of Honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1995 and the CASA Presidential Award in 2001 Dr Engelbrecht's influence also reached the international stage, representing CASA at World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) International Congresses.
In 2010, he took on the role of Coordinator for Southern Africa in the World Spine Care project, a flagship model based in Botswana
His global involvement increased when, in 2013, he was elected as a Council Member of the WFC, affiliated with the World Health Organization (WHO)
His illustrious career reached its pinnacle in 2017 when he was named as the recipient of the WFC's David Chapman-Smith Honor Awared, its highest honor Additionally, he was granted Emeritus Membership in the South African Spine Society in May 2018 for his lifelong contributions and mentorship
Dr Reginald VEngelbrecht's legacy is not just about his professional achievements but also his deep involvement in community activities From
his early days as a Charter Member of the Bethlehem Lions Club to his dedication to education, his impact has been felt far and wide
As Chief Executive Officer of the Chiropractic Association of South Africa from 1997 to 2016, Dr Engelbrecht championed interprofessional negotiations and the advancement of chiropractic within the South African healthcare system His initiatives, such as the submission to the Competition Commission in 2018, aimed to secure a rightful place for chiropractic in mainstream healthcare.
In retirement, he continued to serve on the Board of Trustees for Selfmed Medical Aid Scheme, even after its merger with COMPCAREin 2019
Dr Engelbrecht's journey is a testament to a life dedicated to healing, education, and community, leaving an indelible mark on the world of chiropractic and beyond.
The International Chiropractors Association (ICA) proudly announced the recipients of the Dr Coralee Van Egmond Student Scholarship Fund at the Boots and Bourbon Scholarship Fundraiser Dinner on April 13, 2024, during the ICA?s 98th Annual Convention. The awardees are Lydia Hill and Dr Marjan Sadeghi from Cleveland University Kansas City, and Joeli Koenig from Palmer College of Chiropractic Each student received a $1,000 scholarship
Joeli Koenig expressed her enthusiasm for the Student International Chiropractors Association (SICA), highlighting its values and her commitment to remaining involved Marjan Sadeghi also shared her gratitude, emphasizing the positive impact the
scholarship will have on her academic journey
The event celebrated academic excellence and generosity within the chiropractic community, raising nearly $10,000 in pledges This support enables the ICA to continue fostering chiropractic education and honoring the legacy of Dr Coralee Van Egmond, a dedicated staff member
Beth Clay, ICA Executive Director, praised Dr Van Egmond?s dedication and the donors' contributions, which help fulfill the ICA?s mission to advance chiropractic globally The ICA remains committed to nurturing future chiropractors who uphold the profession's unique philosophy, science, and art of subluxation detection and correction.
In May, AECCUniversity College invited students, staff, alumni and members of the public to attend an evening lecture by Professor Richard Brown. This lecture launched the University College?s Professorial Inaugural Lecture Series The series will provide an opportunity both for AECCUC?s professors to inspire audiences with their career insights and/or research and for audiences to influence future research and professional developments.
Professor Richard Brown is a Visiting Professor at AECCUniversity College (AECCUC) and Secretary-General of the World Federation of Chiropractic
His lecture explored the benefits of evidence-based, people-centered, interprofessional and collaborative health care to patients ? particularly within the context of treating low back pain, frequently cited as the greatest cause of years lived with disability globally
AECCUCis committed to contributing to society through its public engagement activities in which we share its knowledge, resources and skills with the public and listen and learn from the different communities with which we engage
During the event, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of AECC UC, Professor Kevin McGhee formally signed the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) Manifesto for Public Engagement This publicly affirms, celebrates and supports AECCUC?s public engagement activities and commitment
Professor Lesley Haig said: ?We were delighted to launch our Professorial Inaugural Lecture Series here at AECCUniversity College and Professor Richard Brown was the ideal person to deliver our first lecture
?As a specialist health sciences university, we are eager to develop and nurture our relationships
within the local community We are proud to be situated in Boscombe and we are committed to making educational opportunities and high-quality public talks accessible to our local community. Signing the NCCPEManifesto is an important milestone in this commitment.?
Professor Brown said: ?I am honored to be the inaugural speaker at this series of professorial lectures AECCUniversity College is an institution that is dear to my heart and it?s always a pleasure to return.
"Education is the very foundation of our success as a profession Setting, achieving and maintaining high standards of education within the chiropractic profession must be at the heart of everything we do "
The World Federation of Chiropractic is one of the organizations that has endorsed the newly developed Low Back Pain Curriculum Content Standards (LBP-CCS)
The LBP-CCShave been designed for academic programs that provide entry-level education for healthcare professionals.
The LBP-CCScan be used to guide the development or review of curriculum content related to the management of low back pain in primary care This is with the aim of increasing the consistency and quality of low back pain education world-wide, thus improving patient care and outcomes.
Developed by an interdisciplinary team of academics, clinicians, consumers, and researchers, the LBP-CCSdefine the knowledge and competency items required by a graduating healthcare professional to provide high-quality management of low back pain in primary care. To read more about the development process, please see:
Jenkins, H. J., et al. (2024). "Development of lowback pain curriculum content standardsfor entry-level clinical training."BMCMedical Education 24(1)
An Open Access copy of the publication is available at: https://rdcu be/dyucg
The LBP-CCSis divided into four sections to aid implementation:
1 Objectives: overarching objectives to be achieved by using the LBP-CCS
2 Content outline: four broad content topics, each with a list of knowledge items and competencies that should be addressed in a comprehensive curriculum for future health care professionals who will manage patients with low back pain in primary
The newcurriculum standardsare designed to increase consistencyand qualityin low backpain education
3 Glossary: definitions for the terminology used within this document
4 Suggested resources: list of suggested resources reflecting current best evidence for low back pain epidemiology, assessment, and management.
