Yukon Government Covid 19 Information As Of April 22, 2020

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Information for Yukoners around COVID-19 Message from the Premier Yukoners, The impacts of COVID-19 are affecting all of us. Each and every Yukoner has a role to play in preventing the spread of this virus and keeping our communities safe and healthy. Following the recommendations of the Chief Medical Officer of Health is the best way to do your part. • Wash your hands often • Stay home as much as possible • Avoid close contact with those not in your household (minimum 2 metres apart) • Do not gather in groups of more than 10 people • Contact 811 if you are feeling symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath)

The Government of Yukon is here to help Yukoners through these challenging times. We are supporting Yukon families, businesses and workers to keep our communities strong. Details about government support programs can be found at www.yukon.ca/covid-19. Yukoners have always been resilient, resourceful and willing to help. Thank you to all those working tirelessly to keep our communities running. If you are able to, show your support for local businesses and organizations. By following the guidelines and requirements, helping others and staying community minded, Yukoners will get through this together. Stay vigilant and take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Premier Sandy Silver

Health & wellness

(or 2 metres/6 feet)

Note: Please stay at least 300 feet/90 metres from actual caribou.

Help to prevent the spread Prevention starts with awareness

Know how you can protect yourself and others from COVID-19 • Wash your hands frequently

• Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue • or your inner elbow • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands • Stay more than 2 metres (6 FT) apart • Stay home if you’re feeling sick

Getting outside is good for you

Symptoms of COVID-19 include • Fever

• Cough • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Get the latest COVID-19 updates and information at Yukon.ca/COVID-19 For general questions and support email: covid19info@gov.yk.ca If you have health questions, phone: 811

not touching face, eyes and mouth, social distancing. Try

Here are some fun (and free) things to do outside, whether it be on your own, or with the other members of your household: •

Go bird watching

Try snow painting – while we still have snow!

Ride your bikes, it’s spring!

Hunt for signs of spring. Have you seen a robin yet? How about crocuses?

Get creative!

Talking to your kids about COVID-19 As parents and caregivers, it is normal to worry about how to talk with our children about what is happening right now. Here are a few tips: •

Start the conversation by finding out what they understand and how they are feeling.

Monitor or restrict your child’s access to media coverage about COVID-19. A constant flow of information can be overwhelming.

Maintain a family day that has structure and a sense of “normal”.


Teach and remind about the basics. Include hand hygiene, not to get upset if they forget.

Most importantly, take care of yourself – physically and mentally.

Get the latest COVID-19 updates and information at Yukon.ca/ COVID-19

Safe access to cell phones The Government of Yukon is partnering with the Yukon Status of Women Council and Northwestel to ensure that women vulnerable to violence in Yukon have safe access to cell phones and the internet during COVID-19. The Yukon Status of Women Council will be working with other community partners to distribute the phones to those who are experiencing violence or at risk of violence. Anyone interested in accessing this program should phone (867) 667-4637 or (867) 334-4634. Interested in donating a phone? Email aja.mason@yswc.ca to make arrangements.


Our community


Recycling services in Yukon

Regulation for residential tenancies

Recycling services are suspended indefinitely. Please store your

A new, time-limited regulation to the Residential Landlord and

recycling in a dry, secure indoor location until services resume, or dispose of them with your household garbage. You can still recycle electronics and electrical products at Raven Recycling or at your local depot.

Tenant Act is now in place to support Yukoners and slow the spread of COVID-19. This regulation applies to

Find out more at Yukon.ca/en/waste-and-recycling.

• Tenants who have lost their income owing to COVID-19,

Yukon’s parks and campgrounds during COVID-19

• Tenants who must self-isolate because they or someone

All campgrounds, recreation sites and facilities are closed until further notice.​ The opening of territorial parks and campgrounds is postponed to protect the public, staff and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trails, green spaces and boat launches​ You can still use trails and green spaces while practising physical distancing and following other requirements, such as limiting group size. These areas will not be serviced, so pack out what you bring in.​If not beyond a gate or barrier, you can use boat launches. Information on using parks during the COVID-19 pandemic is available at Yukon.ca/parks.​

Building commitments for land sale agreements If you need additional time to construct buildings over and above what is provided for in your land sale agreement, the Land Management Branch will work with clients to explore options to

through job loss or reduced hours, and in their household are subject to a health protection measure such as self-isolation.

