Franklin County Real Estate Auction & Personal Property SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 2015 AT 10 A.M. PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION will be August 1 at 1PM on TRACT 5 located at 2906 Koelkebeck Road in New Haven, MO 63068
Tracts 1, 2, 3 and 4, referred to as the Brune Farm, total 199 +/- acres. All four tracts are located in Township 43N, Range 3W, Sections 2 and 3, in Franklin County, MO. Tract 5 is referred to as the Walkenhorst Farm consists of 98 +/- acres located at 2906 Koelkebeck Rd, New Haven, MO 63068.
SELLERS: Sharon Helling, Carol Seidel, and Roland Walkenhorst For more information call Charlie Nordwald 636-795-4552.