ways to make her feel special
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october Articles
Vol #12 10th edition
6 The 5 Daily Habits of Successful People
24 Ronnie McIntosh
10 Long Lasting Love
30 The Starr Treatment
Feature Articles
3 Ways to Make Her Feel Special
26 Long Island Walk for Brain 8 3 Critical Steps to Jump Start Your Aneurysm Business 28 WIA Talent Showcase
pg 12-13
14 The Beauty of the Black Woman 31 Say Word 16 A New Generation Against Domestic Violence
34 O ur Love Story: What I Love About My Partner
18 5 Fun Halloween Snacks
36 Single and Married
20 Are all Organic Foods Natural Foods
38 WIA Fashion Diva’s
How to get Rid of Belly Fat?
pg 22
23 Brooklyn BFF’s
(917) 749-7613 wiamagazinenyc@gmail.com editors@whereitzatmag.com
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WhereItzAt Magazine is published monthly by WhereItzAt Media Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. WhereItzAt Magazine is a registered trademark of WhereItzAt Media Group Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part without written consent is prohibited. Views of editorial content do not necessarily reflect the views of WhereItzAt Magazine, WhereItzAt Media Group Inc. or its advertisers. For questoins, comments and concerns address your letters to: WhereItzAt Magazine • 219-10 S. Conduit Avenue • Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 or email:editors@whereitzatmag.com WhereItzAt Media Group Inc. 219-10 S. Conduit Avenue,Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 461 Elmont Rd. Elmont,NY 11003 Phone: (917) 749-7613
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Clive Williams, CEO/ Publisher _________________________ There’s nothing I resent more than writing a story on a subject that’s being covered by every news outlet on the planet, I can’t help feeling that I am piling on, adding to the plethora of good, bad and indifferent stories that mostly seek to dramatize and sensationalize highly sensitive issues. I much prefer the freedom to choose my stories based on issues that receive very little coverage, even though they provide valuable help to many readers. But my responsibility as a publisher trumps my resentment and compels me to address this disturbing public health issue, called Ebola. My story will be somewhat different from the graphic, panic driven reports you’ve seen and heard over the last four weeks, but no less alarming.
EBOLA: RACE, POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND AMERICA Liberia, he was sent home with painkillers. When Mr. Duncan returned to the same facility on September 28, it became patently obvious that his initial symptoms had been misdiagnosed…. Mr. Duncan made medical history as the first Ebola victim to die in the US. Ebola immediately moved from the status of a viral disease epidemic, to being the catalyst for “political, racial and economic change and reform in America.”
Look at the dramatic changes that Ebola’s debut in the US has wrought in two weeks… explosive congressional hearings, massive troop deployment, massive public health re-tooling, an activated Center for Disease Control in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health, both galvanized to take the lead in the absence of a Surgeon General. This Just recently a series of developments, each more unprecedented public and political pressure is a alarming than the preceding, have converged to symptom of the terror that is growing. The fear create a tipping point in America’s response to and panic is so intense that media blowhards the Ebola outbreak, as well as its response to like Bill O’Reilly are demanding that America catastrophic events outside of its borders. In one closes its borders to all that is from West Africa, incident on, or about Thursday, September 18, (institute a travel ban), while at the same time president Obama directed the Pentagon to send the argument is floated that President Obama troops to Liberia for the purpose of building refuses to do this because of his African roots. hospitals for the victims of the deadly outbreak. This is how insane and irrational the dialogue In other developments the international press has become. and various medical personnel from news agencies over the world, kept Ebola in the Is Ebola the event to reveal that the Emperor limelight as the affected countries fought to (America) has no clothes? Or are we collectively ready to affirm to the world that we are willing to contain the outbreak. use our vast resources to assist in the eradication But, the one development that tipped the of an epidemic that is powerful enough to balance toward an outbreak in America occurred change the face of continents? with the arrival of Thomas Eric Duncan from Liberia to the US in September. On September Yes, I am moved by the suffering this unwelcome 25, Mr. Duncan complained of what seemed Ebola outbreak brings to the people of Liberia, like flu symptoms and took himself to Texas Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal, but Health Presbyterian Hospital, where, even I am equally moved by the incredible sacrifices though he reported that he had travelled from being made by American volunteers and charities 4 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
that are creating hope in circumstances that needs an abundance of it. Their commitment is matched only by the dedication and sacrifice of those West African healthcare professionals who have responded to the needs of their people despite a serious shortage of personnel, hospital space, beds, equipment and medicine. Not to be outdone, is the Caribbean’s response to the Ebola outbreak, yes to be sure, the island nation of Cuba, a world leader in universal healthcare has already sent over 165 doctors and allied health professionals to an epicenter in Sierra Leone, and with assurances to send more doctors. At that point, only Doctors without Borders had a larger contingent; ironically the countries of China, Russia and India who trade aggressively with West Africa have demonstrated an underwhelming response to the Ebola crisis. I hope the West African leaders will quickly realize who their friends really are. The World Bank estimates that at the current rate of the outbreak, the tab is approximately 32.6 billion, now guess who is the World Bank’s largest donor, yes, America. Ebola is about race, politics, economics and now, America!
