I had the opportunity to conduct a family interview with one individual, at the Regional Psychiatric Centre (RPC). I interviewed Gerald, he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety. Gerald had an unhealthy relationship with his father, continues to have an unhealthy relationship with his step–sister and has a healthy relationship with his mother. Gerald's parents divorced when he was three years old and his mother gained full custody of him and allowed Gerald to visit his father. Gerald has a history of alcohol use since the age of nine, his abuse of alcohol and nonadherence to his medication contributed to his incarceration. Wright and Leahey () developed the...show more content...
One of the five key ingredients to building a successful therapeutic relationship is demonstrating manners towards the patient and their family. Richardson (1987) identified seven key ways to successfully demonstrate manners: by introducing yourself, calling the patient by name, being honest, ensuring you return in a timely manner, "check your attitude, explain your role for that shift, explain a procedure before coming into the room with the equipment to do it" (as cited Wright & Leahey, 1999, p. 2–3). Before interacting with Gerald I examined my attitude to determine if I was prepared to conduct a family interview, as I knew the family interview may be difficult because Gerald feels remorse for murdering his father. I asked Gerald if he would be willing to meet for an interview and discuss his family, he agreed. I met the patient at our arranged meeting area in a timely manner. I re–introduced myself to Gerald stating my name, and I explained I was the student nurse who interviewed him two weeks ago. The patient replied, "I did forget your name but I will remember now because I have a cousin named Lindsay". Within three minutes or less I had demonstrated an effective use of
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Family Interview Essay
Hi Seema, Thank you for inviting me for an onsite interview for the position of Physical Design Engineer in your team at Folsom. I received an email from Rhonda Chambers earlier this morning for scheduling the interview, and I have mentioned to her my availability for both 13th and 20th Nov. I am very excited to meet you and your team in person. Thank you for your time and this opportunity. Best Regards, Priyam
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Onsite Interview Essay
Conducting Interviews
Conducting interviews is fundamental as a case manager. In order to understand more about good interviewing, I decided to watch an interview about an addict mother conducted by Dr. Phil. While watching this interview, I made some notes on attitudes and characteristics that I considered important for good interviewing. The characteristics will be presented in the following paragraphs. From the start of the interview I noticed that it is important to have good communication skills and the interviewer should speak with confidence and knowledge about the subject. As everyone knows, Dr. Phil is known as an expert in human behavior and in his show, he conducts interviews or talks to help people with problems. At the beginning of the interview, Dr. Phil presented himself very straight–forward and respectfully towards the out of control addict mother....show more content...
Phil took control of every situation. He maintains the position and calm while asking questions. I could immediately see that he did not share the same values or principles as the interviewee, yet he did not act against her behavior. Instead, he asked reflective questions so that she could know she was wrong. There were times where the interviewee was a little bit out of control and Dr. Phil calmed her and spoke firmly about her behavior. The interviewer conveys empathy in some ways. For example, told her "I understand what you are going through" and "It is difficult". Those two phrases made me realize that the interviewer feels empathy towards the interviewee. I also noticed that the interviewer does demonstrate cultural sensitivity towards the interviewee. Cultural sensitivity is very important in this case because it allows us to function effectively in other cultures and value other cultures while reducing cultural barriers between the professional and patient. Dr. Phil demonstrated cultural sensitivity because he respected the traditions of the interviewee and her daily
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I actually enjoyed doing this mock interview. During the mock interview, overall I felt pretty comfortable and confident. I think the biggest thing I learned from the mock interview is to give more detail in my responses to the interviewer's questions. When answering a question from the interviewer I should answer the question just as if I was writing it in an essay. Restate the question but with an answer, give a reason or example to support my answer, and then conclude my response by tying the information together. Good listening and eye contact are a few communication skills came into play during my interview. I also learned that I have to be more direct when answering a question and state more evidence to support my answers. If I answer Get
Mock Interview
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Interview Evaluation Essay
Evaluation of interview one
In reviewing interview one the vignette presented numerous ethical dilemmas when conducting a research study. The interviewer, Dr. Crawford, did not display scholar behavior (e.g. formally greet the participant when entering, was unable to build rapport with the client, and displayed distracting movement) as a result the participant was anxious during the interview (Laureate Education, 2010). The interview did not provide an accurate descriptive of work place moral.
