Little White Lies - Illustration/ Print/ Promotion Brief: Create an original cover illustration for Little White Lies magazine, depicting the main character of one of our five favourite films of 2011.
As opposed to the single cover illustration design, the brief has been edited to create 5 cover illustrations; one for for each of the 5 consecutive years in recent movie history. The 5 covers work as a set and as the basis for a commemorative 5 issue limited edition release of Little White Lies magazine.
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Little White Lies - Magazine Cover The magazine cover is a below average size at 200 x 245mm, making it slightly more convenient to carry than conventional magazines. The illustrations themselves vary from issue to issue, but always feature the main character of the film in the center of the cover with a variety of illustrative styles depending on the film. The convention has been followed in this release too.
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Little White Lies - Cover Range In total. 5 covers have been designed, one for each issue of each year in the limited edition release. The timespan chosen is 2001 - 2005, incorporating one film from each year that is highly rated as an independent quality film. The style for illustrations has been kept consistent acorss the range; a style that can be applied to a variety of films, including animation,
Horror and Comedy from 4 different countries in the above examples alone. The black and white links directly to the Little White Lies branding, and defines the covers as something based specifically on the magazine, not the individual films. The style is also designed to represent an elemnt of age, or a view into the past like a faded or deteriorated picture.
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Little White Lies - Further Promotion The designs themselves can be applied to a range of products and situations to promote the imited edition Little White Lies release. The magazine itself is widespread throught the UK and is consumed by audiences nationally. Promtion and advertising costs are generally not much of an issue for the company, though none of these solutions are particularly costly.
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