Compare And Contrast Essay About High School And College

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Differences Between High School and College Essay

It is often said, that high school, prepares a student for college. For certain, a student is being prepared, but only for what the world has to offer, and that is making choices on what to pursue. Certainly, most people would concur with this statement. But, the fact to consider is, that high school does not prepare a student for the major difference in the challenge. One difference in the area of challenge is the work. In high school, students are not challenged with assignments. Generally, an assignment in high school does not require much depth. When it comes to homework in high school, students are not assigned homework often. As well, in high school, most instructors do not promote the proper grammar, punctuation more content...

In college, there is a definite difference in expectation, and this is a major challenge. In high school, students are cradled by the teachers and administration. If a person is to fail an assignment, the students have as many chances possible to pass. In addition, if a student fails an exam, this will not mean that the student fails the course. Therefore, this causes major problems going to college. In college, most courses require that the student passes the exam with a certain grade determined by the school. In addition, for most courses in college, it is expected that the student gets a 55 or 60 percent in the course, depending on the course. Furthermore, in college, students are expected to learn quicker. What is meant by this is, that in high school, students are taught at a slower rate. Therefore, it is definite that in high school, having less expectation reflects in college, by causing more of a challenge for the student to adjust. Finally, achieving a high grade in college is more difficult than in high school. In high school, grades are easier to achieve and there are greater opportunities for marks. Usually, a student is graded on many different areas, including; attendance, participation, effort, and organization. Also, students are graded on evaluations and assignments. These are the areas which are graded, and these account for a large portion of the final

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Mark Twain was once quoted as saying "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." He knew the importance of being educated and placed a high importance on never letting his brain to stagnate. In today's modern society the two forms of education most popular are high school education and a college education. More people now than ever are striving to get their college degree which can lead to a better job. Going through both forms of education has shown me the many similarities and differences between both structured educations. The main similarities and differences I have acknowledged are self–discipline, structure, curriculum, and teaching methods. Although they are similar, college provides a better opportunity more content...

Faculty won't pamper the student coming into class. The student may possess a different schedule for each day of the week and they are expected to be able to handle their day to day work. The difference between a freshman in college and a senior in high school may only be by a couple months but the way they are treated is comparable that of a child to an adult. A college education is something that many people believe opens up opportunities never known to the uneducated person. While in high school the goal is to get the broad education of numerous subjects so when you reach college you can narrow down your dreams, interests, and talents. A college curriculum may differentiate greatly from that of a high school course load. As students go through college they find out what they like and pursue it. In high school all students take the same standard classes of English, math, science and history. Some sub–divisions of those classes are available but the majority of students don't focus on a career path until college. This is what makes the difference in curriculum so interesting. You may have one side of you someone with aspirations of making a television show and on the other side someone with dreams of owning their own clothing line. In high school the goal is usually more about just reaching the college of your preference. There are several teaching styles professors and teachers use. Each person is

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Lenoir Rhyne versus UNCC

There are two different types of college's public colleges and private colleges. The main difference between the two is that public colleges are run by the state and private colleges are privately run. Below, University of North Carolina at Charlotte a public college and Lenoir Rhyne a private college are compared and contrasted. Lenoir Rhyne is a private university located in Hickory, North Carolina. It was founded in1891 by four Lutheran pastors (originally called Lenoir College) that are affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Lenoir Rhyne has three campuses located in, Hickory, North Carolina which is the main operating campus, Asheville, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina. Previously known as Lenoir Rhyne College, University status was earned in 2008 and which is now Lenoir Rhyne University. The school's mascot is the bears. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) is a public university located in Charlotte, North Carolina that was founded in 1963 and has a 1000–acre campus. UNCC is only one out of public universities in North Carolina. UNC Charlotte also has three campuses: Charlotte Research Institute Campus, Center City Campus, and the main campus. The school's mascot is Norm the Niner and represents the forty–niners.

"In 1963, Charlotte College became a four– more content...

Academically UNCC "comprises seven professional colleges and currently offers 21 doctoral programs, 63 master's, degree programs and 90 bachelor's, degrees"(History, 2014). Lenoir Rhyne has about 50 bachelor's degrees and 10 master's degree programs. Approximately, 1,900 students attend Lenoir Rhyne while 27,200 students attend UNCC. The student to faculty at UNCC is 19 to 1 while the student; to faculty at Lenoir Rhyne is 11 to 1. The average class size at Lenoir Rhyne is 16 and the average class size at UNCC is Get more content

High School vs. College A very important part of life is education. In order to acquire a satisfying education, one should complete high school prior to college. College and high school have two different levels of education, but both are trying to further student's knowledge. As recent high school graduates and college freshman's many can clarify similarities and differences between the two. Some obvious similarities are that both have assignments, classrooms, and students. Although college and high school have many differences three of the main ones are the teachers, classes, and responsibilities. Teachers and college professors are one main difference. Teachers in high school often write notes on an overhead and tell you more content...