For more information about the LBP-CCS, to download a copy, or to provide feedback through a survey link, please visit the Low Back Pain Curriculum Content Standards website here
Quality Standards are tools designed to help deliver the best possible outcomes for patients. They are a series of specific, concise quality statements with associated measures that provide aspirational, but achievable, markers of high-quality patient care covering the treatment of different conditions They also play an important part in addressing the increasing priority being placed on improving quality and patient outcomes
The UK's Royal College of Chiropractors (RCC) announces the launch of a consultation on a draft RCC Low Back Pain & Sciatica Quality Standard which updates, combines and replaces the previous Quality Standards on Chronic Low Back Pain and Acute Low Back Pain. The views of all stakeholders including interested organizations, chiropractors, other healthcare professionals, patients and the public are sought
Comments are invited on any aspect of the document including its relevance and applicability to the chiropractic profession, the achievability of the standards described in the quality statements, the utility of the quality statements in terms of promoting best care, the document?s accuracy and validity in terms of the evidence base and the clarity of the content to practitioners, patients and other stakeholders
Any comments must be submitted by the deadline of 12 noon on Friday 2nd August 2024 using the consultation form provided Comments will inform the production of the final version of the quality standard which will be widely publicised.
You can read the draft document and participate in the consultation here
Dr Christine Bradaric-Baus, the newly appointed president of the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC), officially assumed office on July 1, 2024
An esteemed academic and executive leader, Dr Bradaric-Baus is renowned for her exemplary management skills, significant research contributions, and unwavering dedication to advancing education and healthcare within the chiropractic domain and beyond
Dr Bradaric-Baus earned her PhD in Organic Chemistry from McMaster University in 1998, where she also completed her BSc (Honours) in Chemistry
Her extensive experience in academic leadership includes notable positions such as Vice President, Academic at Mohawk College, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Technology at Seneca College, and Dean of Technology at Niagara College.
In these roles, she achieved record enrollments, facilitated collaborative programs, secured substantial grants, and forged partnerships with educational institutions and industry stakeholders.
Throughout her career, Dr Bradaric-Baus has consistently demonstrated her ability to steer academic institutions towards excellence in education and research She has a proven track record of implementing successful programs and initiatives that benefit students, faculty, and the broader community, with particular success in fostering strong employee engagement and effective labor relations.
During her seven-year tenure as Vice President, Academic and Chief Academic Officer at CMCC, Dr Bradaric-Baus oversaw academic programming, student assessments, research, and faculty development. Her leadership in this role has been marked by several key achievements
In addition to her administrative accomplishments,
Dr Bradaric-Baus is actively involved in scholarship and professional activities
She serves on the Ontario Council of Articulation and Transfers (ONCAT) and the Simulation Canada Board of Directors She regularly participates in national and international conferences and research forums Furthermore, she has been nominated to chair the Association of Chiropractic Colleges Chief Academic Officers Work Group and serves on the Research Advisory Board at the RAND Research Across Complementary and Integrative Health Institutions (REACH) Center
Dr Bradaric-Baus?s appointment as president marks a significant milestone for CMCC, as she brings a wealth of experience, a proven track record of success, and a strong vision for the future of chiropractic education and healthcare
The WFCwishes Dr Braqderic-Baus every success in her new role
Jake Halverson, DC, DACBR, RMSK has blazed a trail by combining a passion for teaching with a dedication to advancing chiropractic care.
Raised in Utah, Dr Halverson knew he wanted to be a chiropractor from an early age His path began with a degree in zoology with a minor in chemistry from Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, laying the foundation for his future
He then earned his Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) ? graduating as valedictorian in 2018 Eager to expand his expertise, he came to Logan University for a rigorous three-year residency in diagnostic imaging, earning him the title of chiropractic radiologist and board certification in 2021 He is a Diplomate with the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology (DACBR)
In January 2022, Dr Halverson moved to Puerto Rico to begin teaching at the Universidad Central del Caribe, a health sciences university, and now currently resides in Levittown He is one of only two chiropractic radiologists on the entire island
?After graduation, I knew I wanted to teach, and I fell in love with Puerto Rico when this opportunity came up,?he said
?I am able to work in an integrated setting here and collaborate with other providers, which is incredible.?
At Universidad Central del Caribe, Dr Halverson has created a groundbreaking curriculum in diagnostic ultrasound, a specialty that aligns closely with his role as a chiropractic radiologist In addition to teaching, he also regularly consults with health care providers, offering his specialized knowledge in musculoskeletal ultrasound diagnostics.
?We see a little bit of everything down here I collaborate with students and other healthcare professionals on all the imaging cases that come
from the university?s chiropractic clinic,?said Dr Halverson
?As chiropractic radiologists, we are trained to look at images a little differently and pay special attention to postural findings and biomechanics, ultimately elevating the level of patient care ?
With only about 300 DACBRs in the history of the profession, Dr Halverson recognizes the importance of nurturing future talent.
?This specialty is definitely challenging and a small field with only a few available residencies, but we believe that over time, it will be more widely recognized as more students are
TheUniversidad Central del Caribe offersa full CCE-accredited chiropracticprogram aswell asa range of other health professionalstraining.
interested in this niche,?he said
He also contributes to the field by teaching the Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging course to students in Logan University?s Master of Science in Chiropractic Pediatrics program. ?The students in this program are incredibly bright and ingrained in clinical sciences, making it a unique teaching experience,?he said
IMU University, formerly known as the International Medical University (IMU), has embarked on a transformative rebranding journey, aligning its vision and mission with the global One Health initiative promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO). This rebranding not only introduces a new name but also signifies a broader and more inclusive approach to health education, integrating human, animal, and environmental health
One Health emphasizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration to address global health challenges.
IMU University's new direction reflects this philosophy, expanding its educational offerings to include non-science and animal health streams. This strategic move aims to prepare students for diverse careers in healthcare, business, technology, and social sciences.
?In our interconnected world, healthcare cannot exist in a vacuum By adopting a holistic approach to education, we embrace the growing diversity within healthcare, offering our students a wider range of learning and career opportunities,?said Prof Gerard George, Group Managing Director of IMU University.
?We aim to nurture future professionals, scholars, policymakers, and industry leaders who are purpose-driven to make a positive impact on the future of healthcare.?
As part of IMU?s mission to provide a comprehensive world-class education in healthcare, the University has elevated its Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine to become the School of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (SACM)
The school offers specialized programs in
Chiropractic and Chinese Medicine that are globally recognized and accredited by top-tier professional bodies, with accreditations from esteemed global institutions, and partnerships with pioneering schools.
?We continue to reinforce our dedication to integrate complementary health approaches into mainstream healthcare education,?remarked Janice Chan, Director of the School of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
Aligned with SACM, IMU University's enhanced five-year chiropractic program incorporates the latest research in complementary medicine
The curriculum follows the EPICmodel from the World Federation of Chiropractic, emphasizing Evidence-based practice, People-centered care, Interprofessional, and Collaborative approach This prepares graduates to deliver high-quality, people-centered care in a modern healthcare environment
The IMU chiropractic program has also expanded its partnership program with Central Queensland University (CQU), allowing students to transfer credits and complete their studies at CQU.
