Frangipane Filling • Pastry Cream • Caramelized Apples • LeCoq Frozen Puff Pastry Dough
1 Fr a n g ipa n e F illin g Grand Reserve Butter 83% Granulated Sugar Whole Eggs Almond Flour Crescendo Vanilla Paste
150 G 150 G 150 G 150 G 1 tsp
Mix soft butter with the sugar, add the eggs in several steps, add vanilla, finish with the almond powder.
2 P as t r y C re a m F illin g Whole Milk Granulated Sugar Egg Yolks Elsay Powder Crescendo Vanilla Paste
250 G 45 G 40 G 8G 1 tsp
Bring milk with 2/3 of the sugar and the vanilla to a simmer. In a bowl, mix egg yolks with remaining sugar and pastry cream powder. Mix part of the hot milk into the egg yoks mixture, bring back to the stove and cook for 2 minutes. Once cool, add the Frangipane.
3 Ca r am e liz e d Ap p le s 3 Apples (peeled and cubed) Granulated Sugar 100 G Grand Reserve Butter 30 G Honey 40 G Warm Heavy Cream 45 G
Cook the apples with the sugar until beginning of a caramel stage, add the butter and honey, continue to cook for a few minutes, then deglaze with the warm cream. Set aside to cool down.
4 A s s e m bly Cut desired diameter size puff pastry, brush the bottom outside puff pastry disc with egg wash. Pipe the frangipane 3/4 ‘’ thickness on the inside of the dough, add the caramelized apples and cover with the second puff pastry dough. Seal the outside of the galette well, egg wash the top, decorate as desired the top of the galette. Refrigerate 6 hours before baking. Sting the galette with a knife to create cheminees during baking. Bake 15 minutes at 400°F, then 25-30 minutes at 350°F. As soon as the galette comes out of the oven, brush the top with a simple syrup.