5% ACETIC ACID Icewine vinegar named for the temperature at which the grapes are harvested and pressed. Barrel aged for years in a French oak Solera system. Minus 8 Vinegar 24 x 6.76 oz ITEM # 75383N Minus 8 Vinegar 6 x 33.8 oz ITEM #10295762
5% ACETIC ACID Icewine vinegar is made from Vidal grapes frozen on the vine. Bottle aged. L8 Harvest Vinegar 12 x 375 ml (12.9 oz) ITEM # 78587 Seasonal Availability
verjus Premium Minus 8 grapes are hand-picked at 5 intervals August to January when grapes are naturally frozen on the vine for making icewine. 8 Brix Red Verjus 16 x 500 ml (16.9 oz) ITEM # 75435 8 Brix White Verjus 16 x 500 ml (16.9 oz) ITEM # 78589
5% ACETIC ACID Vinegar is made from the sweet rRiesling raisins of hand-picked and air-dried Riesling grapes. Bottle and oak aged for years. Dehydr8 Vinegar 12 x 375 ml (12.9 oz) ITEM #78588
5% Acetic Acid Vinegar that tastes like fresh pressed concord grape juice is made from these grapes native to our area.
Small batch verjus. Sour and fruity premium Minus 8 grape musts sweetened with the best QuĂŠbec maple syrup.
Concord 8 Vinegar 24 x 200 ml (6.76 oz) ITEM #10295738N
Maple Brix Verjus 16 x 500 ml (16.9 oz) ITEM #10322062 0
beer vinegar 5% Acetic Acid Beer vinegar made from a blend of aromatic hops and sweet grape must.
beer vinegar 375 ML
IP8 Beer Vinegar 24 X 200 ml (6.76 oz) IP8# 10295746N ITEM india pale ale vinegar & grape must
Contact your local sales rep for more information and product availability.
vinegar 5% ACETIC ACID VINEGAR 6.76 oz Icewine vinegar made from Cabernet Franc grapes, grown to taste vegetive, is blended with vinegar we made from ripe local Roma tomatoes.