Womens frontline magazine 3 pdf rose

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Let The


Louise Des Bordes EVE REDEFINE D from dream to manifestation






I am constantly amazed at the joy I'm experiencing having been given the assignment to release this magazine. There has never been a day where I find working on the magazine to be tedious. It has given me a sense of direction, knowing that I am doing what I love and having so much fun. As I give God all the glory, He is opening new avenues of friendship with amazing God fearing women from around the world and I now understand that divine connections can only be made by a Divine God. I truly am realizing the meaning of God "putting all things in order". The theme for this issue is "LET THE VISION SHINE", which focuses on having faith to go forth and fulfill the dreams and visions that God places within us. I started the magazine after the Lord prompted me to revisit my journals in which I had written this vision many years ago. The important thing is to let God guide us as we take steps into unknown territory, and while yes, it is daunting and scary at times, with moments of uncertainty, but when we set sail (take off), the winds begin to blow us in the direction He purposed us to go. We will learn along the way and might even make mistakes, yet it is in His plans we proceed to our destiny. I encourage you today to raise the bar in your life and begin to see the purpose and meaning for your existence. I would like to thank the amazing writers that this magazine has connected me with and thank you for taking the time to co-labor with me as we move towards accomplishing this vision. To our readers: Thank you for sharing this journey as we endeavor to achieve greater insight and wisdom together. I cherish you all, in Jesus name.


ing is to let God guide us as we take steps into unknown territory, and

in this issue 4 Women You Glow 6 Meet the writers 8 Fulfilling Prophetic Destiny 10 From Nothingness 12 Let the Vision Shine 14 What is your testimony 16 So Complete 18 Interview with Rosemary Ariole 22 Dare to dream 24 Women of Faith 26 Gentle Breeze 28 Your Unique Calling 30 From Dream to Manifestation 32 Eve Redefined 36 Finding Your Boaz 40 Leters to my sisters 42 A vision ablaze


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WOMEN YOU GLOW!!!! By Patricia Slaughter

You are in control ladies, know that God has put you in control this year of 2014. For years women have been living undefined lives of who we truly are . Your abilities in this new year will be realised like never before, not only to self and family, but throughout the world. Be all that you can be in the illustrious life of royalty , know that the genere that this world has set us to believe in, is not fit for the daughters, queens. princesses and servants of the Kingdom Of God . In 2014, remember that you have been chosen for such a time as this, to shine and bring radiant light to the nations. Ye are light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 The " experts " of this world have you as a women portrayed as sex symbols , whores , gold diggers and other words that associates us as being woman in bondage. However there has been an extreme makeover through the life changing. transforming word of God, that has and continues to bring forth a plan, a hope and a purpose . Stay connected to the power source and remember that what is impossible with man is possible with God. The Father has given women an aroma in this season that breathes.. 'I can do all things through Christ and there is nothing too hard for God ...'

DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL? WFM is constantly looking for real stories to feature in our magazine. We are looking for a team of writers to write for the magazine and contribute their inspirational journeys to uplift and encourage our readers. Women's Frontline Magazine is a nonprofit magazine therefore offers no compensation, but offers exposure to different audiences around the world. We also offer free advertising for our writers. Get inspired to submit your stories, testimonies, poems and creativeness so we can publish them. Be a part of Women's Frontline Magazine! http://www.i-m.co/wfm/frontline/ Email us: womensfrontline@gmail.com NEXT MAGAGZINE ISSUE RELEASE DATE 30 APRIL 2014


Your Events Your Business Your Websites Your Ministry Your Books Your Music



Meet the Writers Yeleina Morgan born in NYC realized at a young age that the only true life worth living is the one dedicated to God is determined to share His love http://yeleinamorgan.wix.com/greaterhorizon

Apostle Mary is Founder/CEO of Call of the Wild Ministries, Inc. - an Apostolic Revivalist Ministry with the Mission: “Helping Others Answer God’s Call.” She is an ordained minister (consecrated as an Apostle/Prophet) and is a member of several international fellowships.

Patricia Slaughter is a Faith builder / life coach , spiritual leader with a life devoted to see the glory of God arise in many facets She and her son resides in Athens Georia


Shelly Wilson is a Christian Singer and Songwriter who began in music ministry. While much of her time is spent writing and ministering through music she is also the Founder and President of Drama Queen Ministries. Drama Queen Ministries encourages girls of all ages to take their place in the Kingdom through Live Events, a printed magazine titled Drama Queen Magazine, DQK Club Outreaches, a DQK Radio Show http://dramaqueenministries.org/


Pearl is the author of the book Hannah’s Testimony. She is also the Founder of Hannah’s Testimony International. A women’s ministry dedicated to encouraging women to love God and look up to Him as the author and the finisher of their faith. She is a mother and a publisher. She is the CEO of Bluecode Company Limited, a publishing and printing firm.

Ruth Mutale is married to Pastor Martin Mutale and blessed with four beautiful Children. She is doing ministry work in two churchs in Aalborg International and in Brønderslev in the Apostolic Church in Denmark. I have a Heart to see Women excelling in their giftings and calling.

Prophetess Delisa Lindsey, PDL Ministries International Email: Delisa.Lindsey@truelovechurchofrefuge.org Website: pdlministries.weebly.com




Each of us have assignments, mandates, responsibilities that are required ofof us this year. Many are even claiming this to be a year of the ‘double’. While that may work in our favor, unfortunately for some of us this is truly a season of double. By that I mean that what we failed to complete last lishyear is added to what is on our prophetic assignment plate for this year. In other words, although God blots out our transgressions, He does not blot out our assignments. In considering the case of Jonah, we find that what God requires us to do, He requires us to do. Also pointing out in the case of Jonah, his disobedience required him to work harder, run faster, and more in a shorter period of time. et accomplish (Jonah 3:3-4)


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Jonah was so overdue and over- pregnant with his prophetic assignment that when he finally reached a point of obedience and alignment with the will of God, his purpose would not allow him to wait to touch down in the center of the city. The second that he reached Nineveh, even the outskirts of it, his water broke and he gave birth to the message of repentance he was to preach to the people. In so much that the animals fasted, I would venture as far as to say that he even preached to farm animals as he made his way to the city. Anything that moved heard the voice of the prophet as he declared what ‘thus sayeth the Lord’.

