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december Articles
Vol #12 12th edition
Feature Articles
Pa-Nash One Year Anniversary
25 Donna’s Gift of Love
8 Meet the Owner
26 S cience Proves Benefits of Meditation Eric Garner and Mike Brown 14 The Beauty of the Black Woman families to receive “Equal Rights” 12 Media Mind Control vs Media Mind Expansion
15 Babes, Bombs and Brugers
28 A Nation Divided
16 Cuba Now
30 Dancing with Shadows
pg 10
32 8 Corporations that make a Fortune using Urban Black Culture 22 Financial Mistakes for Couples to Avoid 33 Bob Marley Music Returns
Fitness Tips with Gwen Ro
18 More Fyah!
pg 20
23 New Job Openings in Brooklyn 24 Rhianna Signs Deal with Puma
TITUS AND ANNETTE RUNCIE, GWEN RO, Council Member Jumaane D. William
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Clive Williams, CEO/ Publisher _________________________ Could it be, that like Lady Macbeth (in Shakespeare’s classic but disturbing tragedy), America has spilled and seen so much blood, that she too has descended into madness? Madness is the only description for a repetitive and irrational behavior that results in the irresponsible and reckless killing of the sons, grandsons and great-grandsons of its builders and architects. While this reckless behavior plays out without the perpetrators being held responsible for their actions, many law enforcement and conservative groups are demanding the end of protest - in other words, be silent and acquiesce. They are doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result – that’s MADNESS. All this, while the rest of the world is watching and wondering about America’s hypocrisy as she prosecutes the case for human rights, justice and equal rights throughout the world, particularly in defense of her geo-political interests. While, in her backyard, her sons are routinely killed, some might even say, murdered by those, whose
first duty is to protect and serve; this forces us to irrational fear on the part of whites and a deep ask the toughest question of all – why? and abiding DISTRUST on the part of blacks, these factors are so obvious, so palpable, yet, so The honest answer is unpalatable, politically vehemently denied, making dialogue between incorrect and verboten in mainstream dialogue both groups near impossible. in social gatherings or even at cocktail parties; I hope you see the problem – if we are unable or In any society where it’s apparent that a afraid to talk openly and honestly, it speaks to dominant and majority group inflicts violence one deterrent…FEAR! on its minority citizens, and when this violence has a history of being protracted over There is a systemic and pervasive FEAR that generations and generations and inflicted on permeates the mind and hearts of so many of those the same group, that fact becomes self-evident. who consider themselves patriots; somehow that powerful, passionate and meaningful word has When educational and economic policies are morphed into something sinister, divisive and crafted to inflict mental and financial harm ugly. Put yourself, if only for a minute, in the on those same citizens, that too becomes selfshoes of those who consider themselves patriots, evident. but who really believe in nativism; the belief that new immigrants are a drag on America, socially Let me be clear - violence begets violence, how and economically, these are deeply rooted, long held beliefs. When you combine that with the inherent fear of many - that one day the black and brown man’s seething resentment might spill over in reprisal and revenge, then you can understand the FEAR. As you well know from experience, that type of FEAR spawns GUILT and INSECURITY, those paranoid emotions demand that the nativists posing as patriots, buy lots of guns and ammunition, and promote any cause that’s anti- immigrant, anti-gay, antiblack and so on. Please bear in mind also that such a belief system is self-perpetuating, so their children perpetuate the philosophy that, “those people (code for people of color) are can America plant corn and expect to reap not to be TRUSTED.” The simplicity of that wheat? That mentality defies natural law, science psychological mind set, is that which creates the and religion, which all teach that, (For every problem; most Americans, (Black and White) action, there is an equal and opposite reaction – are in complete denial as to the root cause you receive from the world what you give to the of this seemingly intractable and unsolvable world.” A quote from Gary Zukav’s book, “The societal problem. I repeat, the cause is FEAR, Seat of the Soul.” continues on pg 31
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WHEREITZAT PUBLISHER AND CHAIRMAN MAKES AN “AMAZING, ONE OF A KIND GUARANTEE TO EXISTING AND NEW ADVERTISERS: IT’S CALLED THE WHEREITZAT ADVERTISER AD –VANTAGE! To be quite honest our philosophy is not NEW! It was implemented the first month Whereitzat was born in May, 2003. Now that we have become the BEST at it, after many years of practice, we are delighted to be able to PUT IT IN WRITING. Hi! I am Clive Williams, if nothing else I am known for my candor, openness and integrity; as a Counselor/ Behavior Therapist, Radio Host, Lecturer and Community Leader, I have served my community for over 21 years. Those of you who know me – KNOW THAT I KEEP MY WORD. When we started this publication 12 years ago, we made a PRO-ACTIVE COMMITMENT AND GUARANTEE to our ADVERTISERS that WE would NOT ONLY be their CUSTOMERS but also their BEST PROMOTERS! Our philosophy is straight- forward, we have a vested interest in the success of your business – WHEN YOU SUCCEED - WE SUCCEED! That solemn commitment has become a GUARANTEE. Just ask any of our ADVERTISERS, we work to ensure that we PROMOTE and POSITION their businesses to succeed.
1) Myself, the Whereitzat family and our extended friends and readers will continue to support the growth and success of your business as long as the services and products provided, remain at a high standard. 2) We have a wide and diverse network of support through our readers, they get to know your business through our stories, our online presence and our Public Relations outreach. 3) We have developed the Business Innovators and Game-Changers Awards, (B I G AWARDS) which promotes the interests and success of Small business Owners. 4) We distribute Whereitzat Magazines at the best locations in your neighborhoods to ensure that you get results from your ADS. 5) The ADVERTISER AD-VANTAGE PAY PLAN allows you TIME TO PAY! Here’s how. Whatever the value of the contract you choose – you deposit only 40% down, with time to pay off your balance MONTHLY or WEEKLY as you choose. Please ask yourselves this question – which other publication has shown the commitment or the concern to offer you this GUARANTEE? FOR YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS SAKE – CALL ME NOW! WE’LL HELP YOU GET EXCITED ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS AGAIN, WITH THE WHEREITZAT BUSINESS AD-VANTAGE PROGRAM. JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com | 7
Meet the Owner
SMALL BUSINESS & ENTREPRENEURSHIP the business. However, business owners need to know all aspects of the business. Business owners also have many hats to wear and there is no such thing as downtime. What were some of your failures and how did you learn from them? I don’t know what a failure is. To me failure is to do nothing. Sure there are things that I could have done better but every experience should be a learning experience.
