insight : welton hong
Online Marketing “Safety” Guide—Trick-or-Treat Edition
Checking up on some basic details can help you dress up your marketing efforts and keep you from looking like a ghoul to your customers BY WELTON HONG
id you grow up going door to door each Halloween, showing off your adorable costume and begging the neighbors for candy?
It’s a time-honored tradition, with more than 40 million children participating annually in recent years. It’s also a fun opportunity for around 122 million households to dress windows, doors and other exterior areas with fun and spooky decorations. Whether you remember trick-or-treating fondly or still participate by decorating your own home and handing out candy, you’re probably wondering what this tradition has to do with online
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marketing. As summer fades into autumn, leaves change colors and kids take to the streets to fill sacks with tasty treats, local news channels and other media usually bring out the Halloween tips. Turns out some of those tried-and-true Halloween tips—whether for safety or general fun—can be applied to online marketing to help protect your business’s reputation and bottom line.
Indulge me for a few minutes as I give you the online marketing version of trick-or-treating tips— and maybe indulge yourself in a piece or two of that candy you’ve got earmarked for Halloween while you read.