WG ECHO February 2016 Issue

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Pg. 13 Clark seals 100th career win February 2016 Volume 101 Issue 6 100 Selma Ave st. Louis MO 63119 Photo by Jack Killeen WGECHO.org


Table of Contents

Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 7 Pg. 7 Pg. 8 Pg. 9 Pg. 10 Pg. 11 Pg. 12 Pg. 13 Pg. 14 Pg. 14 Pg. 15 Pg. 16



‘Sex positive’ education would better meet students needs Students abuse hallway during lunch Willie’s Comic MLK performers’ message should be heard Band hallway closed to students during lunch Authors speak at school-wide festival Simpson named superintendent Roberts Gym home to new student section Is Roberts Rowdies sexist? Teachers share their favorite hair in WGHS Custodians suppport students, community New stars blossom for men’s basketball Carte’Are returns to WGHS PPZ brings comedy, action to romantic classic Malik releases solo single Drama department changes plays Upcoming events 2015-16 ECHO STAFF

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Jack Killeen JUNIOR EDITOR: Andy Kimball BUSINESS/ADS MANAGER: Ashli Wagner OPINION EDITOR: Abby Botan GRAPHICS EDITOR/NEWS EDITOR: Jake Collins SPORTS EDITOR: Bennett Durando FEATURE/ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR: Irene Ryan VIDEO EDITOR/ WEB EDITOR: Caroline Fellows CIRCULATION EDITOR: Kadifa Tabakovic ADVISOR: Donald Johnson SOME MATERIAL COURTESY OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWSPAPER EDITORS/MCT CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER SERVICE The ECHO is a monthly publication of the newspaper staff of Webster Groves High School, 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO. To contact staff members, call 314-963-6400 ex. 11157 or write wgecho@wgmail.org. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of a majority of staff members; signed articles are the opinion of the writer. Letters to the editor of 300 words or less are welcome; submit letters by the 10th of the month to wgecho@wgmail.org, or room 155. All letters must be signed, although the name may be withheld from publication if requested. The ECHO has the right to edit letters for publication as long as intent remains unchanged. The ECHO is a member of SSP, Quill and Scroll, MJEA, JEA, MIPA, NSPA and CSPA.

February 2016

The ECHO FAMILY The ECHO Family helps make the ECHO possible. To become a member of the ECHO Family, please contact Ashli Wagner at abwags99@gmail.com. Thanks to all of our members! Julianna Fellows Bret Waelterman Peggy Smegner Curtin Family Melodie Carroll Kathy Whaley Laurie Murphy Don and Mary Ann Schafer Webster Groves Baptist Church Zychinski Family Gavin Turner Billy Johnson Devon Cutak Elizabethe Durando






‘Sex positive’ education would better meet students’ needs way to avoid out-ofwedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems; • Teaches that a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity; • Teaches that sexual activity outPhoto by Jake Collins side the context of marriage is likely The notion that birth control pills are only for sexually acto have harmful tive teens is another reason why we need a sex ed reform. psychological and Moving WGHS’ sexual education prophysical effects; gram towards a “sex positive” program • Teaches that bearing children outwould help students understand that sex is of-wedlock is likely to have harma part of life and should not be something ful consequences for the child, the the school sweeps under the rug. child’s parents, and society; “(Abstinence only sexual education) • Teaches young people how to Makes sex seem like this bad thing. When reject sexual advances and how as long as two people are consenting, and alcohol and drug use increase vulit is safe, it can be a great experience,” nerability to sexual advances; and Feminist Coalition co-founder senior Jenteaches the importance of attaining ny Perkowski said. self-sufficiency before engaging in “Sex positive” or “positive sexuality” sexual activity. programs try to teach students that sex is The legislature receives $50 million a good thing (shocking right?). These pro- from the United States Congress each year grams also teach students about the ben- to spend towards educating youth about efits and potential risks of sex. sexual health, but all this money is going Missouri is one of 29 states that does to waste if schools are just teaching that not require a sexual education program, sex before marriage is dirty and unethical. but if a school is to voluntarily implement As for how Missouri needs to go about a sexual education program, it must be an teaching sexual education, the legislature abstinence-only program, according to needs to start by replacing and updating Missouri house bill 1055, passed in 2007. the abstinence-only programs that are curAs defined by Section 510(b) of the So- rently in place. cial Security Act, an eligible abstinence The Sexuality Information and Edueducation program is one that: cation Council of the United States • “Has as its exclusive purpose, (SIECUS) conducted a study on abstiteaching the social, psychological nence-only sexual education programs. and health gains to be realized by “At present, there does not exist any abstaining from sexual activity; strong evidence that any abstinence pro• Teaches abstinence from sexual gram delays the initiation of sex, hasactivity outside marriage as the ex- tens the return to abstinence, or reduces pected standard for all school-age the number of sexual partners. In addichildren; tion, there is strong evidence from mul• Teaches that abstinence from tiple randomized trials demonstrating that sexual activity is the only certain