This agreement offers chiropractic students diverse educational experiences, aims to broaden their perspectives and enhance their expertise to become competitive candidates in the global healthcare market.
?The new partnership with CQU demonstrates our commitment to providing our students with world-class education and training for their professional growth,?said Janice.
?This will further elevate the standards of chiropractic care and education within our institution and the industry ?
This rebranding marks the next chapter in IMU University's 32-year history as Malaysia?s first private medical and health sciences university. The institution has achieved self-accreditation status from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and has been consistently ranked among the country?s top institutions
Retaining elements of its original logo, IMU University continues to symbolize its enduring legacy and global ambitions.
?Our established presence and experience in healthcare education makes IMU University a strategic choice for those seeking a broad understanding of interdisciplinary skills and knowledge relevant to the healthcare ecosystem,?Prof George added
IMU University?s rebranding and expansion demonstrates its agility and commitment to advancing health equity and quality of life through education, research, and innovation
The institution's renewed focus on sustainability, health equity, and global citizenship aims to pave the way for IMU University to rank among the global top 500 universities
The 2024 WFCGlobal Education Conference will feature a tour of the IMU campus, where a cocktail reception will be hosted by the institution.
Nort heast College int roduces new scholarship in m em ory of past ACA President , Dr Ray Tuck Jr.
Northeast College of Health Sciences is proud to establish new scholarships in support of students pursuing healthcare degrees and careers, including the new N Ray Tuck Jr Scholarship
The N. Ray Tuck, Jr. Scholarship, in memory of esteemed industry leader Dr Ray Tuck, will be an annual scholarship to recognize outstanding students enrolled in the College's Doctor of Chiropractic program
Beginning the 2024-2025 academic year, the College plans to award one deserving student with this scholarship annually.
Eligible candidates must hail from the Virginia area and have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities during their undergraduate education.
Dr Tuck, a distinguished member of Northeast College of Health Sciences' Board of Trustees since 2019, was renowned for his dedication to and leadership of the chiropractic profession ? both nationally and in his home region of southern Virginia A second-generation chiropractor, he was a past president of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and a past ACA Chiropractor of the Year.
The establishment of this scholarship in his honor aims to continue Dr Tuck?s legacy of excellence and support promising students in their pursuit of chiropractic education
"We are thrilled to introduce the N Ray Tuck, Jr Scholarship, as well as other scholarships, as part of our ongoing efforts to support the next generation of healthcare leaders," said Dr Michael Mestan, President of Northeast College of Health Sciences
In a landmark development, Norway has welcomed its first-ever chiropractic education program, signaling a major advancement in the country's healthcare and educational landscape.
This pioneering initiative is the result of a significant collaboration between Kristiania University College, the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), and the Norwegian Chiropractors?Association.
This partnership addresses a growing demand for professional chiropractic services in the country and is expected to enhance the standard of care for patients, contribute to the body of research in chiropractic science, and create new opportunities for students and professionals alike.
This pioneering initiative introduces a curriculum structured over 3 years resulting in a Bachelor's degree in Biomedicine at Kristiania, a large higher-education institution in the heart of Oslo with over 16 000 students.
This will be followed by 2 5 years at SDU's Faculty of Medicine in Odense, Denmark culminating in a Master's degree in Clinical Biomechanics
Up to 15 students annually will be selected based on their academic performance in the Biomedicine Bachelor's program and their motivation letters
Following the master?s program, graduates will undergo a mandatory one-year internship in Norway, further solidifying their training.
Anne Marie Selboskar Selven, President of the Norwegian Chiropractors?Association, expressed joy at the program's launch after over 25 years of advocacy by the profession commenting on the profound impact this academic grounding will have on enhancing musculoskeletal health across Norway.
The collaboration draws on SDU's reputation in
musculoskeletal health education, recognized globally as a world leader since its inception in 1995. This Danish model has set the benchmark for excellence in chiropractic training, contributing to the profession's elevated stature within Denmark's healthcare system
"This partnership between Kristiania and SDU represents a unique opportunity," Selven remarked.
"It promises to deliver a world-class chiropractic education tailored to Norway's healthcare needs, reinforcing our profession's role and reputation "
In celebration of this historic milestone, the Norwegian Chiropractors?Association hosted a special broadcast, underscoring the significance of this achievement for the profession nationwide June 7, 2024, will forever be remembered as a pivotal day for chiropractic education in Norway, ushering in a new era of healthcare excellence
Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU) stands out as a leader in clinical education, pioneering the first Community-Based Internship program for chiropractors. Today, NWHSU offers hundreds of clinical placements across the Twin Cities and globally, providing students with diverse patient interactions under licensed supervision
NWHSU emphasizes community clinics as vital components of its network, delivering person-centered care to underserved populations. Dr Deb Bushway, NWHSU's president and CEO, emphasizes the university's mission to make chiropractic care, alongside acupuncture and massage therapy, accessible to all She advocates for culturally competent healthcare in historically underserved communities
Recently, NWHSU launched two new community clinics: ZaRah Integrated Root Center and the Integrative Clinic of Minnesota at Oshun Center
ZaRah, Minnesota's first Black-owned holistic wellness center, offers chiropractic and acupuncture care, promoting community wellness and economic empowerment for Black women in North Minneapolis.
Integrative Clinic of Minnesota (ICM), now located at Oshun Center, fosters cross-cultural education and community health. Founded by Ihotu Ali, a NWHSU chiropractic student, ICM integrates chiropractic care with acupuncture, massage therapy, and collaboration with University of Minnesota medical students
These initiatives underscore NWHSU's dedication to serving Twin Cities communities and providing students with invaluable learning experiences in diverse healthcare environments. The university's commitment to inclusive healthcare practices and community engagement continues to shape its educational mission and clinical outreach efforts
The chiropractic program at Universidad Veracruzana (UV), housed within the Faculty of Medicine, is dedicated to providing students with an in-depth education in chiropractic care. This program emphasizes the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, with a particular focus on spinal health.
