The Chatterbox - Feb 26, 2019 - CXIII.9

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The student news publication of Walnut Hills High School Volume CXIII, Issue 9 Tues., Feb. 26, 2019

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”



FEBRUARY 26, 2019





Sherrod Brown is the real deal


Brown has been involved in Ohio politics since 1975 when he was first elected to the Ohio House of Representatives representing a suburb east of Cleveland. He has also held the office of Ohio Secretary of State. Brown entered national politics in 1993 when he became a member of the House of Representatives. He became Ohio’s Senator in 2007 and was re-elected in 2018 to a third term with a 300,000 vote margin. So what sets this 66 year old Ohioan apart from the rest? His broad appeal. For decades, Brown has run on a consistent set of values. He may be one of the “working man’s Democrats” that have carried the party through the latter half of the 20th century, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t progressive. He has repeatedly advocated for a $15 minimum wage, and he has shown support for “Medicare for All,” a plan to expand basic

health insurance to all Americans. Four out of the last five Democratic presidents have been either from the South

key to the White House, and President Donald Trump knew it, focusing significant campaign force in these regions to narrowly win the electoral college. Because of the impact midwestern states can have, Brown was also floated as a potential vice-presidential candidate for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the 2018 Democratic presidential nominee. Out of the many candidates who have shown interest in running for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, Sherrod Brown stands out as one of the strongest candidates due to his broad appeal, consistent ideals and extensive political experience.

“I would say that I will beat Trump in Ohio, where they know me best.”


Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown has been involved in Ohio politics since 1975. He has yet to declare that he is running for president, but his recent visits to early primary states have people speculating that he will announce soon. Nick Robertson, ‘19 It’s February 2019 and the 2020 Democratic primary field is already wide open. As of Feb. 19, at least 10 people, from tech executives to sena-

tors, have announced their intentions to win the nomination of the Democratic Party next year. Out of these candidates and the many more who have hinted at possible runs, the most intriguing candidate is Ohio’s very own Senator Sherrod Brown.

- Sherrod Brown or the Midwest, and there is a good reason. If Brown is nominated as the Democratic candidate, he can use his broad appeal and working class support to turn states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin blue. These midwestern states are the

Information in this article is current as of Feb. 19, 2019. All views shared in the Opinions section of The Chatterbox belong to their respective authors, and may not represent the views of the publication as a whole.

Howard Schultz wrong for 2020 HOWARD SCHULTZ’S POTENTIAL INDEPENDENT CAMPAIGN WOULD BE AN ILL-FATED ENDEAVOR THAT WOULD INEVITABLY HAND DONALD TRUMP A SECOND TERM. Will Fitton, ‘20 As many WHHS students know, a third party candidate has never won a U.S. presidential election. It would be a stretch to say any have come close. For the vast majority of U.S. history, our political system has been dominated by a two-party system. Since 1852, the person holding our nation’s most prestigious office has either been a Democrat or Republican. That’s not to say that no one has ever tried to run as a third party candidate. Independent Ross Perot famously won nearly 20 percent of the popular vote in 1992. However, the electoral college system has often proved to be the largest detriment to third party success in presidential races, and Perot was not able to win a single electoral vote. In 2020, there may be a new heir to the throne of unsuccessful third party candidates. Longtime Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced earlier this year that he was exploring a presidential run as a non-partisan Independent. Schultz has said that he, like many Americans, feels that the two-party system has failed the American people, and believes that the best way to solve this dilemma is to distance ourselves from partisan politics.

Schultz’s one-man crusade to save America presents several main problems. The first of which, which should concern Democrats everywhere, is that Schultz himself is a lifelong Democrat whose views clearly tilt toward the left. That means that any votes Schultz receives would likely come almost exclusively from people who would otherwise vote for the Democratic candidate. Whenever a third party candidate has had a strong showing in a major election, it has almost always meant taking votes from one candidate. In 1992, it meant Ross Perot helped elect Bill Clinton. In 2020, it could hand a second victory to Donald Trump. This led to the first event Schultz held to talk about his candidacy being interrupted on numerous occasions. Hecklers urged him not to effectively re-elect Trump. Because of this, Schultz should expect to see strong resistance from Democrats to his campaign. The second issue is that the future that Howard Schultz is proposing, one where American politics are totally non-partisan, is neither unique nor feasible. The reason why the United States, and nearly every other representative democracy in the world, has a party-based system is because humans naturally coalesce into groups of like-minded people. The same sociological principle


