ECHO See pg. 12 for columnist Greg Frazier’s take on the start of the women’s soccer season
April 2017 Volume 102 Issue 8 Photo by: Andy Kimball
100 Selma Ave st. Louis MO 63119
Table of Contents
Pg. 3 Letters to the editor Pg. 4 Teen drivers’ safety remains critical issue Pg. 5 Day of Silence brings awareness Pg. 6 Opioid usage increases across St. Louis Pg. 7 Students, staff march for science Pg. 7 HAIM bass player talks to ECHO at fashion event Pg. 8-9 Webster staff members reminisce about prom experiences Pg. 10 Wii Will Miss U-- Reflections on Nintendo’s Wii U Pg. 11 Dancer takes on best of St. Louis Pg. 11 Finals foster stress in students Pg. 12 Women’s soccer start season 12-1 Pg. 12 Students recommend involvement despite challenges Pg. 13 Varsity tennis starts season 9-0 Pg. 14 Students perform ‘Detective Story’ as spring play Pg. 14 Styles tops charts as solo artist debuting new single Pg. 15 Recent Pepsi advertisement sparks controversy Pg. 16 Willie’s Comic
2017-18 ECHO STAFF
SOME MATERIAL COURTESY OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWSPAPER EDITORS/MCT CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER SERVICE The ECHO is a monthly publication of the newspaper staff of Webster Groves High School, 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO. To contact staff members, call 314-963-6400 ex. 11157 or write Unsigned editorials are the opinion of a majority of staff members; signed articles are the opinion of the writer. Letters to the editor of 300 words or less are welcome; submit letters by the 10th of the month to, or room 155. All letters must be signed, although the name may be withheld from publication if requested. The ECHO has the right to edit letters for publication as long as intent remains unchanged. The ECHO is a member of SSP, Quill and Scroll, MJEA, JEA, MIPA, NSPA and CSPA.
April 2017
The ECHO FAMILY The ECHO Family helps make the ECHO possible. To become a member of the ECHO Family, please contact Greg Frazier at Thanks to all of our members!
Jodi Richards Curtin Family Dugan Family Kathy Whaley Kurt Krautmann Thomas J. Zychinski Peggy Drew Smegner Webster Kirkwood Times Don and Mary Ann Schafer Webster Groves Baptist Church
Letters to the editor
Residential students face unique challenges Dear readers, Have you ever had to worry about catching a cab to school, or about setting up transportation just to stay after school for an extracurricular activity? In today’s society that’s not an issue most of us have, right? Well, it’s normal for at least 1 percent of us in Webster Groves High School. The reason is because the 1 percent of us are in a residential. This is a placement where you go and spend time if your family situation is not the best. You can stay short term or long term depending on your situation. When you stay in residential, you wake up at 5 a.m. and go to bed when they tell you to. It usually depends on your age.
You stay in a house environment, and about 18 other kids stay with you there. You have a schedule of what times you get to go be active. This is called “rec time.” Most of the kids at Webster are active on their own time, but when you’re in a residential, you don’t get to pick when you have fun. The schedule also consists of what you eat. Most kids get to eat when they want, but the kids in a residential have set times to eat. This is my routine every day. Devon Melton
Teacher advises about how to spend summer As the school year winds down and as a summer full of free time comes upon us, I’d like to take a moment to encourage you students to use that free time wisely and to invest in yourselves. Not necessarily in financial ventures but rather in things that will help you for the rest of your life. Invest your time strengthening your relationships with your parents and siblings. Learn how to change the oil or a tire on your car. Practice parallel parking. Exercise your body by exploring our parks, and exercise your mind by reading or fixing things around the house. Invest
in others by serving them. It’s easy to binge watch seasons of shows, but is it an investment of your time? At the end of the summer, will you be able to say you met your goals, made a difference, and invested in yourself or others? Brent Mackey, German teacher
Student satirizes library policies Dear editor, Recently, I’ve noticed that the library has made a concerted effort to keep kids out. This is, in my opinion, an excellent idea, as we all know that children hate to read, and just use the library to do drugs and retrieve alcohol stashes from hollowed-out books. However, I feel like the library could do better at keeping kids out for good. For example, right now passes are required at intervals that are entirely unclear, and this is a decent idea, but you know what would be better? Requiring passes all the time. Lunch? Need a pass. Classes? Need a pass. Morning? Need a pass. Afternoon? Just trying to hang out with friends? Screw that, we all know they just want to cause trouble! Make them get a pass! In that same vein, making people sign in and out every time they go in is good, and having them add five minutes to sign in and out to spend 30 seconds to print a paper is a stroke of genius, but we need to up the ante; the kids have to despise signing in and out. So here’s what I’m thinking: you add a purpose when you sign in, and a reflection when you sign out, 50-word minimum.
If these hooligans are going to be “hanging out” in the library for 15 more seconds, we need to know what exactly they were up to. Let’s make this apply to passing periods, too. If they want to tread on these sacred surfaces just because it’s “faster” and “more efficient,” and they don’t want to “walk around the whole f****** school,” they need to respect our arbitrary rules and spend an inordinate amount of time at the tablet, just like every other student that we have also forced to obey our useless and excessive regulations. Anyway I hope you take my suggestions to heart! I think they are exactly in line with what you already want. Sincerely, Dorothea Starr LeBeau PS: I forgot to mention, I adore how you lock students in during lunch. Forcing them to miss whatever free time they have left after finishing work for no apparent reason whatsoever is the kind of cruelty I aspire to.
