Catherine Wheater Technology DSIT C

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Construction and Sustainability Issues Context 1:500 Master Plan

Catherine Wheater c3242669 DSIT C

General Arrangement Section in

Voices of Yanesen

This drawing shows the wider scoop of the building the horizontal area that I have chosen to detail highlighted, whilst the levels of the rest of the building are highlighted to show this part of the building in it’s surrounding context and overall strategy

Within this study and the wider aspect of my Thesis Project the Memory Museum within my scheme acts a building typology which makes reference to building details, characteristics and rules within it’s development. The Museum Exhibit is developed to catalogue the community conditions of the neighbourhood whilst they still exist and integrate them in to an exhibition and conversation space to encourage conversation, recording or memory within the local community as means of cataloguing community relationships in details before they disapear.

Second Floor

A Upper First Floor Lower First Floor


The following report looks at ‘Museum’ Space within the larger master plan of workshops and paper production. The Memory Museum acts as a way of housing exhibits through an experiential exadurated environment. The development of this detail study is integrated with strategies I investigation in the DSIT B report and have applied within this study. The building incorporates material proporties and application previously researched in terms of foundations, material and structural properties.

B Upper Ground Floor Lower Ground

A Basement

Detail 01

Detail 02

Detail 05

Detail 03

Detail 06 Detail 04

1:50 Perspective Section AA Detail 05 Structure Floor ( 1:20 )

Exploded 3d Foundation Detail Glulam Timber Frame

Galvanised Steel Plate

Glulam Frame supported on Pile Cap and attached and bolted with galvanished steel plate fixture to create a barrier between foundation and frame to prevent moisture.

1 2 3 4

5 6

Structure Floor Detail Key

Weather Proofing


Thermal Performance

1. 22mm Timber Floorboard 2. 50mm Dry Sand Insulative Screed 3. 50mm Fire resistant Rigid Insulation board 4. 22 x (600 x 2400mm) Tongue and Groove Chipboard Structural Flooring board 5. 248 x 71 C16 (British Standard ) Timber Joist 6. 250 x 150 mm Steel Galvanised Heavy duty Timber Hanger 7. 325 mm Timber Structural Beam

Within the basement space of the building the construction and application of weather proofing techniques is applied in two different ways.

The main structure of the Memory Museum Building is a Glulam Timber Frame which supports the structure above the Basement level. Above the basement level lthe structure intergrates a timber framed paper screen envelope and atrium along with treated timber and glass facades to create a transparent and adapatable facade which seals the building, but is adaptable. The buidling makes use of a layering of envelope integration to protect the building from external condition. The Basement area of the Museum is excavated in part with the open excavation area supported through the use of retaining walls, whilst the sealed basement area of the archive makes use of reinforced concrete retaining wall construction and the adding of an ‘internal’ layer of Rammed Earth in sections for thermal quality. External rammed earth walls above ground level are constructed off a concrete podium deck at ground floor level. This will be make the basement service block of concrete construction and allow for a rammed earth structure to be transferred through the concrete deck to the pile.

The building utilises retaining wall properties as well as Rammed earth sections wall within parts of the basement. Concrete and rammed earth within the basement allows the building to retain the thermal properties of the surrounding earth and rammed earth walls will be utilised within the service block of the building above ground level. Alongside this the building will integrate a thermal labrinth system to store the high thermal properties of the building which can be utilised during warmer periods, and to conditon the archiving and research spaces of the building.


Concrete Pile Cap

sizing dependant on loads :single pile cap ( 900 x 900 )

Concrete Pile

Detail 06 Foundations (1:20 )

Bored Concrete Pile Diameter of 600m to be achieved to suitable ground conditions to transfer load

Foundation Key

Steel Pile Reinforcement

removal of spoil forms a hole for a reinforced concrete pile which is poured in situ.