The chiropractic program at UVhas earned both national and international acclaim for its comprehensive curriculum, rigorous training, and excellent professional opportunities. Key highlights include:
The chiropractic program at Universidad Veracruzana (UV) holds accreditation from Mexican educational authorities, a testament to its adherence to the stringent national standards for higher education
This prestigious accreditation process involves rigorous evaluation and continuous quality assurance measures, ensuring that the program consistently meets and exceeds educational benchmarks set by the governing bodies
By securing national accreditation, UV demonstrates its unwavering commitment to providing high-quality education that is both comprehensive and effective This accreditation not only validates the program's curriculum and training methodologies but also assures students, parents, and employers that graduates are well-prepared and possess the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the chiropractic profession.
The program?s alignment with national standards signifies its role as a leading educational institution in Mexico, dedicated to fostering academic excellence and producing competent, ethical, and skilled chiropractors
The program's excellence is not confined to Mexico; it enjoys international recognition
This international acclaim is a result of the program's adherence to global best practices, its comprehensive curriculum, and the high standards of its faculty and facilities
Recognition from international chiropractic associations and educational bodies means that graduates from UV?s chiropractic program are well-regarded and can practice with confidence and respect in various countries around the world
During a recent ceremony, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr Julio Cesar Viñas Dozal, MD, lauded the chiropractic profession's dedication to achieving high standards in education and evidence-based practice He acknowledged the hard work and commitment of the faculty and students in upholding these standards
Furthermore, UV's President, Dr Martin Aguilar Sanchez, expressed his pleasure at the chiropractic program receiving recognition for its high standards of education from Mexican authorities This accolade reflects UV's dedication to academic excellence and its role in advancing healthcare education in Mexico
Logan University?s Board of Trustees has announced that Garrett Thompson, DC, PhD, will be the eighth president of the University The announcement of the new president concludes a nationwide search that began in February of 2024 upon the news of the upcoming retirement of Clay McDonald, DC, MBA, JD
Dr Thompson currently serves as Vice President for Academic Affairs and chief academic officer at Sonoran University of Health Sciences in Tempe, Arizona He will begin his term with Logan on March 1, 2025
?The Presidential Search Committee received more than 70 applications for this position, which I believe is a testament to the quality and reputation of Logan University,?said Board Chair Donald S Altman, DDS, DHSc, EdD ?We are confident Dr Thompson is the right person to further Logan?s mission with the integrity, leadership and vision that Dr McDonald has provided over the last 12 years, and we look forward to welcoming him to campus ?
Dr Thompson brings more than 20 years of experience in academic leadership and administration in health sciences and chiropractic and has been recognized as a ?Top 100 Leader in Education ?He earned his bachelor?s degree in biology from Reed College and his PhD in biochemistry from Loma Linda University
While serving as an assistant professor at Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCUHS), Dr Thompson graduated magna cum laude with his Doctor of Chiropractic degree He was called back to academia and served as the department chair, and later, as the director of student learning outcomes at SCUHS In 2013, Dr Thompson joined Sonoran University, where he has served in a variety of different roles
Over the course of his career, Dr Thompson has volunteered with the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education and the
American Holistic Health Association. He most recently completed the Wharton Executive Education program for Executive Presence and Influence: Persuasive Leadership Development ?I am deeply honored to be selected as the next president of Logan University,?said Dr Thompson ?As a leading chiropractic and health sciences institution, Logan University has a proud legacy of excellence in education, research and patient care. I look forward to building on this strong foundation and working collaboratively with the university?s talented staff, faculty, students and alumni to advance our shared vision of enhancing human health and wellness Together, we will drive innovation, expand our reach and make meaningful impact in the lives of our students and the communities we serve.?
Northeast College of Health Sciences is proud to announce that the New York State Board of Regents has officially approved its new Long Island branch campus in Levittown, N Y
With this approval, the College now moves toward offering a branch of its renowned Doctor of Chiropractic program in the branch location, with planned start date of Fall 2024
The establishment of the Long Island Campus marks a significant milestone for Northeast College, reinforcing its commitment to providing high-quality health sciences education across New York
state. Founded over 100 years ago, Northeast College has a longstanding tradition of excellence in health sciences, which began with the establishment of its hallmark Doctor of Chiropractic program in Manhattan in 1919
The College's return to the New York metro area represents a strategic effort to meet the growing demand for healthcare professionals in the region ?We are excited to establish this new branch campus and bring our high standards of healthcare education to Long Island, continuing in our mission of fostering excellence, leadership and best practices,?said
Northeast College President Dr Michael Mestan.
Northeast College?s main campus is located in Seneca Falls, N Y, in the heart of the state?s Finger Lakes region Northeast also runs several community-based health centers across New York state. In addition to its planned new branch offering the Doctor of Chiropractic program, Northeast College?s Long Island location will continue to be the home of the Ernest GNapolitano Postgraduate Center and the College?s Levittown Health Center, a community-based clinic offering complementary healthcare.
Parker University proudly announces the introduction of its new Learning Management System, Desire2Learn (D2L) Brightspace. Committed to educational excellence, Parker University recently conducted a comprehensive evaluation involving students, faculty, and staff Through surveys, focus groups, committees, and vendor demonstrations, a collective vision for an enhanced learning landscape emerged The feedback underscored the need for a partnership that aligns with Parker University's future-focused vision, providing top-level training, support, and efficiency
Desire2Learn (D2L) Brightspace
was selected as the new platform for online education
This state-of-the-art, user-friendly system empowers both students and educators with its seamless and intuitive interface. Brightspace's innovative features, such as advanced analytics, adaptive learning, mobile accessibility, integrated multimedia tools, and third-party tool support, perfectly match Parker University's commitment to innovation.
Dr Ashley Long, Parker University?s Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning and Quality Enhancement Plan Director, highlights the benefits: ?The
After celebrating its centennial in 2022, the College of Chiropractic at Cleveland University-Kansas City (CUKC) is launching a new clinic mentorship model in 2024 to enhance clinical learning for student interns.
Dr Jon Wilson, Dean of the College, highlighted that this mentorship model introduces students to comprehensive patient care earlier, making CUKC the first to offer such a unique clinical experience
The model covers the 8th trimester and the final year (9th and 10th trimesters), with interns providing patient care at the CUKCChiropractic Health Center and affiliated clinics, including the
switch to Brightspace benefits both students and faculty at Parker University. Brightspace offers a user-friendly interface, enhanced accessibility features, and robust tools for course management and student engagement This platform supports various learning modalities and ensures that educational resources are available to all students, enhancing the overall learning experience ?
