Ibstock Life Magazine November 2018

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INSIDE THIS MONTH WIN Festive Gift Fair tickets, Local Fireworks Displays, Remembrance Day Services, and much more….


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Previously known as



to the November issue issue. It’s It s a cracker with details of the upcoming local Bonfire Night fireworks displays and not one but two competitions. For the adults there’s the chance to win two tickets to the Festive Gift Fair at Birmingham NEC and for the kids the opportunity to design our Christmas cover and show it off to over 6,000 people.

Editor Vanessa Preece

01530 417739

info@lifemagazines.co.uk W

www.ibstocklife.co.uk facebook.com/ibstocklife @ibstocklife

Part of Ashby Life Ltd

Rockleigh House 37 Burton Road Ashby de la Zouch LE65 2LF

Ibstock Life is an independent publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the editor. The use of this magazine for canvassing or direct marketing is strictly prohibited. Information is included on the What’s On and Community Board pages subject to space being available. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, Ibstock Life cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine. All adverts are published in good faith using information supplied by each company, on the understanding that relevant permissions have been obtained.

Would you like to

We allso wellcome on board d two new conttriibuttors as we expand our local news and expert advice in each issue. A big thank you to The Conservation Volunteers and to Eden Tree Care for their first Gardening Tips article. We’re excited to bring you news of a brand new local store; Gracie Jaynes and congratulate Roberts Holidays on their fundraising efforts. Finally, as we approach Remembrance Day we have details of the DECEMBER local services and parades.


Till next time,



Thursday 15th Nov


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Day Services, MONTH , Remembrance INSID E THIS Fireworks Displays Fair tickets, Local WIN Festive Gift

and much more….



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Contents Design our Christmas Cover Festive Gift Fair Ticket Giveaway Gardening Tips new Remembrance Day 2018 Our Online Business Directory Whats On for Families Bonfire Night Local Business News Roberts Holidays Local Events - Ashby Food Gusto What’s On at The Palace Home and Interiors Century Theatre Just 4 Fun Local Business News Gracie Jaynes TCV - The Conservation Volunteers new

8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 26 28 34 36 38 40

24 Quiz Health & Fitness Advice Puzzle Page Whats On Marlene Reid Centre Pet’s Corner Coalville Library News Community Board On the Beat Puzzle Solutions Business Directory

44 46 48 50 & 51 52 54 56 58 60 60 62

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tion Competiti Design our Christtmas front cover!

Calling all local children aged up to 10 years old – would you like to see your design on our Christmas front cover? We’re looking for fun festive pictures to get all our readers into the Christmas spirit. The winning entry will appear on the front cover of our December issue for nearly 6,000 residents to see and enjoy. We will also be awarding the winner a £10 gift voucher and one runner up a £5 gift voucher thanks to our sponsors; The Olive Branch Toy Shop in Castle Donington (www.the-olive-branch.co.uk).

Competition kindly sponsored by The Olive Branch Toy Shop

To enter, post your Christmas themed design to Ibstock Life, keeping to the following guidelines…. 1. Your design must be hand drawn with colour, painted or cut and stick matte paper / card – no metallic please as this will not scan. 2. A5 size 3. Not bent or folded 4. The competition is for children up to and 4 including ding 10 yyears old. 5. Finally, PARENTS, please l se aattach your name, contact number, child’s n name and child’s age on a separate sheet of paper.

Clossing Date: Friday 9th November Ibstock Life, Rock kleigh House, 37 Burton Road, Ashby de la Zouch LE65 2LF.

Tel: 01530 0 417739 | E Mail: info@lifemagazines.co.uk 8

Find us online at www.ibstocklife.co.uk

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two tickets to this year’s

n Festive Gift Fair i W at Birmingham NEC! The Festive Gift Fair returns to Birmingham NEC from Thursday 15th through to Sunday 18th November signalling the start of Christmas for thousands of shoppers and promising four days of festive shopping and fun! The Fair will be bursting at the seams with a colourful eclectic mix of unusual stocking fillers and presents, traditional gifts, festive food and great home decorations. With over 325 stalls under one roof, the variety is huge, with clever gift ideas for all ages and tastes… and lots of Special Show Offers! There’s even a Present Creche to drop off your full bags. The festive atmosphere is always fantastic and there’s even more this year with NEW icicle lighting throughout the hall and a NEW Victorian bandstand where LIVE Bands will take centre stage. While browsing the stalls, let the music get you into that Christmassy mood and be entertained by Santa himself, Stilt walkers and Pantomime characters. Make sure you visit the popular Festive Food & Drink area where you’ll find 40 tempting stands selling everything from cheese to chutneys, spices to spirits.

BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW and get ready for a brilliant, fun day Christmas Shopping. The Fair is open daily from 9.30am to 5pm at National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. Adult tickets from just £9. Visit www.festivegiftfair.co.uk for more info.


We have a fantastic competition for one lucky person to WIN two tickets to this year’s Festive Gift Fair. To be in with a chance of winning simply mail us at: Competition, Ibstock Life, Rockleigh House, 37 Burton Road, Ashby de la Zouch, LE65 2LF or email us at: competition@lifemagazines.co.uk with the subject line ‘Festive Gift Fair Competition – Ibstock Life’ and your contact details but be quick as you only have until midnight on Friday 9th November to enter. The winner will be chosen at random from all correct entries. The winners name will also be published on our Facebook page. Multiple or automated entries are not allowed. We will not pass your details to any third party. Terms and conditions apply.

For all the latest news and events follow us on Facebook & Twitter

Ashby School Sixth Form Open Evening

Wednesday 21 November 5.30 - 8pm We warmly welcome students to explore the courses and facilities offered in our impressive Sixth Form. You will also have the opportunity to meet with subject teachers and talk to Sixth Form students. We are proud to offer 30 A level subjects, comprehensive careers education, advice and guidance and an extensive range of extra curricular opportunities. In 2018, our A level pass rate was 100 per cent. A brief talk by the Director of Post 16 Studies will be repeated at 5.40pm, 6.15pm, 6.50pm and 7.25pm. (Parents attending the 7.25pm talk are advised to tour the school first as the evening will end at 8pm). Parking is available on the Leicester Road and Nottingham Road sites.


