1.What are your goals as an English teacher? As an English teacher, I am to teach not only the basics of language, but also the culture of my country and other English speaking countries. Another aim through the teaching of "real language", so that students can excel in an English speaking country free for the constraints of a purely academic approach. 2.What is your philosophy of teaching? I believe that students can only learn when they are engaged, through my teaching in China I engaged the students through learning that was an interesting and fun as possible while using the curriculum provided in a constructive and creative way. 3.Can you describe how you run a typical class? In my class I use a number of different techniques and my key aim is to get every student involved, even in a class size in excess of 70 students. This is where the importance of a good warm up exercise to begin the class is of paramount importance.
4.What are some of the challenges you have faced as a teacher? If have faced many challenges. Firstly, the cultural differences encountered teaching in China. This was turned into an advantage, turning the students' diligence and willingness to learn English into success in the classroom. 5.What is your motivation for teaching in Mexico? If you have worked in the country before, what have you gained from the experience? I have never before worked in Mexico. I am motivated to come to Mexico to meet its people, experience its culture and
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As An English Teacher Essay
My Goals
What makes a good teacher? Essay
In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. This is because only by doing so will the students feel their passion and hard work. When a teacher strives hard for the students, students will put in their effort as well. If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and students would not be able to enjoy lessons as well.
Another point that makes a good teacher would be his/her patience. Teachers should not get upset or even worse, give up on the students who are not so strong in their studies. Instead, they should have the patience to slowly coach them, give them extra lessons, and find different ways to encourage them. Let them know that the teacher...show more content...
It would be better if the teacher is able to find common topics to chat with the students. This would let the students feel like they can relate better to the teacher.
"You must not give up. I want to let you know that even if you're facing so many problems, and feel like there's no one to talk to, I'll be here for you. Everyone else might want to be the sun that lights up your life, but I rather be the moon that guides you through your darkest hours. Let's strive hard and work toward our goal together!" This was what my high school teacher told me 10 years ago and I have remembered it until now, and will remember it for the next 10 years and so on.
I was once a problematic kid who mixed with bad company and flunk tests. I never thought about what I was going to do the next day, what more when I grew up. Of course when I was younger, I had lots of dreams. I wanted to set up my own company, I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be able to drive an airplane and the list went on. But as the years went by, they became less insignificant to me and soon, I forgot every single one of those dreams and goals. I got to a new school and knew friends who smoke and took drugs. My grades started dropping from "A" to fails. But I did not care. I could not be bothered by then. I went partying every night and got home drunk. What was the point of studying? My parents are
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Everyone knows that when it comes to making a difference in a student's academic and life achievements, their teachers play a large role. A teacher's way of relating to their students, and teaching them to achieve both socially and academically contributes to how effective teachers are. What does it mean to be an effective teacher? Overall there seems to be an emphasis that teacher effectiveness is related to how well their students are doing based on standardized testing. As teachers we know there is much more that goes into being an effective teacher then just teaching our students based on tests. In this paper different definitions of an effective teacher will be addressed along with how to assess teachers on being effective....show more content...