WIA Magazine met up with owner of Go Locker, Nigel Thomas at Rocky’s Deli & Grill in Fort Greene, Brooklyn to discuss how Go Locker will benefit our New York community.
What is Go Locker and how will it benefit the New York community? Go Locker is a delivery pick up & drop off service that allows you ship or receive packages on your schedule. GoLocker is a conduit of positive change for the community. We provide an exceptional service at a great value. As our network expands, GoLocker will provide employment to individuals of a wide range of skill levels. How did you come up with the idea for Go Locker? The idea for Go Locker came to me after observing the many delivery issues that customers face with receiving their packages. I am a software engineer by trade and use to work in IT for a large logistics company. It became apparent that Parcel Locker service would
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Who has helped you along the way and how?
remedy many of the delivery issues customers face today. So I decided I should be the one to get it done. When did you realize that you wanted to be your own boss and why? I worked for a great company making a good living. But I realized that every time I was promoted the novelty wore off and I was always thinking about what the future held for me. My head is always filled with new ideas and I wanted to bring some of those ideas to life. What are some challenges that you have experienced as an Owner? The transition from employee to owner is quite interesting. Employees in a small business may have an understanding of a specific area of
There are countless individuals who have helped me in life. But this all would not be possible if not for my late great mother, Ms. Sandra Holder. What were some of your greatest achievements during your journey? Journey just started. Stay tuned. What advice would you give to individuals looking to start their own business? Before starting a business, you should have a clear understanding of self and evaluate your tolerance for risk. Be realistic before you begin this journey. That being said, if you’re a true entrepreneur then you will never truly be happy working a “9 to 5”. How can New Yorkers begin using Go Locker? They can sign up online at: www.golocker.com
Offers Expire March 31th, 2015
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Media Mind Control vs. Media Mind Expansion Articles in widely respected publications containing foolishness like this lead to the criminalization of certain drugs in the United States. This has had a disproportionately negative impact on Black men in America. If you read some articles from the 1980s, you will “The business of the journalist is to destroy the find sentiments that are similar to those shared truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to by Williams were written in response to the fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his crack-cocaine epidemic. Albeit the choice of country and his race for his daily bread. You words were far more subtle and a lot less blatant know it and I know it, and what folly is this than those used by the paper of record over 100 toasting an independent press? We are the years ago, the intention is the same. tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks. They pull the strings In case we forget, the pages of history are quick and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities to remind us that the pen can be deadlier than and our lives are all the property of other the pierce of a shotgun or the grip of a hangman’s men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” -John noose. The ink of a scholar can be a thousand Swinton, New York Times journalist, 1880 times more damaging than the burning cross of a klansman. “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent. That’s power, because they control the minds of the masses” -Malcolm X
For those who doubt the truth conveyed in the quotes above as it relates to mainstream media, I would like to share an excerpt from an article entitled “Negro Cocaine Fiends are a New Southern Menace.” It is taken from the February 8, 1914 edition of the New York Times. Below is a direct quote from the article written by Dr. Edward H. Williams which you can find on the internet through a simple Google search. I’ve added the words in brackets for immediate clarity:
If you think that times have changed in the culture of mainstream media, then you are sadly mistaken. For two years President Barack Obama was raked over the coals in the press over the Benghazi conflict in Libya, only for us to find out that much of what was initially reported about the president’s response to the terrorist assault were lies proffered by members of the Republican party.
When it comes to the mainstream media nothing is what it appears to be. You have to read between the lines and be a student of “[Cocaine] produces several conditions that history to understand what is really happening make [the negro] a peculiarly dangerous before your eyes. criminal. One of these conditions is a temporary immunity to shock—a resistance to the ‘knock Too often, the mainstream media does not down’ effects of fatal wounds. Bullets fired into inform and enlighten. Utilizing its manipulative vital parts that would drop a sane man in his powers of depiction, it hypnotizes us into tracks, fail to check the [negro].” blindly supporting the policies of corporations and special interest groups that do not have our 12 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
best interests at heart, all while appearing to be fair and balanced. As the general public becomes more discerning about what it consumes, alternative media outlets like WhereItzAt have only increased in value. Continue to support the work that we are doing, because it is just the tip of the iceberg. Tell a friend to tell a friend about us, because that’s WhereItzAt. By: Adkia Butler
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Beauty Black Woman The of the
World-renowned photographer Damion Reid captures the amazing images of women in the Tri-State area as part of his Beauty of the Black Woman project. The project has evolved into a book collection of heart-stopping photographs that capture the style, grace, and natural beauty exemplified by Black women of all ages. Be sure to check out Reid’s Tumblr page at Damionkare.tumblr.com, and follow him on Instagram at @BOTBW2013.
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Babes, Bombs & Burgers The United States of America is, at its very core, a Neo-Roman civilization filtered through a shallow and extremely delicate Nile Valley cultural veneer. By this I mean that the United States projects many of the superficial aspects of Nile Valley culture, such as its architecture (the Washington monument) and popular culture (the use of theater; the exaltation of visual aesthetics with respect to fashion to instill a sense of majesty and awe in the observer). However upon closer scrutiny and examination we see that the very core of modern American culture is fueled by rabid aggression, narcissism, violence, and class hierarchy. The 19thcentury writer Mark Twain once said that “God created war so that Americans would learn geography.” The origin of modern America’s violent culture is definitely something for us to ponder. Since the end of World War II, technological advancements that were specifically made for the strategic benefit of the U.S. military have played a powerful role in shaping modern Western culture as a whole. As a matter of fact the average American’s diet, and psychological approach to sex, have all been shaped by the U.S. military. Food, sex, and violence lie at the cultural foundation of American life and popular culture.
Space Accomodations
The Barbie Doll, which was entirely based on Lilli—an early 20th century sex doll designed to satiate the lusts of German men—was designed by a U.S. military engineer by the name of Jack Ryan. Otherwise intelligent women who coin themselves as Barbies are merely saying that they are pornographic toys for grown men, because that is what the American toy is based on, a sex toy. In the United States, millions of people from young children to grown adults play video games. The activity is now a deeply ingrained part of American culture. The world’s first video game, Tennis for Two (1958) was created by William Higinbotham of the Brookhaven Institute. This is the same institute that was involved in The Manhattan Project, which gave the U.S. the atom bomb.