some abstinence programs chosen for evaluation because they were believed to be promising actually had no impact on teen sexual behavior,” the SIECUS study reported. Still, Missouri laws ONLY want sex ed to teach abstinence as the way to prevent pregnancy. Abstinence is an effective method, but there are many other effective ways to prevent pregnancy. According to Planned Parenthood, “Less than one out of 100 women will get pregnant each year if they always take the pill each day as ‘directed.’” Another step the legislature could take is to allow school nurses to provide sexual health resources to students. Nurse Rachel Huertes is not allowed to give condoms or any form of birth control to students. “I can’t give condoms or pregnancy tests”... “Mainly what happens here is conversations about prevention and protection,” Huertes said. According to the ECHO’s senior issue last year, 57 percent of seniors are sexually active. Webster’s sexual education program still teaches abstinence as the only way to avoid emotional/ physical health risks that come along with sexual activity. Currently, students must take a semester of health, which is offered to students during the year and as a summer school class. Health is taught by Sean Wright, the school’s athletic trainer, and Ken Manwarring. “Our sex ed is abstinence stressed, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t cover other ways to protect yourself if you are sexually active. ‘Abstinence stressed’ means that abstinence is taught as the only protection that is 100 percent effective to prevent pregnancy, STDs and HIV/ AIDS,” Wright said. “That doesn’t pertain to everyone, and health class is meant to help every student make individual life choices to improve their personal health,” Wright said. Sex positive based sex ed would not only better protect students from pregnancy and STDs, but also prevent the negative emotional consequences that are implicit in an abstinence based sex ed program.

February 2016






Students abuse band hallway during lunch students, but they continued to disrespect the band hallway. Senior Bekah Perman said, “I was trying to eat my lunch, and these two sophomores started lying down on the floor on a pillow, and they started lying down on my leg.” “We came here because it was a sanctuary for us to eat our food in peace and quiet,” junior Haley Reinhardt said. Too often students assume that an ordinance made by teachers or some upper authority is wrong. After listening to Young and Kinworthy talking about the students eating in the band hallway, The ECHO applauds them for their fair and thoughtful actions. They did not attempt to punish all and everyone who was eating in the band hallway, but Photo by Bennett Durando instead closed the band hallway to everyone except for the music students who had Students eat their lunches and work on homework in the band room. The entire proven themselves responsible enough to music department hall has recently been closed to students during lunch. eat there. Jack Killeen If the band hallway were closed to everyone, then the students who weren’t a disturbance would have Editor-in-Chief to eat in the cafeteria, a noisy, smelly hurricane of hoosier stuWhen music teachers Jill Young and Scott Kinworthy closed dents. Teachers of the band hallway should implement a system to the band hallway during lunch periods, they were acting comkeep track of what students are allowed to eat in the band hallpletely rationally. The ECHO stands with Young and Kinworthy. Students were way. There should be a list of worthy students on the doors of the beginning to leave trash, disrupt classes and eat in the practice hallway, and if someone disrespects the hallway, then they will rooms. Multiple times, Young and Kinworthy approached these lose their privilege.

Willie’s Comic

Comic by Jack Killeen

February 2016





Kimball Konception

MLK performers message should be heard

Andy Kimball Junior Editor Every year students come to the Martin Luther King Jr. assembly to watch students perform poetry and songs to celebrate Martin Luther King’s life. Except for this year and last year This year’s MLK assembly was cut without the possibility of being rescheduled. Drama teacher and head of the MLK assembly Todd Schaefer said he cancelled the assembly because the assembly “lost its way” of honoring Martin Luther King Jr. and was instead a “battleground” for students and that an unknowing audience would be “ambushed” by the very controversial poems and art forms being presented. The material presented was “aggressive” poetry about “white privilege, institutionalized racism and black culture/youth in America,” Schaefer said.

Schaefer added Martin Luther King would be rolling in his grave if he had seen the assembly being connected to him and the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Schaefer said King was a peacemaker, and he is correct in saying so, but King was also a man who wanted race and racism to be in the forefront of society’s awareness and not be hidden or sanitized. Now some performers of slam poetry and music who were supposed to perform at the MLK assembly got to perform during the All-Write festival on Feb. 22-27. It was nice that some of the people who worked hard to make work for the assembly were able to perform, but the All Writefestival has a controlled audience, and not all students or staff who wanted to see them perform could. To let more students watch these performances, there should be an after-school performance set up that is open for anyone to attend. This would let students perform together and express their ideas in from of an open audience because the audience would know exactly the type material that would be performed, so then the audience would not become “ambushed” by controversial material. This event would have to be scheduled far in advance because of the district’s busy schedule, but there is still a lot of time until the end of the year for a time and venue to be found. Also, if a time cannot be found this year, then a new event separate from the MLK assembly could be arranged so students can express opinions that they believe are very important to themselves and to the public in front of an accepting audience. I hope that the MLK assembly can be changed to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s life, but I also hope a new event can be made so students can share their beliefs about very strong and important topics that people still need to listen to and discuss.

Photo by Bret Waelterman

After the Black History Showcase last year during the All Write Festival, performers comes on stage. They later met with students in library for dialogue about their performances.