Aside from making up for lost time in 2013 by being hindered by demons, or even our own procrastination, we have our assignments for this art people, year. If you are unsure of what your assignments are for this year, by the time you are finished reading this message you would have heard Holy Spirit speak to you about your 2014 prophetic destiny. I would encourage you to write that assignment down and keep referring to it from time time. So what’s on God’s mind for you for 2014?


by Delisa Lindsey

By now you will feel a desire to do a thing, be a certain place, perform a certain task, or even connect to a certain type of people. The Holy Spirit will impress the predestined will of God upon you and at first it will appear overwhelming. Your carnal mind is going to debate with you that it cannot be done, contend with you that you don’t have enough money, you aren’t smart enough, and excuse after pitiful excuse. You are not alone, there are many others even from ancient times who have made some of the same excuses as we have. (1 Kings 3:7, Jer. 1:6-7, Ex. 4:10) You and I are not the only ones who have complained to God about our inadequacies. He has heard them all. In fact, when we read what is written in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, we find that He has already made concessions for all things. Now, let’s get to business… What is the Lord calling you to? Do you feel led to start an online blog, a ministry website for singles, recovering addicts, etc.? Are you being promoted this year in the Kingdom of God as a minister? Will you teach Sunday School or Bible Study? Will you lead worship? Will you serve the church body in the ministry of helps? Will you receive your ministry license this year or finish a business degree? Will you write a book (or finish the second or third book)? Are you going into business, expanding business, or gaining employment? Are you getting married this year? Will you evangelize this year? What do you feel Holy Spirit calling you to? Rest assured that it will be nothing carnal. God is not as interested in your obtaining a house or car as He is your handling exploits for Him in the Kingdom of God. As you focus on Him this year, He will handle your material desires....



There are three important things you must keep in mind as you prepare yourself to fulfill your prophetic destiny this year. 1) Clarify Your Vision – Hab. 2:2-4 instructs us to write the vision and make it plain. Put your plans and goals on paper. Use them as a compass to keep you on task for the year. Journal your progress and even note your failures. When you have matured in those areas you will appreciate how much you have grown in such a short period of time. 2) Get Help – Prov. 24:3-4 – Wisdom is a builder. Surround yourself with information, knowledge and understanding pertaining to the project you are undertaking. Don’t approach it religiously. You will need to put in work and effort into what you are called to do. 3) Build teams – Prov. 24:6 – No man goes to war alone and no man is an island to himself. The greater your vision, the larger your team of supporters needs to be. Don’t be afraid to seek counsel of those who are more experienced than you. Humble yourself and submit the counsel of the seasoned and more mature. When you are finished making your vision clear, list your challenges. Contend with the things that will contend with you. Be bold and strong in the faith. Put on the whole armor of God and stand against every wile of the enemy. You have no need to fear for God will partner with you every step of the way. Break free from every devil assigned to hinder you this year and be determined to walk in the fullness of every assignment our Heavenly Father has designed for us in 2014.


from nothingness

God's covenant bride is being raised from the ashes, to emerge from nothingness to the Authority of God. H. Lunding




God is forever calling His own to Himself. He has a way of getting

women to pay attention to Him! Women are known for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He begins to woo and advance upon them - that is, those who are yielding themselves to The Word of God! Jesus is The Word made flesh . Look at Jesus and you’ll see the heart of The Father. Receive Jesus, and you are invited to be part of The Throne Company. It may take some time to get there, because everything in the world that has been corrupted by the enemy of our soul will try to distract you and keep you off of the path that God has designed for you. But, so much for that! God’s ways are higher, and He has defeated the power of the enemy. As a believer continues to take in the Word of God, strength pours into them. You have a dream that God has built into your DNA. He has programmed that dream into your life blood. God designs His children for good and not evil. Therefore, it’s your challenge to seek the face of the Lord (His presence) in order to know what the plan, purpose, and destiny is all about through the fulfillment of your personal dream. Women can be notorious for keeping in line with the world’s system of government. They desire protection . But, God is notorious for carving them out of their environment and taking them to higher heights and deeper depths in Him in order to empower them. When that happens, women see that there is much love in His requests, and that they too can be a part of His supernatural Kingdom government and His Army of Love . His love transcends ours, but He needs His women to distribute love in lots of ways. God’s love comes in a lot of packages through His women.


by Mary Eisenacher

He wants that to be a pure love that is in line with His Word . And, it’s not a sappy sentimentality kind of love . . . it’s a transforming kind of love. Women are His agents of change , and He desires to be their Protector and Activator. Delete parts of His Word and you have a watered-down gospel. God’s women (portrayed in the Word of God) came from all over the world, had different professions, but had great clout! They were forerunners – positioned to champion The Word and sow into Kingdom Living! You too are to be a great woman of God who carries the full gospel through the New Covenant ! Whether you know what God’s plans are for your life or not, there is always more that He wants to communicate to you. Set yourself in agreement with Him to both pray and listen to what He has to say to you for this next season. He surely will answer you! I’ve seen His will purposed in my life time after time. Some things have taken a life-time to come about; but when I look back over my life, I see His hand gently guiding me along . Sometimes I was deaf, stubborn, or afraid – but, in the end He got His way . . . a vessel who can hear, be compliant, and be courageous. That continues to happen - only because I keep running to Him for instructions. The Holy Spirit continues to comfort, guide, teach, and counsel me. Praise the Lord for His government; and, I thank Him that it is on His shoulders ! If you are striving and straining about the “more” of God, let Christ Jesus take the heaviness now ! Count on Him to take good care of you in the midst of decision , and know that His love for you will always take you through to even more fabulous adventures with Him ! Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Blessings this day as you “Dare to Dream.


what is your testimon 10

One day, a friend called me and lamented bitterly that she didn’t have

money to pay school fees for her children. She has five children and I can understand why every year she calls to complain. I reminded her that sh had called the previous year to complain and asked if the school fees for the previous year had been paid and she said yes. I pointed out to her that year in year out, despite the anxiety, the school fees gets paid somehow and encouraged her to thank God for the previous testimonies and believe God for a new testimony. There are times we look at our current situation and forget that the God who did it for us yesterday would do it for us today.

The story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 2:10 tells us about how Hannah who was barren petitioned God and at the end had the testimony of having 5 children including Samuel, the prophet of God. Indeed there is none holy as the Lord and He is our Rock. What is your testimony? Are you counting your blessing?