T: 01530 413748

E: y-lemm@ashbyschool.org.uk

Ashby School is an exempt charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England. Company number 08126868, registered address Nottingham Road, Ashby de la Zouch LE65 1DT

To advertise in Ibstock Life call 01530 417739 or email info@lifemagazines.co.uk




Mulch ado about leaves An autumn windfall for gardeners, Eden Tree Care show you how to turn them into a superb soil conditioner

Wellies and coat on, I step out onto my lawn for the third time this week and begin the relentless collection of fallen leaves. Were there really so many on the tree in the first place?! Despite the undoubtedly wonderful colours that autumn brings, this time of year can also sometimes seem like a relentless clean up job. It can take a matter of minutes to fill up the council compost bin so what to do with mother nature’s litter? Well, unlike our own rubbish, fallen autumn leaves are packed full of useful minerals. Trees are great mineral extractors and 50-80% of minerals end up in fallen leaves. The best way to make use of this unexpected bounty is by using the leaves as mulch. Mulch is a layer of material applied to the surface of soil. Benefits are numerous, including supressing weed growth and increasing moisture retention. The use of autumn leaves as mulch will also enable all those nutritious minerals to be released back into the soil. Its not that difficult to do either! To make leaf mulch which will be useable next spring just follow these simple steps: 1. After stock piling your leaves, bring out your mower one last time and shred your leaves (they break down much quicker if they are shredded, it’s also much easier if the leaves are dry). 2. Put them in a compost bin in layers of 12-18 inches. On the top of each layer add a handful of grass clippings or if you don’t have any at this time of year bone meal would be fine (this will provide a source of nitrogen to help with the decomposition).


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3. Finally mix the leaves and clippings/bone meal with water. You want the leaves wet but not saturated. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 until your compost bin is full That’s it! By the spring you will have the most amazing leaf mulch which is full of goodness and light and easy to apply. If those four steps are four steps too far, try digging leaves straight into the soil. Worms will love breaking down the organic matter and the soil will enjoy this slow release fertiliser providing energised and aeriated ground for the new year. Finally, a note on the last of the windfall fruit, try to make sure fruit is collected from around the base of your trees as many pests lay eggs in fallen fruit, which could affect your tree next year. Collected fruit can be used in your compost heap but remember to mix well with dry matter such as shredded paper or straw. Wildlife love fallen fruit so try to retain some in the garden. Hedgehogs, badgers, mice and squirrels as well as a host of garden birds will thank you for it! Enjoy making use of nature’s bounty this winter and save yourself a costly trip to the garden centre next spring!

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Remembrance Day 2018 2018 marks 100 years since the end of the First World War. To mark this there will be a number of local services, ceremonies and celebrations. Friday 2nd November 7.30pm Roots Community Singers commemorate the end of the First World War with a multimedia show consisting of songs, stories and poems set against a backdrop of war time and early twentieth century photographs. Charles Booth Centre, Thringstone. Tickets cost £8. See www.folkonthefarm.co.uk/tickets/ Saturday 10th November Exhibition and displays on life in Thringstone after the Great War ended, the optimism, the change to women’s working patterns and how people moved forward. Charles Booth Centre, Thringstone 12pm to 6pm. From 7.30pm there will be a free concert and dance with Foresters Band. The whole event is totally FREE to enter. Refreshments available.

Sunday 11th November Remembrance Sunday services will be held at: St Andrew’s, Thringstone at 10.30am St George’s, Swannington at 10.30am St John the Baptist, Whitwick at 2.30pm including a parade. The churches will be open on certain days in the week before Sunday 11th November for people to visit the war memorials. There will also be displays including knitted and other decorated poppies by church and community members and schoolchildren as well as information about local people who died and survived during World War One.

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We can help you find a local business online... Did you know that Ibstock Life not only offers an extensive directory of local businesses, services and tradespeople in the magazine every month but we also have an online business directory? If you’re searching for a local electrician, suffering from back pain and need a physiotherapist or in need of a new carpet simply go to www.ibstocklife. co.uk/directory We have numerous local businesses currently listed and they cover a wide range of products and services. For each business you can see lots of useful information from their address to their opening hours (if applicable), links to their website and/or social media. There’s also more detail on who they are and a description of the services they offer as well as a gallery of images so for retailers, you can view their products or for tradespeople, recent jobs they have completed.

Last but definitely not least you can also view any special offers available to you as Ibstock Life readers. For example Haines Watts are offering a FREE first consultation for all new clients, PC Clinic are offering 10% off service charges and Fitness Republic are offering a FREE 7 day pass. So next time you’re looking for a local business and you don’t have your magazine to hand head on over to www.ibstocklife.co.uk

local plumber? Try www.ibstocklife.co.uk/directory Did you know www.ibstocklife.co.uk has an extensive online business directoryy with full details of manyy local businesses and tradespeople?

If you’re looking for a local handyman, cleaner or gardener we can help. Thinking of a new kitchen or bathroom? We have the details of local businesses who can do the job.

Search our business directory at www.ibstocklife.co.uk today! 16

Find us online at www.ibstocklife.co.uk

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NEW Stairlift assessment centre in Coalville now open Candor Stairlifts are delighted to announce that appointments can now be made at our revamped stairlift assessment centre. The centre features a wide range of stairlifts and other mobility products including fireside and rise and recliner chairs which can all be put to the test by visitors. Located on the Scotlands Industrial Estate in the outskirts of Coalville, the centre has parking and wheelchair access and welcomes visitors by appointment. FREE STAIRLIFT ASSESSMENT You can book your stairlift assessment at the centre which will be carried out by Managing Director Alan Ferguson. Alan brings with him a wealth of experience and product knowledge and will confidently find the best solution for you. Candor Stairlifts can also carry out a stairlift assessment in the comfort of your own home, and as an independent company which is not tied to any specific manufacturer, great flexibility is offered across a wide range of options to suit individual client requirements, even in the most challenging of complex situations within a home.

Along with our wide range of stairlifts, we also provide a range of associated products to help with varying disabilities, such as arthritis, including home lifts, ceiling track hoists, rise & recliner chairs, bath lifts and cushions and mobility scooters. Plus more and more is being added to the assessment centre regularly. To book an appointment with Candor Stairlifts at the Assessment Centre please call 0330 100 4564.

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What’s on for

Bonfire Night

Bonfire & Fireworks Display Whitwick Constitutional Club

The Conny’s annual Bonfire and Fireworks Display is back on Friday 2nd November! This year they are offering live music from local band TBTR along with their outside bar. The fireworks will start from 8pm then TBTR will take to the stage. £3 entry for non-members. Pay on the door. Children and members go free. Whitwick Constitutional Club, 8 Silver Street, Coalville LE67 5ET.

