See page 16 for Natalie Johnson’s column on struggling to go back to school
September 2016 Volume 102 Issue 1 100 Selma Ave st. Louis MO 63119 Photo By Natalie Johnson
Table of Contents
Pg. 3 ECHO Editorial Policy, Willie’s Comic Pg. 4-5 Bennett from the Bleachers Pg. 6 Voting for 3rd party counts Pg. 7 New law requires ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ to be recited daily Pg. 8 Students audition for fall one acts Pg. 9 Men’s swim team proposes new sport Pg. 10-11 Administration, teachers take new positions Pg. 12 Daniels follows in brother’s footsteps Pg. 13 Deep infield spearheads 7-4 softball Pg. 14 School water fountains are inconsistent but safe Pg. 15 Students receive dual credit through South Tech Pg. 16 News in Brief Pg. 17 Harsh reality of back to school Pg. 18 Upcoming events Pg. 19 Twitter trolls unfairly abuse ‘Ghostbusters’ actress Pg. 20 Teen thriller showcases risks of social media 2016-17 ECHO STAFF
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Andy Kimball JUNIOR EDITOR: Jake Collins BUSINESS/ADS MANAGER: Cole Schnell OPINION EDITOR: Abby Botan SPORTS EDITOR: Bennett Durando FEATURE EDITOR: Caleb Bolin WEB EDITOR: Caroline Fellows VIDEO EDITOR: Ashli Wagner CIRCULATION EDITOR: Greg Frazier NEWS EDITOR: Page Kimzey ADVISOR: Donald Johnson GRAPHICS EDITOR: Natalie Johnson ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR: Riley Mullgardt VIDEO EDITOR: Ashli Wagner
SOME MATERIAL COURTESY OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWSPAPER EDITORS/MCT CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER SERVICE The ECHO is a monthly publication of the newspaper staff of Webster Groves High School, 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO. To contact staff members, call 314-963-6400 ex. 11157 or write Unsigned editorials are the opinion of a majority of staff members; signed articles are the opinion of the writer. Letters to the editor of 300 words or less are welcome; submit letters by the 10th of the month to, or room 155. All letters must be signed, although the name may be withheld from publication if requested. The ECHO has the right to edit letters for publication as long as intent remains unchanged. The ECHO is a member of SSP, Quill and Scroll, MJEA, JEA, MIPA, NSPA and CSPA.
September 2016
The ECHO FAMILY The ECHO Family helps make the ECHO possible. To become a member of the ECHO Family, please contact Greg Frazier at Thanks to all of our members! Peggy Drew Smegner Kathy Whaley Curtin Family Dugan Family Jodi Richards Mary Ann & Don Schafer Thomas J. Zychinski Kurt Krautmann The Webster-Kirkwood Times Webster Groves Baptist Church
ECHO Editorial Policy The ECHO is published monthly by the WGHS newspaper staff and serves as a public forum for its readers, providing an accurate, unbiased report of news affecting them and a forum for opinions of students, faculty and parents. The ECHO staff has established as editorial policy that: 1) Obscene, racist, sexist and libelous material will not appear in the ECHO. 2) The ECHO staff and adviser are the only individuals who have the right to review the content of the ECHO prior to publication. 3) The ECHO will attempt to be fair, impartial, accurate, truthful and responsible when presenting ideas to its readers. 4) The ECHO will make a clear distinction between fact and opinion. 5) All articles and graphics except editorials (which represent the opinion of the majority of the staff), news briefs and clip art will have the authors identified with bylines unless it is written by a contributing writer who, for reasons of privacy, wishes to remain anonymous. Collaborated articles will have bylines of all who participated in the writing and
Willie’s Comic
researching of the articles. 6) Subject matter and opinions in signed op-ed articles will be considered those of the signer and not necessarily those of the Echo staff, the WGHS faculty or the Webster Groves School District. 7) Unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of Echo staff members. 8) Issues considered controversial will be covered with the approval of the editors and the adviser. Staff members will not focus on controversial topics solely for the creation of news or self-publicity. 9) Any current student, staff member, faculty member or building administrator who dies during the year will be recognized in the ECHO in the form of a 300400 obituary with factual information (date of birth, date of death, survivors, organizations, hobbies, interests) and one photo if possible. The ECHO will be sensitive to the feelings of the deceased’s family and will treat all deaths with taste and respect. Cause of death will be included if the majority of the staff feels it is necessary to the story. 10) Letters to the Editor are welcome and will be printed so long as there is room and timing permits. The ECHO
reserves the right to edit letters, as long as the intent is unchanged. Letters must be signed; names may be withheld from publication if requested. Letters containing obscenity, racism, sexism, libel or personal attacks will not be printed. 11) Recognizing the value of statistical information to report on cultural and societal norms, the ECHO will conduct periodic polls. The ECHO will always report the scope of the survey (number, timeframe, breakdown), and will not require the names of respondents. Each survey is to have the following reminder: “Participation in all ECHO surveys is voluntary.” 12) Online comments will require a verifiable name and email address. Online comments that are found in violation of the editorial policy and spam will be removed as quickly as possible. 13) All noteworthy errors in the ECHO will be corrected in the following issue. 14) Proper channels will be followed in order to obtain permission to use copy-righted material. 15) The ECHO is not a public relations vehicle for WGHS nor the Webster Groves School District.
Comic by Bennett Durando
September 2016
Bennett from the Bleachers
How I turned 5 days of journalism into 2 pages
Photo by Maria Bryk (Courtesy of the Newseum Institute)
Sports Columnist Bennett Durando and the 51 ‘Free Spirits’ visit the House of Representatives Press Room at the Capitol.