Howard Schultz was the CEO of Starbucks and is a possible 2020 independent presidential candidate. Schultz told Real Clear Politics that “I don’t affiliate myself with the Democrat Party.” that caused early humans to group into tribes is at play when people identify themselves as a Democrat or Republican. To turn politics into a giant amalgam of people with different opinions would be counter-intuitive, and it would lead to even more gridlock than exists right now, as everyone in Washington, D.C. would try to achieve their individual, inde-

pendent agenda. America has managed to get by for over 200 years with the same political system, and we’ve managed to do pretty well so far. I do think that there is a problem with modern day politics. But the problem isn’t the system, it’s that people aren’t willing to listen to and respect each other. I’m not sure anyone has a simple solution

to that. But if one thing is for sure, it certainly isn’t Howard Schultz.

All views shared in the Opinions section of The Chatterbox belong to their respective authors, and may not represent the views of the publication as a whole.

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The Chatterbox Editorial Staff Matthew Youkilis, Editor-in-Chief

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FEBRUARY 26, 2019




Bringing change to the Color Guard



“Through the use of props, usually flags, rifles, with dance, sometimes sabers, we marched alongside the band to kind of bring a part of a story to the music that the band plays. We’re kind of like the picture part of a book,” instructor Cha’La Beverly said.

Students practice for a performance during the fall. Practices for the upcoming season have been moved up, starting in January instead of April.

Anson Battoclette, ‘20 Chloe Smith, ‘22 Isabella Zinchini , ‘22

ter because you guys are talented. You guys are smart. You go to the number one public high school in Ohio; there’s no reason you guys shouldn’t be like on top or at least top 10.’” She continued, “Explaining to people why you have a certain expectation makes more sense than yelling and screaming and fussing and fighting with them and making them feel bad. You pay a ton of money to be here. And you should be having some sort of fun. I think that’s something that a lot of coaches just across the board miss out on whatever

The WHHS Marching Blue and Gold Color Guard has many exciting changes for next season. The guard instructor Cha’La Beverly hopes the upcoming changes will improve the guard and make them better than ever. In previous seasons, guard practice started in April, but this year they are kicking off in early January: two days a week, 3 hours a day, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Beverly explained the reason

for this change. “So the main big change is a change in technique, which just really involves going from keeping our hands really close together. When we catch tosses and things like that and do hand to hand miscellaneous spins, to spreading our hands out to give us a bit more distance to cover and really give us more power to stop the equipment. Another big change is the way in which I guess we kind of run rehearsals. I don’t really yell, I’m not the type of person to yell or to give punishments in order to rush to achieve results. I firmly believe [in] giving peo-

ple a reason to feel responsible.” The WHHS Color Guard is different than other schools in the way Beverly instructs. “I took it upon myself to make it fun,” Beverly said. “You start silly traditions, you do weird things, [instead of having] this person who’s yelling at you all the time and telling you [that] you’re not good enough. And that you’ll never be as good as this school or that school [or] you’re not as talented as this school and that school instead of trying to motivate you and say, ‘Hey, you know, maybe that wasn’t our best. But I think we can do bet-

this activity is. Whether it’s a more traditional sport that uses a ball or a sport like ours where you throw a flag or rifle or you dance, the sport that you’re in is extracurricular and its supposed to be fun.” The changes to the guard are to make it a better and more fun environment as well as improve their performances for upcoming seasons. The color guard is excited and ready for another season of hard work and perseverance. Disclaimer: Chloe Smith, ‘22, is a member of The Chatterbox staff as well as a part of the WHHS Color Guard.