Classes are the second main reason high school differs from college. Classes in high school generally consist of no more that 25 students. Counselors usually arrange your schedule the way they think is best for you. You are not responsible for knowing what it takes to graduate. Usually the school year is 26 weeks long; classes may have to be taken the whole year in order to get credit for them. You are graded on most assignments done in class. In college some classes may have from 75–100 students. It is your responsibility to enroll in the classes that are required for your major, plus a week for final exams. The year is divided into two 14 week semesters; most classes need to be taken the complete semester in order to get credit. College professors tend to grade students on tests and major papers. Responsibility has a lot to do when it comes to high school and college. When you attend high school you are provided textbooks for each class. Your time is usually structured by others (parents and/or teachers). Many parents are there to wake you up in the morning before school starts. In high school you are required to go to school everyday. You often read or hear presentations once in order to learn what you need to know. Students are expected to read short stories at home which will be re–taught in class. When in college you must pay for each textbook necessary for class.

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High School vs. College Essay examples

High school, along with college are two major stepping stones in a person's life. Many individuals are able to make the transitions from high school to college pretty easily, while there are others that find the transition into college to be somewhat challenging and hard to adjust to. When I made the jump from high school to college, I found that there are vast differences between the two, and both had very diverse environments. I found the key differences concerning high school and college to be the level of academic responsibilities, time management and scheduling, as well as the methods learning to be the main differences. Obviously, there is a major difference in the level of academic responsibilities between more content...

All the academic responsibilities in college are yours and yours alone. It's up to the student to understand the material given and to keep up with the deadlines given in class. Students are expected to purchase their own materials like textbooks for the class and to prepare beforehand in order to excel. The change in responsibility is a major in difference in college and high school, but it's not the only difference. Another important difference that you will come to realize when entering college is the difference in the amount of time you consumed in college in contrast to the time you spent in high school. In high school, you have set schedule that you follow that usually involves going to school five days a week with spending six hours a day proceeding from one class to another with each class ranging about the same length. Your courses and schedule are based on your grade level and are typically fairly standard. In college thou, you get to decide and maintain your own schedule. You are not given a schedule to follow and can determine what time your classes are depending on time slots that are available to you. In college, students may have a different schedule each day of the week where some days they may end up with a number of classes or there may be days where you have no classes at all. Students usually have long breaks in

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Most people see teachers and professors in the same light. They perform similar tasks. They teach. However, they are separated by a fine line of distinction. High school teachers help a student build a foundation of knowledge, and train the student to focus on learning. College professors help to shape and define a student's foundation of knowledge, and challenge the student to cultivate the mind. High school teachers and college professors have similar goals and guidelines, but they take a differing approach to achieving the end result. The way the class is conducted, academic expectations, and view of student responsibility are a few of the contrasts between high school teachers and college professors.

A high school more content...

The student is responsible for knowing what is required and when it is due. For example; I once asked my math professor if we would have a homework assignment for the weekend and he did not answer me. One of the other students told me to look in the syllabus for the homework assignment. I was embarrassed that I had asked and now I save my syllabus for the entire course.

Academic expectations are different between high school teachers and college professors as well. The academic expectations of teachers are focused on memorizing and regurgitating facts and can be met with minimal effort on the part of the student. High school teachers tend to point out the relationship between subjects so that the student has no choice but to see the connections. Furthermore, the student is expected to merely do the homework, and be able to recite the lesson to earn a passing grade. Memorization is the primary focus. For example; students are required to memorize the multiplication tables even if they don't understand the concept of multiplication. I was one of those students that did not understand multiplication and as a result, I forgot the multiplication tables almost as soon as math class was over. Whether or not the student actually understands the material is second to being able to recite the material. This demonstrates a much lower academic expectation compared

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Comparison and Contrast of High School Teachers vs College Professors

There are some similarities between high school teachers and college professors but there are many more contrasts. Academically speaking, both teachers and professors have grading styles and policies, deadlines and due dates for papers and projects, and a sense of compassion. If only I would have had someone explain the differences between the two levels of teaching, I probably wouldn*t have given up in high school.