February 2016

6 News

ECHO Band hallway closed to students during lunch the

Irene Ryan Entertainment/Feature Editor “Students please know that the music hallway is no longer open to students during lunch. Students are not allowed to practice, loiter and or eat lunch in the hallway during both lunches. The doors will be closed and locked. Questions, see a principal,” according to the morning announcements on Jan. 27. The music department closed the hallway outside the music classes during lunch periods to keep out the growing number of lunch-eaters. According to teachers, last year, groups of students ate in the hallway, but it was never a problem. They picked up their trash and were quiet. Photo by Irene Ryan “This year, we started noticing Starting Jan. 27, the band hallway is no longer open to students during lunch periods. groups of kids that weren’t involved in any music activities at all eating down here, and we kind of cause there were so many of them, and they wouldn’t even move questioned them. We asked them to go eat in the cafeteria be- out of the way. I have things to get done, and you just get tired of cause we don’t want it to become another cafeteria down here. having to repeat the same things over and over,” Kinworthy said. “Some of them were either in band or orchestra, and then they Also, some of them were getting pretty loud,” band instructor started inviting other people that weren’t in any of the music Jill Young said. Young found out from students in independent study that classes, and then they would invite people, and at one point in students were going into the band room and playing the instru- front of my door, there were 30 to 40 people sitting there eating ments. This is a problem because these students weren’t in a lunch,” Kinworthy said. Senior Eli Pandolfi, band member, ate in the band hallway music class and did not know how to use the equipment, which with other band members. could be broken or stolen. “The problem was giant groups of freshmen who weren’t in “They might be perfectly wonderful individuals, but I don’t want it to become just a cafeteria where anybody in the whole any of the music programs and were really loud. They would sit outside the two doors to the band room and sat out to here,” school feels like they can eat,” Young said. The students also interrupted choir instructor Scott Kinworthy, Pandolfi said, gesturing to indicate half the width of the hallway. Pandolfi said closing the hallway isn’t solving the problem, who has a conference period during the lunch period. “I couldn’t even walk out of my office into the choir room be- and he has still seen a few students eating in hallway who were part of the issue.

Seniors! Look out for Senior Wills and Surveys in March! February 2016

7 Authors speak at school-wide festival the


Caroline Fellows Web/Video Editor All Write Festival was last week, and for its second year it brought authors, comedians and songwriters to speak at the high school. According to English teacher Steve Leftridge, about 17-18 writers presented at the three-and-a-half day festival last year. This year there was a snow day on Wednesday, shortening the festival from its planned schedule of five days to four days. Most of the assemblies were able to be rescheduled except for Bernie Miklasz and the UrbSLAM. In reference to authors booked for the event, Leftridge said, “We took some chances this year and reached after some people who we did not think we’d be able to get.” Among the headliners scheduled this year were U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, Ilyasah Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X, and comedian Sara Schaefer. However, for personal reasons, McCaskill and Shabazz both canceled. Before this happened, Leftridge said of McCaskill, “Having a sitting U.S. Senator is a big deal, and she doesn’t do a lot of business like this at high schools.” Even though she didn’t attend last week, Shabazz will resched-


ule to come sometime in March. Of Shabazz, Leftridge said, “She a motivational speaker, she’s a best-selling writer, a human rights activist.” This year the social justice and multiculturalism theme was present throughout the event. “Given the fact that there’s been so much going on in the St. Louis area with race, we thought it would be a good time to bring in some people to talk about racial and social justice and multiculturalism,” Leftridge said. Schaefer entertained the school Tuesday in Roberts Gym with her stand-up comedy. “She’s hilarious and one of the real up and coming stand-up comedian stars in America, so it’s a potentially history-making event [that Sara Schaefer came],” Leftridge said. This year students were able to attend up to three extra presentations, allowing students to see an author or attend a workshop that their teachers didn’t sign the up for. The festivities during school hours were closed to the public, but parents and the community could attend All Write at Night on Tuesday. Two authors, Kevin Killeen and Jean Ellen Whatley, spoke about their careers in addition to music performances and a showcase of the student artists. The student writing contest winners and the student art contest winners were both announced Friday.

Simpson to be Webster superintendent Andy Kimball Junior Editor School board president David Addison named assistant superintendent, John Simpson as Sarah Riss’ successor as Superintendent on Feb. 8. Simpson was picked from 29 applicants from nine different states. Simpson has worked for the Webster Groves School District for 11 years as principal of Hudson Elementary and then as an assistant superintendent. Simpson was hired at Hudson in 2005 and hired as an assistant superintendent in 2009. Simpson has loved working with children his entire life. Simpson babysat as a teenager, worked with children who had special needs through Westminster Presbyterian Church and coached swimming in high school. In college at the University of Missouri Simpson worked at the Ronald McDonald House and tutored children after school. At the University of Missouri, Simpson majored in education. Simpson went to Chaminade High School in Saint Louis, went to UMSL for masters degrees in education and administration and received a doctorate from Maryville University. Simpson has taught at Riverbend Elementary and been an assistant principal at Ross Elementary in the Parkway School District. Three finalists were selected on Jan. 20. They were Gregory Batenhorst, assistant superintendent of student services at Clayton School District, Chris Kilbride, Ritenour School District Su-

