cover story
contents 05
14 Letting Go by Monique Ray
LET'S TEACH YOU HOW TO COOK EASILY AND BETTER Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin.
by Mucha
A kitchen is a room or part of a room used for cooking and food preparation in a dwelling or in a commercial establishment.
22 Dare to dream by Mary Eisenacher THE EASIEST AND SIMPLEST 11 BREAKFAST YET 26 Frontline blog A kitchen is a room or part of a room used for cooking and food preparation in a dwelling or in a commercial establishment.
30 10 Things you should do EASIEST AND SIMPLEST 13 THE BREAKFAST YET 38 Letting God out of the box Breakfast is the first meal of a day, most
by Alice Mills often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work.
05 42
Preheat the grill on high heat, and use a grill brush to clean properly
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LETTERS The editor-in-chief heads all the departments of the organization and is held accountable for delegating tasks to staff members and managing them.
The Jacobs LEFT OVER FOODS by Shelly Wilson
50 10
What comes after HOW TO MAKE betrayal PIZZA AT HOME byAnicole Stubbs Pizza is a yeasted flatbread generally topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It is commonly topped with a selection of meats, vegetables and condiments.
Letting Go by Deborah Jeruto SPECIAL COOKING ESSENTIALS Love & Pain
byCooking Vernice l. Couch or cookery is the art,
technology and craft
Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates.
LET'S TALK ABOUT LEFT OVER FOODS Preheat the grill on high heat, and use a grill brush to clean properly
elcome to our awesome magazine as we share our love for Jesus this month. The last days of February have been tough for me, as I have been under the weather with a terrible cold. But deadlines have to be met, so with a body that is doing its own thing, I had to gather my strength and finish this issue. I hope that you love our cover story written by Monique Ray where she leads us through her painful journey of learning to ''let go.'' We have other inspirational and encouraging stories written by amazing women. May you continue on your journey with the love and peace of this Easter month. Thank you for being part of our magazine.
Alice Mills Nicole Stubbs Shelly Wilson Mary Eisenacher Deborah Jeruto Vernice L. Couch
“Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times.” Then Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Mark 4:8-9).
Imagine when finally a topic that you want to write Imagine when youyou finally get get a topic that I want to write about,about and end endaup having a writer's block! Arrhhgg...what just happened? up and having writer's block! Arrgghh...what just happened? I thought the words would just flow,! I thought the words would just flow, ADD! didn't help how long I stared at my It did'nt PLAN computer, thoseI words were playing tough help how long Lorem ball andatjust stared mywould not come out! Whatever conse happened to collaboration between the computer, those nonum mind and the hand! labore words were playing 2 Corinthians erat, s tough ball and just et acc 6:2 Well, I shut it all down would not come out! for a while and just rebum get on with my daily chores!...for days! No sea ta What ever happened ipsum need to push. After all, time would tell. to collaboration “In an dolor Yep! TIME!the Fast forward a week later, the between mind elitr, s acceptable time I words finally decided to grant me favor. and the hand! tempo have heard you, Well, to think magn Well, II would shut itlike all down forso! a while and just volup As of God, the times And in the day getchildren on with my dailyunderstanding chores!...for days! No justo we are in is very need toliving push....After all,important. time would tell. of salvation I clita k takim Yep! TIME! Fast forward a week later, the have helped dolor According to Wikipedia: words finally decided to grant me favour. sit am you.�[a] Kairos an ancient word meaning Well, I is would like to Greek think so! sed di the right or opportune moment (the invidu As children of God, understanding the times supreme moment). The ancient Greeks had we are living in is very important. Behold, now is two words for time, Chronos and Kairos. the accepted Chronological or sequential time, the latter According to Wikepedia: time; behold, signifies time lapse,Greek a moment Kairos is aan ancient word of meaning the indeterminate time in which everything now is the day of right or opportune moment (the supreme happens. moment). The ancient Greeks had two words
for time, chronos and kairos. chronological
Genesis 1:1 starts in has a set time - Kairos, which is ELPING YOU ACHIEVE chronological time (as per the God’s timing.
clock)...It says, “In the beginning” meaning the temporal beginning. The ancient Poet in the Book of DRESSING THE NEEDS OF INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS AND According the Greeks, this time Ecclesiastes gave us a sense of the NTING THE SEEDS FORto A SECURE FUTURE. was called “Chronos.” Chronos meaning of Kairos. m ipsum dolor sit amet, aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. depicts thediam time At we live in,accusam so if etI justo duo etetur sadipscing elitr, sed vero eos et my eirmodasked tempor invidunt ut dolores et ea kasd you what time it isrebum. rightStet clitaThere is a time for everything, e et dolore now, magna aliquyam gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus you would tell me the and a season for every activity sed diam voluptua. At vero eos est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. ‘’Chronos’’ under the heavens: cusam et justo duo dolores ettime. ea Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, There is a time for everything, m. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam akimata sanctus est Lorem However, the bible is full oftempor invidunt and nonumy eirmod ut a season for every activity m dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum et dolore magna aliquyam kairos moments.labore Every moment under heaven: a time to be born r sit amet, consetetur sadipscing erat, sed diam voluptua. Lorem denotes a particular set time in and a time to die, a time to plant sed diam nonumy eirmod ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur or inviduntwhich ut labore et dolore something special and a time to uproot, sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy na aliquyamhappens. erat, sed diam a time to kill and a time to heal, a eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et ptua. At vero eos et accusam et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed time to tear down and a time to duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet diam voluptua. At vero eos et Forno example, at the KAIROS time - build, kasd gubergren, sea accusam et justo duo dolores et ea mata sanctuswhich est Loremisipsum the appointed or gubergren. a time to weep and a time to rebum. Stettime clita kasd r sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor set time, Jesus Christ was born. laugh, a time to mourn and a time met, consetetur sadipscing elitr, Everything diam nonumy eirmod tempor significant in our lives to dance,
dunt ut labore et dolore magna
a time to scatter stones and a a time to tear and a time to time to gather them, a time to mend, a time to be silent and a LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSETETUR SADIPSCING ELITR, embrace and a time to refrain, time to speak, SED DIAM NONUMY EIRMOD TEMPOR UT LABORE ET a time to search and a time to a time to love INVIDUNT and a time to consetetur sadipscing sedand diam nonumy eirmod give up, a time to Lorem keepipsum anddolor a sit amet, hate, a time for elitr, war a time tempor invidunt ut laborefor et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero time to throw away, peace. eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
GOD'S TI MI NG There is a reason for our very existence. Oftentimes, we get stuck in the Chronos time, where the events taking place in our lives try to define who we are or what we should do. Yet, in Kairos time, the appointed time for your purpose in life is the time where everything starts to make sense.
