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MISSION STATEMENT Our vision is to raise up a writer in you. Writing gives you the ability to put your thoughts in one place and share them with the world. Your story needs to be heard and Women's Frontline Magazine creates a platform to make it happen. Women all over the world are being raised up to move to the frontline and build and establish a kingdom legacy. God is calling us out of the ashes to the forefront of his gospel. What you thought would kill you is the very thing that God wants to use, to raise you up ,so you in turn can raise up nations. There is something about telling your story: someone, somewhere will be touched by it and moved to transform their life. Our magazine caters for all types of writings; journalism, story telling, essays, articles, devotions, advice, journals, poetry and many more. Take the time to send us your story at womensfrontline@gmail.com We are always on the look out for new writers. CONNECT WITH US Facebook https://www.facebook.com/womensfrontlinemagazine/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/womensfrontline/? Pintrest https://dk.pinterest.com/mucmut/womens-frontline-magazine/ womensfrontline@gmail.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED@WOMENSFRONTLINEMAGAZINE2022





The ancient Poet in the Book of Ecclesiastes gave us a sense of the meaning of Kairos. There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mary Eisenacher Barbara Berry Devri Pratt Shelly Wilson Yolanda Sherman Joanne Cunningham Faith Rollerson Alice Mills Page 1



IN THIS ISSUE By Kathleen Umanetz

By Joanne Cunnigham



By Kathleen Umanetz



By Alice Mills


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Welcome to the August/September issue of Women's Frontline Magazine. We would like to welcome our new writers to the magazine.

is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. He o ers a resting place for me in his luxurious love. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss. That’s where he restores and revives my life. He opens before me the right path and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honour to his name. Even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near. You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to ght. You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit; you give me all I can drink of you until my cup over ows. So why would I fear the future? Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you! Psalm 23

In this issue we have lots of inspiring articles . The focus for this magazine is to glorify God through sharing our stories with you. In this season spiritual warfare has been intense and a lot of people have been battling attacks and wondering when this will end. Rest assured that you have been faithful in your prayers and are standing on the irrefutable word of God. Be encouraged that this too shall pass and God will honour you. Yolanda Sherman is on the August 2022 cover. She is a woman who is on the front lines of building a Kingdom legacy and is truly after God's heart. I hope that you take time to sit down and read the amazing articles that we have for you. eceive God's best in this season... Blessings

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Women's Frontline Magazine

This Season Women on the Front Line should possess the ability to change the weather forcast over their Lives.... If one woman's (Jezebel) worship through rebellion to an Idol god called Baal could upset God and cause him to stop rain for 3 years in the natural (1 Kings 17:1).... on the contrary, How much more could one woman's WORSHIP through obedience unto God cause rain to manifest... For Behold, I See Women all over the Globe releasing showers... Let the rain fall, for rain is symbolic of the Blessings of God being RELEASED.... It is also signi cant for the Outpouring of The Spirit as well as the Word of God.. Women on the Frontline produce the rain in this Hour... Don't be argumentative, remain in God and let a transformative shift take place. For Proverbs 27:15 (NLT) reads.. A quarrelsome wife is as annoying as constant dripping on a rainy day. Change your attitude and perfect that which concerns You... Worship until His BLESSINGS are unraveled, Pray until the Heavens pour out above You, and most Importantly, consercrate yourself until HIS Word is Revealed (1 Kings 18:41)... Open the ood gates and produce the rain. You posses the ability to create showers.. -P. Turner-

You are in control ladies, know that God has put you in control. For years women have been living unde ned lives of who we truly are . Your abilities in this new season will be realised like never before, not only to self and family, but throughout the world. Be all that you can be in the illustrious life of royalty , know that the genre that this world has set us to believe in, is not t for the daughters, queens. princesses and servants of the Kingdom Of God. Remember that you have been chosen for such a time as this, to shine and bring radiant light to the nations. Ye are light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 The " experts " of this world have you as a women portrayed as sex symbols , whores , gold diggers and other words that associates us as being women in bondage. However there has been an extreme makeover through the life changing transforming word of God, that has and continues to bring forth a plan, a hope and a purpose . Stay connected to the power source and remember that what is impossible with man is possible with God. The Father has given women an aroma in this season that breathes.. 'I can do all things through Christ and there is nothing too hard for God ...' -P.Slaughter-

Grace was poured out to us as enablement to live the God kind of life. Our own e orts to do good are not successful, somewhere along the way we will nd ourselves doing those things which we are not supposed to. Have you not found yourself regretting the way you answered someone? The esh reacts to provocation but grace responds. Choose GRACE.

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In this season and hour, God has called women to be impactful and e ective for the Kingdom through putting our faith into action and to start speaking what God has ordained and revealed to you. As women of faith we must believe that we have a divine destiny. Many times women come across obstacles and hindrances that we never imagined would present themselves and many of us still struggle daily with the knowledge of who we are in God. Di culties may arise, but with trust in God and perseverance they became the very impetus needed to overcome in order that we grow and mature into the place and positions that He has ordained for us to occupy. Many are frustrated because you don’t know that you have a divine purpose, either it has not been embraced or you do not know how to pull it forth. Some women have low self esteem and do not know their value or worth or images that have been portrayed since childhood have formed a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of just who we are as women and who we have been created to be in Christ. The Bible teaches us that we are to AWAKEN to who God has called us to be...”Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1-2. God is looking for women who will arise, go forth, and take the dominion He gave us to be co-laborers in redeeming and restoring humanity back to Him. We must ARISE to our authority and walk in the boldness of Christ that is within us. “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 1:17-21.