Two Nights of Fireworks & Fun Conkers, Moira Conkers will be hosting not one but two nights of Fireworks & Laser Shows on Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th mber. Fairg Novem Fairground amusements, face-painting, craft activities, food & drin drink stalls and much more will be running. Doors open at 5.30pm 0pm ffollowed by fireorks at 7.30pm. For further details and to boo wo book tickets please see visitconkers.com/events

Gunpowd wder Plot - The 1620’s House & Garden, Donington ton-le-Heath ily w were involved in Discover how the Manor House’s family the Gunpowder p Plot. Costumed characters, cannon non an nd muskket firing demonstrations as w well as children’s craft activities will be there from 10am to 3.30pm on Sunday 4th November. The Tea Room will also be open for light refreshments. For further info and ticket prices please see an www.doningtonleheath.org.uk/events/gunpowder

360 Fireworks - Cattows Farm, Heather

The UK’s Biggest 360 Degree Fireworks & Laser display iis back on Saturday 3rd November. Entertainment in ncludes a live bands stage, fairground rides, children’s ccharacters and more. You will also find a licensed bar, fresh coffee and food stalls. Gates open at 4pm and the fireworks start between 7.30pm and 8pm. For ticket prices and to purchase advance tickets please see www.360fireworks.co.uk

Bonfire Night - Great Central Railway, Loughborough On Monday 5th November, Quorn and Woodhouse station is the place to be! There will be a huge firework display, a bonfire and children’s rides. Refreshments will also be available. You can arrive at the gate or, even better, travel in heritage style by train from Loughborough, Rothley or Leicester North stations. The bonfire will be lit at 7.30pm followed by fireworks. For more information and to buy online tickets please see www.gcrailway.co.uk/special-events/bonfire-night

Our What’s On page at www.ibstocklife.co.uk has details of local events and ideas for many more family days out. Upload details of your events at www.ibstocklife.co.uk/submit-event.html And follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all that’s happening locally. Ibstock Life cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine. We always recommend that you check with the event organiser before your visit.


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Roberts Travel Group and their customers raise £900 for local charities Roberts Travel Group based at The Limes, Midland Road, Hugglescote hold a number of social, coffee mornings throughout the “winter months” (from October through to April). These are very friendly informal gatherings where customers get the chance to get together, enjoy some refreshments, play a game or two of bingo and have a raffle to finish off the morning. They also have invited speakers from time to time and very interesting videos of their favourite travel destinations. The proceeds from the bingo and raffle are always donated to good causes, preferably locally based ones and for this year Roberts have donated £900 split equally between Air Ambulance, Hospice Hope and Olivia’s Journey. Samantha Woolley, Coach Holidays Manager said “We are proud to be part of local fundraising and are very grateful to our loyal customers who attend these coffee mornings and enable us to help others where we can.

If you have not been to one of our social mornings, do come along where you will find a warm welcome, good company and an interesting programme of events. All our customers are welcome.” Upcoming coffee mornings are open to anyone who has travelled with Roberts and will be held at 4.30pm at their Hugglescote Depot on the following dates: 20th November and 18th December 2018. 15th January, 12th February, 12th March and 9th April 2019.

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2018 Holiday ys & Days Out from Roberts Travel Group

Holidays 29.10 05.11 10.11 12.11 19.11 26.11 30.11 03.12 27.12 29.12 30.12

Harrogate & the Yorkshire Dales (5 days) Warners Hotels: Corton Coastal Village (5 days) Thursford Christmas Spectacular Bournemouth Turkey & Tinsel (5 days) Bideford Turkey & Tinsel (5 days) Fizz & Fayre in Harrogate (5 days) Edinburgh: Xmas Markets & Sightseeing (4 days) Bruges & Lille Christmas Market (4 days) Paignton Twixmas (4 days) New Year in Babbacombe (5 days) New Year in Llandudno (5 days)

Short Breaks 11.11 17.11 24.11 01.12 03.12 18.12 02.12 07.12 30.12

Irish Country Music Sunday Special (2 days) Thursford Christmas Spectacular (2 days) Thursford Christmas Spectacular (2 days) Beamish at Christmas (2 days) John Rutters Xmas Celebration at Royal Albert Hall (2 days) Thursford Christmas Spectacular (2 days) A Welsh Choir & Abbey-Cmw-Hir Hall at Xmas (3 days) Dunster by Candlelight & Bath Xmas Market (3 days) New Year in London (3 days)

Day Trips 31.10 03.11 10.11 10.11 12.11 14.11 16.11 17.11 17.11 18.11 18.11 19.11

Witches, Murders & Executions & Cream Tea Chester or Cheshire Oaks “Rule Britannia” Penistone Paramount Cinema Thursford Christmas Spectacular Durham Cathedral City Shrouds of the Somme Ely Cathedral Christmas Gift & Food Fair Chatsworth House Christmas Market York St Nicholas Christmas Fair Festive Gift Fair at Birmingham’s NEC Llandudno Christmas Fayre Thursford Christmas Spectacular

£375 £299 £89 £299 £275 £295 £299 £339 £235 £459 £535 £139 £189 £189 £139 £135 £199 £199 £225 £175 £34 £23 £42 £89 £25 £25 £29 £49 £25 £32 £29 £89

21.11 24.11 24.11 25.11 25.11 25.11 28.11 29.11 01.12 01.12 02.12 04.12 05.12 06.12 07.12 07.12 08.12 08.12 09.12 09.12 11.12 15.12 15.12 16.12 21.12

Birmingham Christmas Market £20 Gloucester Quays Victorian Christmas £23 Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre £37 Birmingham International Tattoo £59 Chatsworth House Christmas Market £49 Gloucester Quays Victorian Christmas £23 York St Nicholas Christmas Fair £25 Princess Diana Kensington £46 Frankie Valli & Four Seasons Farewell Tour £105 Hyde Park Winter Wonderland £25 Worcester Victorian Fayre £23 Chatsworth House Christmas Market £46 Bath Christmas Markets £25 Lincoln Christmas Market £24 Bourton on the Water Xmas Lights at Night £23 Stratford upon Avon Christmas Market £23 Birmingham Christmas Market £20 York St Nicholas Christmas Fayre £25 Lincoln Christmas Market £24 London Christmas Shopper £65 RHS Wisley Illuminations & Festive Afternoon Tea £65 Castle Howard at Christmas £45 Hyde Park Winter Wonderland £25 York St Nicholas Christmas Fair £19 Thursford Christmas Spectacular £79 All prices are per person

Please call 01530 816425 for a brochure, or visit www.robertstravelgroup.co.uk for our full selection Alternatively you can visit our Travel Centre at The Limes, Midland Road, Hugglescote, LE67 2FX

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TRAVEL GROUP To advertise in Ibstock Life call 01530 417739 or email info@lifemagazines.co.uk



Ashby Food Gusto Christmas Fair Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd December

Market Street in Ashby will come to life with the sights, smells and tastes of Christmas at this year’s Food Gusto Food & Drink Christmas Fair. The Christmas Fair will be made up of the finest quality food and drink producers from across the region alongside a range of festive entertainment for the whole family, including live music and children’s rides. Even Santa will be visiting with his reindeer. Whether you’re aiming to buy a stand out gift for that special someone, or simply want to eat, drink and be merry, the Ashby Food Gusto Christmas Fair will have plenty to offer, from beautifully spiced mulled wine to freshly-made mince pies. Other offerings include award-winning Melton Mowbray pies, assorted home baked cakes, flavoured liqueurs, farm produced cider, handmade chocolates and fudge, artisan gin and vodka, jams, chutneys and much, much more. Hot food is available both days, so you can dine out on anything from burgers & sausages, samosas to wood fired pizza and freshly made crepes, all washed down

with a hot chocolate, specialist tea or barista coffee. The Ashby Food Gusto Christmas Fair runs between 10.30am & 5pm Saturday, 10.30 & 4.30pm Sunday. The event is free to attend with free parking in NWLDC car parks (please check as fees will apply in private car parks). If you would like more information, visit www.foodgusto.com or email info@foodgusto.com. Tel 01530 411337