Bennett Durando Sports Columnist It all started how most things did junior year, really: with a disruption of Suzanne Fillion’s fourth hour Honors Pre-Calc class. When then ECHO news editor Jake Collins poked his head in then pulled me out into the hall to tell me I’d been accepted to the Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference, I went into some subconscious daze. The next several minutes were all a blur as I stepped back in to plead to Fillion to be excused from class awhile, telling her it was “confidential ECHO stuff,” then proceeding to float downstairs to the newspaper room. I was only snapped out of my trance when advisor Donald Johnson sent me into a sudden state of panic. I had apparently been emailed of my acceptance over a week prior and had just missed the deadline for a response the day before. The concerned people at Free Spirit had contacted Johnson, surely confused by a lack of my ecstatic response. The universe must’ve been against me coming to this conference because as it turned out, the email had come to my junk mail. I shudder to imagine how different things would be if I had never seen the congratulatory email, if Karen Catone of
September 2016
the Free Spirit Program had never contacted Johnson, if I had been passed up for not responding while a runner-up be chosen to attend in my place. Instead, I was fortunate enough this last summer to be honored as the Missouri representative at the Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference in Washington, D.C. The “Newseum”-based five-day event, which was from June 1823 this year, is an all-expenses-paid trip to the nation’s capitol for a once-in-alifetime experience featuring seminars from prominent journalists, trips to professional news organizations, and tours of the city’s countless monuments. A $1,000 scholarship is also included. Fifty-one incoming high school seniors, one from each state and D.C., are selected to attend the conference. Sitting here at my computer, I honestly don’t know where to begin or end with this conference, so I guess I’ll begin, naturally, at the end. It’s late Wednesday night in Washington. In the lobby of a downtown Holiday Inn, dozens of teenagers exchange tearful hugs, lingering a few minutes past curfew to say their final goodbyes as a full group. An onlooker would guess that this group has a special connection, one formed over a long period of time together. Only part of this true. While the Free Spirits have indeed formed quite a bond,
it was done over less than a week at the conference. Our reaction to leaving each other can only be a testament to how uniquely amazing the experiences of the week were. Five days before this, on the morning after I turned 17, I descended into Washington for the first time in my life. The plane’s turbulent descent over the Potomac River and onto the bumpy landing strip tossed my stomach around more, adding to the unease in my gut. Without a doubt, my anxiety partially arose from my traveling completely alone for the first time. What if my suitcase was lost? What if I couldn’t find my travel representative? I knew that’s not all, though. An onslaught of other, scarier questions bombarded my mind, one echoing particularly loud: “Do I even really belong here?” I soon discovered that the 50 other Free Spirits had been asking themselves the same question. Things were briefly awkward as we sat and talked in a private hotel dining room while waiting for everyone else to fly in, but very quickly we began to grow close. By the end of the day, after an intense game of “Newsmania” trivia and introductory speeches from all of us featuring our favorite First Amendment freedom (press was a common one, shockingly), it already felt as though we’d known each other for more than just half a day.
ECHO Things only kept getting better. The highlight of Day 2 without a doubt was our early morning trip to NBC Studios to watch Chuck Todd tape “Meet the Press” and then have a talk with him after he had finished the show. Todd had a lot of interesting things to say on the common depiction of media as a biased political campaign rather than an objective, reliable news source. “To erode the credibility of all media … well if we do that, we erode our democracy,” Todd told us. “So I get angry about it. That said, I don’t think we should portray ourselves as victims. I’m sorry that the public isn’t as upset about it as I think they should be, but this goes to a longer conversation.” He continued, “I think we in the media in general have not fought back hard enough on charges that we’re somehow dishonest. Like, any other field, if you get accused of being dishonest, you fight back … yet we as journalists are always told don’t fight back, don’t fight back, don’t become the story, don’t become the story. And that is my mindset. I don’t want to become the story, but I think we’ve done ourselves harm by not defending ourselves … and it is not a point of pride that only Congress is viewed worse than the media when it comes to trust in institution … so it bothers me. I don’t know what the right answer is to improve this.” Also that Sunday was our tour of the Newseum, followed by our free time to explore what I can now call my favorite museum ever. Let me just say that with all the attention that the Smithsonian gets, the Newseum isn’t always in the spotlight, but it’s a true hidden gem of D.C. In fact, you probably had never heard of it prior to reading this. It’s a museum telling history through the eyes of the media. Favorite areas of mine include the Watergate exhibit, the wall of today’s front pages, the election news gallery, the actual chunk of the Berlin Wall and the wall of Pulitzer photography. The Newseum was sort of a home to us Free Spirits throughout the week. The seventh floor classroom above all the exhibits was home to all of our seminars and luncheons. One of my favorite seminars came early Monday morning from Sara Ganim, a 2012 Pulitzer Prize winner for local news re-
porting. If you don’t recognize her name, you’ll recognize the names from the story she’s associated with: Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno. Ganim, who covered the development of Paterno’s involvement and lack of action against Sandusky during the child molestation scandal, said that sports reporters and their victimization of Photo Courtesy of the Newseum Institute Paterno was one of the Sports Columnist Bennett Durando speaks at the 2016 Al toughest obstacles in cov- Neuharth Free Spirit & Journalism Conference. ering the story. “It’s really easy to be a fan. You’re go- have that’s not scripted for us.” ing to get very passionate but very misBy the end of the week, which also guided information,” Ganim said. “You included visits to USA Today, the Capineed to be able to do other things; that’s tol Building, the Federal Courthouse for something I want all sports writers and a mock trial with a real federal judge, sports broadcasters to be aware of. You’re and seminars with the editor in chief of not a fan; you’re a journalist.” National Geographic, a group of FreeAs an aspiring sports journalist my- dom Riders, Bill Clinton’s former press self, these words spoke to me especially secretary, and a two-time Pulitzer Prize strongly. In the professional world as a winning photographer of the last three journalist, we owe it to our audience to presidents (I could write an entire article cover it like it is, not how a fan wants to on anyone of these things, there were so see it. many amazing opportunities), I was ready I can also say as an aspiring sports for an unscripted night of fun and relaxjournalist, the most thrilling moment of ation. On a boat. the entire week was getting to meet Chris I don’t think it was until the last night, Berman, the iconic baseball and football while we were all enjoying the last night broadcaster for ESPN, at the Tuesday lun- party and our ride down the Potomac, that cheon and discussion with him. it hit me just how hard it was going to be to Amazed as several of the sports geeks leave these 50 people