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We are in the ght of our lives. This is the very reason that we, especially as women must be strong in the Lord. Just as Paul the Apostle outlines in Ephesians 4:17-32, where we are encouraged to live as God desires, with renewed and not conformed minds, always displaying the spirit of love and kindness before the world, and within our families regardless of the circumstances in which we nd ourselves and in Ephesians 6:10-20 where we are taught to be prepared and dressed for that warfare that will inevitably come, but because we are “...strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.' We shall “...speak boldly as we ought to speak.” We’re called to lay ourselves out, we may even have to become spiritually exhausted in order to move people toward full devotion to Christ. Since Christ is in us, He will provide us with His 'dunamis' power, His supernatural strength and energy, as we labor to assist people to obtain spiritual maturity. We’re to enrich one another through encouragement and we’re to do whatever it takes to be united in love. When believers are encouraged and united, they will have the riches of complete understanding and as we take responsibility for one another, we will come to understand and know Christ more fully. Causing us to know Him better, and thus discovering treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

By R.Chamblee “Writing'' was never intentional. After the Lord came for me, I simply began to blog my longing for Him, my joy in Him, and my daily ponderings and lessons from my time with Him. I have fallen in love with writing. Writing of His tenderness and the beautiful ways He speaks to me. The fun loving ways He shows His nature and names..Elohim..El Roi…Adonai. I have learned whether through songs, poetry, or stories, He has a message for us if we are listening. A song is a sermon set to a melodic outpouring. A poem can be the means He delivers a rebuke but with loving mercy. A story can be a mere parable likened to the ones we read in His Word. A prophetic utterance can be ushered in from His heart through pen and paper…as with Paul and others in the Bible. He still speaks to His people today..this has never changed. wish I could tell you I can simply sit down to write at anytime, or on any subject. Yet, it is not His way with me. I have to wait for Him to plant the seed in my heart. Sometimes it’s a single word or topic...

The con dent woman has to be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove. The serpent is cunning or wise but in an evil way hence the balance of a dove. The dove is harmless and loving. Be wise but harmless. In this world we live in, it is necessary to apply this wisdom in order to walk in boldness and in con dence. You can be bold through Christ who strengthens you. When Christ is in you, you can be fearless. When you have the wisdom of God, you will excel. The wisdom of God makes you know more than your teachers. Let’s look up to God, the author and nisher of our faith in all the things we do.

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His Spirit within me leaps, pricks, or lingers as a thought when He is stirring something in my heart. Many times it’s a Word for His church calling us back to Himself in repentance. Sometimes even a warning…regardless my heart is to obey when He says “arise.” Through writing He has birthed publications and books to strengthen the brethren, encourage us towards destiny, and speak truth in a world quickly turning from the Father. If we dare to spend valuable time with Him we will heart His heart. His heart as it rejoices and His heart as it weeps. For He resides in us. He longs for us to know Him well and to love Him deeply. By Shelly Wilson

No need to concentrate on your faults – turn your eyes to Jesus and focus your attention on Him, and He will continue the process of beauti cation.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it is true. I get so excited when I witness someone coming into the presence of God, for I know that He will reveal His beauty to them – His heart full of mercy, love, and grace.

In studying and teaching about the Tribes of Israel, we nd that each tribe had a unique gem on the High Priest's breastplate. He was their representative in prayer before the Lord. I am amazed at the di erent qualities and giftings of each tribe.

by Mary Eisenacher Call of the wild Ministries If correction comes, it is done in such a beautiful, compassionate way that it is accepted, embraced, and personally applied.There is a process that occurs in gem cutting. The Lapidary is a cutter, polisher, or engraver of precious stones with elegance and precision, bringing out pleasing and satisfying results. When this artisan does it correctly, it is a beautiful new gem with its best features revealed. As the songwriter proclaimed, "Lord, you are more precious than diamonds," he knew just how valuable the Lord is to His people. No doubt, he had a divine encounter with the Living God and wanted to tell all about it.

It shows you why you can ow better with speci c individuals and why there is friction with others. It becomes a great way to intercede for individuals – declaring qualities they need to function well in their unique calling. All have duties and special placements. It is fun to see each tribe's strengths and sad at times to learn of their weaknesses. Nevertheless, God had compassion for them even when they sinned. He always had a remedy for them and for you and me today.

Exodus shows that the twelve stones were each formed as seals engraved with a tribe name. They speak of the twelve tribes of Israel. The High Priest before the Lord wore them as a And, so, you too are valuable to the Lord. You are a memorial over his heart (Exodus 39:10-14). In "Gem for Jesus." He fashioned you, putting nishing touches on you as He has cut, polished, and shined you Revelation, we see they also represent a link to the future. as only The Great Artist can do. He is proud of you. He sees the believer through the shed blood of Jesus as His The twelve jeweled foundation stones of the perfect "Gem of Revival." As His "Gem," He is readying you to do Kingdom work. As the glory of God New Jerusalem wall will have engraving with the names of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb. shines through you, it permeates the darkness, These gems represent the foundations they have bringing Jesus' light – the light of the Son to fallen laid for us in the Living Holy City of Jerusalem man. (Revelation 21:14).

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The symbolism relates to Jesus, our Great High Priest, and our eternal and future hope of Heaven. This next and impending revival will need all His "Gems" to shine forth the glory of God. Great darkness has come to the Earth, but it cannot stay when the light envelopes it. It is not a time to hide your light P a g e | 2 under a bushel. Hiding will not bring you the happiness you deserve. Joy comes in the morning. Each new morning brings new opportunities for you to enjoy The Great Commission. It may not require a lot of money. But it will demand your willingness to be used by God. He loves you and needs you. His love goes with you – you are not alone. God will provide whatever you need. Like a gem, you have been made stronger through time. Due to your tests and trials, you can stand a lot longer when under pressure. That strength is needed as people are perishing all around you. Jesus is calling His "Gems" into active duty. Listen. Can you hear Him calling your name? You are worthy of being a "Gem for Jesus" because of your value. So much has been placed within you in divine moments of learning and understanding. Join other "Gems of Worth" to do God's bidding and be an Ambassador for Jesus. The assembly line is moving. Do not lose your place in the processing. Keep going one step at a time. Each "Gem" is so unique. God – The Master Artist – knows how to process each one. Do you say that you cannot see what He is doing?