perintendent, and Simpson. The school board interviewed the finalists the week of Jan. 25. Simpson said, “I worked in the school district, and I really believe in the work the school district is doing, and I felt that the opportunity to support the school district from the superintendent position was interesting and a good fit for my skill set.” Simpson said, “The application process was very challenging, a very lengthy application included six short essays. After being named finalists, all three finalists interviewed for over 12 hours on one day in a very challenging interview process, meeting students and staff, parents and community members, and the board of education. After that, I was brought back for another interview.” About things he would change, Simpson said, “I think that the district has a nice long-standing tradition and also a commitment to change in the betterment of all the students in our school system.” Simpson added that unless Missouri changes funding for public education then the school district will ultimately need to go back to taxpayers for another proposition calling it “inevitable.” The school district’s latest bond issue failed last year. Simpson will earn $174,000 in his first year. In 2014-2015 Riss received $208,000 but returned $4,000 to the district earning a net of $204,000. Riss announced her retirement on April 13, 2015, and will step down at the end of the school year. Simpson will take over as superintendent on July 1.

February 2016



Let’s. Get. A little bit rowdy.



Photo by Jack Killeen

Seniors Tyler Coleman and John Binder collide while The Roberts Rowdies student section gets rowdy before Webster’s game against Rockwood Summit on Feb. 11. The Statesmen won 80-30, led by Dr. Clark for his 100th career win.

Roberts Gym home to new student section Tyler Coleman Contributing Writer Michigan State has its Izzone, Mizzou has its Zoucrew, and now Webster basketball has its very own Roberts Rowdies. Roberts Rowdies are students who come to games to support the men’s and women’s basketball teams. Webster Groves basketball finished the 2014-2015 season 23-6 with six seniors graduating, three of whom were starters. The Statesmen currently sit at 24-1 with one game remaining before playoffs begin. The Roberts Rowdies were created by seniors Sam Cashel, Mick Hanrahan and John Binder. All three aimed to give the players edge and support them. Cashel said, “We wanted to create something similar to the Selma Street Elites.” The Selma Street Elites attend soccer games to cheer and support the men’s and women’s soccer teams. Head men’s basketball coach Jay Blossom said, “The Rowdies have added a whole new dimension this season at home and away games. They are clever, and they make a difference.” Blossom said he is usually locked into the games, but every once in a while he will hear the Rowdies and chuckle. Blossom has been the head coach of the Statesmen for 17 years, and he said, “This has been the most organized student section.” Assistant men’s basketball coach Scott Stallcup said, “The

February 2016

players feed off their energy.” The Rowdies pride themselves on attending almost every game and being the rowdiest student section in Missouri. Senior basketball player Andy Bennett has played Varsity for three years and said, “This has been hands down the best student section.” Bennett appreciated how loyal the group is, and said it makes it exciting for him when he plays. Bennett said, “I want to tell the Rowdies thanks for helping make this a special season. They are the best student section in the state.” Assistant football coach and student section supervisor Dwight Kirksey said, “They have been awesome. They give us a home court advantage.” Kirksey gets pumped up by the Rowdies, and said the Rowdies make him feel like he’s a member. “I played basketball at Hazelwood Central, and we never had a group like this. They remind me of the Duke’s Cameron Crazies,” Kirksey said. Kirksey has been at Webster for 14 years and said, “These guys are the most consistent and are dedicated. Cashel said, “The Rowdies’ defining moment this season was the SLUH game on Jan. 29, at Roberts Gym.” The men’s basketball had lost three straight games to the Junior Bills. SLUH owned the Statesmen on the court, and its student section had won the battle previously. In front of a sold out crowd the Rowdies went toe to toe with SLUH’s student section. The Statesmen won 62-50, and Stlhighschoolsports.com said it was the biggest win of the season.






Is Roberts Rowdies sexist?

This year’s men’s basketball season stands as one of the biggest successes in Webster basketball history, backed by one of Webster’s biggest student sections from the stands. Roberts Rowdies is definitely the most exciting, organized and enthusiastic student section Robert’s Gym has seen in at least four years, but there is controversy behind it. Comparing Roberts Rowdies support between the women’s and men’s basketball teams, one may feel like the Rowdies have a heavy preference towards the male athletes. They show up to more men’s games than women’s. They’ve chosen men’s away games over women’s home games. They’ve reached maximum capacity at a men’s game, but not at a women’s. At first glance, Roberts Rowdies seems sexist. Looking at the matter through a black and white lens of “men’s basketball” and

