WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 AT 10 A.M. (REAL ESTATE TO SELL AT 12:30 P.M.) PROPERTY & AUCTION LOCATION: 35 Swope School Road, Wellsville, MO 63384 (Directions: From the 4-way stop in Wellsville, MO turn and go northeast on Hwy A for 5 miles to Swope School Road turn left and go 1/ 2 mile north to the property that lies on both sides of the road)
The property consist of 69 acres and a homestead located in Township 50 N, Range 5 W, Sections 17 and 18 in Montgomery County, MO to be offered in 3 tracts ranging from 5 acres to 41 acres.
SELLER: Ernest “Ernie” (deceased) and Mary Powell For More Information call Charlie Nordwald 636-795-4552 or visit our website at