Interview one best practice and issues
The best part of the vignette is the selection of the site. The interviewer selected to conduct her study at the places of employment of the participant. The researcher placed the participant at risk for physical harm due to she could have stumbled over the electrical cord causing physical harm. The AmericanPsychology Association (2010) mentions researcher is to minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable. Responsive interview emphasizes the importance of...show more content...
It appears the researcher was study last minute to fulfill her graduation requirements. The researcher mannerism was careless and her study failed to capture the vividness of moral in the work place.
Evaluation of interview two
Vignette two illustrated the proper methods of conducting a qualitative research interview. The researcher greeted the participant which was warm and welcoming. The interviewer followed the standards according to the code of ethic of reminding the participant of the informed consent of the study (e.g. the purpose of the research, expected duration, and procedures) and the uses of recording voices and images (APA, 2010). The researcher questions were well thought out which allowed to participant to covey her narrative, as it allowed the interviewer to ask probing questions to provide an in–depth interview.
Interview one best practice and
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Albert Einstein once stated, "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile", and I sincerely deem this to be true. A little over a year ago; I interviewed at The University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy. During this interview, I was asked to recall a time where I had made a difference. I stated that we always make a difference, every day, but remember that I did not mention a specific moment. Although I have helped many patients since starting my career in pharmacy, for some odd reason, I could not come up with an exact moment where I felt I had truly made a difference– until a few months ago.
Since my interview at USJ, I have continued to expand on my knowledge and career in pharmacy. I obtained a promotion at Yale New Haven's new specialty pharmacy, Outpatient Pharmacy Services at YNHHS, as a Specialty Pharmacy Liaison within the Oncology division. In this new position, my team's objective is to ensure that patients start their oral chemotherapies as quickly and as seamlessly...show more content... It was the patient taking a moment to recognize my hard work and conveying his appreciation for helping him make this, already difficult process, significantly easier to deal with; I still have the letter hung at my desk today. It wasn't until that precise moment in time that I realized I truly made a difference in that patient's life and, as a result, live by the quote "only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile". I believe pharmacists do this every day, they live their life in the service of helping others. It is one of several reasons why I continue to love pharmacy and wish, now more than ever, to attend The University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy to obtain my Pharm.D degree. Caring for the well–being of our patients makes me feel like life is worthwhile and it inspires me every day to know I am making a difference in someone's life and within our Get more content
Example Of A Pharmacist Interview Essay
The mock interview has given me the ability to always be prepared. I am a recent college graduate and have no experience in interviewing for a future career. The mock interview gives me guidance on what type of questions are going to be asked an ahead of time, how I look when I respond, and how well prepared I am with the deliverance of me answer. The interviewer is only going to let me interview once. Therefore, I need to make it could. I can recall going to past interviews at my odd jobs during my college days. The questions were nowhere near as important. I did not get asked what motives me or what I am passionate about. I knew I was not going to stay the job for long, so I have to say I did not prepare at all. However, a job that Iwant a future...show more content...
I do not want to be stumbling over my words or losing eye contact. Nor do I want to be the crazy person that stares in to their soul. I was also able to see how I was sitting in the mock interview. I was position like a dinosaur. That is not how I want to be sitting up during the interview. I need to be confident but relaxed at the same time.
I also want to make sure I study the company I am interviewing for. If I can cater the answers to the company's mission statement or values, I am likely to score some points there. I want to feel confident in what I am talking about. I also what the interviewer to know that I know their company and I will uphold the same values they believe in. Again, this makes me prepared. In conclusion, the mock interview gave me insight in what to expect when interviewing for my future career job. The questions were heard to answer. Although I know I am passionate about child development I did not know how to put how I was passionate in to two well thought of sentences. The mock interview will be useful to me in many ways as I explained. I look forward to coming back at every stage of my career to fully prepared me for my next
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Mock Interview Essay
The overall education level of the population around the world has been increasing, and more people entering the work force have a college degree. Here are some professional employment tips to help recent college graduates to stand out when searching for a job.
"The Real World" Recent graduate students have a hard time adjusting to the "real world" because the way they behaved incollege should not be carried on to the work force. The most common mistake inexperienced job seekers make is dressing inappropriately in an interview, where first impressions are critical. According to Tuhro, "You should dress within the appropriate parameters of the title you are interviewing for, with a touch of personal style" (Tuhro, 2014). People judge others...show more content...