Fear not. He knows and will reveal it at the appointed time. God makes "Gems" into jewelry. Where do you t? He knows the right place, with the right people, at the right time. When it all comes together, it is like a magni cent necklace – beautiful and precious to those who see it. So, He will con rm, "Gem for Jesus," when the timing is right. Some of you have been like David on the back forty, hidden for a while. But someone will call for you, anoint you, and point to God's position for you to shine for Jesus. He has not forgotten you. He knows where you are in the process of preparing for the new. If you are already in place, relish it, put your best foot forward, and use your platform to glorify God. Whether your position is small or large, private or public, God places His "Gems" in every walk of life. Count it all joy and do your very best. Jesus loves His "Gems." He is holy proud of them. His wise counsel through the Holy Spirit is available at the drop of a hat. That same Holy Spirit is right there when the enemy starts mudslinging or his awful lying. His pathetic goal is to try to chip away, dull the nish, impede your shine, or even break you. Well, He is defeated. He can try all he likes. You will resist his weapons, shake o the dust, submit to puri cation when necessary, and step back up with a holy vengeance to love God and others enough to display God's beauty in you. "Gems for Jesus," are you ready? I believe you are prepared for Him to hand-pick you to be a "Gem for Revival." Could you be a Revivalist? Of course, you can. Let God revive everything within you so you can live a God-sized version of what God intended you to be all along. His plan for you is excellent. Jesus is calling out the "Gems" – can you hear Him?

I challenge you to embrace God so that you can embrace your journey no matter what you have gone through or are currently going through ,know that God is with you. God said, “He’ll never leave you nor forsake you”, God is just waiting on you, to turn it all over to Him. “Trust Him it’s your story, but for Gods Glory.” Monique Ray

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By Faith Rollerson.

I am not sure I have mastered being single or waiting. I do not know if there are any real masters. There are days when it seems that I have this thing on lock, and then there are days when my pillow is soaked with my tears because the loneliness is so painful.

Being single seems to be a blessing and a curse, meaning this is a time in your life where you get to know yourself, but it also can be a time when you feel so alone. It is not that a man is needed to complete you, that your life is less ful lling because you are not in a relationship, but whereas a man does not complete you, it is nice to have someone to share certain life moments with.

To live a ful lling single life, we must acknowledge, deal with, and move on from the hurts of our past. We need to deal with the spirits of rejection, betrayal, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, and we must divorce the spirits of boyfriends passed. We have to severe the soul ties of our past. It is hard to be happy when you have all this excessive baggage weighing you down, and you sure can forget having a healthy relationship with anyone. The ultimate key to releasing us from these spirits is prayer. I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and before I even drew my rst breath, God had a plan for my life. took the time to get to know myself, even as a young girl Growing up, I felt ugly.

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My destiny was already mapped out. There were a lot of detours, and one is broken relationships. And they were broken because I was broken. I did not understand my worth, my value or my beauty. I never took the time to get to know myself, even as a young girl Growing up, I felt ugly. I did not think much of myself so sweet words from poisonous lips were music to my ears. I found myself giving myself to men who only wanted sex, and I made myself okay with that because I did not believe I could get better. I was so broken that my mentality was programmed to this self-destructing behavior. I saw nothing wrong with being a jump-o , a side chick, someone that is called when their other lady friends are unavailable. I accepted their few minutes because then I could pretend to matter to them.










I did not always protect myself either. My mind was so distorted that I threw caution to the wind for empty promises. I have not been in a relationship in years, but I realised that just because you do not have a boyfriend/husband it does not mean that you are single. To be single, you need to be delivered and set free from “them” and that takes time, prayer, fasting, discipline, and commitment. If you do not then you will not be single and waiting, you will be single and throwing tantrums, or settling for any Joe Schmoe. one of the most freeing feelings in this world is being freed from the weight of your past. I have made a conscious decision that while I am single and waiting, I am going to live a life pleasing to God The assignment and to live as he created me to be.

The bible says that if I delight myself in him then he will grant me the desires of my heart. I am in the process of God cleansing me from the inside out so that I will be single in mind, and body. Before God sends you a mate, he wants to be sure that you are in place to handle the ministry of marriage. We focus on not just being lonely anymore that we do not take the time to truly assess all that comes with being a wife. It is more than cooking, cleaning, and having sex. It is about commitment and covenant. And God, before he sends a husband, he needs us to have a covenant with him. He wants us to be completely submitted to his will for our lives. Being single and waiting is a time of learning, growth, maturing, and preparation. Again, I have not mastered being single and waiting, but my prayer life is increasing. I have accepted that though I am not married yet that does not mean that there is anything wrong with me. My time will come and when it does, I will know that it is God’s doing.

My time will come and when it does I will know that it is God’s doing.

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One morning, I found myself ying through I-95 tra ic. I went through the Dunkin Donuts line and became irritated because the attendant mixed up my order with another customer. So, I nally made it to work 10 minutes early. I gave myself ve minutes in the car to put on my makeup and then snuck in a 30-second prayer to God. I had not spent time with God that morning. It’s crazy I have gotten away with this for years and it never bothered me. I used to think that spending time with God meant reading a whole bunch of scriptures, forcefully praying for an hour, or playing a whole bunch of Christian songs but God wants that intimate time with his children. He wants to know what is on your heart.

So, my ve-minute prayers did not equate to the level of faith that I was seeking. Besides, God had done too much and been too faithful for me to give him the minimum. Like any relationship, time spent is critical in building the foundation of the relationship. So, my ve-minute prayers did not equate to the level of faith that I was seeking. Besides, God had done too much and been too faithful for me to give him the minimum. Like any relationship, time spent is critical in building the foundation of the relationship. The Bible says "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1).

