Interview Portfolio 2017

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Selected Works 2013 - 2017




Ba (Hons) Northumberland National Park

Masters Thesis Project Tokyo, Japan



Ba (Hons) Newcastle

ACP Competition Amsterdam

04 EDUCATION IN PLAY MArch 01 London, United Kingdom

Voices of Yanesen Masters Thesis Tokyo, Japan

Voices of Yanesen Project Research 2016 |2017

As my final year Thesis Project Voices of Yanesen is an architectural investigation and outcome to the changing landscape of the area known as Yanesen, in Tokyo, Japan. Through my research into the local histories of the community and activist groups and the threat to the changing landscape; the design of the project integrates three key aspects in to the larger architectural strategy in preserving the areas locality. Through uncovering the Lost River of Aizan which runs through the site, the introduction of washi paper production and application of Japanese interstitial spaces, the key programmatic outline integrates a new commons through local memory.

Voices of Yanesen


Project Brief 2016 |2017

The Architecture is defined through retracing lost histories of the area, and the influence the publication ‘Yanesen Magazine.’ By using the unearthed river, the resource of Washi Paper is developed along the sight starting with the Washi Paper Production Factory and integrated in to a new production of memory in the ‘Memory Workshops.’ Here spaces are designed to encourage engagment with this process of cataloguing. The final space of the ‘Memory Factory’ acts as the key site as a resource for those local and new to the area, housing physical artefacts from the area along with larger lecture, and curated exhibition and excavation spaces .The final space of the Memory Factory acts as the central hub for the area where larger meetings, political, and lectures spaces will take place. Alongside this the space will exhibit through it’s series of spaces the physical artefacts defined in the Yanesen Magazine physical catalogue and allow users to be a part of the excavation process within the area, becoming a physical part of the area’s local social and physical history.

Voices of Yanesen

Washi Paper Production Factory

Memory Workshops

Memory Factory

Interstitial spaces 2016 |2017

The Vernacular Palette Through observations and sketches taken whilst in Tokyo, I was able to locate and define, 8 key architectural details that I felt shaped spatial charactertistics that would be used along the site of the Memory workshops, and internally within the memory factory. Some of the details are used as access points to existing buildings, whilst others are extruded out along snake street to define new space communal memory space.

As the relationship people have with traditional architectural typologies became apparent, -through interviews whilst in Tokyo, and the reading of Yanesen Magazine - it became neccesary to investigate how Japanese anti-spaces could inform the developing design. This developed both in the locating of these details, but then the re-design and re-definition of architectural spaces in support of the programmatic and strategic proposition in key spaces in the Memory Workshops and Memory Factory Within traditional Japanese architecture - as highlighted in my research in my DS3 portfolio - the architecture is designed as a series of transitional spaces. Within Yanesen these spaces become the moments of most importance, where users define the social and communal activities of the everyday that the project acts to preserve and utilise. By integrating these details in to the functional aspect of memory collection and cataloguing it adds an additional environment through which users can continue to develop and share the local histories and memory of Yanesen.

Proposed Memory Factory Location

Proposed Memory Workshops Location



3. 7.


Proposed Washi Paper Production Factory

Cinemation Spatiality. 2016 |2017

The Development of the Integration of the river throughout the site of my proposition played a key part in informing how the ‘Memory Workshop’ spaces woud inform one another, and be used in developing a new cataloguing typology in recording the local histories of the Yanesen Area. Through the use of the ‘set model’ and application of designing through film, the space was tested through the application of vernacular details and their relationship to one another

Washi Paper Production 2016 |2017

As my final year Thesis Project Voices of Yanesen is an architectural investigation and outcome to the changing landscape of the area known as Yanesen, in Tokyo, Japan. Through my research into the local histories of the community and activist groups and the threat to the changing landscape; the design of the project integrates three key aspects in to the larger architectural strategy in preserving the areas locality. Through uncovering the Lost River of Aizan which runs through the site, the introduction of washi paper production and application of Japanese interstitial spaces, the key programmatic outline integrates a new commons through local memory.

The Memory Factory 2016 |2017

The Memory Factory is designed as a new central hub for the Yanesen area. The development of this larger space is to draw those local to Yanesen and others from wider Tokyo and beyond back in to engagement with local issues such as the impact of re-development of the destruction of traditional architectural typologies within the area; as well as the further development in the next generation of the community. The Memory Factory is defined by two key programmes developing conversation spaces to encourage engagement, along with the exhibition of physical artefacts from the area.

The Memory Factory 2016 |2017

The Memory Factory is designed as a new central hub for the Yanesen area. The development of this larger space is to draw those local to Yanesen and others from wider Tokyo and beyond back in to engagement with local issues such as the impact of re-development of the destruction of traditional architectural typologies within the area; as well as the further development in the next generation of the community. The Memory Factory is defined by two key programmes developing conversation spaces to encourage engagement, along with the exhibition of physical artefacts from the area.

