What's Up Yukon, August 28, 2024

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PHOTO: Nicola Williamson Photography

with Manus Hopkins

Whitehorse’s Well-Read Books is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year

ate team of staff working with her. With an inventory of over 50,000 books at any given time, you can find just about anything there from children’s books to Young Adult literature, fantasy to non-fiction and politics to cookbooks.

Bits vast arsenal of diverse literature, but also its welcoming, non-judgemental and comforting vibe. Especially before COVID, Well-Read would host frequent poetry readings, book talks and even live music nights, something Howard says the store is slowly getting back to now. With a calm and comfortable atmosphere, customers are able to spend their time browsing and even sit down to read through books they find.

ooks can have long lives. They might be bought new and kept forever, or they might be loaned to a friend and are never seen again. Some books are gifts, others are found in little libraries on the street and traded for that book you never returned to a friend. But in Whitehorse, lots and lots of books eventually find their way to Well-Read books, where they’re then taken to a new home.

The beloved used book haven was established in 1999 by Jan Stick, Hans Herdes and Karen Walker, all long-time Yukoners with a shared mission of encouraging literacy and promoting northern-written books. Stick is still the owner to this day, and has a knowledgeable and passion-

“We get things from strange books that had been suggested by National Geographic in the 1940s to literary classics that are almost falling apart just because they’ve been loved so much but still sticking together,” said April Howard, who has been a manager at Well-Read for three years. “Then, all the way up to cheesy fan-fiction; some people just have a desire to fill that void.”

There’s no type of book WellRead doesn’t take, short of ones that are covered in mould or too water-damaged to read, Howard tells What’s Up Yukon

“We’ve seen that there’s always going to be that one person that wants the strange thing on the 50 cent shelf,” she said.

As a lover of books, Howard was drawn to Well-Read for

“It’s really sad that a lot of second-hand bookstores across Canada are closing because of the lack of money coming in,” said Howard. “Especially in the north here, we’re one of the only places that you can bring books. People from the communities actually come in here and bring them here; there’s really nowhere else. You have the small libraries in the neighborhoods that help a bit, but the vast majority we don’t want to see going in the garbage. There is going to be somebody that wants to love

PHOTO: Courtesy of Well-Read Books

them again.”

It’s a testament to the community spirit in the north that Well-Read has been able to stay open 25 years, especially surviving COVID. Though the winters can still see business and donations slow down, Howard said the summer always picks up, and she often hears from visitors that the secondhand bookstores in their towns have closed, so they’re happy to be able to shop at Well-Read.

For some, it’s the lack of affordability of new books that make them grateful to be able to find almost anything in the store.

especially for people who don’t like to go online and don’t want to support Amazon to be able to go somewhere and get those books that you wouldn’t be able to find at a new bookstore.”

And that’s not even to mention

few pages, and if it’s the kind of writing you’re not into, you can go on to the next three-dollar book,” she said. “Online, you’re paying for that thing you can’t see or smell or feel.”

Well-Read’s customer base is a

it comes to more local, rare finds.

“We get things from strange books that had been suggested by National Geographic in the 1940s to literary classics that are almost falling apart just because they’ve been loved so much but still sticking together,” - April Howard

“Another thing is that a lot of people in the older generation haven’t picked up on ordering things online,” Howard continued. “It can be frustrating for them, so I think it means a lot,

how long it can take for a parcel to arrive up north. For Howard, there’s a major difference between going into a store and picking up a book versus ordering it online.

“Here, you can sit down and take a moment to read the first

mix of people looking for specific things and just browsing to find hidden gems or unknown books that catch their attention. Some people come in with very specific hard-to-find requests, which Howard and the other staff are often able to help with, especially when

“We have been able to access the collections of people who have lived here for a long time,” Howard explained. “There are people who have been here since the ‘40s or ‘50s who have collected all these books that you can’t find anymore, and even ordering them has actually become impossible. We’ve bought some of the books off the people who have collected them, so we have some rare editions of things you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else in the world.”

Well-Read Books is located at 4137 4th Avenue in Whitehorse. To learn more about the store and contact the staff to ask about finding a specific book or donating your old books, visit https:// yukonbooks.ca. n

You can find Well-Read Books on 4th Avenue in Whitehorse
PHOTO: Courtesy of Well-Read Books


Quirt is the artistic director of Nightswimming, the Toronto-based dramaturgical company coming to the Yukon this September with its onewoman show, These Are the Songs That I Sing When I’m Sad

“We wanted to make a show that we enjoyed doing city after city that is, yes, inspired by the title and topic, but it’s really about our joyous relationship to music,” says Quirt.

The show features musician Jane Miller, who plays piano and sings a set of sad songs that’s changed over the years as different tunes have meant something to her own life. As part of her performance, Miller shares the stories behind those songs, and leads a discussion around what makes sad songs resonate with us—from the emotional components to the musical elements.

The show was initially conceived of, pre-pandemic, as one that could be presented specifically to smaller groups. Partly, Quirt was inspired by a Vancouver microtheatre experience that catered to audiences of one to 30 people; and partly, he just thought a more intimate setting felt right for a show about sad songs.

Often, we share musical experiences with groups of hundreds or even thousands of people, he says. You’re listening through microphones and amplifiers, usually at a distance from the musicians. Quirt wanted to build an experience where audiences would be closer

Are the Songs That I Sing When I’m Sad by Jane

is at the Yukon Arts Centre on September 27 and 28. The intimate show is by Nightswimming, the Toronto-based dramaturgical company

to the singer, so they could listen and connect differently.

One way the show does this is by inviting audience members to participate. There’s no pressure, says Quirt, but people always offer to share their own favourite sad songs and the stories behind them. Miller, who has a huge repertoire, will then sometimes perform them. Occasionally, audience members will sing a few lines themselves.

Quirt says there are some songs and artists who have come up frequently over the years, such as Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen. A few classical pieces are also often referenced, including Samuel Barber’s “Adagio for Strings” form Platoon

If you look through the playlists from past performances (which are always posted to Nightswimming’s website the day after a show) though, you’ll find a diverse selection that features Simon & Garfunkel, Beethoven and U2 alongside ABBA, Queens of the Stone Age, Lizzo, Elton John and Bob Marley.

Quirt says the range of songs leads to great discussions and can sometimes allow people to reframe their experience of a sad

Our dentists and team of dental hygienists have been proudly serving the Whitehorse community for many years. Come in for your first consultation and you’ll leave with something to smile about.

song by understanding why they like it and what role it has played in their lives.

“Being melancholy is universal,” he says. The show doesn’t come to you and ask you to be sad. It asks what it is we love about sad music.

What the show aims to tap into is that common human experience of sad music, and why we’re drawn to certain types in different emotional states.

Everyone knows they share this, he says. We’re all aware of it. There are millions of sad songs playlists on Spotify and Apple Music. What we’re less aware of is why and how we interact with that music—because we don’t spend much time thinking about it.

“North America doesn’t like sadness very much,” says Quirt, laughing. “It resists it.”

You may not walk away from Nightswimming’s show with the exact answer, but you’ll develop a greater understanding.

The show takes place on the Yukon Arts Centre mainstage (cabaret seating) at 7 p.m. on September 27 and 28. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at yukonartscentre.com/whats-on n

You can expect friendly and welcoming care in an environment that relaxes even the most anxious patients. We all love what we do, and look forward to welcoming you and your family to our practice.

PHOTO: Courtesy of Nightswimming


After a perilous hitchhiking trip to Yellowknife, Cindy and I promised each other that we would never hitchhike again

During the three years that we lived in Yellowknife together, we never broke that promise.

But by 1987 I had saved up $5,000 so I decided to go traveling for a year and then move back to Whitehorse. Cindy was going to stay in Yellowknife, but agreed to accompany me for the first two months of my trip. We bought big backpacks and were going to stay in youth hostels but were still determined not to hitchhike!

Our first stop was Fiji. We stayed in Nadi for a couple of days and then took the ferry to Beachcomber Island where we had booked a room for a week. On the way over, one of the deckhands, George, told us about a reggae concert that was happening in Lautoka and invited us to come back with them on the return ferry that afternoon to catch the end of it. So, we dropped our big packs off in our room, had a nice lunch and hopped back on the ferry.

We had a great night in Lautoka, experiencing the real Fiji that tourists don’t always see. George showed us all around town and made us feel very safe. We first checked into a dorm at the Sugar City Inn for $5 each, then caught the last act of the concert—a great Fijian reggae band called Rootstrata.

Afterward, we went out for dinner where we had the curried chicken special. I had always avoided hot foods so this was the

first time I tried curry. It was delicious but so hot that halfway through eating it, I had to go for a walk around the block to cool

off but came back and finished it. I have loved curry ever since (but not quite that hot!).

George also took us to meet

Part One

his sister. We sat on the floor in her living room - the only furniture was a small TV against the wall. She was very interested to

volleyball, ate lots of food, drank and danced. We found a nice little gazebo with a thatched roof and a great view that we visited a lot. We liked it so much that we decided to sleep in it on our last night there.

That night, Cindy awoke to find a local man curled up beside her. He asked her nicely if they could make love but she convinced him to leave and went back to sleep! Then I woke up to him tugging on my sleeve asking if he could please love me. Once I woke up enough to figure out what he was asking me, I told him to go away and he never returned. The craziest thing is that we didn’t run back to our rooms, just went back to sleep and laughed about it in the morning.

We found Fijians to be very easy-going, fun-loving, nonthreatening people—and that guy was a good example.

Next stop…New Zealand! We stayed in Auckland for a week and then toured around by bus and train. We met interesting people and went on a few side adventures but never hitchhiked…until Cindy left.

It’s not my fault. I wanted to go to a youth hostel in Whangaroa but the buses didn’t go there.

meet us and curious what makes a person want to travel. She told us that native Fijiians don’t usually travel because they are so happy and content with the beautiful place they live in. It made sense to me.

We caught the ferry back to Beachcomber Island the next day where we let ourselves wind down and learned to move in Fiji time.

We suntanned, snorkeled, played

“Just hitchhike,” everyone told me “It’s safe here. Kiwis love picking up hitchhikers and hearing about where they are from. It’s totally safe.” So I did. All by myself.

And now, 37 years later, I wonder….”What was I thinking?” I guess I was thinking that the vast majority of people are good people. And hitchhiking is a cheap and fun way to meet interesting people and go to fascinating places. Looking through the four travel journals I kept during that year reminds me what great adventures I had and I don’t regret a single ride. To be continued…. n

p Beachcomber Island Fiji
PHOTO: Expedia Freelance with Donna Lawther
Donna Lawther is a long-time Yukoner, pour-painting artist and author of Harry the Hug Monster.
p The four journals that I kept during my year of travelling
p My ticket to the reggae concert that I had taped into my journal
t Myself, posing with one of the staff on Beachcomber Island
PHOTOS: Donna Lawther


Check out the finalists for this year’s BC and Yukon Book Prizes, the winners of which will be announced at a gala event in September

The BC and Yukon Book Prizes were first established in 1985, and continue today in their mission to celebrate the achievements of northern writers, illustrators and publishers.

Ten prizes are presented annually at the BC and Yukon Book Prizes Gala, taking place this year in Vancouver on September 28. The prizes are presented by the West Coast Book Prize Society, a nonprofit organization representing all facets of the publishing and writing community.

With 37 finalists this year across eight different categories, the list includes everything from poetry to children’s literature to non-fiction.

No Yukon authors are among the finalists, but there is plenty to discover for avid Yukoners looking to expand their Canadian literature collections nevertheless.

Some of the prizes include the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize, awarded to the author(s) of the


best work of poetry; the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize, awarded to the author of the best original work of literary fiction and the Bill Duthie Booksellers’ Choice Award, presented to the originating publisher(s) and the author(s) of the book that is the most successful in terms of public appeal, initiative, design, production and content. Publishers and authors are able to submit books that fit the prizes and awards categories.

The books submitted must meet all of the general criteria for the prizes, as well as the eligibility criteria for whichever individual prize the submission is for. The Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence and the Borealis Prize: The Commissioner of Yukon Award for Literary Contribution were open to nominations this spring, and the winners of these awards will also be announced at the gala event.