God wants to spend time with you and establish His covenant with you. For some of us, the type of intimacy that we are seeking from God may require us to disconnect from people, things, work, ministry, and even social media – all the things that hinder your intimate time with God. everyone, I cry out to the Lord. What’s important to know is that intimacy with God is not based on your emotions or if you are having a great day or a horrible day but God just wants to hear from you. interesting enough, Jesus spent 40 days seeking after God and he consecrated his body. He knew the journey ahead and what it required. Also, prior to him being arrested, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed to God. In no form or fashion, he said to the Father regarding the resurrection, that was slated to come, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:39). Interesting enough, Jesus spent 40 days seeking after God and he consecrated his body. He knew the journey ahead and what it required. Also, prior to him being arrested, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed to God.

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In no form or fashion, he said to the Father regarding the resurrection, that was slated to come, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:39). As I got older, I came to realise the signi cance of spending time with God. It is in those times that God is able to provide direction, instruction, and wisdom to carry us through. It is in those times that he heals us from those things that are hindering our walk. It is in those times that we pour out to him all the baggage that we hide from those we love. Intimacy with God is a time when He just wants you to tell Him what is on your heart and mind, just as you would with a trusted friend (1 Peter 5:6-8). As much as we think we govern our own lives, the Bible says, "But seek ye rst the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). Particularly, in the morning time, that intimacy time with God is needed so he can give you the blueprint of the day to gird up your lions, give you the hedge of protection, shield of faith, and helmet of salvation. And, as you go throughout your day, God wants to hear from you and commune with you.

When was the last time you shared the gospel of Jesus with someone? Have you had any evangelistic conversations with family, friends, co-workers, or even strangers on the street? The heart of the gospel is the good news of his love and salvation, which is needed in a postpandemic society where so many are searching for hope and peace that only God can provide. The bible says, "And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15). His good news is needed to reach all across the world. No need for evangelism to be so awkward. Handing out inspirational yers at a concert or church parking lot, wearing Christian apparels, or even sending devotional messages via email at work are common ways people share the word of God. These days, I’ve noticed many people using social media as a platform for evangelising. Nothing wrong with that and it’s actually a great tool for the body of Christ but you must be careful that, "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not for people" (Colossians 3:23).

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Oftentimes, the social media posts are not attached with genuine motives. We should never take the focus o of God and put it on ourselves. When God saved you, he put you on a mission to see others saved. Our sole purpose in leading people to Christ should not be about being popular, gaining likes, or having a huge social media following. God desires us to go out into the world and share His word. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus tells his followers, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Remember, it's not our job to change people because God is the ultimate one who can change our hearts.

This spirit is not merely a woman of harlotry and lusts of the esh. This spirit can easily be in uencing a man. The Jezebel spirit hates the prophets because they will confront “her” lies. The prophets see through to “her.” She cannot remain masked and hidden under the eye of a prophetic heart. For God gives insight. It is why we need the prophets today. When you remove the prophets from the churches, and you silence their voices, you clear a path for the Jezebel spirit… for “she” will go unnoticed until destruction comes. The gifts of the Spirit are meant to work together. I am learning of God’s heart that every ministry ought to seek God for His gifted sheep. We need the Shepherds, the Prophets, the Apostles, the Helps, Healing gifts, etc. When we have an empty place, we are open to deception. Each o ce holds a gift necessary for accurate rule and reign in the body of Christ. Teams need to represent His fullness. This allows great protection for us all.

The Jezebel spirit seeks power and authority but “she” carry’s an illegitimate authority not given by God. She, however, will be very enticing and lure many in the beginning. “She” will steal another’s inheritance through hidden manoeuvres and motives. “She” will be very amicable until told no or opposed. Then she will be full of vengeance and retaliate. ”

''She” has a controlling spirit as well.

This should not be new to us in the body of Christ. All we must do is study her operation in the scriptures. We will see her character, her modes of operation, her hidden deceit, yet her bent to operate in the background to oppose the work of God and His appointed people. We will often nd “her” within church leadership. “She” is cunning at in ltrating the ranks and sees where the hole in the armour is located. When the prophetic voices are successfully removed, “she” sees her opening.

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I have seen this time and time again where the enemy attacks speci cally the prophetic people in the body. “Her” aim is to have them removed and very often “she” succeeds because man has little to no prophetic sight. We see with natural eyes, rather than spiritual ones. For some reason, we are unable to discern well and apply examples Christ placed in His Word to teach us and prepare us for even this generation in the Church. “She” will exhibit counterfeit gifts that display closely to the Lord’s gifts, which requires much discernment. For this reason, confusion and doublemindedness ensues as people see often a good side to “her” and a side that causes pause. “She” will be well hidden but to the one taught in subtleties, “she” will be seen. You will have a check in your Spirit and if you wait too long you will have a landslide of destruction and heartache. Do what you must as the Lord leads and gives you a warning. “She,” or he, will do whatever it takes to silence the prophets and any prophetic Word from God. She, or he, will likely be very religious and do religious things. The source of “her” signs and wonders is not of the Lord. Also, many will have no idea they are being in uenced by a Jezebel spirit so you will have to look past the person and see in the spirit with Christ. There will be deception, manipulation, and perhaps silence to injustice somewhere as you pay close attention. Yet her in uence will carry great weight behind closed doors. “She” will desire to replace others in authority ridding many of that which Christ desired for a given body of believers. “Where there is no prophetic vision, people perish.” Jealousy and envy will be a root cause for her actions. She will plot to rid all bodies of Christ of God’s mouthpieces until “her” in uence has expanded and a slow death has occurred within God’s people. Many will be afraid to approach “her” not understanding the angst in their hearts and afraid to speak of it.