erts Rowdies loves men’s basketball. The Rowdies not only support Blossom more because of the numbers, but the relationships too. Roberts Rowdies co-founder, leader and senior Sam Cashel said, “‘Hard core rowdies’ are boys, and their friends play on the boys team. Boys are friends with boys, and most of the rowdies are boys, for whatever reason, so it makes sense that we get rowdier at their games because they are our friends. I’ve probably talked to about one girl on the basketball team and don’t know the rest of them. It’s nothing against girls basketball, because I like watching them play, but we can’t go to every game.” There is and always will be under-supported high school sports. Men’s tennis, baseball and even this year’s football team lack rowdy student sections because they’re boring. They lose. Fans stop going to games when their team loses. Look at The Rams. An anonymous member of Roberts Rowdies said, “There have been a good amount of students in the student sections at four or so of the girls’ games, and they’ve lost all four. It wouldn’t be fair or right to go to no games at all, but because of all the success the boys have had, more people want to go to their games.” Had Roberts Rowdies boycotted women’s games, claims of sexism would be more plausible, but the Rowdies proved that they were willing to support women’s basketball four times, and the team lost each time. There’s nothing that can bring a student section down more than losing, Photo by Cullen Drissel and Robert’s Rowdies just weren’t finding Senior Roberts Rowdies members Mick Hanrahan and Antoine Givens cheer dur- the “rowdy” in women’s basketball. ing the men’s basketball team’s win over Rockwood Summit. Because a great student section rises up to support men’s basketball, people start “women’s basketball” hides details and distorts the truth. There telling them to support the women’s team too, as if Roberts Roware so many more factors that affect Roberts Rowdies. dies were some robot that spits out support on command. First of all, the men’s team has only lost once this whole seaSupport has to be earned, and men’s basketball definitely deson. ONCE. They’re not only an incredible team, but an excit- serves the support it’s received. Instead of acting negative toing team. They move the ball like lightning, sprint full force wards Roberts Rowdies when all they’ve done is become an exdown the floor and score baskets that leave spectators’ mouths cellent student section, why not join them? Get rowdy. Don’t agape. support a team because they’re women; support them because Now the women’s basketball team definitely deserves support. they’re good. That is how a student section like Robert’s RowIt was projected to win Districts by none other than sports editor dies is born. Bennett Durando and is on the road to it now, but Robert’s RowIt’s true that women’s sports are under-supported, but that dies should not be shunned for choosing to watch Jay Blossom’s doesn’t have anything to do with Roberts Rowdies. Take off the team over Patti Perkins’s. glasses of “male” and “female” and look at Roberts Rowdies for Those in the student section have plenty of reasons to show up what it is— students who created an exciting student section to to every men’s game and yell their voices dry. go with its equally exciting team. Whether it be the team’s dominating victory over SLUH for Anyone making claims that the Rowdies are choosing the the first time in three years, watching top 50th prospect in the men’s team over the women’s because of gender is misled by a nation sophomore Courtney Ramey play, or witnessing coach poor lens prescription. Blossom win his 15th straight conference title and have his 13th straight 20-win season — there are plenty of reasons why Rob-

February 2016

10 Feature



Got hair? Teachers share their preferred hair of WGHS Jack Killeen Editor in Chief

Bennett Durando Sports Editor

It can be short; it can be long; it can be brown; it can be blonde. It’s hair, and it’s everywhere (unless you’re Chris Allen). Hair is plentiful at WGHS, so the ECHO decided to comb through the locks of Webster staff and students for this photo feature.

Rebbeca Frese + Zach Smith

Math teacher Rebbeca Frese thought long and hard, and in the end she decided to have history teacher Zach Smith’s hair. Smith grows his hair out every year, receives a few Thor jokes, and then has it all cut and donated to Lock

of Love. If Frese were to have Smith’s hair, she would stay true to his motives and continue growing and donating it. Science teacher Chris Allen asked to have Frese’s hair.

Chris Allen + Rebbeca Frese

Allen was enthusiastic about having red, flowing locks of hair, and said, “I would condition the living h*** out of it and treat it like it was gold. Hold it. Embrace it. Protect it.”

Dr. David Schuster + Donald Johnson

Physics teacher Dr. David Schuster would choose to have ECHO advisor Donald Johnson’s mane of white gold hair if he could. About Johnson’s hair, Schuster said, “The commitment that it takes to create that is unbelievable.” Schuster currently takes care of his hair by “showering regularly” and “wearing a helmet for 10 minutes everyday before working.” In high school, Schuster was known to dye his hair a different color everyday.

Jeff Smith +Will Sprick

Latin teacher Jeff Smith would choose to have Junior Will Sprick’s hair, and he would “with no doubt, immediately shave it all off.” Sprick and Smith have a history with Sprick’s hair. Smith started giving Sprick trouble for his hair last year when he missed Latin to get a haircut. Now, Smith tells Sprick that he needs to cut it off.

Zach Smith + Chris Allen

Coincidentally, Zach Smith chose to have Allen’s lacking head of hair, completing a hair trifecta between Smith, Allen and Frese. Smith reasoned “bald is beautiful,” and Allen has given him plenty of trouble about his own hair during their future leaders sessions together. Photos edited by Jack Killeen and Caleb Bolin

February 2016



Feature 11

Custodians support students, community

Photos by Will Conerly and Caleb Bolin

Custodians Chester Kennedy, Keith Chapman, Reggie Savage and Angela Marler have all worked at WGHS for 12 or more years. Here is what they have to say about the school, commmunity, staff, and students.