Farr (2010) says effective teachers should set big goals that are meaningful for their students and measurable throughout the year. When a teacher invests their time into their students they show motivation needed to reach their students needs at any level to make sure they reach the goals set for them. Planning is essential and teachers must not just plan a lesson and move on with it, they have to understand their students and have an idea of where their students are going and how best they can help them succeed growth in the most efficient way. Being able to plan for each students learning means also being able to change. Effective teachers should be able to observe their students learning along the way and change whenever needed to ensure their students are continuing to develop knowledge. Some students may need more time and different strategies used to reach their goals. Teachers have to be prepared to take a step back, decide what the problem is and come up with solutions and approaches that will help their students. Overall an effective teacher no matter what concern, issue, difficulty or other obstacle may be in their way should be able to overcome them, and find the strategy or strategies to reach each student to ensure that they can achieve those big goals set for them. (Farr, 2010) In an article done by the National Education Policy Center (2010), teachers should be looked at under three
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Q.3: speak about the roles adopted by the teacher in classrooms. What other roles does the teacher play in the community? The teacher has the most important part of the classroom. The success of the educational system depends on him. A good teacher can change our lives. He/she can make things easy for us. He also can guide us to the right way where we can achieve our dreams. The clever teacher should know what to do depending on the level and the grade of his students. He should be well prepared, smart and patient. The role of the teacher is not only planning the lessons and teaching them, but also he considers as the student's third parent as they spend a lot of time with the students. The role of the teacher these days is completely different from their roles in the past. They used to teach only and to be told what to teach. These days, the teachers help the students develop their own skills and encourage them to develop their information and challenge them to learn. There are some different roles for the teacher inside the classroom: The teacher as a controller: In this stage, the teacher controls everything in the class. He controls the materials, language, presentation and also the activity. He becomes the leader of the class. The students should listen to the teacher and follow his instructions. In this stage, we can find that the teacher speaks more than the student. When teachers are acting as controllers, the students will not have a chance to participate or to
Role Of A Teacher In The Classroom
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Qualities of a Good Teacher
Qualities of a good teacher Teaching is a difficult occupation. Teachers play an important part in training children, teenagers... So, a good teacher must have some special qualities. They are: knowledge, creation, confidence, empathy, sense of humor and passion. Imagine you are dreaming being a teacher, you must accept that there are no doubt that knowledge is the first quality of a good teacher. A good teacher need to enlarge his/her general knowledge on culture, society, biology, geography... to provide students what they want to know. Beside, a good teacher must be a person who are open to change. He/she must know "the only real constant in life is change". There is a place not only for tradition but also for new ways,...show more content... However, a good teacher need to believe that he/she can solve those problems. A teacher is a window through which many young people will see their future, so he/she has to be a fine role model. He/she need to show his/her confidence with the future, thereby teacher can teach student how to believe in themselves. Empathy is the third quality. A teacher must have the ability to bond with the students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. He/she need to put his/herself in students' situation to understand and solve students' problem. A good teacher must know that the aggression, negative attitudes that he/she can see in some students have a root cause. He/she know that they are really scared young people who have come through some bed experiences in life. This will keep a teacher calm and have control. If a teacher can do this, he/she will gain more than love from his/her students. As we know, sense of humor is a key to surviving as a teacher. A teacher who is humorous and funny can reduces barriers and lighten the atmosphere especially during heavy period. By telling funny stories, joking with the students, a teacher can makes class more enjoyable and makes students pay attention to the lessons. An ability to make students laugh will carry a teacher far and gain he/she more respect. Last but not least, a good teacher must be passionate about what he/she does. Teaching young people is a teacher's dream and Get more content
To be a professional teacher, it takes skill to train young minds. Education is extremely important to go through. Teachers have many different philosophies to choose from when teaching in a classroom. Out of the five philosophies, I ranked the highest in Essentialism and Progressivism. Both of these philosophies are taught entirely different from each other. Essentialism is teacher–centered learning and expresses the teaching by the core curriculum. Progressivism is student–centered learning and expresses the teaching by doing group work. I believe that a classroom should be divided between using both philosophies. I believe that a teacher should stick to the core curriculum, but a teacher should also let the students learn by working together in small groups. The teacher is still giving lectures in front of the classroom, but there is still group work throughout the week. From experience, I think a combination of both would make the perfect classroom setting. When a classroom is both teacher–centered and student–centered, students will gain a better education in my opinion. The purpose of education is to further the knowledge of a student. Education is meant to teach students the essentials of education and to create a better understanding of real–world experiences. From the philosophies, I agree with, education is working towards students with their knowledge and living in society. Education needs to help students to not only become smarter, but also be able to work in
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I Am A Professional Teacher Essay
Introduction The statement 'Teaching– reflections, questions, decisions' sums up what it means to be an effective teacher. Teachers are constantly making decisions about professionalism and ethics, teaching strategies, classroom management, and how to keep their students motivated. These decisions can have a major impact on student learning and how effective they are as teachers. Questioning is an essential–and one of the most important–instructional skills that a teacher can possess. Teachers need to be able to ask the appropriate types and levels of questions, such as the high and low order questions based on Bloom's taxonomy, as well as being skilled in responding to students answers. Teachers also need to be constantly evaluating and...show more content...