Thus silence ensues. However, Christ loves the person and she or he needs to be set free as well. Confrontation is necessary for all parties. It would do us well to reread the characteristics of Jezebel and Ahab. Ahab seems to have no spiritual backbone. Jezebel does his bidding. Likely, when you nd a Jezebel, you perhaps may nd an Ahab. Jezebel means “Baal exalts” or “Baal is husband to” or “unchaste.” Unchaste means not virtuous; not pure. But do not mistake this to be entirely about a woman or sexually driven motives. There is much more to Jezebel. In this hour it is most important to know your enemy, know the scriptures, and do not judge a book by it’s cover. Here is the good news: God is bringing His prophets out of the caves they have been driven to by Jezebel …and every Elijah will return to pronounce judgment over Jezebel. Her reign has come to an end. 1 Kings 18:4 For so it was, while Jezebel massacred the prophets of the LORD, that Obadiah had taken one hundred prophets and hidden them, fty to a cave, and had fed them with bread and water.) 1 Kings 18:13 Was it not reported to my lord what I did when Jezebel killed the prophets of the LORD, how I hid one hundred men of the LORD’s prophets, fty to a cave, and fed them with bread and water? 1 Kings 19:2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.” 1 Kings 21:13 And it came to pass, when Jezebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab, “Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money; for Naboth is not alive, but dead.” Rev 2:20 “Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacri ced to idols.

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Dr. Yolanda Sherman - PhD, D.C.C. is the Founder and Executive Director of Break Free Release Ministries (2007). Yolanda Sherman has inspired many to embrace spiritual change and live a more ful lling life, free from bondage. Yolanda is a licensed Christian Counselor, board certi ed by the National Association of Christian Counselors. Yolanda is an ordained, licensed minister. Yolanda holds a PhD in Christian Education, a doctoral degree and master degree in Christian Counselling from Juliana King University, and a liate of the University of Family Bible Institute College and Seminary. She also received a bachelor's in 2012 in Christian Counselling from International Kingdom Christian Counselling and Bible Seminary and is a graduate of the Grace Bible Institute. Speaking from the heart of her own experiences as a wife, mother of two sons, and ministry coordinator, Yolanda has the unique ability to connect to women, men and youth from all walks of life. Through Break Free Release Ministries, she has forged a path of success , achievement , and faith based empowerment for others. She has accepted the call to help family members to develop lasting relationships, self- esteem, and self-worth. In Break Free Release Ministries Yolanda equips individuals with the necessary tools to realise their potential, to bring about personal transformation .

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Here are examples of pain for instance, rejection, divorce, death, nancial issues, rebellious children, negative relationships, betrayal, failed business ventures, false religion, and the list goes on. I pointed out a few things to help you clearly understand that pain is so real and undeniable. Rejection is one of the main things that can hinder your purpose. Rejection is the refusal to accept or believe something. Remember this no one deserves to be treated di erently, regardless of who they are. The pain that comes with rejection is sometimes unbearable that one may attempt to commit suicide or succeed the process. Every individual does not process pain the same way and goes through a di erent process of healing. I want to have a transparent moment with you my sisters it was not easy for me to process painful circumstances that occurred in my life. There were numerous occasions I wanted to give up and felt like I was in a losing battle.

There is a time in a person’s life when they must count the cost and continue moving forward. I would like to rst de ne for you the word pain. Pain is de ned as physical su ering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. My question to you is what is in your life that is causing you pain? Also, are you willing to count the cost and allow God to navigate your life into purpose? There are situations where you may feel the need to just give up and not push through. Let me tell you that is the perfect time to ask the father to give you strength to endure the process. I understand this journey very well and we cannot let that de ne who we are becoming as women with a purpose. Obstacles that bring us pain can be removed if we allow God to walk us through the process of being made whole.

Can you imagine ghting for your marriage, children, health, nances, betrayal, near death experiences, and to remain in a place of not losing your mind? If I had to the time to share everything that happened in the process, you would be like OMG! The one thing for sure that help me keep going through the process and obtaining victory is my relationship with God. You must understand when everything else fails in your life you still have God. My favourite scripture that I live by is Romans 8:28 it clearly states: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. I can guarantee that if you trust and believe the father you will be victorious. Listen I am cheering you on and believing that every obstacle in your life will be conquered. Remember that you are unique and one of a kind with unlimited possibilities when the father is directing your purpose. You must move forward in impressive expectations and do not go back in a desolated and isolated place. Hello somebody!!!!! You are Unmuzzled with Purpose is the results the pain has cost you.

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Restoration, peace and joy are terms which are mostly used in the eld of religion, philosophy and culture. They are integral part of human existence. The word ‘restore’, ‘peace’ and ‘joy’ can be found written in the Bible 101, 191 and 183 times respectively. This implies that we can never deny ourselves of them as humans because in our everyday endeavor to ful lling divine purpose, we will have to live by them. The term Restoration was rst used in the 14th Century to mean the act or process of returning something to its original condition by repairing it according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Peace is also de ned according to the English Dictionary as the state of being free from oppression and unpleasant thoughts and emotions whiles Joy is the feeling of extreme happiness or cheerfulness. From the various de nitions above, one can notice that before a person can have peace of mind and joy, he or she will have to be restored from every state of distortion or confusion. As humans, most of the battles we ght are the battles within – the battle of the mind.

When one is confused within, he cannot relate well with his surrounding because who we are outside as humans is as a result of who we are on the inside. Therefore these three entities – restoration, joy and peace work hand-in- hand to make a person whole and give him complete soundness of mind be t creature in the image of his Creator. In most situations, one will realize that most of the negative actions we portray on the outside are as a result of the reactions within. Sometimes one can be annoyed with a friend on a no-reasonable ground. When such circumstance happens, the person that is angry is confused within or battling with an issue in his inner man. In this state of incompleteness and troubling within, he can never relate very well his colleagues, family or even with himself. This in the end will leave him in a complete state of confusion, depriving him the joy he deserve

To be complete, sound and have wholeness of mind, heart and life, one will have to always seek divine grace through prayer. Grace termed as chari in the Greek is de ned according to the Strong’s Concordance as the divine in uence upon the heart, and its re ection in the life. There are some things in life that cannot be achieved by human strength so they have to be granted by divine grace. We cannot divorce ourselves of the importance of God’s grace in our lives so for one to have a complete soundness of mind and peace, he will have to surrender his all to Jesus Christ our Lord who is well able to sustain the person. We will wrap up from the various points by saying that if one is not restored he can never have peace (within or without), and if one does not have peace he can never have joy and if one does not have joy he can never live a ful lled life. This means that, restoration of life brings peace and peace brings joy. We can never run away from reality because no matter how fast a person runs, reality will still catch up with him.