who had so quickly and I were to see him walk into the room become among my dearest friends. and sit down for lunch, imagine my shock Whether it be messing around with a when ESPN PR representative Josh GoPro at the White House with Isabelle, Krulewitz tapped me on the shoulder, told rooting for the Cavs on the tour bus at the me he knew my dad from the sports jour- end of Game 7 with Adam, sharing a love nalism biz, and offered to individually in- for Snarky Puppy with my roomie Nick, troduce me to Chris. celebrating nearly-twin birthdays with Getting to chat personally with Berman Ian, memeing with Nina and Jacob, learnand getting to ask him two questions dur- ing traditional Hawaiian dance from Amy, ing the discussion was perhaps the high- envying the landscape around Sara’s and light of the week for me. Though Berman Audrey’s homes, talking about saxophone also accepted the Al Neuharth Award for and clarinet playing with Olivia, or just Excellence in the Media that night, giv- talking with any one of my fellow Free ing a fantastic acceptance speech, our lun- Spirits, the memories I made with these cheon with him was much more personal 50 new friends will last me a lifetime. since his words were directed toward us. Most of all, I’m so proud to share a “It’s so exciting that we come to work career passion for journalism with all of everyday not knowing what’s going to these wonderful people, and I can’t wait to happen,” Berman told us. “Sports, there’s see them in the newsroom someday. no ceiling. It’s one of the last things we
September 2016
The Caleb Conception
Voting for 3rd party candidates counts Caleb Bolin Feature Editor
In an election year when the nominees from the traditionally favored parties both have a historically low favorability rating, a large number of voters look for a third option. According to Real Clear Politics averaging of polls, Hillary Clinton has a 42 percent favorable rating and 55 percent unfavorable rating; Donald Trump has a 38 percent favorable rating and 57 percent unfavorable rating. In the most recent CNN poll, the two most prominent third party candidates, Governor Gary Johnson and activist/physician Jill Stein, received 9 percent of support nationally. Despite the poor favorability ratings
of Clinton and Trump and the support of 9 percent of polled voters, supporters of one of the two major parties repeatedly tell voters who consider voting for a third party candidate that their votes would be a waste. “A vote for a third party is a vote for [insert candidate that speaker believes to be worse of two evils],” they say. There is no evidence that supports claims that voting for a third party candidate specifically helps a certain candidate. It is still the Constitutional right of voters to choose to vote for a candidate they deem acceptable--regardless of whether or not it hurts or helps a mainstream candidate. The market for third-party candidates is so large (because leading up to the presidential election there was a lot of disapproval of the Democratic and Republican
parties as a whole) that many politicians who have been in Washington for years have started tossing around phrases like, “I’m an outsider,” or “I’m not part of the establishment.” When candidates, like Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson and Donald Trump claim to be outsiders to try and tap into a pool of disappointed voters, it is clear there could be enough support for true outsiders. It is unfair and against the principles of democracy to tell people that if they vote for somebody outside of the establishment that their vote is a waste. To do so is similar to the campaign of some unnamed Republican candidate telling voters that their preferred candidate has dropped out of the race when they have not; to do so is to tell someone that their candidate can never win, which discourages true choice.
Students need bathroom renovations
Abby Botan Entertainment Columnist
Women’s and men’s bathrooms at the high school have an interesting dynamic. The good bathrooms are the ones on the new side of the building; the horrible ones are on the old side of the building. For Ariela Chavez, senior, the women’s bathroom on the old side are personal. “I think the bathrooms are somewhat decent,” Chavez said, adding, “The only problem I have with all of them is that they don’t have feminine products dispensers, and that makes me angry.” There is a need for dispensers that hold pads and tampons. Public restrooms have them, so, it doesn’t truly make sense for the high school to not have them. It’s not an uncommon thing for there to be dispensers. It seems to be the men’s bathrooms aren’t that great either. Josh Johnson, senior, said, “The bathrooms on the old side [of the building] are smaller and gross, and the ones on the new
September 2016
Photo by Abby Botan
Most students seem to prefer the bathrooms on the new side of the building.
side are better.” “The bathrooms on the old side of the building should be renovated because they’re gross,” Briana Benton, senior, said. “The bathrooms on the old side of the building need to be renovated because I find myself walking all the way over to the new side to use the restroom a lot,” Trinity Baker-Simmons, junior, said.
Trevion Ward, senior, said the males who use the men’s bathroom are just unsanitary and that’s why some of the bathrooms aren’t up to par. It’s safe to say the majority of the students who spoke feel as if the bathrooms on the old side of the building are the worst without debate compared to the new side and that most feel as if they need to be redone.
New law requires ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ be recited daily dents and staff will spend 60 minutes of that school year reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance.” That is an entire class period, an entire day of learning lost to reciting Pledge from second and third hour. Representative Photo by Natalie Johnson Shane Roden Students stand and face the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance who sponsored in Kristin Moore’s English class, which will lose about an hour of inthe bill said in a structional time over the course of the school year due to compliance House Commitwith the state’s new ‘Pledge’ law. tee hearing, “... The meaning of Missouri’s legislature passed a bill that the Pledge has a very sentimental value requires Missouri schools that are partly for some of our veterans and others who or wholly funded by public money to have made sacrifices for this country.” recite the “Pledge of Allegiance” daily, Betty Roberts, social studies teacher, whereas before it was only required to be has similar views on the bill as Roden. recited once a week. Roberts said, “There is not enough paIt takes roughly 20 seconds to introduce triotism in this country… youth are not and recite the Pledge over the announce- always aware of the sacrifices men and ments each day. Assuming there will be women make for us to have that priviabout 180 days of school this year, stu- lege.”
Roberts said the new bill is beneficial to students because it is teaching youth to respect an emblem of freedom for our country. Contrary to Robert’s belief, Nicholas Kirschman, social studies teacher, said the new bill violates student’s First Amendment rights. Although students cannot be forced to recite the “Pledge of Allegiance,” Kirschman said some teachers force students to stand. Students are protected by the First Amendment and cannot be required to participate in the reciting of the Pledge. Kirschman believes in an instance when a student is forced to do so, a lawyer should get involved. “It is just as much an act of patriotism to not recite the pledge as it is to say it,” Kirschman said. Senior Lebari Kanee said he prefers the way it used to be when it was required only to recite the Pledge once a week. Kanee said the new laws seems excessive and unnecessary. The ECHO believes reciting the Pledge each day is not an effective use of time. Reciting the Pledge once a week is reasonable to ask of students and teachers.