It would not have taken me so long to get the courage to attend college. There are many myths that college professors are unattached drones that push you through. As for the high school teachers, they are more friendly more content... It didn*t matter much if you were in class, or if you participated. Although, if you did not participate or show up for classes you would miss a lot. It didn*t make a very good impression on the teacher either. On the other hand there are college professors who base your grade on many things such as class participation, projects, and attendance, as well as homework and tests. Actually your test scores normally is majority of your grade do take a good chunk of your grade, but, they are not the only things that affect your grade in college. You also have class participation which plays affect a large part of your grade as well. in most college courses. It gets the students more involved and seems to make them want to be there. It also gives them life skills of interacting with others and gives them a confidence boost. Which in turn, affects and raises their attendance. I believe you would have a more prepared student for college and you would probably see grades rise if high school teachers took more of an approach of involving students . (JUST TURNED THAT AROUND) You would also see students more excited about being in class, especially if class participation was a part of their grade.

There are also deadlines and due dates that are expected to be followed by both teachers and professors. High school teachers tend to hold your hand as a child so to speak, and remind you on a daily basis of when

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Freshman year vs Senior year are different but are kind of the same in a way. Although, they both take place in high school they are totally different years. Everything is different from freshman year to senior year, you change as a person and learn many things. Freshman Year and Senior Year are both very stressful years ofhigh school. Freshman year I made new friends because I was at a new school with some new people. I also tried to make sure my grades stayed up because now that I'm in high school I have to start thinking what I want to do when I graduate, what college I want to go. I'll have to keep my grades up now because I want to be able to get into a good college and I will be stressing out because I still don't know what I want to do when I graduate from high school or where, as most of the other will be too. These years are kind of the fun years of high school. As a freshman I was trying everything out, all the activities, making new friends and going to the dances and sporting more content...

Freshman year everyone is friends with everyone, they are finding their true friends. As a senior, I will have my true friends, the ones I can trust and ones that I will have in college. I mean you still are friends with a lot of the others in your grade, but I have found the ones that I can trust and will have your back in any situation. The first day of school as a freshman I was excited and nervous to go. Last year in eighth grade we were the big dogs in the school and now we are back to being the little newbies. I was thinking how will I find my classes, my locker, the office, where do I sit at lunch and will I make new friends. As for the seniors first day, I'll be excited we are the big dogs in the school again. We already know where our classes are, who our teachers are, we are very calm about being back and excited to start their last year of high

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The Difference between University and School

The Differences between University and School

Almost all the students around me said that university was so great. Do you feel very curious about it? Do you want to know the reason? If you have not known it very clearly, quickly read the words followed. Maybe they have already seen the differences betweenschool and university, for example the ways of studying are extremely different, the arrangement is also becoming very free and there are many changes in the teachers. Why do I think that university and school have a lot of differences, the most important point which make me realize that thing is the way of studying. When you are in school you do not need to organize anything by yourself. You can just follow your teachers' requirements. However, in university it is quite different. Chinese teacher allow you to recite you essays and ancient poetries and ask you to rewrite them the other day. At the same time, accompanied with a great number of vocabularies which are waiting for you to remember, there are a lot of questions regarding to math, chemistry and physics. Although they make you feel tired and bored, you should finish your homework everyday. You keep studying all the time under your teachers' construction. However when you enter university you can find it surprising that teachers seldom assign homework and request you to do something. If you don't want to waste your time, you need to be self–monitor and fix up your time correctly. Besides this point, the Get

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Work experience versus a college education. Which of these two is best in helping you to land a better paying job? Many college graduates may argue that having an Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree is an essential key to landing a top paying job. People with work experience and skills argue theyhave an edge over someone with a degree that has no real–worldwork experience. They believe this gives them an opportunity for a better paying job.Plus, people with work experience do not have to deal with the added student debt that comes with acquiring such degrees.

When looking through the help wanted ads in newspapers or in employment agencies, you will see that the higher paying positions usually ask for a college degree. You would think that withouta degree, you are wasting your time in applying. Here is an example of how work experience can be a more content...

