2 minute read
by wgs5
This term, the Withington Model United Nations (WiMUN) team have taken part in three conferences: StonyMUN (Stonyhurt College) 21st January; MUNHigh (Manchester High School for Girls) 4th and 5th February; ShrewsMUN (Shrewsbury School) 18th and 19th March.
StonyMUN was the inaugural conference to be hosted by Stonyhurst College. 14 WGS pupils attended the conference with Mr Cumberford and Madame Menzies in Clitheroe, Lancashire, along with representatives from 11 schools. Withington were assigned two delegations, Poland and Vietnam, on a day where the debate was loosely centred on the theme of ‘Sustainability’. StonyMUN marked the second conference in a row at which delegates from Withington Girls’ School were declared the winners of the day.
At MUNHigh, 20 WGS pupils represented the countries of the United Kingdom, Lebanon and Cuba. 15 schools participated in this conference and Withington came away with a suite of accolades.

Competing against 12 other schools and representing Australia, Withington once again took the prize for best delegation at ShrewsMUN. Every member of the Withy delegation was garlanded in the awards ceremony.
This has been an incredibly successful season for WiMUN, who are working towards hosting Withington’s conference in July. Congratulations to the following pupils on their accolades:
ALEEZA AHMED Highly Commended Delegate - Human Rights Committee (MUNHigh)
SAMA BEDEN Commended Delegate - Security Council (StonyMUN)
Highly Commended Delegate - UK Delegation (MUNHigh)
Best Delegate - Security Council (ShrewsMUN)
ANEQUA FAZAL Highly Commended Delegate - Health Committee (MUNHigh)
SAFIYA FAZUAN Best Delegate for Poland - Ethics Committee (StonyMUN)
Best Delegate - SPECCOM (ShrewsMUN)
DALOLA KAJOPAYE Highly Commended Delegate - Political Committee (StonyMUN) Commended Delegate - Envirosci (ShrewsMUN)
AASTHA KHANDELWAL Highly Commended Delegate - Youth Committee (MUNHigh)
SONALI KOKU HANNADIGE Best Delegate - Health Committee (StonyMUN)
Best Delegate - EcoFin (ShrewsMUN)
ADHYA GUPTA Special Mention - Historical Committee (MUNHigh)
ROSA LITTLEWOOD Best Delegate - Human Rights Committee (StonyMUN)
Best Delegate - Human Rights Committee (ShrewsMUN)

LIYANA MALIK Special Mention - World Health Organisation (MUNHigh)
OONAGH MATHUR Commended Delegate - Education Committee (StonyMUN) Best Delegate - Youth Committee (ShrewsMUN)
ELEANOR MITCHELL Highly Commended - Economics and Finance (MUNHigh)
SATU RAJASHANKER Special Mention - Youth Committee (MUNHigh)
ANIKA RAMESH Highly Commended - Disarmament (MUNHigh)
RIDA TAUQIR Best Delegate - Environment Committee (StonyMUN) Outstanding Delegate - World Health Organisation (MUNHigh)
ERIN SAMARANAYAKA Commended Delegate - Health Committee (StonyMUN) Outstanding Delegate - Political Committee (MUNHigh)
ARYA SARAVANA Commended Delegate - Disarmament (MUNHigh)
JANANI VELAYUTHAM Highly Commended Delegate - Education Committee (StonyMUN) Highly Commended Delegate - Health and Social (ShrewsMUN)
Seven GCSE and A Level Latin pupils played Latin scrabble at Manchester Grammar School on Monday 20th February. The pupils all had fun applying their language knowledge and played well. One game was very close, where both teams managed to put down all seven letters at once to gain the extra 50 points, but WGS won by one point.

MRS JO HOWLING Head of Classics