April 2017
Teen drivers’ safety remains critical issue
Photo from Wiki Commons
Freshman at Roosevelt High School, in Kent, Ohio, uses simulator to test his ability to drive under distracting situations, such as talking to passengers, texting and eating. (Ed Suba Jr./Akron Beacon Journal/MCT)
Caroline Fellows Editor-in-Chief Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15 to 20 year olds, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Although the percentage of crashes has decreased, safety for teenage drivers remains a critical issue, which could be resolved through a driver’s education course. Edgar Snyder & Associates law firm reported that teens make up the largest percentage of distracted drivers with 56 percent admitting to talking on the phone while 13 percent admitting to texting while driving. Texting while driving is banned for people 21 years old and younger in Missouri but many teens still engage in the activity. Students who text while driving are more likely to not always wear their seatbelts, ride with a driver who’s been drinking, and drink alcohol and drive, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey in 2011.
In reference to teen crashes, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration conducted a survey which revealed that lack of surveillance, driving too fast for conditions, and distracted driving accounted for almost half of teen crashes. In addition, the risk of 16- or 17-year old drivers being killed in a crash increases with each additional teenage passenger in the vehicle with 44 percent risk increase with one passenger, double the risk with two passengers, and quadruple the risk with three or more passengers. While these are symptoms of a lack of maturity in teenage drivers, a state-certified driver’s education course class will address necessary precautionary measures for teenage drivers. A teen may glance through the driver’s manual to pass the written permit and be able to recognize common road signs, but a driver’s education class may cover material that may not be included in the manual. An additional benefit to taking a local course is that students may receive additional area specific instruction in driving on the highway, driving through busy urban streets, driving through inclement and lower insurance rates.
Ellie’s Expression
Day of Silence brings awareness Eleanor Marshall Opinion Columnist Halls of schools across the country were hushed on April 21. Members of the LGBTQ+ community and supporters stood together and did not talk for an entire day to make students aware of the bullying that goes on in schools. This powerful movement was started in 1996 to make students aware of bullying, especially against LGBTQ+ students. The not talking stands for victims of bullying who feel like they are silenced by bullies. A GSA member who asked to stay anonymous said, “Kids in our school are very hetero normative (the belief or assumption that boys like girls and girls like boys in a romantic way), and they don’t realize their privilege. (The Day of Silence) makes (students) notice the bullying of the LGBTQ+ community in our Photo by Eleanor Marshall school.” Gay Straight Alliance members junior Olivia Lopez, sophomore This doesn’t mean that straight students aren’t bul- Isabelle Blake and sophomore Phillip Freeman inform students about lied; it just means that straight students will probably The Day of Silence at lunch. never get bullied for their sexuality, and they don’t realize their privilege. of silence, not the seven-hours-you’re-at-school of silence. LGBTQ+ students are not only bullied for things like wearing Students who wanted to participate in the Day of Silence needuncool clothes or having an unpopular haircut like straight stu- ed to be proactive. They talked to their teachers in advance to dents, they are also harassed about something they can’t change inform the teachers that they would not be speaking and why. about themselves: their sexuality. This was a very important day for students to take part in, even The GSA members also mentioned how important it is to stay if they have never been bullied themselves. Standing silently quiet all day. They all agreed if you decided to participate, to with victims shows that they are against bullying and will no take it seriously and not to talk when you got home. It is the day longer be bystanders.
Upcoming Events May 1: WGHS Symphonic Band/Wind Symphony Concert May 3: WGHS Orchestra Concert May 9: WGHS Choir Concert May 10: Senior Checkout Begins May 12: Last day for Seniors May 19: WGHS Graduation May 22: Exams begin May 25: Last day of School
April 2017
Drug sweeps St. Louis
Opioid usage increases across St. Louis
Photo from DrugAbuse.Gov
Heroin usage has tripled in the St. Louis area since 2007.