High Fliers Research managing director Martin Birchall told The Huffington Post that work experience is "now just as important" as a college degree.(Life, 2015)You can be certain that many employers feel that people with work experience are more likely to be responsible. They have the necessary skills needed to work efficiently and value their jobs thus making them more dependable and have a better understanding of what is expected of them.According to an article by Richard Garner,"Leading employers value work experience among graduates more than the grades or the university they have been to, according to new research. Figures show that 58 per cent of employers rated work experience as "the most popular qualification among those presented." (Garner, 2015)This is when work experience can work for your advantage by increasing your chances of being Get more content

Trade School vs. College

People are told from a young age that the only way to lead a successful life is to go to college. Although there is no denying of the economic advantage post secondary learning can provide for a student, college isn't necessarily the only available option. Options like trade school or vocational training are other reasonable choices. However, trade school is not seen as legitimate as a traditional four year college, and a trade school student is not seen as having a secure future. The majority of people fail to realize there are hundreds of well paying employment opportunities that do not require the time, money, and effort needed to get a college degree. Not only does the negative perception of trade school hurt the futures of students, it ultimately hurts the nation's economy. In order to eliminate the stigma surrounding non traditional schools, students and parents should be exposed to trade schools and the benefits of pursuing a vocational career. Trade schools, vocational schools, and technical schools are all educational institutions that teach skills related to a specific job (Hamm). Some schools provide education as that provided at other colleges and universities. Many schools specialize in particular lines of work that range from broadcasting to beauty. The skills acquired in trade schools are sometimes referred to as middle skills and are seeked out by employers and jobs that require more education than a high school diploma, but less

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Trade School Vs. College Essay

Compare and Contrast Essay Community College vs. Universities

Choosing a college means going to a new, unfamiliar world of immense possibilities. One of the hardest decisions a high school graduate face is the choice between attending a Community College or a University. Although Universities and CommunityCollege serve the same purpose, each has its differences and similarities in their learning such as the admission requirements, expenses, size, and student life. Community College are the most common type of two–year College that prepares you to continue your education, are often an affordable and convenient option. Universities you can earn Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees which is more expensive. At a University, you more content... Students attending private universities pay an average tuition of $35,374. Those who attend a community college for the first two year of their education save $8,000 or more. Since most of the same financial aid including Pell grants and Stafford loans is available for any institution choice, students in the lowest income brackets can expect a larger financial aid refund from a community college than a university. Those who need a university education to meet their career goals may be able to attend a community college part time while they work and save up. Then, when they transfer to a university for their final two years, they may have saved enough that with financial aid, they can pursue their four–year degree.

Community Colleges tend to have fewer students per class, which means more attention from teacher to student. This is good for students who like access to their instructors so they can ask questions and avoid getting lost in the course material. Universities are bigger than community colleges and it takes a little longer to find your way around campus. Most teenagers graduate from high school eager to leave their parents house and do grown up things. The benefit of attending a University is living on campus instead of your parent's home. Not all universities have dorms, but the majority of them do. Which you have to pay for parking, fitness center, laundry and other fees included. Both university and community colleges sponsor Get more

Community College vs University Essay examples

College and high school are not as different as one might think because they both share a common root: education. Most people will try to convince you that college is very different from high school. They would state all sorts of things to look forward to while graduating from high school to college. The housing situation, for example, is very different. In high school, (nearly) everyone lives at home, subject to their parents' rules and regulations. There are preset curfew times and limits to the types and sizes of parties that one could hold. But as it turns out, college is much like high school in many ways.

Taking classes to educate oneself is the essence of both high school and college. And just as there are some ( more content... People might say that you have more free time in college, but in reality the extra time you spend studying in college during odd hours of the day does a nice job of filling in any holes in your schedule. Thus, in both college and high school, a person has a rigid schedule that is followed routinely nearly all the time.

Both periods in a youth's life are said to be a time for experimentation, a time to discover oneself. In high school, teenagers are just starting to receive responsibilities such as driving. But they have a wonderful opportunity to try risky things while they are still minors and won't suffer the full legal consequences from any deviant behavior. College is virtually the same because by that time the students have full responsibility and independence. We all know that you are better able to experiment and discover things about yourself if you can be left alone. Even though it is through different reasons, college and high school both present youths with the ability to learn more about themselves.

Another misconception is that the social life changes greatly when one moves on from high school. When examined more closely, it is obvious that just like in high school, college students will be around the same group of people for a four–year period. Everyone still gets into closely knit circles of friends. The only real difference is that there are more options of things to do with your

Essay on Comparing College and High School
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Comparison of Universities and Community Colleges When you graduate high school you have your choice of what kind of an education you want to get. You have your choice of going to a 4–year university, or a 2–year college. In order to decide you will compare the two and use the comparisons to come up with your final decision. Questions to ask yourself would be, what are you looking for in college, how do you want to learn, and how much money do you have to work with. Comparing University and Community college the first thing that comes to mind is the difference in price. Certain Universities are more expensive than others. The difference in price is because of the difference in price and size, also because of the difference in more content...

