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Nam e Blog.

William Duffy





Dissertation Title

“With a critical focus of Hyperreality, in what ways does cult science fiction such as Star Trek inform Graphic Design and it’s relationship to new technologies”

Dissertation Richard Miles Tutor Rationale (200 words) “An image driven investigation of branding and identity with a focus on print and promotion” I have chosen to focus on image-based work throughout the year and onwards becauseI think my past work and the development of my work shows that it is the best direction and best fits my interests. Within this I am focussing mainly around branding and identity as the basis of my designing and with print and promotion as the main media and purpose of design. Branding is a big part of what I have worked with previously and what I want to continue to design for in future and print is the media I use most as well as working best with promotional material. Promotion is an area of design that I am really interested in and will be the main focus of my design practice this year. Statement of Intent (SOI) - (400 words) Creative Focus:

Proposed Research: I intend to use research to inform my design by looking mostly at illustrative and image-driven work over typography, although type will inevitably be involved to some degree. Through looking at marketing and some advertising design work I will cover researching promotional design and I will research design agencies that focus on branding and identity design. Practical Development: To develop my practical work in image based design I will need to improve on Illustration using a range of different techniques and applications. I will need to improve skills and confidence in hand drawn illustration and image design, as well as increasing my understanding and use of design programs like Illustrator and Photoshop. I may have to use other programs such as Dreamweaver or InDesign to make websites or publications if they are appropriate solutions, bearing in mind that the focus will be for printed media and not digital.

The main exception for this is the animation brief which will require me to use Adobe Flash. I have some past experience in using this but will need to remind myself and update my knowledge of the use of the program.


Brief 1 Comic Packaging/ Promotion

“Redesign the covers and overall packaging for the re-release of the entire set of a popular graphic novel series” I have written this brief to focus around image and illustration which is the direction I want to progress my work in as well as to include graphic novels/comics which are a big interest of mine. The brief allows me to work with identity of the series and the re-releaseand how it will work acrossthe range of covers. It also lets me work with packaging and focus on print design. 2.

Brief 2 Animation brief

“Create a short, visually enthused technical and entertaining frame by frame Flash animation using a children’s story or fairy tale as narrative but designed to be appealing to all ages” This brief has been written to give me the opportunity to create a really high quality animation that is not too long and will be possible in the time frame. I want to make it light hearted so a children’s story or fairy tale narrative would work. This shows my interest in image based work/illustration and could be used promotion of an event/product. This brief is based on the Annecy final brief of last year. 3.

Brief 3 Independent Cinema brief

“Create and market a week- long event for Hyde Park Picture House promoting the importance of independent cinema by informing the public and screening a different films every night” This brief fits in with my interests in branding the event and promoting it across a range of media and products. Independent cinema is a really big personal interest for me so it should make an enjoyable brief too.


Brief 4 YCN brief

“A YCN Brief will be selected and completed from the yet-to-be released competition briefs” This will be the competition brief of the lot and becauseit is a YCNbrief I think it will be an appropriate size for one of the main 4. Basedon last year’s briefs I can assume that a fair amount of the briefs will be based around branding or identity so will link to my rationale and statement of intent. ADDIT IONAL BRIEFS 5. Promotional Music Illustrations: “Design a set of promotional illustrations for the release of an upcoming album with the focus of detailed alternative designs based on the composition of musical instruments” This brief is a lot smaller than the others in scope and is a bit more specific so I don’t think it will take as long. It has been chosen to work specifically with illustration and promotion and will probably result in a printed outcome. TUTOR’SSignature STUDENT’SSignature

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