It is essential to encompass all of these behaviours and standards to succeed in being an effective teacher, as they are in an authoritative position and therefore need to lead by example. Teacher professionalism is also dependant on professional judgement, which involves making decisions on what is the right thing to do in certain situations, and ethical behaviour. The code of ethics is based on respect, caring, integrity, diligence and open communication (Groundwater–Smith, Ewing & Le Cornu, 2007, p. 332). Sometimes teachers can come across 'ethical dilemmas' which are complex problems that have more than one solution, and in turn, each solution has different advantages and disadvantages, therefore having no clear correct answer (Groundwater–Smith et al., 2007, p. 336). For example, "You observe another teacher publicly humiliate a child who is known to have previously bullied other students. What do you do? Do you say anything?" Ethical dilemmas require teachers to explore all situations and outcomes, and make a decision on what is right and just. Professionalism and ethics together, as relevant to teachers, demands all of these appropriate behaviours and responses in any circumstance (Whitton et al., 2010, p. 123). Constructivism Teaching techniques and strategies, such as proactive teaching, collaborative learning and constructivism, can also affect the quality of
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Professional Teacher Essay
An Effective,
Becoming a teacher can be an exciting and challenging experience for anyone. It can be quite difficult to put four years of knowledge into their teaching and into a classroom environment. And while it may seem challenging at first it does become easier over time.
A teacher is not only someone who teaches, but they are a symbol of learning. A teacher is a person who plays the most important role in the development of any student. The future of those students depends on the qualities and the dedication of that teacher. It is the teacher who creates an interest in students to develop and to progress. It is the teacher who helps the students achieve whatever aims they set for themselves.
Teachers have a lot to do with motivating...show more content...
The curriculum then becomes more relevant, therefore the motivation for the students to accomplish the tasks increases. The subject matter not only has to be relevant but it also has to be stimulating to the students' curiosity. If a student is bored with the content, they are not going to want to learn it. The classroom also has to be seen as a caring and supportive place with a sense of belonging. Every student must feel respected, valued and heard. Giving children the support for learning by welcoming their questions and encouraging exploration is very important for teachers to do.
Extrinsic motivators are sometimes used when teachers have a student or class who feels like they have earn't something for their hard work. This could be things such as stickers or stamps on their homework and tests. Or it could be receiving verbal or written praise. It could be just the thing that motivates certain students. But not all students need to be extrinsically motivated. Teachers need to find out which type of motivation works best for which student to help them succeed.