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The 5 Daily Habits of Successful People In my younger years, I never trusted my talents, my looks, or my luck. I had no connections. As a result, I studied what successful people did and tried to mimic it. Then I studied what unsuccessful people did and tried to avoid it. While there are many things that seem to differentiate those who are successful from those who aren’t, I’ve noticed one simple difference that stands out the most—successful people are more willing. What exactly are they more willing to do than others? Here are five key activities they are more willing to do: 1. They Go to Work to Prosper, Not Just to Work Those who are more successful go to work to get something specific accomplished. They work to make their dreams a reality, not just to get their eight hours in. They have a drive, even a greediness or self-centered push to get something done. There are millions of people who go to work every day, yet few put themselves in a position or mindset to prosper. Unsuccessful people approach their work with a more limiting mindset. They often refer to work in a negative way. For example, they’ll make references to “the daily grind” or speak of “going back to the plantation.” They typically complain as opposed to looking at work as a means to an end, to create a
life of abundance. Work—the passion for it, the creation of it, your contribution and what you learn from others—is what leads to goals being met and dreams becoming a reality. 2. They Exercise Incredible Drive The most successful people I know are driven, and they push and shove until the job is done and targets are hit, and then they go again. They’re able to stay focused on getting results. They keep doing the hard things long after others are only doing what’s comfortable. Unsuccessful people appear to spend a lot of time in emotions and considerations that cause them to stop or settle and then rationalize how these feelings should be satisfied. What they don’t seem to understand is this mechanism of drive is a muscle that can be developed by practicing nonconformance with society’s definitions of success. 3. They Never Make Excuses Regardless of how many excuses they make, successful people know that it will not change the outcome. Even justified excuses will not make a project or person successful. When things go wrong, the successful person sees it as an opportunity, not
Unsuccessful people spend a lot of energy and time making excuses, blaming the economy, the customer, prices or competition. Even if the “excuses” are all true, it won’t improve the outcome, and successful people know this. No matter how justified you are, never make an excuse for any outcome. 4. They Focus on Their Goals Daily Successful people are always focused on success. For instance, the first thing I do every morning is write down my goals—I’ve been doing this for years. It’s my experience that if I can stay focused on what I want, I will get it no matter how absurd the goal. Make the things you want and haven’t yet accomplished so real in your mind that they become real in your world. Less successful people seem to allow anything to drift into their environments. They aren’t controlling what they focus on. The average American consumes four hours of TV and Internet per day and writes their goals down once a year. Every day presents an opportunity to set and reach goals regardless of how large or small they are. 5. They Are Willing to Fail The old saying, “no risk, no reward” really applies to those who are successful. These people go for it almost with a willingness to fail. Of course, they aren’t interested in failing, but they know that if they don’t put themselves in a position to fail, they’ll never create the ability to win. At some point in life, you’ll have to go for it or you’ll live the rest of your life regretting not doing so. Unsuccessful people play it safe. They don’t speak up or offer ideas because they operate from a place of fear. They’re afraid to fail because they’re overly concerned with the judgment of others so they do the minimum and try to “fly under the radar.” Never be afraid of failure because behind every mistake is an opportunity to learn. Begin to willingly do these five things, and you’ll soon see how things change for the better in your business and life. Because doing what others refuse to do will give you the edge you need to find the success you want. - Grant Cardone
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In the last seven years, the economic landscape has been littered with the carcasses of small businesses and the entrepreneurs who started them. The rate of business failure has been exaggerated by the recession that dogged the American economy between 2007 and 2011. Some informed business leaders and economists still maintain that the brunt of that recession is still causing a ripple effect in the weaker economies in our society. One such weaker economy is in the communities of color and more specifically the black community.
In order to succeed in this unstable and unforgiving economic climate…YOU MUST be fully informed about your business model, it’s inherent: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). You should be thoroughly knowledgeable about your business model OR have access to that knowledge OR be able to hire someone with that knowledge. If you’re not a business major, do a business course at your local Community College, your Chamber of Commerce or your Local Library. Your expertise and experience comes from doing or practice, YOU must spend time, in actually doing your So reality check number one…..is simply business, which places you ahead of the curve. that - BE REALISTIC! Whether you are in a more depressed economy or not, the 3 STEPS outlined here will be useful, more so, to the Black business owner in a predominantly Black community the THREE STEPS are invaluable. The business or service that you offer to
Whether you’re a new or existing business - do the reality check. How qualified are you in the business model you have chosen, i.e, information, knowledge, expertise and experience? Don’t make the fatal assumption that someone else’s success in a particular business means that you will find success in a similar business, eg. “Clive’s candy store seems to be doing well, so, let’s open a candy store.” In too many instances that’s how many people think. Competition is great but very often mistaken and misplaced.
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Give the customer what they want, not what YOU think they want. Businesses like economies are driven by a fundamental principle: SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Ideally YOUR business or service creates the SUPPLY that the customer DEMANDS, that’s a win / win situation. Too often that’s not the case, many businesses fail because they RESIST this empirical principle, “give the people what they demand,” that creates more demand, which increases supply, which increases profits, incomes, wages and overall living standards. If the momentum of your business is slowing or if you are contemplating a new business, re-read the above, study it and implement it, because YOUR survival as a business or service depends on it. Give your business a JUMP START! I wish you much success now and in the future.
the public depends on PUBLIC consumption, - Clive Williams not that of your family or friends, but the Public or the customer. Despite your personal biases or cultural influences, one truth is irrefutable; YOUR CUSTOMER is NUMBER ONE, EL NUMERO UNO! Let me remind you that a loss of one customer through poor service is an additional cost to you, and that lost customer could cost you their friends and family. Is the customer always right? Maybe not, but your job is to make the situation right. Observe and study the successful business in your model and simply do what they do best.
”” Give the Customer what they want
Your Customer is #1
Offers Expire December 30th, 2014
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Long Lasting
Wia Magazine asked Rosedale, Queens couple, Gigi & Eddie Tillman to share their long lasting love story with our Community. Read what they had to say below!
Eddie, tell us about yourself? I was born in South Carolina, I worked as an Airfreight Export Agent for 33 years. I am now retired. My hobbies are playing basketball, baseball and watching football on TV. Gigi, tell us about yourself? I was born in North Carolina. I am a wife & mother of two sons. I taught Kindergarten and the 1st grade for the past 19 years. I love taking pictures, watching T.V., drawing, arts and crafts, and going to church. How long have you known each other? We have known each other for 45 years. We met in 1969. Where and how did the two of you meet? We met on my first job as an Airfreight Export Agent. Later we realized that we lived on the same block but on opposite ends. It was meant to be and the rest is history. Where did you get married? We were married at Allen A.M.E Church, Queens, N.Y. (Husband, Eddie,) When did you decide you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Gigi? 10 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
When I first met her in 1969, I knew that she was my future. (Wife, Gigi) Describe how you felt during the proposal? Were you surprised? I felt overwhelmed and so excited!! Do you have children? If yes what are their names and ages? Yes, we have two sons. Bryan 37, and Terence soon to be the BIG 30 (Husband, Eddie) What do you love most about your wife? She is the most caring, loving and thoughtful person, always doing for others. (Wife, Gigi) What do you love most about your husband? I love his quiet yet strong nature; he has unconditional love, respect and appreciation for his family. He’s a great dad and the best husband ever; always willing to help anyone. No pressure for me to change who I am. He’s always in my corner with his support. What are your plans for the future? We will love to do a little traveling. We want to live a life of leisure with the ability to be a blessing to others; to make a positive difference
in the lives of others. We are really looking forward to doing some fun things that we never had time to do. As a long-time married couple what positive advice would you give to our WIA community members, who are engaged to be married, or in a serious relationship? We would say agree to disagree and always remember that men and women were really created to think and understand things differently. If she’s all about him and he’s all about her, then no one is neglected. It’s all good!! And of course most important, don’t forget to pray!!