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continues on pg 19
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Cuba Now! News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Thurs. Dec. 18, 2014: A new chapter in U.S./ Cuba relations was marked on Wednesday as President Barack Obama changed the country’s more than fifty year-old policy towards the Caribbean nation, going where the last 10 U.S. Presidents have refused to go and ensuring his place in the history books. The decision astonished many around the globe with “Havana,” “Castro” and “Cuban” quickly becoming the trending words on Twitter. “We will end an outdated approach that for decades has failed to advance our interests, and instead we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries,” President Obama said in a nationally televised statement from the White House, while adding that the deal will “begin a new chapter among the nations of the Americas” and move beyond a “rigid policy that is rooted in events that took place before most of us were born.” But while many, including Caribbean leaders, celebrated the historic deal, which was also announced almost simultaneously by Cuban President Raoul Castro in Havana, the bigger question for many now is what does it all mean and how will it impact American travel to Cuba?
Ordinary tourism will still be banned under the 7: Cuba’s designation as a ‘State Sponsor of law making it impossible to simply visit this Terrorism’ will be reviewed. Caribbean island for a vacation just yet. 8: President Obama will no longer shun the However, those lucky American travelers given Cuban leader. He will attend a regional Summit the permission to travel to the island will now of the Americas next spring that President be able to use credit and debit cards in Cuba Castro is also to attend. and also bring back in those cherished Cuban cigars and rum – at least up to $100 worth of Assistant Secretary for the Western Hemisphere it. However, up to $400 worth of goods from Roberta Jacobson will travel to Cuba to lead the U.S. Delegation to the next round of U.S.-Cuba Cuba can be brought back. Migration Talks as early as next month and U.S. 2: U.S. financial institutions will be allowed to Secretary of State Kerry said Thursday he looks open accounts at Cuban financial institutions “forward to being the first Secretary of State in and it will be easier for U.S. exporters to sell 60 years to visit Cuba.” goods in Cuba. 9: The US government will continue to push 3: More money can be sent to Cuba and limits Cuba to improve its human rights record and on remittances that support humanitarian advocate for democratic reforms. projects, the Cuban people, and the emerging 10: However, this is by no means a lifting of the Cuban private sector will be removed. decades old embargo against Cuba. The U.S. 4: There will be increased telecommunications Congress must pass a bill to ensure this and connections between the United States and from the responses of the Republican controlled Cuba. House, it seems unlikely that will happen soon, unless of course Pope Francis manages 5: Per executive order, Obama has ordered the to convince them too – much like he did with reestablishment of an embassy in Havana, and Obama and Castro. high-ranking officials will visit Cuba. The U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, has been ordered by President Obama to immediately begin discussions with Cuba to reestablish diplomatic relations that have been severed since January of 1961.
1: First off, don’t start making travel plans to fly from the U.S. to Cuba just yet. President Obama’s executive decisions only eases travel restrictions for Cuban and Cuban Americans wishing to visit relatives in their homeland; on 6: The two countries, according to Obama, will entertainers seeking to perform publicly and on advance shared interests on issues like health, migration, counterterrorism, drug trafficking professional, educational and religious travel. and disaster response.
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President Obama with Cuban President Raoul Castro, r., at the memorial service of South African President Nelson Mandela on December 19, 2013. The two shook hands in a historic move by Castro. (Reuters TV image)
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More Fyah!
Introducing the World’s Hottest Dishes
Anthony Bourdain described as watching a sadomasochistic ritual. He went on to talk about witnessing the people in China sweating and clutching their stomachs in agony as they ate this dish. The hot pot is a communal cauldron filled with boiling chicken, beef, or vegetable stock and used to cook raw ingredients such as meat and vegetables right at the table, and its searing heat comes from the fiery Sichuan “flower” pepper which produces a spicy, numbing sensation when eaten. Heading further south to the Caribbean islands of Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, and a few others, the spicy-red Scotch bonnet is a key ingredient in various Caribbean jerk dishes (chicken, goat, pork), and does not disappoint when it comes to mouth-searing heat.
There are spicy foods that have you quickly reaching for a glass of water after a couple mouthfuls, and then there is a whole other level of fiery foods whose ingredients are about a hundred times hotter than the Jalapeño pepper, leaving your mouth scorching for hours after just a bite or two. But eating extremely hot foods is more than just a dare—the spiciest dishes in the world often play a big role in a particular culture’s culinary tradition. “Nothing speaks as loud in a dish as the spices used in them,” says Chef Francisco Collazo, a professional chef from Cuba who has also cooked up a storm in several celebrity kitchens. “The spices tell you where the particular dish is from. Spices are the ambassadors of people and culture. They have been around as long as we have.” Some of the hottest cuisines come from Central and Southeast Asia, whose curries contain large amounts of spicy chili peppers, and it’s here we find the two of the top dishes. Originating from Southern India, phaal—the hottest curry in the world—combines at least 10 different peppers into a single, thick curry with its distinct spicy 18 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
A leading authority on traditional Jamaican cooking, Norma Shirley, was quoted as saying “Jamaican food without some semblance of Scotch bonnet pepper is no food at all.” Her kick comes from a core ingredient, the Bhut restaurant, On the Terrace in Kingston, Jamaica, jolokia chili pepper, confirmed by the Guinness cooks up some of the fieriest dishes on the island. World Records as the most potent pepper on However, spicy foods aren’t limited to faraway, earth. A widely popular Indian restaurant in exotic lands. New York, Brick Lane Curry House, has been running a “p’hall of fame” challenge for the last If you’re heading to Chicago, be sure to stop by eight years that dares its customers to dig into Jake Melnick’s Corner Tap to try their Seriously. their phaal. Ridiculously. Over-the-Top. Hot Wings lathered in a blazing red sauce made from the “It’s amusing how seriously customers take this one-of-a-kind Red Savina. “We use Red Savina challenge,” says Sati Sharma, owner of Brick peppers which are among the very hottest in the Lane Curry House. “Those who have been able world,” says the original creator of the wings’ to finish a plate of phaal bring in friends and potent sauce, Chef Robin Rosenberg. “We get dare them to finish it as well, making the entire the extract of the pepper from India. Then, we challenge a personal competition.” kick it up another notch with different chilies to Other sizzling foods from Asia include the layer the flavor!” Malaysian devil’s pork curry, and neua pad prik Its recipe was under development for a couple from Thailand, a potent stir-fry of sliced beef, months because he wanted to achieve the perfect shallots, garlic, basil, and red chili peppers. balance of hotness while retaining ample flavor. Both dishes share a common ingredient—birdsTo finish off the sauce’s recipe, Bhut Jolokia, the eye (or Thai) chili, a small red pepper grown most potent pepper in the world is added to the throughout Southeast Asia. simmering mix. From the Sichuan province of China hails the By: Lola Akinmade infamous Sichuan hot pot, the consumption of which chef and Travel Channel host
COMMUNITY & EDUCATION continued from pg 15
Babes, Bombs & Burgers BABES World War II brought us the atomic bomb, but it also facilitated the explosion of the pornographic film industry. Advancements in film technology made cameras smaller, cheaper, and more accessible than they had ever been to amateur filmographers after the war. However this was initially done to help the military spy on the Axis powers by manufacturing smaller portable cameras that were easy for soldiers to carry around. Before World War II the only cameras that existed were large ones used exclusively by multi-million dollar Hollywood studio houses. These clunky contraptions that had to be wheeled around could not be effectively utilized by the military on the battlefield, so the industry worked with the U.S. War Standards Committee (a department within the U.S. military) to make cameras more portable and easier to use and carry around. This also made the cameras cheaper. The technological advancement allowed filmmaking to be decentralized away from Hollywood as army-trained, amateur filmographers started making their own films, which were often times, porno flicks. Amateur filmographers fresh out of the military were looking to make a quick dollar, and the easiest way for them to do that was to sell sex. Pornography went from being a novelty to an emerging industry for people who could afford cameras. Porn often teaches men to identify with sex in a way that is rooted in
continues on pg 33
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Fitness Tips with Fitness Instructor Gwen Ro As we begin the new year, many of us have set weight loss and fitness goals. WIA Magazine asked Trinidadian Fitness Instructor Gwen Ro some questions about how she maintains her amazing figure and what advice she could give to others who are looking to reach their fitness goals.