The 40th Annual BC and Yukon Book Prizes Gala will take place September 28, 2024 at 6 p.m. at the University Golf Club in Vancouver. With the purchase of a ticket, each attendee is granted entry to the reception, awards ceremony

Barry Gough, author of Possessing Meares Island: A Historian’s Journey into the Past of Clayoquot Sound (finalist for the 2022 Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize)

Official Opposition Leader

Dixon and Yukon

Party Caucus MLAs

wish all students, teachers, and staff a successful and safe school year.

Drivers, please slow down in school zones and around school buses!

and dinner, plus two bottles of wine per table. Each table in the wheelchair accessible venue seats eight to 10 guests, with attendees able to purchase up to 10 tickets at a time.

Those interested can become members of the West Coast Book Prize Society any time of year. Members are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting, are added to the society’s email alerts list and receive Gala tickets at a discounted price. Membership fees are $25 per year.

Until September 2, tickets to the gala event are $145 for members and $155 for non-members.

The deadline to purchase tickets is Thursday, September 19th, and tickets for members and non-members will be $175 after September 2

Freelance with Manus Hopkins Megan Ferguson, Harbour Publishing, accepting the 2022 Roderick Haig-Brown on behalf of Dr. Luschiim Arvid Charlie and Nancy J. Turner for Luschiim’s Plants: Traditional Indigenous Foods, Materials and Medicines

The gala will be hosted by Margaret Gallagher, host of BC weekend show North by Northwest. To see the full list of finalists and learn more about the BC and Yukon Book Prizes, as well as to see the full criteria and instructions to enter and put in nominations, or to become a member, sponsor or donor, visit https://bcyukonbookprizes.com n

The Community Development Fund supports projects that contribute to the Yukon’s cultural, economic and social development, like funding for animal shelters in Dawson City and Faro.

You can apply for funding to:

» build new facilities;

» renovate or restore buildings and lands;

» develop new skills and knowledge;

» conduct research and planning; and

» host community programs and events.

Apply by September 16 for projects between $20,001 and $75,000.

Learn more: yukon.ca/cdf Funding for projects that benefit your community

PHOTOS: Courtesy of the BC and Yukon Book Prize
Manus Hopkins is a Toronto- and Whitehorse-based journalist, musician and lover of heavy metal and cats.


In the last article I introduced Sasquatch researchers and writers Peter Byrne, Dr. Grover Krantz, Dr. John Bindernagel and Dr. Robert Alley

We will now have a look at the final three distinguished Sasquatch enthusiasts.

Christopher L. Murphy, is a well-known Sasquatch researcher from British Columbia who has been interested in the subject since 1967. He has conducted field research and investigations with Roger Patterson, Rene Dahinden, John Green and Thomas Steenburg. He operates a popular Sasquatch Exhibit, which he has taken to many locations in the Pacific Northwest, and has authored seven books on Sasquatch, in addition to many articles in various newspapers and magazines.

His books include:

• Meet the Sasquatch (2004) with Thomas Steenburg

• The Bigfoot Film Controversy (2005) with Roger Patterso

• Bigfoot Encounters in Ohio: Quest for the Grassman (2006) with Joedy Cook and George Clappison

• Bigfoot Film Journal (2008)

• Sasquatch in British Columbia: A Chronology of Incidents and Important Events (2012) with Thomas Steenburg

• Know the Sasquatch/Bigfoot: Sequel and Update to Meet the Sasquatch (2019)

• Yale and the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-Boy (2019) with Barry G. Blount.

Thomas Steenburg, originally from Bancroft, ON. He spent a few years in the Canadian Army before settling in Alberta where he became interested in the Sasquatch phenomena, which he has now been researching for 40 years. Steenburg presently resides in

Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology at Idaho State University, who specializes in biological anthropology, foot morphology and primate locomotion.

He has published an extensive number of academic papers about vertebrate evolution morphology, the emergence of bipedal locomotion in modern humans and the plausibility behind the sasquatch phenomena. He is the coeditor of books on paleontology and edited From Biped to Strider: The Emergence of Modern Human Walking, by Charles E. Hilton, published in 2004.

A strong advocate of the uncatalogued entity known as sasquatch, he attends sasquatch gatherings and conferences in the Pacific Northwest on a regular basis and is known as a “no nonsense scientist”.

When asked if he believes in sasquatch, he would reply as follows:

Mission, B.C. where he continues his research on Sasquatch, he operates a YouTube channel and a website called ThomasSteenburg. com, in which he not only reports on sasquatch activities through the Pacific Northwest, but also unveiled hoaxes concerning sasquatch.

As well, he participates in various sasquatch related conferences as a guest speaker.

Steenburg has written a number of books:

• Sasquatch/Bigfoot: The Continuing Mystery (1990)

• In Search of Giants (2000)

• Meet the Sasquatch (2004) with Chris Murphy

• The Sasquatch in Alberta: Bigfoot in Wildrose Country (2020)

I had the pleasure of meeting Thomas at the Bindercon gathering in Courtenay, B.C. in 2022. Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum, is a

“It is not a question of belief, as belief connotes the acceptance of something as true in the absence of objective evidence or conclusive proof. It is usually equated with a position of faith. Science is about subjecting hypotheses to evaluation by marshalling evidence that may either refute or lend support to a premise. From a scientific standpoint, I can say that a respectable portion of evidence I have examined suggests, in an independent yet highly correlated manner, the existence of an unrecognized ape, known as the Sasquatch”.

Meldrum is perhaps the bestknown and more prominent person who openly addresses the subject of Sasquatch with enthusiasts and peers alike.

In his book Sasquatch Legend Meets Science, published in 2006, he offers a chance to examine all the evidence, historical, cultural, anecdotal and physical, alongside serious science. He has been willing to stake his reputation on an objective look at the facts in this controversial field rife with hoaxes and sensationalism.

In his book, Meldrum has drawn on the latest data available, using

DNA, sound recordings, films, photos, skin-ridge impressions, and remarkable plaster casts, to provide us with a solid scientific look at sasquatch.

I had the honour of spending a few days with Jeff Meldrum, while attending the Boreal Bigfoot Expo held in Fairbanks, AK, in June 2023, where I was a guest speaker, while Dr. Meldrum was the keynote speaker.

All the books mentioned in these articles are available, upon request, at local bookstores. n

Chris Murphy
PHOTOS: Courtesy of Red Grossinger
Dr. Jeff Meldrum
Thomas Steenburg



St. Martins Anglican Church Sunday Service 10:00 AM St. Martins Anglican Church 10:00 AM Everyone is welcome.

Atlin Christian Assembly 11:00 AM St. Atlin Christian Centre 10:00 AM Everyone is welcome. Mondays Caregiver & Tot Drop-in 10:00 AM Atlin Recreation Centre This is an unstructured hour for You and your Littles to get social and run wild. This IS NOT a drop off, all children must be accompanied by an adult. Call or email 993-4102 atlinarc.coordinator@gmail.com for more info.

Yukon Communities:

Wednesdays AA Yukon Unity (OM) 3:00

PM Online Yukon Health Centers, Live Video Meeting Beaver Creek, Carcross, Carmacks, Dawson City, Destruction Bay, Faro, Haines Junction, Mayo, Old Crow, Pelly Crossing, Ross River, Teslin, Watson Lake. Online users’ sign in info: yukonbcdistrict52@gmail.com


Second Sunday of Every Month St. Saviour’s Church Services 2:00 pm St. Saviour Church 867-668-3129

First Friday of the month Mother Goose Group 11:00 AM Haa Shagóon Hídi (Our Ancestors House) Carcross/Tagish Learning Centre Learn stories, songs, and rhymes, lunch provided. Suitable for babies and children 5 and under. Please bring along a water bottle and blanket to sit on. To register, call 332-2389. https:// whatsupyukon.events/jwf Thursdays Yoga with Jess Ghùch Tlâ Community School Beginners welcome, all equipment provided. Drop-in, Free admission! For more info email yogajessyukon@gmail.com.



Have you had a look under your hood, how are your fluid levels, what about your belts and hoses. Most owners manuals show you where to check fluids at, if you have to add any fluids make sure they are the ones for your car. The belts and hoses are sometimes a little harder to check, if you are unable to check them or have any questions, take your car to your mechanic so they can have a look at it for you.

Pick up your copies of What’s Up Yukon at:

• Sunshine Restaurant

• Carmacks Rec Centre CDC / CIBC Bank

• Tatchun Center General Store

Sat Sep 7 Cookshack Sessions 2024 - Twin Lakes 6:30 PM Twin Lakes Campground Familyfriendly, free/by donation acoustic concerts and workshops by Yukon Women in Music (YWIM). Held in Territorial campgrounds between July and September. https://yukonwomeninmusic. com/cook-shack-sessions

First & Third Tuesdays of Every Month

Carmacks Regular Council Meeting 7:00 PM Carmacks Municipal Building

Mondays Carmacks Library 1:00 PM

Volleyball 7:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre

Baseball / Softball 7:00 PM LSCFN Ball



Carmacks Library 1:00 PM

Laser Tag 6:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre


Carmacks Library 1:00 PM

Soccer 6:00 PM Carmacks Rec Centre



Weekly Mondays

Handbuilding Pottery Drop-in 6:30-9pm

Self-guided group studio time for those who have some knowledge and experience with pottery. Newcomers are welcome, though little instruction is provided. KIAC Classroom, back door.


St Paul’s Anglican Church Morning Prayer 9:00 AM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)

St Paul’s Anglican Church Evening Prayer 5:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)


Sat Sep 14 Ivan Coyote with Hendrika 7:30 PM Dënäkär Zho & KIAC Ballroom Ivan Coyote a writer and storyteller joined by music with Hendrika a local multi-instrumentalist and songwriter. Admission PWD at the door.

Sun Sep 15 - 30 Dawson Film Lab 2024 Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) Learn from filmmakers (local and non-local) to experiment and work on media projects to enhance their craft. Workshops: Analogue film processes, and the usage of eco-safe developers using local plants and/or caffeine. Register online https://dawsonfilmfest.com/ filmlab24


1st Saturday of every month Coffee House & Open Mic Night Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) 7:00 PM family-friendly open mic night at KIAC. Admission by donation with all funds raised donated to a different community group each month. Last coffee house of the season May 4 to resume in the fall of 2024.

Hand-Building Pottery Drop-In 6:30 PM

Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC)

Self-guided group studio time for those with some experience with pottery. Newcomers are welcome, little instruction is provided.

Summer Volleyball 7:30 PM Victory Gardens Outdoor Volleyball 18+ Free, drop-in - check both Victory Garden and Minto Park will take place at Minto Park until the grass is in at Victory Garden.


St Paul’s Anglican Church Morning Prayer 9:00 AM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)

QYS Drop-in 1:00 PM DCMF Office

St Paul’s Anglican Church Evening Prayer 5:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church Join us in person at the church, or online (Facebook Live)

Welcome Wednesday Supper and Games

6:00 PM St Paul’s Anglican Church

Screen Printing Drop-in 6:00 PM Klondike

Institute of Art & Culture KIAC Classroom (enter via backdoor) Self-guided group studio time for those who have some knowledge and experience with screen printing.

CFYT Trivia Night The Drunken Goat Fun filled night of Trivia. Every other Wednesday. A variety of trivia categories! Come with your team or join a team when you arrive!


CDC Toddler Program 10:00 AM Klondike

Institute of Arts & Culture KIAC Free drop-In for kids 5 & under with parent/guardian Story time & free play!


Cards & Conversation 1:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 Dawson City Free! Drop-In! No registration necessary. whatsupyukon.events/dawson-legion-8336c3 Open Studio Drop-in 1:00 PM Klondike

Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) Enjoy KIAC’s bright, air-conditioned space to create and focus on your artistic practice. Even betterwe’ve waived the drop-in fee this day.


Open Studio – Drop In 1:00 PM Klondike

Institute of Art & Culture KIAC Classroom (enter via backdoor) Space to create and focus on your artistic practice.