Caleb Bolin Contributing Writer Will Conerly Contributing Writer Feces cover the walls. The toilets are clogged. The stall door is broken. All of these have been real conditions at Webster Groves High School. Who saves the school from these overwhelming messes? It’s the job for Webster’s 17 custodians. It is the task of the custodians to do the dirty work. Angela Marler, who has been a custodian here for 17 years, said, “It’s not a hard job, but it’s a busy job. We do it not really for a reward, but for you guys.” About the strangest thing she has cleaned up, Marler said, “I had to clean up a slip and slide of baby oil in the hallway. It was the senior prank that year. That was pretty terrible.” Reggie Savage, school custodian, has worked at WGHS for 12 years and has been in the district for 15 years. He previously worked at the Department of Justice and the County jail. He was laid off, saw an opening for custodian at WGHS and took the job. He never looked back. “It’s fulfilling to know you did a job. We get a lot of compliments about how clean the school is,” Savage said. Savage said he enjoys seeing students progress throughout their four years at the high school and seeing them go on to do great things. “It’s very rewarding. I’ve seen nine or 10 classes for a full four years,” Savage said. Savage said, “I love the people here.” This will be Savage’s last year here as a custodian because he plans to retire. Chester Kennedy, who has been a custodian here for 17 years, said he likes the repetition of the job and said, “There are no breaks. I’m always working.” Kennedy said a typical day involves him coming in early, setting up for breakfast, cleaning the bathrooms and then work-

ing nonstop throughout the day until his shift ends. About what he wants people to know about being a custodian, Kennedy said, “Be yourself, and like what you’re doing.” The school’s custodians work long hours. Different crews work throughout the day to maintain the school. “They are here at five in the morning. We have an evening group that is here until 11. They work many Saturdays,” principal Jon Clark said. Tim Cashel, history teacher and soccer coach, said, “We have a very clean school, partially because we have custodians who walk the halls constantly sweeping up trash. When we have a clean environment, I feel people are less apt to dirty it.” The custodian who cleans Cashel’s room, Keith Chatman, is “a spiritual leader” of the soccer team. Chatman gets here at 2:30 p.m. and leaves at 11 p.m. Chatman, who resides in North County, said, “The atmosphere here at Webster of the young men and women is incredible.” Cashel told of a time when $50 was left on the ground in his room. Chatman found the $50, and rather than taking it, he left it on Cashel’s desk with a note. “Nobody would have known if he did the right thing, but he did, and that is the kind of person he is,” Cashel said. “He is a great person. He is a great coach. It is good to see these teens doing good things, because the news usually exploits the bad things that happen in the community,” Chatman said about Cashel and the soccer team. Chatman has worked at Webster for 19 years. “I love watching these kids grow,” said Chatman Chatman currently has his associate›s degree in theology and is going for his bachelors. He teaches at Sunday school and preaches gospel. “I think they’re absolutely amazing,” Dr. Clark said.

Thank our custodians! February 2016

ECHO 12 Sports Bennett from the Bleachers Clark returns to the court for 100th win the

Bennett Durando Sports Columnist Principal Dr. Jon Clark rises from his seat on the Webster bench and trots toward center court with five fingers held up, signaling a play. He calls for a sub to check in, then returns to his seat alongside assistant coach Stall Stallcup. Some things never change. Clark made his return from the front office to the sidelines on Feb. 11, to coach the Webster men’s basketball team to a dominant 80-30 win over Rockwood Summit. Bringing him back was a bit of unfinished business from 20 years earlier; a milestone Clark was ever-so-close to when he left his old job at Rolla to be an administrator at Webster; a milestone he didn’t know he was so close to until a year or two after he had walked away from coaching: one hundred wins. Clark cruised to the century mark, as Webster jumped to a 35-5 lead against Summit and never looked back. It was 50-14 at halftime. “I was surprised on how I kind of turned it into my coaching mode, even though it’s been 20 years,” Clark said. “I couldn’t help it; the competitiveness took over.” “It was kind of like riding a bike,” Stallcup, who also coached with Clark two decades ago at Rolla, said. “He got back into the swing of it pretty quickly; he did a great job.” Stallcup noticed one especially helpful difference between Clark’s past and present coaching styles. “It was very similar to what he did in Rolla, except I actually got to see part of the game,” Stallcup joked. “Usually he was standing right in front of me, so he did a much better job of letting me watch the game this time.” Clark even brought some of his favorite plays from his past to Webster, though he was disappointed with the results. “My favorite play did not work. We should’ve practiced it one more time it would’ve ended with a perfect layup or maybe a dunk.” He blamed himself for not being at practice enough to work on the play with the team. Still, Clark was at practice and taking a leadership position, as he does as principal. Before the game, he told the Statesmen they reminded him of the old teams that he played for and that his father coached in the 1980s. “I told them stories about when I played for my father in 1984,