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There comes a time in life when we must be true to ourselves and face the inner me. It is very easy to blame everyone for our short comings and the situations that has happened to us; but the reality is sometimes it’s just us. Looking in the mirror isn’t easy, because it requires us to deal with who we truly are, not who we portray to be.- Monique Ray

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By Kathleen Umanetz What does our DNA, our fallen nature and our new creation in the New Covenant have in common? – it was after having a dream on March 3, 2022 that caused me to consider various thoughts and scriptures - the dream, although a bit convoluted, caused me to pray for my DNA to become whole which is what I sometimes pray when I do communion on a daily basis. Surviving the end times of societies madness with insightful grace, revelation and wisdom is not for the faint of heart - there is a madness (an element of thought) that has in ltrated every aspect of our society – may it not come into the church -

we are part of eternities plan, our DNA fashioned to experience the wonder and glory of heavenly realms - we were banished from the garden until resurrection draws us back to where we belong - opening the purse strings of hope, I see many reaching into the pouch of substance, reaching for It is important that we will not be dictated to by medical solutions that something more – wanting to emerge as true would cause a DISSOCIATION with spiritual truths along the way – as we sons/daughters of God - we examine all issues before embarking are not what we were, nor on any new path - I am thinking here what will fashion us in the of the sacri ce of cells taken from an future, as we journey this earthly plane, skidding aborted baby (that is laced with a form of idolatry) – we are warned not along a platitude of experiences, wishing, to each of that which has been wanting more! sacri ced to idols – of things STRANGLED and from blood. (Acts 15:19,20, 1 Corinthians 8, Revelations The question then becomes 2:4) – the word used for “eat” can be – what are the consequences used guratively or literally as when and e ects to our spirits and souls - are there Jesus asks us to eat of His esh. consequences to our bodies - another point of interest I can hear the Lord might involve the question saying, “wake up, oh of what the DNA of others spirit man, of your carry generationally? I see many uses of the signs of the times for the weaknesses of man to widen and run directly from the light into much darkness. The light of the world is ever shining into our hearts, but when hearts are dark it cannot receive such light – it blinds, and confuses us to walk into walls of doubt and trample on all that is good.

slumber, awaken to the true light that shines into all”

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It is reasonable to postulate that the consequences of sin and resulting iniquity from both (maternal/paternal) generational lines that the fetal cells were derived will have some resulting spiritual implications on the recipient. Curses, iniquity, sin, and the resulting e ects could most certainly be expected to be lurking and incorporated into the fabric of the soul and spirit. Do not be satis ed with your past – let the eyes of your understanding be enlightened as we pray for the perfect will of God concerning Christ Jesus in us - the future is beyond His veil of light, always reaching upward towards Jesus – the author and nisher of our faith for He knows the roads we have taken beforehand, and where we are headed – Lord we need your help – all you need to do is ASK.

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We must not become unstable and always surrender to God. We must allow Him to keep our minds clear from confusion. Most of all we must learn to completely trust in His peace and plans for our lives. Often, we allow people and situations to pull our minds from remaining in Him. Do not allow for extra confusion and worry in your minds. Stop and take inventory of the things, people and places that bring us peace. Once we have identi ed our ‘peace-makers’ then we want to keep them close to us. We must cherish the essence of stability in keeping them in our lives. We must endeavour to remain strong and develop what and who brings us into total submission of His divine stillness. The reality for many is that they have operated in a state of continual chaos and do not even know that they are far from God’s presence. We must endeavour to remain strong and develop what and who brings us into total submission of His divine stillness. The reality for many is that they have operated in a state of continual chaos and do not even know that they are far from God’s presence. Our souls (mind, will and emotion) need to be set toward God in every way. It is God’s peace and mercy that sustains us and keeps us in perfect peace, though we may not understand Him or His ways on all of our paths. There are also some people that do not belong in our circles. There are some places we do not need to be a part of anymore. There are some things in our lives that need to vacate. It is up to us this very minute to stop, breathe and determine what it is that keeps us from living in harmony at all times. Who are the people we need to stop letting enter and exit out of our lives that do not value us? What are the places we do not need to travel to anymore? What are things in our homes, workplaces, or even in our hearts that bring us sadness or confusion? The time is now to handle the con ict and gain back our peace in every area of our lives!

Allow yourself to act, grieve, and then start afresh again! Many may deny that they do not possess peace or simply that ‘all is well’ in their lives. Often, we try to hide our feelings of hostility or anxiousness about life circumstances. However, we must be honest to ourselves and prepare for the battles ahead. Surely, periods of frustration and bewilderment will come to take hold of our peace. Surely, we will have obstacles to overcome that will attack our very sphere of tranquility. Surely, we will have moments to distract us from the reality of life and cause us to be unstable and perplexed about our future. We must focus on keeping our hearts pure and ready to handle any obstacle that is thrown our way to keep us from walking peacefully in every area of our lives. We must mark each day with focus and praise. We must set ourselves in agreement daily with the Word of God. His mercy is the only lifesaving and life-keeping power we will ever need. We must rest in His peace and know that all that we do not understand is cradled safely in His hands. Philippians 4:7 assures and seals us to walk in perfect peace: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” A life of peace and wholeness is found… Walk boldly in His perfected harmony!.