What is the best thing to do after a workout?
What is your workout routine?
What can our readers do to motivate themselves and keep on track?
My weekly workout routine generally consists of strength/resistance training 3-4 days, cardio/ endurance (i.e. sprints) 2-3 days and jiu-jitsu 2-3 days. All of this is personal, in addition I teach up to 30 classes each week.
Two of the best things to do right after your workout is to stretch comfortably, and hold up to 10 seconds, if flexibility is part of your goal then hold each stretch up to 30 seconds) and drink water.
One of the best ways to get and remain motivated is to first visualize what you would like to (realistically) look like or where you would like to see your health or where you would like your fitness level to be and keep that vision in mind What is the best thing to do before a work as often as you can. You especially want to keep that vision in mind when you don’t out? feel like working out or when you want Two of the top things to do before working out to partake in any behavior that isn’t is (1) fuel: eat something light about an hour conducive to that goal, whatever the before exercise preferably with Carbohydrates health/fitness goal may be. and protein(i.e. Nuts, preferably almonds, peanut butter,(make sure you’re not allergic to What is your area of expertise in it) and apples or bananas. You need sufficient fitness? energy for your workout and (2) hydrate: drink as much water as you can handle, to help lessen I have been in the fitness industry the chances of muscle cramps and dizziness for approximately 12 years and I am and heighten the chance of performing at a certified as a personal trainer as well as a group exercise instructor and higher level. 20 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
strength coach, working with general and special populations. So my area of expertise is personal training. I also specialize in doing fitness events such as fitness parties, and panel discussions, all done through my company, GRO Fit. How can people get in contact with you? www.gro-fit.net or www.gwenro.com
Fruit Cakes (Rum Cake) Duck Bread Pies (Sweet potato. Apple, Pumpkin, Pecan, Coconut Custard) Homemade Sorrel
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Financial Mistakes for Couples to Avoid If you and your life partner are like most couples, there is a good chance that you fight about money. Several studies have shown that money is the number one reason why couples argue — and many of the recently divorced say those battles were the main reason why they untied the knot.
2. Control Spending The Wrong Approach: I’m a saver and you’re a spender. That’s the problem The Right Approach: We both spend, but on different things. Let’s budget
The solution here is to identify the real problem, Hayden says — namely, that you’re both spending money on a tight budget. Then sit down and decide how much money you’ll So, to help make your next state-of-the-financial- allocate to the “dailyness” of life, and how much union meeting run smoothly, we’ve assembled a to save for the big purchases. “What we’re trying her monthly mad money, it’s not that big a deal. collection of the most common mistakes couples to do is get the ‘Surprise!’ out of it,” she says. make when handling money issues, along with 3. Investing Wisely But if your spouse has been squirreling away some advice on how to correct them. The Wrong Approach: You’re a risk-taker, I’m thousands of dollars, it may be time to seek the help of a family finance professional. “If this 1. Dealing With Debt risk-averse. Hands off our retirement savings happened in a company,” Allvine says, “they’d The Wrong Approach: Your debt will ruin us; The Right Approach: Let’s think in time frames call it embezzlement.” you must find a way to pay it off and take as much risk as our goals allow 5. Emergency Planning The Right Approach: It’s our debt: Let’s decide Whatever your investment choices, review your how to pay it off together investments together at least once a year and The Wrong Approach: We’re fine. We don’t need to worry about money Like it or not, once you’re married, your spouse’s make sure that, overall, your portfolios balance debts can become your problem. Granted, each other out, suggests Wall. “I have one couple The Right Approach: Anything could happen. you’re not legally responsible for the credit-card — they’re in their 70s. She likes to take risks Let’s plan for emergencies balances ran up before you got married, or for and it scares him to death, so they do invest Even if you have a great career, earn a comfortable any loans opened in your spouse’s name alone themselves separately,” says Wall. “We let her living and don’t have to worry about debt, you — provided you keep your finances completely take risk with part of the money, but not all of could find yourself woefully unprepared for separate. (Unfortunately, all bets are off should the money.” an emergency. “Couples today are under so you get divorced.) But even with separate 4. Don’t Keep Money Secrets much stress that anything could tip them,” says finances, your spouse’s credit score will affect Hayden. An unexpected pink slip, an accident, your ability to get joint credit. “It’s a public The Wrong Approach: What my spouse doesn’t illness — anything could throw you off track if [credit reporting] system, and what you do will know will never hurt him/her you don’t have an emergency savings account. absolutely affect the other,” says Hayden. The Right Approach: Big financial secrets can All couples should have an emergency stash of For those couples not yet married, it may be ruin a marriage three to six months’ worth of living expenses worthwhile to think about a prenup, just to Is keeping money secrets from your partner a held in a safe place, like a money-market fund. make sure that assets that one spouse brings into big problem? Depends on how you deal with it. Simply knowing it’s there can reduce stress, since a marriage will always be protected from the “Most people also lie to themselves about what you know you’re not walking a fine line between other spouse’s creditors. they’re spending, just as they lie to themselves comfort and catastrophe. But those who’ve already tied the knot should about how much they’re eating,” says Allvine. --Courtesy of Key Bank find a way to pay down the debts as quickly as And let’s face it, if your wife saved up the extra $100 for her “only $30” Givenchy scarf from possible, and without any late payments. While anyone will tell you that talking about money is the first step in resolving problems, talk alone won’t do the trick.