Sometime last year, I found myself in a financial mess and owed a huge sum of money. At a time when the pressure was on, I took my eyes off Jesus and focused on the debt I owed. The result was that I went into a state of depression. Anytime I stood to pray, my head would be so filled with my debt situation that I just could not pray. I couldn’t pray and I couldn’t praise. All the advise I would normally give to people in similar situation just didn’t work for me. One morning I woke up and decided to join some pastor friends in a prayer meeting. As soon I walked in, the prayer leader paused and said, “the Lord says to tell someone that the worrying would amount to nothing”. I knew immediately that the word was for me. I found it interesting that the word didn’t specifically address my situation but just not to worry. I held on to the word and figured out that if God says, “don’t worry”, it means He is taking care of the situation



by Pearl Ocloo Dua

n he r I decided to follow the footsteps of Hannah. When the man of God blessed her ( Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him. 1 Sam 1:17) she went s home and ate and her countenance was no more sad. What had really changed? She did not have an instant baby but had an assurance that once God had spoken, it would surely come to pass.

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After receiving a rebuke, I decided to count all my blessing, naming them one by one. As I counted the past testimonies, I had no choice but to bless the name of the Lord and casting my burdens unto Him. My prayer changed, my praise changed. My financial mess didn’t go away immediately but as I started praising and worshiping Him, He opened doors that helped me pay off my debts. What are you believing God for? His word is true. Hold on to His Word, pray without ceasing. Hannah went to the house of God year after year until she received her testimonies. Don’t focus on the issue, focus on God for indeed He is the author and finisher of our faith. I challenge you to start counting your blessing and I believe that you will have many, many, testimonies that will challenge someone to also hold on.




I am so complete. Peace of mind takes over, The troubles and worries constantly bouncing back and Forth in my head. You became my all, my everything, The first second I stepped into Your presence and felt your touch. I am so complete. The maker of heaven and earth, would never leave a job half done. You became my all, my everything, The first second I stepped into your presence. There and then I felt your love. I am so complete. Confusion no longer rules over my life That heavy chain has been unlocked. The great emancipator emancipated me. You became my all, my everything. The first second I stepped into your presence. You met all my needs and I marveled at your awesome power. I am so complete. You became my all, my everything, The very moment I came before you and you completed me.

Michelle C


Interview with Rosemary Ariole Ariol

WFM I sincerely believe that women are being called in this hour to preach the gospel like never before. Many have answered the call and are spreading their wings to impact and inspire others to do the same . I caught up with Rosemary Ariole, Founder of Sisters in Christ Connect and had a one to one interview with her. Rosemary invited me into a relaxed atmosphere in her home in Holland and begun to answer the questions that I had for her. WFM Can you tell our readers who you are. Who is Rosemary Ariole? RA: Well, Rosemary is a family woman who is after God's heart. She is an author of several books and a teacher of the Gospel of Christ Jesus. She is a former cosmetologist by profession, is engaged in a ministry of relational evangelism, and discipleship, teaching, coaching and speaking. She holds a Diploma from BEE (Bible Education by Extension), she also holds a Bachelor of Theology from Windescheim University for Applied Sciences. She’s the President and founder of Sisters in Christ Connect, a ministry that seeks to encourage, teach and equip women to discover their Godgiven potentials and purposes in life. She is also the founder of Hope Women's Bible Study; a divine mandated ministry called to help women define their deepest longings in life. Exalting God. Touching Lives. Restoring Hopes. She also founded Appreciating Womanhood Awards International, a non-profit organization with an aim to appreciate and honour the achievements of Christian Women across denominations, Para-churches and Organizations that are making impact in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and beyond, which is the newest addition to her mandate.








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RA Vision, passion and zeal. Everyone has a purpose in life, whether its to be a housewife or a mom, your purpose lies within that which you are passionate about. In fact, God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose, something to achieve in life. WFM: How do you balance being a wife, a mom and a minister? RA The important thing for me is time management. I manage my time wisely such that I take care of my family first and foremost. For example, if I had to choose between going out to preach or taking care of my sick child, I would rather stay home and take care of my child. It is important that the family is taken care of. This, I learned from the mistakes of those ahead of me, namely my mentors. I would hardly concentrate on preaching knowing I have a sick child at home who needs my attention. WFM: Ok, but people would probably say that God should be first ... RA God is always first because I carry Him in my heart wherever I go. WFM: What do you think about so many marriages breaking down these days? Lots of marriages are being challenged, don't you think? RA Yes, a lot of marriages are challenged. I would say, I'm pretty happy in my world. About marriages being challenged, I don't think that there is anyone who is one hundred percent happy. It is a circle of life with issues, highs and lows. People just need to deal with issues and with honesty when they arrive. One of the major contributors to breaking marriages is a lack of communication, in my opinion.



WFM: Do you think that culture, tradition and God can be mixed? RA The kingdom of God has its own tradition. Why would a kingdom child want to adopt the traditions of men and demonic influences! Mark 7:13 says, "Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.� Christ is above all culture and tradition. We should not indulge in anything that does not glorify God, or that would distort our relationship with Him. WFM: Tell us about Appreciating Womanhood Awards International RA Appreciating Womanhood Awards International is a sub-division of Sisters in Christ Connect. It's aim is to appreciate and honour the achievements of Christian Women across denominations, Parachurches and Organizations that are making impact in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and beyond. It is an expedition into the realm of surprising and rediscovering of womanhood. WFM: What is your messge to women today? RA First my message is to the church. The church should give women the room to exercise their gifts, because women are gifted as well, God has endowed within them divine gifts to edify the church. I'm saying this to the church in general; access the women's character traits, disciple/train them and use their gifting in the church.




Many people have lost their dreams somewhere along the way due to the pressures and challenges in life. When God deposits a dream within our spirit, he makes sure that we are aware of it as it bubbles inside. God is a patient God, and will wait until we are ready to do something about the seed. We must love our life so much that we are wiilling to share our experiences with others.


by H. Lunding

God gives us his dreams and visions for a purpose. Many men and women who have changed the course of history had one common factor, and that was, they dared to dream. It takes a certain type of character to continue to dream even when everyone else has walked away. .....