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ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH food gusto

CHRISTMAS fair SAT 1st O SUN 2nd December

Saturday 10.30-5.00 The finest quality food and drink producers from across the region * * Santa * * Craft Stalls * Fair rides * Live music and community programme by Ashby Town Council * * SUNDAY 10.30-4.30

The finest quality food and drink producers from across the region * Meet Santa * Real Reindeer * Santa Run * Many Shops Open Live music by the Attic (Range of bands) * Fair rides the length of Brook Street * * * Street Food for Sunday Lunch *


Market Street, Ashby de la zouch, LE65 1AF

www.foodgusto.com • Tel: 01530 411337 | ASHBY TOWN COUNCIL • Tel: 01530 416961 Please mention IBSTOCK LIFE when responding to adverts



NOVEMBER at the Palace Community Centre SUNDAY 11TH NOVEMBER

INDOOR CAR BOOT SALE Open from 9.00am until mid-day. Contact Jackie on 07926 357 005 for more details. (Also 9th Dec, 13th Jan, 17th Feb, 17th Mar & 14th April) SATURDAY 24TH NOVEMBER

PALACE SOCIAL DANCE A very popular evening of Ballroom, Latin, and Sequence. Doors/bar open: 7.00pm; dancing from 7.30pm ‘til 10.30 pm. Tickets: £5.00. FRIDAY 30TH NOVEMBER

PALACE BINGO A great social night out! Doors open at 7.30pm. Eyes Down at 8.00pm. Licensed bar & refreshments. Everyone welcome. COMING SOON SATURDAY 1ST DECEMBER


The Mercy (12a) FRIDAY 16TH NOVEMBER

Doors and licensed bar open at 7.00pm Film Starts at 7.30pm Tickets: £5.00/£4.00 This is the incredible story of amateur sailor, Donald Crowhurst, and his solo attempt to circumnavigate the globe. The struggles he confronted on the journey, while his family awaited his return is one of the most enduring mysteries of recent times. Starring, Rachel Weisz and Colin Firth.

Enjoy a drink from the bar whilst watching a great film in this unique venue; one of the oldest surviving purpose-built cinemas in the country.


It’s been 10 years since ‘Mamma Mia!’ took the big screen by storm, but its back! Doors/ bar open: 10.00am. Film starts: 10.30am. Tickets: £5.00/£4.00


THE PILGRIM; SILENT FILM, WITH MUSIC, SONG AND STORY. A trio of masters of American, old-

time country string music and bluegrass provide live musical accompaniment to the early 1920’s and 30’s Hollywood silent Wild West short films of pioneering, Oscar-winning director Frank Borzage. Starts: 7.30pm. Doors and bar are open: 7.00pm. Tickets: £10.00 /£8.00 for concessions. TICKET BOOKING - To book advanced tickets for any event please contact The Palace Tel: 01530 262400. Tickets can be purchased ‘on the door’ (subject to availability) Please check with ticket outlets to avoid disappointment. The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Email:enquiries@thepalaceibstock.co.uk Visit www.thepalaceibstock.co.uk

The Palace Community Centre is available to hire for regular events and commercial hire, as well as private parties and celebrations. The Palace has a fully licensed bar, kitchen facilities, large free car park opposite venue, good disability access and facilities, full PA and lighting system, large screen and wi-fi, making it an ideal venue for numerous types of events. 26

For all the latest news and events follow us on Facebook & Twitter

Live and Local…… surprising shows in surprising places!

THE PILGRIM: a silent film, with music, song and story,

presented by ‘Sonic Silents’ at The Palace High Street, Ibstock

Saturday 1st December A trio of masters of American, old-time country string music and bluegrass will provide live musical accompaniment to the early 1920’s and 30’s Hollywood silent Wild West short films of pioneering, Oscar-winning director Frank Borzage at Ibstock Palace. Led by champion Maryland fiddler, Kate Lissauer of ‘Buffalo Gals’, with her earthy vocals shining against the top-notch, committed playing of five-string banjo master John Whelan and one of the UK’s finest bluegrass guitarist, Jason Titley. An absorbing and poignant glimpse of a bygone time, the evocative music brings the films to life.



The evening’s entertainment begins at 7.30pm and the doors and bar are open from 7.00pm. Tickets for the event are £10.00 or £8.00 for concessions and can be booked in advance from The Palace on Tel: 01530 262400 or on the door (subject to availability).

Ro oofing Problems? Com mplete Roofing Service



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Turn to the

Dark Side this Autumn

Some may say that they can’t believe “it’s that time of the year again”! The Autumn season, with falling leaves gradually invading every part of our streets and gardens and cold, wet, weather looming. But, for some of us, this is actually the most exciting time of the year to indulge ourselves with cosy interiors, winter warmers and log fires. If you are looking to re-decorate your room and would like to try something a little more ‘exciting’ and unconventional why not try a bit of the ‘black magic’ and show everybody your confidence, selfassurance and sophistication? The return of black will be the key trend to keep an eye out for. Matt black similarly to other dark greys, navy, and green has the ability to make bright colours ‘pop’, and allow other dark hues to appear even more mysterious. This rather intimidating colour is usually very misunderstood. The misconception that it will make the room dark and appear less spacious often puts people off trying it in the first place. The truth is, if used correctly, the effect that dark walls can have is immensely positive in our homes. Dark walls absorb stark lights and allow strong colours to appear warm and more comfortable to look at. Painting a wall opposite a south facing room can help to reflect light beautifully, add cosiness, and provide a dramatic backdrop to enhance the feature of the furniture. Finally, add warm metallic accents in your lighting and accessories to create ambience. Now, get the fire lit and enjoy the warm feeling this new colour scheme gives you with a cup of hot cocoa before bed! Interior tips with FABCO in-store designer Eddie Ong


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If your lawn is beyond rep air due to our sw eltering summer, ask us about our Lawn Ma keover - the best way to ge t ‘the GreenThumb lawn.’

Now is the time to start conditioning your lawn to get the best results in the upcoming months - a little investment now will pay dividends in the near future! Following this year’s hot and dry summer, your lawn really needs help to fully recover. It could now be suffering with high levels of compaction and thatch, which will encourage moss development. To tackle these problems, you need these essential treatments: • Nutragreen 3 & 4 treatments • Moss Control • Aeration • Scarification

Our seasonal treatments start from just £15*. These exceptional weather conditions have led to high demand; to avoid disappointment, we are advising that you book your treatments early.