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My name is Barbara Berry, I am 54 years old. I am the Founder of ''But God International Ministries'' which the Holy Spirt birthed in me on October of 2018. Here is my story: I graduated from UniquenessNU Learning Academy as a Certi ed Professional life coach. My teacher was Dr. Yolanda Sherman who is an amazing teacher. I have 5 beautiful children; three boys and two girls, ages 36, 30, 23. 19. 10. I also have an adorable grandson. I have been beaten, gang raped, molested, held hostage, lied on, cheated on ,spit on, homeless, on drugs, abandoned, rejected, neglected, broken hearted, broken spirit, in the psychiatric ward and in jail. I had a heavy drugs and alcohol addiction, compulsive gambling addiction, prostitution, bisexuality. I am also a domestic abuse survivor and an overcomer from everything the devil tried to destroy me with. But God brought me out of the re and I don't even smell like smoke and I don't look like all the hell that I have been through. I surrendered my heart and life to Jesus Christ in April of 2009. Before that I was in the Narcotics Anonymous program for 23 years.

God has set me free from drugs and alcohol addiction and I am fully set free and delivered. I celebrated 31 years on July 28, 2022 and I am truly grateful to God and His grace and mercy. I am a spiritual Mother to many young, middle aged, and older women and men whom I pray a with and counsel on a spiritual level on a consistent basis. I am not only called but I am chosen by God. He healed me from a 30 year cigarette addiction, I haven't smoked a cigarette since may of 2009. He healed me from high blood pressure. One day I decided to stop taking the medication that the doctor was giving me and I was healed. I also was diagnosed with hyper- thyroid disease which caused me to shake a lot and I lost a lot of weight and again I just trusted God for my healing and I threw the medication away and the next day I went to the doctor. I shared with him that I had stopped taking the medication and he asked me why I did that without the doctor's consent. I told them that its because God had healed me and so they said that they needed to con rm what I told them and do some blood work. I said that's ne, 'you can take blood work if that's what you need to do in order for you to know that what I am saying to you is the TRUTH'.

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God has truly been good to me in my 54 years of life. He brought me a mighty long way and I could not have made it this far without Him. I grew up very poor and for many years I did not know what it was like to have nice things. I always thought about going into a store and buying some new clothes instead of going to a church to get free clothes that someone had already worn.

I watched my mother struggle, raising 4 children all by herself, whilst my father was always out with other women and coming home when he felt like it. They never got married so I was taught at a young age that it was okay to shack up and sleep together. So I shacked up for 12 years and had two children with a man, then we got married, but it wasn't supposed to happen because we both were living in sin and we made a very big mistake getting married. We divorced a year in a half later. I didn't know that it was wrong living and sleeping with a man I was not married to at the time, because I was in the world.

But now I know. I was truly broken and I so desperately needed to be put back together again. My self- esteem was real low and I never thought that I could do something positive with my life or have something to call my own because I was always told negative things that caused me to not believe in myself. But now I know. I was truly broken and I so desperately needed to be put back together again. My self- esteem was real low and I never thought that I could do something positive with my life or have something to call my own because I was always told negative things that caused me to not believe in myself. I played all those negative words that my mother and men spoke into my life over and over again and when someone told me something positive, I couldn't believe it even if I wanted to. It took me 45 years to start seeing that I was beautifully & wonderfully made by God and that's when my life changed tremendously. I started building a personal relationship with God and nding out who I am in Jesus christ. God has truly been good to me. I am the author of ''But God'' which is now available on Amazon.com.

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This is why the anointing comes with attacks in order to ful ll our Godly assignments on this journey. The Bible reminds us that every believer can develop this kind of relationship with God, realize that He wants to e ectively communicate with us, open our eyes to see the world in new ways, and give us His assignments to accomplish KINGDOM in the world. This is why the anointing comes with attacks in order to ful ll our Godly assignments on this journey. This is part of our heritage as new creations in Christ. In fact, through Him, “all things have become brand-new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). As believers, we are “transformed” (Romans 12:2). We can realize that God changes us and gives us a new understanding.

He might have had personal opinions on these subjects, but for him, these were not matters for debate, and he was not attempting to convince others he was right. He understood Jesus is always right. Many of the con icts we’re facing in society is an unchanged mindset thus, we should go from a false mindset to a mind-shift. The battle is not only in the mind, but in our souls. Clearly, noted in Romans 7 it’s a spiritual war going on doing both good and evil as a human. Clearly, the Bible tells us Ezekiel spoke because God directed him to do so. The Levities and Sadducees of his times were his enemies (opposition). They may have questioned his inspiration, mandate, or calling, but Ezekiel had no confusion, no doubts, and no he-motions of following God’s voice like an obedient sheep should. He had heard from God Almighty and only spoke because His Holy hand was upon him for a lifetime. He was con dent because he had been transformed by that relationship.

We can know Him personally and become instruments of His supernatural power, available to think His thoughts, deliver His messages, and serve Him only. Transformation causes the believers to go from pettywhiners to prompted-worshipers so stop hanging around your Godly Debbie Downers. In this voice “To worship Him I live; I live to worship Him.” In these last days of opposition and obstruction as believers we must mind-shift and not make pissed poor excuses of stalling in our mindsets. Don't be conformed to the world around you and the honking tra c causing anxieties in you, but ll your mind with God’s Word daily. Make yourself available to Him, ready-set-go to be transformed. Spend quality time with Him in prayer. Always listen for His still small voice. You are extraordinary so, let Him transform you inside out, guide you, order your steps, and stop them too, speak to you with a mindset to mind-shift, and use you up as you have allowed in your former days to allow the others peeps to use you up. God only wants to ll you up! Re ection Question: Think about “discipleship 1-on-1” and have you impacted a dying soul for Jesus this week make this the headline?

The Bible reminds us that every believer can develop this kind of relationship with God, realize that He wants to e ectively communicate with us, open our eyes to see the world in new ways, and give us His assignments to accomplish KINGDOM in the world.