Photographer : A Hansen taken outside Nuuk, Greenland 12/01/2014


Women of Faith

It is time that we realize and recognize that, in this season and hour, God has

called women to be impactful and effective for the Kingdom through putting our faith into action and to start speaking what God has ordained and revealed to you, for as women of faith we must believe that we have a divine destiny. Many times we as women come across obstacles and hindrances that we never imagined would present themselves and many of us still struggle daily with the knowledge of who we are in God. Difficulties may arise but with trust in God and perseverance they became the very impetus needed to overcome in order that we grow and mature into the place and positions that He has ordained for us to occupy. Many are frustrated because you don’t know that you have a divine purpose, either it has not been embraced or you do not know how to pull it forth. Some women have low self esteem and do not know their value or worth or images that have been portrayed since childhood have formed a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of just who we are as women and who we have been created to be in Christ. The Bible teaches us that we are to AWAKEN to who God has called us to be...”Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1-2. God is looking for women who will arise, go forth, and take the dominion He gave us to be co-laborers in redeeming and restoring humanity back to Him. We must ARISE to our authority and walk in the boldness of Christ that within us. “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 1:17-21. We must know that we are Able to Stand Against the Wiles of the enemy.


by Yeleina Morgan We are in the fight of our lives. This is the very reason that we, especially as women must be strong in the Lord. Just as Paul the Apostle outlines in Ephesians 4:17-32, where we are encouraged to live as God desires, with renewed and not conformed minds, always displaying the spirit of love and kindness before the world, and within our families regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves and in Ephesians 6:10-20 where we are taught to be prepared and dressed for that warfare that will inevitably come, but because we are “...strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.' we shall “...speak boldly as we ought to speak.” We’re called to lay ourselves out, we may even have to become spiritually exhausted in order to move people toward full devotion to Christ. Since Christ is in us, He will provide us with His 'dunamis' power, His supernatural strength and energy, as we labor to assist people to obtain spiritual maturity. We’re to enrich one another through encouragement and we’re to do whatever it takes to be united in love. When believers are encouraged and united, they will have the riches of complete understanding and as we take responsibility for one another, we will come to understand and know Christ more fully. Causing us to know Him better, and thus discovering treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

“For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever. In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever. And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.” Micah 4:5-8 KJV

“The Gentle Breeze”


In my secret place I walk…and walk. Somedays its a short walk and some days I linger with the Lord. Lately…I have lingered much. Asking many “why” questions and praying for answers that do not come. Ever been there? For we all have our own burdens and challenges. My husband says he respects those who are transparent and honest in sharing their struggles rather than the pretense of no troubles. I guess I have understood this for some time as I wondered early in my childhood years how it was no one else had problems but me? How would I ever measure up with all my baggage? Then the Lord taught me with Beth Moore and through her transparency I came to know the Lord intimately. For this transparency I am most grateful for now I understand fully it’s value. Shallow talk and surface issues are detected quickly in most discerning people and even more so in those who are skeptical about a life with a Jesus they have yet to meet. For they search for authenticity of heart. They need to hear how we made it out of a pit, how we are constantly in storms, and that the only difference between them and me is I know the ONE to cling to when the storm rages. Amen? So in keeping with transparency I will share with you that while God has birthed a tremendous year of ministry it has come with it’s challenges…and many challenges of the heart. Much of which has been unexpected and has been earth shattering at times. Yet in my secret place as I asked “why” certain things had to happen the Lord reminded me of the story of Job after his own questioning of the Lord. The Lord makes it clear in the previous passages who the boss is:) Whew… so needless to say Job backs off a bit you’d say.. Job 42 1 Then Job answered the Lord and said; 2 I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. 3 You asked, “Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?” Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. …” Anybody but me? There is a peace that comes in remembering who He is. That He is always good. That He will turn all Satan meant for evil and use it for good ..if we let Him. In the meantime, we wait… and He graciously walks with us as we pour out that which needs healing. Whether He answers our “whys” or not… will be the true test of whether we really submit our lives to Him. For He is the author…not us and His ways are not our ways. For only He knows the deepest pain needed to prepare us for a future purpose. The training ground can be intense.. yet in the secret place a gentle breeze can be felt as He walks with us


A gentle breeze upon thy skin Caresses me when there is end. Surrounds me with a mighty wind That hovers till I barely grin. A shuffle heard within the shrubs I realize from high you’ve come To walk in low a valley deep With one in pain and troubled sleep. You say thy hand waves at the trees For each one bows as eyes do meet You point as all the red birds sing And smile at yellow flowers seen. You let me talk and pour my pain Knowing questions still remain And as I still to hear you say You whisper..”child, simply wait.” Father, help us see there is purpose in pain..that it drives us closer to you upon our knees. That is roots us next to you rather than in busyness of life. It keeps us desperate. Desperate for your presence and touch. Desperate to search your Word for truth! Desperate..to keep you near. If rain is what it takes to draw you closer in our hearts..then let it pour…

Your Unique Calling

“The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does.” – Isaiah 8:11 NLT As a prophet of God, Isaiah had to learn an important lesson: If he was to serve God and accomplish the unique ministry to which he was called, Isaiah needed to be specific about God’s call. It was not enough for Isaiah to believe in God, nor even to know Him and keep His Word. Yes, God’s commands were as true for Isaiah as they were for everyone else. And he was no different in his need for God’s forgiveness and mercy. But Isaiah had to realize that he was a unique person, unlike anyone else. God had a special design for his life, and there were specific things he had been called to do. God was asking specific things of Isaiah that He was asking of no one else. Isaiah had been given unique talents, gifts, and resources that the Lord had given to no other person.



by Ruth Mutale

However, this didn’t mean Isaiah was superior or “better” than others. It simply meant he was different and had unique assignments. Instead of being like everyone else, Isaiah was called to do unique things. And he was accountable to God to complete these unique tasks and goals. Yet, in another way, Isaiah was no different than anyone else. For every person is unique in God’s sight. We each have been given special gifts, talents, and resources. And each of us is given unique assignments—special tasks we’re to focus on throughout our lives.

These truths apply to everyone. And they apply to you! Today, remember that God loves you. Recognize that you are special in His sight. Thank Him for creating you uniquely, with specific gifts and talents. And be attentive to the special assignments God has given you. Humble yourself before Him. Commit your life to Him, and seek to follow Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to accomplish the Lord’s specific purposes in your life.