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New Job Openings in Brooklyn News from Council Member Jumaane D. Williams 45th Council District, Brooklyn With the soon-to-be opened Kings Theatre on 1054 Flatbush Ave, I wanted to pass along some recent job openings that are available there, and at other businesses throughout the district. Please check online to find out more information than what is provided below. Great Luck to everyone!
Kings Theatre: Available Full Time Positions: Director of Corporate Sales Building Superintendent Available Part Time Positions: Usher/Ticket Taker Ticket Seller (Box Office) Guest Services Supervisor
The Center for Court Innovation: Available Full Time Positions: Outreach Worker Supervisor External Affairs Manager Project Director
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Rihanna signs deal with Rihanna, who was recently crowned the CFDA’s latest Fashion Icon, will join the world’s fastest man and fellow Caribbean star, Usain Bolt, as brand ambassadors of PUMA for Women’s Training .
News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. Dec. 17, 2014: PUMA, one of the world’s leading Sports Brands, has tapped another Caribbean-born megastar to join its marketing and promotional team. Barbados-born singer, actress and entrepreneur, Rihanna, has been signed as the company’s new creative director from January 2015 and will work in partnership with the Internal Product Creation team at PUMA, the company announced in a press statement yesterday.
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The company said the multi-year partnership deal signed with the ‘Diamonds’ singer will include collaborations in apparel and footwear and her designs may be seen as early as the 2015 collections. As part of her role, Rihanna will work with PUMA to design and customize classic PUMA styles as well as create new styles to add to the PUMA product portfolio. The singer will also play a starring role in PUMA’s brand campaign and will be featured along with many of PUMA’s world-class athletes such as Bolt and Sergio Aguero. PUMA and Rihanna will also launch several fan activations throughout the partnership around the world such as consumer and retail events, training
and fitness related social media content and product programs. “Rihanna’s unstoppable spirit, creative energy and prowess both on and off the stage, make her the perfect representation of the PUMA brand,” the company said in a statement. “It’s great to find a brand that celebrates strength and individuality. I couldn’t think of a more perfect partner to collaborate with as a creative director. I’m excited for you to see what PUMA and I come up with,” Rihanna commented on the deal. “Signing Rihanna is a fantastic step for PUMA. Her global profile, her charisma and individuality, her ambition – all these things make her a perfect ambassador for our brand,” said Bjørn Gulden, CEO at PUMA. “She also aligns perfectly with the values PUMA strives for: to be Confident, Brave, Determined and Joyful. With a strong portfolio in football, running and motorsport, finding an inspiring partner for women’s training was very important. Rihanna was a natural choice for us. We’re delighted to have her as a partner, and we’re looking forward to what’s to come.”
Donna’s Gift of Love
Carl, aka “The General,” is a very lucky man. His birthday celebration will take place at the very popular and classy Adria Hotel in Bayside, Queens on Saturday the 17th of January, 2015 starting at 9pm until 3am. This upcoming event has been meticulously planned by Donna, who is inviting all her friends and the friends of Carl, “the General” to come out for his “Special” birthday. Carl and Donna are childhood sweethearts whose love and friendship have stood the test of time and they look forward to seeing you all at the beautiful Adria for the birthday bash of a lifetime, FOOD and DRINKS are complimentary, so call to get your tickets, because at $25 each only a few are left. Call Donna at 516-410-2785 or 347-641-7522. The WhereItzAt family all wish Carl, “the General” a happy birthday and a bright and prosperous 2015. JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com | 25
Science proves the benefits of meditation The soul is the soil from which the Tree of Life springs. This is why men and women strive diligently through the ages, planting sensible seeds in the fertile grounds of their daily experiences. With hard work, passion, prudence, and perseverance, they all come to discover the root of their own divinity, which enables them to facilitate the bloom of a life’s true calling. Meditation has played an integral role in helping man to achieve that end.
Yet although men and women who practice meditation have known its benefits for thousands of years, the scientific research community is now able to prove that meditation has a positive effect on us on a physiological level. It has recently been discovered that the brain has the ability to change its structure and function— strengthening and expanding circuits that are frequently used and weakening and shrinking those that are rarely engaged. This flexibility in the brain is what is called ‘neuroplasticity’. Tests were carried out on practitioners with up to
forty thousand hours of meditation experience, and involved different kinds of meditation practice. They showed a remarkable range of results, such as: • a high level of activity in the parts of the brain that help to form positive emotions, such as: happiness, enthusiasm, joy, and self-control, • a decreased level of activity in the parts of the brain related to negative emotions like depression, self-centeredness, and a lack of happiness or satisfaction, • a calming of the section of the brain that acts as a trigger for fear and anger, • the ability to reach a state of inner peace even when facing extremely disturbing circumstances, and
• an unusual capacity for empathy and attunement to emotions in other people. It is interesting that when practitioners meditated on ‘non-referential, all-pervasive’ compassion [1], the regions of the brain responsible for planned action
were activated, as if they were poised and ready to go to the aid of those in distress. By: Kwame Anderson
Eric Garner and Mike Brown families to receive “Equal Rights.” As thousands gathered in Washington, D.C. earlier this month for the National Action Network’s March Against Police Violence, the estate of reggae icon and Grammy-winning musician Peter Tosh announced that, over the next year, 10% of all net income from streaming and downloads of the Tosh song “Equal Rights” will be donated to the families of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. “Brown and Garner are symbols of an issue that needs to be urgently addressed in America,” said Brian Latture, manager of the Peter Tosh brand and CEO of entertainment management firm The MegaSource Group. “These cases of racially-motivated police brutality, and the no-indictment rulings for the cops, set off a movement of all ages and races demanding criminal justice reform. The time has come to re-energize the pursuit of equal rights through 26 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
music, and I know that if Peter were physically with us he’d want to, in some way, help support the relatives of those that were killed in the line of living.”