Classroom teaching is more likely to be effective when it is informed by an understanding of how students learn. Constructivism is the current approach to learning in Australian schools today. Constructivism is how each student goes about constructing his or her own knowledge. This type of
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When I first come to Saint Cloud High School, I was uncertain of how I would fit into the world of education as a teacher, in fact, this was my first teaching practice. After completing a few observations, I changed my view and recognized my teaching abilities. I was able to learn many different things that will be helpful to me when I become a certified teacher someday. Although I could face many possible challenges in the classroom, I have many of the strengths it takes to be a good teacher. There were many times during this field training that gave me a broad idea of how the ordinary life of a teacher would go. Similarly, I got a profound sense of how the classroom environment is for most instructors. In general, I believe this was a pleasant experience for me, and I learned a lot in such a brief period. The educational unit I executed has an element of my instruction beliefs that students should connect and relate theme content to real life situations inside and outside the teaching space. Therefore, during my teaching experience, I feel compromise and responsible for meeting my students' needs and that is why I included many visuals aids and plenty of flexible activities. Hence, this unit involved a mixture of student and teacher–centered strategies such as direct instruction, drill and practice of the unit vocabulary, lectures, dialogues, question and answer sessions, discussions with exchanges of opinions and perspectives, discovery learning events and presentations
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My Teaching Experience Essay
My Career as a Teacher Essay
As I begin my rewarding career as I teacher, I sit and reflect on what my goals and priorities are in the classroom. I am excited to be engaged in a future career where I can implement my own beliefs and mold the future into something extremely positive. I believe the most important aspects that I want to bring to my students are threefold: I want to educate, motivate, and inspire. In order to have a productive learning environment where I will be able to educate my students, many different factors must take place. First and foremost, it is important to me that I master exceptional classroom management skills. Effective and efficient learning takes place when expectations in the classroom are consistent and clear. Also, discipline in...show more content...
These learning styles include; auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. By mastering and using as many learning styles as I can, I will make sure each student is able to get the most out of their learning experience. I understand that every child learns differently and understanding how to use different approaches in each lesson plan will benefit every student. Not only is it important to use different learning styles but I will also use different teaching styles during the curriculum. The different methods I would like to use to teach my lessons include but are not limited to; scientific investigation which uses the scientific method. The scientific method includes first investigating the problem, coming up with a logical hypothesis, performing the experiment, reading the results, and finally completing an analysis of the results. The next method I would explore is decision making which is the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. Next is problem solving. When I teach the students to problem solve accurately they be able to overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves the issue. Next, I will help my students think critically which includes identification and evaluation to problem solving. Finally, I will use the method of cooperative learning which is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and social learning experience. I believe that every one of these method can be valued Get more content
The primary goal of an educator is to provide a student with the tools needed to accomplish lifelong goals as an adult. Specifically, each teacher is charged the responsibility to equip a student with the knowledge and skills that will contribute to his/her cumulative educational goals. All too often, students do not come to school with an unconditional love of learning. The educators therefore, have the ominous task of educating, motivating and coaching the often disinterested young person. Often, the best teachers are those that find ways to connect with their students. They therefore, find ways to encourage connections to the students short and long term goals. Many times, students do not find it easy to identify goals. Younger...show more content...
Students who are well taken care of and live in safe happy environments are therefore, better equipped to succeed in a learning environment. Educators must be observant of the student's well being and willing to facilitate intervention if a student is in distress. Teachers often have to make difficult decisions to protect their students. By law if an educator suspects child abuse or neglect, it must be reported to the proper authorities. There may be times when a teacher has to go against the student's wishes to protect him/her but, the educator must consequently adhere to "what is in the best interest of the child." A successful teacher of flourishing students is involved in the school community. Many times their day is lengthened as they choose to become integrated into other aspects of their students' lives. Teachers see other sides of students when they are willing to participate in extracurricular activities. Interaction with their students in non–learning environments thus, gives the educator additional tools to help in the educational process. Interactions such as this allow teachers to take their students interests and integrate them into the classroom learning environment. Learning should not be limited to the traditional classroom. Moreover, there are many "teachable moments" that can be utilized outside the classroom. Team sports, student government, debate team, etc. provides the
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A Successful Educator Essay
Introduction: I have learned a lot for the short period of time that I have been in school in Guadalajara. Thanks to the ten teaching practices I have had lots of hours to practice my teaching. I went from knowing absolutely nothing about teaching, to feeling like I can teach any subject in English at ease. I understand what to do, and what not to do in a classroom setting. My observers helped me improve my teaching from adequate to a professional standard. What is a good teacher?
A good teacher is one that has a passion for teaching. A good teacher is one that is takes pleasure in seeing their students comprehend their lessons. Being able to connect with your students is an important part of being a teacher. If you can't connect with your students, you cannot teach them properly. Another element to being a good teacher is making sure that no student feels left out. A good teacher will utilize every student to make sure that everyone understands the objective and is learning properly.