ArtWorks apprenticeship Scholastics Awards


AP Art teacher Donald Stocker frequently posts the flyers of local and national art opportunities by the door of his classroom. The current posters advertise summer programs for the National YoungArts Foundation, Otis College of Art and Design and ArtWorks Cincinnati. Amiah Heard, ‘19 Many WHHS students have noticed the murals increasing around the city. There are over 140 murals in and around Cincinnati. A lot of hard work goes into making these masterpieces and the organization is currently looking for help. ArtWorks Cincinnati is accepting applications for their summer apprenticeship program. To apply, you must be at least fourteen years of age. The position offers pay starting at $10.44 per hour, almost $2 an hour more than minimum wage. Apprentices work Monday through

Friday for four hours a day for four to eight weeks during the summer, with the exception of a weeklong unpaid break during July. Interviews will be conducted the weekend of March 2 and 3 at the 21C Museum Hotel. Interviews are thirty minutes long and will be scheduled between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Walk-ins will be accepted from 9 a.m. through 3 p.m. on a first come, first serve basis. Materials needed at the interview include an extended answer personal essay limited to five hundred words, two samples of your artwork and a recommendation form.

AP Art students are being urged to apply, but the apprenticeship is a great opportunity for anyone interested in art. Not only will apprentices be practicing their craft while getting paid for an interesting summer job, they will be able to meet, network and connect with other local artists. For students interested in pursuing a degree in the design or art field, the apprenticeship is a valuable experience to have for a resume or application. More details about the application process can be found at


“Loosing Hope” by Julia Johnson, ‘22, is one of many award winning pieces by WHHS students. Johnson’s piece won an Honorable Mention in painting.

Amiah Heard, ‘19 The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards ceremony, held at the School of Creative and Performing Arts on Friday, Feb. 1, honored young artists and writers from the Greater Cincinnati Tri-State area. The students’ art was also shown in a special exhibition at the Art Academy of Cincinnati from Jan. 28 through Feb. 8. Acclaimed artists who had also received Scholastic awards include Andy Warhol, Sylvia Plath and Stephen King. The exhibition included work from SENIOR Arthur Schmid,

Alexandra Franz, ‘23 and Julia Johnson, ‘22. Schmid’s Drawing and Illustration portfolio of eight pieces won a Gold Medal portfolio award, one of only sixteen in the country, and was showcased on a separate floor with the rest of the winning portfolios. Work from students of WHHS art teachers Donald Stocker and Kim Watling could be found on the fifth floor of the AAC. For more information and visuals of the art displayed, visit the Fine Arts page of the Chatterbox website www.


FEBRUARY 26, 2019





WHHS delegates dominate at Harvard


Joseph Gerth leads the students on a historical walking tour of Boston, from the hotel, through Boston Commons, to Quincy Market. “We spend our free time really productively on Friday morning by going on the tour led by Mr. Joe Gerth… you all were able to get out for some fresh air and learn something new,” Bramlage said. Abigail Jay, ‘21 On Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019, 19 WHHS students and two teachers awoke at four a.m. in order to catch a flight to Boston, Mass. at CVG airport. These students were on their way to the Harvard Model United Nations (HMUN), one of the largest and most prestigious Model United Nations conferences in the world. The conference hosts over 3,300 high school students, from over 50 countries, annually. At the Sheraton Boston Hotel, the students would spend the next four days working from sun up until sun down to find and write the

most comprehensive solution to a given world problem. Dhruv Rungta, ‘20, said, “Harvard Model United Nations was honestly one of the greatest experiences so far in my life.” WHHS has been attending the Harvard Model United Nations conference for over 40 years, but only recently has it become a true contender for awards. The team took home a total of four awards from the 2019 HMUN conference, the most WHHS has ever received at the conference. The WHHS Model UN club participates in three conferences per year, in which students from differ-

ent schools work with one another in an attempt to solve problems that the real United Nations might be faced with, such as the Syrian refugee crisis or the 2009 global financial crisis, while representing the interests of an assigned country. “You’re simulating what it would actually be like to be a delegate to a committee,” WHHS Model UN club advisor Samantha Bramlage said. The club attends two statewide conferences in Ohio, one hosted at the University of Dayton and the other at Miami University, as well as one international conference: Harvard Model United Nations.

