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this issue 131
Local events and activities.…
What’s Around Editor Vanessa Preece
ThI month’s issue is jam packed with news of local events happening ThIs th month and across the summer. The 102nd Ashby Show takes this p place on Sunday 10th July and we’ve got all the info you need on t entertainment and attractions taking place on pages 10 and 11. the
Telephone 01530 417739
W Whatever your musical tastes Cattows Farm has something on offer fr from the Back to the 80’s, 90’s, 00’s Festival in August to the Le Leicestershire Jazz Concert in early June. Coalville Park is celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday with Proms and a Picnic on 11th and 12th Q (p13 June (p13).
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We’ve got ideas for family fun (p34) and a full listing of local events and activities in our What’s On section (p22 & 23) and don’t forget to head online to view our online events calendar at www.whatsaround.co.uk. Whatever you choose to do, have fun!
This Month
swannington heritage Trust
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Address Ashby Life Ltd Castle House South Street Ashby de la Zouch LE65 1BR
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Front Cover Image by Lesley Hextall
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Information is included on the What’s On and Community Board pages subject to space being available. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine.
38 42
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It’s Local
Just 4 Fun
What’s On... storytime
What’s On for Families In Your Garden
Ashby Museum News
What’s On at The Palace Your Wellbeing
Ibstock & Barlestone Surgeries In Your home
On the Beat
Health Fitness & Advice
Fun Quiz
Community Board
A Walk in the Forest
52 54
Seasonal Recipes
Book Reviews
Puzzle solutions
Business Directory
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this month Dads are often harder to buy for than mums. Rather than plump for a new book, shirt or plant again, why not give him the gift of time instead?
You could….
GO FOR A WALK - Check out www.ramblers.org.uk and www.walkingbritain.co.uk for ideas for routes, from a gentle stroll to a full on hike. You could even make a weekend of it by taking up the challenge of a longdistance route, stopping at B&Bs, cafes and pubs along the way. Take a look at www.nationaltrail.co.uk for details of long-distance walks, such as the Cotswold Way, which meanders through picturesque villages, beautiful countryside and ancient landmarks. GET ADVENTUROUS - If your dad is up for a spot of adventure, you could book in to go abseiling, skydiving, flying, or rock climbing together.
LEARN A NEW SKILL TOGETHER - Take the time to bond while learning something new. Depending on your dad’s interests you could start a cookery course, learn beekeeping, try your hand at archery or take up horse riding. If you’re struggling to commit to a longer course, you could always try a taster session.
TAKE AN INTEREST - Whether he’s happiest digging in the allotment or playing guitar, join him for an afternoon or evening and let him show you his world.
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it’s local
THE ASHBY SHOW THE 102nd Ashby Show will take place on Sunday 10th July at Cattows Farm in Heather.
The show’s Main sponsors are the Packington-based mushroom farmers and hereford Cattle breeders Livesey Brothers further cementing the show’s strong li k with ith the th local l l farming f i community. it Whilst Wh links the Ashby show remains a traditional agricultural event based around the Cattle, sheep, horse & Pony and show Jumping classes which attract exhibitors from all over the Country, there is little doubt that this is now a wonderful day out for all the family.
MAIN RING This is where the main entertainment takes place and this year’s timetable is packed with all sorts on offer.
The 1211 (swadlincote) sqn Marching Band will be opening and closing the main ring entertainment again while the headline act this year is Big Pete & the Grim Reaper Monster Truck show. This is a chance to watch 2 real Monster Trucks at work jumping over cars and crushing cars with amusing and entertaining radio commentary by the driver throughout the display. The Grim Reaper is now driven by 28 year old Karen shutler – the only female monster truck driver in Europe. Between the displays the public are invited to meet the team in the holding area and a chance to have your picture taken with a real monster truck. The 2 show times are 12.50pm and 4.30pm Also for the first time at Ashby show is Meirion Owen’s Quack Pack team of border collies and comical Indian Runner ducks. Providing a hilariously entertaining duck herding demonstration, Meirion likes to get children involved in each performance. The times of the shows are 1.20pm and 4.00 pm.
WIN! A family ticket...
What’s Around are giving one lucky winner the chance to WIN a family ticket and enjoy a fabulous day at the Ashby Show this July. To be in with a chance of winning simply mail us at: Ashby show Competition, Ashby Life, Castle house, south street, Ashby de la Zouch, LE65 1BR or email us at: competition@ashbylife.co.uk with the subject line ‘The Ashby Show Competition’ and your contact details.
Entries close on Friday 17th June. The winner will be chosen at random from all correct entries. The winner will be notified and can collect their tickets on the day. The winners name will also be published on our Facebook page. Multiple or automated entries are not allowed. We will not pass your details to any third party.
The Main Ring is also the place to see Atherstone hunt, the North Warwickshire Beagles, the Dove Valley Mink hounds and the Cattle Parade. Leicestershire Young Farmer’s Clubs will be putting on an entertaining floats display, with a wide range of themes, culminating in a hilarious water fight after the judging! TRADE STANDS Around 200 trade stands will be selling a diverse range of goods that include top quality British farm produce, clothing, jewellery and plants and equipment for the garden. These are all set out in avenues around the show ground as well as in Craft, shopping and British Farm Produce marquees.
ATTRACTIONS As well as showcasing the cream of British livestock and running show jumping classes throughout the day, there will be a range of other attractions too. The display of modern and vintage farm machinery is always popular, there’s a dog show, beer tent and traditional village green area where families can relax and enjoy great music and delicious food. Also new for this year there will be sheep shearing demonstrations taking place throughout the day.
TICKETS The show will run from 8.30am through to 6pm with free parking on site. Tickets cost £12.50 – adults, £10 – senior Citizens, £5 – Children (with under 4 years free) and £35 – Family (2 adults & 3 children). see www.ashbyshow.com for full details and a list of places to purchase tickets from.
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swannington heritage trust
Can you read the Gorse Field?