February 2016

and how he ‘accidentally’ threw a clipboard at me,” Clark said, quickly adding, “Not that Coach Blossom would ever do that.” He continued, “My father kept saying that even though I thought I was a good shooter and should’ve played Varsity my junior year, he would never play me bePhoto by Jack Killeen cause I couldn’t Principal Jon Clark, sitting next to former guard anybody, coaching colleague Scott Stallcup, calls out which is exacta play during his 100th career coaching ly what Coach victory over Rockwood Summit. Blossom says. ‘Until you can learn to play defense, you’re not playing on my team.’” Adding extra meaning to the game was the latest chapter of the ordeal Clark has had with cancerous brain tumors over the years. He had a second surgery performed to remove another such tumor over winter break. “Even before I knew about the game, I told myself after the second surgery that I have to a better job reflecting back on my friends and the former places that I’ve worked,” Clark said. “I’ve had a variety of people that have supported me.” “I wanted to make sure I was prepared (for the game), and there were still plenty of surprises,” Clark said. “The number of students that were there, the faces, the band marching in, the number of former students and coaches and friends from Rolla that came in.” Clark, the warrior that he is, refused to take significant time off as he recovered. The large student turnout at the Summit game demonstrated how much more it was than just a game. It surprised him, but not anyone else. The Webster students, staff and community in attendance were showing their appreciation for the unwavering devotion Clark shows to them. “My goal is when I leave here everyday, for me to leave here knowing I did my best at everything I do, especially with the students,” Clark said. “Playing basketball and coaching basketball has taught me that everything you do in life, give 100 percent and do your best. Every time you step on the court, give your 100 percent effort at all times.” In front a packed Roberts Gym, Coach Clark got his one-hundredth percent.





Carte’Are Gordon returns to WGHS

Photo by Abby Botan

All 6’8’’ of sophomore basketball player Carte’Are Gordon is back at Webster Groves after leaving Vianney High School.

He was named to the United States U16 National Team in May and holds offers from Missouri, St. Louis U., Illinois, Kansas, Kansas State, Iowa, UNLV Cincinnati and Purdue. Gordon has returned to Webster Groves High School after recently leaving Vianney. According to StlHighSchoolSports.com, Gordon said his sophomore year of high school basketball is now over, and he hopes to play for the Statesmen as a junior. Although Gordon isn’t playing basketball at the moment, he still trains as if he were a regular Statesmen team player. “Athletically, I’m really looking forward to him being a part of our team. Carte’Are will fit in just fine, and he has plenty of support,” Scott Stallcup, coach, said. “If he works hard, the sky’s the limit.” “I’m glad he’s back home.” Jay Blossom said, “[Gordon] is working hard, and on top of that he has a lot of potential.” Gordon’s soon - to - be team members have a lot of positive things to say about him. Courtney Ramey, sophomore and guard for the basketball team, said, “With him here, I feel like we can win State.” Kevin Butler, junior and guard for the basketball team, was surprised to learn he was going to be playing alongside Gordon because he’s so highly ranked. Leland Bradford, senior and point guard for the basketball team, said, “I’m rooting for [Gordon] to do well.”

Abby Botan Opinion Editor Carte’Are Gordon, sophomore, seems to be on everyone’s radar. He stands 6’8’’ and weighs 235 lbs., and he’s only 15 years old. According to Future150.com, Gordon is ranked #15 in the nation amongst sophomore basketball players. “It’s a blessing,” Gordon said. He said basketball means a lot to him, and it’s his passion. “It’s everything,” Gordon declared about the sport.

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February 2016





Botan Beliefs

Malik releases debut solo single

Photo from @zaynmalik

Pillow Talk has had 267,000 downloads in its first week of being released in the U.S. and 22.3 million U.S. streams.

Abby Botan Entertainment Columnist Nearly an entire year after his departure from One Direction, Zayn Malik released his debut single as a soloist, “Pillow Talk,” on Jan. 29. The song has a completely different vibe than the songs he sang for five years with One Direction. Malik sang on four

(“Up All Night,” “Take Me Home,” “Midnight Memories” and “Four”) of the five albums the boy band released. The boy band’s most recent album was “Made in the A.M.” Contrasting to the strictly Pop sound One Direction listeners are so used to hearing, “Pillow Talk” song has a Pop/R&B feel to it. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard Malik on a song all by himself though. Less than a week after he left, Naughty Boy, a producer, unexpectedly released a demo Malik was working on behind his back. This is one of the reasons why Malik no longer works with Naughty Boy and now uses Malay Ho’s producing skills. So far, the song is breaking records on the charts. Malik is the first UK artist to debut at #1, with “Pillow Talk,” on Billboard’s HOT 100 with a first charted single. Malik is also the first person to go solo from a band to debut at #1 since The Beatles. Malik and Justin Bieber are the only male singers this decade to debut at #1 on Billboard Hot 100, which is a big deal for the new soloist. It seems as if Malik wants to trail as far away from the boy band image he once held, and by releasing “Pillow Talk,” he’s one step closer to doing exactly that. The song begins with an unusual, electronic almost tune. It has a very calm sound. As soon as you get used to the funky beat that you’re hearing, it’s almost like you’re ambushed by Malik’s gentle voice. Although, the song is explicit, you almost forget that and just focus on his voice and the catchiness of it. Malik has clearly changed his audience. He wants to reach a mature audience of R&B lovers. Malik’s first album “Mind of Mine” will come out March 25, which is also known as the day that Malik decided to publicly announce his departure from One Direction. “Pillow Talk” is available on iTunes for $1.29.