Brightspace will be fully implemented at Parker University by Fall 2024, with select courses beginning the transition in Summer 2024
KCVeterans Administration Hospital, under licensed clinical faculty supervision
Starting in the fifth term, students observe faculty clinicians in small groups, learning through patient case histories, examinations, and care trials This collaborative environment allows for questions and best practice observation
By the seventh trimester, students transition to direct patient care, working under faculty oversight This experience prepares them for Health Center internships, distinguishing CUKC from other chiropractic programs
Chiropractic professionals from various sectors including chiropractic college research departments, veterans' facilities, and private practices met at the semi-annual meeting held during the Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference (ACCRAC) in San Diego.
The gathering served as a dynamic platform for an array of academic and professional activities, including presentations, research discussions, and strategic planning for the upcoming year Speakers delivered insightful presentations on the latest advancements and trends in the field, while interactive research discussions allowed participants to delve into innovative ideas and share their findings with peers
A highlight of the well-attended Breakfast Meeting of the Chiropractic Health Care (CHC) Section of the American Public Health Association (APHA) was the acknowledgment of the group's past achievements, articulated by Dr Lisa Killinger, DC, a longstanding member and former chair of the section
CHCmembers played significant roles in the ACC RACprogram, with several papers presented
Dr Michele Maiers, DC, PhD, notably delivered a platform presentation on grant opportunities linked to the recent national opioid settlement.
Among the noteworthy contributions was a paper titled "Clinical Correlates of Pressure Pain Thresholds in 98 Patients with Uncomplicated Low Back and Leg Pain: A Retrospective Cohort Study" presented by Robert A. Leach, DC, MS, RMCHES
This paper was one of three recognized with a "Clinical and Basic Science Research Award?
Parker University continues to expand its offerings in 2024 with new programs, certificates, and professional training opportunities
Its new Master of Science in Interprofessional Spine Management is tailored for health professionals with a bachelor?s degree, emphasizing coordinated spine care across primary and specialty levels Coursework covers epidemiology, neuroscience, advanced imaging (including CT and MRI), interventional pain management principles, and non-operative spine care coordination
For those aspiring to become EKG Technicians, Parker University offers online and on-campus training This program prepares students to join cardiovascular healthcare teams by conducting diagnostic tests and assisting in the treatment of cardiac conditions through specialized equipment
Additionally, the Master of Science in Pediatric Musculoskeletal Health and Performance caters to healthcare professionals interested in pediatric musculoskeletal health
This online program explores pediatric physiology, biomechanics, evidence-based interventions for musculoskeletal conditions, nutrition, and health trajectories in children.
Parker University?s new offerings exemplify its commitment to preparing students for successful careers in healthcare leadership, leveraging its expertise in collaborative and conservative healthcare education.
CQUniversity Brisbane?s chiropractic and allied health students will be able to peer inside the human body with a simple flick of the wrist with the recent installation of the state-of-the-art Anatomage table.
The table displays highly detailed digital images of human cadavers, allowing CQU lecturers to provide a realistic learning experience for the students.
Master of Clinical Chiropractic student Angelique Haas-Maganas tried her hand at using the Anatomage table and said she was astounded by the technology.
?I think the Anatomage table will be such a great tool for my chiropractic studies It includes such advanced technology and everything related to the human body and anatomy,?she said.
?I love how it is interactive and
you can select so many different things to see distinct parts of the anatomy This table is a fun and educational way of learning that will greatly advance my knowledge on human anatomy.?
Fellow Master of Clinical
Chiropractic student Clayton Booth said he was very excited to use the table as part of his studies.
?After being shown our new Anatomage table, I am very excited to use this new resource I think the table can be an incredibly versatile tool that can show us aspects of anatomy that we would never otherwise be able to picture accurately,?he said.
?I am excited to see how our lecturers use the table to give us new perspectives on the human body and give us ways to visualise areas of human anatomy that we've never seen
before all in one place
?Overall I think the Anatomage table will prove to be a great resource for the CQU Brisbane campus and will really add to our on-campus learning experience ?
CQU Chiropractic Head of Course Dawn Dane said the Chiropractic teaching team was excited to have an asset like the Anatomage table
?It is an exciting time in healthcare education, we are excited to be able to share such an innovative learning experience with our students,? she said
?The table allows for detailed exploration of human anatomy as well as functional anatomy and physiology in a way that, previously, was simply not possible ?
Anne Jensen MSc, DSc, DPhil, WFC Research Com m it t ee
Accuracy and precision are fundamental to the validation of diagnostic tests, and therefore it important that the clinician understand the difference between these two Despite their frequent colloquial interchangeability, accuracy and precision embody distinct qualities that significantly impact the reliability and validity of clinical findings.
Accuracy in diagnostic testing refers to the test's ability to correctly identify the presence or absence of a condition in patients [1,2] A test with 100%accuracy would identify every individual with the condition correctly and would not misidentify those without the condition. Accuracy is often quantified through metrics, such as sensitivity, and specificity. These measures provide a more nuanced understanding of a test's effectiveness beyond the basic measurement of the overall fraction correct [1,3], and are used in fundamentally different ways For example, screening tests are most beneficial when they have a high sensitivity, while tests with a high specificity are preferred in order to ensure that the patient does not have the suspected disease or illness The latter is particularly relevant when further examination or treatment may be particularly invasive. Both sensitivity and specificity go hand-in-hand and rarely does a test have both high sensitivity and specificity.
Precision relates to the consistency of a test's results when repeated under the same conditions [4]. It is a measure of a test's reproducibility and repeatability. Reproducibility refers to the agreement among results from independent tests conducted with the same method, but under different conditions, such as different observers or times Repeatability,
conversely, concerns the agreement among results from the same method under the same conditions, typically assessed by the same observer [4,5]
The distinction between accuracy and precision is critical, yet often misunderstood. The misuse can lead to confusion by the clinician, impairing his/her ability to interpret the results For instance, a diagnostic test might be highly precise in producing consistent results, but could consistently misidentify healthy individuals as having a condition (low accuracy) Conversely, a test might correctly classify individuals as having or not having a condition (high accuracy), but yield variable results under the same conditions (low precision). Fig.1
In short, understanding and appropriately applying these concepts is essential Precision ensures that a test is reliable under consistent
Accuracy and precision: w hat is t he difference and w hy is it im port ant for clinicians?
conditions, while accuracy ensures that the test?s results are correct in relation to the true condition status Both elements are indispensable for the rigorous assessment of diagnostic tools and implementation in healthcare; and therefore it is essential that clinicians understand the difference.