Events & Opportunities
HUNDREDS, if not thousands, of years of coal mining made the Gorse Field (next to Hough Mill) unsuitable for farming, so ploughs never destroyed the evidence of its industrial past. The pond near the mill is the where local people dug out the surface coal. In 2015 Trust volunteers spend hundreds of hours removing debris from the pond, clearing overgrown banks and making the edges safer for children. The quality and clarity of the water has improved dramatically; as a result there have been many clumps of frog spawn, the first for some years. Other craters are the remains of clay pits and they fill with water during winter before drying out in summer. The many hollows evidence the numerous bell pits and the later gin
STRAWBERRY FAYRE Sunday 26th June, 2pm to 5pm Scones, strawberries, cream and Pimms are always popular at the Strawberry Fayre from 2-5pm in Swannington Village Hall.
pits that from the fifteenth century enabled miners to work 150 feet (45 metres) underground. The replica gin is on the site of a former gin pit. The yellow flowers of the gorse are a delight. Gorse was harvested as a fuel as it burns fast and hot, very useful for raising the heat in a baker’s oven. Chopped gorse was mixed with clay to provide a waterproof daub to line pit shafts. Although gorse predominately flowers during the winter and spring, there is usually some in flower throughout the year. Other flowers in the Gorse Field include snowdrops, bluebells, rosebay willowherb and harebells. A network of footpaths from st George’s hill, Limby hall Lane, Moor Lane and Mill Lane enable walkers to visit the Gorse Field during the year.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Land Management 9am-1pm, Wednesdays and Fridays. Mill Maintenance 9am-1pm, Fridays. Archives (scanning and cataloguing) 7pm-9pm alternate Mondays. Mill Guides - 4 duties a season, summer Sundays. Secretary - for Management Committee meetings. Please email your interest to chairman@swannington-heritage. co.uk or call 01530 222 833. MILL OPENING TIMES Hough Mill is open 2pm to 5pm Sundays and Bank Holidays, April to September. Tours of the mill and coal mining trail by arrangement.
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a walk in the forest
Snarestone and the Ashby Canal
TThis easy stroll through the village of Snarestone, across the fields and back via the towpath of the Ashby canal is perfect for a sunny day. It also has the bonus of a t pub at the end where you can enjoy drinks or perhaps a pub lunch. p
TThe first half of the walk partly follows the route of the Ivanhoe Way and is well ssigned. Parts of the farm track and towpath can be muddy, particularly after wet weather, or similar. Allow around an hour for the walk. This section of the Ashby canal w ath we t er, th r so I’d r, ’ advise ’d adv dvi dv vis ise wearing w ari we rin ri ing ng walking w lk wa lki kin ing ng boots b is navigable from the national network and you may well spot a narrow boat cruising through the Snarestone tunnel to the current terminus of the canal a short distance further on. Wildlife that has been spotted along the final section of the canal includes kingfishers, cormorants and even a large terrapin, as well as the more usual ducks and swans! If you’d like to know more about the restoration of the canal and how you can get involved then take a look at the Ashby Canal Association website at www.ashbycanal.org.uk.
The walk starts from The Globe pub, on Main street in the T v village of snarestone. Taking the B4116 from Measham t towards Twycross turn left when you see the snarestone sign - this will lead you into Main street where you should be a able to park by the roadside in the village. For sat nav users tthe postcode is DE12 7DB. O On Main street walk along the pavement through the vvillage, walking away from the B4116 so that The Globe (1) is o on your right. You will pass by the school on your left and t then, a little further along, a telephone box (2) and the war m memorial(3) on your right. Just after passing the war m memorial look out for a track on your right (Thorp Lane). T i h h d then, h Turn right here and almost immediately, bear left to follow the Ivanhoe Way footpath sign. The path will lead you across a small field and then over a stile (4). C Continue following the Ivanhoe Way footpath arrows - cross a another field and keep to the right when you come to a small a area of scrub land. At the next field keep the hedgerow on y your right and at the field corner bear left and then rright around the field edge. soon after this you will emerge o onto a farm track. Turn right, leaving the Ivanhoe Way at tthis point, and the follow the farm track between the (5) . h hedgerows A After a while the track crosses a bridge over the path of a d disused railway and then a little further it arrives at a G Gopsall Wharf and the Ashby canal. Don’t go over the canal b bridge to the wharf, instead turn right immediately before t bridge and follow the grassy slope down to the towpath. the T remainder of the route is easy as you just keep following The tthe towpath back to snarestone but there is plenty to enjoy o on the way. As the towpath goes underneath bridge number 5 59 (6) a weeping willow hangs over the water on the opposite s side and you may see ducks or swans on the grass nearby. C Continuing along you will come to the opening of the th tunnel t l you need d to t s snarestone tunnel ahead of you (7). Just before the canal enters the b bear right and follow the path up towards the pack of The Globe public house. Walk s straight ahead to reach Main street and return to your start point in snarestone village.
All walks are checked shortly before publication but please be aware that paths may change A o over time and with the seasons.
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just 4 fun
solutions on page 60
CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.
solutions on page 60
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what’s on...
June Saturday 11th June
Sinatra using songs and
Netherseal Fete
stories to bring 'Ol' Blue
A fabulous, traditional fete
Eyes' back to the stage.
in the grounds of
Starts 7.30pm. Tickets: £8
Newlands House, Main
advance, £10 on the door.
Street, Netherseal, DE12
Call 01530 278 444.
8DA. Stalls, live music and entertainment, fun dog
Saturday 18th June
show, RAF flypast and
Social Dance
refreshments. 12noon to
at The Club, Station Road,
5pm. Entrance £1.50,
Bagworth at 8pm. Entry
under 12’s free. All
£2 on the door. This is a
proceeds to Leonard
monthly event. They also
Cheshire Disability. Call
have charity dances every
01283 761 202 for further
two months on a Friday
and tea dances every Wednesday from 1-30pm.
Wednesday 1st June
children. Starts 2pm.
Tuesday 14th to
All welcome. Details from
Snoopy & Charlie Brown:
Tickets: Adult £3, Child
Saturday 18th June
Ken or Glenda on 01530
The Peanuts Movie (U)
£2. Book online at www.
For the Love of Alice
230 467.
Snoopy and all the gang
centurytheatre.co.uk or
A new comedy by Mary
return for their latest big
call 01530 278 444.
screen outing. Fun for all
Barker will be shown each
Wednesday 22nd June
evening at 7.30pm at The
Lynda’s Annual
the family at the Century
Friday 3rd June
Venture Theatre, Ashby.
Coffee Morning and
Theatre, Snibston. Starts
Youth (15).
Tickets cost £8 and £9
Rummage Sale
2pm. Tickets: £3 adult, £2
A retired orchestra
from Ashby TIC (01530 411
There are lots of stalls to
child. Book online at
conductor (Michael
767) or can be purchased
visit including books,
Caine) is on holiday in
online at
cakes, raffle, dvd’s, dc’s
or call 01530 278 444.
the Alps when he receives
tombola, white elephant
an invitation from the
and refreshments many
Friday 3rd June
Queen to perform at
Quick Flicks
Prince Philip's birthday.
Friday 17th June
jigsaw puzzles, Phoenix
6 short films made by
Also starring Harvey
Dad’s Army (U).
cards, crafts and jewellery.
Pudding Bag Productions
Keitel, Paul Dano & Jane
New star - studded
Donations for any stall
at The Venture Theatre,
Fonda. Starts 7.30pm.
adaptation of the ever-
can be left with Lynda at
Ashby. 7.30pm. FREE entry
Tickets £3.50 pay on the
popular comedy series
3 Manor Road call 01530
but please book with
door. Call 01530 278
starring Bill Nighy, Toby
260 016 or with Hazel at
Ashby TIC 01530 411 767.