What time is it for you? Most times, we find ourselves in ‘’times’’ we don’t want to be in. Personally, I wanted to remain in my season of planting, but I found
myself in another time where I was uprooted and doing something else! Imagine when you think you are at the height of serving God the way you think he wants you to, then wham! He takes it away!
God, what just happened? Didn’t you say I should be planting, serving, singing? Due to our failure of understanding the times, we find ourselves frustrated, angry and confused.
2 Corinthians 6:2 says, “In an acceptable time ( Kairos time, God’s time, opportune time) I have heard you, And in the day of salvation, I have helped you.
- upon this rock will I build my church - the story of Joseph - the story of Esther
”Behold, now (God’s perfect moment) is the accepted time (appointed Kairos time); behold, now is the day of salvation.
The moment we begin to read scripture and act on it, it teachs us to live in a Kairos moment.
Ephesians 5:16 says that we can start redeeming the time (Kairos, favor, opportunity) because the days are evil.
The bible is filled with Kairos moments that show us that God always responds to:
When every door has shut and you have tried everything else in Chronos time, start to declare that your Kairos time is now.
- when the angel appeared to Mary
Start calling those things that are not, as if they were.
laughter unity
monique ray
L ET T I NG GO.. There comes a time in life when we must decide whether to hold on or let go. I hear so many people say letting go is hard, but I have to disagree with that. We are all given a choice and it is up to us whether or not we want to move on or stay stuck. Life isn’t perfect and there is always going to be heartaches; but it’s up to us how we choose to handle them.
I walked around for so long with so much pain inside, from the rape, abuse, domestic violence, rejection and even the church hurt. The pain that I was carrying was by my choice, because I did not want to let it go. I put up these walls because I thought it was easier for me to keep people out rather than to let them in.
I realized that the only person who was hurting from my decision was me. I had to come to a place in my life where I wanted to let go of all the pain that I was carrying around on the inside. I can now say that
letting go and moving forward with my life didn’t make me weak, but it actually made me strong. Once I decided to release it all over to God and ask Him to heal me; it was then when I became whole.
Healing is a process, It caused me to be in a but it is a process that 14 year relationship starts in the mind with the father of my children which was , “And be not going anywhere. conformed to this world: but be ye It would have been transformed by the very easy to say it was renewing of your his fault with all the mind,that ye may things that he was prove what is that promising me, but that good, and acceptable, would be a lie. and perfect, will of God.” He didn’t force me to give him 14 years of my life, I chose to give Once I decided that I him those years. I had enough and no chose to give my life to longer would I remain a man who I knew trapped; was never going to because holding on to marry me. my pain, was delaying my purpose. I allowed I thank God, every day all the things that that we didn’t get had happened in my marry, because he life to cause me to be wasn’t my assignment crippled and then and I certainly wasn’t leading to making bad his rib. Any decisions. relationship that doesn’t line up with the
Word of God; is against the Will of God. God doesn’t make promises that contradicts His Word. I allowed my pain to make me think I deserve less than what God has for me. doesn’t line up with the Word of God; is against the Will of God. God doesn’t make promises that contradicts His Word. I allowed my pain to make me think I deserve less than what God has for me. I’m not knocking him, he’s someone's assignment and he’s someone's best; he is just not mine. When I finally realize it and accepted it, then I could let go.
When we hold on to things and people that are not ours, we holding up what God has for us. We do an in-service to ourselves and delay our own blessings and purpose. I’m finally in a place in my life where I’m no longer holding on to what’s not mine. I’ve let go of the pain from my rape, abuse, domestic violence, rejection, and church hurt.
et accusam et justo duo IAt ’mvero able eos to share my stories with others so they too can dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd reach their healing. I’m so excited about my future that gubergren. God has created me for. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing God keeps opening so many elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut doors for me, not because I’m labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam perfect; but because I’m far voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo from perfect. dolores et ea rebum. Stet gubergren,person no sea takimata sanctus I’mclita ankasd imperfect est Lorem dolor sit amet. loved byipsum a perfect God.Lorem I’m ipsum a dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam woman who finally accepted nonumy eirmod temporfor invidunt labore et dolore the Will of God my utlife. I’m not trying my magna aliquyam erat,to sedcreate diam voluptua.
own purpose or destiny, but At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea I’ve finally said YES to God rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata and to let God’s will be done sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem concerning me.
ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
I’ve finally stopped running from I’m consetetur running Lorem God, ipsum but dolornow sit amet, tosadipscing God. I’ve “Lord elitr,finally sed diamsaid, nonumy eirmod I’m ready forut whatever tempor invidunt labore et dolore magna assignment you have for me to aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero do”. partet of my is eos etOne accusam justo duopurpose dolores et ea torebum. help woman become who God has created them to be. I Stet clitaGod kasdfor gubergren, no sea thank putting metakimata in a sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. ministry where my Pastor trusts the God and the Lorem ipsum dolorinsitme amet, consetetur calling God on my life.eirmod I’m sadipscing elitr,has sed diam nonumy the Chair Woman tempor invidunt ut laboreof et Ec’Clesia dolore magna Ministries Worship Center aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. Women Department; which is At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores called S.I.S.T.U.H. et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus ipsum S.I.S.T.U.H. standsest forLorem Sisters dolor sitStrength amet. Inner to Unify
Holiness. that was Lorem ipsumThe dolorvision sit amet, consetetur given to my to help as sadipscing elitr, Pastor sed diam is nonumy eirmod many tempor women as possible to become whole, to be a secure women in Christ.