What this regulation means • A landlord must not serve a tenant with notice to end the tenancy for non-payment or late payment of rent or apply for an order of possession, for as long as the regulation is in force. • The payment of rent is deferred until the day when the tenant is able to pay rent or the regulation is no longer in force – whichever comes first. • By giving the landlord 30 days’ notice, the tenant may end the tenancy early without penalty.

If a tenant cannot pay rent on time because of COVID-19 related job loss or reduced income, they must immediately notify their landlord with this information: • the reason why they are unable to pay rent • the amount of rent and due date • what else is being done to access other sources of income • the date when the tenant expects to be able to pay the rent If any of the above information changes, a tenant must

increase flexibility.

immediately advise the landlord of the change. The tenant will

Morel mushroom harvesting

making partial payments.

The issuing out-of-territory Forest Resources Permits for the

If a tenant or a member of their household becomes subject to a health protection measure, they must immediately notify the landlord that:

commercial harvest of morel mushrooms is placed on hold until the Chief Medical Officer of Health removes current travel advisories and other constraints enacted to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

still owe all the rent, so they should talk to the landlord about

• They are subject to a health protection measure; and • The date they expect the health protection measure to be lifted. If the above information changes, a tenant must immediately advise the landlord of the change.

For more information, contact the Residential Tenancies Office Email: rto@gov.yk.ca Phone: 667-5944 or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5944

Yukon housing corporation tenants and program clients If you’ve lost income because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be able to have your rent payment reassessed, have your loan payments deferred, or have a project timeline extended. Contact your community housing office by phone or email to discuss your options. Email ykhouse@gov.yk.ca or phone 867-667-5759, toll-free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5759

Business and the economy The Government of Yukon is supporting Yukon’s business community through various new funding programs and initiatives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Yukon has been in continual contact with business and industry stakeholders and partner organizations, such as the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor), to share information

Yukon business relief program This program is available to most Yukon businesses that have experienced at least a 30 per cent decline in revenue because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program provides non-repayable grants to cover specific fixed costs. The business costs eligible for support are: •

commercial rent or lease

water, sewage and waste disposal

electricity and heating fuel

telephone, cable, internet and satellite

software, data services, and subscriptions

business insurance

pest control


required to meet the standard requirements of the Yukon Nominee Program for the duration of the public health emergency. Nominees who experience layoffs or reduced work hours will not be issued the standard 90-day notice to find new employment. For questions around Immigration and the Yukon Nominee Program, contact us at 667-5131 or 1-800-661-0408 ext. 5131 or email yukon.nominee@gov.yk.ca.

Business advisory council The Government of Yukon has established a Business Advisory

Council to ensure the needs of Yukon’s business community are heard as we address the economic impacts of COVID-19. This council includes stakeholders from a wide variety of sectors who contribute their knowledge and experience representing diverse aspects of Yukon’s economy.

Business surveys The Government of Yukon is encouraging Yukon business owners to complete a survey that will help guide how the Department of Economic Development supports businesses affected by COVID-19. To complete the business survey, email ecdev@gov.yk.ca or phone 867-456-3803, toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 3803.

Paid sick leave rebate This rebate program reimburses employers who pay their employees to take sick days and/or self-isolate. The rebate covers a maximum total of 10 days of wages per employee (not including benefits, payroll taxes or deductions) to allow for sick leave and/or

Tourism Yukon tourism advisory board

for a 14-day self-isolation period.

A Yukon Tourism Advisory Board (YTAB) was appointed March

Temporary support for events funding program

on strategic tourism issues affecting the industry as industry and

19, 2020 to provide advice to the Minister of Tourism and Culture government work to implement the Yukon Tourism Development

The Temporary Support for Events Funding Program offers funding


to recover losses experienced by Yukon businesses and non-

The immediate focus for the board will be to provide advice and

government organizations due to the cancellation of major events.

expertise to inform the Government of Yukon’s response to

For questions around the business support programs listed above,

COVID-19 impacts on Yukon’s tourism industry.

contact us at 456-3803 or 1-800-661-0408 ext. 3803 or email

Who to Contact:


Denny Kobayashi, YTAB Chair, 867-333-4257

Yukon nominee program changes Foreign nationals working in Yukon who are laid off will not be


Email: denny.kobayashi@northwestel.net

Keno City

Re-assessing programs in support of business recovery Tourism initiatives are being reviewed to best position Yukon

Arts & culture

tourism business to capitalize on the rebound of tourism visitation

The arts and culture sectors are

when the COVID-19 pandemic has passed: •

In-Destination Marketing – Exploring the development of a marketing campaign to get Yukoners to explore their own

and Yukoners and we continue to develop additional supports during

Yukon when travel restrictions are eased.

the COVID-19 pandemic.