1 2 3

1.Galvanished Steel Sheet Plate 2. Bolt fixings to concrete pile cap 3. Concrete slab with underfloor heating pipes 4. 150mm Insulation 5. Damp Proof Membrane 6. Concrete Pile Cap 7. Pile Foundation




Legislative Framework

Part A Structural Safety

Park K Protection from falling

Part M Access and Use

Part N Glazing

In the development of my building, adherance to Legislative Framework is essential to the structural integrity of the building.As the development of my building in being developed in accordance with Building Regulation guidelines I will outline when and where regulations have been appleid and considered within the framework of my building’s development.

Within Part A Regulations Structural Safey is considered and outline covering the buildings structure and it’s application to conditions within the environment it is placed. Through my application of building tactics they structural safety is considered.

Within the designs development appliation of Part K Building regulations will be adhered to in the protection of users against falling, collision and impact. Within the building due to the buildings nature and design there are areas of stepped access, but lifts are incorporated at all floors to allow for access to floors. Ballustrades are incorporate at a height of 900mm internally with 1200mm balustrades incorporated in external areas.

Part M outlines regulations to the accessibility and use of the proposition. The building will incorporate these regulations when neccesary and highlight when they have be noted

Glazing incorporated on the facade and internal areas of the building will structural strengthed and braced at points.

Within Tokyo the building building must be considered to withstand soil movement and particularly strength against earthquakes. As highlighted and discussed in DSIT B the building utilises a the key Glulam frame as the transferance of load throughout the building and applied to Pile foundations

The Foundations’s of the building have been carefully considered given the buildings location in Tokyo and additional load transferrance for the building in support of the Glulam Timber Frame is supported through the use of Piles

Detail 01 & 02 Floor Structure Building Envelope ( on next sheet )


The building is accesible to both able bodied and non able bodied users. There are spaces where details of the building have been exadurated in to the narrowing my corridors to emulate Japanese details and charactertics of stepped areas on entry. In these areas disabled users will not be able to travel due to the nature of the space. Access can be granted in to the the open public spaces thorugh external exits. Application for handrails and tread and rise angles on stair cases are adhered to..

In the excavation area as highlightied in the section and detail, this side of the building will remain essentially open so users can access earth below for ‘excavation’. Due o the nature of the space and the stairs open from the outside a drainage system has been intergrated to capture downfall from the external part of the building. Alongside this within the excavation area I will integrate a subpump where the earth gradient is use to remove excess moisture to the lowest point from the excavation area. The Excavation is seperated in the ‘interior’ basement area which will be fully tanked and sealed from external ground condition. The internal interior space will adhere to the BS 8102 :2009 Code of practice for the protection of structures against waterproofing from ground condition. Within the ‘internal’ archive basement area, this will be tanked up to Class 4 according to the British standard. This will include a cavity tanked with internal drainage along with peremeter land drain.

Durability As highlighted within the DSIT B report the building integrates the use of 4 key building materials within the building in the form of Concrete rammed earth, glulam frame and paper external envelope. Each of these key materials was selected due to their properties in durability. In the case of the rammed earth walls the mixture with add a concrete addive in order to increase their their stability and endurance, as well as durability.

To improve durability of washi paper integration of screens a wax additive could be lined on the paper shoji screens Sustainability In the development of my proposition the intergration of traditional building practices was integral to the overall project proposal and have been applied in the planning of space etc. Through development the washi paper resource and integrating this as part of the building envelope the continued development of this resource will be utilised. The integration of the Glulam structure within the the basement and external conditions is utilised due to it’s durability performance. Integration of rammed earth walls within the basement from thermal properties and built up from ground floor level integrate the use of excess building materials.

Communication & Safety The Area of Yanesen within Tokyo is a quaint tourist area that can often be described as indicative of a the slower more peaceful way of life that Japan represent 50 years ago. As a result the Memory Museum has been developed as a community resource so crime prevention is not considered in the overall building strategy as I intended it to become a community resource and I don’t see it as threatened. During construction heres fencing will surround the peremeter. The project is located in a picturesque part of tokyo and centrally located so information of the project will be spread through word of mouth, and as my ‘Client’s’ are the Yanesen Magazine and ‘Municipal’ heads of the area, word will be spread through them.

The Glulam Structural frame is used to to it’s high performance properties and durability of environmental conditions.