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ways to make her feel special
Wia Magazine asked some members of the community the following question: “What are 3 things that men should do to make their girlfriend or wife feel special and more appreciated?” Read the advice they gave below!
1. Tell her often...... Sometimes we forget the power of words. It is necessary that she hears that she is appreciated and that she is special. That way she feels appreciated. 2. Be spontaneous....Women love random date nights, their favorite candy or the perfect gift. 3. Balance her load. If she needs help with stuff around the house, or running small errands, help her.
1. Be her best friend! I love that my husband makes me feel loved and appreciated by always being there to listen and support me. I learned over the past 15 years that being a best friend is so important. Make your girl feel wanted and needed. 2. Give her lots of love, compliments and attention. Women love and crave attention and my husband checks up on me to see how I’m doing and he sends sweet messages here and there. I love that! It makes me feel very appreciated to know he is thinking about me. He treats me like a Queen and I Respect him as My King! 3. Make her laugh! My husband makes me laugh and we have tons of fun together. If you can make her laugh then you will steal her heart!
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1. Show up! Show up for homework time with the kids, show up for dinner. Appreciate your wife for who she really is and ALWAYS be there for her. 2. Don’t wait for special moments on the calendar to tell her and show her that you love her. Don’t just buy her things on her Birthday and Valentine’s Day but randomly. Buy her gifts that are thoughtful, well thought out, and meaningful. Don’t think of this as being shallow or materialistic either, because if you have a car that you love and appreciate - you wash it, and you would take care of it. Send her to the spa, get her hair done, or facial etc. You make sure she is well taken care of as long as possible. 3. Never forget, you have a wife that GOD has given you, it’s your job to take care of her.
1. Let her know that she is appreciated and why. Give examples. It’s not something that should be done all of the time, but occasionally. it’s reassuring and sweet. 2. Surprise her. Men, you know us well enough to know what we like and what makes us feel wanted, loved and special. Hook us up! 3. Take over the chore list (if married or living together) ...lol even if just for a day. Allow us to relax and enjoy the sight. Like I said, it doesn’t have to be all of the time. Every once in a while is alright with me.
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Beauty Black Woman The
of the
AfroPunk 2014 garnered international publicity for the avant garde fashion exhibited by its beautiful participants. World-renowned photographer Damion Reid captured images of many of the women involved as part of his Beauty of the Black Woman project. Be sure to check out Reid’s Tumblr page at Damionkare.tumblr. com, and follow him on Instagram at @BOTBW2013. Photo Credit: Damion Reid
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WIAppreciate You Wia Magazine asked Queens mother, Lynne Casimir who she appreciates in her life and why. She told us all about her beautiful daughter DazlyneGabrielle. Read why she appreciates her below!
Tell us about your daughter. My daughter Dazlyne is an amazing person. I thank God that he has blessed me with a beautiful little girl. Dazlyne is an 11 year old, 6th grader who attends a private school in Lynbrook, Long Island. She is a fun, loving, dramatic, creative, and sensitive. She loves to dance and is a very funny with her impersonations. Dazlyne loves designing and polishing her nails and other peoples nails. She is on the volleyball team, baton twirling team, and in the Choir. She was just elected Public Relations Officer for her school. She also has been accepted into an Enrichment program which caters to children with higher academic capabilities. She loves volunteering at her school and at my workplace. She loves to eat, cook and trying different dishes at new restaurants. She loves to sing, listen to R&B music and spending time with family. She also has a great interest in acting. She wants to be an actress and study performing arts/theatre.
Space Accomodations
Lynne, how has your daughter helped others? Where do I begin!! Dazlyne is such a helpful person. She has donated food to the homeless through her school, she participates and volunteers in fundraisers for a fellow student in the school that is battling cancer. She makes posters for school whenever they need advertisement for an event. She helps out her fellow classmates during school with their work and she has helped younger students with their homework as well. When she attends church she is always committed to giving money, even if it’s as little as a dollar.
continues on pg 25
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A New Generation Against
Domestic Violence light of court. For one reason or another, the case continues to be postponed for a total of nine years and counting. Meanwhile, Michael Laoe is free and justice has never been served for Charmaine.
