SUNDAY, Jan. 11, 2015, at 2 P.M. AUCTION & PROPERTY LOCATION: 183 Gilbert Road – Middletown, MO 63359 DIRECTIONS: From the 4-way stop in Middletown, MO, turn and go west 1 ½ miles on Hwy. BB to Allison Road, turn left and go 2 ½ miles to Gilbert Road, the farm lays directly across the road to the west. 41 Beautiful acres in Northeast Montgomery County, MO to be offered in a single tract, with good percentage cropland, lake, wildlife habitat, and a brand new building that is very functional and adaptable for a variety of uses. The farm is located Township 50 N. Range 5 W. Section 5. The property has frontage all along the east side on Gilbert Road. Of the total 41 acres the FSA office calls 28.12 tillable, all of which are terraced and were in beans in the 2014 crop year. The balance is in a couple patches of woods, wooded draw and fence rows, a very nice stocked lake, and the building and surrounding yard area.
SELLERS: Terry and Kathie Dudley