Detail 03 Excavation Void (on next sheet )

Detail 04 Retaining wall staircase in to Excavation (on next sheet)

Applied Details

Catherine Wheater c3242669 DSIT C

Detail 01 :& 02 Roof to Envelope Detail


Given the nature of the building I chose the walkable roof detail and the envelope to show the nature of the details I applied to the building envelope and external roof areas.

BS6180:99 Laminated Glass structural safety Ballustrade Laminated Glass within Ballustrade Chanel Timber Upstand Powder coated Capping Detail 22mm Timber Deck 50mm Timber Pedestal Vapour Barrier

Hung on 250 x 150mm Steel Galvanised Heavy Duty Joist Hangers

150mm Tapered Insulation to falls Waterproof Membrane 18mm Deck Marine Ply Deck

248 x 71mm C16 ( British Standard ) Timber Joist

Timber Upstand Timber Subframe Cavity filled Insulation Timber Fascia Board

Insulated back plasterboard

Timber Framework Timber Shoij Screen frame slider

Shoji Screen Timber Frame Natural Resin Varnish Finish

Shoji Screen runners horizonttal to one another overlap, integration of

Timber Shoji screen frame slider 22mm Timber Deck Timber Pedestal 50mm Insulation Waterproof Membrane Marine Ply Deck

22mm Timber Floorboard 50mm Isocrete AcousticDry sand Cement Screed 50mm Rigid Board Insulation 22 x (600 x 2400mm) Tongue and Groove Chipboard Structural Flooring board 248 x 71 C16 (British Standard ) Timber Joist 250 x 150 mm Steel Galvanised Heavy duty Timber Hanger Stainless Steel Suspended Ceiling Hanger Suspended Ceiling Wire


25mm Timber Cladding 25mm Vertical Batons 25mm Horizontal Batons Breathable Waterproof Membrane Insulation

Detail 03 : Exhibition Void space in Excavation Area

I chose the detail of the void space in the excavation area to understand the relationship between the building to the excavation areas, and how this would work structurally within the current structure layout and joist system. These moments of being able to view spaces below its in22mm Timber Floorboard tegral to my buildings driving ‘Memory’ 50mm Isocrete Acoustic Dry sand Cement intensions 50mm Rigid Board Insulation 22 x (600 x 2400mm) Tongue and Groove Chipboard Structural Flooring board 250 x 150 mm Steel Galvanised Heavy duty 248 x 71 C16 (British Standard ) Timber Joist

Timber Subframe 25mm Timber Panelling

Internal wood panel wall construction

Laminated Structural Glass Flooring Secondary Steel Support Bracket fixed and bolted in to timber frame Structural timber Frame

Detail 04 : Retaining Wall Stair Case in to Excavation space In integration of the building the detailing of the retaining wall stair case space was explored as it is a key part of the building’s overal stategy and experience of the Memory Museum Site. Initially I wish to have the entire area underground to be rammed earth for the seperation of the spaces . Within the basement the seperation of space allowes for different environment conditions to support the structure. The rammed earth elements of the building are situated within the thanked archive space to reduce destabilisation. A concrete retaining wall is used to allow for the front space under the building to allow users to access the earth below

Concrete Retaining Stairs to Excavation

1:20 Retaining Wall Detail

50 mm Gravel 100mm Type 01 Crushed stone Geotextile 25mm Sand binding

Insitu poured Concrete Vapour Barrier Tanking Detail Earth Infill Concrete Retaining Wall 100mm Insulation Permant Shuttering

Mesh Drain to capture run off in to the basement entrance area to the Concrete Ring Beam Gravel Infill Support

Land Drain wrapped in geotextile on gravel Concrete Cantilevered Retaining wall External Waterproof Membrane

ACO drainage channel 100mm Insulation Tanking Detail Concrete Ground Beam

Catherine Wheater c3242669 DSIT C

Environment and Energy Consideration Overview


Heating & Cooling


The hierachy of space within the ‘Memory Museum’ has been designed to allow for the overall design of the spaces to be complimented by external environmental conditions which are utilised and designed in the development of overall heating, ventiliation and solar shading strategies considered in DSIT B

Through the integration of the main atrium space within the building the project will be complimented through natural ventilation to the key internal communal spaces. At varying points around the key conversation space of the building, the integration of shoji screens as part of the buildings envelope allows for the opening and closing at varying times to the outside elements, encouraging cross ventilation and sucking air through the lower areas of the space.