AA North Star Group Dawson City 7:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion In person or Videoconference option available Call 867-993-5095 or 867-993-3734 for more information

Sundays Anglican Church Service 10:30 Anglican Church Service at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Dawson City. Corner of Front and Church Streets at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Dawson City


Tue Aug 27 Local Artisan Market 10:00

AM AB Hall Browse the local wares of Alaskan artisans, crafts, produce, baking, jewelry, and much more. 3 days to get in on the fun. https://whatsupyukon.events/ dbeaac

Sat Sep 7 Klondike Road Relay Main Street Skagway AK An epic experience unlike any other race and we encourage all levels and ages to participate. Runner or walker; adult or youth; the full race or our shorter, modified route - the KRR is for everyone!

Mondays Live Music Red Onion Saloon 6:30 PM Live music every Monday


In 11:00 AM Mount Lorne Community Centre

Club 6:00 PM Mount Lorne Community Centre


Men’s Night At The Rec Centre 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre


Gym 3:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre

Adult Sewing 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre

Youth Gym 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre


Stroller Walks 10:00 AM Kih Tsal

Parent and Tots 4:00 PM Old Crow Community Center Call 966-3015 for more info.

Adult Card Game Night 6:00 PM John Tizya Centre & Old Crow Community Centre

Sundays St. Luke’s Church Service 11:00 AM St. Luke’s Church 867-993-5381



Sewing Night 7:00 PM The Hope Centre


Family Bible Study 8:00 PM The Hope Centre


Family Game Night- Coffee House 9:00 PM The Hope Centre


Church Service 12:00 PM The Hope Centre


Carpet Bowling 10:00 AM Tagish

Community Centre

Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish

Community LIbrary Tagish Library is an active and bright addition to our community. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon

Tagish Local Advisory Council Meeting 7:00 PM Tagish Community Centre .


Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish

Community LIbrary Tagish Library is an active and bright addition to our community. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon


Fri Sep 13-Sun Sep 15 Super Fun Season

Finisher - Slo-pitch Tourney 5:00 AM Teslin Recreation Complex Mixed team tourney - max 8 teams - To register call 3902530 or email teslinrec@teslin.ca

Mondays AA: Teslin Group (O) 7:00 PM Catholic Church Rectory



Women’s Morning Worship 7:00 AM First Presbyterian Church of Skagway All are welcome. Part of the Alaska Presbytery and the PC U.S.A.

Windy Valley Babies 10:30 AM Skagway Public Library Stories, Songs, and Fun with Ms. Anna! Designed for ages 0-3.


Skagway Teen Night 6:30 PM Skagway Public Library

Sundays Sunday Worship 10:00 AM First

Presbyterian Church of Skagway\ Sunday School 4:00 PM First Presbyterian Church of Skagway


First Monday of every month Carcross

Tagish Renewable Resources Council 1:00 PM Tagish Community Centre

First Monday of every month Tagish Advisory Council 8:00 AM Tagish

Community Centre

First Tuesday of every month Tagish

Community Association 7:00 PM Tagish Community Centre

Second Thursday of every month Tagish Local Advisory Council 7:00 PM Tagish Community Centre


Tagish Library 12:00 PM Tagish Community

LIbrary Tagish Library is an active and bright addition to our community. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon

Yukon Learn at Tagish Library 2:00 PM Tagish Community LIbrary Targeted literacy programming by Yukon Learn at the Tagish Library. What’s Up Yukon, discover what’s happening around the Yukon.

Coffee And Chat 2:00 PM Tagish Community Centre


It was a warm Saturday morning as I prepared my gear for hiking with my son Maverick

Ihad been spending my weekends hiking solo but decided it was time to include my little ginger bub on his first hiking adventure up Fish Lake.

I’ve hiked it hundreds of times, but I was a little nervous with Maverick. Would I have everything I needed? What if something happens? So many questions swirling in my head. Meanwhile, Maverick is puttering around the house as usual, unaware that we were about to embark on an outdoor adventure.

First thing was going through my gear. Normally, I’ve got everything down pat that I don’t even need to prepare for hiking anymore. But this felt more like a multi-day camping adventure with preparation being key. The best thing you can have for carrying your baby is a good backpack.

Our Deuter backpack has space for him to sit with a sunshade and plenty of storage space to carry all your essentials for a day trip.

Making sure to include everything (see essentials list) in the backpack ensured that the hike would be seamless.

some walking at the beginning of the trail to exert some energy?

Hmmm, no let’s try and race up to the top and have him walk at the summit.

I pack the baby and place the over 40 pounds on my back. Instant regret. But I’m here now and may as well try. We head off onto the trail with our dogs Phil and Charlie to try and reach the summit.

It’s a muggy sort of day with the warm weather and lack of

wind, leading to a lot of mosquitos. Half way up, the weight of the pack is hurting my back, my breathing laboured. I message my husband Ryan that I don’t think I can do the hike, but being as stubborn as I am, I continue on. Out of the treeline, I know I won’t reach the summit, but I can make it to the saddle. I drag one leg and then the other, everything aches, I’m sweating profusely. Until. We finally made it to the saddle!

With Maverick being only one year old, it becomes difficult to manage how to incorporate activities because his nap schedule is so important. So planning and preparing the right time to not only drive to the trail but also hike it without him sleeping before his nap felt like disarming a bomb with 10 seconds to spare.

It’s about a half-an-hour drive from Whistle Bend to the start of the trail. Do I have him do

I lower the backpack and let Maverick run free. We didn’t quite make it, but after nearly three kilometres, uphill we got an incredible view. We had some snacks while trying to avoid being eaten by mosquitos.

Heading down was much easier, but a couple of hundred metres before the end of the trail, Maverick started to fall asleep. Oh no! Trying to keep him awake with my terrible singing didn’t work, but fortunately it was only a little catnap before we got to the car and drove home in time for his actual nap in his bed. n

Kylie and Maverick on their way up the mountain
Kylie Campbell-Clarke
PHOTO: Kylie Campbell-Clarke




PHOTOS: Sydney Keddy


No matter how much I love autumn, with its stunning colours, brisk mornings and golden afternoons, there’s a sadness that comes with the end of summer

remember all the things that I had hoped to do (and didn’t) and the days I let pass by without fully appreciating the preciousness of each moment. In the Yukon you never really know when the last really “summer-y” day of the year will be. Some years the summer ends early and other years it drags on into a gorgeous fall. On the long list of things that I love about summer is how easy warm weather makes our daily lives. Everything is a little bit more easeful if you don’t have to deal with sub-zero temperatures. To get dressed, you just throw on a T-shirt and some shorts; you don’t have to bundle on the layers and look at the weather forecast to see what the windchill is. You want to drive into town? No need to plug in the car and scrape the ice off the windshield first; just jump in and go! Fishing doesn’t require you to drill a hole through the thick lake ice first and if you want some fresh produce you just go out to the garden (or do some

In the mountains

foraging in the forest). The easiness of summer is hard to let go of.

I guess I’m not good at goodbyes in general. I hate the end of things. Even though, as the cliché goes, endings become beginnings of something new, I find the transition especially hard. That little gap of time in which you’re aware that something is coming to a close and that you don’t have all the time in the world anymore can be tough. Maybe there are people out there who like that feeling but I don’t. It fills me with an uncomfortable mixture of fear and regret. Fear of the finiteness of life and regret about not having taken advantage of the time I had when I had it.

There’s no way to turn back time and there’s no guarantee about the future but if we’re lucky we still have a little bit of summer left to enjoy this year. So in an effort to make the most of the time we’re gifted before the green leaves turn yellow and orange and the geese fly south, here are some ideas of how to savour these last few summer days. These aren’t mind-blowing or complicated activities but rather just a few simple ideas because, for me, that’s what summer’s about: simplicity.

Hike up one more mountain

I saw the first fresh snow on the mountains the other day. It caught me off guard; mid August seems a bit early but the white veil over Mount Lorne was undeniable. Even though it melted after a few days, it felt like a very clear reminder that summer will come to an end and it could be any day. It filled me with a sense of urgency for a moment and made me think of all the hikes I still wanted to go on. If you need some new ideas of hiking trails, pick up a copy of the second edition of Yukon Hiking ( https://yukonhiking.ca/book ) that just came out or if you’re heading out with kids, put together a scavenger hunt focusing on flora and fauna that you won’t see again until next summer.

Get out on (or in) the water

In a place where most lakes are frozen for at least five months of the year you kind of have to make the most of the open water while you can. Call up a friend who has a boat, rent a stand up paddle board in town, dust off your kayak or canoe, go for a cold dip or go do some fishing while the weather’s

cont’d on page 13 ...

the right

PHOTO: Jessica Surber
Jessica Surber is a writer who loves being in the mountains and working with plants. She divides her time between Peru and the Yukon. with Jessica Surber POSTCARDS

Out on the water

still nice. If that sounds like too much of an effort, pick up lunch at one of the food trucks downtown and go eat it by the river. Cook up a locally grown meal

Foodwise, summer is a really special time to live in the North. Dig out some new potatoes, pick up some local greens at the farmer’s market, go out and catch a fish or cook up some meat from an early hunting trip. Pick some sweet wild berries to serve up

with some ice cream or make into muffins and voila, you have a full meal. When the ingredients are this fresh there really isn’t a need to do much with them. Extra points if you decorate the table with some flowers from the garden because before you know it the first frost will be knocking at the door.

Go for a drive

The bright midsummer nights are behind us and the first willows are turning yellow along the highway but there are still plenty of daylight hours left to enjoy. Why not do a day trip to Atlin or Skagway, take a drive to Carcross, go

• Excavators (Cat 315 to Cat 330)

• Telehandlers

• Loaders (Cat 950H)

• Skid Steers (262C to 289D3)

• Single Drum Packer (XCMG CV123)

• Frost fighters 350K BTU

• Heat Trailers, Ice fighter 700K BTU

• Enclosed Trailers

• Car Hauler Trailers

995616284107?aff=ebdssbcityb rowse) or go for a free evening Wild Discoveries walk and learn about red squirrels (Aug 29th) or Kokanee salmon (Sept 4) https:// yukon.ca/wild-discoveries?fbclid =IwY2xjawEsuaBleHRuA2FlbQIxM

AABHZ7bR0-LnpwZYhem3rWfgBVF7yXvtrMP2NLWdwsz6iguNgySz9NMktw2A_aem_bkt2ghka980ZZFb9z6n0vw n

on a weekend excursion to Haines Junction or Dawson City or simply spend an afternoon cruising around looking for garage sales? There will soon be plenty of chilly evenings and gloomy weekends to spend indoors so why not spend as much of these last warm days outside as possible?