Our goal is to help women become who God has created them to be and to live in their purpose and walk out their destiny that God has for them. God have also given me to birth Gems for Christ; which is a women's fellowship. Where women can come together in a safe environment and work on their healing collectively. Gems for Christ is also on Facebook; which is used to encourage and strengthen women. Through both women's ministries the goal is to help and heal. As women we tend to hold so much inside of us, especially when we are hurting. As women we tend to put everything and everyone's needs above our own and we tend to think we don’t matter. I pray that every woman who reads this article can realize that
they too can live whole and healed through Christ. I don’t know what your “LET GO” may be, only you and God knows that but I encourage you to let go of whatever it is that God doesn’t want you to hold on to. Let go of whatever you weren’t created for. Do not continue to live your life hoping God will accept what you refuse to let go of. When you let go you make room for all the promises of God, concerning you. I encourage you to free your mind and heart of everything that’s blocking you from fulfilling your purpose that God has for you. Make up in your mind that you no longer want to remain jammed in a place of pain, but you want to move forward in the things that God has prepared for you.
SUB-HEADLINEGOESHERE I accepted that everything God allowed to happen to me, was preparing me for my purpose. What I went through wasn’t for me, but it was to help others heal and get through their process. It was to be able to speak from a place of experience.
lettng go...
It’s very easy to encourage someone forgiven the situations, but I’ve
to let go of something, but unless you experience it you don’t truly understand the depth of what you’re saying. I grew up hearing experience is the best teacher and in a lot of ways that’s true. I know how it feels to give my life to someone and still feel empty inside. I know how it feels to want to be accepted by people, but be rejected by the ones who claim to love me. I know how it feels to have prophets prophesied to me, but begin to dislike me when the prophesy manifests. I know how it feels to be lied on, talked about, belittle, and accused by the same ones’ closet to you. I know how it feels to be given false prophesies, so it will take me away from my destiny and place me out of the Will of God. I know how it feels to leave church and go home and deal with domestic violence, by having a gun pointed at my head by someone who claims to love me and me thinking this will be my last breath I take. I’ve experienced a lot, and through it all I’ve forgiven it all. I haven’t just
forgiven the people who caused my pain. I’ve “LET IT GO”. Through it all it hurt, but through it all I still love them. I’ve been hurt and I’ve caused hurt, but there is nothing more beautiful than to be able to let it go and move on. I’m ready for all the promises of God. I’m ready for the future God promised me, because I know it will be so much better than the future I tried to create. Are you? If you’re not, then it’s time to get ready. Stop holding yourself back, give it to God, let it go and move on. When you let go, you grow. It’s time to embrace the life God has for you and thrive. I’m going to keep growing because I want everything God has for me. I’m not going to let anything stop me, not even me. So, I encourage you, to move out of your way, let it go, soar and prosper. After all God wants that for you too. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
God is forever calling His own to Himself. He has a way of getting women to pay attention to Him! Women are known for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He begins to woo and advance upon them that is, those who are yielding themselves to The Word of God! Jesus is The Word made flesh .
Women's Frontline Magazine
Look at Jesus and you’ll see the heart of The Father. Receive Jesus, and you are invited to be part of The Throne Company.
keeping in line with the world’s system of government. They desire protection . But, God is notorious for carving them out of their environment and taking them to higher heights and deeper depths in Him in order to empower them.
It may take some time to get there, because everything in the world that has been corrupted by the enemy of our soul will try to distract you and keep you off of the path that God has designed for you. But, so much for that! When that happens, women see that there is much love in His God’s ways are higher, and He requests, and that they too can be has defeated the power of the a part of His supernatural enemy. As a believer continues to Kingdom government and His take in the Word of God, strength Army of Love . pours into them. His love transcends ours, but He You have a dream that God has needs His women to distribute built into your DNA. love in lots of ways. God’s love comes in a lot of packages through He has programmed that His women. dream into your life blood. He wants that to be a pure love God designs His children for good that is in line with His Word . and not evil. Therefore, it’s your And, it’s not a sappy challenge to seek the face of the sentimentality kind of love . . . Lord (His presence) in order to know what the plan, purpose, and it’s a transforming kind of love. destiny is all about through the fulfillment of your personal Women are His agents of change , dream. and He desires to be their Protector and Activator. Women can be notorious for
When that happens, women see that there is much love in His requests, and that they too can be a part of His supernatural Kingdom government and His Army of Love . His love transcends ours, but He needs His women to distribute love in lots of ways. God’s love comes in a lot of packages through His women. He wants that to be a pure love that is in line with His Word . And, it’s not a sappy sentimentality kind of love . . . it’s a transforming kind of love. Women are His agents of change , and He desires to be their Protector and Activator.
Delete parts of His Word and you have a watered-down gospel. God’s women (portrayed in the Word of God) came from all
over the world, had different professions, but had great clout! They were forerunners – positioned to champion The
Word and sow into Kingdom Living! You too are to be a great woman of God who carries the full gospel through the New Covenant !
Whether you know what God’s plans are for your life or not, there is always more that He wants to communicate to you. Set yourself in agreement with Him to both pray and listen to what He has to say to you for this next season. He surely will answer you! I’ve seen His will purposed in my life time after time. Some things have taken a life-time to come about; but when I look back over my life, I see His hand gently guiding me along . Sometimes I was deaf, stubborn, or afraid – but, in the end He got His way . . . a vessel who can hear, be compliant, and be courageous. That continues to happen - only because I keep running to Him for instructions. The Holy Spirit continues to comfort, guide, teach, and counsel me. Praise the Lord for His government; and, I thank Him that it is on His shoulders ! If you are striving and straining about the “more” of God, let Christ Jesus take the heaviness now ! Count on Him to take good care of you in the midst of decision , and know that His love for you will always take you through to even more fabulous adventures with Him ! Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Blessings this day as you “Dare to Dream.