The main source of heating and cooling will be utilised through the integration of a thermal labrinth within the controlled archiving and research areas in the Memory Museum. By integrating the labrinth in to the design of the lower controlled spaces of the building, it allows for the thermal mass of the reinforced concrete retainin walls, along with the rammed earth structure above ground floor to retain it’s thermal properties and be used to cool and heat the building at varying times..

Due to the building’s orientation it will make use of solar gains through out the course of the morning and mid afternoon. When the faciility is used in the winter months or on evenings, and the integration of artificial lighting will be utilised within the central void space in order to lighting the changeable lecture space. The highest point of the building has been designed as the atrium space to utilised solar gains and avoid shadows from surrounding buildings as investigated in DSIT B

The Key highlighted offers a reference point to the investigation undetaken in DSIT B as the exteral environmental conditions of the site in regards to the sunpath and predominant NE & NW winds to the site.

9:00 am 15:00 am

Legislative Framework

Part E Acoustics

Part F

Within Part E regulations outlines, the building should follow in relation to sound and proofing against it’s transmission in particular areas. The Main service block of the building is insulated through the application of insulating internal walls alongside rammed earth external walls above ground level which have high sound absorbing characteristics which make it a great acoustic insulator of service noises in the the open public spaces.

Within Part F Regulations oulines for the correct ventilation of building and spaces in defined. Within my building my strategy looked towards creating a space which utlised external environmental conditions whether possible in order to minimise mechanical systems throughout the building. The integration of the atrium space allows for cross ventilation techniques to be utilised and drawing air through the space. Alongside this the intergration of shoji screens as part of the building envelope allow these to be opened at varying times to suit the users needs

Part l2B - Conservation of Fuel and Power Mechanical Application When considering ventiliation regulations the building will be fitted with extractors to the outside as required of all sanitary, washrooms and food prepartion areas within the service block Mechnical extract ventilation to be applied with the rooms at a rate of : Kitchen 60 L/sec rate Toilets 6 L /sec rate


Within Part L2B regulations are set out in relation to power and fuel conservation within new buildings. On selection of material choices I considered the environmental application and thermal benefit of the use of rammed earth and it’s thermal properties within controlled and service areas. Alongside this the integration of the thermal labrinth to store energy to be used for cooling at heating at varying times. Alongside this the planning of the building ensured the integration of a central ventilation space to improve ventilation and cooling tactics in order to reduce the application of mechanical systems.

12:00 am

Material Considerations Rammed Earth

Shoji Screens

Through the intergration of excavation material within the rammed earth rammed service core, the building sustainably re-uses a ground condition resource. Additional Benefits are provided through the thermal properties of rammed earth material. Intergration of the key service core within the retaining wall basement further taken advantage of in the basement lining application and then service core.

Integration of Shoji Screens in building aesthetic and ventilation applications towards the buildings developmen became an integral part of the building envelope. Above the basement area the screens act as the main ventilation building envelope which can be opened and close at varying times. They also incorporate layering elements to the space and

Natural Lighting

Artifical Lighting


Public Spaces within the building make full use of the natural lighting throughout the early morning, through till the afternoon. These spaces have been positioned to gain full advantage of the sunpath during daylight hours.

Artificial Lighting is utilised throughout the rammed earth service core above ground level The area of this building is where the service activities such as the archive, kitchen , private meeting and storage areas will be placed. Within these spaces due to their nature controlled lighting will be integrated and serviced through the service core for service requirement spaces and private meeting rooms.

The Nature of the building lends itself to being open in terms of within the main atrium space, I want the conversations of the people within to move through the space. On the other hand the the basement area and service core make use of acoustic insulated plaster board to dampen the sound in the more private areas. Isocrete acoustic screed is used as a layer within the floors to dampen sound throughout the spaces.