1 Bossuyt, PM M , Interpreting Diagnostic Test Accuracy
Studies. Seminars in Hematology, 2008. 45(3): p. 189-195.
2 Slezák, P and I Waczulíková, Reproducibility and repeatability Physiological Research, 2011 60(1): p 203-204
3 Bossuyt, PM M , Defining biomarker performance and clinical validity JMed Biochem, 2011 30(3): p 193-200
4 Aalami, OO , et al , Physiological features of aging persons Archives of Surgery, 2003 138(10): p 1068-1076
5 Slezák, P and I Waczulíková, Reproducibility and repeatability Physiological Research, 2011 60(1): p 203-204
Fig 1 Accuracy and precision It isimportant that theclinician not confuseaccuracy with precisionTests which havehigh precision and high accuracy (upper right corner) aremost clinically valuable. Similarly, tests which havelow precision and low accuracy(lower left corner) are clinicallyuseless.
Claire Johnson DC, PhD
The Chiropractic Educators Research Forum (CERF) currently has over 500 members representing the international teaching community from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States. CERFis pleased to serve all regions from around the world CERFis a volunteer run organization created for chiropractic program faculty, staff, and administrators to build education research capacity and to develop and advance academic scholarship.
The CERFBoard has diverse global representation including Sira Borges, MD, DC; David Byfield, DC, MPhil; Gregory Cramer, DC, PhD; Andrew Dunn, DC, MEd; Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DC; Bart Green, DC, MSEd, PhD; Navine Haworth, DC, PhD; Igor Himelfarb, PhD; Claire Johnson, DC, MSEd, PhD; Theodore Johnson, Jr, DC; Valerie Johnson, DC; Charmaine Korporaal, MTech(Chiro); John Mrozek, DC, MEd, EdD; Stacie A Salsbury, PhD, RN; Stephney Whillier, BSc, BEd, PhD; Yi Kai Wong, MSc, BSc(Chiro); Christopher Yelverton, MTech(Chiro), PhD; and Niu Zhang, MD, MS.
Educators are always asking for more ways to collaborate. Thus, the upcoming CERFvirtual conference will be held this December 7, 2024 and is titled ?Collaboration in Education and Research: Stronger Together? The December conference specifically focuses on research related to the products of collaborative relationships and/or developing collaborative relationships in education and research. For
the purpose of this conference, collaboration is ?the process when people from two or more entities or organizations work together to complete a task or achieve a goal?
Abstracts that will be considered will address various research questions associated with collaboration, including but not limited to:
1 Research studies that are a result of collaborative efforts among programs, disciplines, or professions
2 Collaboration among different chiropractic programs
3 Collaboration among chiropractic programs other disciplines and/or professions
4 Collaboration between education and research from different programs
5. Collaboration among researchers from different programs
6.Collaboration among educators from different programs
7. Collaboration among education entities (eg, accreditation, boards, licensing, etc)
8. Collaboration between educators and stakeholders (funders, payors, health care practitioners, etc)
9. Other topics relevant to collaboration related to education and research
Abstract submissions are due September 18, 2024 and may be submitted at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CERF2024Dec
Information about CERF:The Chiropractic Educators Research Forum is an online forum where chiropractic educators share their insights and learn new information about research and scholarship Our mission is to build scholarship and research capacity for
chiropractic educators throughout the world. Membership is free CERFsupports education research and holds virtual conferences on narrow topics to help build research capacity in these focused areas. In addition to building research capacity, these actions are aimed to support other conferences and education venues in the chiropractic profession such as the WFCconferences CERFthanks and recognizes WFCfor its sponsorship.
https://cerfweb org/
Michael Sw ain, WFC Research Com m it t ee m em ber
Early life and adolescence is an opportune time to intervene and prevent chronic conditions, such as low back pain (LBP) according to the model of life course epidemiology
Back pain remains the world?s leading cause of years lived with disability, whereby prevalence rates rise sharply through childhood and adolescence
Canadian colleagues recently summarized the evidence on rehabilitation interventions for back pain in the pediatric population. This comprehensive systematic review identified 11 studies (i e 10 quantitative and one qualitative), and included rehabilitative interventions, ranging from spinal manipulation, group-based exercise, whole-body vibration, cognitive functional therapy, and multimodal care
In short, the researchers concluded that spinal manipulation and group-based exercise may be beneficial in reducing LBPintensity in adolescents (10-19 years of age), although the certainty of the evidence ranged from very low to moderate Moreover, education should be provided as part of a care program, appropriately tailored to this age-group. This
research adds to a recent two-part guideline on back pain in children and adolescents While the guideline did not make a specific recommendation on manual therapy, it stated drug therapy should not be applied in children and adolescents
Recent publications across the globe echo the strong need for greater research efforts directed at young people, given the disproportionately low activity in the field. In particular, new knowledge is needed to understand the nature of persistent and non-trivial back pain. A lack of research has rendered a recent guideline unable to make evidence based statements on back pain prognosis in children and adolescents
Understanding causation from a biopsychosocial perspective is not only a key objective of life course epidemiology, but an essential first step in developing appropriate interventions for persistent back pain A recent scoping review highlights the fundamental problem in child and adolescent back pain research to date That is, most trial interventions target factors that are unlikely causal mechanisms of persistent back pain. Studies that investigate therapies used in clinical practice have often relied upon an outdated, biomechanical explanation of back pain To solve this problem, efforts must be made to
first identify treatment targets through innovative clinical course and prognosis studies Only then can researchers appropriately develop interventions and test them for effectiveness in clinical trial research
Reference: Hainan Yu, Danielle Southerst, Jessica J Wong, Leslie Verville, Gaelan Connell, Lauren Ead, Silvano Mior, Lise Hestbaek, Michael Swain, Ginny Brunton, Heather M Shearer, Efrosini Papaconstantinou, Daphne To, Darrin Germann, Katie Pohlman, Christine Cedraschi & Carol Cancelliere
Rehabilitation of back pain in the pediatric population: a mixed studies systematic review Chiropr Man Therap 32, 14 (2024) https://doi org/10 1186/s12998-024-00538-z
As documented in the latest edition of Chiropractic:a Safeand Cost-effectiveApproach to Health, there is a growing amount of research demonstrating that chiropractic care is clinically effective, safe, and cost-effective
To help bring more awareness to the chiropractic profession in today?s healthcare landscape, CUKChas expanded its efforts to showcase research activities by CUKCfaculty, students, and staff through a new website: https://research cleveland edu/ ?Clearly, there?s a need to better communicate the benefits of chiropractic to improved health and wellness,?said Dr Alexander Bach, vice president of institutional growth and innovation ?We?ve been involved in this effort for decades This research resource will benefit anyone searching for documented evidence-based research regarding issues in chiropractic care ?