“Peter was very altruistic and an advocate for justice,” said Niambe McIntosh, Tosh’s daughter and Administrator of The Peter Tosh Estate. “Eric Garner and Michael Brown are just two examples of rampant injustice in the police system. The time has come to marshall our efforts for equal rights and justice for all”. Additional information about Tosh can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/PeterTosh
Released in 1977, “Equal Rights” still accurately voices feelings prevalent in communities today. Tosh pleads, “I don’t want peace, I want equal rights and justice.” Rolling Stone magazine called the song “unblinking… over deliciously By: Adika Butler spongy roots grooves.” A founding member of The Wailers, as well as a successful solo artist, Tosh is one of the most outspoken of Jamaica’s reggae pioneers. As a musician and writer, Tosh earned the respect of popular music’s greatest artists, including the Rolling Stones, who signed him to their label in 1978. He opened for the Stones throughout their 1978 US tour. He would have turned 70 this year.
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Last month after A Staten Island grand jury voted not to charge Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the death of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man. Garner’s death triggered an immediate backlash from his family, community as well as elected officials and public figures that set off a huge wave of protests in major cities around the country. Pantaleo, who applied the fatal chokehold that killed Garner, would have faced either murder or manslaughter charges, as the medical examiner had ruled Garner’s death a homicide. This decision came just a week after a grand jury ended the case against another white police officer, Darren Wilson, who shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man in Ferguson, Missouri which led to a number of violent and chaotic protests around Ferguson. Now in a bizarre turn of events another insane act of violence has claimed the lives of two of New York’s finest. Two cops unwittingly gunned down execution style as they sat in their patrol car in Brooklyn, by a man who had clearly lost his mind; he shot his girlfriend in Baltimore, then made his way to New York – reports say, to intentionally kill cops. WIA Magazine would like to hear from members of our New York Community. Do you think that these continued protests will lead to real change in our laws or how police officers interact with members of the community they serve? Now that these two officers have been killed, will interactions and relations get better or worse? Log on to WIAMagazine.com and lets us know your thoughts.
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Dancing On the heels of his first published e-book Voices of the Dawn, Adika Butler has put together the first of possibly many e-Motion pictures for his Mind Glow Media blog. The picture is entitled Dancing with Shadows: Silhouettes of Afro-Caribbean Mysticism. The audio visual presentation, clocking in at over 50 minutes, highlights some of the sights and sounds of the Afro-Caribbean spiritual experience with a brief exploration of Brazil thrown into the mix.
with Shadows
computers utilizing Microsoft Windows. This was my very first attempt at using any kind of video editing program without any direction or assistance. I pretty much taught myself and had fun with it. I hope you do as well. I’m excited about what I might do with more professional software. Time will tell.”
You can watch Butler’s e-Motion picture simply by logging on to his Mind Glow Media blog. Enjoy it and share it with others. If you would like to get in touch with him concerning the “I put it together using Windows Live which video, or any other Mind Glow Media posts, is arguably the most basic video editing you can reach him via e-mail through his blog software on the market,” says Butler. “It’s a page. common feature already included on most By Adika Butler
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PUBLISHER’S VIBE continued from pg 6
A NATION DIVIDED So, the recent conflicts between police and the citizens of Ferguson, Illinois, Staten Island, New York and Nationally are symptomatic of the larger problem – an accepted culture of violence with blood on everyone’s hands, because of a stubborn refusal to attack the root cause. The words of America’s most enduring and influential president to date, Abraham Lincoln, is both instructive and prophetic; on June 16th in 1858 at the Republican State Convention in
Illinois, two years before he became president, he admonished both his opponent the Democrat Stephen Douglas and the convention with the following Biblical injunction from Matt. 12:25, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided itself shall not stand.” This was a challenge to those who remained in support of the system of slavery which was about to separate the South from the North; Lincoln’s specific quote said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand, I believe the government cannot endure half slave and half free.” End quote. It is also my modern day belief that this nation cannot endure an oppressed and an oppressor, the nation will not stand. As one studies the progression of the black experience in America, it is always evident
that we live under a state of siege, a constant fear of attack, which in fact represents a state of war, and that’s not a figure of speech. If and when we talk about the black experience, the horror of the Middle Passage, the barbarism, abuse and emasculation of slavery and the discriminatory post –slavery society it created – we are admonished like little children and chided about holding on to the past. We, much like our Jewish brothers have endured a holocaust, as we were ripped unceremoniously from our respective homelands, randomly mutilated, tortured, murdered, and enslaved; until that fact is universally known, understood, accepted and respected – until it’s openly discussed in the form of a TRUTH and RECONCILIATION FORUM, and truly reconciled, that stain on America’s collective conscience, that blood guilt will generate more violence and spill more blood, and that’s a prophecy. When the once much loved and admired former Senator John Edwards said during the presidential campaign of 2004, “ I spoke often of the two Americas, the America of the privileged and the wealthy and the America of those who live from pay check to pay check. I spoke of the difference in schools, the difference in loan rates, the difference in opportunity. All of that pales today as we see a harsher example of the two Americas.” Back then, he was perceived by many as being in touch with our social and economic divide, he was highly respected as a successful attorney and advocate for the poor and middle class. Since his demise, that dramatic fall from grace, no matter how valid and perceptive his opinions are, they have been forcibly pushed from public discourse. That however does not negate their honesty and validity as a catalyst to engage in that conversation about “race and inequality in America,” -which is spoken about in polite circles, but never really exposed, ventilated and discussed in the public forum.
If America fails in reconciling and bringing together the two Americas, this house will fall – not by the overseas terrorists we fear so much, but by our own home grown zenophobes, who refuse to accept or care for the existence of
people of color. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction – YOU RECEIVE FROM THE WORLD WHAT YOU GIVE TO THE WORLD.” The WIA Family mourns the loss of Officer Ramos and Officer Liu, whose senseless killings have become part of the continuum of wanton violence, we are saddened by this and extend our prayers and condolences to their respective families. This regrettable turn of events solidifies our argument for serious dialogue that will lead to TRUTH and RECONCILIATION. POPE FRANCIS, it’s time to turn your attention to America, we need you!
