BORDER ZONES LIMINAL BODIES NMSU University Art Gallery March 12, 2018 10am-6pm Closing Remarks at 6pm Carolina Teixeira, a dancer profiled in one of today’s films, has written that to “live as a disabled person in Brazil is to recognize how one is implicated in a paradoxical social structure that at once suggests the possibility of inclusiveness and the accommodation of disabled bodies while foreclosing the more radical revaluing of disability as a creative force in its own right.” This more radical revaluing of disability as a creative force in its own right animates Teixeira’s work as well as Lilih Curi’s “Carolina” and it serves as a driving force in the selection of films that make up Border Zones, Liminal Bodies. Meeting violence and erasure with visibility and vision, this one-day exhibit of shortform videos use the medium to confront urgent social issues and reflect upon historical traumas. The creative forces let loose in these films break new ground while they revisit sites of personal and collective grief. These videos recount and remember; they revalue and remonstrate. They become sites themselves of a moral, liminal consciousness of social and political borders zones. Border Zones, Liminal Bodies is the first live screening event of this year’s Feminist Border Arts Film Festival. It is presented here in collaboration between Gender & Sexuality Studies, University Art Gallery, and the Interdisciplinary Studies Department. #FBAFF18 would like to express its special thanks to Marisa Sage, Director of the University Art Gallery, for her support and belief in this project. The next screening event for the festival is April 16, 2018 at 6-8:30pm in the CMI Digital Theater (Milton 171) in collaboration with Amy Lanasa and the NMSU Creative Media Institute. All events are free and open to the public.