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Richard highlights importance of community health needs

BEING there for the community as a health partner instead of solely as a traditional gym is something that should be in every fitness professional’s front of mind for 2023 and beyond.

Whether it’s in promoting the industry, or an individual business, the opportunities are huge.

It’s more than just about fitness. It’s more than just about ability. Richard Moore is proof of this, after he suffered a massive heart attack while running the Blackpool marathon in 2022.

He’d run for three hours before the attack started.

“I thought it was a stitch in my chest,” Richard said.

“I tried to run through it, but turns out you can’t run through a heart attack.

“I hit the floor and my wife heard my

Myzone belt beep, indicating my heart had stopped.”

Supporting individuals with preventative measures for health concerns and for recovery needs is imperative to meeting our potential as a sector.

“Now, my physical health is great; I even signed up to run the Liverpool half marathon,” he added.

“However, my mental health has taken somewhat of a beating so I’ve been getting help with that.

“Myzone has boosted my confidence as a visual of what’s happening inside me. Being able to see my heart recovery rate on screen is a great advantage.”

The 41-year-old father of two is now helping to raise money towards purchasing a defibrillator box, as defibrillation within three to five minutes of collapse can produce survival rates of up to 70 per cent following a cardiac arrest.

“For anyone else I highly recommend Myzone to track and have a guide to refer back to see your heart’s overall health and recovery rate,” Richard added.

“The physio had his own heart rate monitor that I had to wear during my beep test, it was older than me. I showed him the Myzone app, he was impressed and said would be looking into them.

“Overall takeaway would be to always listen to your body, look at the zones you’re hitting, and take notes of recovery time. Be safe.”

To donate to Richard’s cause visit gofund.me/0e473bd1

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