Letter to the Editor
Student calls others to help candidate Dear Editor, I believe that it’s imperative that I should address your readers regarding the election. We have come to a time in our nation where those who can vote face the most important decision in a generation, the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The choice is binary, no longer partisan, and clear. Hillary Clinton must be the next President of the United States. I understand if readers have critiques about Secretary Clinton that may hold them back from supporting her, but I can assure them that whatever it is either isn’t an actual issue or can be put aside and addressed after the election. The email issue has been settled by the Department of Justice and while she wasn’t always completely truthful in her
statements regarding the issue, what’s really important is that: American interests weren’t at risk nor was there intent to cause risk and Mrs. Clinton never intentionally went through information that was meant to be or was classified while using the server. The Benghazi issue was just another GOP witchhunt and there is simply no substance to it. Ideological issues, left and right, regarding Clinton need to be put aside until January 2017. Period. The issue at hand is that Americans of all political stripes must unite so that Donald Trump cannot be President. He’s utterly unfit to lead this nation; lacking the knowledge, wisdom, and skills necessary and causing a legitimate threat to national security. Trump represents the absolute worst
of American culture and collective ideology. His values of hate, division, and fear aren’t American values and should not be rewarded with such a serious responsibility as the presidency. We must instead support the candidate of compassion, unity, and hope: Hillary Clinton. This isn’t an endorsement or a “recommendation”; this is a call to action. We have a duty as citizens to elect Hillary Clinton as president. If you can’t vote, volunteer or join the Young Democrats Club’s efforts to elect her. If you can’t do that, tell your friends and family to vote for her. It doesn’t matter what you do, just do your part. Sincerely, David Patrick Schranck, Jr.
September 2016
Students audition for fall one acts Riley Mullgardt Entertainment Editor While other high schools only allow seniors to direct professionally published One Act plays, WGHS drama department allows any student from any class to not only direct plays, but also write them. There is a writing contest to see whose plays are picked to be feature in that season of One Act plays. Sponsor and drama teacher Todd Schaefer said, “It’s by far one of the best traditions here.” While auditioning, students walk around to each director and read a snippet of their script. After all of the actors have tried out, the directors come together and argue for who gets which actor. “We use these shows as a recruitment for the department. It’s the best way to get the freshman involved.” Schaefer explained. Once the roles are set, the plays begin rehearsal. The directors get about five weeks to rehearse but they cannot rehearse on campus. Directors must find their own space to set up, and they only get two days to be on the stage before the show. “This year, four of the five plays are written by Webster Alumni,” Schaefer
said. Carl Wickman, Class of 2014, wrote the play “What You Need,” which will star Bridget Kahrhoff and Logan Corzine and be directed by senior Rowan Van Horn. Mel Umbaugh, Class of 2014, wrote “One Act,” which will have Sydney Cimarolli, Sophie Weik, Cole Schnell, Spencer Erb and Photo by Riley Mullgardt Erin Peterson as the cast and senior Alex Junior Gabby Romano screams in front of directors at auditions for the Sept. 28, One Acts Festival. White directing. Katie Ribant, Class of 2011, wrote is directed by Jake Collins and Kate Beck“Your Other Left,” which will star Jocelyn er. Woods, Trinity Madison, Kwan Willhoft The last One Act is called “Vape Naand Reece Hohle and be directed by se- tion,” which is written and will be directnior Loren Kahrhoff. ed by senior Dorothea Starr LeBeau and Caroline Siede, Class of 2007, wrote star Elizabeth Teeter and Miles Umbaugh. “Esther,” which will feature Hannah One Acts will take place on Sept. 28, at Leatherbarrow, Rowan Van Horn, Ben 7 p.m. in the Auditorium Black Box TheHardin, Zia Massena, Ellie Gilstrap, Sam ater. Getz and Emmett Kileen as the leads and
Middle school Spanish teacher arrested for promoting prostitution Jake Collins Junior Editor “Dear Hixson Parents and Guardians: I am writing today to let you know that Spanish teacher Robert Wilson will be out for an indefinite period of time starting with the beginning of the school year. “The district has hired highly qualified staff to take his place in the classroom. Please know that Hixson administrators will work closely to help ensure that students in these classes succeed academically,” said principal Dr. Stacie Smith. Wilson was formally charged with promoting prostitution in the third degree on July 18. The crime is alleged to have occurred on Jan 20, at 1848 Bowels Ave. in Fenton, according to the Saint Louis
September 2016
County complaint report. Within a mile of the alleged location, there are four hotels: Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Motel Six, Pear Tree Inn, and Drury Inn & Suites, according to Google Maps. The Saint Louis County Police Department’s probable cause statement said, “The facts supporting this belief are as follows: The defendant aided Stephanie Emery to engage in acts of prostitution by providing her with security, utilizing the money she would earn, providing her with transportation, and helping her post ads to solicit clientele.” Wilson is still listed in the staff directory for Hixson Middle School, although Smith said he was out for an “indefinite amount of time.”
Photo from St. Louis County PD
Robert Wilson, 46, is charged with promoting prostitution. He is a teacher at Hixson Middle School.
Men’s swim team proposes new sport Ashli Wagner Video Edior Some swim team members believe Webster Groves High School should have a water polo team. “We’ve definitely talked about it for a few years, wishing that we did have a water polo team, because especially some of the swimmers, we all think it just looks like a lot of fun,” senior Kurt Krautman said about the idea. “It could be fun, and it’d be a good off season training for swimming for some of the guys, and then we have a couple swimmers that do it out of season and that are really into it,” senior Lucas Doll said about why he wants a water polo team. “If we have kids that want to play a MSHSAA sport, and we have enough of them to do it, then we would most likely find a coach and find a place to practice and do it. A MSHSAA sport or Missouri State High School Athletics Association sport would be all the state-sponsored
schools that they have guidelines and bylaws that you have to follow from an eligibility standpoint, citizenship; they play for State championships in the State of Missouri under MSHSAA. If people are interested, and we have enough people to fill the team then we’ve added sports as we go along everything is a possibility,” Coach Cliff Ice said about the possibility of a water polo team. One problem with having a water polo team is where and when it would practice. In order to practice at Meramec like the swim team, the water polo team would have to practice later in the evening. The swim team currently practices at Meramec because Webster University dropped WGHS’s lease so that St. John Vianney could use its pool, so if Webster were to have a water polo team, it would have to find a new pool to rent. Another problem is there is no coach. “I don’t really know anybody here that could coach. I know a lot of people outside, but I don’t know if they would come here and coach,” senior Abe Allen said.
Allen has played water polo for nine years and currently plays on two teams. He is part of the Olympic development program, and for SLAP or Local St. Louis Area Polo. “It’s something that I really developed a passion for. It’s mentally and physically challenging, so you have to be on top of your game,” Allen said. The basic rules are each team has six people on the “field” at a time and a goalie who guards what is essentially a smaller floating soccer net. The six players pass a floating ball around to each other with the idea being to get the ball into the opposing net. The game is played in a deep pool, so no players can touch the bottom of the pool requiring a lot of water treading and swimming. As to why some swimmers want to add another school sport, Allen said, “It’s a different sport that’s not very common in the area, and it’s growing really fast here in the West, so I think it’s a good time for us to hop on that bandwagon.”