Strengths and Weaknesses: One of my strengths as a teacher is being able to get along well with the students. In none of my classes did I have a class where I did not vibe well with one of the students. I always try my best to get every student to participate. When I see a student struggling with the lesson I utilize other students to explain to them what is going on. My weakness would most likely be my pacing. On multiple occasions I failed to finish my entire lesson plan, and on some occasions, I finished my lesson plan too fast. I would like to be able to better pace my lesson plans so that I don't feel as rushed to finish, or anxious I will finish early.
Teaching Approaches: I find the direct method to be the best method in teaching English. "In the Direct Method, language is taught inductively and the target language is used exclusively." (ITTO, Page 119) For teaching grammar, I believe teaching inductively cements the grammar structure into the student's minds. It uses the students own thinking ability to figure out the grammar structure of a sentence. This allows students to better understand what they are being taught. It also makes it easier for students to better use the grammar when they are making their
Teacher Reflection Paper
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Who is a teacher and what makes a good teacher? By definition, a teacher is a person who teaches, especially in school, but can anyone be a teacher? That is a matter of the possession of qualification and the overall talent utilized whilst on the workforce. Having such qualification simply doesn't create a good teacher, though. Becoming a good teacher requires work, effort and time that one must be willing to sacrifice from their daily lives. A good teacher must be able to teach the students clearly. He/she must be well prepared, whether it is regarding the lesson of the day or any sudden questions the pupil may ask. A good teacher should have confidence with themselves and be organized at all times. A good teacher respects his/her job and tries to be as effective as possible.
But from being a good teacher, there is one higher form of teachers' ranking and that is being a great and effective teacher. Being a good teacher is easy, but being a great teacher requires more effort than what is usually expected and required. With being a great teacher, teaching is not a job, but a...show more content...
With that knowledge only can a person be creative about it. A certain degree of knowledge is essential for one person to be able to adapt it to any situation or use it as an output in the education industry whilst teaching. But can intelligent people be creative? Few studies have claimed that not all intelligent people can be creative, but other researches have shown this to be fabricated. Creativity is claimed to be the highest form of intelligence. So, should creativity be looked upon as if opposed to intelligence? Creativity is one of the qualities of intelligence; same way as analytical intelligence and practical intelligence. Although analytical and practical intelligence plays an important role, without creativity, the task loses the touch of the creator, thus making it the same as everyone
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A Good Teacher Essay
Teacher Ethics
"Ethics are defined as a set of principles of right conducts; the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession" ( Dictionary of the Human Language, 2000). Teachers are often put in situations that require more than just knowing the basic school rules. It is within these situations, that the ethical dilemmas occur. There is not always a right way to deal with many daily problems that face educators, but there are ways to handle situations that are better then others. Teachers should follow and refer to acode of ethics to help teach in the most appropriate and ethical way; as well as a guide to help deal with dilemmas.
It is important that teachers give children a fair chance...show more content...
It is inappropriate for a teacher to discuss a child's results with fellow colleagues or other students. A child's grades should be private, and should not be posted. Students might be ashamed of their grades, or some people might take poor grades as a bad reflection upon the students' character. "Public pronouncements (of grades) are likely to taint everyone's opinion of that child's ability" (Isenberg & Jalongo, 2000 ). It is important not to share professional confidential information in any other way but a professional way. There are appropriate and inappropriate times to share a child's information, "part of becoming a professional is knowing when to keep quiet and protect confidentiality" (Isenberg & Jalongo, 2000).