If you’re looking for something closer to town, check out a free hike like Early Fall Fungi at Chadburn Lake on August 28th with Sam Skinner hosted by the Yukon Conservation Society (https://www.eventbrite. ca/e/free-guided-hike-early-fallfungi-at-chadburn-lake-tickets-

• Gooseneck/5th Wheel Trailer with winch

• Generators, 30KW to 500KW, Propane and Diesel

• Transformers 750 Kva 480:4160V, 750 Kva 480:600V, 600/480 300Kva

• Load Bank (100KW @ 120/208)

PHOTOS: Jessica Surber

Celebrating the Spirit of Making: A Heartfelt Thank You to our Community

What began as a spark of inspiration during Rick and Jeramy’s visit to the Calgary Maker Faire last year has developed into a remarkable celebration of creativity and innovation right here in Whitehorse The vision of hosting the first Maker Faire North of 60 was developed during Yukon Innovation Week last November, where makers were invited to don their thinking caps and brainstorm vigorously to bring this dream to life The goals were to celebrate the Maker Movement, share knowledge with fellow makers, strengthen the community of makers in the Yukon, and bring out all the incredible creations tucked away in sheds across the territory

On July 27th and 28th, the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre was filled with excitement during the first Maker Faire Yukon

The event was a resounding success with 15 exhibitors, over 10 workshops, food vendors, dedicated volunteers, and more than 350 enthusiastic participants! The passion of our makers shone brightly as they showcased their unique creations, ranging from intricate handcrafted items to complex video installations using both digital and analog methods All who attended felt the positive impact of Maker Faire Yukon. One participant shared, “The inspiration that came from possible collaborations, and from what people worked on, was incredible ”

“People were so happy at this event, from the staff, workshop hosts, and exhibitors to guests coming in ” The workshop facilitators also received high praise for their dedication and expertise “The workshop leaders were amazingly patient, knowledgeable, and helpful It was so much fun and so rewarding to successfully produce something,” shared another participant

The Cyberpunk Ball was a wild ride! We wanted to create a space for makers to let loose and express themselves, so volunteers Allison, Chris, and Kami transformed Yukonstruct’s Makespace into a futuristic party full of art and costumes inspired by stories like Blade Runner, Snow Crash, and Transmetropolitan, complete with glow-in-the-dark drinks and neon artwork Congratulations to Jeramy, Graham, and Nicole for the best costumes

Innovation is at the heart of Maker Faire This out-of-the-box thinking serves as a platform for forward-minded individuals to share their ideas and groundbreaking inventions Attendees witnessed innovation first-hand at NorthwesTel’s Combat Robots! They watched as fierce competitors unleashed their custom-built machines in a battle for supremacy in the combat arena. This adrenaline-packed event promised thrills, spills, and electrifying action and left everyone amazed! Jeramy and their robot, Trans Axle, dominated the arena and emerged victorious Thanks to all participants for sharing their creations and congratulations to Jeramy on their well-deserved win

What started as a massive undertaking grew into a reality Thanks to our community’s passion, creativity, and collaboration we cultivated this event into a true celebration of the Maker Movement To learn more about Yukonstruct and our initiatives, visit our website at yukonstruct com Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: @yukonstruct

Want to be involved in next year’s Maker Faire? Sign up for the newsletter at makerfaireyukon.com! With heartfelt thanks.

We couldn’t have done it without all of you: Alannah Pumphrey, Alix Todd, Allison Button, Amy Law, Attinder Sidhu, Aurore Boréale, Better Together Photo Booth, Caitlyn MacMaster, Candice Gottschall, CanNor, Chris Lloyd, Corey & Tara, Daat Indian Cuisine, Dennis Athron, DJ Blair Breaks, DJ Toddalicious, Doug Sakamoto, Drinking with Scissors, Elias Barlow-White, Evey & Sunny, Fast & Tasty no 1, Glenn Piwowar, Happy Tuesday, Jacob Zimmer, Jennifer Rafferty, John Quinsey, Jonathon Driscoll, Justin Gingras, Kami Lemay, KITA Japanese Kitchen + Bar, Kusina Local, Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre, Leanne Watson, Linux Yukon - Kiyoshi Maguire, Lumel Studios, Maeva Esteva, Magnus Kolotylo-Brown, Majestic Solutions, Marjie Cowell, Merrick McKinley, Michelle Clusiau, Minister John Streicker, Mélanie Rességuier, Nakai Theatre, Nathan Pullar, Nicole Bauberger, Norah Paton, Northern Bohemian Studio, North of Ordinary, NorthwesTel, Paradise Music Festival, Pyrolab Creations, Raven Re Centre/Zero Waste Yukon, Ricardo Espada Horsfall, Robotics North, Rose and Sylvia, Tanya Adams, Texas State University, The Mini Makerspace, Thomas Pullar, Thomas Jacquin, Tristan and Johnathon, What’s Up Yukon, Yucanprints, Yukon Brewing, Yukon Built, Yukon Bunsik, Yukon Government, Yukonstruct


New Children’s Book Celebrates

Kwanlin Dün Heritage, Southern Tutchone Language and Renewable Energy


agle Hill Energy Limited Partnership (EHELP) and Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) are excited to announce the release of The Winds over Whitehorse: Thay T’äw Kwändǖr (Golden Eagle Nest Story)

This unique children’s book, intended for ages 3 to 5, accompanies the launch of the Haeckel HillThay T’äw Wind Energy Project, the first 100% Indigenous-owned wind energy project in Northern Canada. Adapted from the lived experience and oral history of the late KDFN Elder, Ä́yenjìatà Louie Smith, the story follows the Tsä́l (Gopher) family on a cranberrypicking adventure up Thay T’äw (Haeckel Hill).

Along the journey, readers are introduced to the local Southern Tutchone language and familiar story characters and learn about Thay, the giant golden eagle that nested on the mountain long ago. The story also reveals how the new wind turbines on Haeckel Hill provide clean energy for families across the Yukon.

Malek Tawashy, Director, Eagle Hill Energy LP said the partnership demonstrates the importance of community-level engagement.

“The creation of the children’s

book ‘The Winds over Whitehorse: Thay T’äw Kwänd́r’ underscores Eagle Hill Energy’s commitment to the sustainable development and self-determination of KDFN citizens and demonstrates the meaningful social benefits of community-level renewable energy initiatives. The Haeckel Hill-Thay T’äw Wind Energy Project serves as a platform to amplify KDFN heritage, language, and values while also advancing Yukon’s clean energy future.”

“We are thrilled to contribute

to the education of young readers through this book and our partnership with the Yukon Imagination Library. Special thanks to Kikchucks (Rae) Mombourquette, Tedd Tucker, and all the book contributors for their tireless work bringing this amazing project to life.”

The book is co-authored by KDFN Citizen and Culture and Heritage Steward Kikchucks Rae Mombourquette and Yukon-based artist Tedd Tucker, with illustrations by Tedd Tucker. It is an

• Specializing in servicing Yukon’s exploration and mining industries Logistic, transportation & supply chain support

educational tool that blends Dän ḱè kwänje (Southern Tutchone) language and KDFN cultural heritage with themes of environmental stewardship and contemporary Indigenous values.

Translations and cultural insights are provided by KDFN citizen and Dän ḱè kwänje language holder Ä́yįzhìa Cory Holway, with support from Elders Nakhela Hazel Bunbury and Tläkshan David Bunbury from Tàa’an Ḿń. Book Distribution EHELP has partnered with the Yukon


The Winds Over Whitehorse celebrates Kwanlin Dün Heritage, Southern Tutchone Language and Renewable Energy Whitehorse

Illustration: Courtesy of EHELP

Reads Society to distribute The Winds over Whitehorse: Thay T’äw Kwänd́r through the Yukon Imagination Library, which supports early literacy development for Yukon children. Over 1,200 children across the territory registered for this program will be mailed a free copy of the book.

Wendy Tayler, who is the chair of Yukon Reads Society said there is real excitement about the project and the positive impact it will have on young readers.

“The Yukon Reads Society is excited to partner with Kwanlin Dün First Nation and Eagle Hill Energy LP to share this delightful book with children across every Yukon community and Atlin. Early access to books is pivotal in shaping future success, and through our Yukon Imagination Library program, we have mailed more than 200,000 free books to children across the territory. We are immensely grateful to share a story that reflects local culture and language, which we know will help foster a lifelong love of reading in our children.”

A free digital version of the book is available for download on EHELP’s webpage at chuniikwan. ca/eagle-hill-energy with print copies available for purchase (at production cost) on amazon.ca n


is from

and has lived


If something looks too good to be true, it probably is

WARNING: If read aloud, this story may French-braid your tongue


verybody’s calling me asshole. Do you tink I’m asshole?” he asked in his usual broken English.

(That was Junkyard Jim’s greeting from Joe, the owner of an electrical repair shop in Edmonton, as Jim approached the counter on a Monday morning.)

“You know very well that you are. So why are you asking?” replied Junkyard.

“Because of what I did dis weekend,” Joe answered.

“Well, get with the program and spit it out!” Junkyard retorted.

“Okay, okay … It all started last veek ven I find skunk under my porch. I was stumped how I was going to get him to hell out of dare. So I called Feesh and Fedders [fish and feathers] and told dem to come get dare skunk. Dose useless pinheads told me day no do dat.

“Den I asked dem what I’m supposed to do wit skunk. Day say dat I could borrow trap from dem, so I gave dem address where to drop off. Dem lazy bastards say day no delivery. I would have to peek it up!

“I went and got trap and put it under porch the other day, and I checked for a day or two but he no go in trap, the dumb bastard! Finally, he went in trap next day. I called Feesh and Fedders again and told dem I caught dare skunk, so dey could come get it.

“Again, day told me day wouldn’t pickem up. I asked dem

where the hell I would put bloody skunk. Day told me dat I should drop him off in country somevare.

“Now I’m getting peaced off because he might stenk up my pickup when I try to haul him in open trap. I tink about it over and over again on weekend, and I decide I no want to haul him in open cage … He might peace on me.

“I finally decide I will use old suitcase I have in basement. I grab suitcase from basement and decide I deserve some fun wit dis project and be really big asshole. I used some tape to stop letches from closing all the vay on suitcase. Den I made shute for skunk to go in suitcase. I was scared he would peace on me, but with little push with broom hendle, shute work like dream. I tink the little idiot was tired of living in trap.

“Okay, okay … It all started last veek ven I find skunk under my porch.” - Joe

“I didn’t trust suitcase letches so I wrap it wit bungee strap. I looked like ugly hitchhiker ven I carried suitcase down highway, about 500 feet, and set it on side of highway. I took it off bungee strap and run like hell, all the vay home, and grabbit lawn chair and cold beer. I no wanna miss all the fun. I only have time to have two drinks of beer, and fun already


“I heerd snarling coming from north. Day had dare jalopy vound right out wit crazee amount of speed. Holy smokes! Ven it got closer it sounded likeit had too many horses under hood and some ver trying to jump out.

“Closer, I could see it was bleck Camaro wit two doors. Ven day got even closer, I taught day going too fast to see suitcase. Day roar by suitcase and den dare was screeching and tires started smoking like Hitler’s buncour. Driver then stick car in reverse and tires smoke some’more till he becked up to suitcase.

“A long-hair pretty boy jump out of pessenger door and grab suitcase. He run beck to car and, wit a wide swing, he throwed suitcase really hard into beck seat. I knew right away that Pretty Boy did better job dan I taught he would. I was sure suitcase letches would pop open.

“Pretty Boy jump beck in car and dare was some more screeching, and car took off like a bullet. Den all of sudden day slam on brakes and, before car stopped, the driver and Pretty Boy jump out of car wit skunk right on Pretty Boy’s ass. Day were coffing and spitting and trowing up in ditch— but, what the hell, day are young. Day will get over it, I taught!

“Dat was better show dan I could hope for. I laugh so hard I fell off lawn chair and beer spilled everyver. It looked like I peaced myself. It was one of best Sundays ever. So dat Meester Junkyard is why day call me ‘asshole.’” (Junkyard, after laughing): “Yeah, and you’re lucky that I’m not the immigration minister because I would ship your sorry ass out of Canada on the first slow boat to the old country.” n

PHOTO: Pixabay
column with Carey Marshall
Carey Marshall
on both sides of the mountain North of 60, for almost 50 years.

Old guy best remembered for taking a school bus through the McDonald’s Drive Thru, in about 1987, and ordering 52 chocolate shakes.


Whoever out-grew it and left it in the clothing free store at The Mall: Thanks kid! It found a home

That’s the true spirit of recycling. It goes with my complete Harry Potter video collection that I got from The Mall’s free store library. You’ve seen the “Little Libraries” around town I guess. Well

The Mall has the biggest little library. Not as good as the real thing, and not nearly as good as Well Read Books, just closer.

We’re in the habit of shopping at The Mall first. Some time ago I lost a hubcap from our camper van. More recently we found a battery operated furniture vacuum that still had enough charge to actually work. Trouble was it needed a specific “wall wart” (a power adapter that covers up the adjacent socket and renders it unusable) and an end plug to charge it. Fast forward a couple of weeks: we found the wall wart and plug in The Mall’s electronics department before the saboteur got at it, and my hubcap was sitting on a block of cement near the metals department. We all like the vacuum, and Spock the Roadtrek is complete again.

Yes, there is a saboteur hanging around the electronics department. Kind of a stupid person actually. Someone who clips the cords between the wall warts and the device, then burns the plastic off so they can sell the copper. It’s a self evident obviosity that they don’t give a fat rat’s ass about air quality. Or serious recycling.

My advice: Don’t be so damn lazy. There’s a whole bunch of

Hogwarts shirt

L’artiste Meg Walker dans son studio, à Dawson

dead generators and motors in the metals department. You can probably find a sledge hammer there to beat them apart with, liberating several pounds each of varnish-wrapped copper wire.

