SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2016 AT 10 A.M. PROPERTY & AUCTION LOCATION: From Auxvasse, MO take Hwy E west 4 miles to Callaway County Road 245 (water tower), turn right go north 3/4 mile to Callaway County Road 282, turn left go west 1 mile to Callaway County Road 277, turn right and go north to the first place on the right OR From the south side of Mexico, MO, take Hwy D southwest 12 miles to the Audrain/Callaway County line, turn left on Audrain County Road 980 and Callaway County Road 2000, go east 2 1/2 miles to Callaway County Road 277, turn right and go south 1 1/4 mile to the farm on the left (in the southwest corner of Callaway County Road 277 and Callaway County Road 290).
236 +/- Acres in T49N, Range 10W, Section 12 of Callaway County to be offered in One Tract. The farm has county road frontage on three sides, on the north along CCR 290, the entire west side along CCR 277 and on the southwest corner it runs along CCR 282. The rural water runs along the county road and up to the house.
SELLERS: L. BRUCE & MILDRED EDWARDS TRUST For More Information call Charlie Nordwald 636-795-4552 or visit our website at