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8 Corporations That Made a Fortune Using Urban Black Culture Starter: In the early 1990s popular R&B and rap groups like Another Bad Creation, Jodeci, and NWA sported flashy, colorful Starter jackets with matching caps. Shortly thereafter, the demand for Starter jackets soared and so did the price. In 1989, the Starter Clothing Line generated $58.9 million in revenue. However, after hip-hop and R&B artists made the clothing line trendy among their fans, sales doubled in 1990 to $126 million. Adidas: .Adidas experienced sliding sales in the late 1970s and 1980s that severely diminished its role in the global sports shoe industry. However, rap group Run-DMC made the Adidas Superstar sneaker (shell toes) popular in the urban world with their hit track “My Adidas.” Before the group’s emergence on the scene in 1983, the Adidas Superstar sneaker was not very popular in the market. Run-DMC’s promotion instantly boosted sales for the company with 382,000 pairs of Superstars sold in the same year. It was also reported that $22 million in Adidas products were sold in one weekend during that time.
Timberland: After the rappers had fully influenced a generation of fans to wear the work boots, Timberland’s footwear accounted for more than 70 percent of its sales. By the end of 1992, the company’s sales topped $291 million and at the end of the decade, sales reached $917.2 million. Clarks: Thanks to Jamaican Dancehall artist Vybz Kartel. At one time, you could purchase a pair for $5,000 Jamaican dollars – roughly $60U.S. But when Kartel released his single “Clarks “ in the summer 2010, stores across Jamaica reported selling out instantly. Though Clarks have long been a staple in Jamaican fashion, Kartel elevated the brand to another level. Prices for the shoes doubled on the island and it would take a whopping $10,000 Jamaican dollars – about $100U.S. – to get your hands on a pair.
Rapper Drake is given most of the credit for Moscato’s recent success. In a song from his 2009 mixtape, Drake rapped the line: ”It’s a celebration — clap, clap bravo. Lobster and shrimp and a glass of moscato.” While it was rarely mentioned before in popular rap songs, now moscato is namedropped throughout the genre – just as Cristal, Hypnotiq, and Ciroc have been. Most recently, the wine was featured prominently in a Waka Flocka song (“I’ma sip moscato, and you gon‘ lose them pants”).
It has even found its way into the world of reality television. For a while, NeNe Leakes of the Cadillac: In 2001, rapper Ludacris boasted Real Housewives of about the Cadillac brand in his popular Atlanta was pushing Southern Hospitality song and video. In the her own brand, song’s video, Luda drove a Cadillac Escalade and Miss Moscato. Yankees hats: Sports apparel-maker New as the camera focused on the Cadillac emblem Nike: In 2012, Era most likely attributes the top-selling he rapped:“Cadillac grills, Cadillac mills, Check the Jordan brand baseball cap to the Yankees’ 27 World Series out the oil my Cadillac spills..” sold $2.5 billion wins. However, the company executives must In 2002, a year after the Ludacris video, Cadillac retail, its best year have recognized Jay Z importance to their reported an increase in Escalade sales. That year, ever, according to brand when they announced limited edition 19 percent of all Cadillac Escalade consumers the market retail co-branded merchandise for sale at Yankee were Black, a huge increase from the year before. tracking firm Stadium, including a custom all-black Yankees SportsOneSource. baseball cap, which featured design nods to Jay The company was reportedly puzzled by the Air Jordans make increase in sales from the African–American up 58 percent Z’s Blueprint 3 album and a $50 price tag. community, but attributed the increase to fans of all basketball Filmmaker Spike Lee personally requested a who wanted to emulate the rappers and athletes shoes bought in the red Yankees cap from New Era, starting both a who were purchasing them. U.S. and 77 percent fashion trend as well as a long-term relationship of all children’s with the company. In 1997, Lee directed the Moscato Wine: The sales of Moscato have basketball shoes. company’s first national television ads. He been growing at about 25 percent a year, continues to direct New Era ads and has inspired and the manufacturers of the sweet wine can By: Jay M thank African-American consumers for that, the designs of some caps. specifically those who listen to hip-hop. 32 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
Babes, Bombs & Burgers brute force, dominance, and conquest as opposed to affection, tenderness and mercy. It can be very militaristic in the sense that it often revolves around one completely dominant, and one totally submissive party. In the military a general gives orders and the soldier who eagerly does what he’s told. In pornography, a man often states what he wants and the woman eagerly follows orders down to the specifics like a loyal soldier. Moreover, the porno “actress” gives the viewer the impression that her only joy in life is to fulfill her sex partner’s desires, which more often than not, is the viewer’s desires as well. In the Laura Lederer edited book Take Back the Night: Women on Pornography a woman speaks candidly about her sexual relationship with her husband who frequently watches porn. “My husband enjoys pornographic movies. He tries to get me to do things he finds exciting in
continued from pg 19
movies. They include twosomes and threesomes. I always refuse. Also, I was always upset with his ideas about putting objects in my vagina, until I learned this is not as deviant as I used to think. He used to force me or put whatever he enjoyed into me.”
Gaggers on the internet.
Still, we would not have the internet were it not for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) a branch of the U.S. military that was established in 1958. In 1971 it was renamed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency According to TopTenReviews.com, 89 percent (DARPA). of all porno websites on the planet originate in the United States and the market is worth $97 Even Google, the search engine that people use to search for steamy videos of Cherokee D’ Ass, billion. Roxy Reynolds and The Body XXX received Its top sources of revenue come from China, its startup capital from NASA and DARPA South Korea, Japan, and The United States, in via Stanford University’s digital library project. that exact order. China, however, is probably This can be corroborated through the National more responsible for spending money on the Science Foundation among other sources. actual production of pornographic materials (i.e. The first JPEG (digital photo) that was ever discs, plastic cases) due to its strict regulation of successfully created and viewed on a computer the internet. Nevertheless, you potentially have was the image of a Swedish Playboy model from millions of young men around the globe who the 1970s. DARPA was behind the creation of are literally learning how to be sexually intimate the JPEG too. with women by viewing web sites like Ghetto By: Adika Butler
BOB MARLEY’S MUSIC RETURNS TO APOLLO THEATRE IN A SPECTACULAR TRIBUTE Bob Marley’s Apollo debut in October 1979 was celebrated in fine style with a 35th anniversary tribute to remember Reggae’s iconic musician in two sold out concerts last month. The commemorative concert was hosted by WBLS radio personality, Dahved Levy’s featuring some of reggae’s true giants of this era. The show opened with Reggae Ambassadors Third World who took to the stage bringing a plethora of hits like 96° in the Shade, Try Jah Love and Now That We Found Love with lead singer AJ Brown giving a memorable performance. The Band’s co-Founder, Stephen Cat Moore, who showed his versatility and skills played on 3 guitars during the set, gave an impressive electric cello rendition of Redemption Song joined vocally by Ky-Mani Marley that was a poignant reminder of his “gone by not forgotten” father. International Reggae artist, Maxi Priest, also joined Third World performing Jammin and Turn Your Lights Down Low.