Jones & Catherine Zeta
14 Cotsmore Close. All
Jones. Starts 7.30pm.
items gratefully received.
more. There will also be
Friday 3rd June
Friday 10th June
Tickets £3.50 pay on the
All proceeds go to Heather
Goosebumps (PG)
door. Call 01530 278 444.
Church Tower Fund. From
Live action comedy thriller
Catch the latest instalment
starring Jack Black, based
from 007 with Packington
Saturday 18th June
on the teenage novels by
film club at Packington
His Way - The Frank
R.L. Stine showing at
Memorial Hall. 7pm for
Sinatra Story
Until Sunday 26th June
Century Theatre, Snibston.
7.30pm start. £4 entry.
Robert Habermann
Ferrers Gallery Pick
Some scenes may be
Tea and coffee served
presents his highly
and Mix Exhibition
unsuitable for younger
from 7pm and costs £1.
acclaimed story of Frank
Ferrers Gallery’s mixed
10am to 2.30pm at 3
Find us online at www.whatsaround.co.uk
Manor Road, Heather.
performed by the popular
Saturday 2nd July
Ashby Concert Band, at
Charnwood Orchestra
Holy Trinity Church,
end their season in
Ashby at 7.30 pm. The
spectacular style with an
event is in aid of the
exciting concert of 20th
District Air Ambulance,
century English music
Ashby Rotary President
including The Planets. The
Judith Pearson’s chosen
concert will be in the
charity for 2016. Music
Church of St James the
will include tunes from
Greater, London Road,
popular films featuring
Leicester starting at 7.30.
Batman, Superman,
There will be an interval
Antman, Thor, The
bar. The programme
Incredibles and many
consists of three pieces by
more. Tickets price £10,
Vaughan Williams: The
which includes interval
Wasps Overture; Fantasia
Wednesday 29th June
refreshments, are
on ‘Greensleeves’ and his
named Pick and Mix
Bosworth Battlefield
available from Band and
Tuba concerto followed by
showcasing the best of
Heritage Talks
Rotary Club members,
Holst’s monumental
quirky and inspirationally
‘Richard III –from villain to
from the Ashby Tourist
orchestral suite The
creative British
hero’ hosted by John
Information Centre, or by
Planets. Tickets cost £12,
craftsmanship. Featuring
Whitehead. One of a series
phoning 01530 222 934.
£10 (concessions) and £3
over 20 artists and makers,
of evening talks exploring
media exhibition aptly
for accompanied children
Pick and Mix will allow
different aspects of the
Saturday 2nd July
visitors to see the diversity
story of the Battle of
Summer Fair
bought by Paypal from
of talent that the UK’s
Bosworth. All talks
At St Michael's Church,
designer/makers have to
commence at 7.30pm. £6
Ravenstone from 2.30pm
.org.uk from the Box
offer as the top and middle
per person to include light
in the lovely grounds of
Office (07718 153117) or
floors of the gallery will
refreshment. Call 01455
Ravenstone Court,
take on a new lease of life.
290 429 or visit www.
Hospital Lane.
m or from Visit Leicester,
Ferrers Gallery is situated
Refreshments, raffle,
51, Gallowtree Gate,
on the Staunton Harold
tombola, games, bric-a-
Leicester (0116 299 4444),
Estate in the Ferrers
brac, books. Free Entrance.
from members of the
Everyone welcome.
orchestra or on the door.
Centre for Art and Craft
under 16. They can be
and is open Tuesday Sunday 11am - 5pm. Entry
Saturday 2nd July
to the gallery and
Superheroes Concert –
exhibition is free. Call
Ashby Rotary presents a
01332 863 337.
Superheroes Concert,
It’s FREE to put community information on this page or on our website. Please submit your full event details online at www.whatsaround. co.uk/event.php Deadline for submissions for the Community Board or What’s On pages for both the July and August issues is Thursday 9th June. Information is published subject to space being available. What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine. For any queries please email admin@whats around.co.uk
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Boat Number BARNEY secured the last of the pedalos, and gazed with satisfaction out over the boating lake. The ducks were returning to smuggler’s Island nd and the water was as still as a tea tea tray.
After four years as first mate, Barney had finally been trusted to take charge. This morning, Mr Vaughn, better known as Captain, handed over the cash tin. Muttering something about a trial run, possible partnership and avoid using boat number six, he’d staggered off for an all day meeting at The Dolphin.
And what a busy day it had been. The late morning sun had scorched off the clouds and by midday a queue of holiday makers had stretched along the jetty.
All he had to do now was lock the shed. he opened the door and noticed two flowery beach bags hanging on the peg. Barney’s heart sank. Customers must have given them to him to take care of, and he’d neglected to return them. Captain would grumble, but it might be overlooked considering the weight of the cash tin.
he then remembered the customers. how could he forget them? With supreme lack of coordination, and fits of giggles, that pair of elderly ladies had climbed aboard their pedalo. he was amazed they didn’t get a dipping. Following that fiasco, they had pedalled around in circles singing ‘We are sailing’ before eventually disappearing around the side of smuggler’s Island. he also remembered that he had put them in boat number six.
A canary yellow two-seater pedalo, boat number six had been patched up more times than he’d had chip suppers. Captain had retired her at the end of last season. But Barney had wanted impressive takings and that meant putting every vessel to work.
With a curious feeling of dread Barney studied the pedalos sitting calmly on the darkening water. As instructed he had
line lined ed them th up numerically. There Ther was boat number five, fiv and next to it boat number seven. Boat number six was not in position. he quickly counted the boats, and counted them again. he counted them slowly just to be certain. Boat number six si was missing.
On his h first day in charge not only onl had Barney lost a vessel, ve essel, he had h also lost its crew. he dreaded the thought of a humiliating all night lake dredging. It was deep in places, but just how deep Barney had hoped never to find out.
he glanced at his watch. he was expected in the Dolphin in ten minutes, but there was still time. he un-tethered a little rowing boat. With determined strokes he rowed out onto the lake. The ducks quacked with annoyance. The water was worryingly still. Then he heard a sound like a rusty saw. Backwards and forwards it went, slowly, deliberately, like someone lazily sawing wood for the fire. It appeared to be coming from the bulrushes along the banks of smugglers Island. he peered into the reeds and saw a flash of yellow. It had to be boat number six, but where was its crew? “Ahoy there!” Barney called nervously. The sawing ended abruptly. “Is anyone aboard?”
“Hello?” a shaky voice replied, “Wake up Gert, we must have nodded off”.
In the shadows the ladies rubbed their eyes and began to stand.
“I don’t want to alarm you but you’re in a pedalo”, Barney called. “I’d advise you to sit tight”.
It was with great relief that Barney towed boat number six home on her final ever voyage. All the while the ladies serenaded him with ‘We are sailing’ in booming carefree voices. Barney smiled, and joined in with the chorus.