However, there are still a lot of job opportunities for people, and they need to find the correct and smart way to look for a job. People should put effort into looking for a job and take time to prepare for the job interview. Then, during the interview they should dress appropriately and advertise their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Lastly, people should cover up all the private information of themselves on social media and use the Internet as a platform to expand their network and brand themselves nicely. After doing all the tips above, people's chances for getting a job is
Professional Interview Essay
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I decided to interview someone in the Psychology field. Psychology is in the College of Arts and Sciences. I am attracted to this major because I am currently taking an Introduction to Psychology course, and so far it is very interesting to me so far. It also allows me to pursue the mental health aspect of it. According to my Strong Interest Inventory, I rank high in the investigative theme which is the science interest part of it. Then one of my top ten recommended occupations is a mental health counselor. That's why I chosePsychology is my major of choice. I interviewed a friend of one of my friends. I was talking to her about this assignment, and she recommended one of her friends. Rachel was the name of the person I interviewed and she...show more content...
As I stated earlier, I have an interest in the mental health services area. Rachel is going into the Law enforcement and Criminal Investigation field, which involves a Psychology major. Other areas I found interesting included Art therapy, Case management, and Counseling. A person with a Psychology major can explore many different fields of work, depending on their interest.
Rachel gave quite a few examples of the many different minors, activities, and experiences someone can partake in. She discussed that, depending on what the person is doing, they can often double major. Rachel was thinking of double majoring in Psychology and Criminal Justice. She mentioned that people who are in Pre–med often get a degree in Psychology. There are a few certificates she mentioned. The two I listed were the clinical certificate and neuroscience certificate. She said that these can come in handy for people interested in that field. She told me that there are quite a few clubs. She mentioned the Psych club, Cognitive science club, and the Neuroscience club are great to participate in for Psych majors. Volunteer work is very good on a resume especially if it is related to counseling. Rachel also mentioned that joiningresearch labs are a great way to gain experience. Research assistants are essential for someone who wants to attend grad school. She mentioned that many students who attend grad school are involved in some kind of
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Psychology Interview Essay
Informational Interview Report
The person who I conducted my informational interview was Chang Wang, Esq. I was acquainted with Mr. Chang Wang through a class he taught at the University of Minnesota. Professor Wang is a man of many professions; he is a lawyer, a professor, an actor and a writer. I could tell that he is extremely accomplished in his many careers through the list of schools he has taught at, awards he has received, the many licenses he's obtained, and the number of publications he has authored. Because of his busy schedule, I contacted him a month before the interview to solidify a schedule with him. I requested half an hour of his time, but he was very generous and gave me over an hour of his company. I wanted to interview Mr. Wang for my assignment because I always wanted to pick his brain and learn more about what he did atThomson Reuters. Aside from completing this assignment and getting to know more about his work, I also had a different agenda of ultimately requesting a letter of recommendation in the...show more content...
Because of the lack of rights in China, he is zealous about the American legal system and is a strong proponent of democracy in China. Whether in his lifetime or after, he truly hopes for a better China with a "rule of law". I think Mr. Wang intentionally decided not to share the technicalities of work because he wanted to share the bigger picture of his work. His approach of sharing the significance of his work reminded me of the parable of the three stonecutters; how the first two stonecutters only saw the individualistic means of their work and how the third stone cutter embraced the broader vision of his work. I don't know if my future career will be the "best" of all the jobs, but I will have to find the significance of what I do and contribute to society someway, somehow with that
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Essay On Informational
Lifespan Interview Paper
The Lifespan Interview The interview was conducted with a married female, 59 ВЅ years of age. The purpose was to document the subject's lifespan history with recollections of significant events in her development. The focus was to identify any dystonic outcomes during any of the stages of Erikson's personal developmental theory, theory of the mind, Levinson theory, attachment theory and Identity theory. It is anticipated that the questions could quarantine specific areas and incidents that may have obstructed any of the developmental theories thereby influencing the subject's later view of adolescent, young adult and middle age. The focus for the paper is inspired by Erickson's emphasis on the identity crisis as the "psychosocial...show more content...