For your FREE lawn analysis and no-obligation quote, simply contact your local branch today.

Simply call 01530 244 552 or email ashby@greenthumb.co.uk www.greenthumb.co.uk

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-- advertorial --

Bringing Back the Joy of Traditional Toys In a world where technology rules, The Olive Branch toy shop in Castle Donington is on a mission to bring back the joy of playing and learning. Little ones are encouraged to play whilst the adults browse and there is always something to spark the imagination. Christmas will soon be upon us and as you start to consider ideas for children’s gifts why not take a closer look at some of the more traditional options such as wooden building blocks, train sets, cars, dollhouses, workbenches, musical instruments, puppets and puppet show theatres, puzzles and much more. Timeless wooden toys encourage imaginative play and interaction. We love to hear stories in the shop of wooden toys which have been handed down through generations. Train sets, trains and accessories by Big Jigs Rail are consistent best sellers and popular wooden toys from fair trade supplier Lanka Kade are crafted from sustainable rubber wood and every toy purchased from their range supports an educational foundation in Sri Lanka.


The Lanka Kade deluxe wooden ark was the first item we purchased for the shop when we opened in September 2016. We didn’t really want to sell it, we loved it so much! So, as we approach Christmas you must come and see what The Olive Branch is all about and share our belief in the joy of playing and learning …… you will not be disappointed. Who doesn’t love a wooden train set, farm or tool bench?

For all the latest news and events follow us on Facebook & Twitter

Get Christmas all wrapped up Fresh Trees Gifts & Presents Festive Food

Garden Centre

Decorations Fibre Optic / ArtiďŹ cial Trees Lights


Magical Train ride and grotto open Sat / Sun 9.30 - 4pm OPENS SAT 1ST DECEMBER

Book Online:


01530 263418

LE67 6HL

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F A B C O f l o o r i n g


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To m a k e w a y f o r e x c i t i n g n e w b e d ra n g e s , a l l o u r i n - s t o r e d i s p l a y b e d s a r e now on clearance - grab your self a REAL bar gain - str ictly while stocks last! 32

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Ne w h and pi ck ed li g h ting coll ection now available in our Ashby showroom!

Special offer on this Ex-display sofa, see instore for details!

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Open 7 days (Closed Bank Holidays)

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Century Theatre drama, music, comedy and more We’ve got a jam-packed programme at the Century Theatre between now and the end of the year, with something for everyone to enjoy November 3rd sees Ceri Dupree the sensational drag artist take to the stage with his one man, 21 woman show! Roald Dahl’s classic story The Twits comes to the stage for two performances on Saturday 10th November, when 5 Star Theatre company will bring the book’s ghastly cast of characters to life. For those who like a touch of the ghostly to add a chill to the season, Winter Tales – also on Saturday 10th November – brings together three brand-new tales of the supernatural in a simply-staged storytelling show which takes the audience into a world of spirits, ghosts and the uncanny through the power of the imagination. Fans of Ol’ Blue Eyes are in for a treat with His Way – the Frank Sinatra Story. Robert Habermann sings the unforgettable songs and tells the remarkable story of Frank Sinatra on Friday 16th November. On Friday 23rd November, it’s the turn of celebrated medium Derek Acorah to take to the stage with his all-new show. Finally, Century Cinema will get everyone up singing and dancing and well into the party mood with the screening of Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again on Friday 30th November.

01530 278444 Open 7 days a week, 10am-4pm

@century_theatre /centurytheatre Century Theatre, Ashby Road, Coalville, LE67 3LN

HUGE RANGE OF QUALITY NEW CAR PARTS IN STOCK OR SOURCED WITHIN HOURS Whether you have a broken headlight and d need a new bulb, or you want to give your car a new lo ook with a coat of spray paint, visit us for a great deal. • Batteries • Tools • Ignition • Steering • Wheel Trims • Brakes • Bulbs • Exhausts • Paints • Belts and much, much more


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BATHROOM RENOVATIONS • free design service •

Based locally and happy to come to you Please call Ian on

01530 416379 or 07734 719677

iroberts@sweethaven.biz We are based in Ibstock with over 20 years experience All types of plumbing work undertaken Fully guaranteed for 2 years

Please contact Shaun Backhouse for a free quote:


07854 566 418

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Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.

Word Ladder

Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.


TARGET Excellent: 68 or more words Good: 56 words Fair: 45 words







CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

Solutions on page 60


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t: Rachel on 07943 058 781 john@stauntonharoldestate.co.uk


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New Home & Gift Boutique opens in a surprising location! Located inside Jeff Fowkes Wheels on Station Road, Ibstock, Gracie Jaynes Home and Gift celebrated their ‘Grand Opening’ in style, on Sunday 7th October. The occasion proved a huge success and shoppers were not disappointed by the impressive ranges in store, each item individually and lovingly hand-picked by Gracie and chosen to deliver great quality at fantastic prices. Gracie Jaynes was founded in 2015, exhibiting their wares at events and online. As the business grew, Gracie re-designed her home garage to accommodate a pop up store and also exhibited at the NEC. Now the dream of having a permanent home has become true and the new Ibstock showroom is already proving hugely popular with locals looking for a unique gift or piece for their home. Gracie has also collaborated with two local brands, Just Jules, offering beautiful pieces of jewellery and scarves and Ashby based Harris Williams Home Fragrance. With a passion for home décor the business lady has always had a flair for design. Previously assisting celebrity wedding planner, Jane Dayus-Hinch, from the

television programme ‘Wedding SOS’, to coordinate a number of weddings, Gracie gained valuable experience in the business of ensuring that customer service and satisfaction is paramount. Gracie Jaynes is now officially open on Station Road, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6JJ. Opening Monday Friday 8:30am-5:30pm and Saturday 8:30am-1pm. These hours shall be extended throughout November and December. See www.graciejaynes.com for full opening hours.



Ibstock store now open! With ample free parking, Gracie Jaynes is the new place to visit for beautiful Home decor and gifts, all at affordable prices. Located on Station Road in Ibstock. Stockists of Thomas Kent Clocks, East of India, Harris Williams and Just Jules, amongst other quality brands. Please check our website for our opening hours, www.graciejaynes.com


Gracie Jaynes Home & Gift Station Road | Ibstock | Leicestershire | LE67 6JJ 07791 926632


Very competitive, will try to match or beat any genuine written quotation

07790 556708 01283 331678 07778 036761

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THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS NEW A big welcome to our newest contributors; TCV - the community volunteering charity. Through their work, green spaces are protected and improved, for nature and people across the UK. Kay Thompson explains;

EARAX AXX XX XX X 08/2018 X-

‘We are active in the National Forest, helping manage outdoor spaces – whilst getting exercise with good company as well! To find TCV events local to you, go to www.tcv.org.uk/volunteering and input your postcode. Now that the dormant season for trees has arrived, TCV’s National Forest volunteers will be busy cutting back trees and shrubs to keep paths open and carrying out thinning work in the young woodlands. But we will also be thinking about community orchards, because now is the time to prune fruit trees. Pruning is done to keep the trees healthy and productive – and will even lengthen their lifespan! The aim is to keep the trees open and airy, to prevent fungal diseases, and to remove any

Thinking of moving? Talk to Your Move Coalville on 01530 834474 or visit your-move.co.uk

It pays to be with Your Move


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diseased and dying twigs and branches before they infect the rest of the tree. Fruit pruning is based on very simple principles and is easy to learn – look online for advice, or come to TCV’s FREE fruit pruning course on 7th December at Overseal. This is a one-day course, subsidised by the National Forest Company, and aims to give participants the confidence to tackle pruning young, fruiting or neglected apple and pear trees. Anyone with a fruit tree of their own, as well as people involved in community orchards, are welcome. To book on the course, contact me, kay.thompson@ tcv.org.uk. I will be back next month with more about conservation work in our local area.’