The Memory Factory 2016 |2017

The Memory Factory is designed as a new central hub for the Yanesen area. The development of this larger space is to draw those local to Yanesen and others from wider Tokyo and beyond back in to engagement with local issues such as the impact of re-development of the destruction of traditional architectural typologies within the area; as well as the further development in the next generation of the community. The Memory Factory is defined by two key programmes developing conversation spaces to encourage engagement, along with the exhibition of physical artefacts from the area.

The Memory Factory 2016 |2017

The Memory Factory is designed as a new central hub for the Yanesen area. The development of this larger space is to draw those local to Yanesen and others from wider Tokyo and beyond back in to engagement with local issues such as the impact of re-development of the destruction of traditional architectural typologies within the area; as well as the further development in the next generation of the community. The Memory Factory is defined by two key programmes developing conversation spaces to encourage engagement, along with the exhibition of physical artefacts from the area.

Paper Storage Second Floor

Story Sorting Room

Toilets Private Meeting Room

First Floor

Staff Access

Kitchen Staff Room Ground Level

Upper Ground Floor

Lower Ground Floor

Ground Floor Plan Existing Main sSewage Access Points Key Public Private

Plant Room Archives


Key Water Supply Waste Pipes Electrical Wiring Heating Pipes Electric Supply

Fire Assembly Point & Staff Access

Emerging Playground ACP Amsterdam Competition Chaurette

Emerging Playground Design Chaurette 2016 |2017

The scheme of the Amsterdam Children’s Playground is concieved to channel the spirit of alternative education movements with the philosophy of Aldo Van Eyck to create a rich landscape of alternative expression. Through looking at alternative theories of childrens education spaces as a group we began to look at key areas and aspects of the building that could shape the users experience. Through looking at behaviours of shaping a journey, adaptability and movments the architecture looks users a curated route through space. The key themes incorporated included sensory spaces tested through materiality and form, and the adaptability of spaces.

Education in Play

Education in Play

London, United Kingdom 2015 |2016

Through looking at current issues in the disconnect between nature within the Urban Landscape my First Year Project began to explore developing a new architecture experience within the City of London. Through using the narrative of the Child within the city I began to develop an architecture scheme that critiqued children’s education within the city of London along Tottenham Court Road. Within the bustling site of Tottenham Court provisions are being made to create an environment that is more user friendly and green, but these measures being put in place -as a result of expansions to crossrail -are superficial and do not act as a means of engagement with the public in developing an architectural commons for the people.Through assesing the current Wilding West in relation to the development of the new Crossrail expansion the propositions explores the idea of freedom within the city in relation to children. Given that by adulthood many of our behaviours are already learnt the design acts as a new architectural educational cirriculum for children within the city, integrating alternative education methods and the wilding of nature.

Education in Play

London, United Kingdom 2015 |2016

Through looking at current issues in the disconnect between nature within the Urban Landscape my First Year Project began to explore developing a new architecture experience within the City of London. Through using the narrative of the Child within the city I began to develop an architecture scheme that critiqued children’s education within the city of London along Tottenham Court Road. Within the bustling site of Tottenham Court provisions are being made to create an environment that is more user friendly and green, but these measures being put in place -as a result of expansions to crossrail -are superficial and do not act as a means of engagement with the public in developing an architectural commons for the people.Through assesing the current Wilding West in relation to the development of the new Crossrail expansion the propositions explores the idea of freedom within the city in relation to children. Given that by adulthood many of our behaviours are already learnt the design acts as a new architectural educational cirriculum for children within the city, integrating alternative education methods and the wilding of nature.

Education in Play

Elevated Highline 2015 |2016

Through looking at current issues in the disconnect between nature within the Urban Landscape my First Year Project began to explore developing a new architecture experience within the City of London. Through using the narrative of the Child within the city I began to develop an architecture scheme that critiqued children’s education within the city of London along Tottenham Court Road. Within the bustling site of Tottenham Court provisions are being made to create an environment that is more user friendly and green, but these measures being put in place -as a result of expansions to crossrail -are superficial and do not act as a means of engagement with the public in developing an architectural commons for the people.Through assesing the current Wilding West in relation to the development of the new Crossrail expansion the propositions explores the idea of freedom within the city in relation to children. Given that by adulthood many of our behaviours are already learnt the design acts as a new architectural educational cirriculum for children within the city, integrating alternative education methods and the wilding of nature.

The Space Between Northumberland Visitors Centre Northumberland

The Space Between

London, United Kingdom 2015 |2016

Within the Barren Landscape of Northumberland National Park lie numerous outcrops of natural beauty. Conceptually drive the Northumberland National Park Visitors Centre aims to the mirror the landscape’s subtlties creating elements in between the spaces that nature has already formed. Taking inspiration from the surrounding environment and integration into these elements the Northumberland Visitor’s Centre aims to be a place touching on the landscape, tantilizingly close to the edge of what there is to explore beyond. The visitor’s Centre aims to be a modern day place of learning and education, reigniting an interest within people and their natural environment.The Visitors Centre allows occupants to feel a closer relationship to their surroundings and encourages occupants to move further out into the landscape through the designed series of space.