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September 2016
Administration, teachers take new posi
Hixson teacher takes administration position Cole Schnell Business/Ads Manager Dr. Greg Fick taught social studies or world culture at Hixson for the past eight years before he came to the high school as its administrative intern. Dr. Fick graduated with a doctorate in educational leadership at Maryville University in 2015. He went back to college to become an education administrator. Dr. Fick has similar duties to an assistant principal without the power to evaluate teachers. This includes student affairs (letters S-Z), professional development like training for teachers, crisis drills and other administrative duties. This position is a stepping stone for Fick, and he hopes to become a assistant principal and stay at WGHS. John Raimondo, assistant principal (letters S-Z), and Fick share an office in Room 310. Fick said, “[Raimondo] has just kind of helped me to get to know the building, get to know the staff. He’s really kind of been
Photo By Cole Schnell
Administrative intern Dr. Greg Fick talks to principal Dr. Jon Clark at the beginning of school.
a mentor. Also, Ms. [Leigh] McKittrick in 308, has been enormously helpful.” Raimondo said, “One of the purposes of having Dr. Fick here was because we knew Dr. (Jon) Clark was dealing with some stuff, and I would be helping Dr. Clark with some of his tasks...I’m really glad that Dr. Fick is the one seeing the students that are assigned to me.”
Kirksey replaces Thompson as interim administrator Greg Frazier Circulation Manager Dwight Kirksey is interim administrator for staff and administration. He is replacing interim Steger Sixth Grade Center principal, Angela Thompson. Kirksey’s previous position was a business teacher. Kirksey has three degrees in schooling: a bachelor’s in business administration at Fontbonne University, a master’s in teaching and educational administration at Missouri Baptist University, and an education specialist degree in curriculum and instruction. Kirksey looks forward to working with the students and helping to grow the community. Kirksey said, “Growth is important in an academic setting. Working with the kids will improve that.” The interim administrator is responsible for office operations, student learning, behavior and attendance. Also, Kirksey talks
to all students earning an “F” grade, organizes open house, coordinates orientation for incoming ninth graders and assumes other duties of the prinPhoto by Greg Frazier cipal. Students with Interim administrator Dwight Kirksey works last name L-R with a laptop in his office in 210. have Kirksey as their assistant principal. Kirksey’s position may be temporary as he will either stay as administrator in office 210 or move to administrative intern, a position currently occupied by Dr. Greg Fick.
Jamaican-born English teacher joins staff Nora Baumgart Contributing Writer New English teacher Tamara Rodney was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and lived there until 1983 when she was eight. Her mother died of cancer when she was seven, and her father moved to the States for support from his parents.
September 2016
She lived with her father and siblings in Brooklyn until she was 18, and moved to Fort Lauderdale, Fl., and finished her degree and had her eldest daughter. In 2001, she converted from Christianity to Islam. She switched because she had questions that the Islamic faith answered, she said. Then in 2007 she moved to St. Louis. Rodney now has three children; one son that is 18 months old and two daughters who are 14 years and six weeks old.
Fetchel moves from ISS to academic lab Josie Krueger Contributing Writer
Although not new to WGHS, new to the academic lab department this year is Chris Fechtel. Before ac lab, Fechtel was in charge of ISS for two years. Some things Fechtel looks forward to this year are connecting and helping the students while getting to know them and hunting season. In his free time Fechtel kayaks with his wife and follows the Cardinals. He said he is a “huge Cardinals and fantasy baseball fan.” His favorite movie and book are “Beautiful Mind” and “The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution by Bernard Bailey.” Fechtel grew up in Westphalia before going to boarding school in Wisconsin. He then moved back to Westphalia, got his degree at Lincoln University and studied at Saint Lawrence Seminary.
After marrying Theresa Fechtel, he moved to St. Louis for her job. Working at Webster Groves High School came after his time subbing at Ladue. He quickly started assistant coaching for softball and baseball at the high school. Photo by Josie Krueger About why he de- Academic lab teacher Chris Fechtel talks cided to work at a high to junior Owen Clendennen during class. school, Fechtel said, “It’s for the impact on students. I want to be connected with people. High school is when a lot of kids are finding themselves, and I want to be a part of that.”
Former student teacher joins science dept. Elise Keller Contributing Writer Skylar Garcia, first-year teacher, teaches biology and microbiology. Last year Garcia was a student teacher at Webster with By Elise Keller Joseph Boeckman, another Science teacher Skylar Garcia biology teacher. uses a slideshow to teach her fifth Garcia describes her teachhour biology class. ing philosophy as “trial by
fire,” and explains that this way of teaching is more organic. “I will introduce a lab before my students even know what they are looking at… I say, ‘What is this?’ They say, ‘I have no idea!’ I’m like, ‘That’s the point!’” Garcia said. Garcia’s students will gain a better understand by doing, asking questions, then learning how they can improve, she said. This year Garcia hopes to be like one of her high school teachers, who showed her that there was a different way of teaching than constant lectures and worksheets. She hopes her way of teaching will change the negative stereotypes of high school being similar to a boring lecture hall.
Music lover comes to high school to teach English Rosa Parks Contributing Writer
Gwyndolyn Savens, English teacher, has three minors from the University of Texas, which she loved attending, especially because it’s the Photos by Nora Baumgart and “Live Music Capital of the Rosa Parks World.” English teachers Tamara Rodney Savens teaches American and Gwyndolyn Savens join the literature, freshmen literature WGHS staff this year. and composition and gifted
English. Savens taught eighth grade at Bayless Junior High before coming back to WGHS. About what she would want her students to know, Savens said, “High school is the only time in your life that people expect you to be good at everything, and when you get into the real world, you’ll find the thing you’re good at, and you will build on it, so keep trying.” When shes not teaching, Savens enjoys to listen to any type of music, anywhere from rock to folk, as long as it has good words and a good beat. Savens also loves to read books by Jane Austen, Judy Bloom and others.
September 2016
Sports ECHO 12 Daniels follows in brother’s footsteps
Photo by Ashli Wagner
Senior Donovan Daniels runs toward the end zone during the Statesman’s 42-6 win over Hazelwood West on Aug. 19. Daniels leads the Statesman with 268 all-purpose yards in the game.