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By Jackie Brewster
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fun quiz
Answers on page 60
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health & fitness advice with Mark Padgett of MP Personal Training
Why wouldn't you want to lose weight? before
WE all probably know by now that we should manage our weight, as we are bombarded by the media on a daily basis. so, despite that, why don't we put ourselves out and do it! We put the right fuel into our car because we know that, if we don't, it will not function properly, if at all. We wouldn't overfill our car because we know it will damage it, then we wouldn’t be able to get about.
Why do we treat our bodies this way? Most of us have a ‘default’ setting which seems to be, to do the bare minimum for our health. We seem keener to spend money on the things that don’t help us such as alcohol and indulgent meals or something that will make us feel good but doesn't involve expending energy like makeovers or teeth whitening.
I speak from personal experience. I was 4 stone overweight. It felt pretty miserable and unhealthy. I
couldn't move so well, my joints hurt, my breathing was heavy and I was generally unhappy.
My GP told me to lose weight but I didn’t want to accept it, so carried on as I was. Then the penny dropped, I needed to help myself... so I changed my default setting to positive and began the weight loss journey!
It was such an exciting journey, I would weigh myself just once a week. It was great when friends started to notice, giving me really positive feedback. Yes, there were a few setbacks on the way but I got there in the end.
Now I am here to help you. I do this for a living because I know so many people feel like I did. It’s great to share my experience and qualifications with you and so many people have achieved so much from it. What are you waiting for? I’m here to help you!
Call me on 01530 815610 or 07855 668618 or email mark@mppersonaltraining.co.uk
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what’s on for families... THURSDAY 2ND JUNE Ting Tang Theatre presents The Tale of Peter Rabbit at Rosliston Forestry Centre. This interactive show in a fun, pantomime style was written especially for young audiences. The audience become Mr McGregor’s allotment where the action takes place. Peter may need his allotment friends to help him escape from Mr McGregor’s angry clutches! shows at 11am, 1pm and 3pm. Performance approximately 45 minutes. All tickets £5 per person, under 2’s FREE. The show is scheduled to be outdoors so please wear appropriate clothing and bring along a rug / chair and refreshments. see www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk for details.
For local family fun in the sun this month you’re spoilt for choice with all types of events taking place throughout June. Here’s our round up of our favourites. For a full list don’t forget to check out our online events calendar at www.ashbylife.co.uk
FRIDAY 3RD JUNE Chorus Theatre lead this popular drama workshop at Jaks Academy in Ashby, where kids aged 8 – 14 years create their own short performance for parents at the end of the day.
10am to 6.30pm plus performance. Cost: £15 per child (£25 for 2 from the same household). To book email office@chorustheatre.co.uk or call 01530 417 324.
SUNDAY 12TH JUNE Picnic in the Park returns once again to Coalville Park on London Road. There’s so much going on with live entertainment hosted by Hermitage FM, Leicestershire Co-op Brass Band, Elbow Jane (acoustic folk), Queen II tribute band and the fabulous Jive Aces (swing meets rock n roll). For the kids there’s rides, arts workshops and even a rugby village. Park entertainment will include the magnificent Black Eagles acrobatic show and supporting local organisations demonstrations. 12noon to 6pm. Free Entry. Call 01530 454603 or email angela.bexton@nwleicestershire.gov.uk SATURDAY 18TH JUNE Olivia’s Journey Family Fun Day offers family fun for all ages whilst raising money for a great cause. There will be a Car Boot (£5 per car entry), Bouncy Castles, Raffle, Tombola, BBQ & Bar, Fair Rides, stalls, Games and all activities are taking place to raise funds for the Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre in Nottingham. Doors open 1pm at Hermitage Leisure Centre. Entry is free.
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SUNDAY 5TH JUNE Enjoy Open Farm Sunday at Little Markfield Farm. see the sheep being sheared and their wool being spun. see Cows, sheep, Pigs and Chickens with their babies or feed the lambs! Meet Pen the Red-Tail hawk, Fosse & Watling. There will also be cookery demonstrations by 2 professional chefs, a Land Rover Club Display, Modern & Vintage Farm Machinery, over 30 Craft & Food stalls, a Civil War Re-enactment and much more. 10.30am to 4.30pm. £1 entry fee per adult, children under 16 free. Contact Brenda on brenda_featherstone@hotmail.com or via telephone 07774 047571 for further information.
SUNDAY 19TH JUNE Kite Flying for Father’s Day - Treat Dad to a day out on Father's day and take him along to Calke Abbey’s annual kite flying event.
Booking not needed. Free event (admission applies). 11am to 4pm.
UNTIL 30TH JUNE Don’t miss out! June is the last month to enjoy the Stick Man Activity Trail at hicks Lodge. Join stick Man on his forest adventure - set off with a hop and a twirl and help get him back to the family tree! Pick up an activity pack from the forest, follow the trail and complete activities along the way - activity packs come with trail leaflet, activity sheets, pencil, crayon and pipe cleaners to make your own stick Man. Packs cost £3. see www.forestry.gov.uk/stickman or call 01889 586 593.
Our online What’s On section at www.whatsaround.co.uk also has details of local events and ideas for family days out. send us details of your family events or clubs at www.whatsaround.co.uk/submit-event.php
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in your garden
Editorial by Pippa Greenwood
Troublesome Weeds WHY is it that weeds always seem to grow faster and more vigorously than pretty well anything you actually choose to plant in your garden? Top of my weed hate list is hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta), which produces a little rosette of leaves topped with a short spike with tiny white flowers, and I despise it because it spreads so quickly. Weeds are typically described as ‘any plant which is growing in the wrong place’ such as your flowerbeds, your vegetable garden, your shrubbery or your lawn. So what makes weeds such a nuisance?
• They feed and take up moisture in great quantities and some-times compete actively with nearby garden plants. • They can create shade and stunt the growth of nearby plants. • Those with a ground-cover like effect can cause the growth of garden plants to be distorted or held back.
• Weeds may harbour pests or diseases.
So what can you do to try to minimise the problems they cause without spending hours with a hoe?
• Get on top of weeds early in the year - removing as many as possible before your garden plants start to grow strongly makes weeding easier and cuts down on the amount of competition the weeds cause. A hoe is one of the quickest ways to effectively kill off most annual weeds, but it needs to be a good one. • Disturb the soil as little as possible when you weed to prevent dormant weed seeds from germinating. • some people avoid anything other than an early weeding and a late weeding, as they find that regular weeding seems to bring more seeds to the surface and encourages germination. • Remove your weeds before they set seed. • Avoid composting any weeds which are setting seed, have set seed or have particularly pernicious and resilient roots (e.g. dock and dandelion).
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• When removing deep-rooted weeds such as dock and dandelion, always make sure that you take out every fragment of root, as each piece left behind has the potential to form a new plant. The best tool I know for removing dandelion roots is my little redhandled weeder, see www.pippa greenwood.com/products/goodgrowing for more information. • Don’t take a short cut by rotovating ground which is heavily infested with weeds such as dandelions, docks, nettles or couch grass, as you’ll be chopping up their roots and helping to create more plants!
