History of Escape Games

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Have you ever been to an escape game? I guess you are missing out the best game there is today. Escape games are activities that would test your skills and logic together testing your knowledge on how to win an escape game, sounds sweet? Yeah! it’s sweeter than any game you can play with. The best part is that you can these games along with your friends, family, co-employees or whoever you might want to be with. The escape game phenomenon exploded 2014 for real life escape game industry and right now as you read this there are 50-plus countries and more than 250 cities around that caters breakout games. Breakout games is another term we can call for this mind-blowing activity.

The history of escape games started in Japan, yes, Japan. Escape games has been around like close to a decade now. If ever you have a chance to talk with someone who played escape games, surely they will tell you that it is an amazing experience playing escape games. Escape games are reality games, not like video games, escape games gives you adrenaline rush like no other video game can produce. Video games simply lets you push a button or click the mouse for play. Escape games makes you move your body, make your brains work twice as much as video games, but the great part is, you play escape games with a team, awesome right!?

Escape games is now gaining popularity and at the same time helping people get out of their seats playing video games and at the same time a form of exercise for the brain and body. Whoever invented breakout games surely deserves a salute. But what do you expect from escape game rooms? I guess you need to play it and know by yourselves

how great escape games could be. The world’s biggest escape games are found in different locations in the world, but there is one that is soon to rise and will surely give you the thrill and excitement of a lifetime, Countdown Games! The best escape games you would want to try and is located in Lexington KY.

Countdown games will change the history of escape games, giving you the best escape rooms you can think of of. Countdown games with the best escape rooms are perfect for team building activities to strengthen their bond as a group. Making them work together as a whole that will surely bring positive results once they use their power as a team. Countdown games is also a hit for the family that makes a sure fire hit that brings the family closer as one. An explosive way for a group of friends to have fun as they go out together and enjoy, rather than going to the bar or party, surely escape games is way better than others.

The history of escape games gave us ideas on a different way to have fun, making life a little less boring and somehow make a group become a strong one. Good for businesses and companies that has employees to boost up their confidence that helps the company itself. As the saying goes, “together we stand, divided we fall”.

So when Countdown Games begin, be ready to escape a room that will surely test your skills and wits. Having fun has never been this good before.

Source: http://countdowngames.com/ http://countdowngames.com/2016/07/11/great-escape-games-that-you-need-to-try/

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