It was just another Friday morning, June 10, 2005. Charmaine Hines Laoe made her way to work at the Constant Spring Inland Revenue Center as she did every week day in St. Andrew, Jamaica, West Indies. As she was about to enter the gate, a strange man approached and doused her with five gallons of a stringent battery acid mixture. Mrs. Laoe died a few weeks later from her injuries. The man, Jerome Colstock, turned out to be an acquaintance of her husband, Michael Laoe. Laoe was employed at Tropical Battery where he mixed car battery acid for a living. The facts started to trickle in from witness testimonies and Michael Laoe fled from Jamaican authorities for several weeks until he decided to turn himself in for fear of retribution. As horrific as this case may be, it is a common occurrence in Jamaica. domestic/intimate partner Violence and Domestic Homicide are a way of life. The U.S. Department of State-Bureau of Diplomatic Security reported 1,193 murders in Jamaica in 2013. With 2.7 million citizens, the homicide rate in Jamaica is 44.2/100,000, ranking Jamaica, per capita with the 6th highest murder rate in the world. This is significant since Jamaica ranks high among the countries of the world known for violent crime. Unfortunately, domestic related homicides are not differentiated in the statistics. Could it be that Domestic Violence is not seen as a crime in Jamaica? Michael Laoe was charged with murder and spent an initial two years in prison until being released on bail in 2007. Since then, the case has never the 16 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
As a result of losing his dear sister Charmaine, Marlan Hines, has become an advocate against domestic violence, penning the name of his grassroots organization, A New Generation Against Domestic Violence. A self-professed former abuser, Marlan, has seen the folly of violence and has dedicated his life to re-educating men in Jamaica. “A man who beats his woman in Jamaica is seen as a Don, a leader,” says Marlon during an interview with WhereItzAt. “ The children look up to these men and mimic that behavior…I have seen the Minister of Agriculture set up a task force to fight against stolen cows and women are being killed in Jamaica and no one thinks there is a need to set up a task force to fight domestic violence.” According to Marlan, there is no law in Jamaica where a man gets arrested for beating a woman. When Marlan returned to Jamaica earlier this year to organize a domestic violence awareness event to benefit the children orphaned by domestic violence, he was met with indifference from government factions, including the media. His event, Then and Now, still took place, raising funds and awareness in a welcoming community. Due to Marlan’s advocacy, he has become an unofficial domestic violence contact person. Throughout his stay, he was inundated with reports of recent domestic related homicides literally from the moment he walked off the plane. During this trip, three women were murdered by their partners in his parish alone. Yet another was murdered just two days after he returned to New York City. Marlan sat and spoke with the grieving families and has assisted them financially—out of his own pocket—with funeral expenses and funds for school and clothing for the newly orphaned children since the Jamaican government has not set up provisions
for this growing population. In one such grieving family, a mother was stabbed nine times in her neck by her boyfriend until she bled to death, leaving behind her four children to be raised by their elderly maternal grandmother. Marlan explained that when he entered their home, immediately the grandmother began to cry. The house was completely filthy and one of the orphaned children had Down’s Syndrome and could not naturally pass solid waste. The grandmother was completely overwhelmed. “In Jamaica”, he states, “there is no system in place to help such people. They might tell you that you can bring your children to a particular place for help but it’s not the truth.” Interesting to note, only one emergency shelter exists on the entire island for victims of domestic violence and their families. The shelter houses eleven persons at a time and only for a ten day stint. This lone shelter was set up by an NGO, a NonGovernmental Organization. Marlan sees where the laws against domestic violence in New York have deterred friends of his from abusing their significant others. He believes that if similar laws were passed in Jamaica, many lives would be saved. With passion and pain overriding his voice, Marlan declared, “I’ll tell you the truth, these women need help. These women need help.” If you would like to help Mr. Marlan Hines, email newgenerationadv@gmail.com and/or look for his organization New Generation Against Domestic Violence on Facebook. To contact the Office of the Bureau of Women’s Affairs-Office of the Prime Minister of Jamaica, call 1 876 754-8575; 8576, 8577, 8578. In New York City, if your partner is physically or emotionally hurting you, help is available. Call 311 or the NYC Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800621-HOPE (4673). They are available 24 hours a day. If you are in immediate danger, please call 911. - Nicole Sharpe
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5 Fun
Halloween SNACKS Halloween is fast approaching and I am sure you are out searching for your last minute costumes and planning your Halloween parties and events. This year instead of filing your party tables with candy and high sugar pastries why not try some other fun healthy snack ideas. WIA Magazine had Chef Gregory Jerry Jr. of Queens create five delicious snack alternatives for your upcoming Halloween party.
Fruit Cemetery - Mini Jack-O-Lanterns
Mini Candy Corn Jello Cups
Ingredients: Strawberries dipped in pumpkin spiced chocolate, pineapples dipped in both semi-sweet chocolate, and white chocolate with shaved coconut.
Ingredients: Pineapple jello, orange jello, vanilla custard on top
Spooky Veggie Plate
Mummy in a Blanket
Monster Eyes
Ingredients: Sweet pepper jack-o-lantern filled with assorted raw veggies and low fat ranch dressing
Ingredients: Puff pastry, turkey sausage
Ingredients: Deviled eggs topped with stuffed olive
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WIA PRIDE Wia Magazine asked some members of the WIA community what they love most about their country. Read what they had to say below!
What do you love most about your country? I would have to say everything! From the Island’s wonderful cuisine, its magnificent beaches, and the outstanding music. Jamaica is one of the most beautiful and relaxing places for me to visit.
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Are all NA
The fertile ground from which we harvest the food that we eat on a daily basis has become a battleground, and one of the fiercest fights involves genetically modified organisms, better known as GMOs. With the aid of genetic engineering, we have created corn, soybeans, cotton and other crops with specific genes that help them resist pests, diseases and herbicides. Advocates trumpet the reduced costs, especially in the developing world. They also point to the ability of GMOs to prevent diseases from ruining entire industries, such as Hawaiian papayas, Florida oranges and West African cocoa. “When we put a gene in a plant, we know exactly where it goes, we know what it does and we actually can measure on a whole genome basis if it affects any other gene,” argues Robert Goldberg, a plant molecular biologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. Detractors argue that GMOs raise a number of thorny issues, from medical safety to environmental protection to weak regulations 25 states across the U.S. are considering laws and corporate control of the food supply. As the that would require labeling for all GM foods, so debate rages on, it’s estimated that 70 percent that consumers can decide for themselves. of processed foods already contain some For the health-conscious, the prevailing wisdom modified products. is that natural food is the best food. But no Syrup from GM corn and sugar from GM sugar matter what studies of GMOs say, one scientific beets are used as sweeteners, while GM canola fact is inescapable: basically none of our dietary and cottonseed provide cooking oil. Now about staples are natural. 20 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
Some 10,000 years ago, our ancestors picked tiny berries, collected bitter plants and hunted sinewy game, because these are the foods that occurred naturally in the wild. Then came, what was then, a new innovation: agriculture. With it the eventual realization that farmers could selectively breed animals and plants to be bigger, hardier and easier to manage. Here are just a few of the modern supermarket offerings that we have been genetically modifying for centuries:
Cow and Chicken Plump and juicy white chickens belong to a domesticated subspecies of the red junglefowl of Southeast Asia. Supermarket birds are twice the size of their wild counterparts, and they lay eggs on a near-daily basis instead of a few clutches of eggs a year. Meanwhile, Holstein cows have been bred for hundreds of years to be milk-producing marvels, to the point where most milk in the U.S. comes from Holsteins. Some evidence suggests that a protein in their milk may be the cause of lactose intolerance in humans.