As for air quality: take ‘em home and burn ‘em off in ‘yer garage.

With the doors and windows closed.

Rant over. Now getting back to the stuff that people threw away and we’ve found a use for.

The electronics department isn’t junk. Pretty much all the electronics in our house are sourced from The Mall. The TV, our computers, monitors, keyboards, stereos, speaker systems, a solar panel...all of this came from The Mall.

Routers! How does anybody function in this day and age without routers? Solar array to shop to cabin to house? Possibly including the cheatin’ buggers who stop at the top of our driveway tryin’ to pirate our connection?

Groaner alert! A whole bunch of stuff got “rerouted” to Computers for Schools.

Non-electronics include a 185 gallon rain barrel. Metal roofing that saved a pile of money for us and our neighbours, when we had that awful windstorm a few years back. That wind tore off a quarter of the neighbours’ roof and the ridge cap off our roof.

Our greenhouse is a half-build-

The greenhouse

ing with a recycled glass wall and more of that metal roofing. The roofing feeds rainwater to a recycled horse trough. And we got enough tubing from instant garages to make a 20 ‘ greenhouselike cover for a raised bed in the garden and a gazebo for just sittin’ around in.

A complete roof for our generator shack.

Perfectly good bicycles for seniors that only needed a little maintenance. A pop-up mosquito tent. Jeans, jackets, hoodies. Lanterns for camping. A relative-

ly clean Carhartt ensemble. (We think someone got an office job). So where is this marvellous emporium? The Mall? In reference to an old song: “Well, if you don’t know I ain’t gonna tell ya...” But here’s a hint: It costs ya a buck for ‘yer admission and that includes disposal of a bag of household garbage. Pound for pound I think we, as a family, are ahead of the game by about 10 to 1. A pound of vacuuming dust, chicken bones, and tin cans for ten pounds of electronics or metals or books! n

Photo : Miriam Behman
PHOTOS: Carl Maguire

There Is Only One God

They go by the name of padre

But there is only one God

They go by the name of minister

But there is only one God

They go by the name of parson

But there is only one God

They go by the name of reverend

But there is only one God

They go by the name of catechist

But there is only one God

They go by the name of bishop

But there is only one God

They go by the name of oblate

But there is only one God

They go by the name of Father

But there is only one God

They go by the name of priest

But there is only one God

They go by the name of pastor

But there is only one God

They go by the name of missionary

But there is only one God

They go by the name of chaplin

But there is only one God

They go by the name of rector

But there is only one God

They go by the name of Archbishop

But there is only one God

When I was a kid this Elder gave me a Gwich’in name, ”CHIH AHAA”.

Translated it means ”walking ahead”.

Allan Benjamin CHIH AHAA

Allan Benjamin is a poet, a cartoonist, a fiddle player and a snowshoe racer from Old Crow, Yukon. Allan is a Vuntut Gwich’in artist who provides cartoons and poems to What’s Up Yukon. He introduces us to two sets of characters who represent Allan’s family and traditional Gwich’in life growing up in Old Crow.

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles

Check out ALL EVENTS at whatsupyukon.com


Mon Aug 26 Rugby Fitness Testing for Canada Summer Games 2025 4:30 PM FH Collins High School Test your strength, speed and aerobic capacity with a variety of tests in the gym and on the field. For Men born in ‘05 and ‘06 and for Women born in ‘07 and ‘08. Email yukonrugbyfederation@gmail.com for more info!

Wed Aug 28 P’tits Mollets HikeDiscovery of Boreal Plants 2:00 PM Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre Discover boreal plants with Sylvie Binette, biologist and fervent follower of ethnobotany. Learn how to discover, identify and how to use local plants responsibly. Register online. https:// whatsupyukon.events/1z2

Fri Aug 30 SlamFest 2024 4:00 PM

Mt Sima Intermediate on Drop the Clutch and Advanced on Lefty Loosey, so whether you’re refining your skills or ready to push your limits, there’s a spot for you! Post race prizes! Register online. https://www.mountsima.com/ event/slamfest-2

Wed Sep 4 Red Fish Blue Fish 6:00 PM Department of Environment Fisheries biologists will lead an evening walk to view the salmon in their spawning colours and talk about their

life cycle and history. https://yukon.ca/ en/wild-discoveries

Fri Sep 6 - Sun Sep 8 Table

Tennis Coaching Courses École

Whitehorse Elementary School https:// whatsupyukon.events/884f97

Sat Sep 07 Klondike Road Relay

Rotary Peace Park An epic experience unlike any other race and we encourage all levels and ages to participate. Runner or walker; adult or youth; the full race or our shorter, modified route - the KRR is for everyone!

Sun Sep 8 Year End Regatta 10:00

AM Whitehorse Our annual year-end regatta! Previous racing experience is not needed, but some sailing experience is necessary. Enjoy a lunch socialSpectators are welcome! Register online. https://www.yukonsailing.com/ regattas

Mondays Judo For Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM

Morning Strength and Conditioning

7:30 AM Northern Strength Academy Functional fitness training to be stronger and injury-resistant. All levels are welcome. Train ‘functionally’ with NSA Co-owner Jeremy McCulloch. https:// northernstrength.ca/

Elderactive Yoga with Richard until Oct 24 9:30 AM Northern Lights School of Dance explore the great variety the IYENGAR Yoga method has to offer Yoga with Barbara until Feb 20 10:00 AM Whitehorse United Church Use side door All Levels Yoga. Email bfraingower@gmail.com

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 AM Yoga-Yoga Nidra 5:45 PM 7th Ray Studio Awaken and then release as we delve into a one hour yoga class that will prepare us to melt into the 30 minute Yoga Nidra experience. Register online.

Strength for the Endurance Athlete

12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy

Move & Meditate - Slow Vinyasa

Yoga 8:30 AM Avalanche Athletics

Immerse yourself in a tranquil journey of movement and mindfulness with our Moving Meditation - Slow Vinyasa Yoga. http://amitieyoga.c

Elderactive CGC Flexihall 9:00

AM Canada Games Centre Yukon

Elderactive has the Flexihall is Booked for you! Some activities get your heart pumping, while others get your mind engaged

Elderactive Pilates level 1/2 9:30

AM Northern Lights School of Dance

Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online.

Elderactive Pilates level 2 10:40

AM Northern Lights School of Dance

Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online. http://cuts2. com/jiacg

Noon Strength and Conditioning 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Functional strength class teaches compound multi-joint lifts that improve athleticism, strength, coordination, power and more. https:// northernstrength.ca/

Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days

Martial Arts 12:05 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Kids Muay Thai 4:45 PM Eight Days

Martial Arts KIDS MUAY THAI a dynamic and engaging martial art that can be traced to the middle of the 18th century. Open to ages 8 - 12.

Zumba with Bonita 5:45 PM 7th Ray Studio A fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Register online

Women’s Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Move & Meditate - Slow Vinyasa Yoga 6:45 PM Avalanche Athletics Immerse yourself in a tranquil journey of movement and mindfulness with our Moving Meditation - Slow Vinyasa Yoga. http://amitieyoga.ca

Spirit Bear Karate 7:30 PM The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre http:// spiritbearkaratekobudo.ca

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 7:30 PM Rest & Restore-Meditative Yin 8:30 PM Avalanche Athletics Suitable for all levels, offering variations and props to support individual needs. Bringing a yoga mat, comfortable clothing, water bottle and block are recommended.


Strength for the Endurance Athlete

6:00 AM Northern Strength Academy

Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM

Séances de yoga 8:00 AM Flow and Fly – Vinyasa Yoga 8:30 AM Grace Space This dynamic and invigorating practice is designed to awaken your inner strength and leave you feeling revitalized and empowered.

Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels.

Summer Pop-Up Series - Black Street

Stairs 12:00 PM Black Street Stairs Park

Join the CGC Fitness Team for some outdoor fun at these FREE pop-ups! Preregistration is not required for our pop-up events, please arrive on time and look for the City of Whitehorse flag on location.

Summer Pop-Up Series - Yoga 12:00

PM Shipyards Park Join the CGC Fitness Team for some outdoor fun at these FREE pop-ups! Pre-registration is not required for our pop-up events, please arrive on time and look for the City of Whitehorse flag on location.

Lunchtime Fitness Classes 12:15 PM

Northern Strength Academy Tuesdays classes are more resistance and strength focused and Thursday classes more HIIT cardio. Drop in & passes are available.

Elderactive Leisure Walking 12:30

PM ElderActive Recreation Association Leisure Walking is similar to Nordic walking but is suitable for those who prefer a slower, more relaxed pace

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days

Martial Arts 4:45 PM

Strength & Conditioning 5:30 PM

Northern Strength Academy Exercise to suit your fitness level and Strength & Conditioning Goals. Learn to Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Row and Olympic Lift https://northernstrength.ca/ Evening Yoga 6:00 PM Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs eclipsenordichotsprings.ca

Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Learn to Fence 6:00 PM Grey Mountain Primary School This class introduces the fundamentals of fencing to kids who have never tried fencing. All classes are at Grey Mountain Primary.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM

Whitehorse Archery Takhini Elementary 6:30 PM Whitehorse Archery is a nonprofit club for the recreational shooter, hunters, and those who just want to work on their skills. https://www. whitehorsearchery.com/schedule Spirit Bear Kobudo (Weapons) Karate 7:00 PM The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre http:// spiritbearkaratekobudo.ca

Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Intermediate 7:30 PM Grey Mountain Primary School This class picks up from where Learn to Fence ends. In this class students are taught fencing technique, strategy, and fitness.

No-Gi Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 7:30 PM

Stretch and Stabilize – Functional Conditioning 7:45 PM Grace Space

Purposeful movement with our Functional Conditioning non-yoga movement class.


Muay Thai Kickboxing 6:00 AM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout. Morning Strength and Conditioning 7:30 AM Northern Strength Academy https://northernstrength.ca/

Elderactive CGC Flexihall 9:00

AM Canada Games Centre Yukon

Elderactive has the Flexihall is Booked for you! Some activities get your heart pumping, while others get your mind engaged

Elderactive Pilates level 1/2 9:30

AM Northern Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online.

Zumba with Bonita 10:00 AM 7th Ray Studio Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness. Register online.

Canyon Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge!

Elderactive Pilates level 2 10:40

AM Northern Lights School of Dance Energizing Level 2 Pilates tailored for seniors. Elevate wellness with gentle movement! Register online. http://cuts2. com/jiacg

Ladies Kickboxing 12:05 PM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout.

NSA Spin Classes 4:15 PM Northern Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM Spirit Bear Karate 6:25 PM The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre http:// spiritbearkaratekobudo.ca

Muay Thai Kickboxing 7:45 PM Eight Days Martial Arts The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Stretch & Stabilize - Functional Conditioning 8:15 PM Avalanche Athletics Purposeful movement with our Functional Conditioning non-yoga movement class. Stretch & Stabilize - Functional Conditioning http:// amitieyoga.ca


Insanity Live! Get Fit For Winter – 6 Week Winter Series 5:30 AM Riverdale Subdivision – Whitehorse Incinerate fat and calories in 50 minutes with the ultimate cardio-conditioning program that is tailored to ALL fitness levels. Register online. https://whatsupyukon. events/b7o

Strength for the Endurance Athlete 6:00 AM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM

Tai Chi for Seniors 10:00 AM Golden Age Society Come early, bring water, and wear comfortable, smooth soled indoor shoes.

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles Canyon Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge! Lunchtime Fitness Classes 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Tuesdays classes are more resistance and strength focused and Thursday classes more HIIT cardio. Drop in & passes are available. https://bit.ly/3oiTBVz Strength for the Endurance Athlete 12:00 PM Northern Strength Academy Join our supportive running community and hone your technique, speed and pace with the Yukon’s top endurance coach. Inclusive for all levels

Noon Hatha Yoga until Dec 7 12:00 PM

Grace Space Relax, energize and leave with more mental and physical space and capacity! Register online. http:// cuts2.com/gmGhI

No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM

Babynastics with Coach Ewan 1:00

PM Polarettes Gymnastics Club A semistructured parent and tot class for new movers, all the way to age 5. Immerse your little one in song, socialization and a very colorful and stimulating environment. Free with membership. https://www.polarettes.org/babynastics

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Eight Days Martial Arts 4:45 PM

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM

Midnight Sun Fencing Club: Adult Beginner 7:00 PM Grey Mountain Primary School If you are looking to learn fencing as an adult. In this class students are taught fencing technique, strategy, and fitness.