• If you want to sow annuals or vegetable crops directly and minimise later problems with weeds, then try the stale seedbed technique. Prepare the area you intend to sow well in advance of your proposed seed sowing date, which allows dormant weed seeds to germinate; remove the weed seedlings and then sow or plant up as you wish. This should give you fewer problems later on.
• Many weeds can be kept at bay if you cover the soil surface with two to three inches (5 – 7.5 cm) of mulch.
• use weedkillers with caution and ensure you choose one appropriate for the problem you have. Weedkillers are designed to kill off plants and they can do a lot of damage if allowed to contaminate your garden.
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ashby museum news
new book ‘Return to the Sixpenny Switchback’ by Keith Gilliver is now available to buy from our shop.
The original book was written by Peter White and J.W. storer in 1983. It described a typical journey on the route of the Burton & Ashby Light Railways from its terminus in front of Burton Town hall, through the town, crossing the river Trent nt and up Bearwood hill pastt the stanhope Arms and across the fields to Newhall (where the book gained its name ‘The Sixpenny Switchback’ from the undulating track). It then ran down into swadlincote, where the Company had its headquarters
and Power generating station. The new book significantly updates the previous one with additional information and photographs showing the route “Then and Now” as well as a N comprehensive section c on o the discovery and return of Tram 14 from r Detroit to its new home at D statfield Barn. There is s also an additional section, a written by Ken hillier, on the w social effects the B&ALR had s on the towns it passed o tthrough, in particular Ashby. summer programme of town Our su history walks has begun. If you’d like to discover more about Ashby’s fascinating history then why not join our experienced guides on Wednesday 8th June or Wednesday
17th August. Walks start from the Museum at 7pm and cost £3.50. Call the Museum to book a place. Details of this year’s Ian Clews Writing Competition have gone out to local schools. Last year, three pupils from Congerstone and Griffydam Primary schools shared the £100 prize money and we hope to receive some fascinating stories about the Edwardian parachute queen, Dolly shepherd, this time. We have welcomed several new volunteers to the Museum recently but can always accommodate more. If you have a couple of hours a fortnight to spare and would like to join our friendly team, then please get in touch with us on 01530 560090, or pop in to see us in person (preferably on a Monday or Wednesday morning).
FRIENDS OF ASHBY MUSEUM A date for your diary: the Friends of Ashby Museum are organising a quiz at Packington Memorial hall on Friday October 21st. More details later.
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what’s on at the palace...
Pelenna Valley Welsh Male Voice Choir with guest choir In Concert
The Palace Film Night ‘Spectre’ (PG13)
Friday 3rd June, 7.30pm A cryptic message from the past leads James Bond (Daniel Craig) to Mexico City and Rome. Doors/ bar open at 7.00 pm. Film starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £5/£4.
‘The Hut People’ in concert
Saturday 11th June from 7.30pm The hut People bring their truly unique highoctane blend of folk music from around the world to Ibstock Palace. Accordionist sam Pirt and percussionist Gary hammond both have extensive backgrounds in music, having been part of and performed alongside legendary acts such as The Beautiful south, Nina simone, The Dubliners & sharon shannon, their playing is still very much in high demand. This is high-octane feel-good music from a very likeable duo that have the ability to get the whole audience involved and loving it – before the end of the first tune. www.thehutpeople.co.uk. Tickets: £8, concs £6, Combo ticket (1 Full & 2 concs) £16.
The Palace Wine Club wine tasting evening
Wednesday 15th June, 7.30pm Tickets: £8. Limited to a maximum of 30 places! Tel: Gary at The Palace on 01530 262400 or Corinne 01530 451725 to reserve your place.
The Palace Film Night ‘Dad’s Army’ (PG)
Friday 17th June, 7.30pm The Walmington-on-sea home Guard platoon deal with a visiting female journalist and a German spy as World War II draws to its conclusion. Doors/ bar open at 7pm. Tickets: £5/£4.
Saturday 18th June, 7.30pm This world famous Welsh Male Voice Choir make a welcome return visit. Concert starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £10 from halls Electrical, high street, Ibstock, Tel: 01530 260460.
The Palace Bingo
Friday 24th June Doors open at 7.30pm. Eyes Down at 8pm. A great social night out! Licensed bar and refreshments. Everyone welcome.
Palace Social Dance
Saturday 25th June, from 7pm A very popular evening of Ballroom, Latin, and sequence Doors & bar open at 7.00 pm. Dancing from 7.30 pm ‘till 10.30 pm. Tickets: £5.
Coming soon... The Palace Line Dance
Friday 1st July with honky Tonk Cliff. A great social night out with no partner required! Dancing from 7.45 pm. Doors & bar open at 7.00pm. Tickets: In advance £5 from The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or halls Electrical Tel: 01530 260460 or £6 on the door.
Leicestershire Co-op Snibston Band presents ‘Brass in Bloom’
Saturday 2nd July, 7.30pm Tickets £6 (ChILDREN FREE) available from halls Electrical or Tel: 07935 263988.
‘Outside Edge’
Friday 8th and Saturday 9th July The Palace Players present this comedy by Richard harris, tickets £5.
TICKET BOOKING - To book advanced tickets for any event please contact The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical Tel: 01530 260460. Tickets can be purchased ‘on the door’ (subject to availability). Please check with ticket outlets to avoid disappointment. 44
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Regular bookings... Monday
Mosaic Disability Services, 9.30am-3.30pm Call Amanda Tebbutt on 0116 2318720 or 07912 480961.
Fitness Pilates class, 7.45pm-8.45pm Focussing on core stability whilst improving tone and body alignment through controlled movement. Contact Michelle on 07887 678367.
Bubbles Playgroup, 10.30am-12noon Contact Gary on (01530) 262400.
ME Sports, 4pm-5pm Afternoon dance and movement session for girls and boys from 4-14 years to enjoy. For more information or to book a place call 07584 568937.
Circuit Training, 6.45pm-7.45pm Call Curtis smith on 07870 498110 or 01455 291656.
Tai Chi, 8pm-9pm Call Doug Gerrard on 07969 480684.
NEW – ‘Simply Ballroom’ Tea Dance Fortnightly, on a Wednesday, starting Wednesday 27th April, 2pm to 4pm, £3.50 entry. An afternoon of dancing, socialising and great music. Call 07768 372321 for more details. 50+ Fitness Pilates, 9.30am-10.30am A specially designed program to encourage maintenance and flexibility of muscles used in our everyday movements providing a sense of harmony and wellbeing. Call Michelle on 07887 678367. ‘FITSTEPS’ 6pm to 7pm - dance/exercise class. Contact Rose Debney 07562 331041 or email rosemarydebney@gmail.com.
Palace Players, 7.30pm-9.45pm For anyone who is interested in getting involved with any aspect of amateur theatre. Contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for more details.