Experience Development – Exploring ways to help tourism

Funding programs:

businesses enhance the experiences and products they offer

of great importance to Yukon

to be in the best possible position when the crisis passes

Arts fund

and tourism rebounds.

The Arts Fund supports group

Enhanced Destination Marketing – Exploring the development of an enhanced destination marketing to position Yukon as a travel destination to our key travel markets when the time is right.

Impact assessments Department officials have worked with Tourism Industry Association of Yukon on the development of a tool to survey tourism business on a weekly basis to assess the impacts of the

projects that develop the arts and engage the public in Yukon. A total of $500,000 is available each year. Applicants can receive funding for up to 70% of eligible expenses. To help address the impact of COVID-19 on the sector, this funding has been increased by $125,000. Eligible recipients include:


non-profit societies;

We continue to work with Tourism Industry Association of Yukon

industry and community associations;

school and local advisory councils;

First Nations and municipal governments; and

artist collectives.

and chambers of commerce on a broader set of surveys for multiple industry sectors to assess the impacts of COVID-19.

Tourism cooperative marketing fund enhancement

The next scheduled intake deadlines are June 15, September 15

To help address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on

Advanced artist award

Yukon’s tourism sector, the Government of Yukon has announced a $1-million increase to its Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund (TCMF), bringing the total available funding to $1.7 million for the 2020–21 fiscal year. Department officials are working with the Yukon Tourism Advisory Board to adapt and amend TCMF criteria to respond to industry needs, when the time is right to re-enter the marketplace.

Who to Contact:

Email: tcmf@gov.yk.ca

and December 15.

The Advanced Artist Award is for Yukon artists who have attained a senior level of practice to create, train and further develop their artistic skills. This funding will allow more artists to use the downturn associated with COVID-19 to enhance their artistic professional development. To help address the impact of COVID-19 on the sector, this fund has been increased by $75,000. The next scheduled intake deadline is Oct. 1.

Who to contact: Email arts.fund@gov.yk.ca

For general questions and support with self-isolation. Email: covid19info@gov.yk.ca


Workplace health and safety Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board Financial supports for business Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board is offering relief to businesses experiencing serious adverse financial impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employers have the opportunity to: • Revise their payroll estimates - this could result in lower assessment premiums or a refund, • Defer their assessment premiums without penalty or interest charges to a date that is appropriate for their business situation. Businesses facing significant impacts who wish to apply for financial relief should contact an Assessment Officer as soon as possible. Call 667-5645 or 1-800-661-0443, or email WCHSBassessments@gov.yk.ca. Visit wcb.yk.ca/COVID-19 for more information.

Workplace health and safety prevention guidance is available to workplaces COVID-19 is a workplace health and safety hazard that must be assessed in the same manner as other hazards. Workers and employers should work together to assess the risks associated with COVID-19 in the workplace and implement controls to mitigate the risk of contracting COVID-19. Workplaces can review the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 prevention guidelines that are available online at Canada.ca/ COVID-19. Additional resources specific to retailers, construction sites and workers at

Stay home if sick

• If any of your staff feel sick, ask them to stay home even if their symptoms are mild. You can also ask clients not to come in if they feel sick or have been travelling outside Yukon. • Download a sign to post on your front door: https:// yukon.ca/en/covid-19-do-not-come-poster-businesses

For more information, visit yukon.ca/COVID-19. Helpful sections on the website

for health in the workplace are: • Industry-specific guidelines and recommendations section. • Resources section to download COVID-19 resources. Together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by making changes in the way we offer services.

home are also available on our website. Visit wcb.yk.ca/COVID-19 for more information.

How businesses can protect staff and clients from COVID-19 Clean and disinfect

• Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as door knobs, counter tops and debit/credit machines often, • Download a guide on how to clean workspaces: https://yukon.ca/en/cleaning-and-disinfecting-work-place • For questions regarding cleaning, call Environmental Health Services at 867-667-8391 or toll free at 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8391 or contact them by email at environmental.health@gov.yk.ca

Practice proper respiratory etiquette

• Request your staff and clients to wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds to reduce the spread of viruses. If soap and water are not available, provide hand sanitizer. • Download signage on how to properly wash hands: https://yukon.ca/en/hand-washing-notice

Physical distancing

• Encourage clients to keep their physical distance - 2 metres (6 feet) – from others as much as possible. Try putting tape on the floor or other visuals to help remind people to keep their distance • Download a physical distancing sign: https://yukon.ca/en/