Fridays Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 AM cont’d on page 21 ...

NSA Spin Classes 6:30 AM Northern

Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors

Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/

Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 9:30 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/ yoga-classes

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles

Canyon Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge!

Thursdays Noon Hatha Yoga 12:00

PM Grace Space Energizing blend of Hatha and Kundalini with Pranayama (breathwork), Friendly and Community oriented space! Register online. http:// www.gracespaceyukon.com

Muay Thai Kickboxing Eight &

Mondays Days Martial Arts 12:05

PM The art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai Kickboxing has proven itself to be the go to striking style of many martial arts champions.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days

Martial Arts 4:45 PM

Tai Chi Yukon outdoor practice 5:30

PM On the Wharf at the foot of Main Street. Call 335-4813 for more info.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Eight Days

Martial Arts 6:00 PM

No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - teen classes Eight Days Martial Arts 6:00 PM

Muay Thai Kickboxing 7:30 PM Eight Days Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing full body workout.


Flow & Fly – Vinyasa Yoga 8:30 AM

Avalanche Athletics A dynamic and invigorating practice is designed to awaken your inner strength and leave you feeling revitalized and empowered. All levels, Bring yoga mat, comfortable clothing, water bottle and block are recommended. http://amitieyoga.ca

YCS Guided Hikes 10:00 AM Miles

Canyon Meet our guides for a free walk through Kwanlin (Miles Canyon). With splashes of culture, history, botany, and terrible jokes! No-registration required, Free, just meet us at the bridge!

Saturday Morning Strength and Conditioning 10:15 AM Northern Strength Academy Full-body movements to improve functional strength. Suitable for all levels and aligns with NSA’s strength programming. https://northernstrength. ca/

Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 10:15 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/ yoga-classes

No-Gi Jiu Jitsu - drilling Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM Open Mat Eight Days Martial Arts 12:05 PM


Circus Sundays 10:00 AM Avalanche

Athletics We will have equipment for people to try out, including stilts, juggling stuff, aerial silks, aerial hoop, static trapeze, spinny things, balance things…

NSA Spin Classes 10:00 AM Northern Strength Academy NSA offers Indoor Cycling classes with certified instructors

Adrienne Marsh and Maria Wise. Improve your conditioning and strength on the bike! https://northernstrength.ca/ Yoga Classes at Eclipse Nordic Hot Springs 10:15 AM Yoga mats are provided. Booking options that include yoga classes alone and yoga with discounted entrance to Eclipse are available. eclipsenordichotsprings.ca/ yoga-classes


Elder and Counselor available

Emotional and Spiritual support, free to Indigenous women, girls, 2 spirited in Yukon, Northern BC: Phone, video appointments or in person. Call Toll Free 866 667 6162 or visit www.yawc.ca for info.


1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month The Prenatal Lunch Network 12:00 PM NVD Place (Old Canadian Tire Building)

A free prenatal lunch network. Each week will feature a different activity. Call 332-5054 or 332-6476 for more info.

1st Wednesday QYS 2SLGBTQIA+ Parent & Guardian Peer Support Nights 6:00 PM Queer Yukon Society

The Cache We want to provide a space where parents and guardians of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth can find connection and support from their peers.

2nd Wednesday Blood Collection and Lab Work 9:00 AM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Blood Work and Lab Collection Clinic! We will provide regular clinics for blood collection & lab requisitions

1st Thursday of every month Men’s Gathering 5:00 PM A safe place for men to connect with each other and learn traditional teachings. For more info contact Rob at 332-5708 or Rob. McLean@kdfn.net

Every other Tuesday Sharing Circle 12:00 PM Old Justice Building KDFN

Every other Tuesday for recovery focused sharing circles. Connect, share challenges and gains, and access support and wisdom. Snacks and refreshments served. https:// whatsupyukon.events/4en

Last Monday Blood Collection and Lab Work 9:00 AM Queer Yukon Society The Cache Blood Work and Lab Collection Clinic! We will provide regular clinics for blood collection & lab requisitions

Last Sunday Spoonie Support Circle 2:30 PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache A low-key community hangs, engage in peer support in facilitated conversations on topics brought forth by participants, and meet other spoonies! For details and to register islairhysrathlin@gmail.com


Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00

PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin House

Infant Feeding Mondays 1:00 PM Yukon Midwifery Program Yukoners who are pregnant or have a baby under 12 months are invited to learn about feeding their infants and get support with challenges. Call 393-7120 to book a private appointment or drop-in.

AA Life Ahead (O, A) 7:00 PM 509

Hanson St. Held in person or by zoom –ID 251-363-5766, call 778-907-2701 for more info.

AA New Beginnings Group (O, A) 8:00

PM Christ Church Cathedral (Hellaby Hall)

AA New Beginnings Group (OM, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral


Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM

Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

Healthy Babies Healthy Futures 12:00

PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre

An inclusive Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program for parental & infant support. Enjoy a Drop-In lunch and connect with other families. https://whatsupyukon. events/8kd

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00

PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin House

ARKA Brotherhood Men’s Circle: Porcupine Squad 6:30 PM Whitehorse

A confidential, structured space that empowers men to transform themselves into self-aware, self-disciplined, empowered and trustworthy leaders. Email mjvernon@gmail.com for more info. http://www.arkabrotherhood.com

AA UglyDuckling Group (C/M, NS) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral New members always welcome, this is a non smoking group.

Ugly Ducklings Group (O,A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral Held in person or by zoom – ID 251-363-5766, call 778-907-2701 for more info.

TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly)

6:00 PM 100 25 Firth Rd Want to improve or maintain a healthy weight? Join us! Every Wednesday morning. Call or text 867-334-1725 for more details


TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly)

8:00 AM Closeleigh Manor Common Room Want to improve or maintain a healthy weight? Call or text 867-3341725 for more details

Community Kitchen 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Hot nutritious meals to-go, a free, low-barrier, program for women identifying individuals and children. Call 667-2693 for more info

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00

PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin


Al-Anon 12:00 PM Sport Yukon

Al-Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00

PM Inclusion Yukon

Overeaters Anonymous Meeting 7:30

PM Overeaters Anonymous For more information contact oayukon@gmail. com for more information

AA No Puffin Big Book Study (C, A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral (Hellaby Hall)

Porter Creek Step Meeting (C) 8:00

PM Our Lady of Victory


Sally and Sisters 11:30 AM

Whitehorse United Church A welcoming environment where women and their children can enjoy a hot meal.

Healthy Babies Healthy Futures 12:00

PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre

An inclusive Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program for parental & infant support. Enjoy a Drop-In lunch and connect with other families. https://whatsupyukon. events/8kd

AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00

PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin


Connect to Culture - Drop-In 1:00

PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre FREE! Drop-In, Open to ALL! Weekly cultural activities from beading to sewing, healing camp trips, elder visits and more. For more info call 667-2093 or email info@vfwomenscentre.com https://vfwomenscentre.com/events

Polar Group (O, A) 7:30 PM 311 Elliott St. & 4th Ave. Held in person or on zoom, Zoom ID 251-363-5766, call 778907-2701 for more info.


AA “Joy of Living Group” (O) 12:00

PM 305 Wood St. Captain Martin


AA Yukon Unity Group (O) 1:30 PM Online Zoom ID 482-518-9588 PC 334796 call 778-907-2971 for more info.

Community Kitchen 4:00 PM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Hot nutritious meals to-go, a free, low-barrier, program for women identifying individuals and children. Call 667-2693 for more info.

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00

PM Yukon Employees Union

Al-Anon 7:00 PM Trinity Lutheran Church Al-Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.

AA Whitehorse Group (C, A) 8:00 PM Christ Church Cathedral


Moms & Kids - Summer Rec Program 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Womens Centre Moms, aunties, and caregivers of all kinds, along with their kids ages 5 to 8.

AA Detox Meeting (O, A) 1:00 PM 609

Steele St.1:00 PM

AA Yukon Unity Group (O) 1:00 PM

Online Zoom ID 482-518-9588 PC 334796 call 778-907-2971 for more info.

AA Hospital Meeting 7:00 PM #5 Hospital Rd. Room 1212


AA Detox Meeting (O, A)1:00 PM 609

Steele St.

AA Yukon Unity Group 1:00 PM Online By zoom – Zoom ID 482-518-9588 PC 334796 For more info call 778-907-2971

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings 7:00 PM Inclusion Yukon

AAHospital Meeting (O, A) 7:00 PM #5 Hospital Rd. Room 1212







Opening reception: September 6: 5-7 pm. September 3 - 28, 2024

(867) 393-4848 Tue - Sat 11am - 4pm

August 29 Repair Cafe 6:00pm – 9:00pm

September 10 Makespace New Member Orientation 5:00pm - 6:00pm

September 10 Woodshop Orientation 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Open Hours: Wed–Sun 1pm–9pm

Please see Yukonstruct.com for more info!

NorthLight Innovation Building 2180 2nd Ave

August 28

Cospace New Member Orientation 10:30am - 11:00am

August 29 Northlight Open House 4:00pm - 7:00pm

September 4

Cospace New Member Orientation 10:30am - 11:00am

September 4 WELCOME WEDNESDAY 11:00am - 11:30am

September 11 Cospace New Member Orientation 10:30am - 11:00am Open Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm

Email: events@whatsupyukon.com | Also, email us if there are any errors! Please visit whatsupyukon.com for up to date event details. Some events may be postponed or cancelled after we print.


Fri Aug 30 People of Chasàn Chùa by Yataya Van Kampen 4:00 PM

Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre An evening to celebrate opening night and the deep connections between people, community, and place. Featuring portraits of First Nations people and stories focused on preserving and caring for Chasàn Chùa (McIntyre Creek).

Until Aug 30 45 Years of Northern Light with Lillian Loponen - A Farewell Exhibition YAC Yukon Arts Centre Gallery This small retrospective showcases how Loponen masterfully captures the light, underscoring her deep connection to the Northern landscape. https://yukonartscentre. com/whats-on/45-years-of-northernlight-with-lillian-loponen-a-farewellexhibition/

Until Aug 30 Show Off - A Yukon Ceramics Showcase Arts Underground On view in both the Focus and Edge Galleries, Yukon makers of all skill levels showcase bowls, plates, sculptures, cups, etc.

Until Aug 30 CAMP by Couzyn Van Heuvelen YAC Yukon Arts Centre Gallery Couzyn van Heuvelen’s sculptural installations in this exhibition build from van Heuvelen’s earlier investigations into hunting and fishing practices by shifting focus to the chores and communal spaces that take shape around the harvesting and preparation of food.

Until Aug 30 Stories Within by Yukon First Nations Artists YAC Yukon Arts Centre Gallery This exhibit brings together Yukon First Nations artists to delve into the rich traditions of storytelling embedded within their practices.

Until Aug 31 Ernest Chua Art Show Northern Front Studio Ernest Chua’s solo exhibition: Vogue-TurtleMagazine! Curated by Victoria Parker and Colin Dorward.


Mon Aug 26 Live Music by Patrick Jacobson & Peggy Hanifan 6:00 PM Tonys Pasta Yukon music legend Peggy Hanifan is the Gray Jay Café’s featured performer hosted by Whitehorse-based singer/songwriter, Patrick Jacobson. Admission is free.

Thu Aug 29 Live Music by Patrick Jacobson & Moose Springsteen 6:00 PM Tonys Pasta Yukon music legend Moose Springsteen is the Gray Jay Café’s featured performer hosted by Whitehorse-based singer/ songwriter, Patrick Jacobson. Admission is free.

Fri Aug 30 Live Music by Patrick Jacobson & Bria Rose 6:00 PM Tonys Pasta Yukon music legend Bria Rose is the Gray Jay Café’s featured performer hosted by Whitehorsebased singer/songwriter, Patrick Jacobson. Admission is free.