been on a sadipscing road that LoremHave ipsum you dolor ever sit amet, consetetur elitr,was sed diam full nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore of bumps, turns and potholes? I magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et remember finding myself on one of accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd these andsanctus panicking! gubergren, no roads sea takimata est LoremDriving ipsum doloron sit road is sit nerve-wrecking because amet. such Lorem a ipsum dolor amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam eirmod tempor invidunt ut next labore turn et dolore younonumy never know where the or magnabump aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et are! accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd Compare it to the way your gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus estyou Loremlive ipsum dolorlife sit amet. today. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magnaAsaliquyam erat, sed diam At out vero eos et long as things arevoluptua. working accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd smoothly, there is a tendency to relax gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. and enjoy the ride. But with each bump, the chances are that you panic as fear
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed in. Every we utare faced with diam creeps nonumy eirmod temportime invidunt labore et dolore kind as we doeoslife, magnasome aliquyam erat,of sedhiccup diam voluptua. vero et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.toStet causes us to react it.clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
“Trust in the LORD with all your LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT heart, and lean not on your own Loremunderstanding; ipsum dolor sit amet,inconsetetur sadipscing all your ways elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmodHim, tempor invidunt ut labore et acknowledge and He shall dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero direct your paths.� eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet Proverbs 3;5-6 clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam. 1
Contending For Now If you have raced with men on foot and they have worned you out, how will you compete with horses?’ Jeremiah 12:5
overwhelmed and asked the Lord why the evil people seem to prosper. That is a very good question, don’t you think? But, the Lord responded And so it happens in a way that must that we find ourselves have left Jeremiah embedded in a weave stunned, or at least, I of thoughts and would have been! knots. Trouble has come our way. The Lord said, in other words, How should we respond? ”stop whining!” This is just the beginning! Could it be that we Brace yourself, for complain too much? you are in for a tougher ride! We question, we ponder, we fret on There is a greater our past decisions, battle coming, and choices and behavior. you will need to put yourself together, be Nevertheless, what strategic and stand has been, has been. It your ground! is a time to contend for now, because that ”If you have raced is what we have to with men on foot and contend with. they have worned you out, how will you As the prophet compete with horses? Jeremiah was faced ’ Jeremiah 12:5 with a fierce battle, he became You cannot contend
with your yesterday, as it has passed. Today, be supercharged to grab your ‘now’.. Stand on the word of God despite the warfare. The Lord has called you and me to do great things. Some are extremely hard and we get pressed, making even the most solid relationships to be put to the test. Yet, as the days get darker, we are called to stand our ground and contend, because a time is coming when we shall contend with horsemen (greater spiritual warfare)….. So stock up on the word of God!
blog | march | 2018
beholding your glory
“Please, show me Your glory.” He said, “I will make My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you…” (Ex. 33:18-19) Reading from this passage we can see that Moses had a desire to see God's glory, so he made his request known to God. God in his infinite love not only revealed himself, but also left a life-long impact on Moses. Moses was stunned at the mercy of God as He showed him his glory. We should learn to be a people who speak to God and present what we require of him. God loves to reveal his many personalities to us and will do it as per our request. Beholding his glory will definetly leave us changed for life. pray: Father, we stand in awe of your glory and we ask you to reveal it to us as we commune with you in spirit and in truth. Lead us to the place where we can see Moses was stunned at the BEHOLDING HIS GLORY your glory and be transformed into your image. amen.
mercy of God as He showed him his diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et glory. How many of us have a dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At similar seeduo Hisdolores glory? vero eos et desire accusam to et justo et ea re-
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing “Please, show me Your glory.” He elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut said, “I will make My goodness labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam pass before you, and I will voluptua.
bum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem dolorhimself sit amet. Lorem God loves toipsum reveal to usipsum dolor amet, sadipscing and willsitdo it iconsetetur w ask him. To elitr, be sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et able seealiquyam his glory will dolore to magna erat, sed diam voluptua.
proclaim the name thedolores LORD At vero eos et accusam et justoofduo et ea before you…” (Ex. 33:18-19) rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum Moses dolor sit had amet, a consetetur elitr, sed desiresadipscing to see God's
definitely leave us changed. glory, so he made his request known to God. God in his infinite May we live to see his glory in love not only revealed himself, our everyday life. but also left a life-long impact on Moses.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam So it shall be, My glory voluptua. At vero eoswhile et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea by, rebum.that I will put you passes
in of thenorock, andsanctus est Stetthe clita cleft kasd gubergren, sea takimata Loremcover ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit will yousit with My hand amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy while I pass by. ut labore et dolore magna eirmod tempor invidunt Exodus 33:22 aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
3. FORGIVENESS bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.� Colossians 3:13
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul 4. FREEDOM and with all your mind. This is Be free to be yourself in a the great and first relationship. Free to expand commandment. your knowledge and be creative This freedom strengthens the relationship.
2. FRIENDSHIP &TRUST Hopefully you can cry together and be there for each other during the good times and the bad time
5. COMMITMENT Being committed in a relationship is a mutual agreement between a couple and not just one partner making all the decisions.
GET INFORMED Quick and easy way to keep in touch with the world..
''Don't just exist, but
live your life to the fullest. You are extraordinary. know that your existence is for a purpose...
7 "play music that expresses who you are e soul music soothes th
take 8 time out... TO REGAIN YOUR STRENGTH!
You're ! e m o s awe
Stay amazing!
Do you know that you are awesome and a wonderful child of God! Stop! You might be thinking that this article is not for you, but before you move on, let me remind you that YOU came out of the womb with confidence, as you announced your arrival to the world! Over the years, you have discovered
who you are and learnt to build your confidence to adapt to your world. Through it all, You have recognized your strengths and weaknesses and you have become comfortable with being who you are. There is always room for improvement and adjustments along the way. Your awesomeness
is a process and as you continue to rest in it, you will begin to fall in love with whom you have become. As you continue on the journey of selfdiscovery, don’t let circumstances change you. Hold on to the confidence you have built within and let it carry you. Be blessed, child of God.
Women's Frontline Magazine
Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of Yoga schools, practices, and I imagine everyone has goals in Hinduism, a box inside Buddhism, andtheir Jainism. Amongin thewhich most well-known minds their types of yoga are Hatha ideas of who God isyoga fit and Rāja yoga.
nicely. I know that my God existed, for Thebox origins of yoga have thebeen most part,tomostly speculated date back to pre-Vedic Indianin traditions, unconsciously an it is mentioned in the unexamined part of Rigveda, but most likely mydeveloped soul. around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, in After all,India's trying toand ancient ascetic śramaṇa movements. understand who God
The term ethical vegan is often applied to those who extend the philosophy beyond diet into other areas of their lives.