Kale The ultimate hipster ingredient has been grown in Greek and Roman gardens for at least 2000 years. So have its cousins broccoli and cauliflower, while the Johnny-come-lately Brussels sprouts appeared by the 1600s. All these veggies descend from Brassica oleracea,
FITNESS & HEALTHY EATING a wild cabbage. Some of these cabbages had a mutation for longer, curlier leaves, and plants with the desired genetic traits were bred together until they became a new subspecies, kale. Breeding cabbages with larger flower buds gave us broccoli and cauliflower. The genetic changes meant that cauliflower eventually became white, while broccoli developed a long stem—and the lifelong enmity of Ronald Reagan.
Grapefruit Compared to other foods, grapefruits are relatively new and somewhat bizarre. Created sometime in the 18th century, a grapefruit is a hybrid of an orange and a pummelo. The pink variety came from a color mutation discovered in the early 20th century. Around that time, technology also brought a new, faster way for mutations to occur: deliberate radiation
exposure. By bombarding plants with x-rays, gamma rays and fast neutrons, scientists were able to create thousands of new plant varieties. Two of those are the Star Ruby and Rio Red grapefruit, with modified genes for enhanced color.
farms facing challenges due to pests and climate shifts.
Some of the unintended consequences of long-term genetic modification mean we have sacrificed flavor for visual appeal. Tomatoes, Corn whose wild ancestors were the size of berries, Corn’s wild ancestor doesn’t contain any were bred to be big, red, round, and beautiful. poisons, but it isn’t very pleasant to eat. Teosinte In the process, they also lost some of the genes is a small grassy plant native to Mexico, with that create sugars and antioxidants, leaving us small, hard seeds that easily disperse from a with a tomato that’s lustrous on the outside, tiny cob. Over thousands of years, farmers in lackluster on the inside. North America selectively bred teosinte to have a single tall stalk and large ears with soft kernels that stay on the cob, ready for us to eat. Unfortunately, this fixation on uniform corn has led to steep declines in the crop’s genetic diversity, which may spell trouble for
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How to reduce belly fat and flatten your stomach What are great ways to reduce belly fat and flatten your stomach? Marlon: There are few things that I tell everyone that asks me this question: 1. Figure out your vice (i.e. carbs, candy, beer, wine..etc.,) then do your best to minimize or eliminate that from your diet. 2. Slowly increase your fiber intake; bloating comes from your starch filled foods and high fat content foods. Adding fiber to your diet will help break down excess fat and starch in your digestive system. 3. Drink water; it is your life juice, a lack of water decreases your bodily functions as a whole. Divide your body weight in half and that is your target water intake in ounces per day. 4. Exercise; core movements such as planks, v-ups and hip raises will assist in burning some of that extra belly fat. Adding compound movements like squat and press, lunge and curl will maximize your time and increase caloric expenditure. 5. Sleep; your body cannot and will not be efficient without sufficient rest. It is a remarkable and expensive machine to maintain if not treated with care, treat it as such, Rest up! If you wnt to learn more about ways to improve your health, holistic approaches and more about exercises; follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter @bodybybriscoe or bodybybriscoe.com. Email me at bodybybriscoe@gmail.com for your free fitness consultation. High knees - 30 seconds Rest 15 seconds
Push-ups - 30 seconds Rest 15 seconds
Dynamic jump squats - 30 seconds Rest 15 seconds
V-ups - 30 seconds Rest 15 seconds
Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds Rest 15 seconds
Dive Bombers - 30 seconds Rest 15 seconds
Bunny Hops - 30 seconds Rest 15 seconds
Superman - 30 seconds Rest 15 seconds
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Jamaican Fitness Trainer, Marlon Briscoe from Valley Stream, NY gives some of his professional fitness advice to keep your belly flat and to help you shed some of those extra pounds in your mid section.
Brooklyn BFF’s
Wia Magazine asked Brooklyn BFF’s of 4 years, Simone Embrack and Brendali Nunez some questions about their friendship and what they think it takes to have a long lasting BFF.
What do you love about your BFF? Simone: “I love the fact that Brendali is someone I can talk to about anything and is always there for me when i need her. She is like my sister, my little annoying sister but i love her! lol Brendali: “What i love the most about Simone is she is just like me. She is someone I can act crazy with and she loves me for me. We always have a great time and there is never any awkwardness.” What do you think it takes to have a long lasting friendship? Simone: “To achieve a great friendship, you have to first learn to trust, if you can’t place your faith in someone then there is no real relationship.” Brendali: “Great friendships come naturally and feel natural. If you are both able to feel comfortable being yourself around each other then tha’ts a great sign of a long lasting friendship.”
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RONNIE McINTOSH – A TRINIDADIAN SENSATION Ronnie McIntosh was influenced by his father master arranger/ musician Arthur DeCoteau (1928-1987), who worked with among many others, Shadow, Sparrow, Lord Kitchener, Ras shorty I and was arguably one of the preeminent musical arrangers for most of the artists in Trinidad and Tobago during the 1960’s and beyond “dad got me involved in music at the tender age of seven” Ronnie recalls and he started me off playing percussion in the calypso tents.” At the age of 21 he joined Chandelier, which later changed its name to Massive Chandelier. He played percussion with the group. It was not until the vocalists left that he volunteered to take up the spot as a singer. They were one of the biggest bands back then, with a huge following and when Massive Chandelier went through some changes with members, Ronnie became the replacement for Carl and Carol Jacobs as the bands’s lead vocalist.” For over a decade, McIntosh was the frontman of the band. Recording his first track “As long as I get it
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ah happy “ in 1987, “Shaking it” and “Do what you want” in 1988 and 1989 respectively. While playing with Massive Chandelier Ronnie also had various hits like “Whoa Donkey” in 1993 and “On de Road” in 1995 which earned him the winning title of Soca Monarch. He left the group and joined Blue Ventures in 1996, presenting tracks like “Ent” which earned him the 1997 Soca Monarch title tying with Super Blue followed by “How it go look” in 1998. Continuing his musical exploration, Ronnie joined Atlantik, producing hit songs “Biting Insects and “Run” in 2002. He was also instrumental in introducing Destra Garcia to Atlantik. In 2004, he left the group and performed with Island Vibe for a year, before slipping out of the soca scene altogether. That respite also allowed him the opportunity to develop his own businesses which was the birth of a chain of clothing stores along with his wife Caro.
continues on pg 32
Ronnie and Caro The Mas Band, began with Caro’s gifted eye for fashion, as she found ways to design her own costumes with a sense of individuality, accessorizing unique pieces which proved to be her niche. The husband / wife duo created sections for Masquerade from 2004 to 2006 and Legacy mas band 2006 to 2007 before branching out on their own.