“HMUN… was really tiring, but much more interactive and fun,” Annie Xia, ‘21, said. Only a certain number of students are taken on the HMUN trip, so the WHHS club advisors, Bramlage and Joseph Gerth, require hopeful participants to submit an anonymous written assignment. In this essay, students are supposed to outline the beliefs and problems of the assigned country, and then Gerth and Bramlage choose the best submissions. A total of 19 students, from the sophomore through senior classes, represented WHHS at HMUN in January 2019. Each student represented a country or person in their own committee, which focused on a specific topic, with the exception of a few dual-delegation committees, in which one country would be represented by two students. These students represent WHHS as a school and as a community at HMUN, so each student was expected to act respectfully and work hard, both in and outside of committee. “Everybody was very strong in what they did, so I was very impressed and happy with them,” Gerth said. The conference itself can be daunting, as it is made up of the top students and schools from around the globe, with over 30 different committees. Within the WHHS community, the conference is described in a variety of ways: as “the Olympics of Model UN” by Gerth, “a total meeting

of the minds…the ultimate opportunity to collaborate with people who are from different countries” by Bramlage and as “a conference where the level of competition knows no bounds” by Rungta. Although it is a very demanding conference, students come out the other side with new skills and experience under their belt. “HMUN was my favorite conference so far. Getting to work with so many different people and gaining more experience in public speaking and resolution writing was really engaging,” Xia said. WHHS won a total of four awards during the four-day conference: SENIOR Rithu Rajagopala won Best Delegate for her work as Croatia in the International Justice Committee, SENIOR Yajat Dhawan won Best Delegate for his work as W.P.A. Soundarapandian Nadar in the committee on the Future of Dravida Nadu, Rungta won Outstanding Delegate for his work as Ahmed Patel in the Indian Parliament and Gibson O’Malley Kirsch, ‘19, won Honorable Mention for his work as the New York Times in the Press Corps. Dhawan, who has gone to HMUN three times, said “as soon as the (Harvard) conference is over, it’s like a countdown until the next Harvard MUN comes around.”

Disclaimer: Abigail Jay, ‘21, is a member of The Chatterbox staff as well as a Model UN participant.

Politicians, Gucci involved in blackface scandals


This poster from the year 1900 shows a comedian transforming himself from white to “black.” The history of blackface is long in the United States and has become a common topic of discussion in light of recent political scandals. Chyna Smith, ‘22 Blackface grew to fame around the mid-nineteenth century as a way to further reinforce negative stereotypes about black people in a society in which they were systematically mistreated and dehumanized. Originally, white people put on blackface as part of plays and skits called minstrel shows. Those who performed in blackface painted their faces black and drew exaggerated red paint around their lips. This practice is thought to date back to the early 1400s and has occurred as recently as 1978-over a decade after the height of the Civil Rights Movement--when the “The Black And White Minstrel Show” was made. It has been been offensive to black people throughout history for many reasons, most notably

that it isn’t accurate and is meant to mock. It has been used throughout U.S. history to dehumanize black people by portraying them as racist caricatures, rather than normal people. Painting skin in this mocking way has become a symbol of this racist history that is still greatly offensive to African Americans. Regarding the general depictions of the characters that they did while in blackface, Ariana Hill, ‘21, said, “Don’t like that either because let’s say a black person put on white makeup and tried to make their mouth as small as possible like their lips as small as possible. They’re gonna find it offensive. But if they try to do it to other people they try to make it seem as a joke but everybody’s like supposedly equal.” Nevertheless, in the first few weeks of 2019, there have been

several scandals in the United States involving blackface. On Feb. 6, 2019, the fashion company Gucci removed a product on its site that resembled blackface. According to CNN, “Gucci released a statement via Twitter on Wednesday. ‘Gucci deeply apologizes for the offense caused by the wool balaclava jumper. We consider diversity to be a fundamental value to be fully upheld, respected, and at the forefront of every decision we make.’” This begs the question of whether Gucci was aware of the offense this sweater could cause and if they had a public relations team that would recognize the racist nature of the sweater. Regarding her thoughts on the Gucci sweater, Hill said, “Since it doesn’t look like a full blackface they probably think that is not wrong, but just by the way other people see, it just looks bad.” Kamaia Hall-Edwards, ‘22, also shared her thoughts on the Gucci Sweater. “I originally was confused because it was like a ski mask, like bank robbers wearing stuff, and then I noticed the red lip and I was like this reminds me of blackface, and then I saw the tweets and comments, and I was like this doesn’t sound right Gucci, or what are you guys trying to do? Like, what are your intentions?” And this isn’t the only recent blackface scandal that has oc-