Rosa Parks Feature Editor China white, Dope, Dragon, Junk. Whatever name is used, this deadly drug has been growing more common in the St. Louis area. Nicole Browning, counselor at the National council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse, said via email, “Since 2007, opioid deaths in the St. Louis area have more than tripled.” Heroin, an illegal opioid, can be snorted, smoked and injected. Heroin can be white or brown powder, and sometimes comes in the form of a black substance. This highly addictive drug is extremely dangerous. Short term effects of heroin include dryness, itching, constipation, vomiting and drowsiness After the high of heroin wears off, the body’s functions start to slow down, causing the heart to slow down and breathing to become more and more spread out. After heroin wears off, the users then go through an extreme withdrawal. About heroin withdrawal, Browning said, “It is like the flu times 100: fever, chills, shaking, diarrhea, upset stomach, feel like they are on fire, so they want to use more to feel better.” Even after one use of heroin, users can get addicted. An addiction to heroin can lead to brain damage. When heroin is repeatedly used, the brain will stop producing dopamine, a chemical that is heavily responsible for mood, emotions, movement and pleasure. When the brain stops producing dopamine, users will
not feel their normal self again. Heroin can cause other severe effects, such as breathing issues, depression, coma and death. Heroin users have some common symptoms. Anne Gibbs, social worker, said via email, “The key word here is change. Anyone who has demonstrated change in their friends, mood, behavior, eating/sleeping habits, hygiene, weight etc. might be someone who is misusing substances.” Browning had a few more ways to tell if someone is using heroin, “Physical signs include paraphernalia and the body: baggies, pill caps, burnt foil; sleepy, tiny pupils, nodding, runny nose, slurred speech, constipation and others.” Even with the negative effects of heroin, heroin has still taken lives of many people, including high school students. Students, who are looking for a cheaper alternatives to opioid prescription drugs, which treat severe pain, are turning to heroin, which they have easy access to and can get for cheap. Four out of five heroin users first started out with using prescription drugs according to Narconon.Org. Gibbs said, “To many people, prescription drugs seem safer, but heroin and prescription pain medications are all considered opioids and derived from the poppy plant.” Opioid pain medications can often be taken too long or frequently, causing an opioid use disorder. About her perspective on heroin, Lidia Sherman, sophomore, said, “When someone gets addicted to heroin or anything, the people that are close to that person, lose them. The person addicted is different, and they will never be the same again. It takes over their life, yes it’s hard on them, but it’s also hard on their family. I think they forget that, that their actions of taking it effect others.” About how to lower heroin usage, Browning said, “Research shows prevention works. Unfortunately, it won’t solve the current epidemic soon. It does take time.” Students who are struggling with heroin use disorder can find help through several programs. There are about 22 drug rehab programs in the Saint Louis area. Students can tell a teacher, parent or trusted adult about their substance use disorder. Gibbs said, “We are genuinely concerned about all our students and want to ensure they receive the help they need.” Browning also said, “Anyone is at risk for heroin use. It cuts all socioeconomic boundaries: race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, economic class, etc. Heroin is everywhere.”
Area Resources Harris House: (314) 631-4299 Midwest Institute for Addiction: (314)-569-2253 Bridgeway Behavioral Health: (636)-224-1300
April 2017
InSenergy STL: (314) 649-7867 Queen of Peace Center: (314)-531-0511 St. Louis Metro Treatment center: (877)-284-7074
Students, staff march for science
Photo by sophomore Rosie Ryan
A few thousand people in St. Louis marched on April 22, in support of science. While Webster Groves students and teachers didn’t march as a group, some spread the word in the school by telling friends and hanging up posters.
Ashli Wagner Video Editor People worldwide protested in the name of science on April 22, and Webster Groves High School students and teachers marched in support of pure science and against the defunding of scientific research across the world. The march started at 1 p.m. in downtown St. Louis. Science teachers Dr. David Schuster and Jeanette Hencken organized meetings before and after school to talk to students about how they would show support at the march and spread the word
throughout the school. “There are a lot of people in society that have begun to show that they don’t believe science which is really deeply troublesome, and there are decreases in funding suggested by the administration for pure science and a lot of scientists are very personally disappointed,” Schuster said about the march. Students and teachers didn’t attend the march together as an organized group, but teachers and students still went separately. Thousands of people showed up at on the rainy Saturday to support science. Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and their impact is growing, according to NASA. “Sometimes you don’t see the effects of pure science immediately. You need to have a goal in mind so that pure science feeds it....pure science is always beneficial to the people who support it,” Schuster said about how the defunding of scientific research will affect the future. According to the Pew Research Center, “A solid majority of adults in the U.S. say government investment in both basic science research and in engineering and technology will ‘pay off in the long run.’” In the 1960s the United States made achievements as a nation with the space program (like successfully sending the first man to the moon) that wouldn’t have been possible without the funding they had. According to, “NASA spent about $23 billion on manned programs from 1961 through the first lunar landing in July 1969.” Some protestors believe with the defunding of scientists across the globe, future accomplishments may no longer be possible to achieve.
HAIM bass player talks to ECHO at fashion event Riley Mullgardt Print Editor Alumna Karlie Kloss showed her new Express fashion line at the Pageant with music provided by Charlie XCX and Dj. While at the fashion show, the ECHO got an exclusive interview with bass player Este Haim, member of the Indie-Rock band “HAIM.” Haim attended the event because she is friends with Kloss and wanted to show her support. Made up of three sisters, the band began in 2007 and is still going strong. They performed at Lollapalooza in 2016 and opened for Taylor Swift (select dates) on her 1989 Tour. Despite how normal sisters act, they all get along well. Haim said, “I always feel like people don’t believe me, but they’re my two best friends. It’s such a blessing being able to see the world with my two best friends.” After not releasing any music after 2013, Haim said new music
“is coming. Everything is on its way.” She estimated the new music’s arrival would be “Soon. I promise it is soon.” The band is leaving for the U.K. in June to tour, and in regards for a U.S. tour, she said, “You’ll definitely be seeing us soon. I can promise that. I plan on touring for the rest of my life, so everything is soon.” Haim has been to St. Louis, specifically the Pageant, three times. “I love it here. Everyone is so nice here, so friendly. They just want to talk about fun stuff. “That custard [Ted Drewes] I just had, I can’t. It’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten in my whole life. I think if I wasn’t doing music I would want to be a food critic so I could eat all the time. It seems like the best job ever. I love my job more than anything, but that would be a close second. It’s probably the only other thing I would want to do.” Musician, food enthusiast and people person, Este Haim loves St. Louis and her job.