We know all too well
OUT OF THE BOX This is how a child views God, of course, but I am convinced that many see Him as just that; a giant God-man, not unlike Superman, only invisible, and of course, more powerful.
Vegan diets tend to be higher the limitations of in dietary fiber, magnesium, humankind, our folic acid, vitamin C,and vitamin E,minds iron, andassume phytochemicals, that and lower in dietary energy, God has some of saturated fat, cholesterol, these as well, just not long-chain omega-3 fatty quite as small as our acids, vitamin D, calcium, limitations. zinc, and vitamin B12. Wellplanned vegan diets can reduce the risk of some types Our minds simply of chronic disease including cannot conceive of a heart disease.
God that is Vegan diets are regarded everywhere and as allis appropriate for all stages of knowing, so we push takes a lifetime of Yoga gurus from India later the life-cycle by the American The imago dei, the idea the at we the boundaries of effort. I think that for introduced yoga to the west, Academy of Nutrition and are made in the image of God, is God only as far as we myself, my earliest [16] following the success of Dietetics, the Australian one of the clearest pictures we can think imaginings turned the Swami Vivekananda in the National Healththem. and Medical orthodox schools of Hinduism is also called Yoga, have of God. late 19th and early 20th Research Council, and idea that man is made which has its own epistemology and metaphysics, In the 1980s, yoga Dietitians Canada. God is oflike the CEO of in century. the image of God and is closely related to Hindu Samkhya became popular as a system This becomes fully realized in a large company, philosophy. completely around. of physical exercise across Because uncontaminated the person of Jesus Christ. Yet aware his top the Western world. plant foodsof do how not provide Distinctions are sometimes made between several this portrait of Jesus, all man leaders vitamin B12 are (whichdoing, is I believed, without categories of veganism. Dietary vegans refrain from and yet all God, the Word made produced Yoga in Indian that traditions, by microorganisms but perhaps less recognizing I ingesting animal products. This means avoiding not however, is more than such as bacteria), flesh has its shortcomings as connected to most of thought this, that God only meat but also egg and dairy products and physical exercise, it has a researchers agree that well, painted as it is with the us, that is, his minor other animal-derived foodstuffs. Some dietary was basically human, meditative and spiritual core. vegans should eat B12rough brush strokes of our vegans choose to wear clothing that includes employees. only Onemuch, of the sixmuch major fortified foods. It came as animal products (for example, leather or wool). minds. a genuine surprise larger.
to me in my twenties to discover that God holds me and my problems very close to his heart despite the clamor and cry of the whole suffering world.
always aware of them, but we figure a waiting period will help lessen this god’s anger and disappointment.
I was the only one who held up the furious God for the real one in error. But I have seen many in prayer ministry find healing simply by being This self-inflicted told that God isn’t mad at I still cannot conceive punishment takes the them nor is He how He can do this with place of grace. We take disappointed with them, everyone, but that is part our licks as we earn them not in the least. of the mystery. from this temperamental god. My least favorite stand-in Another God box in for the real God is the which we place our ideas I heard Bill Johnson say disappointing god. of God, for of course, He in a sermon once that does not actually fit in God is always in a good People tell me quite often them, is the disappointed mood. I did not realize that God has god. that I had substituted a disappointed them quite false god in place of the often. In fact, from their This god is pretty much real one until I heard him point of view, the gospel always disappointed with say that. lacks power. The logical our feeble efforts at living flaw in this reasoning is for him. My god was always that God is a giant shaking his head at me. vending machine. Frankly, this god is Johnson took it further always in a bad mood and said that God is not If we follow the rules, and any offering we mad at us. then this god’s job is to make falls short of his give us what we want. expectations every time. This is, in fact, the Then, as we follow the gospel. God isn’t angry at rules, then this god is This permanently us anymore because our obligated to make sure grumpy deity can be sins no longer stand nothing bad happens to difficult to face so we between us and Him. us. wait several day before This is the finished work confessing our sins. on the cross. We know that this god is
I would like to think that
Inevitably bad things happen to just about everyone. Instead of questioning their reasoning or their ideas of God, these people question their god’s capabilities and find him to be lacking. The piece in the puzzle that is missing in their calculations is that of free will. This whole world is in the hands of men who make their choices freely and often without caring about the effect on others. That the real God is always present to comfort and to guide through distressing situations is inadequate to them. The tragedy is that when we decide God is inadequate, we interrupt His plans. I have witnessed many miracles, miracles that happened in the midst of or near the end of tragic
circumstances. So many god boxes exist that I couldn’t possibly delve into all of them.
exist, therefore they must not exist. The opposing argument then responds:
We don’t know if aliens The ones that come most exist, therefore they readily to my mind are must exist. the idea of God as a set Our brains do not like to of abstract values such end with the statement as truth, beauty, and we don’t know. love, as well as the idea of God as a distant With God, it is possible watchmaker who to know Him, but only in wound the inner part. And it is possible to workings of this earth understand, but only in eons ago. Now He sits part. off at a distance to watch the unraveling. We cannot comprehend eternity, so we make What interests me about God temporal. our tendency to remake We do not understand God into a omniscience so we put a comprehensible concept cap on God’s or a finite being is our understanding. discomfort with mystery. In a conditional world of contracts and A logical fallacy exists agreements, we can’t under the name of comprehend ‘argument from unconditional love, so ignorance’. It goes we substitute lesser gods something like this: whose limits are conceivable. We don’t know if aliens
DIPS It's easy to impress me. I don't need a
My least favorite god is the weakparty god. to be happy. fancy
I remember a friend of mine had just finished veterinary school. Of course, evolution laughs. happy. I'm was I'm routinely taught.
Just good friends, good food, and good
satisfied. When I'm content. he told his
mother that he believed in evolution, her response was to slap him.
Our dishes are
Remember, we madea from fresh serve God who and dinosaurs organic created
Apparently God needed to be defended against the possibility of doubt. He wasn’t big enough to handle uncertainty. And yet, I have often tried to preserve God from my own doubts or anger, as if He needed preserving from my emotion because He was too weak to face them.