Just as braking confidentiality is inappropriate so is teacher bias and discrimination. It is suppose to be that "school is the only institution that can counter the accidents of birth, guarantee of opportunity and provide objective and fair ways to select and train talented individuals" (Goodlad, Sirotnik & Sober,1990). However, discrimination towards students takes place all the time. Teachers often discriminate against males and females, expecting different things from both. "Research over the last decade has shown that males and females have different classroom experiences
Teacher Ethics Essay
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The Importance of Being A Teacher
In psychologist's Erik Erickson's eight stages of psychosocial development, stage five is recognized as the time frame in life where an adolescent either discovers his or her identity, or experiences role confusion, that is a misunderstanding of where one fits into the puzzle of society. This is, without a doubt, one of the most crucial stages of any human beings life. The decisions and choices made at this point in a life may very well decide the remainder of their physical lives. It would seem quite obvious from this statement that the people involved in an adolescent's life could possibly have a gigantic impact on what he or she becomes. The teaching that these teens acquire should...show more content...
I would, however, teach the students to interpret stories and poems on their own applying them to their own life experiences. The primary focus would be on the basics of Literature and Writing. To accommodate Essentialism,Behaviorism would be used as a tool for establishing certain levels of respect and understanding rather than for punishment. Praise would often be given in front of the class, but I feel that punishment should take place one on one. Reinforcement and modifications would also be used to prepare the kids for the rest of their adult lives. In order to be most effective with these philosophies, I would incorporate a combination of mastery and cooperative learning. These two strategies would go hand in hand as I attempted to teach multiple writing techniques as well as ways to interpret the stories or poems that they may read. Mastery learning would fit in nicely because the students would be expected to fully understand each different technique or device that we would go over. There would also be numerous class discussions that would exhibit the cooperative learning aspect of things.
I feel that the most important part of being a teacher is the fact that teachers do so much more than present knowledge. They also set examples and models for almost everyone that they come into contact with. I am a Christian and would therefore attempt to be the
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The Importance of Being A Teacher Essay
I believe education is one of the most important tools a person can have in life. Every child deserves to receive the best education possible. It has always been my passion to help each child discover their individual God given gifts and talents and to reach their full potential.
Role of the Teacher
When I think about my role as a teacher, one of the most important things I consider is the relationships I build with my students, parents, colleagues, and community members. In the classroom, I need to ensure that I create a safe, loving, and positive learning environment. In order to make all students feel welcome, I get to know their names, the correct pronunciation and spellings, learning their culture and background, and their ...show more content...
Teaching Styles
As an educator I need to be flexible in my teaching styles, what works one year, may not work the next, and even day to day can change. I believe that it is important that I reflect daily on what was successful and what could have gone better. I then make the adjustments to my teaching. As a whole though, my teaching approach I believe is very similar the the progressivism theory of education. "Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the teacher. This educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by active experimentation. Learning is rooted in the questions of learners that arise through experiencing the world" (Cohen, 1999). In Knight (2008) he states that "Children have a natural desire to learn and discover things about the world around them." (p. 104). This couldn't be more true in my opinion, my preschoolers are constantly asking questions about the world around them, I have had some pretty interesting meal time conversations at school based on the questions and conversations about life these littles bring up! "Children's interest, therefore, are the natural starting point for their learning experience." (p. 104). This past school year in my morning class are students were really into bugs–so we did a whole unit on bugs, this
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My Role As A Teacher Essay
Teaching is a profession that is considered to be a rewarding challenging and complex role. An effective teacher does not simply teach knowledge their students and instead aims to arm students with the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes that will prepare students for life–long learning. The constructivist theories developed by Piaget and Vygotsky have impacted on the way that teachers teach and this has changed the approach of teaching to place a greater importance on the teacher instead to act as a facilitator of learning in an open, constructivist environment and providing students with the tools to challenge themselves to develop both academically and personally. The education of students within classrooms of today is...show more content...