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#Re ection: Many times as women, we look back over our lives with many regrets from decisions or actions we have made or better yet, decisions or actions that were made against us. We realize from those decisions or actions, that we have issues that we can’t seem to get rid of, which have become so ingrained in our DNA that we believe that is just the way we are. We dress up daily and put on our face and walk in a way that lets the world know we have it all together, all the while su ering in silence. There may be a woman reading this right now who is praising God and getting her shout on publicly, but she is doing it to mask the emotional scars she endured last night from a man who is supposed to love her. Or she may be su ering with the pain of a secret that happened when she was a child that cannot be uttered, for fear that she will be ostracized or criticized by the church community. The symptoms of the pain are for example promiscuity, lying, cheating, and adultery are not acceptable, so she feels isolated and alone. I wonder how many of you can relate? - GK-

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What’s my life’s purpose? You may have wondered about your existence at one point in your life. This question no doubt deserves our full attention because after all we are here on earth for a limited time. Decluttering your home is easy, you just sort out the things you need to throw or give aways and you have more space in the home. Qute simle, but, when it comes to decluttering the mind, it's not really easy to unload our thoughts and leave them there. Why is that? Here are a few ways to declutter your mind. #1: Declutter your space. You become what you eat and what you see a ects your general outlook on life. Watching violent movies is not a good way to declutter the mind and it certainly is not a good way to raise up children. Sorting out what we see and eat helps us have less garbage to chew over and reduces stress as we learn to free up the space in our mind. #2: Declutter your activities. Rusing from one activity to another causes lots of stress so activities need to be sifted and sorted out. You dont have to be at every prayer meeting or events if you are swamped doing school runs. Take time to plan and schedule your activities by eliminating things that aren't necessary. .

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#3: Have discipline on social media Are you the type that spends hours on social media trying to catch up on what everyone is doing? Can you rest without having to be on social media and can you ignore all the rings and dings that you get on your phone? Learn to prioritise how you spend your time and with whom. #4: Practice being in God's presence Everyone needs some form of quiet time. A time to be still and listen. Spending time in God's presence helps you to ground yourself, spirit body and soul as you invite God into your space. Learn the art of being still. #5: Let go. Forgive and let old memories die. From broken relationships to loss, its time to move on. As you let go, you will have a new sense of freedom and your mind will begin to heal from the past.

We were created to stand out in our uniqueness. The only attention we need is that of our loving Father. We are in the process of transitioning as the Holy Spirit leads us and reveals our true identity. -Mucha-

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Staying in a relationship with a narcissist takes a lot of commitment. After all, the bene ts of the relationship are eeting at best, while the daily slog of being someone’s personal slave is exhausting. I have opened up in this blog because I feel led by the Lord to tell my story as a way of owning it. And one of the most di cult things about admitting to my past is that I am generally perceived as a competent, even gifted, woman. People ask, without meaning to hurt me, “How did you get trapped in such a circumstance?” challenge, otherwise? But the self deception necessary in order to stay runs deep. And narcissists can be charming and seductive. No one would stay at all if there weren’t some bene ts. But as time passes and life gradually loses all colour, victims have to develop speci c strategies in order to stay. Lie #1: He is just immature. Everyone in the family participates in this lie. “He will grow up. He is just young,” his parents, my parents, our friends and I would assert. The bene t to this lie is that it is true. After all, a narcissist is stuck at the emotional age of a two year old. The lie is in the belief that time will cure narcissism. Perhaps for a few? After all, I don’t claim to know all narcissists. Lie #2: I can handle the abuse. The wrongheadedness of this lie should be self evident. We were never meant to handle abuse. We were meant for a life lived in love and fruitfulness. And no one can handle abuse inde nitely. It will catch up with you. Your body will start to give out. Your heart will forget joy. Your mind will live in a state of fog in order to keep you from seeing what is there. I was sick for years. Immediately after I left, my health was restored. So now, I proudly assert, “I can’t handle abuse. I love myself too much to expose myself to it.”

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Lie #3: Kids are resilient. No, they are not. If they were, psychologists would go out of business. Childhood trauma surfaces later and is devastating. Children do not have the self awareness or power to assert their pain and fear in abusive circumstances. Instead they learn that they are powerless, that making mommy or daddy happy is their job, and that they are not worthy of love. Those are formulas for a miserable adulthood, and yet, keeping them in that situation made me a party to it. If nothing else, do not fool yourself that somehow you can shield them from the e ects of your partner’s narcissism. No one else has and you and you can't either! Lie #4: I can love and pray him/her out of it. I believe in prayer. Check out my blog. I have had amazing answers to prayer. But God doesn’t make anyone do anything. This is free will. You can pray for decades for a person, but ultimately, the decision to change is theirs alone. I have come to believe that praying obsessively for someone to change amounts to little more than a form of idolatry. God changed me and freed me from narcissistic abuse, but only because I invited Him too. The fact that I used to pray that God would make me the kind of wife John needed is an indication of how twisted my reasoning had become. I worked, kept the house clean, and handled all the care for the children. What he did all day locked in his little o ce, God only knows. Narcissists do not feel your love and do not recognize your sacri ces. They are merciless gods and do not deserve your worship. Lie #5: His behavior is somehow my fault. One day I was having my habitual prayer time. I spent a lot of time practicing forgiveness and would sit at the feet of Jesus letting Him love me as a way to experience the love I had missed for fourteen years. One day I found myself crying and saying to the Lord , “You saw what he did! You saw what he did to me!” The Lord’s presence lled the room and He said, “In no way do I hold you responsible for any of John’s actions.” Until that moment, I did not realize how deeply I had taken responsibility for his actions. The only actions for which any of us are responsible are our own.

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If you recognize these lies you tell yourself in order to keep yourself going, it might be time to reconsider some things. Truth can be so painful. I have been there, on my own with four little girls, two thousand miles from my family. But God led me out of the narcissistic wilderness, and I am so grateful. I wake up, and I no longer wonder if my husband is going to have a good day or a bad day. I swept up all the eggshells from the oor and can say what I mean without fearing a violent response. I live a normal life, and so do my daughters. I even plan for the future, knowing that I have one. So I guess the one thing I learned is that the Red Sea parts for us all, if God is the one leading us out.

By Monique Ray

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