Ruth Mutale




WFM: Louise, tell us about yourself (include location, what you do, family background, present and age (if you want) My full name is Louise des Bordes-Niava; I’m half Ghanaian and half Ivorian, so I’m fluent in both languages (French & English) – thanks to my lovely parents. I’m currently living in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital city. I’ve been there since 2007. Graduated from Carleton University with a major in Women and Gender Studies and a minor in French two years ago. Currently working on a contract-based status for a research agency in Ottawa, while preparing for my post-grad studies. I have a brother and sister, Patti and Wylee- best siblings anyone could have! WFM: Which category of women do you represent? (singles, +20, +30, +) Louise: I’m in my mid to late twenties, not married yet but not so single! WFM Do you believe that you are a role model for that category and why? Louise: I don’t know what people think but I secretly hate to be in the public eye. By nature, I’m more of an introvert and a reserved person but my ministry requires for me to communicate with people on different kinds of levels. But I don’t personally believe that I am a role model but would rather like to see myself as a vessel used by God to bring honor to His Name. We are all vessels and I’m no different from anyone who truly seeks to do God’s work. I did get this humbling message for New Year from a wonderful friend and sister I met just last year and at the end of her message she wrote “I’m just so surprised at how much I’ve come to love and respect you in these few months…thank you for your obedience to the Spirit of God and thank you for being such a great role model/sister…” That message blessed and humbled me so much because I believe when you try to live a life of the Spirit it reflects in your relationships and I’m blessed that God used me as a vessel for her. When I get praises from people I immediately deflect them back unto God, because they are actually praising Him it is His Spirit, living on the inside of me which has been able to bless them. And I think it’s an important practice that people of God need to cultivate when they do the work of God and get praised for it, because it is the gift that God Himself has deposited in you that blesses people, not you.




EVE REDEFINED Proud people can never do the work of God effectively and by nature praises can cultivate a spirit of pride if you don't guard your heart. Even delving deeper into this scripture, Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” makes us realize that the “Light” (Jesus in us) and the “good works” produced from making it shine are not self-created elements but full deposits from God. What Jesus instructs us to do in this Scripture is to “shine”. When you switch on a torch it produces light, the torch itself does not create the light but is used as a medium to shine the light. So we as vessels of God should see ourselves as torches, light-bearers. So certain mindsets in our culture need to shift from dwelling on the effects of the “good works” and rather focus on our abilities to become completely yielded vessels so that His Light may “shine” even more brightly in us. Jesus adds, “ I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5) So as branches, when we bear fruit we need to remember that we are just a part of the body of Christ and all the glory should always go to the Tree- Jesus who is the Ultimate Role Model. So if being a role model means being a faithful vessel, a shining torch and fruitful branch, count me in!


WFM: I understand that you are founder of a mini stry called Eve Redefined. Tells us about that. Why did you choose that particular name (Eve Redefined? What needs to be Redefined? Louise: Yes, Eve Redefined Ministries is an outreach Ministry that is primarily geared towards young women, but for women of all ages and our main objective is to organize International Christian Conferences usually at the end of every year, to encourage and empower women through the Word of God. Our First Eve Redefined Women’s Conference was held two years ago in Accra, Ghana and God moved so mightily in the hearts and minds of women that we were excited about last year’s, which took place on the 30th of December 2013. Our mission is to encourage and equip women with the necessary spiritual tools to lead successful lives in Christ. So what we do is we bring notable Guest Speakers and Young Women Speakers who bring in a Mighty and relevant Word from God each year with teachings in line with the conference theme for the year. Apart from teachings, we try and bring in a full package – worship, dance ministrations, Spoken Word, etc. and the testimonies we’ve had about the conferences and the souls won for Christ encourage us work harder for the next conferences.

. But you know ministry work is not easy. There’s a lot that we do in the background, a

lot of sacrifices etc. that people would never know. But I have an amazing Core Team and we have a wonderful team of volunteers…though we’ve had challenges, through power of God we pray, work, plan and strategize on building on past mistakes each year. God, however, moves each year and His power through these conferences has been unmatchable. It has been so wonderful to see that His Spirit even moves in the hearts of men who attend the conferences; we received this testimony on our Facebook page from a young man who attended the last conference: “I happened to be one of the few gentlemen who crashed the feminine conference last Monday... indeed our God is awesome and a whole lot I learnt is shaping me in this year and beyond which I feel within me! God richly bless you and your team for the good works well started and pray that, very soon most of our generation will partner a worthy course... Matt 5:8, will always be with me!!!”

34 WFM: Why

Eve Redefined?

Louise: The name was divinely inspired by God. Two years ago, I was crying out to God not for a name for the ministry but for the women of this generation. I don’t know if you’ve ever felt it when God puts a burden in your heart about something and that burden is so heavy on you, you’re consumed by it day and night…The burden for women was so heavy in my heart that I remember crying and becoming restless about the injustices several women go through, the different types of rape, the abuses, the forced abortions, the rampant feminization of poverty, illiteracy, forced marriages, sexism in the workplace and everything women go through. I remember God leading me towards understanding that “Feminism” was not the answer because women’s oppressions do not originate from a system of patriarchy like feminism teaches but rather from the Devil, himself just as the Bible, the True Word of God teaches. And just as the devil used Eve as a conduit to destroy man’s (generic) relationship with God, Jesus was The One who restored man’s relationship with God and in understanding that, I understood that feminism wasn’t the answer to women’s problems, Christ is, was and forever will be. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, our identities have been redefined and in accepting Him we as women become Redefined Eves. I believe that Redefined Eves are internally infused by God, with Divine Greatness and the aim of this ministry is for women to first discover that redefinition through an encounter with Him. WFM: What inspired you to make this dream possible? Louise: In 2009, when I gave my life to Christ, after a series of events including my Grandmother’s passing from breast cancer (she was and still is the person I hold closest to my heart), Jesus showed me a kind of Love I’d never known before. Back then, I thought I knew what love was until He showed me the meaning of True Love, I mean I know it sounds cliché but everyone who has had that deep encounter with Christ knows what I’m talking about. The Sweet Love of Christ, and you know His love is intense and consistent. So in 2009 I remember Jesus giving me His Beauty for my Ashes- He flushed out my past, every sin, every pain, every heartbreak and injected every vein in my bones with His blood, and my new life in Him began. I’ve never known a love quite like His and I remember Him whispering that He would take care of me and when He said that I cried for hours and promised Him that I would live my life for Him fully until the day I leave this Earth. He challenged my mind, heart, body and soul in everything I understood about life, and in cultivating me He deposited this vision in my spirit a year later and began to prepare me for it until 2012 when He made it come to pass. Then He handpicked others believers, women and men, to be a part of the ER Vision and together we have the Eve Redefined Conference. So this was more of a calling and an instruction than a dream because you can never be settled in your spirit until you respond to the call of God on your life. In terms of physical inspirations for the Vision, God put someone in my Spirit, my family but more like real sister Edwina Ewura Esi Annan and gave me a vision of her that He has put the same passion and fire in her spirit for women, so I reached out to her and introduced the Vision to her and a couple of others and today we have ER. She's such an amazing young woman of God, so wise and extremely passionate about what God has called her for and I thank God for her life, everyday.