Mistrust, (2) Autonomy v. Shame, Doubt, (3) Initiative v. Guilt, (4) Industry v. Inferiority, and (5) Identity v. Identity Confusion (). Also Levinson's theory, theory of the mind, attachment theory and identity theory. The questions were based on the outcomes of both syntonic and dystonic conflict resolutions of each stage documented by B and (). It is assumed that dystonic expressions in statements relating to each phase would contribute to some degree of identity confusion in adolescent as well as later life and perhaps provide some guidelines to a review of the subject's lifespan development. Stage 1 Questions: The question focused on trust, at which to test the degree that the subject is trusting or mistrusting person (). The question included the subject's trust of others and herself. Stage 2 Questions: The questions in this stage tested the subject's response to issues involving autonomy and independence and self–doubt. The questions tested the degree of retentiveness and stinginess as well as cooperation. Her confidence in work achievement as well as vulnerability and defiance of authority was tested in this stage. Stage 3 Questions: This stage's contribution to identity involves the successful development of purpose through initiative and curiosity. The questions in this area tested the subject's degree of enthusiasm with regard to ambition, curiosity,
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Example Of A Informal Interview
Informal Interview Essay
The interview I had was with a professional who graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a degree in Supply Chain Management. The individual I interviewed was Sanel Thomas, alumni of Alpha Kappa Psi, in which, I am currently in the pledging process of. This interview I had with Sanel was straightforward, we met on campus, just because his daily field op varies from time to time. Sanel is currently the Senior Director of Chick–fil–A, in which he works with the fifth largest grossing CFA in the nation. Although what Sanel currently does has nothing to do with his degree in Supply Chain, Sanel is a business professional who learns new things on the job and develops skills on his journey. After conducting this interview, I have learned quite a bit about living the cooperate life, and just the skills needed to be successful in the business field, or any field in general.
The first thing I learned from Sanel was that he was very open–minded...show more content...
Sanel has been with CFA with quite sometime and he loved what he did during college, and so worked his way up from being a normal employer to a senior director. That to me showed, that youneed to be dedicated in the employer you want to work with it, but also passionate for what you want to do in life. Along with being dedicated to the employer and job, it is almost equally important to know what you are getting your self into. From Sanel's experience it seems like Chick–Fil–A is not an easy job, but it can be rewarding. Sanel is currently taking a on a leadership program from Chick–Fil–A where he will be going across the United States to several restaurant locations for five to six weeks at a time where he will be making changes on how restaurants do daily operations to increase efficiency and
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For the three interviews, I went to a coffeeshop, an apartment, and an office. I decided on going to a coffee shop for the first interview because it was a public place and to be honest, I really wanted coffee that morning. It was a great place to feel relaxed and at home with the interview which I believe translated into a better interview. I felt a lot more comfortable asking different questions and the interviewee felt more comfortable with sharing information that might be considered more personal. The only compliant I would have with the coffee shop was the audio recording quality since it was a little noisy. The second location was the apartment of the lawyer. It was one of the first times I met him so I was a little worried at first going into his home alone but he had a nice dog and was super friendly. The home–like atmosphere made it a lot more comfortable on both ends to talk and share information that might otherwise been held back. The audio quality was great considering it was a lot more quiet of a place. You can really hear the difference in the quality. The final interview was in a law office close to campus. I loved how close to campus it was which made it easy to commute to. Doing interviews in the office made it seem a lot more professional. While the interviewee was very comfortable in the office, I was not. He was sitting behind a giant wooden desk which made things seem like he was in charge even though he was the interviewee. It made things
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Essay On
I did my mock interview on Thursday at 10:30 with Hallie Rathbun a career staff member at the career services center. I was very nervous because I have never done it before. I practiced answering the questions that I found on the website with my roommates and Karen Student United Association club adviser to help prepare me for the interview. I tried to relax as much as I could before the interview. After done with the interview, a staff member told me that I did really well in telling a story about myself. I talked about my personal issue that motivated me to become a registered nurse. When I answer the questions, I gave her examples, so that she could understand what I am telling her. She said she like when I talked about my strengths and...show more content...
When I talked about the leadership role, I didn't give her specific things about what I do as a leader. The hardest question that I received was "tell me about a time when you made a mistake and what you did to correct it." I didn't prepare the answer for this question during practices so I have to come up with the idea to answer this question. I talked about my experiences working with the residents in the nursing home. There was a time when I forgot to fill out the information about the residents who participate in playing bingo game and who don't. I talked to a staff member that I forgot to fill out the information and asked her to double check the information when I give the sheet back to her. I talked to the residents before the bingo game, filled out the information later, and gave it to a staff member. I couldn't think of any other example to explain this question.