Some of you go to college go to play a sport for that college, in which case you would go to a University. At the time of graduation you are usually around 17 to 19, at this point in your life you have to think if you are ready to move out of your parents house and be on your own, and many do, again you would choose a University. There are some of you who want to stay under mom and dad's roof and just want to go to college to see what living by yourself is like, to see if you will like it. In this case you would choose a Community college. For some this can be one of the harder decisions to make. Another difference of a University and Community college is the size. Not just the size of the campus, but the size of the classes and workload that you will be facing. With a University you have a large campus with numerous class buildings and dorms. At a Community college you will usually have only one building and all that this building contains is classrooms for learning. Sizes of most University classes are over 30 of you to a class; sometimes that number can be as high as 100 students to a class. When you are a student at a Community college you are usually one out of twenty. The most you will probably find in a classroom of a Community college will be around thirty.

Then there is always the size of the workload. When you go to a University you are usually expected to have to spend about 3 to 4 hours out of the classroom on your work, and Get more content

Every student typically has a great high school career. Classes are not very difficult; AP courses are an exception. Student workload is minimal, obtaining good grades is not much of a struggle, and exams are typically easy to pass. Course load outside the class is no more then a few hours of homework each week. Teachers and faculty help facilitate a moderately laid back culture to learning. The school system supports students to make sure their performance in classes in adequate to move on and aid students who are behind. Teachers, will typically pass students, even when there is a lack of understanding. Senior year is no exception to this. Teachers realize that seniors have little motivation to do work, especially as they more content...

Sometimes at a computer controlling a projector as he/she presents new topics to discuss. Students sit quietly, doing their best not to converse, while the teacher is speaking, in fear of the common response, to "be quiet." Students have their pens, ready to write down the next important note. Likewise, the learning progress progresses similarly. Each course has a set curriculum that the teacher must follow and complete before the end of the course. Teachers follow textbooks, handouts, and chapters as they lead students through the required material. The path the teacher follows can vary because texts differ and teaching styles differ but the structure is always similar. For example, math topics follow corresponding chapters, as they build upon the previous ones. This becomes a routine learning style, but it is effective and the instructor has the ability to adjust it. The grading system is a fundamental part of education. The earliest recording of the commonly seen A through F grading system comes from Mount HolyokeCollege in Massachusetts in 1877. This common system is still necessary. High schools all around the world follow this simple grading scheme to classify how a student is preforming in class and on the work he or she is turning in.

Likewise, this system is what high schools and colleges use to grade students on the quizzes, tests, exams, and papers given periodically throughout the year. Classes

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High School vs. College As we go on in life we face many challenges and new situations that we deal with. A new situation that most people deal with is college and all the changes that come along with it. What many people don't realize is that high school, in many ways, is similar and differrent from college. Not only are people changing but the surroundings and work change as well. There are some things that seem to never change such as some work and people. The majority of the work in college is very similar to high school. An example would be the Critical Thinking homework. In that class you have to re–write a sentence that is not proper and make it correct in high school I had to do the same thing in my English class. more content...

Time management is big because you can be lazy and not take time to do work or you could take every moment to accomplish things you need to do throughout the day.2 An example would be playing video games when you should actually be writing a paper or doing other important work. This can make or break someone who is going off to college. In high school people usually fall into "cliques" or certain groups of people they hang around with. College and high school are similar; an example is that if someone plays football tend to spend more time with each other. They usually talk with one another or share a bond which no one else usually has. In high school people tend to do the same thing, kids group up with either the jocks or other groups. People just make friends more easily if they have something in common. A big difference between college and high school is a new place of living. When you're at home and going to high school your parents cook, shop, and make sure you do your work. At college things are different; you have to do all those that you parents did at home. An example would be doing your laundry. Not many kids do their own laundry, so when it comes to college, things are very different. That's why people say that when you're in college you tend to mature due to the new style of living, which is living on your own. In college the amount of classes and the time you have to go for is different from Get more content