WFM: Any challenges with being young, working, and in ministry? Louise: Haha, so many…but for now, I’ll share just one- running an NGO and organizing a Conference in one continent while you’re living in another isn’t always easy- issues with communications, timing, people's commitments, accountability, etc. But God has remained faithful through it all we can’t complain! This vision is really from God because when I look at our challenges and how we’re able to pull through, it can only be because of Him. Amongst the Core team, last year was interesting because we're spread across the globe, all Ghanaian ladies living in France, the States, different parts of Canada and Ghana so Skype has always been our best friend! The work of God is fun when you’re working with the right people. I love doing what we do and in the team we respect each other and our sisterhood is very strong and that’s such a blessing! It’s easy to work together and God is always at the center. So no major decision is made in the Ministry until God puts a confirmation in my spirit- God runs the ministry, not me, not the team. WFM: Are you dating and what do you think about young people in relationships these days? Any advice? Louise: A bit past the dating stage but not married yet ;). Yes, he's a great and wise Man of God and has a huge calling on his life and I'm excited for where God is taking us. He's been very supportive of ER I call him the man behind the ER vision, because God used him to feed me deep words of wisdom when I had doubts about the calling. He ministered to me day and night and has made sacrifices I can never thank him for in this lifetime. He’s just a huge blessing in my life. In terms of advice I'd say, women should drop their 3 paged- checklist of what their man should be like because if you depend on that you'll forever stay single. The most important thing is to be very close to God and train yourself on how to hear from God so that when it's time and the man God's called you to be with comes you will know that he is the one. I have a friend who says her ideal man has to be “ very fine, Nigerian, 6"1, romantic etc etc”! When she gives me her full list I always laugh. Attraction IS important, I can't be with someone I'm not attracted to but we should never use Hollywood standards to define what being attractive means to us because if we did 99% of real men out there don't fit that standard. We should date for purpose and not for pleasure. The pleasure is naturally part of the package. Don't make an idol out of a man and make your acquisition of him the end goal of your life. Think beyond the carnal and begin to envision the spiritual implications of your union together. For me, I'm with the man that I'm with because we believe that we have a huge purpose in God together. So in our relationship, were each other's second Loves and God always comes first and though we have our problems like in every relationship, that is what has sustained us through our years together. Putting Christ at the Center. WFM: What is your greatest desire for the future? Louise: To effectively complete the assignment that God has called me to do. That’s all that matters.


Scripture Reading Song of Songs 3:2b Ruth Ch 2 to 4 Esther 2Proverbs 18:22Proverbs 31:10-31


What a double edged sword of courtship I believe that today’s world may seem quite complex, but in truth, it is not really different from previous generations. Perhaps the key difference is who the main characters are in the select scenes of life. But the essential issues of life do seem the same. I often tell my daughters dating is not a game. The game of life has basic principles. I sincerely believe dating should be the audition for marriage, that's just me. But it seems these days most folks actually do take it as a game. Let’s look a bit more closely. Dating comes after the guy finds the girl and the girl is found by him and they both share a mutual interest. This is the part many find very challenging and frustrating because they believe it is so hard to find one’s mate. That’s the “heads up” tip I’d like to share. My sincere belief is if the one you are “dating” is not “courting” you and is husband material in your eyes, then it may sincerely be a game. This article is culled from my second book “My Affair with God, His Affair with Devotion”, available globally on Amazon.com in Print and Kindle. I hope to share here a few tips for single folks like me looking for a “godly” mate because many women I know are complaining how challenging it is. Yet I honestly believe there are indeed lots of prospects and opportunities out there. Good women and good men do exist. I don't go out much so I am an opportunist 200% regarding being found by my soul mate! Like everything in life, I consider it a need that the good Lord will meet. A key to being successful in being found by your Boaz is to simply be yourself and sincere. Plus, like everything else, relationships and dating should meet God’s requirements, instructions for life and His commandments. Pray for God's guidance because looks alone can be deceptive. God’s will is to bless you! Many women are very traditional and are often hesitant to make the first move. But seriously consider Ruth’s story and the proven strategy of wisdom, good character and what we attract. She was a courteous person and showed Boaz kindness and respect. It caused him to take extra notice of her among the other hand maidens and also extend special kindness to her. I always recommend you find a mentor who had a successful relationship, full of wisdom 36 and also has a good character to emulate.





“Dating is often viewed as

discovering who you really are and who others are. In my view, it is a dress rehearsal for the love of a lifetime. But often dating is when we are on our best behavior. Now if you show up with a mask, not showing your true self, you won’t make it”. Frances S. Clarke

Once Ruth told her mother-in-law what happened, Naomi read between the lines and realized Boaz could be interested in Ruth. So she helped Ruth present herself in the best possible light as a potential life partner for Boaz. Make yourself available and attractive even if you are running a simple errand. You never know who you will meet! At the grocery store, I don't mind saying hello to someone in my aisle. One of my favorites is saying "Oh, your daughter, son is so cute". We limit ourselves when we only try to find a single person and zoom in on them. For me it does not matter if the man is married, or even if a couple holding the baby. Hey, they may have a single brother, cousin or church member, whatever. Moreover, my nature is always to be friendly so that’s the character factor previously mentioned. Now at the gas station, I put my best "get out of the car" on. If there is a cute person around, then I WILL stand outside and pump, otherwise I just let the machine do it. The fact is there are so many opportunities to be noticed by that amazing person and for your destiny to be reached where relationships are concerned. Consider also Queen Esther’s story. Many of us Christians deeply scorn beauty contests but Esther was a godly woman and she won the competition and was crowned Queen. Many of us would run as fast as we could from a divorced person, because we have been conditioned to strongly believe that the divorced person is cursed and not favored of God. Yet we miss a blessing God could be bringing our way and to change the course of history. Esther was groomed by her uncle who positioned her to be noticed by the King as Ruth was by Boaz. They went through preparation phases to be attractive, smell nice and look nice with proper diet. So we need to also consider how important the grooming process and personal hygiene is to a successful relationship, especially in attracting the right person. As Queen, Esther positively influenced history and averted the destruction of an entire race. 37