curred. On Feb. 1, 2019, Va. Governor Ralph Northam’s medical school yearbook page became public, containing photos with an individual in blackface next to an individual in a Ku Klux Klan costume. Initially, he said he was in the photo. The next day, Northam denied being either person in the picture but did admit to previously putting on bl ac k fac e . A

doesn’t want to because he feels like he can do whatever he want.” She also commented on the Virginia leaders who were accused of blackface. “That’s really offensive, especially like if they are higher power, they’re going to try to abuse black people just because like black people are a minority,” Hill said. “There was a situation at General Motors where there was racial things going on with the black workers. Two men came forward about it though. And I thought that that was empowering but from these other situations where people abuse their power that’s just not right. That’s very rude.” Regarding how she feels about people laughing off blackface and saying it’s a joke, “They don’t really understand because they’re not a minority. Usually people saying that are white people, and if you want to dress as white people, like a blonde wig, and Starbucks, it’s not really offensive, because everyone does that. But if you’re making fun of someone’s culture and race, that is a part of them. You have no heart for those people,” Hall-Edwards said. When considering potential solutions, Hall-Edwards said, “But if we address it, like we do have like these brands like Gucci and H&M, with our sweatshirt that people will slowly start to see like, okay, maybe we shouldn’t do this and it’ll start to go away.”

“If you’re making fun of someone’s culture and race, that is a part of them. You have no heart for those people.” - Ariana Hill, ‘21 f e w d a y s later, Va. Attorney General Mark. R Herring said that he had worn blackface before. Many have called on both of these men to step down. Hall-Edwards shared her thoughts on the people in power not wanting to step down. “It’s not surprising, especially as a Governor and white man and power. He has that authority to just keep...people behind him...and he doesn’t have to step down. If he




FEBRUARY 26, 2019



The scoop on Jack Reuter


Jack Reuter, ‘23, is a WHHS junior high lacrosse player who has been playing the sport for four years. He has high ambitions, hoping to eventually play for a Division 1 school, and is motivated by his coach to keep working hard and improving on the sport he loves.

Hajra Munir, ‘23 Kaylee Robbins, ‘24 Spring is a busy time for WHHS as students prepare for the many different sports and activities the school has to offer. One of these spring sports is lacrosse. Both boys and girls, get ready to suit up for the first practice of the junior high lacrosse team. One player being Jack Reuter, ‘23. Reuter has played lacrosse for four years and is planning on playing again this year. But many things come into play when get-

ting ready for a new season. Reuter is one of the many hardworking and driven players on the team. In just the offseason alone, Reuter puts in about 15 hours a week in work from exercises such as weightlifting, sprints and fieldwork. “I’m encouraged to play sports because I’m passionate for them and I want to see myself become the best at something,” Reuter said. Reuter is always trying to improve himself on and off the field. “I have been getting ready for the upcoming season by weightlifting, studying film and taking

my on-field technique to a new level,” Reuter said. His offseason training is just one aspect of getting ready for the new season. Reuter often looks up to coach Kendal Fitzgerald, considering him as a role model because he has been through a lot and he helps everyone on the team to become more disciplined and mentally strong. “Enjoy the game while you have an opportunity to play it,” Reuter said. He means that lacrosse is a difficult sport and you should be optimistic and have fun while you play it.

Reuter lives by a quote from John Madden. “The road to easy street goes through the sewer.” Reuter loves the fact that this quote speaks to him saying that getting to where you want to be in life is not going to be easy. Reuter believes this relates to lacrosse directly. “If lacrosse was an easy sport then everyone would be really good at it, but instead you’ve got to keep working hard and putting in time to get better.” Reuter loves the feeling he gets from being on the field. “Every time I hop on the

field for a practice or a game, I just get really excited and I think of it as such a blessing.” When making goals like these in life, you have to be able to put in the time and effort that Reuter does to become a success. Reuter is planning on playing in college and is even hoping to go to a Division 1 school. For more information about the team, you can go to the WHHS lacrosse website to find out about the team, practices, games and more at http://www.walnuthillseagles. com/athletics/staff.aspx?s=14.