‘Healthy Hearts’, 9.30am-10.20am A low impact aerobic workout specifically designed for the 50+ age group. Call Michelle on 07887 678367.
50+ Fitness Pilates, 10.30am-11.30am
Call Michelle scott-Worthington on 07887 678367.
Outlook Group, 1.30pm-3pm A social group for senior citizens for details call Elaine hodgetts on 01530 262400.
‘Weightwatchers’ class, 7pm-8pm For details call Jo Wyld on 07877 281831 or email jwyld@weight-watchers.co.uk
Tai Chi, 10am – 11am Call Michael Cashmore on 07714 215216.
Ibstock Soccertots!, 1.45pm-2.30pm For 2, 3 and 4 year olds – a fun way for young children to learn fundamental sports skills. Contact ME sports on 07584 568937.
Childrens Dance Classes Beginners Ballet 4-4.45pm; Beginners Tap 4.45-5.30pm; Musical Theatre 5.30-6.15pm Contact Miss Jessica of Rochelle school of Dance (established over 60 years in the area) 01455 636514, 07949 121442 or email office@rochelle-dance.com.
Monthly Bingo - on a FRIDAY Friday 24th June. Doors open 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8pm. Licensed bar and refreshments. A great social night out for all.
Community Morning, 10am-12noon. Every saturday (except the 1st saturday each month) the Palace plays host to groups, organisations and associations from the village, including the Ibstock historical society. If you would like to learn more about what is going on in your community, come along to the Palace. Also a variety of market stalls selling locally produced goods, including delicious home made cakes. Light refreshments available.
The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Tel (01530) 262400. Email:enquiries@thepalaceibstock.co. Visit www.thepalaceibstock.co.uk for more details To advertise in WHAT’S AROUND call 01530 417739 or email info@whatsaround.co.uk
your wellbeing
WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY WORLD Blood Donor Day on 14th June is an annual World Health Organisation event. This year’s campaign celebrates blood donors, highlighting the idea that blood connects us all. It seeks to raise awareness of the need for regular blood donation, inspiring more people to become blood donors.
WHY SHOULD YOU GIVE BLOOD? It’s easy to find reasons not to donate, but also easy to assume blood will be available if we need it. however, in the uK we need over 6,000 people to give blood every day to meet our needs; around 67% is used to treat medical conditions, 27% in surgery (including emergencies) and 6% to treat blood loss after childbirth.
WHO CAN GIVE BLOOD? If you’re fit, healthy, aged 16 to 66 and weigh over 7 stone 12lbs or 50kg, you should be able to start donating blood. Men can give blood every 3 months and women, every 4 months.
however, some things can affect your eligibility, such as organ transplantation, travel to certain countries and existing medical conditions. You can check your eligibility on the Nhs website www.blood.co.uk/who-can-give blood.
PREPARING TO GIVE BLOOD You can register online at www.blood. co.uk, by calling 0300 123 2323, or at a blood donation session. To donate, book an appointment or drop in at your next local session. To make your donation as comfortable as possible, ensure that beforehand you: • Eat regularly.
• Get a good night's sleep.
• Drink plenty of fluids (but avoid alcohol for 24 hours).
• Wear loose, comfory clothing.
• Avoid strenuous exercise.
• Know your medical and travel history.
2SO WHAT HAPPENS 22WHEN YOU DONATE 2BLOOD? Pre-booked appointments shouldn’t take over an hour; take a friend or book to distract you if you’re nervous.
You’ll be given a drink to keep you hydrated. Your identity and health check details will be confirmed, and your iron levels will be checked by testing blood from your finger.
A small cuff is placed on your arm to maintain a light pressure and the donation site will be cleaned with antiseptic before the needle, connected to a blood bag with your unique donor number, is inserted.
A special scale constantly measures your donated blood until the 470ml mark is reached, which usually takes 5-10 minutes. You shouldn’t feel any pain. Once the needle is removed, a sterile dressing is applied to your arm. AFTER YOUR DONATION You should keep the pressure roll on for 30 minutes and the dressing on for 6 hours. You’ll be sent to the refreshment area to relax and encouraged to have a snack and at least 2 drinks before you leave.
You should avoid having a hot bath and using your donation arm for anything strenuous for the rest of the day. Most people feel fine, but if you feel dizzy, sick, hot or shaky, drink plenty of fluid and lie down until you feel better. If bleeding recurs, sit down, raise your arm and press on the area until it stops. If you become unwell (other than a cold or cold sore) within 2 weeks, or believe there’s a reason your blood shouldn’t be used, you should call 0300 123 2323.
BECOME A LIFESAVER Think of saving a life and you probably imagine rescuing someone from an accident or a fire. But by becoming a blood donor, you could save a life every time you donate. So why not register today?
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ibstock & barlestone surgeries
AS this comes through your doors we’ll be in the middle of the change to our new computer system. This is a really big event for everybody who works here and has taken a great deal of planning. We would like to apologise again for any inconvenience this causes any of our patients but hope we’ll
soon be back to normal using a better and futureproof system.
THANK YOU Dr houghton ran the London Marathon at the end of April in a great time of 4 hours and 48 minutes. she raised almost £2,000 for Sense, the charity for deaf and blind people, well above her target. she would like to say a massive thanks to all patients and staff who sponsored her and helped raise the money. It really is a great cause. As a result of successfully bidding t be part of a Clinical Pharmacists to in General Practice pilot late last year we have now employed a second pharmacist, Bhavnita Mistry. she will be working alongs side sylvia Otter, our other pharmacist to help patients get t the most from their medications a and support the doctors with their prescribing.
Another recent change here is that Dr Stack reduced his working days to 1 a week from April 1st.
ADVANCE NOTICE Don’t forget we have a really great Patient Participation Group and the next meeting is here at Ibstock at 6pm on Wednesday 15th June. Anybody who’s a patient is very welcome.
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in your home
Admit defeat. Call a professional. We all have one. A list, in our heads or written down, of those little jobs you are going to get round to doing. The door that squeaks or doesn’t shut; the tap that drips; the picture which cost a small fortune yet still isn’t hung; the wobbly paving slab outside; the stain on the ceiling where the shower leaked…running a house is an endless series of maintenance work.
For women particularly, few have the luxury of not working at all. The little jobs pile up and you are going to get round to doing them… but you don’t. It’s time to call The Professionals.