Constructivism is connected to the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky. Piaget believed that cognitive development occurred in four stages that have distinct developmental characteristics. He theorised that all information is organised into 'schemas', and this refers to the manner in which a child organisesand stores information and knowledge received. As new information is received, it is either incorporated into existing schemas (assimilation) or new schemas (accommodation) are created (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). Vygotsky's theories compliment those of Piaget and place a greater importance on social interaction as he considered cognitive development predominately was achievedthrough social interaction. Vygotsky believed that learning could be accelerated with the assistance of a more advanced peer or teacher. This concept is referred to as the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and works in conjunction with the theory of 'scaffolding', where a teacher provides support to student and as proficiency increases the scaffolding is decreased (Marsh, 2008). Evidence of scaffolding is seen throughout the Maths video as Ms Poole provides an outline of the lesson and the goals to allow students to establish a focus. The impact of the constructivist theorists Get
Effective Teachers Essay
Being a Teacher
Is your life important to you? That is a statement anyone would replay, "yes" to. As surprising as it may seem, though, an important, successful life would not even be, without one essential element: teachers.
Teachers, educators, instructors, mentors, or baby–sitters, whatever they may be classified as, they are necessary for many reasons. They are foundation or our American society, they are a source of security, and possibly the parents some never had.
They are the foundation of our American society, meaning they educate everyone. Attending school, whether it is public, private, or home taught is mandatory in America at a certain age. Therefore, all the basics of life...show more content...
Those are just a few illustrations of the obligations teachers have. These should not be considered obligations, but honors. Who would not want to be such an influential role model in others' lives?
As I begin my teaching career and the years prior to it, many ideas and decisions will take place. Being that I plan to teach elementary school and deal with small children, I plan to be excessive on classroom accessories. Children have a limited attention span and a dull, plain room would not be appealing to them. The adjustment of leaving "mommy" will be hard enough for them anyway. I hope to make the environment comforting and welcoming for them. Bright colored bulletin boards and posters with needed information on them. I would like my students seated around the room in a circle. From experience, I've found that children feel more at ease and apt to speak up when seated this way.
I believe the teacher should be authoritative, especially in the lower grades. The students need to know who is in charge and feel that there is someone of authority to look up to. Still yet, I want the children to feel a sense of authority, to make decisions and play a leadership role. Possibly, let one child be "leader of the day" each day; for example, lead the lines or pass out the papers.
Motivation and discipline, I view as the primary topics of educating a classroom. Children have to be motivated, it is human
Being a Teacher Essay
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Assessment Question 1 – Roles and Responsibilities as a Teacher
As in every profession, roles, responsibilities and boundaries are set in order to define the line indicating the acceptable limits. Many people think the role of a teacher is just to teach students new skills; however the role goes much further than this, it can include assessor, verifier, advisor, record keeper, course designer, working with employers and personal tutor. Within this position there are naturally a huge number of responsibilities related to each of the roles that must be undertaken. It is therefore important to be clear on what your roles and responsibilities include and what the boundaries of your role are whilst remaining professional at all times....show more content...
All this is in line with the LLUK Standard Domain E "The role of feedback in effective evaluation and improvement of own assessment skills."
I have the task of Identifying Needs. It is important that you identify the needs of your learners so you can design the course to reflect individual differences. Although this is usually described as the first stage in the teaching/training cycle it is a process that may have to be deferred until you meet your learners for the first time and usually should be a continuing requirement throughout the learning journey. However, some organisations interview their learners before the course, or there may be an application process where learner needs can be identified. The range of learner needs can be described by a variety of acronyms – one of which is SPICE: Social –| | might affect how a learner can interact with others or how they view learning especially if they have had previously bad experiences of education.| Physical –| | might affect how a learner can access learning (e.g. sensory disabilities or reduced mobility).| Intellectual–| | might affect how a learner gains new knowledge/skills. Learners may be at different academic or skill levels and take longer or shorter times to process new knowledge/skills than others in the group.| Cultural –| | might affect learner views, values and beliefs.| Emotional –| | might affect learner motivation or ability to concentrate.|
In all cases
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Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher Essay