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Shops quiz 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What type of shop is the Little Shop p Of Horrors in a 1960 film of this nam me, d the 1982 musical based on this, and the 1986 film based on this musical? Situated on Regent Street in London n, what is the name of the world’s larg gest toy shop? In the Harry Potter novels, what does the shop called Ollivanders sell?


In a game off bingo, wh hatt numb ber is refferred d to as “top of the shop”? Formed in 1982, which duo named themselves after the slogan of a furniture shop in Hull that boasted of selling almost anything newlyweds would need?

In which British city would you find Pulteney Bridge, one of only four bridges in the world to have shops built across the full span on both sides?


Which Greek city was Richard Tompkins, founder of the Green Shield Stamps company, on holiday in when came up with the idea for a new shop?

10. Now with over 3,000 stores worldwide, which

In what decade did the act of parliament known as the Sunday Trading Act allow shops in England and Wales to open on a Sunday?

Health & Care Professions Council Registered

Open Tuesday Friday OpenTuesday MondaytotoSaturday Friday Open



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Together with her sister, which famous person opened a vintage clothing shop in London in 2010 called Lucy In Disguise?

shop first opened in Brighton in 1976 and was soon threatened with court action by a nearby undertaker who objected to its name? The answers are on page 60

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returns Ashby’s Fabulous Town Council News events Spooky Halloween . And much more…









October’s Local Events Community News Local Business Directory And much more….




JULY 2018

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INSIDE THIS MONT H Melbourne Fete & Carnival Whistlewood Commo n News July’s local events And much more… . SEE PAGE 35

Summer scho ols available for 4-18 year olds SEE PAGE 7

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Lose Weight by Lifting Weights hink You have probably 'conditioned' yourself to th that weights are just for people who want to bulk up and look bigger. Truth is that weights play a big part in weight loss, reducing body fat, speeding up metabolism and toning/sculpting your body. Give it a go....... Try working on weight machines or free weights that use more than one muscle group or one large muscle group like chest press or leg extensions, that way you are burning up more fuel for the effort and you are speeding up your metabolism even when you are resting 24 hours later! If you alternate the muscle groups you are working, you can work more continuously, as one muscle group is resting whilst you work the other one; therefore burning even more energy! To get even better results you could work in intervals of say 4 minutes CV followed by 4 minutes continuous weights. This is the most effective way to train for all levels of fitness and the most time effective way to get results.

The fact that your body is changing from one system to the other, every 4 minutes, makes you work much harder. This type of training in a gym is much better use of your time and will, without doubt give you the best results! Weights are really important for your everyday health, especially your bone density, joint stability and core strength making it essential for you to include them in your regime!

Mark Padgett www.mppersonaltraining.co.uk

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7 Companies, corporations (13) 8 Thin layer, film (8) 9 Large stringed instrument (4) 10 Places of education (7) 12 Cinders (5) 14 Crustaceans (5) 16 Roads (7) 19 Chemical element (4) 20 Courteously (8) 22 Relaying of messages (13) 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 13 15 17 18 21


Vacant (4) Strong grass (6) At last (7) Enclosed (5) Desires (6) Most furious (8) Passageway (8) Slanted letters (7) Turn into (6) Manor (6) Unlocks (5) King of the beasts (4)


Find us online at www.ibstocklife.co.uk

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9, with no repetition. That’s all there is to it. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic - there’s no maths involved and no adding up. It’s fun, it’s challenging, it’s additive!

Solutions to all puzzles can be found on page 60.



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Alpaca Park Farm

Breakfast with Santa Full English Breakfast with Santa in the Yurt.

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Activity whilst waiting to see the big man. £15 Child; £10 Adult December 1st, 2nd, 8th ,9th, 15th,16th, 22nd, 23rd,

24th 10.30 – 12 Book on 01530 271623 Find us at Main St, Snarestone, DE12 7DB Open 10am-4pm daily. For full Menu and other events see our Facebook page or visit us on www.alpacaparkfarm.com

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What’s on in


Thursday 1st November Funhouse Comedy Club

An evening of comedy at the Lyric Rooms. Featuring Jeff Innocent, Tom Wrigglesworth, Tez Illyas, Lukas Kirby and your compere Spiky Mike. Doors open 7.30pm for 8.15pm start and tickets £10 in advance. For more information call 01530 415 039 or visit www.funhousecomedy.co.uk

Sat 3rd Nov & Sun 4th Nov Foundation Course in Beekeeping The objective of the course is to provide a well-rounded knowledge of beekeeping for a beginner. The course starts at 9am. To express your interest or if you have any questions send an email to events@ thebeefarmer.co.uk

Wednesday 7th November Fashion Show St Deny’s school, Ibstock, are hosting a fundraising fashion show and shopping event starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 each and available from the school office or you can ring 01530 260 004. Included with your ticket is a glass of wine or soft drink. Refreshments are available to buy on the night too.

Friday 9th November The Light Between Oceans Packington Film Club presents this 2016 drama / romance where a lighthouse keeper and his wife living off the coast of Western


Australia raise a baby they rescue from a drifting rowing boat. 7pm for 7.30pm start at Packington Memorial Hall. Adults £4 and children £2. Tea and coffee served from 7pm.

Saturday 10th November Lest We Forget A Remembrance Concert by Concordia, remembering the 100 years end to World War 1. The concert is from 7.30pm at St Helen’s Church in Ashby. Donations from the concert will go to the British Legion. Tickets are £10 for adults and children go free and they are available from the Tourist Information Office in Ashby on 01530 411767.

Saturday 10th November NCT Nearly New Sale The perfect opportunity to either sell or buy NEARLY NEW bump, baby, toddler, pre-school & school things. Held at Moira Village Hall. Doors open at 10am for NCT members & 10:30am for the public. Last entry for buyers is 12 midday. Entry donation is £1 per adult on the door. See Ashby, Burton & Coalville NCT Facebook page for details and to register as a seller.