In addition to posting summaries of CUKC-conducted research, the site includes blog articles by Dr Mark Pfefer, CUKCdirector of research, a list of research-focused events, and articles published in concert with BioNexus KC BioNexus KCis a consortium of regional health, education, and research organizations seeking to advance the region?s strengths in digital health, cancer research, health equity, informatics, and rare diseases. CUKChas been a consortium member since 2018.
For more information about this resource, send an email to research@cleveland.edu
A recent publication in Chiropractic& Manual
Therapiessaw a group of prestigious research from the chiropractic profession call upon colleagues to improve the way in which research is designed, conducted and disseminated
The commentary, which was authored by researchers with expertise in spinal manipulation, highlighted the issue of 'research waste', defined as research outcomes with no or minimal societal benefits
According to the authors, there are four types of waste: (1) irrelevant or low priority research questions; (2) poor design or methodology; (3) lack of publication; and (4) biased or inadequate reporting
The authors concluded that, given the limited resources and funding opportunities available for SMT research globally and across professions, it is critical that the SMT research community act to enhance the way that research is designed, conducted and disseminated
The researchers also highlighted the need to collaborate, noting that working with researchers with diverse skills and from various disciplines and institutions provides wide ranging benefits, such as improved opportunities to acquire funding, sharing of resources, more innovative and flexible thinking and higher impact
They commented that collaboration can additionally mean involving not only clinicians but also patients in the design and conduct of studies. This in turn leads to research questions and methodologies being relevant and impactful to stakeholders
Aspinall, SL , Nim, C, Hartvigsen, Jet al Waste not, want not: call to action for spinal manipulative therapy researchers Chiropr Man Therap32, 16 (2024) https://doi org/10 1186/s12998-024-00539-y
Michael Schneider, Universit y of Pit t sburgh
The title of this article comes from a classic paperback by Darrell Huff entitled: ?How to Lie with Statistics?. I can restate the title to make it more clinically relevant: ?A statistically significant difference is an important difference? only if it makes a clinically relevant difference? Therefore, when interpreting research results, it is important to distinguish between st at ist ical and clinical significance.
St at ist ical significance refers to the probability that an observed difference is not due to chance It is typically assessed through statistical tests such as t-tests, ANOVA, or chi-square tests. When the p-value, which indicates the probability of obtaining the observed results by random chance, is below a certain threshold (often set at 0 05), researchers conclude that the results are statistically significant This means that the observed effect is unlikely to have occurred purely by random variation. However, statistical significance alone does not necessarily imply that the results are of meaningful importance.
Unlike statistical significance, which is determined solely by mathematical calculations, clinical significance often
involves a subjective judgment about the practical relevance of the results. This requires a qualitative interpretation of the size or m agnit ude of the results One simple way to assess the size of the results is to perform a simple division of the pre-treatment outcome measure with the post-treatment measure, looking for at least a 30% improvement.
For example, you read a new article about a clinical trial investigating the ?Schneider Technique?for low back pain. The Oswestry Disbility Index (ODI) is the primary outcome measure (range:0-100) The table of results indicate the mean baseline (pre-treatment) ODI score was 33 points, and
after treatment the mean ODI was 21 points. This is a change of 12 points, which is a 36% improvement in ODI (12/33=0 36) and therefore clinically significant
However, in this example we cannot predict whether or not the p-value would be <0.05 and demonstrate statistical significance. That is because the calculation of p-values and statistical significance is based upon sample size In studies with a large sample size, even a small difference between groups is likely to be statistically significant With studies that have a small sample size, only large differences will reach the level of statistical significance. Yet these studies may find a clinically significant result, although it is not large enough to reach statistical significance
This is why we often fail to see statistically significant findings in small pilot studies or clinical trials - and conversely, why we often see statistical significance reported in large clinical trials When you read research papers, make sure to review the magnitude of the pre/post changes in outcome measures, stay focused on the clinical significance of the reported results.
In 2018, the data collection for the Chiropractic Low Back Pain Cohort (ChiCo), the world?s largest cohort of data from adults who consulted chiropractors due to low back pain, was completed. Now, the researchers behind the data collection have published an overview summarizing what has been gleaned from the extensive amount of data so far.
Ten research clinics in the Central Denmark Region collected data from participating patients concurrent with the daily operation of their clinics and the treatment of patients who were not part of ChiCo. The clinics managed to include nearly 3000 patients in the project.
The overview presents valuable new information about back pain that chiropractors can use in their daily work in the clinic, including insights into various patient profiles, patients? expectations for their visits to a chiropractor, the development and course of back pain, and many other interesting topics
One of the clinics participating in the data collection is Rygcenter Viborg from central Jutland Reading the overview has given chiropractor and clinic owner Lars Agergaard more insight into how patients fare after they have completed treatment at the clinic and led to a new focus on patients and a change in the approach to each individual patient:
- Previously, we may have expected that when we discharged a patient who had improved, everything was well However, we can now see that the previous pattern of their back pain has a significant impact on the prognosis. Have we been effective in predicting and managing risk and expectations for patients who have had multiple episodes of back pain?Or are we failing some patients when the focus shifts from treating acute pain to prevention?