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When I find myself shrinking God to a man-sized and therefore fathomable dimension, I try to remember the mysteries that I don’t understand but find fascinating. Remember, we serve a God who created dinosaurs. Great monsters used to roam the earth, dreamed up by a God whose visions are bigger than mine.
I serve a God who created a vast array of pleasures and then handed the keys of free will to mankind.
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He is a God who takes risks. And He is a God who offered His own life in exchange for mine.
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His choice of redemption through His own death contains within it a mystery that is even now working its way through this hurting world.
Non-paid publ cover price and example in stre magazines, or i publications.
Women's Frontline Magazine
JACOBS by Shelly Wilson
think often we fail to realize our own naivety. We know wickedness abounds yet fail to discern that which is ever near to our own abode. Perhaps many of us have forgotten the stories of Haman, Judas, and of course the inner workings of Tobiah and Sanballet.
ever before, we must become wise as serpents and innocent as doves. We need a counsel of friends who challenge us constantly. Be ever so careful of a group always in agreement and unable to speak concerns openly. For love is truth even when it is hard to say.
I agree in that the latter could be conceivable to us today, yet would we see a Judas at our table? For there was nothing to quicken the hearts of the disciples that was merely visible.
Truth sets us free while all the rest binds us in shackles. I need those who can question my theology and reason. The church needs disciples unwilling to swallow every morsel preached to them.
To the contrary, he moved with Christ and his called ones daily. His last move was a gentle kiss. Yet laced it was with deception and betrayal. We clearly have forgotten the scriptures were given to correct, reprove, teach, and rebuke.
We need boldness and courage to do as the disciples did‌and at times we will stand against the religious order of the day. It is supernatural discernment that warns us of a vision that is false or a prophetic word that is weaved with deception and lies. Otherwise, we all slip away from truth believing every manner of gospel being preached.
As we walk into a new season with greater deception than
There is a great danger in a closed mind. Be ever secure in Christ and His Word but ever more honest at that there is much we may see inaccurately. Sit under many teachers and be willing to reason the scriptures. Ask many questions. Bring up concerns. A telling sign of possible deception at work is a teacher unwilling to listen to others. The body of Christ has a duty to hold one another accountable and no one is off limits to questioning.
Also, there must be caution that Satan comes as the angel of light.
A flattering tongue, a yes man or woman, an inner divisive spirit brought by envy, and a counterfeit spirit will rob you of much should you not see it quick enough. A spirit of legalism that places God’s people back into bondage of any kind, offers partiality to which Christ is explicitly opposed, or a wiff of any sort of deception of mannerisms will tip you
off to at the very least another spirit at work. Do not dismiss Christ showing such things in any given moment. Trust what Christ shows your heart even when it seems near impossible. He warns us ahead of time for a reason. Be strong and courageous.
Women's Frontline Magazine
"I felt betrayed. I felt like she completed failed to be there in one of the most vulnerable times in my life.."
I felt betrayed. I felt like she completly failed to be there in one of the most vulnerable times in my life.
BETRAYAL ? Over the past year, I experienced a very painful event, the passing of my mom. She was an incredible person who needed more than I could have ever imaged in the last six months of her life. 1234 Learning Way, New York, NY 00000 When she passed it was
a complete shock to my entire family. I often say that there are two events the bring out the best and or the worst in people: weddings and funerals. 000-000-0000
was contacting distant family members to inform them that my mom and their cousin had made her transition. My family and friends were very supportive, well all except one family member.
We were raised together like sisters even though we are cousin. We were born literally 36 days apart.
Why do I mention this relationship? She and I were so close and there was nothing that I would not do for her. As we started growing up, we started growing apart. The teenage years were the most difficult for the both of us. Our interests were changing, our circle of friends was different. We eventually choose different paths in life. But no matter how much distance, I still would do anything for her, because I love her. When her mother was very ill and made her transition, I was with my cousin every step of the way. I supported her throughout the entire process, not because I HAD to, I wanted to my heart ached for her and the loss. I found myself in need of the same support when my mom passed.
Can you guess? I got none. Not even a phone call. Not even a drive-by the funeral services. Nothing. Not even to this day. Hurt does not even begin to describe how I felt and then I became extremely angry. After all that I had gone through with her, I never thought that she would not be there for me and my son.
The cut is deeper and causes much more damage to the heart and mind.
I felt betrayed. I felt like she completed failed to be there in one of the most vulnerable times in my life. Other family and friends came through for me. Please don’t get me wrong, to this day I’m so grateful for everyone who came supported and prayed for me. The expectation I had was that she would be there or at the very least reach out to me.
Trust, honesty, loyalty, respect, integrity is just a few of the characteristics we look for in relationships. Whether the relationships are with family, friends, or of a romantic nature, these are important and hold major significance. When any or all these qualities is broken
something happens to the person heart and mind. Being betrayed by anyone is difficult to deal with, but when it is done by someone who you have loved unconditionally, purely and genuinely. Who have shared intimate and vulnerable times with, given your last to. The disappointment is so much greater. The cut is deeper and causes much more damage to the heart and mind. I have made up in my heart that I’m done with her for the rest of my life. I really would be alright if I never speak or see her again.
I began to think about how Jesus handled betrayal.
the purpose he was meant to complete would not have taken place. Were would we be if He had not carried out the will of his Father.
In Matthew 26:34, we find that Jesus tells Simon Peter that he will deny three times before the cock crows. We all have purpose and assignments that must be fulfilled. Not only would be betray him, I’m learning that the road to Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces fulfilling my purpose will have of silver, Luke 22:1-5. painful and disappointing moments. The people that I trusted All done before his arrest, trial, to be there will not be there. They sentencing and then crucifixion. will cause me sorrow and Notice that Jesus had close discomfort. relationship with all his disciples. That is a fact of life that none of us He travelled, lodged with, broke will be able to negate. I’m learning bread with, prayed with, preached through the Holy Spirit to see pass with, taught the 12 and yet he was the frailties, insecurities, still betrayed. Even though Jesus hatefulness, covetousness and so knew this betrayal was going to much more. You can make after happen he showed love, someone who you love hurts your faithfulness and patience. He heart. Jesus taught us that treated them no different. love really does cover all. 1 Peter 4:8
Wow, What, do I say to that? There is life after experiencing being betrayed. Forgiveness is a huge key that does help start the healing process. In the case of Jesus, these betrayals had to happen in-order for Him to fulfill his purpose. Had Jesus decided to take “matters into his own hands”,
Now by no means, am I saying to go back to the one that betrayed you. Forgiving a person does not mean go back and be hurt again. It does mean to free yourself and move forward and accomplish the will of your Father.