When you’ve cooked a delicious family roast dinner, or made a bubbling apple crumble, what you are supposed to do is thoroughly wipe down the oven afterwards. however, having eaten a big meal and naturally preferring to sit down and let your food digest, it’s a chore enough just to do the post-meal clear up. Cleaning the oven is often at best a superficial wipe over. still the time comes when it needs to be done thoroughly so off you trot to buy sprays and gels, rubber gloves and then dedicate an afternoon to doing it. It’s really boring and generally the result is ‘okay’ but not great. The Professionals An oven cleaning company will do the job in a couple of hours and it’s no exaggeration to say your oven will look like it’s brand new. Even those tricky wire racks will be gleaming. You’ll want to leave the oven door open just so everyone can see how immaculate and shiny it is! SMALL CLOTHES REPAIRS
Those trousers that were always too long, that favourite skirt that needs taking in (or letting out!), or that seam that has mysteriously ripped. Admit it, you have a little pile of clothes needing some TLC and you are going to mend them as soon as you can find your reading glasses/the right colour thread/a needle.
The Professionals It’s such a relief to hand little jobs like that over to someone else (who can usually do a neater job anyway) and it’s really not expensive.
NOT so many years ago, women gave up work as soon as they were married. Even before they had children, their duty was to run the house, and it was a full time job. With the advent of labour saving devices such as the vacuum cleaner, washing machine, and electric iron, much of the work could be carried out in a fraction of the time. In theory then, everything in our homes is spick and span, because we have so much more time. In practice it’s quite a different story.
The Professionals Get that list on paper, and call a man-who-can. Those nagging little tasks will be done in a jiffy, and peace will reign at home.
Although hard floors are very popular these days most homes still have carpets in some rooms. In the living room it helps to deaden sound; in the bedroom to keep it warm. unlike hard floors they can’t just be washed though, so over time they start to become grubby. You can buy carpet cleaning machines. They’re nothing like as good as professional models. You can hire professional machines, but in either case you’d better have had some fitness training before you start using them. It’s really taxing work, and if you didn’t have a bad back before, you probably will afterwards. The Professionals The industrial strength cleaning equipment they’ll use is a good enough reason to employ a carpet cleaning company in itself, as the end result is likely to be better than anything you can do yourself.
If you recognise any of these areas as jobs you have been putting off have a flick through these pages – you’ll find plenty of local Professionals who will free your mind of the guilt about outstanding chores - even making the call will make you feel better!
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community board iser Fundra m y G S LO R O St James
Training at , Coalville. Personal et with MP hfield Stre , auction, ig H e, tr Cen ola e Business ffle, tomb ra s, ge n 100% of th le Gym Chal and much more!! ee fr d an y ents entr OS. Free refreshm go to LOR ls email proceeds g. For more detai gett at ad parkin P n Sallyan co.uk or g. in Mark and n ai tr ppersonal 0 815 610. m k@ ar m on 0153 call them
all s Footb e h c r u h Interc urnament king To ent is ta to tournam pm
Somme 100
A brief commemo ration service led by the Town Council is be held at the Ash to by de la Zouch wa r memorial starting 10.45am on Saturd at ay 2nd July.
Coleorto n
and New Dates fo Lount V r June: C ole olunteer Reserve 21st and orton Wood 7th Group usually 2 and 11th 5 th June. W last 4 ho June. N ork sess urs. Volu or part o e w Lou ion nteers a f any se ss re welco s start at 10am nt you can ion. If you are a me to g o along nd contact interest for ed cole www.cn orton11@gma in joining the gro all il. lvg.moo up nfruit.co com or see .uk.
otball from 1 ether fo oturf pitches es to be a hes Tog str mis ro p d very A Churc the Ivanhoe A n June a tors are n place o Saturday 18th rnoon. Specta ale. Anyone e s n 5pm o ve but fun aft ks will be on artake ke to p 417 rin titi compe . Cakes and d who would li 530 1 0 ll e h a c m rc welco d with a chu your church, ol.com te h connec t in touch wit ydesjardins@a d ge please 0 or email ran 30
Visage Art Group
Now meet every Monday after noon from 1pm to 3pm at Heather Village Hall. New mem bers of all abilities welcome to join their friendly grou p. No membership fee, just pay as you go. This year ’s programme will include demonstrations, workshop s, social events and our annual art exhibition. Find them on Facebook at Visage Art Group or contact Vicky on 07876 276 873 for more details.
Qu ee n’s 90 th Bi rth da y G ar de n Party
Join in the birthday celebrations at the Sir John Moore Foundation in Appleby Magna on Saturday 11th June between 3pm and 10.30pm. Take your own picnic and alcoholic beve rages. Loads of kids activities including a bouncy cast le, tug of war and much more!. Contact Becky on 01530 273629 or becky@sirjohnmoore.org.uk
RC r MRC Charity Fashion Show fo Community Action
selling a fashion show modelling and MRC are holding a charity ' in order Attic 'The p Sho r thei from clothing e at The plac selection of quality branded s take t even The . ects munity proj ts at 7pm. to raise funds for our com star June 11th rday Satu lville on Marlene Reid Centre in Coa are £5 per ort your local charity! Tickets tact Jane Please head down and supp con tion rma info e mor For drink. . person and include one free 515 510 30 015 call or t Ebinger on info@mrc.uk.ne
oon of An aftern es m Board GFraiday 24th June.
place on e will take huttlewood Clark The S g new n ki e se n is Foundatio in its games club to jo st members s place on the la ft o ke which ta Month at Ulverscr oft, the Friday of ory Lane, Ulverscr pm 0 ri Manor, P e, LE67 9PH – 1.3 er hir 0p Leicesters ssions cost £2.5 e. , se ffe – 3.00pm include tea or co n person to ll Helen Baxter o Please ca 4 914 or email 01530 24 ood-clarke.org. uttlew y helen@sh n also be found b ca ils ta De lewoodtt u h .s w w visiting w ke.org clar
The Chatterbox - Discussion Group
This friendly inclusive discussion group meets monthly on the first Friday of the Month at Ulverscroft Grange Whitwick Road, Ulverscroft, Leicesters hire between 2.30pm and 3.45pm. Cost - £1. For more information contact Helen Baxter on helen@shuttlewood-clarke.org or via 01530 244 914.
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seasonal recipes Pre-cooking ribs in a pan of simmering water before Serv placing them on Rea es 4 dy in 60 min the barbecue s will ensure S e meltingly tender meat every time. Serve with a spicy chunky tomato salsa, if liked.
Barbecued Rack of Ribs YOU WILL NEED
Makes 4 Ready 30 minin + coo s ling
Vanilla & Chocci Panna Cotta
• 600ml double cream
• 2 tsp vanilla extract
• 2 pared strips of lemon rind
• 2-3 racks of pork ribs (see Tip)
• 55g caster sugar
• 3 tbsp maple syrup
• 6 tbsp tomato ketchup
• 1 x 12g sachet powdered gelatine
• 50g good quality dark chocolate, finely grated • Chocolate dipped strawberries, to serve (see TIP)
1 Place the cream, vanilla extract, lemon rind and caster sugar in a pan and bring slowly to the boil. Remove from the heat.
• 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce • 2 tbsp sunflower oil
• 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
• 1-2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
1 Place the ribs in a large pan and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil then skim off any scum from the surface of the water. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer gently for 45 minutes.
