Banana C ar am el B ar with
By: Francois M ellet
Gluten Free Chocolate Biscuit • Banana Cremeux • Chocolate Caramel Mousse • Milk Chocolate Glaze
1 Gluten Fr ee Choc olate B i sc uit Almond Paste Cocoa Powder Butter Egg Yolks Coconut Puree Melted 66% Chocolate Egg White Granulated Sugar
140 G 30 G 170 G 240 G 60 G 75 G 185 G 110 G
Soften the almond paste together with the cocoa powder, butter, coconut puree and egg yolks in the microwave, transfer softened ingredients to the mixer and mix on medium speed for 4 minutes. Add the melted chocolate. Make a meringue with the egg whites and sugar, carefully mix both batters and bake at 375°F.
2 Banana Cr emeux Banana Puree 320 G Egg Yolks 95 G Whole Eggs 120 G Sugar 95 G Silver Gelatin 6G Fabbri Banana Compound 50 G
Bloom the gelatin in ice cold water. On a double boiler, bring the puree, egg yolks, whole eggs and sugar to a simmer. Add the drained bloomed gelatin. When the mixture reaches 95°F, add the cubed butter. Fill desired flexipan mold and freeze.
3 Chocolate Car am el M ousse Sugar Warm Heavy Cream Egg Yolks 66% Chocolate Whipped Cream
100 G 200 G 150 G 340 G 700 G
Make a dry caramel with the sugar, deglaze with the warm cream, mix into the egg yolks and cook to 180°F. Strain over the chocolate, emulsify well. At around 110°F, fold in the whipped cream in several steps.
4 M ilk Chocolate Glaze 40% Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Filling 50% Heavy Cream Absolu Cristal Water Marzipan Crunch
350 G 120 G 150 G 450 G 110 G As Needed
Bring the heavy cream to a boil, mix in several steps into the chocolate and hazelnut filling creating a nice emulsion. Warm up the water with the Absolu Cristal to 160°F, strain into the chocolate, mix carefully to avoid bubbles. Use the glaze around 110°F.
5 Final A sse mbly Fill your desired flexipan shape with the chocolate caramel mousse, insert the frozen Banana cremeux, close the flexipan with the chocolate biscuit, freeze. Once frozen, glaze with the the milk chocolate glaze, sprinkle the marzipan crunch.