Nicole Stubbs
WHY EVEN WRITE ABOUT THIS? Everybody knows that letting
go is probably one of the hardest things to do as human beings. After all, we were wired to get attached.
I have gone through three major heartbreaks in my life. Two were related to the end of relationships and one was related to the death of a loved one.
Letting go is a subject that has been written and talked about by many. If you google the subject, there are thousands of articles on it. There is a reason for this, obviously; that it is something that many people go through and seek guidance on.
Without going into the details of the relationships, when they ended I remember feeling rejected, ugly, helpless, hopeless, down to my lowest, distraught, (insert all the negative feelings and I guarantee you I went through them); I even felt suicidal at some point.
The reason I feel strongly about sharing on this topic is that from my personal experience, I usually have a hard time letting go of things that tug at my heart.
I just wanted the bad hollow feeling to end. As I sit here writing on this topic, I can't believe I am the same person that went through those things.
I hope this article helps someone get through a situation that warrants letting go of.
Situations that warrant letting go of ADIMOC | 3 EGAP
If you are going through any of the following situations, this article is for you: End of a relationship Death of a loved one Betrayal Regret about the past
Go IisLetting would like to – Situations something that that warrant letting Why even manygo of go people offer someone When through and seekyou write If you are going through any of guidance on. hope, that the following situations, this about Don't article Iisfeel for you: The reason somehow it all this? End of a relationship strongly about Understand Death of a loved one sharing on this comes to an end, Betrayal topic is that from Everybody knows my personal Regret about the past bad no matter how that letting go is Anything experience, I that you feel you can't probably one of lethave go ofa usually it is. the hardest things hard time letting
to do as human go of things that on to find out how I got over beings. After all, Please tug at read my heart. we were wired to these situations. I would like to offer someone hope, that somehow it all get attached. I hope this article comes to an end,get no matter how bad it helps someone is. I knowait might seem fictional but Letting go is a through trust me, itthat does. subject that has situation been written and warrants letting talked about by go of. many. If you google the I would like to share about was how much that he borrowed subject, there are more about the death he loved his children. money from a relative thousands of of my father. Here goes to buy me that cake. articles on it. the story: I will not go into the There is a reason details of what he was Fast forward to about 8 for this, I could say he was the like as a father, but to years later, we got the obviously; that it best father the world illustrate how kind of news that has seen, but the truth sacrificial he was, one everyone dreads to get, is, there are many instance I can that he had been fathers who are just remember is when at diagnosed with cancer. like him, but to us, he one point he was at a was the best kind of very very bad place We got to praying and father we imagine financially but he still all kinds of desperate there could exist. bought me a cake for measures to try and get my birthday. the situation to change. At his funeral, all one year later, he was everyone could talk I later came to find out gone. 02
by Deborah Jeruto
I remember the day I got the news very clearly. I was studying far away from home at the time and had been home to see my father just a month before that. After the visit during which I saw him at the final stage of the disease, I remember standing under the shower head and letting my tears flow with the water, begging God not to take him away.
THIS WOULD HAPPEN EVERYDAY. I WOULD HOLD OUT ON THE TEARS BUT LET THEM OUT THE MOMENT I WENT TO THE BATHROOM TO SHOWER. God took him anyway, despite all of mine and my siblings' prayers. To be honest, I got very mad at God. I mean, how could He do that to us? Surely He had the power to heal him! Or perhaps stop the disease from ever attacking him! It did not make sense to me.
The worst part for me was that he was taken despite my mother's prayers and unshakable faith; she had absolutely no shred of doubt that he would be healed. This was especially so because at around April of 2013, our father shared a story with us, of how he had gotten a visitation from God while at the hospital in India. He described that he woke up at night unable to move but felt a presence behind him which disappeared as fast as it came. His pee had been laden with blood the days leading to the visitation but immediately after the visitation his pee became normal. After that point all of us felt more hopeful than ever that he would survive the disease; that he had somehow been healed. That was not to be.
keeping it real
But where is God? Before I begin any relationship, I always pray. In fact, the moment I realize something might turn out to be a potential relationship I start praying about it. So Yield: One 12-inch Pizza naturally, I expect that God will Prep Time: 2 hr 15 min make it work; that was not the Total Time: 2 hr 30 min case for the two that ended. I remember being so angry at God for allowing me to waste months of my time, and in one case, years of my life on relationships that were not going anywhere. And I had specifically prayed that He makes them work and that they be to His glory. I could not understand why God did not answer my prayers. These thoughts of pain and confusion were even more aggravated when I lost my father. In fact, from the day he died, I did not pray for more than a year. I used to try to talk to God, but the only things I would start thinking about when I thought of praying were: Is He even there or am I wasting my time praying to someone who does not exist?
If You are there, why would You allow this to happen? How could You let my younger siblings grow up without a father? How could You let my mother go through this? How could You let her be a widow at such a young age? How do You expect her to take care of all of us? (at the time we were all in school and our Dad the sole breadwinner) I have never felt so alone and abandoned like I did at that time.
The how to/ The Awakening Here is the funny thing, as much as I was not talking to God, I kept attending church. I don't know why, but I did. Through this, I got to be part of a small group that we call 'Life Groups' at our church. These are basically Bible study groups but with more focus on going through life together in addition to the usual Bible study. In this group I was encouraged to talk about my relationship with God, which was basically very bad at the time. I found it very difficult at the beginning but through hearing the experiences of others, I opened up and slowly started to say a sentence or two to God.
Sometimes they would be questions about why He allows bad things to happen. Sometimes it would be a word of thank you for something that happened.
relationships, with time I have come to realize that the relationships I wanted to work out so badly were actually not good for me.
be going through. Try your best to be part of a community where you can be free to be yourself around people.