April 2017
Webster staff members remin
Elise Keller News Editor
Evelyn Trampe Business Manager Teachers, too, were once in high school. They had high school romances, drama, and yes--they went to prom. With the 2017 graduating class having recently made its prom memories, ECHO decided to ask Webster’s staff members about theirs. David Schuster, 1998 Webster Groves graduate “I had a very good friend who was also super clever and really pretty. I thought I might start dating her, but I knew I’d have a great time either way,” physics teacher, David Schuster, said about his prom expectations. “My date thought that I was joking about the invitation until one week before prom, when I insisted that she finally choose where we would have dessert afterward: Tony’s or White Castle. Guess which one she chose.” Because Schuster’s date agreed to go with him at the last minute, the time in which his date was able to get a dress was less than ideal. “[My date’s] mom was really p****d, because [she] had wanted to MAKE her a freaking dress, but she then didn’t have time to do more than modify a store-made one.” Despite the complications, the two made it to prom. “My first kiss (during some stupid 90s slow song) with this beautiful girl was interrupted by one of our friends tapping us on the shoulder yelling, ‘The bus is here! Let’s go!’ We had rented a school bus.” Schuster actually married his prom date. Looking back on that date, Schuster said, “Hot date. Put a ring on it.” Kevin Cole, 1994 Pekin Community High School graduate Band teacher Kevin Cole’s expectations for his prom were “to act like a total nincompoop with my friends. I took a date both years, but I was too shy to be very involved with either of them. I’m sure they considered it a blessing.” His routine during prom day was pretty similar to those of students now. “I went to our corny little formal wear store to rent a tuxedo. I believe we ate at a fancy steakhouse and exchanged the whole corsage-and-boutonniere deal. In my hometown we likely used dandelions for our flowers.” “I really don’t remember [what the theme was, but] where I grew up the theme was probably something like ‘Wal-Mart Nights’ or ‘Remember Your First Pair of Oakleys.’” Cole’s senior prom didn’t last long for him. “I think my date must have been regretful enough about her decision that she decided not to be very nice to me. Again, I
April 2017
can’t blame her,” Cole said. About his dream celebrity prom date, Cole said, “Then? Probably Lisa Bonet. Very foxy in the 80s and 90s. Now? My wife, [Kristin] Cole. She also tolerates me out of pity.” Jon Clark, 1984 St. Joseph Lafayette graduate Principal Jon Clark considers his prom experience to be unique because “I went fishing with my prom date. My parents had a big farm, and a lot of the guys brought their prom dates to go fishing (in their tuxes).” His unconventional after-prom activity apparently didn’t appeal to Clark’s date. “She wanted to go home instead of go fishing (which I just don’t understand,)” Clark said.
Physics teacher Dr. David Schu May 16, 1998.
Jaime Schwartz, 2006 Webster Groves graduate Spanish teacher Jaime Schwartz expected her prom to be classy and fun. “I bought a cute dress at a now closed dress shop in Brentwood, I did my own makeup,” Schwartz said. In addition, Schwartz was also hired by others to do their prom makeup. “[At prom] they only played one slow song…I believe it was Keyshia Cole’s ‘Love,’ and it was not easy to dance to. It was also a little disturbing to see really fancy dressed people get their freak on after the formal dinner was over… it went from classy and elegant to trashy really quick,” Schwartz said. Schwartz’s high school boyfriend was upset at the lack of slow songs at prom. “I have an appreciation for males who show emotions because our culture tells them to do otherwise, but I was shocked to see him cry about not being able to have a few slow dances with me,”
Photo provided by Katie Guymon
English teacher Katie Guymon stands in her dress before prom in 1998.
nisce about prom experiences
THE NEXT GENERATION CAN DO BETTER,)” Guymon said. To clarify, Guymon does not recommend tanning beds. Guymon’s school’s prom themes were always song titles. “I went back and looked at my yearbooks--I don’t recall either song. They were probably the theme song in a horrible romantic comedy or something equally nauseating.” Guymon described her date situation as “a good time! Although--shocker--I did not marry my high school sweetheart. Coincidentally, he and my husband are now great friends. Our families both live in Webster Groves, and we both have two daughters. (Thinking of starting a tricycle gang or a soccer team.)” About who her dream celebrity prom date is, Guymon said, “Hmmm, Justin Timberlake? Usher? I want someone who can dance! I can’t moonwalk by myself all night.”