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FEBRUARY 26, 2019





Softball team seeks success with new coach


The softball program looks ahead with the new leadership of Coach Jayma George. The girls start their season March 23 against McNicholas High School. Jackson Dunbar, ‘19 er with many of the players on the team since they were seventh The WHHS softball players and eighth graders. A lot of times, are elated for the exciting time of varsity coaches don’t become the year during which they get to close with players until they’re spend hours a day on the softball on varsity usually as juniors or diamond. Coach Jayma George, seniors. This unique situation has also a biology and seventh grade instilled a special bond between science teacher, was promoted to the team and George. head coach this past offseason. George said, “One of the main George was the Junior High things I try to do is just let my Head Coach at WHHS from players know I care about each 2014-2017 and joined the var- of them as a person. Of course I sity staff for the 2018 season want us to have a winning record as Assistant Head Coach. and be the best, but I care more Coach George might be the so that each player is happy and new head coach but she is not healthy.“ George said, “I feel like we exactly new to the players in the program. George has been togeth- started a positive change last

year with Coach Wiles but I am definitely looking to keep improving. I really want the culture to be positive, there to be high energy and for the players to have a sense of pride in our team and sense of unity and family.” With the varsity softball team going 3-19 last season, one would think there would be less optimism within the team as a whole. However, a losing record doesn’t stop the team from enjoying the game together in the luscious flow of the springtime weather. SENIOR second baseman and left fielder Alex Bick said, “I care more about having fun, honestly, because if you’re having fun and you’re actually putting your all into the game, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose because you know you put your all into it. Winning is just more fun.” In retrospect, high school sports are here for the purpose of having fun. This will be Bick’s fourth year on varsity, and she has been a part of the WHHS softball program since she was in eighth grade. She doesn’t play on a summer team, so naturally she appreciates the high school season fully for the joy the game and her teammates bring her. “I play because I love the game,” Bick said. Most people don’t understand how chaotic high school softball and baseball seasons are, fitting

around 20 games into a month, leaving very few free days. Also, accounting for cancellations at the beginning of the season, there are commonly games nearly every day later in the season. And when the games are away, a large portion of precious time is the entire team piling into a bus, traveling to far away schools like West Clermont and Kings High School. Regarding the hectic schedule, George said, “The month of April is a true endurance challenge. For example, we only have like eight days I think, including Sundays, that we don’t have games this coming April. Keeping up with that schedule and still managing school, work and other clubs and activities, and not to mention a social life, is hard! I’m tired just thinking about how jam packed our schedule is.” With so many long bus rides and minutes spent waiting for weather delays to be over, softball and baseball teams naturally become acquainted. There are so many times during the year where there is nothing else to do besides joke around and become closer together. The game itself is more individually based than other sports like basketball, but in softball, the nature of the schedule and season allows the players to become almost as close off the field as on it. Utility player Kienzee Rasheed,

‘20, said, “We do have a lot of fun at games. Most of the girls have a good chemistry so we’re always always there to hype each other up... The past three years before games we sometimes do the Macarena to ‘Party in the U.S.A.’” Rasheed has been a varsity starter, practically playing whatever position the team needs her to play since her freshman year. Regarding some of the best times she’s had playing softball, Rasheed said, “When we’re ‘dancing’ on the seats of the bus and then fall in between the seats when the bus stops.” Although the team has a great time, they still wish to improve their success on the field. This season will mark their third coach in as many seasons with a new head coach. However, the program has almost doubled in numbers since 2014, according to George, with full rosters for the Junior High, Junior Varsity, and Varsity teams. Pitcher Brianna Hoover, ‘20, said, “The goal is to make our team stronger and better than ever. I think every year I’m most excited about watching our new players blend in with the rest of the team and watching the team grow and everyone individually grow as players.”

Bowling team strikes out negativity

Jackson Dunbar, ‘19 In today’s competitively-natured world, so many of the things people do are done because we have to. It’s important to cherish the activities that we take part in that we do of our free will. Members of the WHHS Bowling Team are given the opportunity to compete in a sport they are passionate about in a rather less stressful environment. Ryan Worthen was named the new head coach for the WHHS Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling Team. Prior to this season, he was previously the Head Junior Varsity Coach/Assistant Varsity Coach and has been an avid bowler for many years. He’s participated in competitive bowling for 24 years, ranging from youth recreational leagues and one season at La Salle High School, where his personal average was 193 out of a possible 300 points as a senior. Worthen also participates in regional tournaments with the Professional Bowlers Association. Regarding the sport of bowling, Worthen said, “It blends individualism with the collective team dynamic. Your individual game isn’t as predicated on the performance of your teammates, but at the same time you still need each other in order to win, I believe that this balance is really beneficial.” Coach Worthen has seen a lot of development in his players and overall growth in the program since he’s been coaching at


The WHHS Bowling Team has been determined to remain positive throughout their 2019 season. The team is led by head coach Ryan Worthen as they aim to lift each other up individually and as a team.