Fri Aug 30 ExAnimation and Reefer Demon 8:00 PM Leftys Well ExAnimation and Reefer Demon play a night of local stoner rock, metal and doom. Cover charge at the door.

Sat Aug 31 All Ages Live Music at the Cafe by Ed McLean 2:00

PM Kick off to Summer Party - BBQ Smokies, live music by Ed McLean and of course, coffee! Bring a lawn chair for a guaranteed seat as spots fill up fast!

Sat Aug 31 Riverfront Town Square Music Series 5:00 PM Friendly performances happen every Tuesday from July 2nd to August 27th at 5pm & 6pm! Enjoy the Whitehorse Riverfront and local music!

Sat Aug 31 Boujie Deluxe 8:00

PM Kopper King & Neighbours Pub Don your boujie outfits and deluxe accessories to come celebrate with a night of music, dancing, lights and dazzling entertainment. https:// whatsupyukon.events/9kl

Fri Sep 6 Sanktuary - Tarteric & Reefer Demon 8:00 PM Leftys Well

Come grease it up for a night of good ol’ classic heavy metal. Shirts are optional. Doors at 8pm, tunes at 9pm, cover charge at the door.

Sat Sep 7 All Ages Live Music at the Cafe by Ed McLean 2:00 PM Kick off to Summer Party - BBQ

Smokies, live music by Ed McLean and of course, coffee! Bring a lawn chair for a guaranteed seat as spots fill up fast!

Sat Sep 7 Riverfront Town Square Music Series 5:00 PM Friendly performances happen every Tuesday from July 2nd to August 27th at 5pm & 6pm! Enjoy the Whitehorse Riverfront and local music!



Acoustic Jam 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well


Karaoke 8:00 PM Lefty’s Well

Whitewater Wednesday 8:00 PM 98 Hotel


Ginger Jam 7:00 PM Lefty’s Well


Live Music at Whiskey Jacks 7:00

PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill At Whiskey Jack’s every Saturday. whiskeyjacks.ca/


Open Jam 8:00 PM 98 Hotel


Mon Aug 26 - Wed Sep 28 Street

Eats 2024 11:00 AM Whitehorse City Hall Food vendors will dish out lunch and dinner - picnic tables and extra bike racks set up - concerts by local musicians and Yukon Circus Society for entertainment.

Mon Aug 26 CNC Plasma Cutter 6:00 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Learn safety, digital design, and use of the CNC Plasma Cutter at Yukonstruct. Each participant will make a house number or similar simple design. Register online. https://yukonstruct.com/?

Tue Aug 27 Beginner Laser CutterWood Earrings 6:00 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Create your own custom wood earrings! In this beginner laser cutting and jewellery-making workshop you will design, cut, and assemble at least 2 pairs of wood earrings. All materials providedRegister online. https://yukonstruct. com/calendar/

Thu Aug 29 Northlight Open House 4:00 PM NorthLight Innovation Learn about Northlight ecosystem’s entrepreneurial supports, check out our event spaces, Discover what goes on in the Makespace, explore programming offered by YWITT, Tech Yukon, YukonU’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Department, and Yukonstruct! https://yukonstruct.com/ event/northlight-open-house/

Fri Aug 30

Rage Room at the

Warehouse 5:00 PM Creative Initiatives Warehouse Let loose and have a blast with friends or come solo for a unique experience. Don’t hold back - it’s time to unleash your inner rage! Tickets online.https:// whatsupyukon.events/jrt

Until Sep 6 Borderlands Nightly Yukon Theatre Lilith, an infamous bounty hunter with a mysterious past, reluctantly returns to her home, Pandora, the most chaotic planet in the galaxy. Tickets online or in-person at the box office. https:// yukonfilmsociety.com/schedule/ borderlands

Mon Sep 2 How to Grow Your Small Business 5:30 PM Online

Elevate your business with our Marketing Crash Course led by Peter Stephenson from Trailhead Marketing! Register online. https:// www.tickettailor.com/events/ yukonstructsociety/

Mon Sep 2 Yukon Employees’ Union Labour Day BBQ 11:00 AM Shipyards Park Annual Labour Day BBQ, everyone in the community is invited! Enjoy food, drinks, and games! Volunteers are also needed

Wed Sep 4 Porter Creek & Lake Laberge Constituency BBQ 5:00

PM Porter Creek Super A Hosted by MLA’s Geraldine Van Bibber, Brad Cathers and Yvonne Clarke – come on down and have a chat, enjoy some BBQ.

Wed Sep 4 Ceramics Level 1 6:00

PM Arts Underground A seven-week beginners course demonstrating the steps and skills required for wheel throwing, from start to finish. Register online. https://artsunderground.myshopify.com/

Sat Sep 7 The Vendor Blender 10:00 AM Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre Locally owned businesses with wonderful items to purchase. Come check us out!

Fri Sep 6 – Sun Sep 8 A Weekend of Harps Trinity Lutheran Church Classes for novices who have never touched a harp, a beginner class, an ensemble class for those that are more advanced, a Celtic Class and a Concert fundraiser at the end of the weekend. Email bcyukon@mac.com to register.

Until Sep 13 Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Nightly + Matinees Yukon Theatre After a family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz family return home to Winter River. Still haunted by Beetlejuice. Tickets online or in-person at the box office. https://yukonfilmsociety.com/ schedule/beetlejuice-beetlejuice

Sat Sep 7 Out Innerspace Dance Theatre - New Creation 7:00 PM YAC Yukon Arts Centre Vancouverbased Out Innerspace Dance Theatre will be developing a new project, titled New Creation, during their two-week residency at the Yukon Arts Centre and will perform it. Tickets online. https://www. yukontickets.com/TheatreManager/1/ tmEvent/tmEvent2855.html

Mon Sep 9 FASD Awareness Day 12:00 PM Shipyards Park An internationally recognized day that will be celebrated here in the Yukon by the FASD Interagency Committee. A community BBQ at, some entertainment, and information sharing. fassy.org

cont’d on page 23 ...

Mon Sep 9 YEU Public Laundry

Night 6:00 PM Family Hotel

Laundromat A monthly event offereing free usage of washers and dryers, laundry soap and dryer sheets available. Snacks and kids activites offered.


2nd & 4th Mondays Service Officer

7:00 AM Royal Canadian Legion

Whitehorse An invite to all Veterans, Police and First responders for the service hour at the Legion, socialise and find out what is going on. https:// bit.ly/3Lm40ZG

2nd & 4th Wednesdays Whitehorse

Photography Club - Meetup 7:00

PM Yukon University - Whitehorse Campus Held in Rm A2204. Discuss photography, share your work, learn new tips and tricks. http:// whitehorsephotoclub.ca/

First Thursdays QYS Craft Night 7:00

PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache

This is a great place to gather and meet other queer crafters. And there will be tea of course. Regular drop-in is still available.

2nd Thursday QYS Movie Nights

5:00 PM Queer Yukon Society The Cache

Last Thursdays Repair Cafe 6:00 PM Yukonstruct Makespace Bring it in and see if it is fixable using soldering irons, multimeters, and other tools. This easy introduction to electronics and small home appliance repair is a useful evening of DIY learning that you can take home.

2nd Thursday Music Trivia 7:00

PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Come on out and test your music knowledge! Teams of no more than 6 people.

3rd Sundays Messy Church 3:00

PM Christ Church Cathedral church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. Crafts, singing and food will be the focus.

2nd & 4th Sundays Grade 8 – 12

High School Youth Group 6:00

PM Mountainview Church A positive place for your teen to hang out on the weekend. Take part in games and activities, learn about the Bible, and deepen faith. https://mountainview. church/connect/youth Monthly



Play Pool 1:00 PM Golden Age Society Becoming more limber and agile in your movements through playing billiards is a great benefit.

Play Whist 1:30 PM Golden Age Society Classic English trick-taking card game which was widely played in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the rules are simple, there is scope for strategic play

Mtg: Competitive Commander 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Women’s Bible Study 6:00pm Women’s Bible Study. Refreshments are served followed by the study. For more info check out www. mountainview.church or email rachel@mountainview.church.

Euchre - For Members and Signed in Guests 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Euchre a tricktaking card game for four players, two on each team, As a member you Industry Night Lefty’s Well 8:00 PM All are welcome - 20% off everything for our industry family - hot dogs, tunes, games and happy hour all night! https://bit.ly/3L0J3Ce


Café de l’amitié 2:00 PM Association franco-yukonnaise (AFY) Le Café de l’amitié est un rendez-vous hebdomadaire et une occasion de rassemblement pour les francophones de 50 ans et plus.

QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society

The Cache 2:00 PM

Tarot Tuesdays 5:00 PM Caribou RV Park Insightful and fun readings with Aimee (Bow & Arrow Tarot & Astrology) every Tuesday in Joe’s Cozy Cabin! Walk-in from 5-6pm or pre-book online. https://www. bowandarrowtarotandastrology.com/

Language Skills for Ukrainians 5:15

PM Yukon Learn A discussion group workshop provides a relaxed and friendly environment where learners can practise and learn English conversation skills.

Weekly Shuffleboard Tournament

6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 For members and signed in guests. A double knockout style competition and games are limited to 6 ends or 15 minutes

Chess Club 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles Love Chess? Want to learn? Looking for Competition? Join us!

SuperSmash Bros, Mtg: Commander 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles

10 Card Crib - Members & Signed In Guests 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Whether you are a seasoned crib player or a beginner, come play! Learn tips and tricks and have some fun! https://bit. ly/3KP0B5s


Multicultural Connection Group

11:00 AM Multicultural Centre of the Yukon – MCY Connect with other parents and caregivers, learn about parenting in different cultures. A free lunch program for immigrants and refugee families. Lunch and transportation provided. Call 3321803 for more info.

QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society

The Cache 2:00 PM

Texas Hold’ Em 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 For signed in members and guests. Bragging rights!

Spanish Conversation 12:00 PM Whitehorse United Church Call 3336081 for more info.

Anglican Holy Communion –Whitehorse 12:10 PM Christ the Church Cathedral The Book of Common Prayer, 2nd Wednesday of the month

Mtg: Modern, Warhammer Age of Sigmar 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles


Public Speaking TrainingToastmasters 12:00 PM Decora Guests are always welcome. There are many roles to learn at Toastmasters. Practice 2 minute table topics

Anglican Thursday at the Cathedral 12:10 PM Christ the Church Cathedral Bring a lunch (Book of Alternative Services)

QYS Drop-in 2:00 PM Queer Yukon Society & The Cache

Fireweed Community Market

3:00 PM Shipyards Park Wonderful aromas, delicious fresh foods, and unique artisans from our approximately 70 weekly vendors. Grab a picnic dinner and get that special gift. Enjoy local live music and other amusements from buskers.

Pathfinder Role-Playing Game for Youth 3:30 PM Whitehorse Public Library Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Find out what role playing games are all about! Registration is encouraged, but drop-ins are always welcome.

Mtg: casual Commander, Warhammer 40k & Kill Team 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles

Mountainview Church Community Group 7:00 PM 16 years or older? Mountainview Church Community Group! We’ll share some snacks and talk about what the bible has to say about discipleship.


Yukon Amateur Radio Association

Coffee Discussion Group 8:45 AM


Restaurant Hams from outside the Yukon and those interested are welcome to join us in this casual event.

Coffee & Chat 11:00 AM Golden

Age Society Coffee and chat is a way to connect with your community, develop friendships, and have fun.

Crib 1:00 PM Golden Age Society Cribbage is an easy game to learn but hard to master. For more info call 668-5538. QYS Drop-in Queer Yukon Society The Cache 2:00 PM

Mtg: Pioneer, YuGiOh Casual 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles


Cribbage - Members and Signed in Guests 2:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 Masks are mandatory. Members must have a valid 2021 membership and they may sign in 2 guests MAX.