Monday 12th November Italian Charity Dinner La Torre, 48 High Street Coalville are hosting a charity Italian Dinner night. There will be a 3-course meal plus live entertainment from 7.30pm

and tickets are £20.50 per person. To book your ticket please call into the Community Coffee Lounge at Hermitage FM or ring 01530 460 992.

Wednesday 14th November Charity Open Meeting Packington and Normanton Church Ladies group are holding their annual charity evening from 7.30pm at Packington Memorial Hall. This year the event is raising funds for Crisis at Christmas. Tickets are £6 each to include a glass of wine or fruit juice and a mince pie. For more information or to buy tickets please contact Doreen on 01530 412 012.

Wednesday 14th November Evening Painting The Paint a Pot Craft Studio at Staunton Harold will be staying open late. Bring the children after the school run and get a head start on Christmas ornaments. Or grab some friends and a bottle of your favourite tipple and indulge your creative side. All tools provided. Booking is advisable, (last entry time is 7.30pm.). Contact Tracey on hello@ paintapotcraftstudio.co.uk or ring 01332 695 181.

Saturday 17th November Christmas Craft Fayre Thornton is holding its 22nd Annual Christmas Craft Fayre and giving you the opportunity of solving your Christmas present problems with locally handmade crafts and original

For all the latest news and events follow us on Facebook & Twitter

gift ideas. As well as the many craft stalls, there will be cakes, raffle, games, a quiz, refreshments, family fun and lots more special guest: Santa. Head to the Community Centre in Thornton between 10am and 2.30pm. Entry for adults is 50p and under 14s are free if accompanied by an adult.

Thur 22nd and Fri 23rd Nov Live More, Stress Less With special guest Andy Winter. Quiet Greater Yet bring you this two day event for anyone who would like to reduce their stress, have more joy in their life, understand the workings of your own mind or know more about the Three Principles. The event is at the Ferrers Centre for Arts and Craft from 9.30am to 4.30pm. For more information visit: www. fromquiet.co.uk

Friday 23rd November Charity Quiz Night & Raffle

This is to support the ‘Our Space’ appeal for the Children’s Cancer Unit at the Leicester Royal Infirmary. So, get your team together and join Andrea Burton for a fun evening at The Club in Whitwick from 8pm. Teams of 4, £5.00 per person. Tables can be booked (pay in advance). The following just giving page can be used to make payments or donations. www.justgiving.com/ fundraising/andrea-burton4

Sunday 25th November Whitwick Militaria Fair Interested in Military history? A new indoor Militaria fair will be held in the sports hall at Hermitage Leisure Centre from 10am until 2pm. There will be knowledgeable dealers

selling medals, badges, de-acts, antique arms, RFC, RAF, aviation, books, home guard, military uniform, trench art, collectables , helmets and hats and more. Entry for adults is £3.50. Accompanying under 16s go free. For more information contact Norfolk fairs on norfolkfairs@aol. com or ring 07596436260

It’s FREE to put community information on this page or on our website. Please submit your full event details online at www.ibstocklife.co.uk/submit-event.html. Deadline for submissions for the Community Board or What’s On pages for the December issue is Thursday 15th November. Information is published subject to space being available. We always recommend that you check with the event organiser before your visit. Ibstock Life cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine. For any queries please email info@lifemagazines.co.uk

Let everyone know about your local event through online

Or for just £15 you can opt Upload your event FREE at to highlight your event www.ibstocklife.co.uk/submit-event.html This guarantees prime position at the top of the and we’ll share them with local audiences. online events page and inclusion in the magazine.*

See www.ibstocklife.co.uk/events today To advertise in Ibstock Life call 01530 417739 or email info@lifemagazines.co.uk

* subject to print deadlines


MRC COMMUNITY ACTION This month we turn our focus to the many services we offer to local children and families:

Little Dragons Den Soft Play

Open since 2010, Drago ons Den provides a relaxed soft play drop-in open everyy Monday, Thursday & Friday 9am - 3pm throughout the year. There’s a soft play area, large bouncy castle, lotss of age relevant toys and books, free ‘help yourself’ children’s drinks station and lots on the menu in n our Little Dragons Cafe. Take advantage of our loyalty card scheme and enjoy FREE PLAY SESSIONS. We also offer private weekend hire available for children’s parties

MRC Christmas Toy Appeal 2018

For more than 30 years MRC Community Action has been supporting local families at Christmastime with our Christmas Toy Appeal. Last year we provided over 90 sacks of toys to open on Christmas Day. Each year we collect brand new books, games, toys and gifts for local children who, for whatever reason, may not receive presents on Christmas day. Donations suitable for 8 years and under only. If you would like to donate to our appeal then please drop your donation in to The Marlene Reid Centre, Monday to Friday between 9am & 5pm. If you or your organisation would like to support our appeal please give us a call or email info@mrc.uk.net and we will be happy to send you an information pack.

The Marlene Reid Centre, 85 Belvoir Road, Coalville LE67 3PH Call us on 01530 510515 for more info or see www.mrc.uk.net

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Thinking about getting a kitten? Getting a kitten is an exciting prospect – they’re fun and entertaining, not to mention adorable and cute. But before you bring home your new furry friend, it’s important to check whether you’re fully prepared and that your home is kitten-friendly. So what do you need to think about before you bring your kitten home? Providing a safe and welcoming home environment A kitten’s early experiences in your home can influence their behaviour in the long-term. If they’re to settle in quickly you’ll need to provide a safe environment, plenty of love and attention, and a warm and comfortable place to sleep. What to feed your kitten Kittens have specific nutritional needs that develop as they grow. High quality food formulated specifically for kittens provides the protein, minerals, amino acids, and vitamins they need – your vet will be able to advise on different brands and ranges.

Fun and games Your kitten will need a scratching post, as well as toys to keep them entertained and use up some of that boundless energy. It doesn’t need to cost a forrtune – a d box can simple cardboard hours, along amuse them for h use toy they with a ball or mou can chase. Kittens provide endless entertainment with their antics and quirky behaviour. Giving careful thought to gs their surrounding and providing a ssafe, comfortable, and loving which they can environment in w thrive, is the greatest gift m. you can give them

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Wriggly Readers for children aged 0 - 4 years and their parents and carers. Join us for stories and songs every Monday afternoon from 2.15pm-2.45pm and every Thursday morning 10.15-10.45am. Construction Club runs fortnightly on Saturdays (10th and 24th November, 10.30am - 12noon). Let your imagination run wild playing with LEGO! Most suitable for 6 - 12 years, however families are welcome. Children to be accompanied by an adult. Free session but booking is essential.


Want to be creative? Come along to Colouring For Grown-Ups! The group meets every Thursday 1.00pm - 2.30pm. All materials are provided at this free session, everyone welcome. Ask staff for details. Our Craft & Chat Group meets every Friday from 10.30am - 12.30pm. Come along and join in with our craft projects (resources provided, or bring your own). Everyone welcome to join us. Limited spaces are available.