Natural Lighting



Through the integration of the atrium space and the application of the shoji screens as a part of the building envelope, the building is able to utilise air flow through the building as a key means of ventilation of the public spaces. Movement of air through the space will be wind induced depending on positions and openings in the atrium and shoji screens through different periods.


Through the integration of the atrium space the building is able to utilise a cross ventilation cooling system throughout the larger part o the building. Through the intergration of the atrium syste, which will incorporate openings in the side panels, and through the opening of shoji screams at varying levels or times of the time the building will be cooled through air flow. Also the thermal mass properties and the thermal labrinth allow for the slow releasing of cooling to the building at warmer periods

During the Summer the building will utilised solar gains during the day and and retain the heat with the rammed earth structure of the service core and through to retaining these properties within the thermal labrinth. The energy source will then provide the main source of heating within the night and winter months.

Basement : Archive and Research Space Summer Daytime

Energy Source & Distribution

Winter Daytime Lux Level Requirement for study : 500 Lux

Winter Daytime Ventilation Lighting Heating & Cooling



Heating & Cooling



Heating & Cooling

Within the basement artificial lighting will be integrated in the lighting strategy of the space. Due to the nature of the space being both an archive and research area, lighting will need to be controlled both for study and for preservation. The space is improved asthetically by the integrationg of a glass void in to the research space but light will only reach the space during the day and will not be enough for the area’s activities.

During the Summer months a mechanical ventilation system will have to utilised to move air through the space. Due to the controlled nature of the archive space the air can remain stagnant. Within the research area though mechanical ventilation will be utilised.

During the Summer within the archiving space the area is controlled from over-heating through the slow release and cooling properties of the integration thermal labrinth. Retainig walls will provide heating properties from the surround earth

During the Winter Months lighting levels are reduceed in comparison to Summer. The integreation of artificial lighting will be utilised more with the darker and shorter days.

Mechanical Ventilaton System will be utilised during the winter months

Energy retained and stored through the thermal labrinth and rammed earth walls will be released to the heat up the internal spaces.

Lighting During the night time the conditions within the space we remain simliar to what they need in terms of lighting, due to the nature of the enclosed space. Artifical Lighting will be utilised

The Reinforced concrete basement service core and rammed earth service core act as the overall energy source for the building,entation is controlled within open spaces of the exhibition. Through the integration

Winter Nighttime Ventilation Lighting Heating & Cooling

Summer Nighttime

Winter Nighttime

Ventilation The Mechanical System will be utilised to ventilate the space.

Heating & Cooling In the nighttime the properties of the thermal mass rammed earth walls and integration of the thermal larbinth will allow for the space to be heated up for users in the space at night. Additional heating will be utilised through underfloor heating pipes

Lighting Artificial Lighting will be utilised


User of Mechanical System to ventilate the space.

Heating & Cooling The space will make use of the preheating mechanism of the thermal labrinth along with additional heating through the integration of underfloor heating flor the space.

Primary sources of Energy are utilised in the integration of the thermal labrinth integrated in the concrete slab of the service core. The network of pipes capture the heat of the day or the cold of the night, and store this and then slowly release the thermal energy to either cool or warm the building during varying periods of the day or season. Applied within Winter the labrinth allows the building be pre-heated or, in Summer pre-cooled.

due to the applied techniques which focus on ventilation and shading orientation is controlled within open spaces of the exhibition. Through the integration of this system the building is able to use the service core as a thermal source.

Services and Integration

Catherine Wheater c3242669 DSIT C Ground Floor Plan Existing Main sSewage

Services Intergration Within the Memory Museum the building has been positioned to allow for a key service core to the back of the buiding, utilising the thermal properties of rammed earth in it’s incasement above ground level and supported through the integration of a concrete podium and retaining wall at basement level as support and thermal properties. Through this planning it allows for power sources, water supply and pipework to run through the building vertically. Through the integration of the service core it has allowed for a freeing of public and open spaces to the front of the building and remove disruption from the planned ‘exhibit space’s’

Within the sealed area of the basement, the wall is lined and built upwards as a concrete podium from which the rammed earth service earth service core is built and positioned at the back of the building. positioning of the service core allows for access of pipework and waste management systems to be integrated in the private service areas and to be hidden at the back of the building, alongside this space can be used for varying functions such as staff access, disabled access, material drop-off and fire assembly and access points

Masterplan Strategy Key

Access Points Key Key

The following diagram outlines the masterplan fire strategy with regards to public assembly and means of escape from exits on the Ground Floor.