WHHS. There are now eight members on the Grls’ Varsity Team and four members on the Boys’ Varsity Team, as well as three more boys who rotate between the junior varsity and varsity squad depending on players’ recent performances. Worthen said, “A significant evolution for us is that we’ve been able to compete, despite almost half of this year’s bowlers from both teams having no (or very little) varsity experience. And most of our returning varsity bowlers have improved their averages from last year.” The Boys’ Varsity Team has improved a lot this season. Much of the team’s growth has been attributed to SENIOR Ben Methena, who has raised his average by 30 pins this season, and consistent leadership shown by SENIORS Peter Dotterweich and

Nicholas Wheeler, both finishing up their fourth season on varsity this season. Worthen also noted “impressive development” seen from Andrew Immerman, ‘22. Methena said, “I started putting a lot of extra hours in on my consistency. My coaches have also given me tips and constant reminders on what I should be doing.” The girls’ team has been “paced” by SENIOR captain Camille Huyghues-Despointes and SENIOR Jasmine Smith along with continued improvement from Gabby Walker, ‘21. Both the Girls’ and Boys’ Varsity Teams enjoy the game for what it is and relish the freedom to play a game that they truly enjoy. While WHHS Bowling allows their members to let loose, they still work hard to get better. Huyghues-Despointes said, “We have

fun but also we take it seriously.” The best way to improve at something is to keep trying and keep a positive attitude. However, comfortable settings can cause complacency in motor. The atmosphere on the team is “laid back” but they still are rolling to win. Worthen said, “I’d say that almost everyone I have on varsity is definitely out to win. Whether it’s competing with people they know from other schools, the legacies of bowlers from years past or striving to gain bowling scholarships for college, they really go out and compete hard.” The desire to win can drive one crazy for success. It’s difficult for anyone to react to disappointment in a favorable manner. The ones who figure out why they underachieved and then gauge how to alter their ap-

proach to achieve their goal usually are the ones who come back with better results the next time around. WHHS bowlers observe many teams who can become worked up whenever they lose or make a mistake in a match. The team realizes that’s not efficient. Dotterweich said, “Our atmosphere is relaxed. If we take a loss we don’t get too hard on ourselves. When I see other teams getting pissed, I am grateful that our atmosphere is so chill.” Coach Worthen wants his players to be successful on the lanes but also in life after high school. His goals are to instill a culture within the WHHS Bowling program that is as competitive as a sport like football but with a much more fun approach, where WHHS students can strive to be better bowlers and learn things about themselves that will benefit them in the long run. Worthen wants “to not only be able to compete at the highest level, but to also provide a fun and inclusive environment for people to learn skills that translate into the rest of their lives.” The state tournament for high school bowling in Ohio consists of sectionals, districts and state finals. For the results of sectionals, which occurred on Feb. 20 for the girls’ team at Colerain and Feb. 21 for the boys’ squad, go to Information in this article is current as of Feb. 19, 2019.




FEBRUARY 26, 2019



A twist on thrift

Elizabeth Ramos, ‘20

Lydia Graves, ‘20

Appropriation or appreciation Arianna Boddie, ‘19

“I started thrift shopping in middle school. I wanted to find unique pieces of clothing that nobody else would have. I love that I can find something cooler than what I could find in a store, for a fraction of the price. I also like to think sometimes about the story behind a piece of clothing and what it might have meant to the person who owned it before me.” PHOTO COURTESY OF LYDIA GRAVES

