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A Family Affair A Family Affair
This March at the BC Winter Games, Mission’s Kohen Ikeda earned a silver medal in artistic gymnastics for the men's floorandplacedfourthinrings,fifthinhighbars,and10th in all-around competition. When asked what motivates him, he says he loves gymnastics because of "the challenge. It is a sport where you can see very clearly your strength and understanding of the skill grow and it results in a beautifully executed skill/routine. Trying to find new ways to improve and learn that new skill is a constant levelingupandlearning/problemsolvingexperience.”
Digging a little deeper, we have discovered that Kohen's gymnasticslineagecanbetracedbacktohisgrandparents in Japan. Mitsugu and Chiyoko were both senior level gymnasts for the Chukyo University gymnastics team in Nagoya. They fell in love with the sport and each other. They graduated with their teaching degrees and immigrated to Canada in 1973 with just a suitcase and a $1,000intheirpocket.
All three of their children, Richard, Ken, and Julie, have carried on their parents’ passion for gymnastics. Both RichardandKenIkedahavecompetednationallyand internationally - multiple times at Pan American Games, World University Games, Elite Canada, Commonwealth Games, and World Championships. Richard has competed at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta; Ken followed his brother 8yearslateratthe2004Olympicsin Athens.Whileallthe siblings have retired from competition, they, along with their parents, continue to coach at all levels at Twisters. Mitsugu, Richard, and Ken have coached and produced numerous national level athletes. Ken says “as far as coaching goes, it's rewarding to guide the athletes to be the best they can be. Not every athlete is going to be an Olympian, but we try to get them to be the best they can be while enjoying their time in the gym and creating lifelongfriendships.”
For the Ikedas, gymnastics is truly a family affair. The next generation is carrying on the legacy. Richard’s children: Ethan was the 2023 Provincial Champion at the senior level; Alec was the 2023 Provincial Champion for the junior level; and Hannah was Level 3 Provincial Champion in2019.Ken’ssonKohenjustbroughthomeasilvermedal at the BC Winter Games. Keep an eye on these young Missionathletesastheyfollowintheirparents'footsteps.
Liz Ellis (604) 768-7924
Professional Strength Formula
Genealogy Club-Mission, 1 -
3pm, Lifetime Learning Centre, 32444 7th Ave. We meet every third Thursday of the month for JanMay, Sep and Oct. Guest speakers when available. For more info or to register: 604-820 0220; www.missiongenclub.com
Magic with Red Boss at Captain’s Cabin Pub, 6 - 8pm, 33331 Harbour Ave. FREE ENTRY
19+ Every other week. Follow our FB or IG for updates on exact date. For reservations, call 604-826-4767
Family Place Drop-in, 8:3011:30am, MCSS Family Place, 33313 3rd Ave. For families with children 0-6. 778-347-1181 or earlyyears@missionmcss.com
Line Dancing Level 1 & 2, (ends Jun 2), 10am - 12pm, Boswyk Seniors Centre. 604-814-2188
Baby Social, 10:30 – 11:30am, Mission Library, 604-826-6610
Cribbage, 11am – 2pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-8142188 or missionseniors@gmail.com
Fun Seniors Darts, 12:30-2:30pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 2188
Music Bingo with Cory Cassel at
Historic Dewdney Pub, 7pm, Arrive early for dinner and to get a good seat!
Karaoke Fridays at Captain’s Cabin Pub, 8pm-12am. 19+. Reservations at 604-826-4767
Karaoke Fridays at 14th Avenue Pub, 8pm-12am, 32516 14 Ave.
First Fridays of Art & Music in Downtown Mission, 5-9pm, Various locations Downtown
Karaoke Nite at Mission Springs
Brew Pub, 7-11pm,
Trivia Nights at Sisto’s Pub, 7:15pm
Karaoke at Historic Dewdney Pub, 7:30 - 11:30pm
Soroptimist Int’l AbbotsfordMission Monthly Club Meeting, 10 am - 12pm, 33860 Pine St, Abbotsford. 604-613-2334. Follow on Facebook & Instagram
Repair Café at The Library, 10:30am - 1:30pm, Mission Library in the conference room.
Empty Canvas Paint Parties with Taneane Twele, Up-to-date schedule, www.taneane.ca/empty canvas