Public Private

Second Floor

Servant Services

Within the building there are three main means of escape, or access to escape. These act as 2 public means of escape, and private means of escape within the private areas of the Kitchen and Staff areas, which double up as private access to the building.

First Floor

Upper Ground Floor

Fire Assembly Point Lower Ground Floor

& Staff Access


Paper Storage Second Floor

Story Sorting Room

Legislative Framework Part B Vol 1 Fire Safety The Building applies Part B Regulations in incorporating a fire strategy and incorporated means of escape from the building. Within my building I have taken in to account the regulations to make the building compliant. These include the provision of a fire safety Atrium blanket. Though currently the stairs are not enclosed they will be retrofitted with a 60 min fire rated core, complying the regulation guidalines


Part G Sanitation, Water Safety & Efficiency

Through adhering to the outlined regulations relating to the supply of water the building will incorporate economical water applications removing risk of water wastage in the application of sensory water systems. The building will tap in the areas existing mains water supply to supply water.

Part P Electrical Safety

Part H Drainage & Waste Disposal

Part M Building Regulations

Given the nature of the project the building is self sustaining in the public areas in that the activities to not require an electrical source to function. Within the service riser access is provide to contractors fitting electricall ork, and should be done by an accredited professional.

As the building is located within a residential area, the building taps in to the existing mains drainage supply located parallel to the site. The means of drainage and soil vent pipes will be designed to allow for ventilation and located to the back of the building to avoid cross-tamination. Due to the design of the building the main service riser allows for the concentration of pipework to and services to move horizontally throughout the building and drain away from the building through this outlet. The building will harvest rainwater for grey water use in toilets.

Within Part M Building Regulations the building meets the requirements of toilet facilities with accesibility from the main public conversation space on the first floor. All toilets will meeting regulation requirements in terms of access sizing. The building is designed to have areas where it steps up to create informal meeting spaces, or areas of conversation. With Part M accesibility the building will comply with gradients and level access when neccesary or appicable.

Fire Equipment

Private Meeting Room

First Floor

Emergency Lighting and Signage

Fire Extinguishers & Alarms

Smoke and Heat Detectors

Fire Blankets

Fire Service

Lighting and Signage will be provided within the building lighting stategy fire routes and the fire escape will be clearly highlight to the front and back of the building

Extinguishers will be located at evenly spaced intervals around the building to ensure quick access to fire prevension equipment. At these points alarms will be located for easy and dual access

mounted and to be installed as indicated on fire strategy plans throughout the building

Due to the building offering kitchen facilities and the preparation of food wll take place, then fire blankets will be located within the kitchen area

The building is located to the main street of Shinobazu and the building is located on a accesible street, there is space to the front and rear for fire parking.


1:200 Additional Fire escape on the external of the building could be potentially integrated to meet fire regulations of the upper floors. Travel distances within the building are adherrant but as an extra precaution the intergration of an external fire escape to be considered.

Staff Access



Female Toilets

SVP Soil Vent Pipe SD Smoke Detector


Male Toilets



Along with durability and strength properties the Glulam frame in Large section timber elements actually perform very well in fires. This is due to the way in which timber chars at a known rate and does not deform like steel. Fire Protection finishes can be used to further increase the fire performance and will be applied additionally. Wax will be applied to shoji screens make fire resistant.

Staff Room Ground Level

Means of Escape

Upper Ground Floor

Routes through and out of the building will be not more than 12 metres to gain access to a means of escape.