Letting go does not They were not in God's come automatically by I then started realizing plan and I did not see following a series of that I was slowly it at the time. Years steps (yes, rebuilding my later, I see it very Letting go does not relationship with Him. clearly, He had the come automatically by I prayed about the best plan ahead that I following a series of anger I felt towards could not see. steps (yes, those work Him and the doubts I too but will take had about Him. One And finally..... longer) – but I highly day I realized I had let believe that ultimately, go of all the negative it is our surrender to I still have my feelings I had in my God that helps us get moments with God. heart. through the process. Truly, I realized that 'peace that passes understanding' is not a fairy tale. I was amazed that God somehow let me go through all the motions and led me back to Him slowly. I can testify here that He took care of us, regardless of how hard it was. He provided. And He taught us life lessons beyond what I could have ever imagined, through the experience. About the
The bad ones. But I get through them with His help. It can never be all roses and it can't be all thorns either. In fact, with Him I can confidently say that it's mostly roses, regardless of situations and turmoils of life because well, "Peace that passes understanding".
He holds us even when we don't ask Him to. Please, please, try to always talk to Him and tell Him exactly how you are feeling.
Even if it will only result in one sentence – He will be there listening to you and talking to you through situations while showing you the way to go even if you I would encourage you may not see it at the time. to put your heart where God is despite any situation you may
better but not
his year would make 27 years.
We stand before Nobody marries God, family & with the thought friends....pledge of not being our love to each happy for the other & say "I rest of their lives. WILL or I DO" No one says, "I after the will try this for 3 minister says, years and see how it works for
"TIL DEATH DO YOU PART or FOR AS LONG AS YOU BOTH SHALL LIVE". This is supposed to be forever. FOREVER, EVER!!!!
Unfortunately, I gave up after 21 years. 21 years!! Everyone was surprised. My dad was upset, My Bishop prayed.......I was hurting! Did he physically abuse me? Absolutely not. Did he cheat on me? Well, not with another person......
pleases him, he to spend the rest of figures what pleases my life with him, i you. needed to grab hold of his vision....AND I You find the thing DID! that bothers him (you ladies know what i mean). I went back to school, received my You learn how to degree, did my live together. So, residency, collected with all the internal all of my credentials "issues" there really and learned to love is no place for the business. external issues...... Let me explain..... especially those you can control!! I'm In fact, if I say so My husband loves, getting a little ahead myself, I'm one of loves, LOVES his line of myself, let me the best at it!. of work. Sometimes back up..... even more than he Licensed since 1995, loves himself. And ou see, when I the business became sometimes his started dating, my to me like the very decisions were not husband, he had a blood running thru always the best passion for his line my veins. I thought decisions even of work. Such a we were gonna take though he thought passion that i knew NY by storm. I they were at the that he would never thought we were time. be satisfied doing gonna start running anything else. from the starting Every new marriage line @ the sound of has to be I saw in him a man the pistol. "tweaked" with not only a get to know him, he dream or a plan but gets to know you. with a vision. And i You figure what knew if i was going
Funny thing, he "false started" but never came back to start correctly. I guess he was so excited that he started making decisions that were more time consuming and money devouring and not really financially beneficial.
We started to bump being new to the business, ready to bring fresh ideas and stay legally relevant;
slept business. Always business! I felt like the business was his mistress. He loved her, he spent his time with her, he treated her like nothing else mattered!
...he being an old "G" in the business thinking he knows what works and what it Soon his love for "her" takes to keep the ship not only swallowed afloat. him, it caused him to do whatever it took to When these issues make her happy..... mixed with the even when it conflicted ordinary home issues, with what he knew we started to drift was right... both apart. Our ordinary legally and morally. He issues became started making magnified. decisions that not only jeopardized his My solace at that time marriage, but his was that I worked at a business and freedom different firm then he. as well. I was confused! I was able to leave the job at the job when i clocked out. My husband was completely different!! He lived, breathed,
I KNEW I was everything he needed (at least that's what I thought).
me) and you can tell your best friend anything right?!. Well, he didn't and my lack of trust caused me to leave him after 21 years. I took my confusion and my hurt and I left. God has a way of shielding his children. After I left, the hammer fell. My husband moved one time too many to the left and it caused him the freedom that he was used, he didn't go to jail but it was as if he had. House arrest, ankle bracelet, loss of voting privileges and reporting to his PO!! SMH (shaking my head!!)
I was his best friend (At least that's what he told For a year!
love & pain Part of me wanted him to be miserable because i was hurt. Another part of me prayed that God showed him mercy. The last part of me was glad i got out!!!
at the church did not know that's what was happening. I eventually told my story once I moved into my own new apartment and the church was in disbelief.......including I stayed with my cousin him!! for awhile and when my time was up there, I I have been in my own went to a homeless place for three years shelter. now and I am receiving so many THAT IS AN ENTIRE blessings.....too STORY ALL BY numerous to mention ITSELF! right now. I was there for 6 months. It was in the Bronx and my travel time was just short of 2 hours.....each way!!
Everyone reacts differently to life changing circumstances. FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY TO HEALING! Once you allow your heart to become hardened, it is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for it to become softened and open towards others. Continue to do the right thing no matter how you feel after you've been wronged. You will soon see how much energy you were wasting being angry!
Not only do I minister to women who have been thru similar situations, I pray for the man who I felt hurt me so deeply. Trust God to take you I continued to come to through. church (in Brooklyn) I remember when I every Sunday morning would not even look in Allow the night season and Wednesday his direction, or when I of weeping to pass. evening because that saw him coming I was where I drew my would go in another Look for the joy that is strength......EVEN THO direction. waiting for you in the MY HUSBAND WAS morning. STILL AT THE I didn't have a word to CHURCH! speak to him. Now, I TURN AWAY FROM can hold an entire THE ROAD OF I continued in my conversation with him BITTERNESS AND GET duties for the church, and not remember the ON THE PATH TO sometimes cooking and hurt. BETTER! bringing food all the What do I want you to way from the bronx. walk away with after reading this? My sisters and brothers