Maia Lanier, ‘20

Whether it be hairstyles or fashion trends, cultural appropriation has been very prominent in today’s society. This appropriation is seen often among celebrities. All types of cultures and societies can be appropriated. “Mostly native, African American and Indian culture get appropriated,” SENIOR Reyna Houser said. But why? Usually, these cultures get copied because they have eccentric styles. Kim Kardashian is known for repeatedly copying black hairstyles, like braids. “Braid hairstyles are very specific to black culture and not made for white hair. It has a rich history rooting back to slavery,” Houser said. Artists like Ariana Grande have recently come under fire for being extremely tan. There seems to be a very fine line between having a deep tan, and borderline blackface. Tanning has always been popular among white cultures, but tans are getting darker and darker every year. Similarly, models are known for appropriating native cultures during runway shows. Native culture is known for having

beautiful headdresses and togas. Popular brands like Victoria Secret and KTZ have been accused of this form of appropriaton. Another one of the largest platforms for appropriation is music festivals. Attendees tend to wear native headdresses and garments, Indian bindis, African dreadlocks and many other culturalspecific accessories and clothing. “Music festivals give people good excuses to be insensitive in the name of fashion,” Chloe Williams, ‘20, said. So what is the problem with copying other people’s cultures? The majority tend to not pay respect to the culture that they drew inspiration from, since they are usually minority groups. The same minority groups get mistreated in society. To solve this problem, we can promote appreciation and not appropriation. It is always okay to appreciate a different culture than yours. In order to appreciate a culture you must realize that culture’s struggles, and help them fight for representation. Disrespecting a culture and then copying it for superficial purposes is not right.

“Braid hairstyles are very specific to black culture and not made for white hair. It has a rich history rooting back to slavery.” - SENIOR Reyna Houser

“The first place I went was Valley Thrift because I heard really good things about it from my sister. I still go there because the prices are still inexpensive and they have a lot of variety. I love thrifting because I’m super involved with fashion and it’s a way that I can wear very diverse things and have a lot of clothing to choose from.” PHOTO COURTESY OF MAIA LANIER

All views shared in the Opinions section of The Chatterbox belong to their respective authors, and may not represent the views of the publication as a whole.

thank u, next album review Grace Sublett, ‘19


This month, Ariana Grande claimed the top three spots on the Billboard Hot 100 charts, making her the first artist to do so since the Beatles in 1964. All three songs, “7 rings,” “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored,” and “thank u, next,” are from Grande’s fifth album.

Just six months after releasing studio album Sweetener, Ariana Grande dropped a new album, thank u, next, on Feb. 8, 2019. This new album addresses the hardships Grande has overcome since the release of Sweetener, such as ending her engagement with comedian Pete Davidson and the death of her ex-boyfriend hiphop artist Mac Miller. In thank u, next Grande did a masterful job at painting a clear story of overcoming grief for her listeners. The songs “imagine” and “ghostin” allow fans to begin to understand how Grande felt after the death of Miller with lyrics such as “he just comes to visit me when I’m dreaming every now and then” to show her pain. Aside from expressing the heart wrenching pain that she went through, Grande also shows listeners how she has become a strong, independent woman in a society that is constantly forcing relationships upon women. The song “NASA” is one example of Grande showing the world that women should be allowed to be happy and have “me time.”

While most of the album is beautifully written and carries a momentous message, some songs fall a bit short. “Fake smile” had great potential and a great message, but the use of the sample of “after laughter” comes off as unoriginal. The repetitive nature of the song takes away from the message that the pressure of the media is forcing a “fake smile” upon Grande. Overall, my favorite song on the album is “ghostin” because it shows that even though Miller may be gone he is still a part of her life and she cannot just simply let him go. My least favorite song on the album is “fake smile” because it is a wasted opportunity to call out a major issue in today’s society. Taking all the highs and lows of the album into consideration I would rate the album 8/10 because it carries a strong message, but there are also some cliche and superficial lyrics that distract from the meaning of the album as a whole.


FEBRUARY 26, 2019





Escape the maze!


What is your favorite childhood memory?


“I loved hanging out with my friends from elementary school.” - SENIOR Nicholas Wheeler


“My favorite childhood memory was graduating from sixth grade.” - Alex Craft, ‘21


“My favorite memory was swinging on the swing sets with my friend Camille who goes to Walnut.” - Kene Henry, ‘21


“My favorite childhood memory was traveling through Ireland, riding horses and meeting my Irish family.” - Michael Murphy

St. Patrick’s Day Word Search

Celtic Dublin Irish Pot Of Gold

Limerick Rainbow Snakes Green

Saint Ireland Shamrock Leprechaun

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