New local leaflet local Newdrops! Leaflet Drops Reach 6 homes in,000 e LE65 areth a FOR JUST

£35+VAT pe r 1000

Delivered with the Ibstock Life magazine by our established team of local distributors. Book now by calling 01530 417739 or email info@lifemagazines.co.uk 56

Find us online at www.ibstocklife.co.uk


Come along for a cuppa, a chat and d the chancce to get advice and meet friends at the Age UK Coffee Morning. Every Tuesday, 10.00am-12noon. Singing Café 4U meets every Friday, 1.30pm - 2.30pm. For people with mental health conditions such as dementia.


Our Work Club runs every Friday, 10.00am – 12noon. Looking for help getting back into work or training, becoming self-employed or starting your own business? Come along to the library for assistance and support. To contact the library please email coalvillelibrary@leics.gov.uk or call 0116 3053565.

Motorway Lessons Intensive Courses Help with Theory & Hazard Perception Discounts for Block Bookings

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NWLei Le eics ics s Lo Loc ocal a Sp Spo p rts rtts Alliancce e

Two new Steady Steps Classes are start ing on Thursday 1st November. The class es are at Packington Memorial Hall, Ashby from 10.30am to 12noon and Whitwick Park Hall, Whitwick from 1.30pm to 3pm. Thes e are completely free classes with refreshm ents included. If you would like to book, know someone that would benefit from thes e or would like further information plea se contact 01530 454 839.

Leicestershire Pare nt Carer H Hub

The Leicestershire Pa rent Carer forum represents parent an d carers of children with special education al needs or disabilities. You are inv ited along to find out what they are cu rrently working on, what they can do to help and how they ca n give you a voice. They are meeting 12th November 10am to 11 am in The Lounge at Agar Nook Comm unity Centre. For mo re information please rin g 01530 813 818 or email agarnook@outlo ok.com

Walk & Talk in Natur tu u e Frie end n ship Group

Join in a friendly, gentle walk around Sence Valley Forest Park led by loca l volunteer Roger, on the first Thursda y of the month from 2pm to 3.30pm. Expl ore the park, meet new people and feed the swans (optional). Free to attend and open to everyone. Dogs welcome. Meet at the Lower Car Park, Sence Valley Forest Park. Call Lisa Manley on 07966 111 026 or email lisa.manley@leics.gov.uk 58

D Don’t be Alone This Th h Ch Chris h tmas Day

Anyone who will be alone this Christmas day is invited for dinner and festivities at Swannington Village Hall from 12noon to 4pm. Transport can be arranged, and this is a free event. To book your place phone Mike or Hilary on 01530 451 105 or 07967 680 602.

é at afé ca o café a Histtory ocal Loca Lo ion tion oundati F re Moo Sii John Sir

Join a Heritage and wellbeing get-together for the over 50s. There will be tea, cake, a heritage presentation and an accompanying craft activity. To book your place on Tuesday 27th November from 10am to 12noon please contact Heather on 07803 586 805 or email heather.griffin@sirjohnmoore.org.uk

Book Make Friends with a 0pm at een 1pm and 2.3

tw Every Tuesday be come and u are invited to yo Coalville Library sharing a y jo friends and en relax, make new talk, you or ad pressure to re book. There is no as you lax re d in, sit down an can simply drop no is e er Th . story or poem listen to a good le. For ab ail av e refreshments ar d an k or ew m ho e library on n please ring th more informatio 0116 3053565.

es ices tice oti ty Not ity o Communit E Co REE FREE FR Did you know you can put community information on this page free of charge (subject to space). So, whether you are looking for new members, volunteers or just have some information that you’d like to let local people know about simply email the details over to us at info@lifemagazines. co.uk We’d love to hear from you!

For all the latest news and events follow us on Facebook & Twitter


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ON THE BEAT As many of us start to think about our Christmas shopping and what gifts we should buy including gift cards for those ‘hard to buy for’ relations, PC Garry Johnson warns us to be aware of the dangers of gift card fraud. Action Fraud has launched an awareness campaign with support from retailers to combat gift card fraud and warns shoppers to ‘stay tuned to fraud’ as £6.5 million is lost to gift card fraud. Between 1st April 2015 and 31st March 2018, 11,329 reports of fraud involving iTunes gift cards were made to Action Fraud. In the same period, £6,561,380 was lost to this type of fraud, with the average person losing £579. In some cases, fraudsters are contacting victims claiming to be from well-known organisations including Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). They are then tricking them into making payments using iTunes gift cards as they can be easily redeemed and sold on. How to protect yourself from gift card fraudsters • Gift cards, including iTunes gift cards can only be used to purchase goods and services from


Flying Quiz 1. A florist 2. Hamleys 3. Magic wands 4. Bath 5. Argos 6. 1990s (1994) 7. 90 8. Everything But The Girl


the retailer named on the card. Never provide the numbers on the back of iTunes Gift Cards to someone you don’t know. • No genuine organisation will ask you to pay taxes, bills or fees using iTunes Gift Cards, or any other type of voucher. If you’re contacted by anyone that asks you to do this, you’re very likely the target of a scam. Report it online to www.actionfraud.police.uk/ report_fraud or call 0300 123 20140 (Mon – Fri 8am to 8pm) PC GARRY JOHNSON Tel: 101 Email: garry.johnson@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk

9. Lily Allen 10. The Body Shop Wordwheel Answer: ULTIMATES Word Ladder Here is one possible solution (others may exist) STAR, scar, scab, slab, slap, slip, SHIP

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants & Payroll Accapita Aerials & Satellite K S Digital Stocktons Sateliite & Aerial Arts, Crafts & Gifts Ashby Bears Ashby Jewellers Gracie Jaynes The Olive Branch Toy Shop Builders AJM Building Services Beeston Building & Groundworks Carpets & Interiors Ashby Decorator Centre Richardsons Furniture The Bed Shop The Flooring and Bed Company The Suite Superstore Childcare, Schools & Tuition Swingboat Nurseries Chiropodists Ashby Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic Cleaning, Ironing, Laundry Services Molly Maid Oven Clean Spotless Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Toni’s Ironing Angels Dental Services Beautiful Dentures Driving Schools Bardon School of Motoring R D T School of Motoring Electricians Ramsell & Watkins Estate Agents Your Move Events & Attractions Alpaca Park Farm Ashby School Sixth form Open Evening Ashby Food Gusto Christmas Fair Rainbows Fireworks Display The Palace Community Centre Financial Services Vision Independent Financial Planning Garden Charnwood Tree Services Darren Robinson Eden Tree Care & Fencing Endurance Landscape Services Green Thumb (Ashby) Orchid Garden Services Staunton Hardwoods Sunnyside Garden Centre 62

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