7 minute read
7 Practical Strategies to Infuse Staying Power into Your Business
From paying attention to cash flow and expenses to maximizing marketing and technology, your goal right now is to react but not overreact
Given the current situation and the everevolving information we are receiving, it is understandable that most of us are feeling anxious about the future of our businesses. We feel it too. The uncertainly alone is unbearable, let alone all the other grim news.
We are partnering on this article to give you practical, experiencebased tactics we are employing in our businesses—LuAnn, based on what she’s learned over time, and Vita, from the perspective of a newer business owner (who also receives coaching from LuAnn).
LUANN: I’ve seen my fair share of recessions and crises. I’ve made some mistakes—some big ones—but I’ve also learned several lessons that allow me to confidently say that Window Works will weather this storm. My biggest, overarching advice to you is this: Don’t overreact, but don’t not act. While it sounds like simple advice, a common reaction to a crisis is to find yourself in turmoil and become so overwhelmed by emotion that you are unable to take any action or make any decisions. That is not going to bring you any comfort, nor is it productive for your business.
You need to take action and make decisions that are going to allow you to lead your business through the crisis. As a business owner, you have a lot of people depending on you. They need your leadership now more than ever.
As soon as we realized where this was going, we knew we needed a plan, and that we needed to take quick and decisive action. Here are specific actions and recommendations:
1 4Know Your Cash Flow LUANN: Focus on your cash flow. Literally every aspect of your business and how you move forward into the unknown will depend Minimize Expenses LUANN: You should be looking at your expenses with a very critical eye. Take every step to eliminate unnecessary expenses, no matter on your current cash flow. how small or trivial they may seem. Many small expense cuts can add up to significant amounts that will make the difference in VITA: I love my spreadsheets, so for Vitalia, Inc., I turned to my being able to make payroll down the road … or not. tried-and-true tool (but you can do it manually too). We look at cash on hand + forecasted revenue – forecasted expenses. VITA: For Vitalia, Inc., I honestly didn’t think this would be Forecasted expenses = actual expenses you’ve already incurred + applicable. I mean, c’mon, I run a pretty tight ship. But I went your best guesstimate of additional expenses you’ll incur. Do this through our 2019 and 2020 year-to-date P&L with a very fine-tooth on a monthly basis or, better yet, weekly. This exercise (brutal as it comb. I discovered that there was an app that renewed back in may be) will show you how long your existing cash reserve will last August 2019 that we no longer used. Canceled. Another discovery you, thus giving you a much-needed kick to take action. was that we had several URLs parked with hopes of using them 2Maximize Your Revenue LUANN: Move forward with closing sales you were working on before the crisis broke. Not everyone will be financially affected by this. Don’t be afraid to be the one to 5 some day. Canceled. I bet if you went through the same exercise, you would find some things to cut back too. Manage Payroll LUANN:There may come a time when you need close on these sales and opportunities. to institute a pay cut. Payroll is the number one expense of most businesses, mine included. VITA: Even though this was tough advice to Making a temporary pay cut can help hear, I took it to heart. Not everyone keep your employees on the payroll, is struggling financially. It’s also if partially, and keep your business helped me to know that I can close afloat. sales using my authentic voice. For Vitalia, Inc., I personally reached out with VITA: Although the hours have been an individual email or phone call to reduced, I am doing everything I each and every one of our customers. can to keep my people busy with I titled it “Touching base” and started projects that would not have by saying, “I’ve been thinking about seen the light of day otherwise. you.” I continued with, “We are Standard procedures manual—yes, here for you to provide advice, let’s dust it off and update. Product support, estimates, samples and presentations (to have ready at whatever other help you need.” I closed by sharing my personal appointments)—yes! Pricing comparisons and analyses—give me 3 feeling that “we will get through this and will be stronger and wiser on the other side.” Collect Accounts Receivable LUANN: Now is the time to collect on the monies due to you. Review all outstanding balances and move to collect on them as 6 five, please! Leverage Technology LUANN: You should continue to conduct as much business as possible by utilizing all the opportunities and technology that make working remotely possible. You may not be able to complete soon as possible. Yes, you should absolutely do so in a manner that any installs at this time, but that does not mean your only option is tactful and respectful to individuals and their situations, but do is to remain idle. understand that you must be firm in collecting what is owed to you for the well-being of your business and your family. VITA: At Vitalia, Inc., we are employing all virtual means of communication and still providing support to our design clients. Jill VITA: I really listened to what LuAnn was saying. Do it in my own Rodgers of High Country Drapery Design is offering semi-custom authentic voice, but don’t not do it. We reached out with the window treatment services from the predetermined selection of following message (email or phone call): “Thank you for letting us fabrics, trims and hardware. This cuts down on measuring trips and provide value to your home. We hope you’re enjoying your window keeps her employees working and her customers happy. Hundreds treatments, especially now that we are bound to our homes. Your of interior designers are starting, revamping or speeding up the final balance for this project is $X. Kindly remit it at your earliest release of virtual design services. convenience. Our acceptable terms are ___. Please stay healthy and safe. We can’t wait to see you in person soon.” Kind and empathetic, but unapologetic and firm.
Focus on Marketing LUANN: Do not cut back on your marketing. This is one 7Focus LUANN: expense that you should continue to invest in as much as your budget allows. Be smart about how and where you are investing and how much. Do not go into debt by any means.
But you need to continue to reach your current and potential clients to let them know you are still here and can be relied upon.
VITA: As a marketing major in college with 10 years of marketing experience for a major corporation, and someone who built my business on grassroots bootstrap marketing principles, I could not agree more! Here are some specific tactics we are employing at Vitalia, Inc.:
• Instagram. I am continuing to invest resources (time, energy, money and mental bandwidth) into Instagram—the place where my target market hangs out.
• Virtual Lunch ‘n Learns. Education is something that often gets put on the back burner during busy times. Now that we have the time, I want to be that educational resource for my customers.
• Staying in touch. We are picking up the phone and having voice-to-voice conversations. We are texting, emailing, DM’ing,
PM’ing, Voxer-ing—employing every communication vehicle known to us to just say “hello.” Economic downturns are inevitable; they are a fact of life. It is absolutely critical that you build and grow your business with that in mind. If you’re capable and prepared to launch a downturn plan of action as soon as a recession becomes clear, you, too, will be able to steer your business through to successfully endure what is to come.
Remember: Crises and recessions are temporary, but your business can be built and managed with staying power. Decide to be excellent! V

LuAnn Nigara is an award-winning window treatment specialist and co-owner of Window Works in Livingston, NJ. Her highly successful podcast “A Well-Designed Business” debuted in February 2016. She has since recorded more than 400 episodes.
WindowWorks-NJ.com/podcasts Facebook: WindowWorksNJ Twitter: WindowWorks_NJ Instagram: WindowWorks
Vitalia Vygovska (Vita for short), CWFP, MBA, is an award-winning window treatment specialist, author, speaker, mom, wife and ballroom dance enthusiast. Her company, Vitalia, Inc., has provided all-encompassing fabrication, measurement, installation and project management services for interior designers for more than a decade.
VitaliaInc.com Facebook: VitaliaInc