Andy Kimball Editor-In-Chief Senior running back Donovan Daniels caught the punt at the left hashmark took two steps to the right, stutter stepped and was off into the night at Hickman High School. “Donovan Daniels to the house, touchdown!” the PA announcer exclaimed. Daniels had put the Statesmen up 27-0 with his 72-yard punt return to go along with two rushing touchdowns in the 40-6 victory over the Kewpies. Last year, Daniels led the Statesmen with 908 total yards. Daniels has 10 of the Statesmen’s 20 touchdowns this year and leads the Statesmen and the Suburban XII conference with 675 total yards. Daniels has 918 all-purpose yards through five games. Daniels has the role of a swiss army knife for the statesmen. Varsity Football coach Clifford Ice said, “(Daniels) is our go to guy on offense, at running back and receiver he is a guy we are trying to get the ball to, he is a guy that teams are trying to stop. He returns kicks for us and also starts on defense, he plays a very large role.” Daniels has received offers from Division II McKendree University, Lindenwood University and Culver-Stockton College.
September 2016
He has interest from Division I-AA schools Southeast Missouri State, Eastern Illinois University, Western Illinois University and Austin Peay University. About the recruiting process, Daniel said, “It’s been up and down. It was faster when we were a better team. I’m hoping this year we can surprise a lot of people.. I think that if we win more games, schools will start to notice.” Over the summer, Daniels worked with his brother, Aaron Daniels. Daniels said one of his role models playing football was Aaron. Aaron is a senior at Lindenwood. Daniels said, “He kind of is why I play today. I used to play baseball when I was little, and then when he quit baseball, I started playing football because he started playing football. I followed him, and he greatness made me want to be great.” Daniels said, “He is trying to get me prepared for what I’m going to have to do at the next level. We run hills, do footwork stuff. He want to see what’s best for me and is trying to do what’s best for me.” Ice said, “Donovan had a great offseason, he gained a lot of muscle mass over the season and that means he put in a lot of work.” Daniels is also ranked 30th in the Post-Dispatch super 30 rankings of Saint Louis area senior football players.
13 Deep infield spearheads softball team ECHO
pitching. Though she’s tossed fewer innings than the Stateswomen’s other two aces, seniors AnaClaire Bryant and Sami Meyer, Zareh is 3-0 with a team leading 3.92 ERA. Another freshman, outfielder Molly McPheeters, bats .333 and has stolen eight bases. She also made a key contribution in one of Webster’s few close games so far this year: a walkoff hit to bury Affton 7-6 on opening day and set an emphatic tone for the season. “It was a great feeling to know that we started off the season with a win, and it really helped our team chemistry,” Hartung said. “Elizabeth has been an important part of our pitching staff that has really helped us win games, and Molly has been working really hard in the outfield, and it has not gone unnoticed. Both of these girls have really stepped up and helped fill important roles.” “We’re adding to what was already pretty good,” Gibson said. “[Zareh and McPheeters] proved that they need to play at this level, not just for themselves but for the team.” Besides the dramatic season-opener Photo by Andy Kimball Freshman Molly McPheeters fields a ground ball during a preseason scrimmage. for Webster though, the scores have generally been lopsided. In the Stateswomen’s first 11 games, only three were Bennett Durando decided by less than five runs, while five were decided by double digits. Sports Columnist Though they routed their Big Bend neighbors and rivals from Webster softball head coach Bryan Gibson will be the first to Nerinx 10-0, they were done in by a 10-run third that led to an ugly 17-3 loss at home against other rivals Kirkwood. say that the 2016 Stateswomen are a force to be reckoned with. “I think the reason for the lopsided games is that we play down Even with the loss of Princeton-bound star shortstop and .464 to our opponents’ level instead of playing at our level,” Hartung hitter Joey Smith, Gibson accredits the team’s continuing comsaid. “We have been working on this in practice, so we hope to petitiveness to a deep and flexible left side of the infield. make the games less lopsided for the rest of the season.” At its forefront is senior third baseman and shortstop Megan Both Kirkwood and Nerinx, along with Ursuline, Parkway McClure, who is off to a .500 start to the year with a team-leadNorth, Lindbergh, Mehlville and Cor Jesu, are in a cut-throat ing 20 RBI and three home runs. district with the 8-10 Stateswomen. Webster is 2-2 against disBrittany Hartung, another senior third baseman, is batting .328 trict opponents, and has struggled as of late, losing six of their with 14 RBI, and freshman shortstop/pitcher combo Elizabeth last seven overall after a 7-4 start. Zareh adds a .371 average with 18 RBI. Come the playoffs, Webster will look to build on what was “We have a pretty versatile infield,” Gibson said. “It’s going nearly a trip to the District championship last year. In the semito depend on our pitching. That’ll move Megan back and forth.” finals, Bryant dueled with Parkway South ace Kaylie Wurdack, Of the two infield set-ups the team works with, McClure plays but lost in a 1-0 heartbreaker. shortstop in the primary one while Hartung plays third base. In “As a team, we could not get any closer or have any more conthe other, McClure is at third while Zareh starts at shortstop. In fidence getting ready for Districts,” Hartung said. both sets, senior Hannah Love plays second base, and senior Grace Behrle handles first. Editor’s Note: All stats as of Sept. 20, 2016 When Zareh isn’t played at shortstop, it’s often because she’s
September 2016
Feature ECHO School water fountains are inconsistent but safe
students can opt to take a left before the staircase, and they will find this fountain. Finally, the best fountain is the one by the counselors’ office and the band hall near Senior Entrance. This water fountain is always cold and has a nice stream. The third worst water fountain in the school is the second floor water fountain directly between the business hall and math hall. Though in a heavily passed through area, this water fountain has some of the warmest water in the school. The water pressure drops steadily on either fountain when both are being used at the same time, often causing surges of water to splash students in the face (though this is a problem with Photo by Caleb Bolin many of the water fountains). Senior David Fletcher drinks from the water fountain near the band hall. This water fountain has a The second worst water reputation for being cold and in an easily accessible location. fountain in the school is the third floor water fountain by Caleb Bolin Jake Collins room 384. On the highest floor in the school atop three flights of Feature Editor Junior Editor stairs, many students often find that the thirst they build up after climbing three flights of stairs with 30 lbs. of paper, trash, tears Students have plenty of options to choose from for water when and other school necessities on their backs cannot be quenched by this sad excuse for a water fountain. passing from class to class. The stream is weak, the water is warm and several seconds Some of the fountains have two next to each other; some of the ones in the new building have a spout that students can use pass before water comes out at all in the morning. Last on the list is the water fountain near the English hallway to refill water bottles. Taking all these factors into account, the