Photo provided by Dr. David Schuster
uster and his date Lori Vaughn take school bus to and from prom on
Schwartz said. “He actually said, ‘I just wanted to twirl you a few times like a princess.’ To make up for it, we danced in our PJs at my parent’s house in the living room to Norah Jones’ ‘Come Away with Me.’” About her dream celebrity prom date, Schwartz said, “I would love to go to prom with someone who would just be ridiculous and have fun. I think Will Ferrell would be great for that. I’m not attracted to him at all but I could see us having a good time.” Terry Verstraete, 1989 McCluer North graduate Social studies teacher Terry Verstraete did not attend his high school prom; however, he did originally have plans to. In preparation for prom Verstraete said, “I asked [my date] at least three times, ‘Are you sure?’” “I was dumped right before prom. She said she ‘had to go to Minnesota.’” Verstraete said. Expectation wise Verstraete said, “[I expected to] have an actual, live prom date.” As an alternative to prom Verstraete said, “I went to watch ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,’ front row with my buddy who didn’t have a prom date. We lamented about how prom was overrated.” Katie Guymon, 1998 Christopher Community High School graduate When reflecting, English teacher Katie Guymon considers herself a “total prom nerd.” “I did the whole deal: hair, nails, make-up, tanning. (DO NOT GET INTO A TANNING BED. I HAVE PAID THE PRICE SO
Eric Dunn, 1993 Eleanor Roosevelt graduate About what he did to prepare for prom, math teacher Eric Dunn said, “rented a tux and borrowed my date’s dad’s (now father in law’s) OLD Mercedes to drive us to prom.” “[My date and I] got to walk around the Baltimore inner harbor, which is beautiful at night. Super cool.” On if his prom date went well, Dunn said,“Yes, and I married her five years later.” Dunn said his dream celebrity prom date is Steve Leftridge. Zach Smith, 2002 Webster Groves graduate “[My prom expectations were] pretty high; I went with a big group of friends, and it was supposed to be our last big night together,” teacher Zach Smith said. To prepare for prom, Smith’s routine was short and sweet. “[I] showered half an hour before we were supposed to meet for pics, threw on my tux, and I was out the door.” Smith said “We met at a friend’s house for pictures, and we got Tim Tobin (aka Tim the Bus Driver) to take us in a school bus!!! That was the highlight for sure,” Smith said. At the time, Smith’s dream celebrity prom date was “Christina Aguilera.” Scott Stallcup, 1980 Van-Far graduate When approached about his prom experience, social studies teacher Scott Stallcup said, “[I’m] answering against my better judgement.” Stallcup did not remember much about his prom; however, he did say that beforehand, “I’m pretty sure I did nothing to prepare. [I] rented a tux and got flower[s] for my date. [Actually,] my mom probably did that.” Stallcup didn’t particularly find his senior prom too memorable, though he considered it unique to him. “I guess because it was the first and only dance I attended in high school. I was more interested in sports,” Stallcup said. “Seriously???” was Stallcup’s response about his celebrity prom date.
April 2017
Electric Retrospective
Wii Will Miss U-- Reflections on Nintendo’s Wii U Sean Mullins Technology Columnist Nintendo’s newest console, the Switch, is finally on store shelves -if there’s a store that hasn’t run out of stock. However, before gamers move on to the next generation, its predecessor deserves a proper farewell. After the phenomenal success of the Wii, Nintendo announced the Wii U as the Wii’s successor in 2011. Nintendo felt the Wii focused too much on the casual market, so the Wii U was designed to bring back dedicated gamers. However, its release in 2012 had many issues. The console’s main selling point is the GamePad controller, which combined buttons and analog sticks with a touchscreen. Marketing for the console focused too much on the GamePad controller, and as such, many confused consumers thought the Wii U was simply a peripheral for the Wii. The console also had a weak lineup of games at launch, and throughout its life cycle, there were large periods of time without big releases, which led to consumers losing interest. While some thirdparty developers like Sega and many indie developers like Yacht Club Games stuck with the console, the Wii U lacked major third-party support. Even a price cut in 2013, while beneficial to sales, couldn’t save it, and the Wii U became a commercial failure. Despite poor sales, the Wii U was positively received, and for many good reasons. The GamePad, for example, is an excellent controller that changes how games are played. Since the GamePad has a screen of its own, the TV screen can
Photo from Nintendo
The Wii U may not be Nintendo’s most successful console, but it was certainly a memorable one. be used for the main game while the controller screen operates menus. This means the Wii U supports off-TV play, so a game can be played entirely on the GamePad while someone else watches TV. The Wii U also supports backwards compatibility with Wii games. The Wii U was the first Nintendo console to support HD graphics. Considering Nintendo’s games are generally more colorful and vibrant than triple-A games on other consoles, HD graphics made games for the Wii U absolutely stunning to look at. While there may not have been perfect third party support, the Wii U’s library is fantastic. Installments to past franchises, such as “Mario Kart 8” and “Super Smash Bros. 4,” were critically hailed as the best games in their series, but new games like “Splatoon” were also massively successful. The Wii U also had excellent support from indie developers, including Wii
U exclusives like “Runbow,” and other games that launched on other consoles, such as “Shovel Knight,” had features exclusive to the Wii U version that made the experience something special. As of March, Nintendo has completely moved on. While games are being produced for it, Nintendo has ceased firstparty support for the Wii U so they can focus on the Switch. A few popular Wii U games are even being ported to other consoles. However, while the company has moved on, Nintendo hasn’t forgotten the Wii U. After all, the Switch was based on the Wii U’s mechanic of off-TV play. Despite its financial failure, the Wii U is an excellent console, and it’s a shame it wasn’t a success. However, due to its excellent lineup of games, as well as a controller that makes playing those games a blast, the Wii U could manage to have a cult following in the future.