WIAppreciate You
continues from pg 15
Lynne, how has your daughter helped you? My daughter has helped me tremendously. There are times where I say to God this can’t be real. I had my daughter at 20, I was pretty young and I was scared. While raising Dazlyne, I was in school myself. If Dazlyne was not as mature as she is I don’t think I would have been able to finish school. When she comes home and does her homework, she hardly ever needs my help. She studies when she supposed to I don’t have to be on top of her or make or do it. This helps me so much because it gives me relief, a sense of trust for her, and I don’t have much of the stress that children sometimes cause parents. I just hope she carries this out throughout her high school and college years. Lynne, what would Dazlyne-Gabrielle ?
My Daughter, my love, my heart, my beloved, I admire the child that you are. When I look into your eyes I see greatness, purity, passion, maturity, and the love for life. You are wonderful inside and out. I appreciate everything that you have contributed to your school, friends, and family, and especially to me. I hope that you continue on this journey you are on and hopefully not allow life stressors and people sway you from your path. You have already shown me that you are confident, you don’t fall into society’s norms, you don’t care what people think of you, and you care about others and I love that about you. To be so young but so poised and mature makes me so happy. Dazlyne you are loved, and greatly appreciated, and God sees everything you are doing and will bless you abundantly. I love you and you may not know it, but I pray for you every day while you sleep. I pray that God keeps you as you are and protect you from this world and those people who may try to disrupt your journey. My love, my beloved please know that I see everything that you are doing, stay the course. I love you. I love you. I love you. Remember what I have always told you, “You are great, smart, beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you different, be you.
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LONG ISLAND WALK FOR BRAIN ANEURYSM Last month on September 27th, 2014 The Brain Aneurysm Foundation and North ShoreLIJ’s Cushing Neuroscience Institute Brain Aneurysm Center held their 6th Annual Long Island Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk at Jones Beach State Park.
American women with a family history are more likely to develop a brain aneurysm or to suffer a subarachnoid hemorrhage than anyone else.
All the money raised from the walk went to the Brain Aneurysm Center of North Shore-LIJ Health System’s Cushing Neuroscience Institute One of the many goals of the event was to (CNI) and the Brain Aneurysm Foundation increase awareness about the warning signs of (BAF). brain aneurysm, as well as to help raise funds to support essential research that may directly For more information on brain aneurysms visit benefit those affected and help to reduce the http://www.bafound.org incidence of ruptured aneurysms. Queens resident, Terence Tillman, with the support of his girlfriend and his childhood friends walked for his mother Gigi Tillman who had suffered a severe brain aneurysm in June of 2013 that left her hospitalized for a few months. Additionally, Terence’s friend Simone Grant Adams’ mother Mevon Grant also suffered a nearly fatal brain aneurysm back in November, 2009. Both Gigi Tillman and Mevon Grant have made a miraculous recovery and participated in the walk with their children. Although they have made a full recovery, both women have to get routine check-ups because their risk is higher for a repeat aneurysm. An intracranial aneurysm (brain aneurysm) is a cerebro - vascular disorder in which weakness in the wall of a cerebral artery or vein causes a localized dilation or ballooning of the blood vessel. When this happens, the person may suffer from severe headaches, blurred vision, changes in speech, and neck pain, depending on what areas of the brain are affected and how bad the aneurysms are. Symptoms of a ruptured brain aneurysm often come on suddenly and may include a sudden, severe headache that is different from past headaches, neck pain, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light, fainting or loss of consciousness or seizures. African 26 | JOIN OUR COMMUNITY @ WIAmagazine.com
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Wia Talent Showcase Haitian American, Brooklyn born artist, Patrick Eugène, has a genuine admiration for the abstract. His creative use of bold colors and shapes are evident in his pieces that have grabbed the attention of art experts and spectators alike. Beginning as a hobby in 2012 to deflect the stress of corporate world, Eugène credits his success to what he calls his, “Faith in the possible” and is ready to REVEAL his works to the world. Eugène’s love for capturing emotion through bright colors and detailed expressions in pieces, are inspired by his frequent trips to Haiti. “Although facing extremely rough times, the people of Haiti are so vibrant. And the art! Their use of color is insane!” Within his first year of painting, Eugène has displayed his art in galleries throughout his Borough of Brooklyn, NY while also donating pieces for various charitable causes, including charitable foundations in Haiti. Eugène, now a full time artist, is proud to say that his purpose has been REVEALED to him through his artwork.
Patrick, what inspires you to create your works of art? I am inspired by both my Haitian background and also the NYC culture . I look out my window and find plenty of inspiration all over my community. How does creating art make you feel? One word describes it best, Euphoria. It completely draws me away from the physical world. It’s a unique feeling that I am able to experience because of my work. Did you always know you were going to be in arts and entertainment? No I didn’t. I discovered that I could paint at the age of 27. In the last couple of years I went from never touching a paint brush to never missing a day without it. Have you endured any hardships or struggles? I wouldn’t call them hardships . They’re more the natural stages of progression. I walked away from my 9-5 finance job in 2013, committing myself to my Art. Yes, things aren’t always perfect but that’s what keeps this journey interesting.
during the adult stage of my life, after a long period of confusion and searching. How have you used your talent to change or influence the people around you? The best part of this whole experience are the conversations I’ve had with people who are now inspired to go after their dreams with their whole being. We live in a crazy world and we each have to learn to funnel our energy in a positive way to effect positive change. How have you used your background in art to help people in your community? I have auctioned off pieces for various causes. While working closely with organizations like the little ragga muffin camp and the gye nyam empowerment project. What are some of your long term and your short term goals? My goal is to leave my mark on the world. To be able to influence, inspire and continue to create timeless pieces of art that will outlive my physical presence here.