ECHO has picked out closest to the junior entrance. This water fountain came fully equipped with a stream that is our top three water fountains and three worst. The third best water fountain is the one by Activities Office or, hardly high enough to drink from, warm water and side buttons “The one by Jerry Collins’ office,” said junior Emma Von Wiese. that at times do not work and at times send a trickle of water runThis location has two separate fountains with moderately strong ning down the side of the bubbler. Occasionally, when the buttons are pressed hard enough to acstreams. The left fountain’s stream is lower than the right by 5 cm., but both are fairly cold. The left one is the taller of the two. tually get a drinkable stream going, the stream will continue to flow for several seconds after the buttons have been released. The ease of access of this fountain puts it in the top four. Warm or cold, strong stream or weak stream, all of the school’s It is in close proximity to the math department and the stairwell that leads down to the lunchroom/ PV Commons. That same water fountains still get the job done when it comes to producing stairwell also leads up to the foreign language department, mak- water that is safe to drink. In fact, in the months following the Flint water crisis and quesing it a popular stop between lunches. Coming in at number two is the water fountain with the black tions concerning lead contamination in the water, principal Jon tiles right by the drama room and the new building side of the Clark assured Webster Groves families via email, “The district has periodically tested the water quality in our schools in recent courtyard. This fountain is in a very prominent location. Students pass by this fountain often as it is close to the math, years and just ran tests again last week. These tests have shown business and science departments and the lunch rooms. Not only no lead in the drinking water.” Students might appreciate having repairs made to the school’s is the water from this fountain cold, it is not close to another “good” fountain. Since the fountain by the business department water fountains but at least the water is safe and lead free. is fairly warm and it is the closest one at the top of the staircase,
September 2016
Students receive dual credit through South Tech Page Kimzey News Editor
Tech and the veterinary program there. “Right now we are focusing a lot on safety, but eventually we will learn how to groom as well as learning how to skin scrape, As juniors and seniors, students are eligible to take dual credit and learn how to maintain animal’s health and care,” Killmade said. at Webster and a school called South Tech High School. As this is a very hands-on program, students will work with South Tech High School is located in Sunset Hills, and it proactual animals and perform tasks to aid these animals. vides bus services for students who need it. “We’re working with a lot of foster animals. We have a dog Through this program, students currently enrolled in WGHS can go to South Tech as part of their school day to take classes with no front paws, a dog with no back paws, and a dog who was starved in his home who we are working with right now,” that will prepare them for the fields that they choose. Juniors who participate in this program arrive at the South Killmade said. Because of this program through South Tech, Killmade will Tech building before their first class that starts at 7:29 a.m. then come back to WGHS at lunch time to go to their core classes have her first two years of college done for free because she will have achieved her Vet Tech and asincluding English, sistance license in high school. science, math or Junior Julian Archer also attends social studies. South Tech as well but studies For seniors it is something totally different. the opposite. They “I am studying CISCO Networkarrive at WGHS ing, as a two year course,” Archer building for their said. core classes then This program can lead to jobs go to South Tech in the workforce like a computer for their 11:53 and information systems manager, a.m. session. computer security specialist or sysAt South Tech tem engineer, which Archer plans students can to pursue as his career. If networkchoose from 25 ing doesn’t work out for him, Ardifferent programs cher will still go into something including veteridealing with computers. nary science, law “It’s mostly how internet works enforcement, early and how it’s connected to computchildhood and carers. It’s a lot of computer work like pentry. This allows how computers connect to other students to explore close to any fields Photo from South Tech High School computer or how you can connect through Google Drive, and all sorts n which they have Junior Kelaiah Killmade examines a cat at South Tech High School as part of things that are mostly internet interest while still of study of veterinary science. based,” Archer said. in high school. Archer is pleased with the handsThis program is tuition free and still gives students high school credit for their on experience he receives from South Tech and has high regards home high school. There are 23 school districts in partnership for the two-year ground-base knowledge he will have entering with South Tech, for example Webster, Brentwood and Clayton. college. Hailey Whitman, senior, is studying her second and final year From WGHS, around eight seniors and eight juniors, which is a lower number than the usual number of participating students. at South Tech. “I study cosmetology which is the study of hair and beauty According to Joe Hepfinger, WGHS-South Tech coordinator, WGHS has participated with South Tech for at least 33 years, type things. Anything like doing manicures, pedicures, hair treatand it used to be a full-day program where the student would ments, stuff like that,” Whitman said. Although many students go to South Tech to learn a trade to spend the whole day at South Tech, no matter what district they live in. About 15 years ago, it changed to half days where the stay with long term, Whitman decided something else. “I want to go into it for a job in college. I decided this my student went to South Tech for specialty courses and stayed at freshman year somehow, and I see myself as successful in gettheir home high schools for core classes. Junior Kelaiah Killmade, studying veterinary science with ting my license at the end of this year and my degree, then hopehopes to be Veterinary surgeon, has positive reviews for South- fully graduating,” Whitman said.
September 2016
News Briefs
News in Brief... Drama department announces fall musical cast WGHS Drama Department announced its cast for “Disney’s The Little Mermaid” on Friday, Aug. 26. It will feature sophomore Tea Gardner as Ariel, freshman Caleb Miofsky as Prince Eric, sophomore Tyler Benbow as Flounder, sophomore Nicolaus Braun as Scuttle, sophomore Aysha Gray as
Ursula, junior Yusuf Randolph as Sebastian, senior Jacob Noce as King Triton, freshman Alice Gillibrand and sophomore Danny Chura as Flotsam and Jetsam, and sophomore Zach Comegys as Grimsby.
National Merit Semi-Finalists awarded Seniors Easton Culver, Alicia DeBroux, William Kimball, Donovan Smith, and Miles Umbaugh were announced as National Merit Semi-Finalists. Of the 1.6 million entrants, the 50,000 top scorers were rec-
ognized as either a Commended Student or Semifinalist, with about 16,000 qualifying as a Semifinalist. Of those Semifinalists, 15,000 will become finalists, and then 7,500 of the finalists will receive a Merit Scholarship award.
Former staffer named NSPA finalist Former editor-in-chief Jack Killeen was named a National Scholastic Press Association finalist for Editorial/Opinion Story
of the Year for his story “District under utilizes garden.”