FINDING Finding your Boaz - Ruth Chapter 3-4 Ruth’s story fascinates me in totally unique way because her success in being strategically placed to be found by Boaz is directly linked to her dear mother-in law who was very much concerned about her welfare after her husband (Naomi's son) died. Her sincere unselfish love for Ruth from the beginning would not allow her to focus on her own needs, as the mother mourning death of her son. She unselfishly refused to cling to her two daughters-in-law. In the previous chapter, Boaz had been kind to Ruth and I strongly believe Naomi did her research. Those days like many societies in the world, the research is intense, traditional and detailed. Even though not on social media etc, this form of research is highly effective . How else would she know where Boaz would be at a set time and what he would be doing? She identified Boaz as a good prospective husband (Kinsman redeemer) for Ruth. A few other things that struck me was this: Ruth did not question Naomi, obviously trusting her, to follow her instructions. Many young people don't value the elders or those who have more experience than them. I think this is detrimental to why many still remain single. Elders, don't think you are off the hook. How many of you/us are able to correctly identify a suitable suitor for our daughters/ or suitable potential wife for our sons? Ruth clearly stated what she wanted from Boaz - a kinsman redeemer to be her husband to take care of all her needs. Many women are just not clear about what they want regarding their needs, standards, or values. Unfortunately many women also are unable to communicate clearly for the man to clearly understand. Naomi's son had land that was also to be redeemed. Ruth was not afraid to declare she had this inheritance and use it to bargain as the “asset” she was willing to put on the table and present to Boaz. This can of worms surely needs another article in the environment of current day “pre-nuptials” where fear, dishonesty, lack of integrity and swindling has complicated courtship and the marriage relationship. Thirdly, Boaz did not hesitate, to accept her offer (this was olden day flirting girls that Ruth engaged in). He appreciated the fact that she chose him, and not a younger perhaps more suitable man, nor was she playing games with his heart as men are emotional beings too. Too many women also abuse men mercilessly. 38



Boaz was full of integrity and wisdom. He cared for her reputation and her emotions, assuring her that though he was not next in line as kinsman redeemer, he would investigate fully. If the true kinsman redeemer did not accept his duty, he definitely would as he was interested in Ruth. He boldly took the mantle. He called the next kinsman redeemer and elders in a meeting as witnesses and it was sealed (as it was done traditionally in those days) with the verbal rejection by the true kinsman redeemer in line, and the exchange of shoes! That was the contract signed sealed and delivered. Culture and tradition was respected. Men, are you willing to go the extra mile to find your queen? Protect her integrity, provide for her needs and profess her as your hearts desire? Bible scholars say Boaz was the son of the prostitute who helped the spies! Boaz may have missed it big time if he married someone else. Ruth also may have missed the mark marrying someone else. I say this because they became the lineage of Jesus..............they were Jesus' ancestors! Be blessed God’s way! Finding your Boaz, or being found by him is all a matter of time............and perhaps requires some help from someone else, some boldness on your part and definitely FAITH! God has His eye on you. So does the true Boaz who is perfect for just you. Question is are you fixing your eyes solely on God and not distracted by anything, to ensure you are able to identify and notice Boaz when he shows up? God being your helper, you will. Keep busy while waiting on God and waiting for that special moment……for your Boaz!


lettters to my sisters


My dear sisters, Times goes so fast, please hold on and stay strong, soon and very soon our King is coming! I hope you read my last letter and I really hope you did something about it. I did, I often look at myself inside and out just to make sure my feelings, intentions, heart, the way I dress and my mindset are right with God! I surrender my little life unto Him, because I KNOW I am not a nice, a good person, righteous, peaceful, caring, honest, humble, and yes I could go on…without Him. What God did in our lives was so amazing that I sit with tears in my eyes, I´m so grateful.. ohh when I look back, We serve a mighty God! Just another day alive is a great testimony, including all the small things in my life! But then again how do you share your testimony, when you have so much to share, so many things that God has done in your life. I hope and I also pray for it, that I will always learn and experience new things with God, I tried the scriptures in different situations of need, and I know without a doubt that the word of God works and is alive. Sometimes all I have to do is think about something I need and God sends a person with it. (Matt. 6:25-34) So it is, also when things are not extraordinairy I have to search myself to see, if i´m in right standing with God. I just want more of Him, because I can do many things in my own will, but I do not want to, it is so much more exciting to see the will of God. My few years with Jesus, have been filled with people to inspire and there have been serious wake up calls. I do not understand how people can say they are Christian or say they are born again, and still continue doing the things of the world. UP and DOWN, UP and DOWN, one day we are on fire, next day we let something small sneak in, let us not accept it anymore, let us walk into maturity in the things of Christ. (Heb. 6:1-3)


My Rollercoaster Dream I looked up at the heaven, suddenly it opened up like a curtain and a river of fire

flowed out. I see myself sit on a rollercoaster with fellow Christians, and it is going up and down. I yell to God and at the same time I see more things around me and say ' Father, forgive us, we need more time, please be patient.' The river of fire becomes the lake of fire and I see many people there. Suddenly I look at the road of the rollercoaster going up and down, up and down and heading to the lake of fire. ,Just before we hit the fire someone pullsht me up, so fast that it is difficult to describe. While I’m taken I look up to see who I’m following,...it is Jesus, and I yell JESUS! And right then we end up at another place, a place filled with babies and all of the babies are being taken care of by highly pregnant ladies. Everyone looked alike and it looked like a baby factory. Jesus was also standing with a baby in His arms. Then I was back! The scripture given to me when I woke up was Hebrews 9:28. My prayer is that we will all just be Mary´s that sit at the Master´s feet and hear what He has to say, instead of running around always busy doing a lot of things like Martha. I pray that we will mature in the things of God and start with humility so that we can lead the church into holiness and a deeper understanding of the times we are living in. To also prepare us to be able to stand strong in the tribulation, and to impact our brothers and sisters to also stand with God till the end. Amen. Hebrews. 12:14 says, 'Repent and prepare the way.' May God bless you abundantly in Spirit and truth!