The Wailers, with original member, Aston “Family Man” Barrett turned up the excitement as they took the stage performing hit after hit that transported everyone down memory lane. The Wailers have played to an estimated 24 million people across the globe and continue to be one of Reggae’s most legendary bands. Joining them, Ky-Mani belted out several of Bob’s megahits like I Shot the Sheriff tweaking with his own personal style but still holding the integrity of the tune in tribute to his father. Among the songs in his set, Ky-Mani sang his 2000 released song Dear Dad which topped the British Charts.
the whole theatre were dancing in their seats and aisles. The finale of the evening brought, Third World, Maxi Priest, Ky-Mani Marley and Lauryn Hill joining The Wailers together to perform Bob’s classic hit, One Love which brought a compelling ending to the Apollo Theatre’s Tribute to Bob Marley. By: Marjorie Flash
It was a big surprise when R&B Hip Hop Diva Lauryn Hill joined the Wailers on stage. The Grammy Award winning songstress received screams and cheers of delight as she graced the stage giving a stimulating rendition of Bob’s Could This Be Love, Is This Love and Zimbabwe. The audience could not contain their excitement as supporters rushed to the front of the stage and JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com | 33
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Say What...
“I believe the two most important times in a person’s life is when we were born and when we find out why we were born. And when we’re able to find out why we were born, then we have found our area of excellence” – Farrah Gray At the tender age of six when most kids are playing video games, Farrah Gray started his life’s journey as an entrepreneur going door to door selling homemade body lotion and hand-painted rocks he had made himself, which he says, many people asked if they were rocks from in front of their house to which he replied, “yes but they are different.” As was he, a very different kid with a yearning to be the best that he could be. Gray was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth; he was born in a poor section of Chicago’s Southside living with his hard-working mother and grandmother. His mother had left his father when he was just six weeks old. The youngest son of the former Nation of Islam Supreme Captain, Min. Khallid Abdul Muhammad was a trusted advisor to Min. Louis Farrakhan and later a well-known activist who became the National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party. In an interview with the Amsterdam News, Gray notes his father “was loved by millions locally, nationally and globally around the world. To me, he was a father who I didn’t get to see as much as I would have liked. I got to see him during the summer and holiday breaks. But whenever I was with him, he tried to show me how much he loved me, so we played basketball together, and we went swimming. We’ve even gone hiking together. My father always wanted to give me quality father/son time.” Although Gray saw his father only during occasional visits, he credits Muhammad for inspiring him with confidence and supported him in all his endeavors even though he chose a different path from that of his activist father.
At eight years old, he co-founded Urban Neighborhood Enterprises Economic Club (U.N.E.E.C) in his Chicago neighborhood to help kids from the housing projects learn about business. The Group would solicit local businesses to donate and he learned a valuable lesson in rejection early on when doors would shut in their faces. However, he persevered and came up with a strategy to deal with
rejection which he calls a five-person policy; “if you say no, introduce me to five people who might say yes.” They raised $15,000 in donations and founded businesses that sold cookies and gift cards.
Farrah became known as a celebrity from age 11 after his first TV interview and went on to be featured in numerous magazines such as Ebony, Jet, Essence, Upscale, Black Enterprise; made frequent appearances on radio and TV shows such as 20/20, Good Morning America, Tonight, The Montel Williams Show, Oprah Winfrey’s Show, Tom Joyner Show and major network TV stations like CNBC, BET, NBC, FOX, CBS, BRAVO to name just a small amount of his many appearances. Everyone wanted to hear from this kid who had become a motivational speaker inspiring millions around the country. Farr-Out Foods, a specialty foods company headquartered on Wall Street, was started by Gray at 13 and within a year the company had produced over $1.5 million in sales making this industrious young man a millionaire by age 14. This allowed him to keep a promise he made to his ailing mother and grandmother and he retired them both forever. Farr-Out Foods has since developed into the New Early Entrepreneur Wonders (NE2W) and is still on Wall Street. NE2W is Gray’s medium for enlisting, educating and engaging “at-risk” youth by creating and developing legal ways for them to acquire additional income. Today, Farrah Gray is 30 years and is an entrepreneur, investor, syndicated columnist, bestselling author, motivational speaker and philanthropist. He is the author of several books, “Reallionaire,” which was endorsed by Former President Clinton among other famous and successful individuals and has become required reading from elementary school to colleges and universities such as Harvard University and Princeton; “Get Real Get Rich” and “The Truth Shall Make You Rich,” which have also been translated in several languages and his latest e-book “Comfort. His membership on America’s corporate Boards attests to his recognition as an influential businessman mainly due to the many successful endeavors he has accomplished. A prepaid MasterCard launched in 2005 bares his picture and is designed to increase
financial freedom and financial literacy.
Gray’s philanthropic dedication to social responsibility motivated him to create The Farrah Gray Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to providing programs for inner-city youths on community-based entrepreneurship education and provides scholarship and grants to help students from “at risk” backgrounds to attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The organization is funded with the proceeds of his many speaking engagements and sales of his books.
He is also a spokesperson for the National Marrow Donor Program where he worked fanatically to get Black people in America to join the Marrow Donor Registry in an effort to save his older sister’s life who was suffering from leukemia. Unfortunately she passed away but he is still strongly committed to the program and recruiting donors. The bio of this astounding young man lists a multitude of awards and accolades to his name as well as all the cities in the U.S. that he has presented with The Keys. The Allen University awarded him an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters degree at 21 for his economic ingenuity. In his keynote speech he said “My goal is to be richer than Bill Gates…” and today he is well on his way with an approximate net worth of over $20 million. In a short span of time, this ingenious young man has achieved more than most people in a lifetime.
What I find most intriguing and inspiring is his humanitarianism; he has a heart and gives back to people who come from the same humble poverty stricken background that he did, and, that he believes he is one of millions of kids who could become a millionaire at any age and all it takes is hard work, common sense, perseverance and the belief “you have the power to do anything you wanna do, but you’ve got to put your mind in action”– Farrah Gray. By: Lady Ann Da Cover
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