High School Vs College Essays

Although one might think that college is simply one step above high school, there are several differences between the two, and one must be prepared for what's ahead. This essay will discuss a few of the most important differences between high school and college. In high school, most of your classes were probably assigned to you and you were supplied with many of your classroom materials and books. You probably also had a guidance counselor telling you which courses to take and when. In college, it is your responsibility to sign up for the classes you need to take to graduate (if you need help with this, you will need to make an appointment with an advisor) and you are responsible for buying all class materials. Buyers more content... Many college professors don't take attendance or have the time to make sure all of their students are making passing grades in all of their courses. If you miss a class, plan on getting notes from a fellow classmate. If you attend a large college or university, your professors probably won't even try to remember your name, as they have hundreds of students each semester. If an assignment was due on a day you decided to miss class, there's a good chance your professor will not let you turn it in late. You are responsible for remembering important deadlines, as your parents will not be communicating with your professors, and will have no idea when your assignments are due. Also, remember that if you want some one–on–one time with your professor, you won't be able to hang around after class like you did in high school; you will have to make an appointment during his/her office hours or correspond with him/her through email. High school tests usually occur more often, cover less material, and countless toward your overall course grade than college exams do. In college, you will probably only have two or three exams per course, and they usually cover several chapters and are worth a larger percentage of your final grade. Most of the time, your professors will not review exam material with you before the test; it will be your responsibility to study your notes and

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Many people often can't tell the difference between a college professor or a high school teacher, but, they are more different than they appear to be. In the article "Teachers Vs. Professors: The University's Side," college graduates are not expected to know the teachings (Burch). This is because high school teachers gear more towards their teachings than college professors. Even though high school teachers have some similarities such as providing knowledge and grading tests, each has their own expectations of managing academic assignments, conducting classes, and the expectation of students' responsibility. Both high school teachers and college professors tend to assign work so the students would get practice on the materials learned. But how they each manage the assignments is another story. High school teachers usually expect the students to be procrastinators. That is why they remind students about unfinished classwork for the students to be on task and to see if the student understands the material. They also check homework to see if the student is practicing the material to get better and make the student more responsible. In contrast, college professors usually don't remind the students for finish work because they are expected to finish the classwork during their spare time. One time, I was in college and was wondering when an assignment was due for a computer class. Since I was used to the teacher of reminding us when assignments were due, I had decided to ask the Get more content

Middle school vs High school

1Many people endure three years of middle school and four years of high school. It is an eventful time for children between 11 to 18 years old. During the adolescent years there are hormonal changes, environmental changes and emotional developmental gains. Middle school is the beginning of transitioning towards independence under the constant eye of adults. During high school they are challenged with real–world challenges that help them transition into adulthood. The behaviors of these individuals change as the factors change around them. For every person, the experience of high school or middle school may be different. Either way, both have the same goal of wanting the student to succeed and evolve. Even so, the similarities and differences vary. Middle school and high school are alike in the areas of receiving aneducation, socializing with others, and having teachers while different in areas of maturity, difficulty in work, and independence.

2Middle school and high school are alike in the aspect that individuals are receiving an education. Both groups go to learn many different subjects that vary depending on the student. Either way it is to ensure that each student is gaining an education for future endeavors. Both groups have many teachers that they encounter each day. That is a prime characteristic of school which truly makes a school function. The teachers teach, grade, and guide the students to help them create a firm understanding.

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High School vs College

Amy Shamard

High School vs College

High School vs College

The transition from high school to college is not only an exciting and challenging time, but also a great milestone in one's life. There are several differences between the lives of high school and college students. Some individuals will be able to jump right in and adjust to this change seamlessly, while others may take years to adapt, or never even grab hold of the whole college experience at all. High school and College are both educational grounds for a student to grow and enrich their lives with knowledge. Both are like puzzle pieces: on one side they fit together, but on the other side they are something more content...

People can really see the distinctive differences these two phase in life; however, there are also some similarities you will carry on during your transition into college lives. Friends from your high school will always be there for you especially when you keep a constant connection between them. Studying habits such as cramming for test or homework, creating during a test or copying another student's homework, breaking the rules and disciplinary sanctions are still evident in both high school and college. We all know that everyone goes through high school and college. We can compare that college is much more challenging and complex than high school. This is a higher level of learning, thus, requiring more time, effort as well as devotion to studies. Even though college is very tiring at times, I still believe that college is much more enjoyable and exciting. To have that kind of freedom in your schedule is very rewarding; however, proper judgment is a must since we are all mature students now.

High School students don't need to pay tuition; government–funded. Don't need to pay for residence, rent or other accommodation such (e.g. can live at home for free don't need to pay for books) books are provided by school in high school. Student has fewer assignments on average of 1–3 assignments per week. Student don't nee Body Paragraphs (A) College (B) High school (1) Cost Topic sentence College is more expensive than

High School Vs College Essay
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