Upcoming Game Releases
“Injustice 2” (PS4, XB1)- May 16
“ARMS” (Switch)- June 16
“Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia” (3DS)- May 19
“Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy” (PS4)- June 30
“Tekken 7” (Windows, PS4, XB1)- June 2
“Splatoon 2” (Switch)- July 21
April 2017
Dancer takes on best of St. Louis
Photo by Riley Mullgardt
Duyen-Anh Vo soars through the sky performing her dance at the 2017 Teen Talent Competition.
Riley Mullgardt Print Editor Senior Duyên-Anh Vo danced at the 2016 Teen Talent Competition at the Fox last year and went back for more this year. In 2016, Vo won the “I Award” for the
most imaginative, inspired and inventive act, along with second place overall, resulting in a $6,500 scholarship. “I’ve been working on this routine for two months now. It hasn’t been that long because I didn’t think I was going to do [Teen Talent] again. I had already done it
and already had the experience, but I was like, why not do it again? You never know what’s going to happen,” Vo said. Vo has danced for 16 years because she was very “rambunctious and hyper as a little kid,” so her mom wanted her to put her energy into something. As a competition dancer, Vo knows her way around the stage. It’s different for Teen Talent, though. “I’m going into [Teen Talent] alone, and then with competitions I have my whole company with me. Competitions are for titles and stuff like that, but Teen Talent is for college scholarships… A lot more is at stake.” Vo hit the stage again on Saturday, April 8, performing her piece, “DuyênAnh.” Vo didn’t place, but she did receive the Voss Family Originality Award for original work in composition, writing, arranging or choreography. Even though she didn’t place, she said it was still a “great experience” and she met new friends there.
Finals foster stress in students Jake Collins Junior Editor
High school students are more stressed than adults. “Teens report that their stress level during the school year far exceeds what they believe to be healthy (5.8 versus 3.9 on a 10-point scale) and tops adults’ average reported stress levels (5.8 for teens versus 5.1 for adults),” a study on the American Psychological Association (APA) website stated. Nurse Rachel Huertes agreed that students are stressed. “You all (students) are stressed about almost everything, from home life issues, to the math test they took last hour, to interpersonal issues with friends,” Huertes said. “Students also have all the stress of adults, but don’t yet have the skills to take care of all of it.” Huertes said that she sees an uptick in students during finals week.
“Stress in students can manifest in students in physical conditions... Sometimes students come down here, complaining of a stomach ache, and they have no idea that it’s caused by stress,” Huertes said. Huertes’ assessment of students’ stress is in line with studies that the American Psychological Association (APA) conducted on student stress. With school starting at 7:55 a.m., and students staying up late on school nights to do homework, students are sleeping less. “On average, teens report sleeping far less than the recommended amount — 7.4 hours on school nights and 8.1 hours on non-school nights, compared with the 8.5 to 9.25 hours recommended by the National Sleep Foundation.” Due to stress, some students are losing sleep, causing a cycle of feeling stressed from a lack of sleep and then feeling tired because of stress. Nearly one in five teens (18 percent) say
when they do not get enough sleep, they are more stressed and 36 percent of teens report feeling tired because of stress in the past month,” a study on the APA website stated. Teens are also more likely to manage stress with unhealthy habits, like overeating and skipping meals. “Twenty-seven percent of adults say they eat to manage stress and 34 percent of those who report overeating or eating unhealthy foods because of stress say this behavior is a habit. Of the 23 percent of teens who report skipping a meal in the past month due to stress, 39 percent say they do this weekly or more,” a study on the APA website stated. Despite all of this stress that students are under, there are ways that students can cope with their stress. Some strategies to handle stress are writing, setting aside time to relax, reading or personal preference.
April 2017
Women’s soccer start season 12-1 Greg Frazier Sports Editor Women’s soccer began the season with a lead by defending Selma Field against Kirkwood with a 5-0 shutout on April 20 behind new varsity head coach Thom Champion. Last spring, there were two seniors on the Varsity roster. Now nine seniors are on the 23-player roster. The majority of the goal scorers have been sophomores. Sophomore forward Emma Atherton and sophomore forward Gretchen Skoglund have been the top goalscorers so far in the season with a combined 17 goals and 13 assists as of April 18. Atherton contributed to the 5-1 score against Mehlville on April 4, with two goals and two assists. “We’re starting out well, but we can be better,” senior left wing Maggie Nash said. “I think we’ll continue the win streak.” Webster was able to defeat Kirkwood on April 20, a 5-0 victory winning the annual battle for the Shapleigh Cup and contributing to their 12-1 record as of April 25. After a heavy rain delaying the game on April 15, Webster dominated the pitch against McCluer. Having a 10-goal lead at halftime resulting in a cancelation of the game. Junior Ian Thompson said, “I didn’t get my money’s worth, but they kicked the ball good and scored good.” “Is that State I hear? Also soccer is cool,” senior Kurt Krautman said.