Typical Floor Plan SVP


Staff Area




Lower Ground Floor

The current stairs which act as the main means of public escape within the building is currently open and not sealed with a fire proofing compartmentalisation, this was a design decision due to the nature of the open spaces. But with compliance with building regulations a

Atrium Curtain Blanket Fire Proof Curtain blankets can be utilised in the larger open void space to improve fire compliance. Options of Vertical Fires curtains are BS 2N certified and developed to provide 30 minutes to 4 hours fire protection.



Plant Room Archives


Fire Service Access to Water Supply

Basement SD

Front Entrance Floor Plan

Key Water Supply Waste Pipes Electrical Wiring Heating Pipes Electric Supply

Existing Mains Sewage and Drainage Existing Water Supply Electricity Supply


Archive Space Service Systems The adjacent diagram is typical of the spread of services throughout the service core of the building. Within the archive space the integration of the the thermal labrinth within the concrete floor will be enhanced by underground heating. These spaces will have exposed services running horizontally from the plant room and vertically throughout the building.



The archive is situated to benefit from the natural environmental conditions of the space whilst utilising the location next to the plant room in terms of services.


Treated Wax Shoji Screens

Structural Systems and Integration

Catherine Wheater c3242669 DSIT C

Structure Systems Assembly Site Access

Material Store

The site is situated within a residential neighbourhood, though the plot of the land that is being used for my proposition is a disused carpark previously. Due to this the area has allowances for vehicle access and material storage and transferrance on site. Parralel to the site as highlighted in my DSIT B report the site runs parralel to a main public highway called Shinobazu Street and can access the site which is unofficially a pedestrian street though, cars can access for deliveries and material maneuvering.

Given the nature of the project and the Memory Museum acting as a catalogue to reference details in my ‘workshop’ and paper production areas in the larger master plan, the storage of materials on site will be transported to and from these workshops and built utilising a ‘just in time’ approach to the buildings development. The glulam frame acts as the primary and permant structure of the building wheres parts of the screens and paper used within the space can be removed and changed when written on or more workshop details are provided.

Glass Atrium Panels

Secondary Structure

Atrium Timber Frame

Secondary Structure

Rammed Earth Roof Hat

Secondary Structure

Key Memory Museum Detail Workshops Site Access

Insitu vs Prefabrication


Given the nature of the my thesis project as a whole the application of insitu construction techniques support the ethos of the Memory Museum’s development. Integrating typical building techniques in the shoji screens and paper screening in a secondary structure basis will be supported by ‘insitu’ detailing workshops highlighted in the DSIT B Masterplan. The use of excavated earth will be utilised in the rammed earth service core. The structural glu-lam frame of the building will be pre-fabricated and transported to the site with othet techniques taking place around this structure.

The Project aim is to use this site as a changing environment as the neighbourhood evolves. Initially though it is acting as a catalogue to reference details from the surrounding neighbourhood to exadurate the neighbourhood conversation spaces that traditional Japanese architecture has encourage. Alongside this the space acts a space to re-tell stories, or record memory through writting on paper screens that will be hung intermittedly throughout the building.

Shoji Screen

Secondary Structure

Timber Inverted Roof

Primary Structure

Glass Balustrade


Second Floor

Inverted Walkable Roof

Primary Structure

Structural Integration

In developing an environmental stategy my project looked at using the existing environment of the neighbourhood as inspiration both technically in applied techniques in the building, spatial layout, sizing etc, but also physically in materiality in the unearthing and use of rammed earth; using waste materials in the buildings basement excavation. The excavation undertaken to create the basement and movement of soil at the front part of the building is used as a construction tool and repurposed for it’s thermal retention qualities in the vertical service circulation supported and transferred upon a concrete podium, alongside lined the walls on the interior archive space in sections

Shoji Screens

Building Envelope

Environmental Alongside this the building is orientation to the sun path and and wind directions in the integration of these in natural daylighting application in public areas, as well as ventilation through the the large void space of the atrium and use of shoji screens as a part of the buildings envelope to encourage ventilation and cooling through the space at varying times/

In keeping with the applied lessons highlighted in DSIT B that I’ve studied within Japanese architecture the building utilises layers in the fabric and arrangement of the building footprint. The Basement area acts as a seperate part of the building with the retaining wall lined around the building footprints peremeter to create the ‘excavation’ space and then lined and sealed within the internal archiving and research areas. The retaining wall and added 500mm layer of rammed earth in sections provide thermal properties which create a controlled environment for the archiving of artefacts, old interview notes etc. The Service core of the building creates a concrete podium from which the rammed earth structure can develope in the a service core

Secondary Structure

Movement shoji screens integrate the wider master plan of the Shoji screens in the building’s envelope which is utilised in the environmental stategy along with making the building a changeable space.