The overall experience of mock interview was great. It turned out really well than I thought. I thought I might do badly when I answer the questions. I worried that I will make mistakes and couldn't answer the questions during the interview. The feedbacks that I received from a staff member can help me with my future interview preparation. Her feedbacks gave me more idea of how to answer the questions, make it more professional, and persuade
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Mock Interview Reflection
Post Interview Findings: Dealing with Difficult People I was able to seek out and an experienced Pastor by the name of Bernadine Smith, the Pastor of Kingdom Ministries here in Dayton, Ohio. I must insert she is my Aunt and although I do not attend her ministry currently, has a child and now an adult, she plays a critical role as a spiritual mentor and confidant and extends to me wise and Godly counsel with respect to my school work and life affairs. She has been and continues to be a wealth of knowledge and support with my coursework. Encouraging me as well as providing me with "go to" reference materials as I request them. On this particular occasion we began discussing things of no consequence then the conversation...show more content...
From a spiritual perspective, we always want to show the love of Christ in our body language, tone, mannerism as not be offended. It can be perceived as hostile in nature of we do not think before we speak, causing further harm without rendering resolution. Often this behavior is not an attack on you, but merely whom you represent. The aim in my mind is to gain control in an open or private forum. Pastor Smith provided me with a thought learned early on in my class work as a Christian Counselor to which I recalled a table found in the writings of Dr. Gary Collins provided a perspective of effectively being able to communicate and table that list many of the characteristics and approaches that one could glean from and add to their personal accounts before speaking or communicating in the wrong manner. Proverbs chapter fifteen reminds me that " a soft answer turns away wrath but harsh words stir up anger (paraphrased) with that being ever so mindful to keep calm and let cooler heads prevail can allow for potential further conversation. Second Point from Interview: Known or Unknown I have to chuckle a little regarding this subtitle because we are faced with many different spirts; speaking from a spiritual perspective for a brief moment, and our discernment and prayer during this time should be ever present, yet I digress. It is my hope that one can be aware and vigilant regardless if we have a Get more content
Interview Essay
I think that conducting a personal interview like this was a great way to gain knowledge. When I talked with Mr. McCaskill, I learned a lot of things, most of them way beyond just the questions given to ask. We talked of different things that he experienced and many things that he has learned and researched over the years. It was very suprising, to be truthful, and we were actually able to carry very interesting conversations about the explosion. When it came to the community and the people around me, I learned a lot of how they acted during the time and somethings that they could have been thinking. Mr. McCaskill told me about the jokes his high school classmates made when the first nuclear explosion happened in Pennsyvania and how it thought it was funny that they made fun of the Soviets and later married one. He let me in on how people were worried about the Soviets, them gaining power, but when they saw the terrible safety haziards that caused the explosion, the feelings changed. Of course they felt sympathtic but to the most part, the feeling of worry was leaving....show more content...
By interviewing someone on their personal experiences, it gives the person listening a chance to see something through another's eyes. In all reality, there is the possibility that the person might remember something wrong and after that, others may learn history wrong. Even with this, just listening to someone recollect on their past is an outstanding feeling. In a handful of documentaries, it includes people being interviewed and half of newcasts these days are the same way. I think interviews have become a major way people collect information today and has become an important part of making and reviewing
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Personal Interview Essay
Although I was prepared, the anticipation of the mock interview was unsettling, once the interview process began, however my anxiety subsided. My confidence was flourishing with a nice shirt, a fresh crop chop, my sleekest spectacles, and little light make up, there was nothing in my way. Except the intimidation of my peers, subconscious competition , and ego, I tried my hardest to remain calm, cool, and collective. Similar to a goldfish in a small bowl as a room filled with people stop to stare and as they put their faces close to the bowl I lock eyes with the same awkward poise. There are so many qualities to exam during an interview, which repetition and practice will improve over time, however many aspects of this interview went well....show more content...
My posture is good but my body language occasionally appears timid or scared. I don't like people looking at my hands so I keep them on my lap, however I need to remember to keep them open and not fisted for good flow. I tend to get sweaty too, so possibly wearing darker colors may improve how I feel during an interview.