- The findings from ChiCo have led us to pay much more attention to patients?own perception of their problem We now spend more time uncovering what each patient thinks about their back issues: their understanding of the cause of the pain, their perception of treatment options, and how they handle the risk of recurrence This approach allows us to better educate them in self-management and coach them on prevention needs and strategies relevant to their specific situation This could include addressing ergonomic factors, exercise efforts, and follow-up protocols
The results have also significantly shifted our attention toward the importance of providing realistic prognoses to patients who, for example, have multiple health challenges These patients cannot have the same expectations for their treatment course as those without other health issues, Lars Agergaard concludes
Clint on Daniels, Clinical Com pass Scient ific Com m ission Chair
Evidence synthesis is an encompassing term that describes studies that collect, appraise, and distill primary research studies on specific topics or questions of interest. As evidence synthesis studies are informed by primary studies, such as randomized controlled trials, they are classically placed at the top of the evidence pyramid There are many different review techniques that are applicable depending on the type and breadth of the question The following are some of the more common review types included in evidence synthesis:
Syst em at ic Review s:
Systematic reviews are comprehensive and methodologically rigorous reviews that aim to synthesize all relevant studies on a very specific research question Adhering to specific methodological criteria, they perform a
systematic search, selection, and critical appraisal of primary studies, followed by synthesis and interpretation of findings. Systematic reviews may be qualitative only or include quantitative interpretation, known as meta-analysis.
Meta-analysis is a statistical method to convert studies that use the same outcome but different measures to compare data across studies to increase statistical power Think comparing the results of studies that utilize the Oswestry Disability Index to those that used the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire Results of meta-analysis are reported as forest plots, which provide a wealth of information in a visual depiction of the combined study findings.
Scoping Review s:
Scoping reviews aim to map the existing evidence on a broad topic to identify key concepts and gaps in the literature. Scoping reviews answer broad ?scoping?questions, as opposed to systematic reviews that hone in on very specific questions
Um brella Review s:
Umbrella reviews, also known as reviews of reviews, systematically summarize findings from multiple systematic reviews and meta-analyses on a broad topic The quality and findings of reviews can vary quite a lot, and umbrella
Clinical Com pass review : m apping t he landscape of evidence
reviews attempt to understand why there might be discrepancies across studies of a similar topic Think Christopher Nolan?s Inception with dreams within dreams except with reviews.
Network meta-analysis are very powerful for clinical decision making. It uses techniques compare studies of different treatment interventions across studies with direct and indirect evidence Essentially this design allows researchers and clinicians to artificially compare treatment effectiveness even when trials do not exists with direct head-to-head comparisons
Narrative reviews summarize and provide a descriptive overview without following the rigorous systematic methods making the search, selection, appraisal, and synthesis difficult to replicate They are useful for educational purposes or proposing theoretical frameworks, but are generally considered to have very high risk of bias, and are not appropriate for answering research questions.
Each type of review serves specific purposes depending on the nature of the research question and the available evidence on the topic Evidence
synthesis is crucial role in consolidating knowledge, identifying literature gaps, advancing research, and informing decision-making for clinicians, payors, regulators and other stakeholders.
Clinical Compass is a United States-based, non-profit, apolitical, evidence synthesis think-tank that performs systematic reviews and develops consensus-derived best practice recommendations for the chiropractic profession. Our most recent work evaluated the cost-effectiveness of the chiropractic care compared to medical care for spine-related disorders
Osteoporosis affects up to 29%of Danes over the age of 50 and 12 6%of Americans in the same age group Researchers in Denmark have concluded that a systematic review of bone quality, the presence of hip and vertebral fractures and vertebral deformation of all patients over the age of 50.
The authors of a study published in Chiropractic and Manual Therapiesfound that while conventional x-rays were not recommended for the assessment of a clinical suspicion of osteoporosis, opportunistic evaluation on a routine basis uncovered valuable information about the
status of bone quality and could contribute to the timely diagnosis of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis significantly contributes to fractures and contributes to the burden of disability, particularly in older adults as well as increased mortality Chiropractors encounter osteoporotic patients on a daily basis and may encounter osteoporotic fractures even where evaluations are being undertaken for other reasons
Reference: Uhrenholt L, Bakkegaard JH, Hansen K, Doktor KK
Towards the diagnosis of osteoporosis - contributions from coincidental diagnostic imaging findings in chiropractors' practice Chiropr Man Therap 2024 Jun 24;32(1):24
Logan University
Activator Methods International
Cleveland University Kansas City
Chiropractic Economics
Dynamic Chiropractic Magazine
Ergotherapy Solutions
Human Touch
International Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Palmer College of Chiropractic
Parker University
Canadian Chiropractic Protective Association
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
The American Chiropractor
Northwestern Health Sciences University
Serola Biomechanics, Inc
Chiropractic Diplomatic Corps
International Medical University, Chiropractic Program
Northeast College of Health Sciences
New Zealand Chiropractic Board
Spine Care Partners
The Royal College of Chiropractors
University of Bridgeport - College of Chiropractic
University of Western States
Asociación de Quiroprácticos de Puerto Rico
College of Chiropractic Sciences
Dynamic Disc Designs
Elite Chiropractic Tables
Federation of Canadian Chiropractic
Four Star Industries Pte Ltd -
Japanese Association of Chiropractors
Kiropraktorernes Videnscenter
Madrid College of Chiropractic-RCU
National University of Health Sciences
Precision Biometrics, Inc. / MyoVision
Research Review Service Inc.
Sommeil Terre Pte Ltd
Southern California University of Health Sciences
The Joint Chiropractic
MORGAN William E, DC (USA)
CHUN PU CHU Eric, DC, MHA, PhD (Hong Kong)
BOO Gordon Kou Tuan, DC(Malaysia)
KUWAOKA Toshifumi, Mr (Japan)
WHITMAN Larry, DC(Australia)
AYMON Michel, DC(Switzerland)
BORGESSira, DC, MD (Brazil)
BROWN, Steven (USA)
CHAPMAN-SMITH David, Mr (Canada)
CRAIG Stuart and Leonie, DC(New Zealand)
DONATO Phillip, DC(Australia)
DOUCET, Chantale (Canada)
EL SANGAK Omar, DC, MD (Egypt)
ERRINGTON Timothy, DC(Singapore)
GELLEYGeoffrey, DC(Canada)
JOHANESSEN Espen, DC(Norway)
KIL Vivian, DC(Netherlands)
LING Kok Keng, DC(Singapore)
McNABB Brent, DC (USA)
MOSSJean, DC, MBA (Canada)
SERRANO , Mayda (Puerto Rico)
SOSNA Janet Ruth, DC(Singapore)
STEWARTGregory, DC(Canada)
TRUUVAARTGerly, DC(Estonia)
VAUGHAN Bruce, DC(Hong Kong SAR)
WILESMichael, DC (USA)