2 Meanwhile, place the rest of the ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil. simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Leave to cool.
3 Remove the racks from the pan and drain on a board lined with kitchen paper. 4 Leave to cool for 5 minutes then brush each rack liberally with some of the sauce.
5 Cook the ribs on the edge of a hot barbecue for 10 to 15 minutes, turning and basting with any sauce until the ribs are lightly charred in places. Alternatively, the ribs can be cooked under a medium pre-heated grill.
TOP TIP Most large supermarkets sell racks of ribs or ask your local butcher to prepare them for you. single ribs will work just as well (you’ll need about 2kg in weight), just reduce the simmering time to about 25 minutes.
This velvety smooth, vanilla flavoured Italian set cream is simple to or make but tastes divine. For a less rich dessert replace half the double cream with full-fat milk.
2 Meanwhile place 4 tbsp of boiling water in a small heatproof cup or jug and sprinkle over the powdered gelatine. Leave for a few minutes until spongy then stir until dissolved. If the gelatine doesn’t completely dissolve, heat in the microwave on Full Power for a few seconds or sit the cup or jug in a pan of gently simmering water and stir until completely clear. Leave to cool for 10 minutes.
3 stir a little of the hot cream into the gelatine mixture then stir back into the rest of the cream. Leave the mixture to cool for 30 minutes. Remove the strips of lemon rind and pour the mixture into four individual 150ml pudding basins. Place on a tray and chill in the fridge for 6 hours or overnight until set.
4 To serve, dip each pudding basin into a bowl of hot water for a few seconds then turn out onto a serving plate. sprinkle the grated chocolate over each panna cotta and decorate with a sprig of mint or lemon balm. serve with the chocolate dipped strawberries.
TOP TIP To make the chocolate dipped strawberries, pick firm ripe strawberries and use a good quality dark chocolate (one with at least 50% cocoa solids). Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Remove the bowl from the heat and stir until smooth. holding each strawberry by the green calyx, dip into the melted chocolate then shake to allow the excess chocolate to drip back into the bowl. Place the dipped strawberries onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper and leave in a cool place until the chocolate has set. serve on day of dipping.
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on the beat
hello everyone...
THE latest crime figures recorded by Leicestershire Police show that crime rates are stable for the third year running. This year’s provisional numbers (1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016) show that the total number of crimes recorded was 59,172.
Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police, simon Cole, said: “Recorded crime has risen marginally when compared to the same period last year. But this slight increase reflects a national trend and it is important to remember that recorded d d crime has massively reduced during the last decade, from 100,000 to 60,000 recorded offences, a trend which is very positive.
“There is a correlation between the increase in the public’s confidence in the police currently 85% in Leicestershire - and more victims reporting serious crimes to us. Increasing reporting was one of the key objectives set by the Police and Crime
Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan. Current trends indicate that the likelihood of being a victim is at its lowest for two decades.
In overall terms the figures demonstrate consistency in a challenging environment. We are working within our reduced budgets and are policing an increased population which has grown by 10% in a decade... The crime figures account for approximately a quarter of our overall business and we want to move away from measuring crimes just by the numbers that are reported and c consider more about the complexities iinvolved in each one.
The force has linked in with Cambridge T University which has developed the U Cambridge Harm Index (CHI). This C applies a weighting for the level of a harm caused to the victim of the h crime based on court sentencing c g guidelines, helping to prioritise those c crimes which cause most harm and protecting those who are most vulnerable.
We are not complacent and will continue to deliver the best policing service within the budget allocated to us, working with local people and partners to tackle those crimes which matter most to our communities.”
Anyone with information about a crime in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland can call Leicestershire Police by dialling 101 (calls cost 15p) or call Crimestoppers free and anonymously on 0800 555 111.
call: 101 voicemail ID: 1667 email: mark.arjoo@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
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book reviews
The Big Top Roll up, roll up! June’s a time for carnivals, fetes and the circus. Whether these travelling entertainers bring joy or terror to the towns they visit, it’s all ‘fair’ game as far as we’re concerned, and it’s made for some great novels.
Water for Elephants...
Sara Gruen
Newly-orphaned scholar Jacob Jankowski decides to kiss his old life goodbye and skip town, hopping on a passing freight train. It turns out to be the travelling Benzini Brothers and their Flying squadron, billed as ‘the most spectacular show on earth’. Bedazzled by the glitz and glamour of the big top and the circus performers, Jacob falls head over heels in love with someone he definitely shouldn’t and he soon finds out that carrying on the affair could be the most risky of death-defying acts.
Full Tilt...
Neal Shusteman
If you thought carnivals were all merry-gorounds and candy floss, think again. sixteen year old Blake’s got himself lf in a right pickle: he’s chased his thrill-seeking brother Quinn into a carnival that’s free to get into, but could cost you your life to get out of. Blake finds he’s locked in a terrifying game where he must survive seven deadly sins before dawn. Blake must face his own inner demons and deep-seated fears to save his and his brother’s souls. It’s a terrible notion but a tantalising read.
A Son of the Circus...
John Irving
Not what you’d call ‘classic Irving’ but brilliant none the less, this tale of serial killings, twins separated at birth, class differences and even a dwarf chauffeur will have you wondering who on earth ‘dunnit’ in the bustling Indian city of Mumbai. It has a pretty intricate plot-line and a fantastic cast of colourful characters Mumb designed to cause confusion and intrigue in the mind of the reader. The Great Blue Nile circus features heavily but the story twists and turns like some great, rolling river and you’ll get totally washed away by it.
The Carnivorous Carnival...
Lemony Snicket
One for the Young Adult age-group now and if you haven’t read any of Lemony snicket’s offerings then you really must. The Carnivorous Circus is the ninth novella in the series and follows the continuing exploits of the orphaned Baudelaire children who are trying to escape from the clutches of the evil Count Olaf. In this instalment, the intrepid and inventive children must disguise themselves as circus freaks to hide in amongst the acts of the Caligari Carnival. Prepare for much craziness and mayhem…and baby sunny in a beard.
Something Wicked This Way Comes...
Ray Bradbury
Thirteen year olds James Nightshade and William halloway find they have the unenviable task of saving the souls of everyone in their Midwestern town after a ‘dark carnival’ arrives. Can the best friends overcome the mysterious and evil ‘Mr Dark’ who is casting a spell over the local community, tempting them with their deepest, darkest secret desires? It’s a gripping novel that combines fantasy and horror. should we fear what lurks in the shadows, or embrace it?
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A yo-yo Jenga The Furby Red Jigsaw puzzles (a jigsaw would be used to cut out the pieces) 6. Candy Crush Saga 7. Mr Potato Head 8. Five 9. Mattel (from parts of their names "mat" and "el") 10. The rope
Mail, Mall, Malt, Mast, Past, Post.
WORD WHEEL TARGETS & ANSWER Excellent: 25+ words Good: 20 Fair: 16 ANSWER: Objective.
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