All Write Festival to hold fundraiser All Write Trivia Night will be Oct. 1, at the Masonic Lodge on Lockwood Avenue. The event raises funds for the All Write Festival which brings professional writers to speak to students and to provide other
September 2016
learning experiences and provides student writers, musicians and artists a chance to express the products of their creativity. More details and registrations can be found at
Natalie’s Column
Students face harsh reality of back to school 16, all day you think about lunch. Why is it that when we were six, we could go to the bathroom as needed, but now that we’re in high school, we need to use passes or have to wait four hours before you have a spare six minutes, or possibly 30 if you have to wait in line for the girls It’s the first day of school. bathroom? When we were kids, the Why is it that first day of school each year when we’re six and was considered the start of a getting 12 hours of new era. It was exciting and, sleep we get nap amazingly, important. time? Five hours of School supply shopsleep is my nightly ping seemed vital to a good intake. Hey, where school year- if you started the heck is my nap? out with a plain blue folder, At least we have then your school year would a 15-minute break be plain old blue. And that during second hour is how I feel this year. Plain, while activities old, and blue. director Jerry ColTo a little kid, school is lins reads the anthe most exciting thing. nouncements. Once you start, you’re all The harsh reality grown up- you’re happy to be of back to school there! But then after about is that it just isn’t the third week of kindergarexciting anymore. ten it hits you; This is the Sure, the first day next 18 years of your life. can be fun, seeing And suddenly education your friends, not seems, in many aspects, to doing much in any lose its charm. of your classes, but When you’re six, your unfortunately it is fresh first day of school just not the same. outfit is on fleek. Cute Old After starting juNavy shirt, jelly shoes, Photo by Natalie Johnson nior year I realized and a jean skort from Gap. Students returning to WGHS this fall could encounter a lack of the “charm” of that some things When you’re 16, you’re first going to school. never change: day of school outfit is just a Names games for variation of what you wore the first week of school, post-it note origami, and peers who are every other day in the summer. When you’re six, you rush to get the best school supplies. Will unaware which side of the hallway to walk on. And we have other things to look forward to, howTarget still have the Lizzie McGuire folders? Will mom let you ever. Bosco sticks at lunch, less dress code restrictions, get the mechanical pencils and the colorful pens? When you’re and overall freedom-- as long as you have pass to the li16 you don’t use folders, and a nice mechanical pen is coveted among all students. brary and stay in the cafeteria for the remainder of lunch. When you’re six, all day you think about lunch. When you’re
Natalie Johnson Humor Columnist
Visit the ECHO at!
September 2016
Entertainment 18 Upcoming events
September 25: Week One of Camp Wyman September 28: Student One Act Festival 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. September 30: Progress Reports mailed October 2: Week Two of Camp Wyman October 13: Parent Teacher Conferences 5 p.m.-8 p.m. October 14: No Student Attendance October 16: Week Three of Camp Wyman October 23: Week Four of Camp Wyman October 27: Silver Strings/Chello Concert Choir Concert 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
Webster-Rock Hill Ministries
September 2016
Botan’s Beliefs
Twitter trolls unfairly abuse ‘Ghostbusters’ actress Abby Botan Entertainment Columnist
Actress Leslie Jones has been under fire by trolls on Twitter and other social media platforms. A troll is someone who anonymously says dumb things on a fake account on Photo by Dennis Van Tine/Abaca the internet. Press/TNS Jones is one of the stars Leslie Jones lights the Empire State in the new all-female cast Building to support Gildafest 2016, remake of the classic movie a stand-up comedy fundraiser in “Ghostbusters,” and she aid of Gilda’ Club in New York City happens to be the only black on July 12, 2016. (c) 2016, Abaca woman in that movie. Her Press, Distributed by Tribune News role in this movie seemed Service. to trigger a strong hatred for her by a select few of internet users. Ultimately, she was ridiculed. The online harassment and humiliation of Jones has become a national story. There were photos of Jones with her head photo-
shopped on Harambe being posted on Twitter. Harambe is the Gorilla which was shot and killed at the Cincinnati Zoo. “What happened to Leslie Jones wasn’t ‘trolling.’ It was a hate crime,” wrote. The reasoning for the attacks against Jones are simply because she’s black, she’s a woman, and she refuses to lie down for the people to talk down to her meaning that she’s a strong woman, and people feel the need to wound that. Presidential candidate Hilllary Clinton supported Jones, tweeting, “@Lesdoggg, no one deserves this-least of all someone who brings us so much joy. I’m with you. -H.” There was even a hashtag on Twitter called #StandWithLeslie. Singer Katy Perry was one of the many who tweeted their support for Jones, “Do not give your eyeballs to this racist, hatefilled, misogynoir crime. I #StandWithLeslie.” The hate Jones received was purely uncalled for, and Twitter Reps even came out with a statement. “Over the past 48 hours in particular, we’ve seen an uptick in the number of accounts violating these policies and have taken enforcement actions against these accounts, ranging from warnings that also require the deletion of Tweets violating our policies to permanent suspension,” Twitter said.
September 2016
ECHO Teen thriller showcases risks of social media Entertainment
Caroline Fellows Online Editor
quickly form a strong bond. As the pair grows closer together, their dares become progressively more dangerous, and their enemies “Welcome to Nerve, a game growing in numbers. Vee must like truth or dare, minus the dare. make choices between following Watchers pay to watch. Players her heart and following her brain play to win cash and glory. Are and doesn’t realize how much her you a watcher or a player? Are life is at stake until it’s too late. you a watcher or a player? Are “Nerve” has all the elements of a you a watcher or a player? Watch? high school romantic comedy: boy Play?” meets girl, and an unlikely rela“Nerve,” a fast-paced, technotionship is formed, misunderstandthriller adventure movie, revolves ing leads to drama, blah blah blah. around the online video game However, “Nerve” is no sappy love of the same name and features story with a damsel in distress who Emma Roberts (“We’re the Millmust be rescued by a man, and no, ers”) and Dave Franco (“Neighthe movie did not premiere on Valbors”). Photo from entine’s Day. The main protagonist is high In its opening weekend, “Nerve” grossed nearly $10 million Based off of Jeanne Ryan’s 2012 school senior Vee (Roberts), in over 2,500 theaters. book of same name, “Nerve” is ratwho, pressured by her friends ed PG-13 for sexual content, drinkto start taking risks, signs up to ing and use of drugs, language, nudity and risky behavior- all inplay Nerve in order to break out of her shell. The game begins volving teens. It runs for one hour and 36 minutes and is directed lightly, with Vee’s first dare to kiss a stranger for five seconds. by Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost. The stranger turns out to be Ian (Franco), another popular Nerve player with whom she pairs for the rest of the movie, and two
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September 2016