What inspirational advice would you give to an aspiring artist/entertainer? Enjoy it. Stay away from chasing the dollar How did art influence your life? by doing commissioned pieces that don’t It’s furthered my relationship with the spirit necessarily do much for your soul. Have world and I’ve never felt more connected to the fun, keep it natural, keep experimenting and universe. I see things a lot different. I can now recognize your value. personally attest to the value of self discovery. I was blessed enough to find a hidden talent
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The Starr Treatment Wia Magazine asked Brooklyn native, Makeup Artist and a Body Painter expert, Vicki Starr some questions about her career, family and advice she has for women who are looking to start their own business.
Tell us about your profession & what inspired you to get into it? I am a Makeup Artist and a Body Painter. I like to combine them both and consider myself to be a Creative Professional. I always had a thing for color and looking pretty. It started when I was a little girl. I used to love how my mom did her makeup. To me, she was the most beautiful woman. I used to watch her put on her makeup and try to mimic her when she wasn’t looking. I was only about 6 or 7 years old. Once I grew up, I realized that when other makeup artists did my makeup, they never did it right. Once I started doing it for myself, the compliments started pouring in and others wanted me to do theirs as well. As for the Body Painting, I have always known how to draw and paint from the time I could pick up a pencil. I only started showing that part of my talents about 6 to 8 years ago. I didn’t think I would be accepted in that field mainly because you didn’t see many Black Females in the business. But once I took the leap into this world of Body Painting, I just soared!
Tell us about your latest project? I just finished doing a Body Painting for a BREAST CANCER AWARENESS advertising campaign. What is your long term plan for yourself? and your company? Right now we do makeup, body painting, face painting (for birthday parties as well), and we educate through workshops. I would like to eventually expand into model and artist representation. What advice would you give to other women looking to start their own business? I would suggest that they prepare themselves for lots of hard work and sleepless nights. Never let anyone discourage you from making your dreams and goals come to life. And remember to always stay up on the latest info in whatever field you are in. Oh yeah, very important, make sure to keep your records and receipts in order to document everything.
You have a great love for your family, how many kids/grandkids do you have?
How can the WIA Community get in contact with you?
I love my kids and grandkids more than life itself! They are my world. I do what I do for a living because I enjoy it but I mainly do it for them. They are all Fabulous Artists! I wonder where they got that from? ..... lol
I am on facebook under the name STARR TREATMENT and you can email me directly: starrtreatmentnyc@gmail.com
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Say Word... “I don’t have to curse in my verse to put a beat in a hearse/ The magic of words, sound, and power causes illusions to disperse/ I’m a reverent descendant of Black Nobility/ Return of the Djed/ I build for stability/ Decked in Ghanaian gold armor I bomb ya/ A dedicated farmer of Dharma/ Planting seeds of hope at the stroke of a pen/ that blasts shells and casts spells stirring the minds of mortal men/ I’m all alone on my throne of bones in the heart of a digital lion’s den/ Spilling melodic ink blends/ for fine unfettered friends of truth/ My tower of power brings solar showers when raised in the womb, or a booth/ I’m so Eiffel/ Always delightful/ Inseminating minds with pregnant rhymes from the hallowed barrel of my phallic riffle/ Within the blink of a cherry’s eye, you’ve missed 9 menstrual cycles/I ain’t no joke, but I can be a jester/ Bless a nester in the final trimester through birth waters of understanding/ Ain’t no Gap in my Band, my man/ I’m folding “Outstanding” dead faces/ in the comfort of offshore lands/ nestled in exotic spaces and places/ I’m demanding of me and myself/ Your mind’s your only true
wealth/ I’m steady molding my vision/ with reality. Depending on the writer’s level of ability, craft and precision/ staining eternity with the their reality can become yours. refractions of thoughts filtered through my Be careful of what you read, my friends. If it prism.” doesn’t challenge you, make you think, laugh or The lyrics above are from a random rhyme I chuckle—or arouse any strong emotion within wrote as part of a creative exercise. As a writer, you—then it’s not worth the paper it’s printed all forms of writing appeal to me. It could be on. Some people write to say something. Other an enticing article in WhereItzAt. It could be people write because they legitimately have poetry, prose, or even a verse. All writers utilize something to say. Learn the difference between the alphabet of their respective languages to tell the two groups. stories and convey ideas. The word “alphabet,” literally means the first (alpha) house (beta) Skillfully sequenced words form a sentence, once you break the word down. The first house which can sentence those who receive them to is our economy of letters that form the written maximum security prisons lined with raging word, which is a mansion of meaning. Its cages made of falsehood and needless guilt. Be interpretation is determined by the reader who an emancipator not an incarcerator. Words can is an occupant of a land lord’s vernacular estate. be the iron bars of prison czars or secure launch pads to the stars. This editor’s court is now Once a writer, or any practitioner of verbal adjourned with a verdict of virtue upon return... communication, masters how to build The First House they can construct entire neighborhoods, Adika Butler cities, nations, worlds, and universes of thought. Editor-In-Chief Good writing is good architecture, and every writer is an architect who uses the letters of his alphabet as the building blocks for his own
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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT continues from pg 24 Ronnie and Caro launched their first band in 2008 “THE GULF” 2009 “BAKKANAL” 2010 “TRIBUTE “ 2011 “SURVIVOR” 2012 “THE MASK OF......” 2013 “THE MYSTERY OF CASCADURA” AND 2014 “ DE RIVER COME DOWN” In just 5 years the “R/C” collaboration won 4 Harold Saldenah band of the year titles (medium band). In 2013 they took on Brian Macfarlane for the George Bailey Band of the year (large band) placing 2nd. This year 2014 portrayal of “De River Come Down” was a huge success, winning downtown large band of the year. Ronnie and Caro’s band consisted of 1,500 MASQERADERS of which 25% were foreigners from New York, Miami,Toronto and London just to name a few. I played Mas with Ronnie and Caro in” De River Come Down and I can truly attest that their level of client services exceeds all expectations. His Security staff must also be commended for their diligence and consistency. Hence the reason Ronnie and Caro continues to grow in support yearly.