Pokemon, Mtg: Youth Magic, Lorcana 6:00 PM Titan Gaming and Collectibles


Mountainview Church Sunday Service 9:30 AM Church In The Building 9:30 AM, 11AM or Church At Home 7 AM, 9:30 AM, 11 AM Mountainviewwhitehorse.ca/Watch

Clothing Room 10:00 AM

Whitehorse Church of the Nazarene Free of charge to anyone and everyone

Whitehorse United Church

Worship Service 10:30 AM A caring community of faith, based on a foundation of Biblical teaching and spiritual truth

Secondhand Clothing Bizarre

2:00 PM Whitehorse Seventh-Day Adventist Church Clean clothes needed and donations accepted if in good condition. Please call before dropping clothes off and for more info 633-3463.

Sunday Gatherings 3:00 PM The Northern Collective Church



1st & 3rd Saturdays Grades 5 - 7 Junior Youth Group 7:00 PM Mountainview Church Passionate about giving kids opportunities to have fun & make new friends, while teaching them about Jesus & His great love for our world https:// mountainview.church/connect/youth

2nd and 4th Saturdays Grade 8 - 12 High School Youth Group 7:00 PM Mountainview Church A positive place for your teen to hang out on the weekend. Take part in games and activities, learn about the Bible, and deepen faith. https:// mountainview.church/connect/youth Weekly


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 & 12:30 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 & 12:30 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577

Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse Public Library Join us for stories, songs & rhymes! A free drop-in program for children ages 0-5 and caregivers at Whitehorse Public Library

Parent-Child Mother Goose 10:30 AM The Child Development Centre Celebrates the power and pleasure of songs, rhymes and oral stories. Bonding time with your little one or to learn for later. Register online. https://whatsupyukon.events/lj5

Let’s Create - Crafting Together 5:30 PM The Child Development Centre A fun crafting group for families with children aged 2 and up, light dinner will be served, transportation available. For more info call 332-4997 or email donna. light@yukon.ca


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 & 12:30 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 3368577

Community Connections 1:30 PM

Yukon Family Literacy Centre An intergenerational story time and craft program. Meet local elders, have a coffee, do some crafts, and make a friend!


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 1:00 PM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577

Transformations Along The Chu Nikwän 1:30 PM Yukon Visitor Information Centre Join Amber for a free walking tour every Thursday along the Whitehorse waterfront to learn about the Yukon First Nations people and the history of the Yukon.

Pathfinder Role-Playing Game for Youth 3:30 PM Whitehorse Public Library Youth 11-17 are invited to join, no experience necessary.


Yukon Family Literacy CentreSummer Drop-In 9:00 AM Pioneer Hotel at Shipyards Park Summer drop-in, read, activities, learn and explore! If you are sick, please stay home. For more info call 336-8577


Moms & Kids - Summer Rec Program 11:30 AM Moms, aunties, and caregivers of all kinds, along with their kids ages 5 to 8. Siblings are welcome, but activities will be geared toward 5 to 8 year olds. Email summerrec@vfwomenscentre.com for more info.


Thu Aug 29 Yukon Men’s Basketball League AGM 7:30 PM Sport Yukon Learn about the upcoming 20242025 season, bring concerns to the executive, and help us make the league even more successful. Email cole@yukonmensbball.com for more info.

Thu Aug 29 Yukon Aboriginal Sport Circle AGM 6:00 PM Yukon Aboriginal Sport Circle Are you passionate about sport and recreation? If you would like to become a member, please email info@yasc.ca. https://www.yasc.ca/ about-us

Thu Sep 5 MADD Whitehorse AGM 6:00 PM Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 MADD Whitehorse is looking for board members/volunteers to be part of our group of friends and help spread our important message of driving safe and driving sober. Email maddwhitehorse@gmail.com for more info. https://maddchapters.ca/ whitehorse/



Rendezvous Rotary Tony’s Pasta and Seafood House 6:30 PM Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at Tony’s Pasta and Seafood. Come and join us for fun, and fellowship. Thursdays Toastmasters Decora 12:00 PM Sundogs Toastmasters Club. Club is open to all interested parties and we provide constructive feedback to help develop public speaking skills.


First Monday Klondike Snowmobile Association Board Meeting 7:00 PM Sport Yukon https://ksa.yk.ca/comingevents/

Third Thursday ASAY board monthly meeting Sport Yukon 10:00 PM Third Thursday Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition Monthly Meeting 5:00 PM ZOOM Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition for regular meeting. Everyone is welcome. Call Kathy 334-9317 or info@yapc.ca for a zoom link or join us in person. https://yapc.ca/actions/ detail/yapcs-monthly-meetings


Mon Aug 26 Interim Report Submissions Close on August 26 8:00 AM Online The Commission released its interim report on May 10, 2024. The report sets out proposed changes to the Yukon’s electoral district boundaries. Email submissions@yukonboundaries.ca for more info. www.yukonboundaries.ca

Fridays AA Yukon Unity Group 1:30 PM Online For Zoom Room address Contact 334-7693

Saturdays AA Detox Meeting (OM, NS) 1:00 PM Online For Zoom Room address call 334-7693.

Tuesdays Restorative Online Healing Circles 7:30 PM Online Check-in, Q&A, connect and feel the results. No experience necessary. Register online, or call 335-0078 or email alison@alisonzeidler.com for more info.


Beach days are the best

There is something so utterly magical about waking up on the morning of a day you are planning to spend at the beach. Knowing that you’ll soon feel the sand between your toes, the wind in your hair, the sun on your face and the refreshment of cool water (okay, cold water) splashing all around you.

It brings a true sense of peace— at least for me and I am sure that I am not alone.

With summer coming to an end very soon in the territory, many of us are choosing to soak up the last few hot and sunny days at one of the beaches in and around Yukon. It provides the perfect chance to relax, work on your tan and let the children engage in some good ol’ fashioned water play.

Most recently, my son and I decided to partake in some beachy fun. We packed up the car, put on some tunes and took the forty minute drive down to Carcross.

Our destination: Lake Bennett. It’s a favourite spot of mine (regardless of the season), and I knew that on a hot day, it would not disappoint. With breathtaking mountainous views and crystal clear waters, Bennett Lake also

drew plenty of other families to its shores that day. We arrived early, only to find tons of people already

spread out all along the shoreline.

We picked a spot relatively quickly, with my son rushing me to settle in so he could race out into the waves. This is his happy place, and I laughed as he ran at full speed into the chilly water. The temperature didn’t faze him at all and he returned my laugh as he watched me wince as I followed in after him.

‘’Come on, mom. It’s not that cold.’’

I replied by splashing him, an action which elicited another giggle.

Everywhere I turned, families were having a wonderful time.

There were dozens of children building sandcastles and digging giant holes, couples suntanning on the sand, and groups of paddleboarders exploring the open water. We were surrounded by joy, by fun, by summer memories in the making.

My own child found his own joy by adventuring as deep into the water as he could before it reached up to his shoulders. Ignor-

ing his own shivering, he’d turn and laugh, reaching out his little hands for me to pull him back in.

I love how much he lights up when playing in the water, and my heart swells at the look on his face as he reaches out to share this moment of pure happiness with me. It’s as though nothing else in the world exists. Just the two of us, laughing and splashing about without a single care in the world.

Like I said, beach days are just the best.

Which makes it all the more difficult when it is time for us to pack up and make our way home.

I don’t blame him when he puts up a bit of a fight about this. I find myself facing an onslaught of delay tactics and continuous romps back into the water, just as we are just about ready to go. And when I catch myself getting a little frustrated, I do my best to remind myself that the moments we have been creating together are ones that he is just not ready to say goodbye to yet. So I wait a little longer, assured that a few more

minutes won’t do any harm.

After all, who wants to say goodbye to the beach? Certainly not my son.

Although, the promise of an ice cream cone at the Carcross Commons did help soften the blow a little bit. Bribery, I know. Adding ice cream to an already fun day, just makes it better in my opinion.

It’s also worth noting that bedtime, after a day at the beach, is often one of the best and easiest for parents. You can see it in your child’s face on the drive home— that satisfied and sleepy look of a child who has had their fill of sun and fun. You just know that they’ll be asleep the moment their head hits the pillow.

So I’ll take every beach day I can in the summer. Days like this are medicine for the soul, and provide me with memories to look back on during the long winter months that are inching closer and closer. Now, if I could only just figure out how to not bring an entire beachload of sand home with us in the car… n

Wading out
PHOTOS: Elsie Jordan
Elsie Jordan made the Yukon her home in 2014. She has a passion for storytelling, with a focus on family (mis)adventures featuring a unique Yukon feel to them.


Chris Colbourne is the editor at What’s Up Yukon and back in the territory after a 15-year hiatus. He has worked as both a photojournalist and print journalist for the past 20 years, had video work commissioned in Southeast Asia, worked for two National Geographic photographers, is an Eddie Adams Barnstorm alumni and was a staff photographer at the St. Albert Gazette for 10 years.


The Yukon Soccer Association is organizing free development camps in August and September for soccer players born 2007 to 2011 interested in competing in the 2025 Canada Summer Games in St John’s, Newfoundland

Get out those cleats and stretch those hamstrings. Yukoners who love soccer and love to compete are encouraged to set their sights on the East Coast and represent the territory on the national stage.

Mark Wickham, who is the team manager for the male team, said having these development camps will provide Yukon soccer players to showcase their talents on the pitch.

“Being a part of the Canada Summer Games is a unique opportunity for Yukon youth. Not only does it provide an opportunity for players to challenge themselves— it’s a national celebration of sport and teamwork.”

Team manager for the female team, Johanna Smith, echoed those sentiments, adding Yukon athletes will be part of something they will always carry with them.

“Participating in the Canada Summer Games is about much

more than just the competition. The camaraderie, meeting new people and seeing new places will create lifelong memories.”

Yukon Soccer Association is running several development camps this fall with the aim of preparing youth for the team selection process and to compete at the games.

“We encourage all eligible

youth, regardless of their level of experience with soccer, to join us for the development camps. In the past, players from Yukon communities outside of Whitehorse have played a key role in our teams,” Smith said.

Edgar Musonda will be the head coach for the male team and will be joined by an assistant coach (with recruitment cur-

rently underway). Coaches for the female training group are Head Coach Joanna Bray and Assistant Coach Samantha Samuelson. Travis Banks will assume the role of goalkeeper coach for both teams and Dawson Weir will act as coachintern for the male team (with recruitment for a coach-intern for the female team underway).

Development camps for males

To apply, please email hr@g-pdistributing.com

We thank all candidates for their interest; however,

interview will be contacted.

born 2007 to 2011 will run Aug. 24 to 25 at FH Collins turf field, with development camps for females born 2007 to 2011 running Aug. 30 to Sept. 1, also at FH Collins turf field.

Yukon youth keen to represent the territory at the Canada Summer Games are encouraged to pre-register for the camps at yukonsoccer.ca/competitions n

Head Coach Edgar Musonda with a group of male players in Whitehorse
PHOTO: Mark Wickham
column with Chris Colbourne
Editor, What’s Up Yukon

Northern Ins te of Social Jus ce (NISJ), Continuing Studies, Yukon University


Sept 18



10-11:30am CRN 90581

Sept 24 CONSCIOUS AGING TALK (Loca on: Normandy Living)

Register by Sept 13

1-3pm session CRN 90586 FREE Register by Sept 17

7-9pm session CRN 90587


10am-12pm CRN 90588

Register by Sept 17

Register by Sept 18


Oct 4


Register by Sept 26

$175.+GST Register by Sept 27


9am-4:30pm CRN 90590

$299 + GST or $269 + GST Early bird registra on by Sept 18 Registra on deadline with YukonU is Sept 25

Late registra on un l Oct 8 through CTRI by emailing sam@ctrins te.com


$125+GST Register by Oct 2


$125. + GST Register by Oct 2

Oct 22-23 CONSCIOUS AGING: AGING WITH PASSION AND PURPOSE (workshop at Normandy Living) 9am-4pm CRN 90591

$75.+GST Register by Oct 15

Oct 28 NEW: GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE (GBV) AND CRIMINAL LAW – PART 2 10am-12pm CRN 90592 FREE Register by Oct 21


• Contact Registrations & Records at 867-668-8710 EXT 2 and quote the CRN;

• Register by emailing registrations@yukonu.ca WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Please

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