Photo by Greg Frazier
Senior Ava Burke strikes the ball down midfield for an advance by the Statesmen over McCluer on April 21, resulting in a 10-0 halftime close.
“A slippery pitch where a match between two experienced teams collided,” junior Brendan Muldoon said. Webster’s last four games are all home. They’re playing against Ladue (May 1), Visitation (May 6), Pattonville (May 8), and Parkway West (May 10).
Students recommend involvement despite challenges Cole Schnell Junior Editor WGHS wants its students to be involved as stated as the “I” for involvement in the school’s acronym “RRISE.” Some students really take this to heart and become very involved. Junior Jennifer Egley is a cheerleader and dancer, takes three AP classes and doesn’t finish her homework because she doesn’t have enough time. Egley said, she wasn’t able to sleep at all due to homework on certain occasions. Egley’s biggest motivators are her parents. “They (my parents) are always motivating me to do better... They help me put school first,” Egley said. Egley said, her busy schedule helped develop a better work ethic. Sophomore Brianna Vo, a cheerleader, the STUCO secretaryelect and dancer, said having a class period where students could do whatever they need to do would make being involved easier. Vo said, the majority of the time not doing activities, she is doing homework.
April 2017
Vo said, her busy lifestyle has given her the ability to “balance things more so when I get older...I can do everything and not be stressed about it because I’m already so busy.” Junior Sam Gomez, soccer player, said he chose his busy lifestyle because soccer was part of his family; it was expected. Now that he plans to play soccer in college, these expectations are more important. Gomez takes two AP classes and said he would be ambitious in school if he could be and had the time. Gomez said his hard course load is important because “school will probably prepare you the most for the outside world.” Egley, Vo and Gomez recommend other students to become more involved. Gomez doesn’t feel overwhelmed by his busy schedule, unlike Egley and Vo, who are occasionally overwhelmed. Gomez said, he still makes sacrifices such as missing school for soccer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends all teenagers sleep for greater than eight hours every night. Having a busy schedule doesn’t allow for this. Egley, Vo and Gomez said they go to sleep between 12 a.m. and 2 a.m. on an average night.
Varsity tennis starts season 9-2 Alexicia Moore Contributing Writer Nora Baumgart Contributing Writer Varsity tennis is 9-2 for the season, which began on April 3, but the ultimate goal isn’t to just win, it’s to “make the men’s tennis team better players,” Coach Terry Verstraete said. Verstraete said his greatest goal for the team is “for everyone to graduate and pursue some other type of education.” Then he added, “For the young men to walk away as respectful and as class acts.” Verstraete said one of the team’s greatest accomplishments was “watching our JV team players turn into good tennis players.” Verstraete said one of his personal accomplishments was being the first tennis coach at Webster to beat Kirkwood since 1968. About who contributes the most, Verstraete said, “Everyone, it’s a team effort. We need everybody.” About who has the leadership qualities, Verstraete said, “The six seniors would be the leaders.” This would be because senior Max Yusen is hard working.
Photo by Andy Kimball
Senior Jack Kincaid waits to return the ball from a practice at the Webster tennis courts.
Also senior Jack Kincaid is diligent and thorough when it comes to improving his game. Senior Charlie Sears is a fighter. Senior Isaac Schmitt always leads by example. Also senior Lucas Doll is soft spoken but well respected and very liked and appreciated by his peers, and last would be senior Max Umali, who is passionate. On April 17, Yusen played a match against Parkway South and played the top ranked player in the country. Tennis was down 1-3 but came back with an exciting 5-4 win. Sophomore Joseph Castleman has played tennis for five years and plans on playing all through high school. Castleman said, “Tennis is a mental sport, and it’s tough when you’re the only one out there.” Castleman said Kincaid and Yusen are very supportive of everyone on the team and have really stepped up as leaders. Castleman’s “best” match was last summer, and it took two hours. He won this match but said it was very close. Castleman added, “Tennis has taught me not to give up and just to keep going no matter how far you think you may be down.” The next game will be against Kirkwood on May 2.
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April 2017
Entertainment ECHO Students perform ‘Detective Story’ as spring play Page Kimzey Audio Editor Junior Logan Corzine, sophomore Spencer Erb, junior Meredith Grimm-Howell, sophomore Christian Ragain and 23 other WGHS students from all classes acted in the drama department’s spring play. This play is called “Detective Story” and is considered to be many small stories coming together to make a big, overall story in a dramatic but comical way. “So, it takes place in the late 40s. It’s basically of a detective office and all the crazy people that they get and how many of the detectives are crazy,” Erb said. Corzine has the lead part playing the anti-hero Detective McLeod. “He’s a harsh detective. He’s incredibly dedicated to his job, so much so that it ends up being his tragic flaw. In the end some crazy things happen. It’s an incredible story, and there will be gun fire, so be prepared,” Corzine said. Tech week was the week of April 17, and the play was performed April 20-22, at 7 p.m. in Knight Auditorium. Tickets were $7 per student and $10 per adult.
Photo by Connor Hannekan
Junior Trinity Lynn and sophomore Trinity Madison rehearse for “Detective Story.” The play took place April 20 through the 22.