‘PPZ’ brings comedy, action to romantic favorite Kadifa Tabakovic Circulation Editor “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” has been rated the sixth best movie to see in the Box Office since its release on Feb. 5, and has made $5 million. The thriller/comedy kept people glued to their seats and kept audiences laughing to the bone. (Pun intended) “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” stars Lily James, who starred in “Cinderella” (2015) and “Downton Abbey” (20102015) , Lena Headey, Matt Smith who starred in “Doctor Who” (1963-) and “Terminator Genisys” (2015), Douglas Booth and Sam Riley, and was also directed by Burr Steers, who also directed “Charlie St. Cloud” and “17 Again,” Based on the book “Pride and Prejudice,” written by Jane

February 2016

Austen, and “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,” written by Seth Grahame-Smith, who credited Austen as the co-author because she wrote the original story. A mysterious plague hits 19th century England and turns all of its countryside into a gruesome war zone. Nobody in the land was safe from the dead returning and tormenting the living. Then fate brings Elizabeth Bennet (James), a master of weaponry and martial arts, and Mr. Darcy (Riley), an arrogant gentleman, to join forces. Elizabeth can respect Darcy’s skill in killing zombies, but she can’t stand him otherwise, but putting their differences behind them, they come together to fight and save the country they once knew. “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” is rated PG-13, so it is great for families with children over 13. It runs for 1 hour and 48 minutes. The studio that produced the movie was Sony Pictures.



Entertainment 15

Photo provided by WGHS Drama Department

Alumni Caroline Siede as Penny plays the hostess in the play “You Can’t Take it with You.” The drama department put the show on in 2008. The play will be revived and performed March 31, April 1, and April 2, in the auditorium.

Drama department changes plays Ashli Wagner and Page Kimzey Business Manager and Contributing Writer Drama department was going to perform the play called “Harvey,” a 1944 Pulitzer Prize winning comedy, but now it will perform “You Can’t Take it with You” March 31, April 1, and April 2, at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. Tickets will be $10 for adults and $7 for students. However, Todd Schaefer, the drama teacher, didn’t submit the rights at the beginning of the year to get the royalties and licensing and ended up submitting the rights near the end of December and beginning of January. Because of the later submission, the drama department was put in a “pending” list, which means that the drama team was put on a waiting list where its performance was previewed along with everyone else applying for the rights to see who would get the rights to perform the play. With some shows, the organization in charge of deciding who gets the rights to perform the plays has to look at who is producing the show and who else wants to produce it in order to determine who actually gets the right. That is what happened in this case, somewhere else in the MidWestern region, a professional company like the Rep wanted to produce the play within the next year, so the drama department was put on hold with regard to obtaining the rights. “With the high school being a non-professional company, the rights were yanked out from under us. Since “Harvey” was an old play, I didn’t think there would be any competition with anyone else who wanted to produce the play,” Schaefer said.

Schaefer chose a play the drama department produced eight years ago on the Little Theater stage, and the drama department is going to revive it and do it on the big stage. Schaefer had already cast “Harvey” but was able to take the entire cast from “Harvey” and fit it into “You can’t take it with You.” “I got to add six more actors in the show; actually more than that, we probably got to add about 10 more actors. More people get to be involved,” Schaefer said. “You Can’t take it With You” is an ensemble play about the Sycamore family, meaning every actor gets stage time, and there aren’t small parts. “I really liked the old play ‘Harvey.’ Whenever you start a play you almost fall in love with it, but since I was told the day we did the reading, instead of way before like ‘Harvey,’ I didn’t have time to fall in love with it like I did ‘Harvey,’ but now that we are reading it and actually blocking it now, I love this play. I’m not upset about this at all, I really like it and I think it’s funny and good,” senior Becca Riley said about the switch. “I was a little disappointed, but there are totally reasons for it, and it’s totally fine. I love the group, and I’m just as excited to work on any production with them,” senior Travis Williams said. The cast rehearses Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, starting at 3 p.m. for the next six weeks. A week before the show, the rehearsal moves to 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. four times a week. Then the team has a tech Sunday, where the technicians of the show rehearse their duties. The week of the show the performers rehearse from 3 to 7 p.m. everyday and have three dress rehearsals before the showing.

February 2016

16 Entertainment



Upcoming Events • • • • • • • • • •

STUCO Blood drive (March 2) Billy Currington at Ballpark Village (March 4) Metric at The Pageant (March 4) Spring Spots Assembly (March 10) Spring Break (March 11-21) Carrie Underwood at Chaifetz Arean (March 24) Spring Play “You Can’t Take it with You” (March 31-April 2) “Red” on the Auditorium Black Box Stage (April 21-23) Tickets are $5.00 for students and $7 for adults Sixth Annual Teen Talent Competition at the Fox (April 23)

February 2016

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