In 2015 Ronnie and Caro are presenting “AH COME BACK HOME” which launched on July 24th in sweet TNT. Here is a taste of its splendor and beauty: TOBAGO JAZZ, SAVANNAH, SOCA LAUVE, PEACE, MARACAS BEACH, PLAY A MAS, SWEET TNT, ARRIVAL DAY, SUNSHINE , DISTANT DRUMS.
The magnet of sweet Trinbago pulls you in for various reasons. Whichever it may be, once the souls of your feet are planted on TnT soil you breathe a sigh of relief fondly exclaiming……….. Ah home!!! Join us as we celebrate coming back home for…
AND IT GOES LIKE THIS: We going SWEET TNT to PLAY A MAS in the TOBAGO JAZZ and jump up in THE SAVANNAH with PEACE and SOCA LAUVE after we hitting SUNSHINE in the MARACAS BEACH and listen to DISTANT DRUMS on ARRIVAL DAY....... Ah come back home fuh de Carnival, Ah come back home to feel nice. Ronnie McIntosh (1995) Whether you have left the shores of our twin island republic for 20 days or 20 years, nothing is sweeter than coming back home.
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WIA PRIDE Wia Magazine asked some members of the WIA community what they love most about their country. Read what they had to say below!
What do you love most about your country? I love being from Trinidad & Tobago. Our culture is rich with music, food, vibes and love. I love the island vibe of Trinidad, where your worries fade away in that island breeze. The best music (calypso/soca) comes out of TNT, also the steel pan instrument. Our culture has overflowed into the United States and I’m very proud to see all aspects of our culture alive and well in the western world. In the barber shop we get a lot of customers mainly from the West Indian culture. So the music, lifestyle and food is an everyday thing at Cutmasters.
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Our Love Story: What I love about My Partner Wia Magazine asked married couple of 6 years, Tyese & Samson Styles to share what they love about each other with the WIA Community. Read what they had to say below!
First off, how did the two of you meet?
of humor. He cracks me up without trying :-)
We met at BET Networks. Samson works there What do you love most about Tyese? and I was there freelancing on a project during I love how she values her word. She doesn’t let the time of President Obama’s first election. emotions ever stand in the way of her word, What do you love most about Samson? and that’s a rare quality for a woman. I also love her optimistic spirit. She always looks at the What I love most about Samson is his passion brighter side. She brings me a peace that I never for life and honesty. Sometimes unsolicited experienced. And I love, love, love her large honesty. LOL. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE his sense posterior. Lol, for real though!
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What advice would you give to others seeking a great relationship like yours? The advice I would give is always share. Share thoughts, Ideas, Share yourself. ALWAYS communicate with each other. Communication is VERY important. FRIENDSHIP & COMPROMISE is key. You have to ALWAYS FORGIVE!
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Tell us about the inspiration behind writing the book?
What advice would you give to the WIA community members that are uncertain What did you guys learn while writing the about staying single or getting married? book? It might not be for everyone, so take the time That a majority of men are willing to settle down to be whole and complete with yourself before and commit to the right partner. you can be in a relationship. Don’t feel the need What do you hope to accomplish with for another person to make you realize your selfworth. What is meant for you will come! the book?
We all know many intelligent, beautiful, independent women who are always saying that “There’s no good men available,” and that “men don’t want to commit”. We found the statements odd because we all know a ton of single professional men who are looking to settle down, when they find the right one. This leads to numerous discussions about the main issues That would be to bridge the communication Where can our readers purchase the book? women are concerned with on the dating scene. gap between men and women while helping www.singlemanmarriedman.com We decided to take questions/concerns that them to a better understanding of each another. the women shared with us and asked the men we knew to answer them. Then we decided to take it a step further by asking men outside our networks through online surveys and interviews to answer these questions. Overwhelmed by all the response and info we acquired we had no choice but to put it out there and thus Single Man, Married Man was created! What makes this book so different than other relationship books? We broke down this book into categories of single, married, and divorced men. So you get a perspective of each group of men to better understand the dynamics of them. Then we concluded each chapter with a statement from a certified life coach to show the correlation between individual behavior and relationship
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Wia Fashion Diva’s Wia Magazine asked a few beautiful women from our community, some questions about their personal fashion style. Read what the fashion divas had to say below!
How would you describe your style? I always say my style is impeccable. Cool, calm and settled. I like to be fun/ urban, flirtatious, classy and sometimes edgy. What can I say… lol. I’m a woman of all styles, I literally change it up for every occasion.
Who inspires your fashion look? Rihanna/Cassy What type of shoes do you instinctively look for? Platform sandals with a chunky heel or anything that’s shown under ‘Newest Arrivals’ What type of accessories dominate your wardrobe? Cuff bracelets and other angular statement jewelry
Who inspires your fashion look? My look is inspired by my own style mixed with a little bit of Beyoncé and my best friend.
How would you describe your signature look? I would have to say I’m such a fashionista, I don’t really have a signature look, it doesn’t matter what I’m wearing. I’m always very fashionable and making a statement. However. I do love my red lipstick so I would have to say my signature look on face, is a little Smokey eyed not too bold, but smokey, lusterous/exotic lashes, and a highlighted/contoured face. That model bone structure must be popping and on point. LOL Hair must be wand curls, fluffed out, or straight. Then I would complete it with a fashionable dress either full of beads/stones or a simple spandex dress – ‘confessing it’s love for me,’ by the way it hugs my body showing up all the curves I was blessed with, LOL and my high stilettos, clutch and accessories to complement the look.
What type of shoes do you instinctively look for? That’s easy, lol. Every time I go shopping, I’m always looking for designer pumps.
What type of shoes do you instinctively look for? Designer pumps
What type of accessories dominate your wardrobe? I have a lot of large hoop earrings, studded jewelry & cool sunglasses.
Where are your favorite stores to shop? Topshop, Macy’s, H&M
Where are your favorite stores to shop? Any fashion couture store that I can find. My favorite at the moment is Max Mara.
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