Styles tops charts as solo artist debuting new single Natalie Johnson Social Media Editor Former One Direction member Harry Styles has not lost his grip on the hearts of young fans world wide. After going on a hiatus in early 2016, Styles has released new music: “Sign of The Times,” a solo track. Styles announced the new track on Instagram and Twitter March 31, positing a picture of the album artwork with the caption “SIGN.OF.THE.TIMES // 7.APRIL.17 //.” and the single debuted on Radio 1 in the U.K. and was uploaded to Styles’ Vevo account on April 7. While on the air with Nick Grimshaw of Radio 1, Styles said, ”I feel like I’ve been hibernating for so long...and now it’s time to give birth.” “Sign of the Times” has remained in the top 15 songs of iTunes charts. The song starts with a short and simple piano which is then accompanied by Styles’ raspy voice singing, “Just stop your crying it’s the sign of the times.” The song picks up and develops into a modern take on a classic rock song, accompanied by a steady drum beat and the continued piano rift. Electric guitars play through the chorus. The song ends with a lovely, simple, short piano piece. Styles’ single is very repetitive and catchy. It exemplifies his vocal abilities fans would recall from Styles’ One Direction days, as Styles repeats the line “We got to get away” as the song con-
April 2017
Photo from Harry Styles Vevo
“Sign of The Times” has remained on the iTunes top 10 chart since its release on April 7.
cludes. The musical style of the single stands out from Styles previous works with former pop band One Direction, and offers fans insight into the classic rock-esque sound Styles has to offer, that will potentially be reflected in upcoming music. Just one week after the single dropped, Styles posted a picture on Instagram of a possible album cover and a list of tracks, including “Sign of The Times” captioned “HARRY.STYLES //12. MAY.17//.” The post received over 1,390,600 likes and images of Styles new work appeared all over social media.
Josie’s Journal
Recent Pepsi advertisement sparks controversy Josie Krueger Entertainment Columnist
Goben continued: “Pepsi can’t fix racism or sexism. Even though they had people of color playing in that commercial-” Malone finished: “They didn’t have a big role. Like (Lidia) Pepsi’s most recent attempt at advertising through empower- said, Pepsi can’t solve racial disputes or sexual disputes.” Sophomore Molly Nash, had a similar opinion: “(The video) ment and recent issues has clearly failed, causing an eruption of completely simplified the problem at hand and degraded it. If discontent and criticism over social media. it was that easy to fix, then we wouldn’t still be dealStarring in the commercial is supermodel and reality ing with this. I don’t think it was a good decision television star, Kendall Jenner. for her to do, and with as much influence as she In the Pepsi commercial, a protest regardhas, many people around the globe will see ing social injustice issues is going on in the the struggles of Americans as something streets, and Jenner leaves her photo shoot that can be sold to them, and I don’t think in order to join the protesters. The part that is right.” causing the most controversy is when Pepsi released a statement apologizing she gives a police officer a Pepsi, and he for the context it was taken in: “Pepsi was promptly opens it and takes a drink. This trying to protect a global message of uniexchange causes an eruption of cheering, ty, peace and understanding. Clearly, we dancing and overall joy on both sides. missed the mark, and we apologize.” The ad was released on April 4 and Pepsi The brand also apologized for any fault took the commercial down a day later beit has put Jenner in, stating that it was not the cause of the immediate and heavy backlash company’s intention. Jenner has not made public from celebrities and other internet users. The appearance during this time, waiting for everycommercial being taken down did not stop comGraphic from thing to die down. edy shows like “Saturday Night Live” and “Late Overall, Pepsi seems to understand the disconNight With Seth Meyers” or angered Twitter ustent with the commercial and has learned not to ers from mocking and criticizing the advertisemake its product seem like it can solve the world’s problems. ment and its meaning. Sophomore Tobey Nelson expressed his closing thoughts on Junior Lidia Goben and freshman Donte Malone, expressed the whole ordeal: “I think the biggest take away is to educate their opinions on this commercial. Goben said, “They gave Pepsi to the police, and it was all and have an open discussion about what is wrong, what could be fixed, and for everyone to acknowledge the fact that the ad okay. That didn’t work back in the day.” Malone added, “That doesn’t work now. It’s cause she’s sexy; was in no way ill-mannered (in its intention), but that the (Black Lives Matter) movement does have a right to be upset over the that’s all, and rich.” commercial.”
Upcoming events happening in May and June May 2: National Teacher Day May 5: Cinco de Mayo April 25-May 7: The Lion King at The Fabulous Fox Theatre May 6–8: Art Fair at Laumeier May 12-14, 2017: Dirty Dancing at The Fabulous Fox Theatre May 14: Mother’s Day May 14: Chance the Rapper concert at Scottrade Center May 14–15: 2016 Spirit of St. Louis Airshow and STEM Expo presented by Boeing
May 14-15: Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales May 18: Chainsmokers concert at Scottrade Center May 20: Armed Forces Day May 26-June 25: Ramadan in the U.S. May 26: Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 May 29: Memorial Day June 1-25: Circus Flora: Time Flies at Grand Center
April 2017
April 2017
Willie’s Comic