Being prepared is the best possible skill to have for an interview and arguably the most crucial. When "studying" for an interview, one must go beyond the basics, take the steps the interview won't expect you to take, therefore you will never be caught of guard. Reread information on the company, research the hiring staff if possible, and practice,practice, practice. There is a line between creating self confidence and cockiness and being prepared can help me to feel comfortable were I don't have to oversell my knowledge. After seeing Dave's rating of my establishing a personal relationship with interviewers I realized I didn't do anything to personally connect me to the interviewers. Even something as simple as shaking hands after would have helped improve the lack of personal relations. In the future I will remember to create more ways to build that personal bridge between myself and the hiring
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Mock Interview Essay
Today I had my interview with Mr. Francisco Arias he was very intelligent and kind. The interview started with personal questions he was trying to get to know me. Since he started asking questions about myself first, this gave me a little bit of confidence I didn't feel nervous anymore. I started talking about my background since he noticed an accent he knew that I was a bilingual person, this definitely gave me an extra point. Before I went to this interview I read about the hospital and why the job opening was available, this helped me to show my interest on the position and the vision of the hospital, and this was one thing that caught his attention. After 15 minutes of talking about my self Mr. Arias asked about the hours and about my
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Bilingual Interview Essay
I was a part of a group interview, which actually didn't drown everyone's voices. She would talk to us kindly, clarifying what we needed clarification of.
I knew Nursing is not for everyone. Even if you are academically at the top of your class, you have to have the communication skills and vice versa, you need to know the right information to properly take care of your patient. Being able to efficiently explain the processes needed to the patient, their families, as well as other Nurses is a necessity in nursing, and the patient tend depend it. It is not an easy task, with many lives in your hands.
But I knew it was not easy. Prior to this interview, I knew some information entailed in Nursing, I knew it was a very physically and mentally demanding,...show more content...
Parsh really emphasised, despite us knowing that Nursing is both physically and mentally strenuous, that it really is more mental. There is a necessity to multitask, because often you are required to handle more than one patient at a time working at a hospital and the need to think on your feet is an absolute need. You have to leave outside problems outside the workplace, because the job just gets ten times harder when you get worried about something outside. At times, it will really feel like your head is going to explode, but in the end, you know it is all worth it. I would have doubts about becoming a Nurse at times, but I feel like I am more certain it it what I want to do. There will be both good and bad days, but to help others, it will be worth it. Dr. Parsh was extremely kind, and helpful. She answered all of our questions. This interview excites me, with such a wonderful advisor. What I liked most, is that she appeared to sincerely care about us getting to and through the Nursing program. While Dr. Parsh helped me figure out that this certainly is direction I want to go, I realised I have yet to find exactly where I want to go. There are many different types of Nurses, each needing different skill
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Group Interview Essay
Human Resource Interview Essay examples
Human Resource Management Interview
I. Introduction...............................1
II. Organization Information...................1
III. Background Information.....................2
IV. Role of Human Resources....................3
V. Performance Appraisals.....................5
VI. Closing....................................6
VII. Works Cited................................7
Human resource management is part of the human resource approach, which is evidently geared to allow organizations to benefit in two significant ways: increasing in the organization's effectiveness and satisfying all of the employee's needs. Organizational goals and...show more content...
Background Information
Lori Fulmer attended Eastern Tennessee State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resource Management. Although Mrs. Fulmer has only been with Gordon Biersch for about six months, she has had thirteen years experience in this field of work. She worked as another human resource manager in a major manufacturing company in Johnson City. There, Mrs. Fulmer was part of a professional association known as the Johnson City Human Resource Association.
Role of Human Resources
The role of the human resource department at Gordon Biersch, is to maximize human potential in a work friendly environment. If businesses are successful in acquiring this goal, employees can assure themselves of maximizing their potential, either with Gordon Biersch or any other future
employment opportunity.
One of the main responsibilities of a human resource manager is the administering of any benefits offered to the employees. "We have the duty of handling any safety that goes with worker's comp" (Fulmer). When something happens in any of the restaurants, the human resource department is held accountable.
Another role that this field requires is the maintaining of employee satisfaction. This includes fringe benefits, retirement security, and counseling. Mrs. Fulmer feels that they are very successful in this aspect because of the constant interaction of the CEO with
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