Much love and blessings, Sarah.





“I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.� Habakkuk 2:1-3 (KJV) The Biblical definition of vision is an experience in the life of a person, whereby a special revelation from God was received. The revelation from God had two purposes. First, a vision was given for immediate direction, as with Abram in Genesis 12:1-3 ; Lot, Genesis 19:15 ; Balaam, Numbers 22:22-40 ; and Peter, Acts 12:7. Second, a vision was given to develop the kingdom of God by revealing the moral and spiritual deficiencies of the people of God in light of God's requirements for maintaining a proper relationship with Him. VISION is the ability to see, awareness it is defined as the ability to see; sight or eyesight; something that you imagine; a picture that you see in your mind; a mental image produced by the imagination a thought, concept, formed by the imagination; a manifestation to the senses of something immaterial., unusual foresight, the experience of the supernatural as if with the eyes. Now in order to bring your vision to life you have to ask the question, "what is the vision that God has given me and what must I do to bring it to manifestation?" There usually are 3 main components to seeing the totality of a vision come to fruition.



1. Insight - The ability to see and understand clearly the inner nature of things. 2. Perception - A mental grasp by means of the senses, awareness, comprehension, and 3. Perceive - to grasp mentally, take note of, recognize, comprehend. Insight, intuition, or the facility for these. “Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy Law.” Psalms 119:18 “The entrance of Thy Word giveth light, it give understanding unto the simple.” Psalms 119:130 “Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy Law.” Psalms 119:18 “The entrance of Thy Word giveth light, it give understanding unto the simple.” Psalms 119:130 Visions are specific they bring motivation in the life of a devoted Christian and “motivation brings spiritual productive action”. They are goal-oriented, they investigate what is currently practiced and set out to produce results. Divine vision walks in the Spirit of Excellence, it aggravates/frustrates the status quo, what is considered normal even though the normal is no longer relate-able, and confronts any attempt to perpetuate mediocre performance, Vision always stands in contrast to the world as it is. Vision demands change. But a vision also always requires someone to champion the cause. It takes someone who is willing to put his or her neck on the line. Someone who has the courage to act on an idea. Biblical strategic “visions and dreams” should be a daily result of walking in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave the early disciples and Apostles visions of being used. Having a vision is more than just looking on the bright side. It is looking on God’s side. Finding the vision God has for us through time and prayer.


The teachers reminded the people of the history of Israel when prophetic visions were not widespread: “The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli. In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not man visions.” 1 Samuel 3:1.

Some have understood that the lack of prophetic vision to mean that at the time this there were no prophets in Israel and that the preaching of the prophets was silent. But in the Bible it is said that divine revelation was withheld in times of Israel’s apostasy, their renunciation of faith or abandonment of their previous loyalty to God. A vision begins as a concern that always requires patience... developing and discovering a vision is a process and gives us a chance to examine our emotions and sort out minor concerns from major ones. As we wait, not only does the vision mature, bu we also mature and become ready for the vision which will be in line with God timing. There will always be a synchronicity between what God has pu in an individual’s heart to do and what He is calling forth to be done. We must become like Nehemiah who was given a divine vision and refused to let anything or anyone interfere with his assignment and who tried to recapture God's vision. He prayed, he fasted, he read God's word and he began to see the world through God's eyes. And as he implemented Gods vision Nehemiah aligned himself with God's purposes, stepped out in faith acted according to the vision and plan that God had placed on his heart an claimed God's promises.


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So as God calls us to reach higher and to strive to become what He has ordained and designed before our birth, we must see the vision that He has set before us so that we can see the expanse and the immeasurable greatness that lies within us as His chosen daughters and future leaders; but only divine illumination of our hearts along with a submissive spirit, and yielded body will let us to see things from God’s point of view. God has a vision for our lives and has created us with a blend of talents and passions that may be similar to those of others but are unique as each one of us has a destiny to fulfill and that destiny can only be fulfilled once the vision is allowed to shine and be made evident in the earth realm. Vision is to have on our heart what is on God’s heart and God will give us everything we need to battle our way to the revelation of His vision because when saved people lose vision they begin to fight among themselves. They become divided, critical, unloving, and uncaring but Christ expects every saved person to be dominated by His vision that is dedicated to reaching those who do not know Him for when we are truly are united in the heart and have purpose and vision, then divine goals and purposes are fulfilled and we can weather any kind of storm, and even persecution. We must surrender to the idea that we do not live for ourselves and our own interests and that we live for Him and His vision. The visions God has given us, especially in these end times are too great and too important to let dim or cloud over because we chose not to pursue it. The difference between the believers of then and some of us now is the difference of our vision and our strategies. The strategy of the first believers was not to erect building buildings or institutions as we see so often today, but the strategy was reaching all people wherever they were found. Although the journey will in not be easy, we should be invigorated and excited that God is grooming us to realize our potential in Him and understand what it really means to have dreams come true for we are to be persuaded and convinced that we must run with the divine vision because the season is so urgent and critical. We must believe it as much as we want to see it come to pass. So we must see with purpose and see the blazing fire of the vision burning within our spirits. 45







Authored by Yeleina Morgan Disabled, crippled, damaged, handicapped...lies of dis-ease that the enemy uses against you...Servants of Destiny arise on this day of awakening, this new dawn, to new thinking and new understanding of who you are in Christ. dispossess wounds and pain of the past receive divine healing and restoration...be mended and strengthened, release thoughts of inability, and be shown and directed to your true place of supernatural capability."

Authored by Pancheta Hart


This prayer book is a Healing Manual designed to help all those that are bound in generational curses which God allowed since the inception of the deception and exploitation by the devil during his encounter with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. From this curse came forth dysfunctional families that harbor negative spirits such as: rejection, manipulation, judging, ridicule, abusive relationships, homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication, adultery, lying, stealing, murder, incest, grudge, just to name a few. The instruction is given to me by the Holy Spirit and contains God?s healing power to cleanse, deliver, heal and make you whole. The anointing power of God will release you from the stronghold of devils and will set you free and to recover all that have been stolen from you. It will be a total recovery and restoration in the precious name of Jesus (Yeshua), our coming Messiah).






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