The Space Between

The Space Between

London, United Kingdom 2015 |2016

Within the Barren Landscape of Northumberland National Park lie numerous outcrops of natural beauty. Conceptually drive the Northumberland National Park Visitors Centre aims to the mirror the landscape’s subtlties creating elements in between the spaces that nature has already formed. Taking inspiration from the surrounding environment and integration into these elements the Northumberland Visitor’s Centre aims to be a place touching on the landscape, tantilizingly close to the edge of what there is to explore beyond. The visitor’s Centre aims to be a modern day place of learning and education, reigniting an interest within people and their natural environment.The Visitors Centre allows occupants to feel a closer relationship to their surroundings and encourages occupants to move further out into the landscape through the designed series of space.

The Space Between

The Space Between

The Prayer Rooms

The Prayer Rooms Newcastle 2015 |2016

Religion through out England, as well as through out the World has always been a diverse topic. Learning through reading and discussion is a vital component in informing people about different faiths and thus ridding society of the taboo of conjoining these faiths not through practice but through understanding.’The Prayer Rooms’ aspires to be a space where people can come together in an appreciation of other beliefs and learn from one another. It intends to encourage people of non-religion to come together to learn about and respect a multitude of cultures ​ A Key feature of the Library is to ensure the interior and exterior spaces are always connecting, to remind those within of the beauty outside as well as what they can view from their study areas. The idea behind ‘Looking through the canopy’ relates back to the central focus of the tree of life, which the form of the building orientates from.

The Prayer Rooms

MArch 01 | Education in the City My March 01 project was situated Within the bustling site of Tottenham Court provisions which is currently under re-development to become more user friendly and green; but these measures being put in place -as a result of expansions to crossrail -are superficial and do not act as a means of engagement with the public in developing an architectural commons for the people.Within my project I began to explore the alternative journey of the children, through understanding educational methods from the Forest School to the Montessori education systems and dutch adventure

The Prayer Rooms

C A T H E R I N E W H E A T E R Part 2 Architectural Assistant | Designer Education

Having recently graduated from the Leeds School of Architecture, the skills I have learnt both within periods of study and professional practice have allowed me to develop a highly specialised, varied set of skills applicable within a fast paced, dynamic and creative environment.

Masters of Architecture | 2017 RIBA Part 2 Cinematic Commons Unit Leeds School of Architecture Merit

Choosing the ‘Cinematic Commons’ Unit to specialise in my Masters studies in Architecture has allowed me to develop a larger palette of research skills. Alongside the development of new skills in film and cinema production, it has enhanced my ability to develop spatially and socially responsive design. The Unit has caused me to question indepth the role architecture plays in people’s lives and the importance of the built environment. Both my Masters years design studies lead to the development of briefs which responded to social issues within the cities of London and Tokyo, and the use of architecture to develop programmes for change. My interest in how communities shape the architectural identity of areas of preservation, and the role activists are now playing in indentifying the importance of community lead to ‘Voices of Yanesen’ as my final Thesis Project. Whilst undertaking studies within Tokyo I was able to meet with researchers from Tokyo University, along with founding members and writers of Yanesen Magazine developing my research and professional skills in education and practice.

Bachelor of Arts | 2013 RIBA Part 1 Northumbria University 2:1 A levels | 2009 Art Economics English Literature St John Fisher Catholic High Schoo BBB Professional Experience Studio Map | Oct 2014 - Sep 2015 Architectural Assistant Honour Village Cambodia | Sep 2014 Volunteer Teacher DWA Architects | July 2013 - May 2014 Part 1 Architectural Assistant References & further experience will be provided on request



Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Autocad Vectorworks Sketchup vray Model making Photography Film-making Hand-Drawing 3d Modelling 3d Workshop Design Workshop training Website Design

Outside of architectural study I have taken the opportunity to lead Undergraduate key skills workshops acting as a mentor to younger students as my role as Course Representative. Alongside this I am currently in discussion to become an RIBA Architectural Ambassador in association with programmes for the Hull City of Culture to teach workshops to make architecture and the process of design more accesible within school age teaching. Alongside architectural practice I have been involved in the development of exhibitions locally at the Tetley Gallery and internationally in Tokyo, presenting my own work and other students in the curation of space spanning architecture and art.

8 Years 2 Years 5 Years 8 Years 2 Years 6 years 8 years 8 years 2 Years 10 Years 8 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years

Winner of the LBU WYSA Excellence in Drawing prize 2016 Shortlisted for the Bedford Travel Scholarship 2016 Unit and Course Masters of Architecture Representative Commendation for Amsterdam Playground Cross-Years Chaurette Interview Selection panel for Leeds School of Architecture Staff teaching candidates Presentation of Masters Work at Tokyo Women’s University Delivered Key Skills Workshops for Undergraduate Students

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