Secondary Structure

Glulam Timber Frame Primary Structure

Vertical Circulation


Secondary Structure

The building was planned so that environmental conditions from the basement area and location of the plant room could be utilised through the service riser. Within the public spaces the building is designed to elongated experiences through the space, but given the building footprint these exadurated circulation roots at always provided with access to fire escapes and circulate from the void atrium space.

Treated timber cladding

Secondary Structure

Glulam Beam

Primary Structure

First Floor

Legislative Framework Loads

Part A Structural Safety Part A Structure Building Regulations outline regulations that cover building structure movement and applied loads. The intiail use of a Glulam Timber Frame was considered in application of the project due that the fact Tokyo suffers from earthquake and movements. The application of Pile foundations to support the main glulam frame of the building ensures it’s structural stabilty is not comprimised during periods of earthquake. The application of a cantilevered retaining wall in the support of the rammed earth structure ensures that wall is sufficiently supported during periods of ground movement.

Bracing tensions roads

As outlined in DSIT B The Main Glulam Structure transfers acts as a strengthened support above the typical wooden structures of Japanese housing. The Glulam Frame offers a superior means of supporting and transferring loads throughout the building. Additional bracing is added through tensions rods through the frame of the building to ensure increased stability.

As highlighted on the exploded diagram, Deads Loads are transmitted throughout the building through the integration of the Primary structure of the Glulam Frame. The integration of the glulam frame in connection to the Pile Foundations ensure that loads are transferred throughout the building. In areas where void spaces are created, addition beams and rings beams are added and supported on steel plates Within the rammed earth service core the concrete podium provides the structural transferrance of the load bearing rammed earth structure built above ground level

Intermitedly Timber Joists are used to transfer the live loads of users within the space throughout to the Glulam structure. In areas where void spaces are integrated in the floor structure the use of timber ring beam allows for the integration of structural glass voids. Tension Rods are intergrated in glazing areas, and timber bracing is integrated in to internal and timber framed pannelings walls to support the lateral and horizontal movements applied by live and dynamic loads

Treated Timber Cladding

Secondary Structure

Internal Timber Panelling Walls

Secondary Structure

Giving the stability of the structural frame and integration bracing in the internal and external envelope the building will withstand live wind loads from the NW and NE.

Concrete Podium

Primary Structure


Reinforced Structural Glass

Secondary Structure

Deadline Loads Live Loads Dynamic Loads

Timber Ring Beam

Primary Structure

Glulam Timber Column and Beams

Primary Structure

Timber Entrance Roof

Secondary Structure

Treated Timber Cladding

Secondary Structure

Timber Joists

Primary Structure

Ground Floor Reinforced Concrete Pile

Primary Structure

External Precast Concrete Stair

Secondary Structure

External Precast Concrete Stair Secondary Structure Reinfored Conrete Wall

Secondary Structure

Cantilevered Retaining Wall

Primary Structure

Pile Cap

Primary Structure

Reinforced Concrete Pile Foundation in support of all load transferrance of glulam frame and rammed earth wall through concrete podium above ground level

Primary Structure

Basement Floor

The Architecture of my building will make use of a number of structural systems layered upon the building but these can be defined within the three categories outlined as Primary, Second and Tertiary Strucures. Through utilising these systems the building will ensure that is it sealed at key points to support the overall building strategy alongside support environmental conditions and tactics applied to the building. Through the application of these systems the building will withinstand the addition strain of loads through the movement of people, objects and it’s environment.

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