Procurement The Procurement Support Centre continues to get tenders and contracts in place in order to provide certainty to contractors and their employees that they will continue to have work now, and into the future. Government of Yukon is using innovative ways to manage physical distancing. By using virtual site visits, our project team can walk potential bidders through a site without being in the community. This keeps projects moving forward and protects Yukon communities. We have also made changes to our bonding requirements to allow for e-bonding. In response to industry requests, government of Yukon will update tender documents to allow for the submission of electronic bid bonds and consent of surety. What is e-bonding? • An electronic bond, or e-bond, is a verifiable document that serves the same purpose as a regular bond. Bonds may be required in certain tendering and contracting processes, and are most often used in construction. • Alternatively, hard copy submissions of these will continue to be accepted in accordance with tender documents. What’s happening with open tenders? Tenders closing after Friday April 10 that require bonds or consent of surety will be updated via addendum to allow e-bonding.


For general questions and support with self-isolation. Email: covid19info@gov.yk.ca

• For more information on e-bonding, please contact our office or review the Surety Association of Canada’s website • As with all tender documents, it is your responsibility to carefully read the new e-bonding instructions to understand how this process works and ensure your

COVID-19 14-day unpaid leave – employment standards act A new 14-day unpaid leave will help Yukoners protect their health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

tenders, the Procurement Support Centre continues to be open

Eligibility An employee is entitled to a leave of absence from employment without pay for a period of up to 14 days if the employee requires the leave.

during regular business hours. You can reach them at (867) 667-

All Yukon workers whose industries or organizations are

compliance with it. If you have any questions related to procurement, contracting, or

5385 orToll free outside Whitehorse 1-800-661-0408 ext. 5385 Email - contracts@gov.yk.ca

governed by the Yukon Employment Standards Act are eligible

for this leave. It can be used if an employee or someone in their care is ordered to follow a health protection measure such as self-isolation.

Commercial aviation fees waived

The length of this leave aligns with the amount of time for which people are told to self-isolate.

The Government of Yukon is waiving a number of commercial aviation fees including airport landing fees, parking and loading fees, to provide relief to the aviation sector.

Information for workers Coverage is available to workers When a worker contracts COVID-19 as a direct result of their employment, they may be entitled to compensation through the Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board. If a worker believes they contracted COVID-19 at work, they should file a claim with Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board. Every case will be adjudicated based on its specific and unique circumstances. Visit wcb.yk.ca/COVID-claims to learn more.

Requirements An employee must give their employer as much notice as is practicable in the circumstances if they take this leave. The leave must be taken all at once. Whether a doctor’s note is required A doctor’s note is not required to access this leave. Timeline for this unpaid leave program This leave will be in effect from March 27 to June 23, 2020. It can be extended if the situation warrants. Contact Employment Standards Branch Email: employmentstandards@gov.yk.ca Phone: 867- 867-667-5944 or toll free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5944.

Public schools Face-to-face learning has been suspended for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year for all students. Starting on April 16, students will resume learning through distance methods delivered at home. Teachers are contacting students and families to inform them about how they will ensure their child’s learning continues for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. All students will still receive a final report card. Schools will prioritize the essential learning for the remainder of the school year based on the following principles for each grade level:

Learning Together and Early Kindergarten (K4): • Provide opportunities and resources for students to engage in learning through play, inquiry and hands-on experiences while supporting gross and fine motor development, oral language and social skills. • Assign about three hours for each student per week to engage in this type of learning.

Kindergarten to Grade 6: • Provide opportunities and resources for students to engage in building literacy and numeracy skills across the subject areas and the personal and social competencies of the curriculum. • Assign about five hours of work per week for each student.

Grades 7 to 9: • Provide opportunities and resources for students to engage in building literacy and numeracy skills across the subject areas and the personal and social competencies of the curriculum. • Assign about ten hours of work per week for each student.

Grades 10 to 12: • Provide activities, resources and supports for students to develop the learning standards’ competencies and understandings prioritized so students have the opportunity to be successful in all their current courses. • Assign about three hours of work per course for each student each week. • Work with Grade 12 students to identify those who need to complete the Grade 10 numeracy assessment and ensure they meet this requirement. • Students who are eligible and on target to graduate from Grade 12 will be provided the opportunity to graduate on time.

Questions: If parents/guardians have questions, please contact your school or the Department of Education at 667-5127 or publicschools@gov.yk.ca.



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