WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 2016 AT 6 P.M. AUCTION LOCATION: WHEELER AUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE 23101 HWY 24, PARIS, MO 65275 PROPERTY LOCATION: From Duncan’s Bridge in northern Monroe County take Hwy. J west 1 mile to Hwy. OO, turn left and go south 1 ½ miles on Hwy. OO to the end of the blacktop, continue on south 1 mile to the farm OR from Jacksonville, MO take Hwy. J east 12 miles to Hwy. OO, turn right and go south 1 ½ miles to the end of the blacktop and continue 1 more mile.
The property consists of 50 acres located in Township 55N, Range 12W, Section 20 in Monroe County MO. For More Information call Charlie Nordwald 636-795-4552 or visit our website at